Managing your grant

You got the grant! Now what? From understanding our terms & conditions and navigating next steps to learning about outreach, budget reallocations or amendments, and closing out your project, these resources will guide you from start to finish.

  • All project teams must receive support and/or necessary permissions from relevant UW stakeholders prior to starting a project. CSF funding support alone does not constitute necessary approval by relevant UW stakeholders for your project operations. 
  • Funding will be provided for items listed in the approved project budget only. Prior approval must be obtained for changes to the budget or additions of new lines items via the Budget Amendment Process. 
  • The CSF reserves the right to discontinue funding for any valid reason at its discretion.
  • Should a team or its members behave inappropriately or violate any University code of conduct, funding may be discontinued and/or the team may be ineligible to apply for future funding from the CSF. 
  • At the end of a project, teams are required to engage and complete the project closeout process. 
  • In the event a project is in jeopardy, the project team should communicate with the CSF to determine a course of action. In the case of cancellation, a team must still conduct necessary steps for project completion (listed below).
  • A project team must be transparent with the CSF of any potential or actual risk to the environment and/or to the physical/mental health and safety of its direct and indirect stakeholders that may arise during project implementation.  
  • CSF project members and materials are not insured outside the bounds of the UW campuses and owned properties.  
  • All CSF-funded intellectual and physical materials are co-owned with the UW, with the University keeping the rights as per the UW Policy on Intellectual Property.  
  • The CSF is not focused on supporting commercialization or for-profit businesses. Usually, it also cannot fund projects where Intellectual Property and/or incorporation is involved or is planned to be at a later date, particularly where funding from a third party outside the University is involved. In such cases, the  Terms & Conditions of the third party must align with those of the CSF and the UW Policy on Intellectual Property, and be clearly detailed in the application supporting documents. 
  • CSF monies must be used in a socially responsible manner.
  • Project leads will have access to grant funds for up to one year following their graduation date. Any intentional deception regarding class status/years remaining at UW will result in termination of funds. CSF funds are intended to benefit current students.
  • Feasibility studies (i.e., Phase I or Pilot) must include rough plans for Phase II in the application, understanding there may be modifications following study results. In the event the feasibility study reveals Phase II is not achievable or the current leadership is not interested in moving the project forward, project leads are required to consult CSF staff and submit relevant close-out materials. If Phase II is not pursued, the CSF gains the rights to use information present in the feasibility findings report (and other close-out materials) to inform future projects that may help accomplish intended aims. 
  • Any non-compliance with the above terms and conditions will result in suspension of funding. 

Shorter projects

  • Initial meeting (book online)
    • Review budget management and spending guidelines.
    • Understand the process for budget amendments and reallocations.
    • Confirm the project timeline and key deliverables.
    • Discuss project metrics.
    • Discuss outreach guidelines.
    • Confirm project funds transfer timeline.  
    • Provide an opportunity for the entire team to gather and ask questions of CSF staff.
    • Review future project check-in meetings and ways you can get support from CSF.
  • Optional check-in meeting for additional project support or questions.
  • Closeout meeting (refer to project closeout below). 

Multi year projects

  • Initial meeting (see bullets above).
  • Mandatory yearly check-in (typically during spring quarter). 
  • Optional check-in meeting for additional project support or questions.
  • Closeout meeting (see project closeout below). 

Project Folder

  • Project leads will receive an email with a link to your project folder.
  • This folder will contain your original application materials, an optional budget tracker template, and a designated folder for project closeout.

Optional budget tracker template

  • The CSF will provide a budget tracker template in your project folder.
  • You are welcome to use this tool to track expenses and manage your budget.
  • Please note that using this template is optional and not required for project completion.

Specialty Grants (info coming November 2024)

  • UWRL
  • STF

One of the official requirements for any project funded by the CSF is a strong emphasis on education, outreach, and narrative shift. Projects must incorporate outreach efforts that engage both the UW community and the broader Seattle networks, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. 

Effective outreach not only raises awareness about sustainability efforts but also underscores the value of cross-disciplinary work. The scope, type, audience, and timing of outreach will vary depending on the specific goals of your project and its intended audience.


  • Implement outreach and education goals set out for your project. Keep the CSF updated and clued into opportunities to repost you, attend any events/ceremonies celebrating you, or desire to feature your team in a Project Spotlight. We want to support you! 
  • If it feels natural, CSF would greatly appreciate a mention of us as a funder at events, blog articles, and news outlets (especially, with The Daily or similar publications). 
    • The CSF believes in being a humble funder, which can contribute to our work moving quietly. 
    • Inclusion of our role in your project’s lifespan for external communications is beneficial to indicate our services to other students and growing our sustainability movement on campus. 
    • Consult the repository of logos and short language blurbs about the CSF for inclusion. 
  • Individuals attending campus events must be given the opportunity to request accommodations within a specific time period. 
    • Timelines are allowed to be set but ensure your event promotions and publication timelines have the request period built into it. 
    • Please review this resource which helps guide entities through the event planning, implementing, and promoting processes in alignment with UW Executive Order No. 31APS 46.4. 

