Husky Sustainable Storms: Bioswale (Phase 2)

At a glance

Status: Inactive

Phase Two funds the implementation and construction of designs outlined in Phase One. As of April 2nd, 2012 the design review… Read full summary

Funding received
Grant type
Funding partners
  • Services and Activities Fee (SAF)
Website & social links

Phase Two funds the implementation and construction of designs outlined in Phase One. As of April 2nd, 2012 the design review process of this project is still underway. Specifically, the four alternative designs developed by HSS are being reviewed by a committee of stakeholders, including Kristine Kenney (UW Landscape Architect), Howard Nakase (UW Grounds Shop), Jim Morin (UW Engineering Services), Peter Dewey (UW Transportation Services). This team advises HSS on aesthetic, engineering, and construction feasibility and assists in obtaining approval of the design.

Because the design review is currently taking place, HSS cannot propose a total cost of the project. In
contrast, HSS proposes a cost limit that guides its design development process.

This project accomplishes the following goals:

  1. Improve the quality of surface water flowing from the UW campus;
  2. Advance student engagement in stormwater design, implementation, and education;
  3. Provide a demonstration for UW engineering and transportation services in addressing stormwater issues.

Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS) requested $9,220 in the first round of CSF funding for 2012 to implement a feasibility study for a bioswale that remediates stormwater from a UW parking lot. HSS developed four alternatives for a bioswale, assessing each alternative’s feasibility in implementation, educational capacity, and cost. Phase One is scheduled for completion in mid-April 2012.

HSS requests funding to construct a stormwater bioswale on the University of Washington campus. This project accomplishes the following goals:

  1. Improve the quality of surface water flowing from the UW campus;
  2. Advance student engagement in stormwater design, implementation, and education;
  3. Provide a demonstration for UW engineering and transportation services in addressing stormwater issues.

Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS) requested $9,220 in the first round of CSF funding for 2012 to implement a feasibility study for a bioswale that remediates stormwater from a UW parking lot. HSS developed four alternatives for a bioswale, assessing each alternative’s feasibility in implementation, educational capacity, and cost. Phase One is scheduled for completion in mid-April 2012.

HSS requests further funding to implement Phase Two of this project, which is the construction of the bioswale.

Proposed project (phase two):

Phase Two funds the implementation and construction of designs outlined in Phase One. As of April 2nd, 2012 the design review process of this project is still underway. Specifically, the four alternative designs developed by HSS are being reviewed by a committee of stakeholders, including Kristine Kenney (UW Landscape Architect), Howard Nakase (UW Grounds Shop), Jim Morin (UW Engineering Services), Peter Dewey (UW Transportation Services). This team advises HSS on aesthetic, engineering, and construction feasibility and assists in obtaining approval of the design.

Because the design review is currently taking place, HSS cannot propose a total cost of the project. In contrast, HSS proposes a cost limit that guides its design development process.

Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS) warmly thanks the CSF for its generous contribution to the stormwater treatment project. Thanks to its funding, the project is on-track to apply for Phase Two in improving water quality runoff. This project brings students and staff together towards solving stormwater issues on the University of Washington campus. We estimate that HSS will have all documents and approvals necessary for construction in April of 2012, but construction funds for this project are necessary for its implementation.


HSS requests to submit a full application to the CSF for construction funds in the second round of funding. It plans to request $60,000 to build the stormwater project. Without this sum, the design will cause limited impact to stormwater remediation.

This project is a priority for the University of Washington. Students collaborate with Kristine Kenney (Capitol Projects Office), Rebecca Barnes (Capitol Projects Office), Jim Morin (Engineering Services), Peter Dewey (Transportation Services), and Howard Nakase (Grounds Shop). These authorizers assist HSS in developing and approving design alternatives. Moreover they inform students of cost and landscape constraints. Their role and support expedites the project’s construction preparation.

The N-5 parking lot is an ideal site to remediate stormwater. It drains into the combined sewer system. A treatment facility will lower the severity of water runoff in high storm events, and lower the risk of a combined sewer overflow event. The site offers high visibility to pedestrian and car traffic. Finally, the project area features enough area to make a meaningful improvement to water quality.

