Tapped for Earth Day

Executive Summary:

We will be playing the movie "TAPPED" in the residence hall to inform people about drinking water & the nature.

By playing the movie TAPPED, we hope to address the issue of bottle of water and its impact on the environment. It would be an interesting experience for many people since it is a topic that does not get discuss in depth in people’s lives. It provides intriguing information about bottle of water and could raise people’s awareness about the issue. By watching this movie, people have a chance to evaluate their usage of bottle of water if any and potentially make a change and take some actions in their lives regarding to the issue. Their change in behavior will make our environment a better place. 

Student Involvement:

There will be a discussion section afterward that could get people to think more about the bottle of water issue and potentially get some student leadership to act upon the issue. The discussion session will be headed by people from SEED (Student Expressing Environmental Dedication). It will also be a good chance for the leaders in SEED to interact with other people who came to the movie. On the other hand, the residents who will be in the new residence hall, Poplar, will be invited to the event and it can be a change for the new hall to recruit hall council leaderships. Overall, the event will get students together and learn more about student leadership opportunity in the residence halls; it also trains the student leaders (SEED officers) to plan and lead an environmental event.

Education & Outreach:

The event will be advertise through RHSA (Residence Hall Student Association), NRHH (National Residence Hall Honorary), and SEED. The event will be under the bigger theme of NRHM (National Residence Hall Month). NRHM is a celebration of the many accomplishments, experiences and education opportunities that happen within the residence halls. The event will be advertised throughout residence halls. As for education, the film itself shall be very clear on its information about bottle of water and its impact on the environment. It will be a kind of environmental awareness education. The discussion session in the end of the movie also help to educate people more about the issue as students can discuss ways they can or cannot do to make the situation better.

Environmental Impact:
  • Water
  • Environmental Justice
Project Longevity:

Environmental Problem:

In every building in the University of Washington, there are many water fountains that provide tap water for drinking. They are free and safe to drink. Yet, many people still use bottle of water when they are around campus. Most people do not think much of the action as some do it for the convenience and some for the distrust of tap water. However, the bottle of water creates more than just a waste issue. The ecological problems that are behind the production are great. It is often unseen and unknown to people.

Water is a necessity of life. We are using extra energy and creating pollution by shipping water around to be in a bottle in the hands of people that are uninformed and misunderstood. It is about time that people learn the true story about bottle of water and its true impact on this planet.

Explain how the impacts will be measured:

Total amount requested from the CSF: $295
This funding request is a: Grant
If this is a loan, what is the estimated payback period?:


Rights to own the movie and play it in public areas, in perpetuity$295

Non-CSF Sources:

Project Completion Total:


TaskTimeframeEstimated Completion Date

Project Approval Forms: