Indonesian Student Association at the University of Washington, ISAUW's Annual Event, KERATON

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $10,000

Letter of Intent:

To whom it may concern,

ISAUW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit cultural organization dedicated to promoting the diverse Indonesian culture to the communities in the Greater Seattle area. ISAUW’s vision is to become the leading Indonesian Student Association in the United States. We aim to achieve this by building a respectful, well-rounded, diverse, yet nationalistic young Indonesian community in the Greater Seattle Area and in the United States. Established for over ten years, ISAUW would like to carry on and improve the legacy of our previous years and hold the most successful Keraton Indonesian Festival to date.

As the largest Indonesian cultural event on the West Coast and second largest in the United States, Keraton has experienced high growth, culminating in 2019’s event that attracted over 12,000 people. ISAUW expects 13,000 visitors and will be showcasing the diversity of Indonesia’s many islands through traditional food, dance, music, and art. Beyond ISAUW’s purpose of entertaining and educating the community about Indonesia, we also wish to create a memorable Indonesian experience. This year, the theme for Keraton will be Indonesian Retro Films. In addition, we are planning to have a coffee-tasting booth and batik awareness and creation booth that we have at the festival annually and many more booths designed to enrich the visitors’ knowledge about Indonesia and Indonesian retro films. With this, ISAUW would like to apply for CSF funding to make Keraton possible again this year.

ISAUW guarantees CSF that Keraton always has and will continue to deliver a sustainable impact. We will also promote leadership, student involvement, education about Indonesian culture, reach out to the Seattle community and encourage positive behavior change amongst our members and the campus community. Last but certainly not least, throughout the years, Keraton has instilled important values and taught our members essential life skills such as accountability, teamwork, and respect.

Sustainable Impact

Social Sustainability

Keraton promotes volunteerism and community engagement between ISAUW members tasked with planning Keraton and the Seattle community. In preparation for this annual event, ISAUW has created many different opportunities throughout the academic year for volunteering and engaging the Greater Seattle community to make this event possible.

Keraton aims to build awareness of Indonesian culture and showcase the diversity of the University of Washington. Through the celebration of Indonesian Culture at Keraton, ISAUW can empower and educate the Seattle community, paving the way for empowerment, equity, and inclusion which are foundational for social sustainability.  

Environmental Sustainability

ISAUW members are also highly concerned about the environment, thus making environmental sustainability a top priority for our organization and this event. Following past years, Keraton will be held in an outdoor location, Rainier Vista, to utilize less energy than an indoor space. This location would also encourage the use of public transportation such as the bus, metro, and bikes due to the location’s accessibility to the metro station, bus stations, and the availability of bike racks close by to the location. Moreover, ISAUW assures CSF that Keraton is 99% compostable. We require all of Keraton’s food vendors to use compostable and sustainable packaging supplies and limit food waste at the event. We would also reduce waste by providing recycling, composting, and landfill bins to collect waste. Therefore, in preparation for Keraton, ISAUW members will focus their efforts on reducing carbon emissions, energy use, water use, and waste in this event.

Leadership and Student Involvement

Throughout the years, ISAUW has always put a huge emphasis on creating great leaders. The enormous commitment expected of our members prepares them for real-life work experiences. Not only are they involved in initiating events to promote Indonesian culture, but members are also involved in marketing communication, information technology, creativity management, and many more. Beyond this, students in ISAUW have the opportunity to learn to communicate and partner with small and big businesses in the United States and Indonesia, allowing them to hone excellent interpersonal skills. In Keraton, ISAUW receives volunteers who are students from diverse community colleges and universities in the Greater Seattle Area, including Edmonds Community College, Shoreline Community College, Bellevue Community College, and more. Moreover, almost half of the food vendors in Keraton are contributed by other Student Organization Bodies from various Community Colleges and Universities, such as The Indonesian Student Association of Seattle University (ISASU), Bellevue Indonesian Club (BIC), Indonesian Student Association of North Seattle College (ISANS), Indonesian Student Association in the United States in Seattle (PERMIAS Seattle), and more. Hence, ISAUW members can expand their channels and meet new people from various backgrounds and create new experiences for students that would be useful for their future endeavors.   

Education, Outreach and Behavior Change

Keraton has consistently received critical acclaim from Indonesians who attend Keraton and non-Indonesians who took home knowledge about Indonesia’s diversely rich culture from Keraton. Beyond that, ISAUW members and volunteers have also been more active in the campus community as we enlist their collaboration and help while preparing for Keraton.

Feasibility and Accountability

ISAUW expects each member to fulfill their significant roles. We encourage our fellow ISAUW members to showcase their project management skills continuously. Members in different departments must work together and collaborate with other departments to achieve the vision and mission of ISAUW. They complete numerous challenging tasks, engage with real professionals, and are committed to lobbying for funds put into Keraton, allocating the fund appropriately, and using it as wisely as possible to make the execution of Keraton successful.