In January, CSF suggested that HSS keep the cost of the project to $30,000. HSS consulted with UW staff and engineers for estimating the cost of the project. All engineers stated that $30,000 covers very limited construction costs. A greater sum will pay for construction of facilities that adequately remediate the site, the construction team, potential permits, and potential cost overruns. A greater sum is critical to moving the project from design and research (Phase One) to implementation (Phase Two).

This estimate has been advised through the following:

  • UW Staff and Mentor Advice: Jim Morin (UW stormwater engineer) Kristine Kenney (UW Capitol Projects Office) and Peter Dewey (Transportation Services Director) as well as mentoring engineers advise the cost estimate. They note that costs add up quickly, and the scale of the facility will improve cost efficiency. For example, if the project requires cutting concrete, costs will rise without commensurate increases in stormwater remediation.
  • Capitol Projects Office Advice: Mentors in the UW Capitol Projects Office suggest HSS set 10% of the cost aside to pay for the review and oversight of construction. Additionally, they state all projects must set aside 15% of construction costs for potential cost overruns. If the maximum budget were $30,000 then only $22,500 could be allotted for actual construction for remediation. Curb cuts alone can cost up to $10,000.
  • Low Impact Development Research: The impact of bioretention facilities is contingent on the size of project and the quality of materials. Therefore, meaningful impact requires a higher budget to pay for a project that is sized for optimal remediation.

CSF requested that HSS explore cost-saving options. HSS pursues these options seriously. It works towards this goal in the following ways.

  • Donations: HSS receives pro bono services and mentorship from Huitt-Zollars. This mentorship is valued at $15,000. Additionally, Huitt-Zollars will be liable for the project design at double the construction cost, with construction cost estimated at $60,000. This is a tremendous donation for the students as well as the University of Washington.
  • Cost Efficiency: The team stays cost efficient through careful budget and time planning. Close collaboration with University staff facilitates efficient use of grant funds, especially in the design review process. HSS hopes to finish Phase One under budget and rollover savings to Phase Two.
  • Matching Funds: HSS researches matching funds; however, the end of the year (September through January) provides the best opportunity for government and non-profit matching funds. Funds typically require a minimum match, and the funds must be granted to HSS before HSS can apply for the match. By these standards, HSS qualifies for matching funds at the end of 2012.
  • University Funds: Additional funds could be generated from University departments. The opportunity for these funds will depend on the final design of the project, and no commitment has been made.
  • Materials and BMPs: HSS collaborates with an experienced engineer so they can learn best practices at the least cost. As they continue the project design process, cost savings remains a theme to all design development steps.

Project report: brief chronology

Through Phase One, HSS makes meaningful steps towards preparing the stormwater project for construction.

  • January: HSS meets four hours per week regarding design review, engineering support, and approval processes. Each member works independently for five additional hours per week. The team begins student outreach, increasing knowledge of water quality issues. They identify five firms willing to offer reduced cost or pro bono services. They negotiate a contract with a firm that optimizes the CSF’s investment in HSS. HSS identifies sources for potential funds.
  • February: HSS navigates approval for the project through the Capitol Projects Office. The team narrows its design alternatives. They author case studies on design alternatives. They draft landscape initial conditions. They locate acquire as-built drawings from Facilities Services records and Engineering Services. They expand community outreach to students interested in water quality improvements as well as prepare for community design critiques.

Request amount and budget

Total amount requested: $60,000
Budget administrator: See attached AAR form

Problem statement

All UW stormwater flows directly into Portage Bay, adversely impacting local ecology, public health, and the climate. Stormwater runoff carries harmful nutrients, pesticides, oils, and metals into our local waters. It devastates local wildlife, including migrating anadromous fish and native plant species. As the quality of local ecology diminishes, so does its ability to process chemical compounds, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Eventually, the breakdown of this capacity decreases the rate at which carbon is absorbed by aquatic plants. It even increases the methane released by harmful bacteria and algae.