Media relations

  • Share the news:
  • Build a feature story
    • Invite staff from The Daily, UW Today, and UWTV to attend your event and/or write a story about your project. 
    • Contact a representative from the UW Daily at and

Social media

  • Instagram:
    • Create an Instagram account to share project progress. 
  • Website: 
  • Promotion
    • Direct message our Instagram @uw_csf to be reposted and shared with our followers/network. 
    • Include the CSF by tagging us in your posts and we can help share. Our Instagram is uw_csf.

Campus-wide messaging

  • Decorate sidewalks with chalk art to advertise your project and events.
  • Hang flyers and banners around campus in strategic locations (Red Square, the Hub, libraries, dining halls, dorms, and relevant departments). Review signage rules and order signs from UW Facilities and consider environmental sustainability when printing larger promotional materials.
  • Host outreach tables and booths in Red Square, the Quad, the HUB, or other campus buildings, ensuring you adhere to the guidelines of each location.

Email campaigns

  • Reach out to relevant on-campus departments, organizations, and RSOs to promote via email. Send them a short blurb to share on your behalf through their listservs and newsletters.
  • Request access to email listservs from ASUW, GPSS, CSF, and other departments – utilize following permission. 

Project spotlight 

  • The CSF features Project Spotlights on our instagram, which entail an in-depth interview with our Outreach and Education Coordinator (or a CSF Committee Member). 
    • Reach out to us on instagram (@uw_csf) or email ( if interested in highlighting what you’re working on or to reflect on your project! 
    • Especially beneficial if seeking student volunteers, employees, or ramping up for an event. 

Thank your collaborators 

  • We do not work in solos nor alone. Make sure to express gratitude and thank those who collaborate with you. Whether this is a group of volunteers or a technician who set up the AV for an event, a professor who helped with your application, the fiscal admin who makes your project possible, or the students engaging in your work.

Budget reallocation

  • The CSF Committee approves the budget and consequential line items presented in the final application – this is what determines their award decision. 
  • Any significant deviation from this approved budget requires communication with the CSF staff. The general rule of thumb is if the change in expenditure for a line item is less than 10% of its approved value (i.e., non-significant and attributable to negligible cost differences/estimates), you do not need to contact CSF staff for approval. 
    • If the project requires a significant reallocation (i.e., moving more than 10% of a line-item’s approved value to another existing line item or into a new line item), contact (and cc for approval. 
    • Note: the creation of any new line items requires approval from the CSF. 
    • The reallocation process typically takes less than a week.

Budget amendments

  • Fundamental changes that seek to amend the original project proposal require renewed support from the CSF Committee. These changes include:
    • Increasing the value of the original award.
    • Changing the scope of the project. 
    • Both of these changes require CSF Committee approval, as they diverge from the original project proposal.
      • To begin this process contact (and cc to begin discussions and receive further guidance. 
      • The budget amendment process can take two to three weeks.
  1. Request a "trial balance" workday report from your fiscal admin. This report, based on your project PJ#, will show your grant award beginning balance and list the expenses charged and paid out. If your project spans multiple fiscal years, please ask for a report for each year. 
    • Trial Balance Instructions:
      • Search for "Trial Balance" in the Workday search bar.
      • In the input window, enter UW1861 in the Company field.
      • The Ledger, Book, and Translation Currency fields will auto-populate.
      • Select the appropriate fiscal year in the Year field.
      • Enter your PJ# in the Worktag field.
      • Run the report and export the file as a PDF (top right corner).
  2. Share a short synopsis on:
    • How did things go overall?
    • What were the key successes?
    • What challenges did you encounter?
    • What were the results of the implementation? What impact was observed or documented?
  3. Feel free to submit answers to some or all of the above questions through:
    • Image collages, photo essays, and/or infographics
    • Videos (e.g., event documentation, project phases, participant interviews)
    • Testimonials from project team members or participants
    • Art or poetry inspired by the project
    • Written summary (maximum of two pages)
    • Any other creative contributions you feel are appropriate—we're open to ideas!
  4. Upload your trial balance PDF report and chosen project synopsis medium to the “project closeout” folder in your google drive “main project folder”.
  5. Notify the CSF team once you have uploaded all documents and schedule a “Project Closeout” meeting with the CSF on our bookings page.
  6. Review your project closeout submission with a CSF staff member, help us share your work with the UW campus, and celebrate!