CSF is looking for an Associate Program Director

CSF Associate Program Director

The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) has an opening for an Associate Program Director. This is a graduate student position of 19.5 hours/week starting in September 2024. Applications are due by midnight, September 2, 2024.

The full details and job application are on Handshake: search job #9188871.

Apply here


Job description


The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) exercises a horizontal leadership structure that distributes decision-making and responsibilities among team members, promoting equality, transparency, and open communication. Our goal is to nurture an environment that invites everyone to contribute, fosters innovation, promotes growth, and enhances team cohesion. The former Associate Program Director will offer 1:1 training and mentorship to get the chosen candidate acclimated to their roles and responsibilities.

Duties and Responsibilities

The CSF Associate Program Director (APD) co-leads the Campus Sustainability Fund with the Program Director and undergraduate student staff. As the GSA role, the APD is essential in serving as a connector between the CSF and the UW Seattle student population. Deep involvement with the community helps inform the strategic direction of CSF programming, foster partnerships across campus, and curate services for justice-centered sustainability to meet the evolving needs of students.

In addition, the APD will ensure the organization develops and maintains trust and rapport with underrepresented groups on campus, actively includes their involvement in projects, CSF Committee formation, and strategic direction setting. The position will work to maintain close ties with student and academic diversity leaders within campus organizations, specifically the Ethnic Cultural Center, ASUW, GPSS, OMAD, the Alene Moris Women’s Center, the Q Center, the Intellectual House, and EarthLab. The APD will be responsible for maintaining strong relationships with the Service and Activity Fee Committee and Student Technology Fee Committee, raising visibility for the Campus Sustainability Fund with campus groups, and elevating student voices within UW leadership teams and committees.

The APD will co-lead the envisioning and activation of campus-wide & community engagement initiatives related to sustainability. These may include events, charrettes, campaigns, teach-ins, speaking engagements, sitting on key committees across campus, and participation in UW conferences (e.g., ECC Diversity Leadership Conference). The APD will build upon existing CSF strategies for reaching diverse communities on campus, bringing in students historically excluded from the sustainability movement, and connecting students with CSF resources and professional development opportunities.

The APD, in coordination with the CSF Committee Chair and Vice-Chair, will facilitate the organization’s governance body – the CSF Committee. The “Committee” is composed of eight students appointed from CSF’s partners across campus and ex-officio faculty experts to further strengthen insights and connections. The Committee oversees project proposals, determines funding allocations, engages in an annual participatory budgeting practice, shapes CSF strategic goals, and serves on sub-committees that align with core CSF programmatic outputs.

The APD is responsible for leading education on core sustainability competencies (e.g., environmental justice, co-governance, Just Transition, etc.) and shared learning experiences for CSF Committee members, enriching their understanding of CSF’s larger purpose in the climate justice movement.

The APD will assist in internal hiring processes for student positions with the Program Director. Additionally, the APD will work to ensure the CSF team is supported, respected, adequately resourced, and provided opportunities to grow intellectually, professionally, and personally through close mentorship. They also represent student sustainability initiatives on behalf of the University of Washington at regional (WOHESC) and national (AASHE) conferences among other appropriate forums.

The APD role is dynamic, offering development opportunities across multiple skill sets. Expectations in administrative tasks are balanced with relationship-building responsibilities to hold key partnerships across campus, and space to build new relationships and form initiatives that align with CSF goals. This position also brings a platform with many opportunities to speak as a leader of one of the biggest student-funded sustainability funds in North America, be a changemaker in environmental justice, and leader for elevating student voices in the climate movement (at UW and beyond). The CSF serves as an example of what is possible when we trust our youth to envision and actively build their own just and sustainable future.