Now is a critical time for UW to invest in green infrastructure methods of stormwater treatment. Specifically, NPDES permits will increase in severity and influence, further restricting the harmful pollutants that UW is allowed to convey to local waters. As a result, the University will be forced to upgrade its stormwater treatment. From interviews with UW staff, HSS has learned that parking lots are a portion of University property that harms water quality. If UW is considering water quality treatment approaches, then now is a critical time to advance green infrastructure alternatives.

Measure the impacts

Urbanization has drastically altered stormwater hydrology and composition resulting in documented negative ecological impacts. The increase of impervious surfaces in the built environment has increased both 1) the volume and velocity of stormwater and 2) deposition rate of pollutants. The remediation of both of these impacts by the design is quantifiable.

  1. The design will remediate a measurable volume of stormwater that currently enters existing stormwater infrastructure. The gallons of water treated by the system per year will be quantified.
  2. The common pollutants found in urban stormwater runoff are quantifiable and well known; the table below shows the national average concentration of common pollutants.
Table A: National median concentration for chemical constituents in stormwater
Constituent Units Urban Runoff
TSS mg/1 54.5 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
TP mg/1 0.26 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
TN mg/1 2.00 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
Cu mg/1 11.1 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
Pb mg/1 50.7 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
Zn mg/1 129 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
F Coli mg/1 1.5 (Schueler, 1999)

The design can be expected to remediate all of these pollutants in addition to organic chemicals such as oil, gasoline, and pesticides. The mass of Sediment, Phosphorous, Nitrogen, and Metals treated by the system per year will be quantified.

The design will incorporate an under drain which empties treated water from the system, as well as an attached overflow drain/access hatch. The access hatch will allow the sampling of effluent (treated) water in order to document pollutant concentration reductions. The design can be expected to have the following removal efficiencies outline in Table B.

Table B: Typical pollutant removal rates of bioretention systems
Pollutant Pollutant Removal (%)
TSS 81
TP 29
TN 49
NOx 38
Metals 51-71
Bacteria -58

The access hatch will additionally allow the implementation of a flow meter. The flow meter quantifies the volume of water exiting the system.

Education and outreach goals

Five seminars will be conducted in the Spring quarter through College of Built Environments. Seminars will focus on components of the project, including stormwater engineering design, bureaucratic navigation, design, and a community charette about stormwater on-campus.

Engage 150 students in stormwater education through classroom visits and individual consultation.

Continue operating and updating website and Facebook page. Advertise outreach materials to professionals and students involved in stormwater management issues.

Student involvement

The project features five core staff.

  • Patrick Green, MUP-MPA (Project Manager for Planning and Outreach – Reporting Liaison)

    Patrick manages the project’s development and authorization process. He will manage reporting to the CSF, budgeting procedures, navigating City of Seattle permitting processes, and negotiating
  • Stefanie Young, MUP (Project Manager for Construction and Implementation)

    Stefanie manages the project’s design development. She possesses a bachelors in architecture and professional experience in architectural project design and development. She has professionally served several architectural firms in Seattle.
  • Matt McNair, CEE (Project Civil Engineer)

    Matt is working towards a Masters in Civil Engineering. His educational and professional background in civil engineering has been instrumental in researching stormwater treatment designs. Through the feasibility study, Matt will continue the site selection process as well as work closely with the UW engineering staff in researching the correct design codes for a stormwater facility.
  • Erica Bush, MUP-MLA (Project Landscape Architect)

    Erica is a current student in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning. She brings a her experience in design and planning to the projects landscape development. Erica will work closely with Matt and Stefanie in developing plant and soil designs that maximize the effectiveness of green infrastructure and water treatment.
  • Sunni Wissmer, Undergraduate (Project Outreach Coordinator)

    Sunni is an undergraduate at UW who already has experience in developing and implementing rain gardens. She will be assisting all members with their outreach work to student groups and local organizations.

All members collaborate with each other on their tasks. They will meet 4-6 hours per week. Beyond group meetings, members work individually up to 6 hours per week.

Participation with UW staff and off-campus professionals will continue in Phase Two.

Upon construction, the project will need volunteers to install plants in the bioswale. We anticipate needing 15 to 30 student volunteers for two to three days.

Project lead

Patrick Green




  • Biodiversity and Living Systems
  • Water