Introducing the Commuter Calculator!
What does your commute look like? Calculate your commute with the CSF-funded COMMUTER CALCULATOR.
What does your commute look like? Calculate your commute with the CSF-funded COMMUTER CALCULATOR.
Reminder: LOIs are due in exactly ONE WEEK (December 2nd)! Click here to view proposal requirements and here if you need to contact us. We look forward to reading your submissions!
Welcome back and happy new year! We've got new due dates for the upcoming round of project proposals. Letters of Intent (LOIs) are due Friday, March 7th and Full Proposals are due Friday, April 18th. Please stay tuned for more CSF updates soon.
A HUGE thanks to Claudia Frere, Justin Hellier, Graham Golbuff, and Elizabeth Lindner for speaking at the Grant Writing Practicum speaker panel yesterday! Your knowledge and experise will be a great resource to guide students as they move through the project planning and grant writing processes.
Check out these new photos from the CSF-funded yard waste composting facility down by the IMA sports fields! The site was collecting leaves in October and began to collect coffee grounds in December. Yay decomposition! Photos by Martha Moritz.
We were recently mentioned in a new video made by UW DX Arts student Daniel Yu for the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office. Check it out!
The Winter 2014 quarterly newsletter by the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office is out. Highlights include an update from the CSF, Green Certifications, and the Green Seed Fund. View quarterly newsletter here.
Campus Architecture & Planning plans and manages space and capital resources for the University of Washington community in support of public service, education, health and research in collaboration with partners across the institution. Contact University Landscape Architect Kristine Kenney at if your project might alter the physical appearance of the campus in any way.