The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is comprised of multiple student and advisory positions. This structure was designed to give full student control over the Fund.
The CSF Coordinator and the CSF Outreach Coordinator manage the oversight of the Fund, receive applications, and functions as chief liaisons between the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Washington and the CSF Committee.
The allocation of the Fund is administered by the CSF Committee. The committee consists of seven student voting members and three ex-officio, non-voting advisors.
CSF Committee structure
Voting members (students):
- 1 student to be appointed by the Student Advisory Board (SAB) to the Office of Minority and Diversity Affairs (OMAD);
- 3 students to be appointed by the ASUW Board of Directors;
- 2 students to be appointed by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate; and
- 1 student to be appointed by the Environmental Stewardship Committee.
Non-voting, ex-officio members (faculty and staff):
- 1 to be appointed by the Faculty Senate;
- 1 to be appointed by the Associate Vice President of Facilities Services; and
- 1 to be appointed by the Provost.