Funding allowable uses
- Funds can be used to compensate students and non-faculty staff for their time according to applicable Workday requirements and state/federal rules.
- CSF prefers to fund time and labor expended by UW students working on CSF projects where and when that funding supports the creation of a formal internship under a Faculty member and/or Campus Unit.
- Preference will be given to projects that clearly explain the project tasks to be completed during any paid time funded. In addition, it is strongly encouraged that projects include in their budgets any available information that explains and justifies the requested amount of paid time funded by the CSF.
- Funds can be used for purchasing materials related to the project. Please consider environmental sustainability when making material requests.
Non-allowable uses
- Funding cannot be used for time and labor expended by UW faculty working unless it is outside the scope of regular faculty duties.
- Funding cannot be used for the purchase of gift cards or other forms of compensation to research subjects. While we encourage compensating research subjects for their time, this must come from another funding source.
- In general, funds cannot be used for food, drinks, or salable merchandise as part of project budgets. Some exceptions may be granted.
- Line-item requests for travel funding are not encouraged, but will be considered on a case by case basis.
- Funds shall not be used for research projects unless such projects include an actionable component.
Preference is given to projects that:
- align with the UW’s commitment to sustainability (reference the University’s Sustainability Action Plan & Diversity Blueprint).
- have a clear, strong student-participation component. For the purposes of this section, postdoctoral researchers and other similar individuals are not considered students. This is evaluated at the discretion of the Committee on several factors, including:
- Ratio of funded student positions to funded non-student positions;
- Involvement of targeted student groups and organizations; and
- Amount of student body potentially involved in project at any stage.
- obtain matching funds from sources other than the CSF.
- impact UW Seattle sustainability “closer to home” both on campus and on regions impacted by UW's presence.
- promote equity and engages diverse, underrepresented groups on campus.
- are comprehensive, and ready for implementation at the time of proposal rather than feasibility studies or pilot projects.
- In considering projects that are undertaken by campus departments (whether in close partnership with students or led primarily by staff), CSF prefers to use its funds strategically, investing in one-time transformational interventions in a campus operation, rather than funding routine operations or planned near-term innovations. In considering projects undertaken by campus departments, preference will be given to projects that demonstrate they are not likely to be undertaken in the near future without CSF funding, and are likely to be financially and operationally sustainable over the long term.
Feasibility studies
CSF recommends that projects over $30,000 complete a feasibility study or submit a previously completed feasibility study.
- Any group requesting funding for a feasibility study or pilot project must include the following components in their proposed project:
- The proposal must include an actionable second phase. The second phase must, to the best knowledge of the group, be realistic to implement given that their study shows it to be feasible.
- Whether or not the study or pilot shows the second phase to be feasible, the project must result in a written report that summarizes all relevant findings and is submitted to the CSF. The CSF may use this information to aid and inform future projects in whatever way they see fit.
- Projects may also justify why they do not require a feasibility study.
- CSF reserves the right to request a feasibility study from any project.
Recurring events
Recurring events are eligible for funding, but such eligibility is at the discretion of the committee. Recurring events typically should show one of the following in order to be eligible for funding after the first award:
- Innovation or improvement upon previous iteration of event; or
- Additional funding from non-CSF sources.