Husky Sustainable Storms: Bioswale (Phase 1)

At a glance

Status: Inactive

The purpose of this project is to accomplish the following goals:

  1. Improve the quality of surface water flowing… Read full summary
Funding received
Grant type
Funding partners
  • Student Activities Fee (SAF)
Website & social links

The purpose of this project is to accomplish the following goals:

  1. Improve the quality of surface water flowing from the UW campus
  2. Advance student engagement in stormwater design, implementation, and education
  3. Provide a demonstration for UW engineering and transportation services in addressing stormwater issues

In order to accomplish these objectives, HSS has divided them into two phases. Phase One comprises of “Feasibility Study” to be conducted in the Winter quarter of 2012.

Proposed project (phase one)

HSS proposes a feasibility study to develop a stormwater design and identify the key bureaucratic paths for implementing a stormwater treatment bioswale. Through this process, HSS will develop several alternatives (three to four) for a bioswale, assessing each alternative’s feasibility in implementation, educational capacity, and cost.

HSS has collaborated with UW staff in Transportation Services, Engineering Services, and Capital Projects Office in identifying sites that improve water quality, are visible to the UW student-body, and advance green infrastructure opportunities on the UW campus. Sites that fulfill this criteria have been identified in and around UW campus parking lots.

Proposed project (phase two)

Phase Two will fund the implementation and construction of designs outlined in Phase One. HSS plans to finalize the expected construction costs in Phase One, but we anticipate the cost of construction for an improved stormwater facility to be approximately $50,000-$60,000.

The purpose of this project is to accomplish the following goals:

  1. Improve the quality of surface water flowing from the UW campus;
  2. Advance student engagement in stormwater design, implementation, and education;
  3. Provide a demonstration for UW engineering and transportation services in addressing stormwater issues.

In order to accomplish these objectives, HSS has divided them into two phases. Phase One comprises a "Feasibility Study" to be conducted in the Winter quarter of 2012.

Proposed Project (Phase One):

HSS proposes a feasibility study to develop a stormwater design and identify the key bureaucratic paths for implementing a stormwater treatment bioswale. Through this process, HSS will develop several alternatives (three to four) for a bioswale, assessing each alternative’s feasibility in implementation, educational capacity, and cost.

HSS has collaborated with UW staff in Transportation Services, Engineering Services, and Capital Projects Office in identifying sites that improve water quality, are visible to the UW student-body, and advance green infrastructure opportunities on the UW campus. Sites that fulfill this criteria have been identified in and around UW campus parking lots.

Proposed project (phase two):

Phase Two will fund the implementation and construction of designs outlined in Phase One. HSS plans to finalize the expected construction costs in Phase One, but we anticipate the cost of construction for an improved stormwater facility to be approximately $50,000-$60,000.

This project will improve existing stormwater infrastructure on-campus.

  • Polluted run-off from parking lots can be treated through green infrastructure. We have a preferred site for treating stormwater runoff to the north-end of the main campus. Run-off from the N-5 parking lot (to the east of the main entrance to campus) scored high in a multi-criteria analysis. It is visible to students, presents several design options (as well as cost options), and advances UW’s stormwater treatment plans.
  • Although this site is our preferred site, several additional sites will be considered throughout Phase One.
  • Bio-retention cells and bioswales could provide a visual experience for pedestrians as well as an educational demonstration for students. These water treatment options employ the use of plants and soils to naturally treat stormwater.
  • The size of the swale and retention cell must be large enough to treat the anticipated stormwater run-off. We anticipate the need to treat 2,500 to 5,000 square-feet of parking lot run-off. If a swale were the best option (cost-effective and best treatment option) then it would be 200ft to 400ft long.
  • We will locate the project in close proximity to existing stormwater infrastructure. Existing underdrains, inlets, and stormwater pipes will reduce the cost of the project significantly.

Need for Feasibility Funding:

HSS needs feasibility funding in order to complete site selection, project design, project size, and budget. Throughout the time of feasibility funding, HSS will research ways to reduce costs.

If HSS were not to receive feasibility funding, members would continue with the project design and propose a project design in the Winter cycle of the CSF grant. This would significantly lower the possibility of constructing a stormwater project since members would lack the capital needed to collaborate with UW staff through the design process.

