New Project Opportunity!

In partnership with Blair Kaufer of Facilities Services and the UW Recyling Team, the CSF brings you a new project idea! If you've heard about microplastics in our sea salt, the Pacific Garbage Patch swelling past the size of Texas, or simply want to do more than carry a reusable water bottle with your reusable lunchware -- this project is for you! And it's also for you if you like to make things...ANY things...

Learn more here:

UW Anaerobic Digester: Food Waste, Renewable Energy & Public Health (Phase 2)

Amount Awarded: 

Food waste is an urgent public health issue. In the U.S., approximately 31% of post-harvest food is wasted (i.e. thrown away or spoiled). This is approximately 133 billion pounds of food annually, costing approximately $161 billion ("USDA | OCE | U.S. Food Waste Challenge | FAQ’s," n.d.). This is shocking and shameful, given national rates of food insecurity and poverty. In addition, food waste often rots in landfills, creating methane gas, which is nearly 4x as damaging to the ozone layer as CO2 emissions. We have to address food waste at the local, city, and national level.

SER-UW Native Plant Nursery - Future Growth

Amount Awarded: 

Since 2013, the Society for Ecological Restoration-UW Native Plant Nursery has provided a local and sustainable source of plant material for student ecological restoration projects in Union Bay Natural Area and Yesler Swamp, as well as many restoration sites on the University of Washington campus and throughout the Seattle community. Located at the Center for Urban Horticulture, it has been a much-needed hub for student involvement in the applications of horticulture and restoration beyond coursework.

Bringing green games to the UW campus

Amount Awarded: 

Over the past year, a team consisting of a researcher and students within the College of the Environment conducted a feasibility study to evaluate the potential of using games to promote more sustainable actions on campus (i.e., “green games”). The feasibility study consisted of three parts: a review of existing games, hosting a game jam, and a survey of the UW community to assess receptiveness and preferences related to green gaming.

Go Team, Go Green!

Amount Awarded: 

The Go Team, Go Green project uses a friendly competitive spirit and school pride as motivating factors to engage in campus sustainability. A fundamental aspect of student life at UW –as well as at universities around the country and worldwide– is intercollegiate athletics. Major UW sports events such as men's football and women's basketball are extremely popular among students on campus, and also provide an important means for alumni and other community members to stay connected and involved with the UW flagship campus in Seattle.

Ethnoforestry: Bringing a new method of sustainable forestry to campus

Amount Awarded: 

In current forest management practices and education traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous people is not often addressed or acknowledged. Local tribes have thousands of years of collective knowledge about the inner workings of ecosystems, plant growth, and traditional foods and medicines. This important information should be utilized to make more informed decisions about forest management to enhance both ecosystem and community wellbeing and provide a holistic approach to sustainability.