Tribal Water Security Colloquium: Rethinking Our Relationship With Water

Amount Awarded: 

The Tribal Water Security Colloquium (TWSC) was hosted by the Water is Life: water, health and “ecosystem services” class taught by Dr. Clarita Lefthand-Begay in the Department of American Indian Studies. Undergraduate students enrolled in this class collaborated by picking, inviting and hosting leaders to speak about water. In the TWSC we focused our attention on creating a space where we could learn directly from influential tribal leaders whose communities are at the forefront of climate change and environmental challenges.

Campus Sustainability Fund Bike Tour

Join us on September 27th from 1:30-3:30pm for a 4.5 mile Dawg Daze tour of on-campus, sustainability projects funded through the CSF. We are a student-run, student-funded grant organization that makes available over $300,000 a year for on-campus, student-led sustainability projects. Since our founding in 2010, we've funded 80 projects; a handful of which we'll visit on the tour! Please RSVP via our Facebook event page.

CSF Doubles Mini Grants Program

We proudly funded eight project teams in the second year of the CSF Mini Grants program. Comparatively, last year we funded four. Mini Grants are CSF grants up to $1,000 which are processed through a streamlined application process. Although Mini Grants only accounted for 2% of our annual project funding, they engaged 20% of the students working on CSF projects this year. The program is not only cost-effective, but also provides a lower barrier means through which students can access CSF funding.