Program Management and Operations [40%]

  • In collaboration with the Program Director (PD), serve as a primary point of contact for CSF. Delegate tasks, follow-ups, e-mails, and needed actions to appropriate CSF team members based on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Support and provide guidance to two part time student staff [Outreach & Education and Grant & Project Coordinators]. Work with staff to set priorities that adapt to internal needs and external opportunities.
  • Collaborate with the PD to provide guidance in developing work plans that amplify individual strengths and establish clear milestones to achieve team goals.
  • Co-lead creation and implementation of processes with PD to guide students to develop work scope, track progress, and provide mentorship as needed.
  • In coordination with Committee Chair and Vice-Chair, champion the CSF Committee: provide activities and professional development opportunities, support subcommittee progress, lead education on key topic areas, and nurture a co-learning environment.
  • Facilitate the CSF Committee Chair and Vice Chair elections each Spring and communicate anticipated appointment needs from Committee partners.
  • Collaboratively create timelines with student staff on key funding cycles / programmatic deliverables, utilizing tools like GANTT charts or implementation timelines.
  • Help to optimize application process efficiency to increase transparency and reduce barriers for project team members, utilizing tools like process maps.
  • Supervise internship/capstone credits and work with student and faculty advisors to ensure student requirements are met.
  • Periodically review CSF bylaws, project criteria, project application process and content, and other guiding documents. Work with the CSF Team, Committee, Chair, and Vice-Chair on needed updates.
  • Work in collaboration with the UW Sustainability Office (UWS) to advance shared goals and advocate for student perspectives in University-wide sustainability initiatives.
  • Help develop pathways for increased student influence and participation on sustainability on campus including feedback on the UW Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) revamp.
  • Attend weekly UWS departmental meetings and monthly UW Facilities meetings.
  • Manage the upkeep of website content based on education and partnerships.

Stakeholder Engagement and Education [40%]

  • Assist Outreach & Education Coordinator in managing logistics for quarterly events, producing zine volumes, upkeeping the resource guide, and leading the justice-centered education programming.
  • Meet with prospective project teams to advise on CSF and University procedures, proposal criteria, grant writing best practices, and creative ideation. Serve as a resource to connect applicants to relevant staff/faculty/RSOs/stakeholders to strengthen their proposal and campus impact.
  • Work with team members in the existing project portfolio for successful implementation, including the budget amendment process, navigating emerging challenges, leadership changes, and ensuring the ongoing sustainability of the project.
  • Assist in cementing CSF’s status as a hub for justice-centered sustainability on the UW Seattle campus, serving as a connector, key resource, and leader.
  • Maintain a strong campus presence – attend class visits, conferences, honorarium, panels, and events invited to. Serve as a key voice on campus, sharing space and opportunities with other core CSF staff and Committee members. Strengthen the position of the CSF at UW and in the broader community.
  • Maintain existing relationships with sustainability / environmental + climate justice groups throughout Seattle, carving career pathways for scholars at UW.
  • Maintain positive relationships with partner unit leads, establish new partnerships that would benefit the CSF’s mission, and foster collaboration for greater collective impact on the UW campus.
  • Engage in information exchange with key CSF partners on campus and initiate opportunities for collaboration (e.g., speaker series, events, grant cycle themes, etc.).
  • Reflect on the current partnership ecosystem and identify other entities across campus that further the CSF’s mission, vision, and existing initiatives.
  • Maintain relationships with the UW Tacoma and Bothell “green funds.”
  • Engage in conversations with leaders from other peer sustainability funds across the continent (e.g., University of Arizona, McGill, Berkeley, etc.) and local initiatives / non-profits (e.g., Front and Centered, Puget Sound Sage, Got Green, etc.) to identify areas for growth, shared learning, and betterment.

Fiscal [15%]

  • Guide the development of CSF’s annual funding request to the Student and Activity Fee Committee with the PD: includes preparation of a budget request document (15-20 pages), review of actuals and projected expenditures, engaging the CSF Committee in a participatory budgeting process to create the budget request, and attendance to two meetings with the SAF Committee (one to introduce the CSF and another to defend the request).
  • Work with the PD to upkeep the CSF’s partnership with the Student Technology Fee Chair and Committee, maintaining funding for large-scale projects.
  • Ensure strong relationships and accountability to funding bodies with regular meetings and presenting to / updating their Committees as requested.
  • Co-manage the financial components of the project portfolio with the PD, running audits, assisting with budget reallocations / amendments, following up on spending, conversations of continued funding, and initiating funding transfers.

Continued Learning and CSF Longevity [5%]

  • Stay up-to date with frameworks, emerging topic areas, and the sustainability landscape. Welcome self-study as a method for supporting service and leadership.
  • Seek out books, exhibits, documentaries, and alternate mediums that engage with conversations around sustainability in an exciting way – curate book selections, zines, etc. for the CSF Sustainability + Justice Library (in Gerberding Hall).
  • Explore opportunities to diversify CSF’s revenue streams and promote long-term financial security.

Core Competencies

  • Stay coachable, open to feedback, and embrace the mentality of life-long learning.
  • Approach work with the goal of co-creation, trust in your co-workers abilities, exercise humility, and demonstrate a desire for shared growth and accomplishment.
  • Demonstrate personal integrity, trustworthiness, and curiosity.
  • Manage stressful situations and change priorities effectively while prioritizing self-care.
  • Anticipate, recognize, and navigate problems with skill, welcoming help as beneficial.
  • Be responsible and accountable, practicing clear-communication and boundaries.
  • Use organizational and self-management skills, pay attention to details, dream big.
  • Maintain a positive and tenacious attitude that welcomes and honors challenges.
  • Continuously promote a safe, inclusive, and welcoming work environment. Celebrate multitudes in ways of knowing, lived experiences, traditions, identity, and existence.
  • Practice solidarity within your community, between communities, and across borders.
  • Be courageous in speaking up and assured that your voice is valued in how to make improvements to our policies, practices, and culture.
  • Understand that we as individuals each have a role to play in our communities. Nurture opportunities for leadership (in yourself, in others, in the movement). Embody the belief we all engage in meaningful work and that together, we can cultivate a sustainable future where we all live well.



  • Currently matriculated in a UW graduate program (or planned for Fall 2024).
  • Interest in cultivating sustainability both on UW’s campus and beyond.
  • Experience working with diverse stakeholder groups and ability to connect with those outside your held identities.
  • Understand the intentionality of building trust and desire to cultivate reciprocal relationships for increased collective impact.
  • Work experience in related positions or with related functions. Belief you have the tool-kit to succeed in this role.
  • Skilled in written and oral communication, presentation, and relationship building.


  • Skilled in program management, strategic planning, coalition building, implementation, budgeting and financial management, and organization improvement / optimization.
  • An understanding of environmental justice, concepts of inequity of disparities, or the disproportionate impacts of the climate crisis on frontline and BIPOC communities.
  • Practice of systems-level thinking – understanding how sustainability and policy unite many of our social justice, human rights, climate, and lived struggles.
  • Serve to increase accessibility to the sustainability movement, engaging with groups traditionally excluded and facilitate reclamation of narrative.
  • Familiarity with frameworks like Just Transition, Targeted Universalism, the Seventh Generation Principle, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and others (please share!).
  • Interest in justice-centered work and to contribute to community building.
  • Eagerness to learn. The CSF heavily values the desire to grow and learn skills (not currently possessed) detailed above.

Your resume or CV will help us gauge your past experiences and understand your story. We do not discriminate against non-traditional academic or professional work experiences as we recognize the level of privilege needed to secure many traditional opportunities in a meritocracy. You are welcome to also attach supporting documents in addition to the CV to help better convey your lived experiences and qualifications for this role.

Ideal Start Date: September 16th, 2024 - September 23, 2024
Hours/Times: 19.5 hours/week, workdays & times flexible
Location: Hybrid, must be able to commute to UW-Seattle Campus for required in-person meetings. CSF workspace is in the UW Sustainability office at Gerberding Hall.
Duration: Fall 2024 - June 2025. If student status and eligibility are maintained, continuation /
renewal will be based on review of position performance.
Compensation*: GSA Package. Includes:
- Tuition Waiver for all quarters
- Health Insurance (Lifewise Assurance Plan)
- Quarterly Stipend: estimated for AY24 at approximately $2400/mo before taxes
- Ability to join UAW 4121. Membership to the ASE Union includes five-weeks of paid vacation each year among other benefits. CSF strongly encourages membership.