This LOI introduces Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS), an initiative launched by students, faculty and staff of the University of Washington to mitigate stormwater runoff on-campus by designing and building a stormwater treatment structure that mimics ecological processes and reflects environmental values. Husky Sustainable Storms hopes to achieve this goal in the 2011-2012 academic-year with the assistance of the UW Campus Sustainability Fund. The goal of this LOI is to outline its intent for funding in the winter quarter, but it hopes to apply for full funding of a project in the spring quarter.

In the winter quarter, HSS requests $10,500 to conduct a “feasibility study” of a water treatment project in a UW parking lot. The purpose of the feasibility study is to prepare the project for actual construction. Funding will cover the following three items:

  • Mentorship with a licensed engineer;
  • Stipends for HSS students;
  • Sponsorship overhead;
  • Incidental costs.

This funding would provide the resources needed to accomplish the following objectives: 1) improve environmental quality by researching and designing a stormwater treatment project; 2) solicit professional engineers needed to approve the project; 3) outline a plan for navigating bureaucracy, permitting systems, and budgeting approaches.

The timeline for feasibility funding would be winter quarter 2012, and it would facilitate implementation or finalization of a project in spring quarter 2012. Please note that the specific sponsoring agency for this project is not included in the following LOI. Several sponsoring agencies have been contacted, included the Green Futures Lab, Engineering Services, and Transportation Services. Transportation Services is the ideal sponsor, but campus staff has had little time to meet with our group. HSS has a meeting with staff from Transportation Services on November 10th, and sponsorship will be discussed then.

Not only are these critical components of implementing an infrastructure project, they are critical to advancing the values of the CSF grant. HSS has planned for significant student involvement and improving the environmental quality of University infrastructure. These objectives assist in accomplishing these goals. The specific dimensions of these objectives have been articulated below.

Objective one: Address climate change by improving surface water quality

All UW stormwater flows directly into Portage Bay, adversely impacting local ecology, public health, and the climate. Stormwater runoff carries harmful nutrients, pesticides, oils, and metals into our local waters. It devastates local wildlife, including migrating anadromous fish and native plant species. As the quality of local ecology diminishes, so does its ability to process chemical compounds, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Eventually, the breakdown of this capacity decreases the rate at which carbon is absorbed by aquatic plants. It even increases the methane released by harmful bacteria and algae.

Now is a critical time for UW to invest in green infrastructure methods of stormwater treatment. Specifically, NPDES permits will increase in severity and influence, further restricting the harmful pollutants that UW is allowed to convey to local waters. As a result, the University will be forced to upgrade its stormwater treatment. From interviews with UW staff, HSS has learned that parking lots are a portion of University property that harms water quality. If UW is considering water quality treatment approaches, then now is a critical time to advance green infrastructure alternatives.

Feasibility funding will allow HSS to accomplish the following goals:

  • Complete the site selection process. HSS has initiated conversations with UW staff in Engineering Services, Environmental Health and Safety, and Landscape Architecture. Many staff have suggested sites where green infrastructure could improve water treatment. However, each site places new criteria demands a new design with different impacts on water quality. HSS has designed criteria, and it needs time to examine them.
  • Feasibility funding will demonstrate to campus departments that HSS is serious and intends to aid them in their work. Without demonstrating a source of funds, campus departments cannot incorporate HSS ideas into their infrastructure plans.
  • Research appropriate stormwater designs that treat water and engage students. There are many infrastructure approaches and designs, but HSS must work within restricted resources and it must educate students. Feasibility funding will allow students to conduct the appropriate water quality tests and research that will maximize the project's impacts environmental and educational impacts.

Objective two: Involvement of a professional engineer

Any change to UW's stormwater system will need a permit issued by the City of Seattle (COS), and any infrastructure that requires a permit will require a stamp of approval by a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.). In working with a P.E., HSS plans to accomplish the following goals:

  • Students in engineering, architecture, and landscape architecture will collaborate with a licensed engineer in identifying codes, guidelines, and permit requirements.
  • The nature of this mentorship will be of collaboration. The P.E. will assist students in identifying the correct guidelines, but applying those guidelines and rules will be in the hands of the students. This ensures that infrastructure is designed according the appropriate rules as well as involves the work of UW students.
  • The winter quarter will serve as a timeline for working with the P.E.

If this component is not funded, then HSS will have to solicit volunteer P.E.'s for assistance. This is not ideal. Time constraints prohibit HSS from conducting extensive outreach for volunteer engineers. Additionally, it will compromise the quality of the collaboration.

Objective three: Finalize plans necessary for implementation

Feasibility funding will develop concrete outputs necessary for the actual building of the project. These outputs have been listed below.

  • Develop engineering drawings;
  • Finalize authorization with Transportation Services or other department;
  • Design an outreach plan to UW students. This is a critical component of the HSS project, which it hopes to outline in its grant application;
  • Articulate a plan for compensating contractors;
  • Outline a specific budget for the project.


Husky Sustainable Storms requests $10,000 to perform the feasibility study. HSS is prepared to return unspent funds to the CSF should expected costs of the project fall. Specifically, costs could fall in locating a licensed P.E. Firms may charge different rates for overseeing the design and conducting the senior review of a stormwater project. HSS plans to conduct outreach to many firms in the Seattle area as well as appeal to the UW Engineering Services for assistance.

Request amount and budget

Total amount requested: $9,220
Budget administrator: See attached AAR form

Problem statement

All UW stormwater flows directly into Portage Bay, adversely impacting local ecology, public health, and the climate. Stormwater runoff carries harmful nutrients, pesticides, oils, and metals into our local waters. It devastates local wildlife, including migrating anadromous fish and native plant species. As the quality of local ecology diminishes, so does its ability to process chemical compounds, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Eventually, the breakdown of this capacity decreases the rate at which carbon is absorbed by aquatic plants. It even increases the methane released by harmful bacteria and algae.

Now is a critical time for UW to invest in green infrastructure methods of stormwater treatment. Specifically, NPDES permits will increase in severity and influence, further restricting the harmful pollutants that UW is allowed to convey to local waters. As a result, the University will be forced to upgrade its stormwater treatment. From interviews with UW staff, HSS has learned that parking lots are a portion of University property that harms water quality. If UW is considering water quality treatment approaches, then now is a critical time to advance green infrastructure alternatives.

Measure the impacts

Urbanization has drastically altered stormwater hydrology and composition resulting in documented negative ecological impacts. The increase of impervious surfaces in the built environment has increased both 1) the volume and velocity of stormwater and 2) deposition rate of pollutants. The remediation of both of these impacts by the design is quantifiable.

  1. The design will remediate a measurable volume of stormwater that currently enters existing stormwater infrastructure. The gallons of water treated by the system per year will be quantified.
  2. The common pollutants found in urban stormwater runoff are quantifiable and well known; the table below shows the national average concentration of common pollutants. 
Table A: National median concentration for chemical constituents in stormwater
Constituent Units Urban Runoff
TSS mg/1 54.5 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
TP mg/1 0.26 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
TN mg/1 2.00 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
Cu mg/1 11.1 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
Pb mg/1 50.7 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
Zn mg/1 129 (Smullen and Cave, 1998)
F Coli mg/1 1.5 (Schueler, 1999) 

The design can be expected to remediate all of these pollutants in addition to organic chemicals such as oil, gasoline, and pesticides. The mass of Sediment, Phosphorous, Nitrogen, and Metals treated by the system per year will be quantified.

The design will incorporate an under drain which empties treated water from the system, as well as an attached overflow drain/access hatch. The access hatch will allow the sampling of effluent (treated) water in order to document pollutant concentration reductions. The design can be expected to have the following removal efficiencies outline in Table B.

Table B: Typical pollutant removal rates of bioretention systems
Pollutant Pollutant Removal (%)
TSS 81
TP 29
TN 49
NOx 38
Metals 51-71
Bacteria -58

The access hatch will additionally allow the implementation of a flow meter. The flow meter quantifies the volume of water exiting the system.

Education and outreach goals

Phase one outreach methods

  • Website
  • Facebook
  • Advertise to UW paper and UW website
  • Advertise project to professional councils in the School of Built Environments, Engineering, and water-related programs at the UW.
  • Conduct a Workshop/Seminar on Infrastructure projects for 30 students: This workshop would articulate the opportunities and process for implementing infrastructure on-campus. It would be tailored for University students interested in applying for the CSF grant.
  • Meet with five student groups to consult on navigating University policies regarding environmental infrastructure and programs. Possible groups include the Boating Center, SEED, and the UW Water Seminar. In this process, we anticipate expanding our outreach to 25-30 student-leaders.

Phase one outreach goals

Work up to 325 hours of staff time

HSS launched a new level of collaboration between students of the built environment. As a project with legal and regulatory implications for the University of Washington, student involvement of the five HSS members will be intensive and focused.

