Mini grants ($5,000 or less)

Projects requesting $5,000 or less in funding should use the Mini Grant application. This application uses Google forms, consists of seven sections and is estimated to take under an hour to complete. You can also learn more about the funding criteria and application process on our Mini Grant page.

Mini grant application

Large grants (more than $5,000)

For projects greater than $5,000, there are 2 steps. The first step is to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). Second, if approved, submit a Full Proposal (FP). Both will be completed with our online application system.

Graphic showing the grant approval process

Online application

The CSF will accept proposal applications twice per academic year through its online application form. The CSF does not accept applications via e-mail.


The CSF Committee meets weekly and reviews applications each quarter.

Cycle 1: LOIs are due between November 20, 2023 - January 3, 2024. If approved, your Full Proposal is due on February 12, 2024. Final decisions are made by March 1, 2024.

Cycle 2:LOIs are due between February 28, 2023 - March 31, 2024. If approved, your Full Proposal is due on May 5. Final decisions are made by the end of May.

*Please note: when you submit the LOI for large grants, send an email to and CC indicating you have submitted on the website -- set the subject line to: APPLICATION SUBMITTED: project name.

Large grant application