*To receive compensation/stipend, you must have tuition to pay, which requires maintaining “full-time student” status in all academic quarters, including summer. CSF encourages you to explore non-traditional or exploratory coursework during the summer months.

Recap: Diversity Leadership Conference


Recently, the CSF and UW Sustainability got the chance to host a session at the Ethnic Cultural Center’s Diversity Leadership Conference titled “Community-based Sustainability: Applying a Just Transition to UW”. Read more below for a recap of our session! 

We explored two questions within our session: How can we center the Just Transition framework and values of equity within our work? What does it look like to build collective action and solidarity within our communities? We explored the impact of traditional environmental narratives which we defined as being: 1) limited in their understanding of climate change impacts and causes and 2) centered around ecosystem health and conservation.

These traditional environmental narratives impact the greater environmental movement where there is a lack of emphasis on the uneven impacts of climate change on low-income BIPOC communities. They fail to acknowledge that people are part of ecosystems as people are not separate from nature. Similarly, this has led to a historically white dominated sustainability movement. How can we integrate diverse worldviews into current narratives? Challenging traditional environmental narratives is important because our identities inform our worldviews. These worldviews are shaped by our experiences. As we work to build a just future for all, we must build a movement that incorporates and respects all experiences.

We were lucky to be joined by an intimate group where we were able to engage in collective visioning and explore our definitions of what sustainability means to different cultures. Thank you to the Ethnic Cultural Center for hosting us at the Diversity Leadership Conference!

CSF Zine "Learning from those around us"


The Campus Sustainability Fund's first zine, “Learning from those around us” is now available for online viewing.

Zines, pronounced “zeen”, (short for magazine) are self-published collections of work that have historically been created outside of mainstream publication. These zines serve as safe spaces of artistic expression, community building, and elevating voices. “Learning from those around us” is a collection of words, photos, art and stories from the UW community. Within these pages, we explore themes of community, reciprocity, and knowledge-sharing in the ways as we share more about the work we do, projects funded this year, and relationships within our surrounding communities. Thank you to all the individuals and groups who have shared pieces of them, their work and stories, with us. We hold these closely to us. As we continue to envision a just and sustainable future together, we hope to continue learning from those around us.

The CSF zine can be found here

Resilience Seed Grants Now Open


We are excited to share that the Resilience and Compassion Seed Grants will be open from March 11 through April 30. These grants are in partnership between the CSF and the UW Resilience Lab and for the early stages of projects that cultivate resilience, compassion, and sustainability. Past funded project have included: workshops, retreats, community activities, social justice and anti-racist training, building connections between the Seattle community and UW, and applied research.

The seed grants are for projects between $500 and $5,000 across the three UW campuses, open to staff, faculty, and students. Application link can be found here. We look forward to reading your ideas! Share with your community.

Recap: Climate Justice & Collective Action Teach-in


This month, we hosted our first teach-in and mixer on Climate Justice and Collective Action in collaboration with student groups on campus and community organizations in Seattle. We heard from student speakers and environmental activists from ICA, EPSA, UW Solar, UW Sustainability with the presentation focused on applying a Just Transition to the decarbonization plan at UW and local efforts in Washington.

EPSA explained the connections between decarbonization, human health impacts, and the economic disparities. ICA shared about their goal of reaching 95% reduction of direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. UW Solar shared about its history and current projects being responsible for 90% of the university’s solar infrastructure. CSF and UW Sustainability explained the importance of a Just Transition within decarbonization.

Thank you to all those in attendance and to all of our wonderful collaborators!

For those unable to make it, the event recording is below. You can also explore our resource guide, as well as an article written up by the UW Daily.

collage of photos from the event

Diversity Leadership Conference 2024


Each year, the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC) hosts the Diversity Leadership Conference to encourage students in their leadership skills and cultural awareness, engage in dialogue surrounding activism and social justice, and network with others from similar backgrounds and experiences. This year, the ECC will be hosting its 10th annual Diversity Leadership Conference with the theme, "Bridging Perspectives: Leading with Community". This event is a free, half-day conference open to all UW students. 