  • 180 to 270 hours of student time: 6 to 8 hours per week for nine weeks in the winter quarter
  • 20 hours of faculty time
  • 32 hours of UW staff time

All hours will be catalogued in an excel sheet

Engage up to 30 student-leaders

Conduct a Workshop/Seminar on Infrastructure projects for 30 students. Through this project, we hope to leverage support and interest in water quality improvements among students on-campus.

In Phase One we have goals to reach 25 to 30 students involved in environmental organizations on-campus. We hope to consult with students interested in navigating University of Washington policies regarding green infrastructure and environmental policies. We hope to tailor these conversations to water quality. Example organizations include SEED, Blue Drinks, the Sailing Club, and the Water Seminar.

Receive over 250 web visits

We will advertise our web presence and monitor our website and facebook visits. Our website will be advertised to local government, businesses, and non-profit organizations. Example organizations include Friends of the Cedar River Watershed, People for Puget Sound, the Tacoma Water Center, and the Puget Sound Partnership. All organizations will be catalogued.

Engage up to 50 students in a workshop

We will strive to advertise our Winter Quarter workshop to various organizations on-campus, and prepare for 50 students to attend the workshop. We hope to video tape this workshop and host the footage on our website. Additionally, this workshop could be turned into a podcast and distributed through online media.

In Phase Two we hope to expand these workshops. We anticipate hosting 5-6 workshops through the Spring Quarter. These will feature a lecture series with student, faculty, and professional presentations on stormwater management and their contributions to climate change. At the culmination of these workshops, we wish to hold a charrette for the student community about green infrastructure design and water quality improvements. From these workshops and charrette, we plan to present our results to UW staff working in stormwater treatment and campus planning.

Student involvement

The project features five core staff.

  • Patrick Green, MUP-MPA (Project Manager for Planning and Outreach – Reporting Liaison)

    Patrick manages the project’s development and authorization process. He will manage reporting to the CSF, budgeting procedures, navigating City of Seattle permitting processes, and negotiating
  • Stefanie Young, MUP (Project Manager for Construction and Implementation)

    Stefanie manages the project’s design development. She possesses a bachelors in architecture and professional experience in architectural project design and development. She has professionally served several architectural firms in Seattle.
  • Matt McNair, CEE (Project Civil Engineer)

    Matt is working towards a Masters in Civil Engineering. His educational and professional background in civil engineering has been instrumental in researching stormwater treatment designs. Through the feasibility study, Matt will continue the site selection process as well as work closely with the UW engineering staff in researching the correct design codes for a stormwater facility.
  • Erica Bush, MUP-MLA (Project Landscape Architect)

    Erica is a current student in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning. She brings a her experience in design and planning to the projects landscape development. Erica will work closely with Matt and Stefanie in developing plant and soil designs that maximize the effectiveness of green infrastructure and water treatment.
  • Sunni Wissmer, Undergraduate (Project Outreach Coordinator)

    Sunni is an undergraduate at UW who already has experience in developing and implementing rain gardens. She will be assisting all members with their outreach work to student groups and local organizations.

All members will collaborate with each other on their tasks. They will meet 4-6 hours per week. HSS membership has developed a studio course with Jan Whittington, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban Design and Planning, College of Built Environments to be completed in the Winter Quarter of 2012. This course, a studio course earning 5 credits/units, will focus on implementing Phase One of this project. Studio courses pair students with professional projects so they may gain professional experience. It will provide a space for students to meet and collaborate on implementing Phase One and preparing for Phase Two.

Participation with UW staff and off-campus professionals will occur in Phase One. Prior to submitting this grant, UW staff members in Engineering Services, Landscape Architecture, and Transportation Services offered to meet with students regularly throughout Winter Quarter. Their commitment to this project advances the University’s commitment to green infrastructure and stormwater treatment.

Phase Two will create additional student volunteer positions. Positions will be developed in implementing the lecture series/workshops. We anticipate that 3-5 students will be needed for these series. Additionally, we anticipate that volunteers can assist in planting the bioswale. 10-15 students could be needed for this work.

Beyond Phase Two, we anticipate that this project will provide an opportunity for students to maintain and steward green infrastructure. In the coming years, the bioswale could be maintained by students interested in green design and environmental protection. Not only would these opportunities advance the education of students, but they could reduce the operations costs for the University. Volunteer positions such as these could be offered in perpetuity.

Project lead

Patrick Green




  • Biodiversity and Living Systems
  • Water