Tuesday, October 10, 2017

We are looking for an undergraduate and graduate students to serve on the CSF Committee for the rest of this academic year! Each year, the CSF Committee is charged with allocating over $300,000 of student funds to on-campus sustainability projects. As a CSF Committee Member, you will have influence over both the development of specific projects and our organizational strategy in pursuing a more sustainable UW. Serving on the CSF Committee involves a ~3 hour weekly commitment spent at our weekly meeting, reviewing grant applications and helping out with CSF outreach. All students are encouraged to apply regardless of academic background or class standing.

To Apply:

Graduate Students:

You may apply for the GPSS and ESC Representative positions:

GPSS: Please e-mail your resume and application form to GPSS President, Elloise Kim, at gpsspres@uw.edu. For information about liaisons’ term and expectation, please see M-11-16: Memorandum on GPSS Liaison Term.

Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC): Please e-mail your resume and application form (using the attached GPSS application form) to UW Sustainability Director Claudia Frere-Anderson at frerec@uw.edu. This position also serves as a representative to the ESC (meets once per quarter).

Undergraduate Students:

ASUW: Please complete the application form for “ASUW Representative to Campus Sustainability Fund.”


For questions regarding the application, email ASUW Director of Campus Partnerships Anna Johnson at asuwbdsp@uw.edu

For questions regarding the CSF in general, email CSF Outreach Coordinator Whisper St Christopher at uwcsf@uw.edu

Deadline to Apply:

Graduates: Thursday, October 12th, 11:45p

Undergraduates: Friday, October 20th, 11:45pm