BB Denton, from UW Sustainability, and Kort Maeda, from CSF, will be hosting a workshop this year titled "Community-Based Sustainability: Applying a Just Transition to UW". This workshop will explore the history and importance of the Just Transition Framework, as defined by the Climate Justice Alliance, within our communities on the UW Seattle campus through students working at UW Sustainability and Campus Sustainability Fund. It will explore the linkages between social sustainability and the environmental movement, as well as the role of community within both the history of the Just Transition Framework and the future it envisions. 

The conference takes place on February 23 from 1 to 5:30pm at the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center. The conference is free and open to all students. Register to attend.

Climate Justice & Collective Action Teach-in


The Student Task Force, a collaborative effort headed by the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF), and Institutional Climate Action (ICA), and UW Sustainability, is hosting a Climate Justice & Collective Action Teach-in and Mixer.

Join us on February 8th from 4-6PM in HUB 145 for an evening examining climate justice and the power of collective action. Through a guided presentation and discussion, we will be exploring the local context of climate related policy and advocacy efforts on the UW campus. Specifically, the many student efforts to push for decarbonization and our role in implementing it. Following the formal teach in, we will have some time for mingling with various student groups and individuals doing work in this field - with free food provided. Join us in-person at HUB 145 or via zoom for a presentation and discussion examining climate justice and the power of collective action.

This event is brought to you by the Student Energy Task Force, a collaborative effort headed by the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF), and Institutional Climate Action (ICA), and UW Sustainability - with additional support from the Environmental Policy Student Association (EPSA), UW Solar, and UAW4121. RSVP for in-person by Monday, February 5.

If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, please reach out to BB Denton (they/them) at sustainablecomm@uw.edu.

CSF Project Hiring: Urban Square Gardener


The UW Tower Green Square Project, created in 2015, is a CSF-funded project demonstrating the possibilities and benefits of urban farming. The Green Square Project is recruiting for 1-2 grant-funded student workers to maintain the garden project from April to October. Ideal candidates are hard-working, friendly, and initiative-takers who have a strong interest in gardening and urban food production.

Position Responsibilities: 

  • Maintain Green Square urban garden space, including seeding, watering, mulching, pest management, harvesting, and food donations
  • Plan events and recruit for garden work parties and learning activities
  • Seek and obtain additional future CSF funding for student workers in 2025 
  • Collaborate with CELE and UW Farm students to create and lead community garden learning activities
  • Represent the UW, CSF, and UW Tower in a professional manner
  • Fulfill other tasks and duties as needed 

The student worker position is scheduled for April 15, 2024 through October 3, 2024 (28 weeks) with 4-6 hours on site with a flexible schedule ($19.97/hour). 

All UW Seattle students, undergraduate and graduate, with a minimum GPA of a 3.0 are eligible to apply for the position. The application opens on January 15, 2024 and closes on March 16, 2024. Apply via UW Handshake (Job #8548117).

CSF Grants Open


The application for CSF mini and large grants are now open until January 3, 2024.

Each year, the CSF funds student-initiated projects focused on intersectional environmentalism that work to increase campus-wide social equity, community resilience, and climate action. These projects improve the sustainability of UW's campus, encompassing both social and environmental sustainability, through promoting cultural preservation, representation/engagement of underrepresented communities, and interdisciplinary collaboration, alongside the reduction of resource usage and improvement of living systems.

For this cycle, the CSF has mini-grants and large grants open to UW-Seattle students. Mini-grants are for projects under $5,000 and large grants are for those more than $5,000. Mini-grants are typically used to kickstart projects or for one-time events. Large grants are typically used for projects that require more stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and development. For large grants, students are required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). All projects will be reviewed by the CSF Committee, a group of undergraduate and graduate students across disciplines. 

The Letter of Intents (LOIs) for large grants are due on January 3, 2023 at 11:59pm. The full application process and portal can be found under the "How to Apply" page.

Email our Associate Director, Tatiana Brown (csfcoord@uw.edu) and our Grant and Projects Coordinator, Boe Zhou (csfproj@uw.edu) with questions.

Seeking Applicants: CSF Program Director


The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is seeking applicants for a new Program Director.