Estimation of Project Budget:

Category Item Cost
Accommodation Event Reservation $3,580
  Event Insurance $435
  Honey Bucket and Water $2,000
  Events Staff $2,400
  First Aid $100
  Recycling $145
  Electricity $5,000
  Fire Extinguisher $300
  Transportation (U-Haul) $250
Staging and Sound Stage, Lighting and Sound System $14,000
Food Vendors Area Equipment $1,000
  Canopies $100
  Decorations $2,500
  Assembly Permit and Propane Permit $4,500
Volunteers and Performers Guest Star Fee $7,000
  Event T-Shirt $500
  Committee, Volunteers and Performers Consumption $2,000
Marketing Newspapers $700
  Balloons $200
  Posters Printing $300
Total   $47,010

Key Stakeholders and Core project team

Key Stakeholders

  • Local Communities
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Registered Student organizations
  • University of Washington
  • Business partners, suppliers, and vendors
  • Organization members
  • Volunteers
  • International and local students in Seattle

Core Project Team

  • Operations: Event Organizer, Creativity Management, Inventory
  • Finance: Sponsorship and Treasury
  • Communication Outreach: Information Technology, Marketing Communication, Design & Documentation

Project Timeline

Autumn 2021

  • Event Organizers:
    • Start reaching out to artists to perform in Keraton (minimum 2 emails per week)
    • Planned to have a few known Artists to headline, and student performers from all over Seattle. Previous guest artists include: Andrew Garcia, Jeremy Passion, Leroy Sanchez, and more
  • Creativity Management:
    • Decided the theme for Keraton 2022: Indonesian Retro Films (1960s - 1970s)
  • Treasury and Sponsorship:
    • Start Fundraising events to raise funds for Keraton:
      • Boba Tour: City tour event, orientation for new students at UW
      • Seathrough: Social event for new and current UW students alike, primarly targeted towards Indonesians
      • Friendsgiving: Thanksgiving event, providing food, drinks, games, photobooths, and karaoke place
    • Sold ISAUW merchandise and food fundraising for Keraton:
      • Hoodie: 100% cotton hoodie designed by our design and documentation team.
      • Tote bag: Canvas tote bag designed by our design and documentation team.
      • ISAUW card: a student discount card which partners with over 25 restaurants around the Greater Seattle area.
      • Banana Pudding: Creating our signature dessert that is packaged in an environmentally friendly mason jar and sold to the student population around the Greater Seattle Area
    • Draft Keraton Sponsorship proposal
    • Draft rough budget plan to estimate the budget breakdowns for Keraton
  • Information Technology:
    • Created a website to hold information about us, our events, our merch, and promote our sponsors

Winter 2022

  • Event Organizers:
    • Continue reaching out to artists for Keraton
    • Finalize artists and performers for Keraton by the first week of February
  • Creativity Management:
    • Draft designs for Keraton
  • Treasury and Sponsorship:
    • Create a detailed budget plan of Keraton
    • Finished drafting Keraton sponsorship proposal
    • Look for sponsors from small and big businesses in Indonesia and the Greater Seattle area
  • Fundraising:
    • Banana Pudding, Authentic Indonesian savory dish, ISAUW card
  • Marketing Communication:
    • Create marketing campaigns for the event in social media and real life
  • Design and Documentation:
    • Create T-shirt designs for Keraton
    • Create Instagram posts, poster designs, and video promotions for Keraton
  • Information Technology:
    • Create a paying platform to be used in Keraton by our vendors

Spring 2022

  • Executes Keraton on May 7th, 2022
  • Event Organizers:
    • Finalize all logistics for Keraton by the end of April (equipment, set up, layout, artists, etc.)
  • Creativity Management:
    • Complete Keraton décor by the end of April
  • Treasury and Sponsorship:
    • Fundraising
    • Banana Pudding
    • Authentic Indonesian savory dish
    • Finalize list of sponsors for Keraton and communicate about their plans for Keraton
    • Create an actual budget breakdown of expenditure for Keraton
    • Handle all reimbursements in preparation for Keraton
    • Develop a payment system for Keraton
  • Inventory:
    • Take count of inventory in office and other locations, gather items needed for Keraton
  • Design and Documentation:
    • Finalize T-shirt designs for Keraton (Sponsors at the back of the shirt)
    • Create Instagram posts, TikTok videos, promotional videos and poster designs for Keraton
    • Print T-shirts for officers and volunteers
    • Print posters to be passed around campus
    • Document Keraton to be posted in all ISAUW’s social media and website
  • Marketing Communication:
    • Market Keraton actively on all social media platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok, and on ISAUW’s website
    • Collaborate with other colleges in the Greater Seattle area to promote Keraton
    • Tabling to promote the festival at community colleges in the Greater Seattle Area (one week before Keraton)
    • Tabling to promote the festival at Red Square at the University of Washington (week of Keraton)
  • Information Technology
    • Finalize the payment system and prepare a plan B

Primary Contact information

ISAUW President 2021-2022
Name: Amy Dharmawan
Contact number: +1 (206) 475-5141

Secondary Contact information

ISAUW Director of Finance 2021-2022
Name: Natasha Valerie Sumarta
Contact number: +1 (541) 286-8727

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Amy Dharmawan