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Executive Summary

ReThink has held an annual Resilience Summit for two years, and both times our organization was lucky enough to work with CSF through partnerships and grants. This year the Summit focuses on incentives that a range of organizations experience, as we all face the need for climate action and improved resilience. This event is modeled after the Resilience Challenge hosted by Sustainable Seattle in the fall of 2014 and 2015. This year it will be held in Maple Hall’s Area 01 to encourage maximum attendance. We are teaming up with several clubs from across campus to draw an eclectic crowd of around 30-50 students. These students will spend 4 hours listening to in-depth presentations from our business professionals, engaging in question and answer sessions, discussing relevant topics in breakout sessions, and ending with individualized plans of action that may simply consist of a changed mindset, or even turn into future CSF proposals. With time for networking over tables of information from on-and-off campus partners, and lunch of sustainable, local food, we hope our audience will come away with a diverse set of perspectives and go forth driving change in business-as-usual practices. Beyond the experience members of the planning committee will gain from organizing and marketing this event, all participants of the Resilience Summit will get exposure to a diverse array of students from other disciplines, and informative and inspiring presentations and discussions from professionals in their fields of work. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to broaden their perspectives from the more narrow views represented in their respective majors.

Primary Contact:
Cassie Maylor