The CSF is a student-run and student-fee derived grant fund available to the UW Seattle community to implement intersectional sustainability projects on campus. Our work aims to increase social equity, community resilience, and climate action. Equity, diversity and inclusion are the guiding principles to the sustainability work at CSF. Read more about our mission and values here. We are looking for a student eager to commit substantial time and energy to empowering the UW community to develop and implement student projects. 

Since 2009, the CSF has been exclusively student run, originating as a student-led movement to increase student participation in the UW campus climate future. The opening of this existing Professional Staff role to include non-student applicants is done in confidence that the new Program Director commits to co-leadership, student advancement, and their own intellectual growth. The CSF Program Director will co-lead the CSF in direct collaboration with the Graduate Student Associate Director and team of student staff. 

This position will serve as the lead for program operations, budgetary oversight, strategic planning, hiring, and personnel management for the CSF. The CSF is an independent unit that is administratively housed within the UW Sustainability office. While this position will report to the UW Sustainability Director, this position has delegated decision-making authority to establish policies, methods, procedures, and work rules for the program. This position is responsible for planning, directing, and controlling the activities of the CSF as well as various sub-programs (grant-making, intersectional sustainability initiative, CSF Committee, student mentorship, educational activities, events/outreach, etc.). 

The UW Campus Sustainability Fund Program Director leads the strategic direction of a student-funded grantmaking organization entering its 14th year of operations that guides project teams to the development, implementation, and management of innovative, sustainability-focused projects and equity-centered programmatic initiatives on UW’s campus. The position ensures organizational excellence in supporting an inclusive team of student employees and managing high-level operations of the fund including oversight of internal and external budgets, consulting and advising on complex project planning and implementation challenges, and leading the creation of programmatic initiatives. This position entails a high-level of complexity that spans all strata of the University and has wide ranging, long-term impacts on the campus’ built and social environment.


Schedule: 35 hours a week with full benefits 

Salary: $78,000 per year

Tuition Exemption: Graduate students may explore the state tuition exemption program (limited at 6 credits/quarter)

Continued Learning: Non-students may take 6 credits/quarter at no cost


Apply by January 7, 2024 at 11:59pm. Learn more about the CSF Program Director position below. The job application and more can be found on two platforms below: 

For questions, reach out to our Associate Director, Tatiana Brown (csfcoord@uw.edu). To request disability accommodation in the application process, please let us know how we may assist and/or contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or dso@uw.edu.

About the position

Primary Duties and Responsibilities: 
Management, Planning and Programming [50%] 
• Directly oversee & work collaboratively with 1-2 graduate students (Associate Program Director, Intersectional Sustainability Initiative [ISI] and Associate Program Director, Grantmaking) and a team of 2-3 undergraduate students (Outreach and Education Coordinator, Grant and Project Coordinator, Graphic Designer). 
• As the CSF’s ‘Professional Staff,’ provide institutional knowledge, foster long-term relationships with campus partners, and ensure continuity and evolution of CSF. 
• Provides leadership and organizational strategy in collaboration with key administrative and academic leaders across the University. 
• Guide the implementation of the CSF’s 5-year strategic plan (2020-2025). Update annually with input from CSF Committee / stakeholders and create visibility of plan on CSF’s website and other orientation materials. 
• Work closely with the Associate Program Director, ISI to launch a student collective (under our Intersectional Sustainability Initiative) to create diversified student engagement pathways. 
• Ensure strong relationships and accountability to funding bodies with regular meetings and presenting to / updating their Committees on a quarterly basis. 
• Convene CSF Executive Advisory Network — incorporate feedback into strategic plan and relay key takeaways to CSF Committee & staff. 
• Oversee CSF external communications — ensure content and design language is professional, inclusive, and engaging. 
• Ensure CSF governance stays active, informed, drives strategy and creates accountability. 
• Creation of streamlined metric analysis for reporting & impact monitoring. 
• Direct the regular upkeep and necessary modifications to a central CSF metrics database using excel / tableau. 
• Maintain strong relationships with UW diversity leaders and external organizations that work to support diverse and underrepresented groups on campus. 

