ADA Approved Pathways at the UW Farm: Promoting the Intersection of Environmental Justice and Sustainability

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $17,220

Letter of Intent:

Total amount requested   $17,220 for four separate Projects of ADA Pathways over two years.

Budget breakdown


  • Pathway materials (includes commercial landscape fabric & gravel) $12/linear foot by 5’ wide
  • Wapato Pond Pathway - 5’ wide by 85’,  $12.00x85=$1020.00
  • Main Farm Pathway - 5’ wide by 250’ long, $12x250=$3000.00
  • Cultural Kitchen Pathway - 5’x125’, $12x125=$1,500.00
  • Heritage Orchard Pathway - 5’x100’, $12x100=$1200.00

Labor and Rental

  • UWBG Arboretum and UW Grounds crew labor only - 5 individuals 10 days (6 hours/day)  $33/hour = $9900.00
  • Equipment rental - electric compactor $120/day x 5 days - $600.00

Total Request from CSF $17,220

Other funding sources


Labor, Management and Volunteers

  • Student Volunteers - student volunteer work parties, helping with gravel and laying out materials - 75x2 hours each x $18.69/hour = $2,803.50
  • Overall Project supervision - David Zuckerman and Perry Acworth, labor and volunteer management - 40 hours total at $28/hour = $1120
  • Student project manager, Heritage Orchard - Althea Ericksen - labor and volunteer management - 10 hours x $19/hour = $190
  • Student Project manager - Wapato Pond project - Kove Janeski - labor, volunteer management contribution - 20 hours x $19/hour = $380

Total Labor Value Donated $4493.50

Materials and Equipment - donated

  • Tools, wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, gloves = $2,500
  • UW Grounds Compact Utility Loader = $1200/week
  • UWBG Equipment loan - tractor with scraper and hand roller - $1,200/week

Total Equipment and Materials Value  $4900.00
Grand Total contributed/donated - $9393.50

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Perry Acworth, UW Farm Manager