UW Solar Celebration | Friday, April 4th


Please join the CSF and UW Solar team in an event celebrating the completion of the solar panel installation. Festivities will begin at 4 p.m. on Friday, April 4th. Governor Jay Inslee has confirmed that he will be attending! Please see the link below for more details. See you there!

Please RSVP here.

UW Solar Installation Photos


To see more photos of the installation, visit our Facebook page

Funding Cycle 2


The deadline for LOIs has passed, but don't forget that the small projects fund has a rolling deadline for any projects that are $1,000 or less! 

LOIs due this FRIDAY!


LOIs are due this FRIDAY, March 7th! If you have any questions regarding your proposal, this would be a great week to come in during our open office hours to get some feedback.

Feel free to drop in on Tuesday 12-1:30pm in Gerberding B40 or contact uwcsf@uw.edu to schedule an appointment.

We are looking forward to reading your proposal!

Four new projects receive CSF funding


After a competitive round of project proposals, we are pleased to announce that the following projects will receive CSF funding:

  1. A New Home for UW Biodiesel Cooperative: Construction of Permanent Lab Space new
  2. SER-UW Whitman Nature Walk: A Pathway Through Society for Ecological Restoration - UW Chapter
  3. The UW Farm Greenhouse
  4. Green Wall Interactive Educational Elements and Habitat Structures

CONGRATULATIONS! We look forward to seeing your projects take shape in the next few months. Read more about these projects HERE.



The UW Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office is looking for an Earth Day Coordinator. The intern's main tasks will be to coorindate 2014 Earth Day events, foster student environmental leadership, and develop a sustainable model for future Earth Day planning. $11/hr, 19.5 hrs/week. See details here.

FIRST EVER Kincaid Ravine Restoration Event


Kincaid Ravine has its first ever volunteer event NEXT SATURDAY, February 15th! Come join other UW students in removing invasive plants and restoring our campus forest. Meet us at the Burke Gilman trail under the 45th street Viaduct. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your friends, and get ready to tackle some Himalayan Blackberry!

Winter 2014 Quarterly Newsletter


The Winter 2014 quarterly newsletter by the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office is out. Highlights include an update from the CSF, Green Certifications, and the Green Seed Fund. View quarterly newsletter here

New ESS Video


We were recently mentioned in a new video made by UW DX Arts student Daniel Yu for the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office. Check it out! 

Yard Waste Composting Facility Photos


Check out these new photos from the CSF-funded yard waste composting facility down by the IMA sports fields! The site was collecting leaves in October and began to collect coffee grounds in December. Yay decomposition! Photos by Martha Moritz.

Thank You Grant Writing Practicum Speakers!


 A HUGE thanks to Claudia Frere, Justin Hellier, Graham Golbuff, and Elizabeth Lindner for speaking at the Grant Writing Practicum speaker panel yesterday! Your knowledge and experise will be a great resource to guide students as they move through the project planning and grant writing processes.

New Year Updates


Welcome back and happy new year! We've got new due dates for the upcoming round of project proposals. Letters of Intent (LOIs) are due Friday, March 7th and Full Proposals are due Friday, April 18th. Please stay tuned for more CSF updates soon.

LOI Reminder


Reminder: LOIs are due in exactly ONE WEEK (December 2nd)! Click here to view proposal requirements and here if you need to contact us. We look forward to reading your submissions!

Introducing the Commuter Calculator!


What does your commute look like? Calculate your commute with the CSF-funded COMMUTER CALCULATOR.

This interactive tool lets you compare costs, CO2 output, and calories burned while commuting to and from UW for different forms of transportation. The calculator was developed by a group of 8 students from 5 schools and colleges (the Information School, College of the Environment, the Evan's School, College of Built Environments, and the College of Engineering). Great job Commuter Calculator team!



LOIs (Letters of Intent) are due Monday, December 2nd! Final proposals are due in 2014 on Friday, January 24th.

First CSF Committee Meeting


The first CSF Committee meeting will be held on Friday, November 8th in Gerberding Hall, Room 26 at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

2013-2014 Committee Members!


We've got a committee! Please welcome Teos Bisbee, Natalie Gray, Erin Sofinowski, Allisa Ramberg, Elizabeth Linder, Chris Clark, and Kayla Schick! We are looking forward to a productive year with this committee. The 2013-2014 CSF team, comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, represents 6 majors across campus including Environmental Science, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Political Science, Landscape Architecture, Community Environment & Planning, and Public Policy. The first committee meeting date is TBD.



Deadlines for the 2013-2014 LOIs (Letters of Intent) have not been determined as of 11/5/13. Please check back within the next week for more updates.

Outreach and Design Internship Opportunity


The CSF is looking for an Outreach and Design Intern! Responsibilities include generating educational and visual materials and speaking to the UW community about our awesome student-led projects happening all around campus. If you’ve got an eye for design and stoked about sustainability, APPLY! Please send a cover letter and resume to uwcsf@uw.edu. This position is unpaid. For a more detailed job description, click here.



Are you an undergrad looking for a job promoting campus sustainability and gaining outreach & office experience?  WE'RE HIRING a CSF Outreach Coordinator!  Applications close August 18, so don't delay!