Fiscal Oversight and HR [25%] 
• Provide financial management and oversight for all funds including overhead & projects [~$600,000 annual budget + reserves]. 
• Create fiscal projections for presentation to the CSF Core Team/Committee and use in development of CSF’s reporting documents and yearly requests for funding to the UW Services and Activities Fee (primary funding source) & Student Technology Fee. 
• Advise on and review annual SAF Orientation & Budget Document [~25 pages total] for yearly funding request [>$400,000 yearly]. 
• Liaise with departmental fiscal administrators to ensure additional oversight, reconciliation, and prudence in CSF’s accounting and fiscal processes. 
• In coordination with the CSF Committee, create fiscal strategy to ensure CSF operations remain resilient, well-resourced, and as effective as possible. 
• Create financial transparency by managing and updating CSF’s Tableau Visual Dashboard. 
• Advise on CSF fiscal policy and procedures — act as primarily liaison with the Office of Planning and Budgeting and UW Facilities fiscal staff. 
• Set HR policies and assist in HR-related tasks and organizational needs — serve as primary liaison with department HR staff and point person for internal conflict resolution. 
• Create an inclusive and respectful work environment for all employees, committee members, and volunteers. 
• Ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion are upheld in all aspects of the organization including bylaws, hiring, outreach, partnerships, etc. 

New and Existing Grants/Project Management/Oversight [20%] 
• Oversee CSF’s existing grant portfolio and work to ensure success of existing projects and programs 
• Steward long-term, large grants projects and those in the internal recurring funding schedule (applicable to several close CSF partners). Delegate related tasks as suitable to the CSF team. 
• Advise and assist in the development and enactment of MOU’s and multi-stakeholder agreements for CSF’s most complex and highest investment projects. 
• Work closely with CSF Associate Director of Grantmaking (to be hired) to establish timelines for annual grant programs, and work with the CSF team to ensure promotion and engagement. 
• Work closely with CSF Grant and Project Coordinator to ensure applicant teams are well supported in their proposal development, submittal, review, and implementation. 
• Update grant application process to enhance stakeholder engagement in proposal and implementation, increase transparency with stakeholders, and assist in CSF Committee application review process. 

Research & Education [5%] 
• Research and implement global best practices across a range of organizational procedures and structures. 
• Incorporate wide-ranging theoretical knowledge on sustainability (intersectional, economic, social, cultural) and sustainability management into CSF operations and programming to ensure CSF is a global leader in campus sustainability fund programming. 
• Maintain a strong commitment to learning about the latest trends in higher education sustainability, innovative technologies, and opportunities on UW’s campus.  
• Create opportunities for sharing and learning amongst CSF staff, UW students, CSF funders (SAF & STF), and the broader community through newsletter columns, workshops, classes, presentations, or informal conversations. 
• Attend conferences, workshops, and events related to sustainability. 

Core Competencies 
• Foster an inclusive and empowering work environment. 
• Manage stressful situations and change priorities effectively. 
• Anticipate, recognize, and resolve problems. 
• Demonstrate personal integrity and trustworthiness. 
• Be responsible and accountable. 
• Use organizational skills and pay attention to details. 
• Maintain a positive, optimistic, and success-oriented attitude. 
• Exercise professionalism, which includes being tactful and courteous. 
• Exhibit a professional work ethic. 
• Continuously exercise transparent communication. 
• Display commitment to mentorship and compassionate leadership.  

Requirements include: 
• BA in any field. 
• Four to five years of relevant experience, including any combination of the following: 
-Managing a team of people 
-Program Management 
-Creating or managing budgets and general financial management 
-Familiarity with grantmaking and/or administering grants 
-Managing relationships and forming partnerships with EDI-focused entities 
-Leading Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and/or social justice-related work 

Equivalent education/experience will substitute for all minimum qualifications except when there are legal requirements, such as a license/certification/registration. 

• Familiarity with managing technical infrastructure and environmental projects / systems. 
• Experience with Process Improvement / Change Management. 

Conditions of Employment: 
• Must be able to work in a non-smoking environment. 
• In-person activities are performed in an office environment with the majority of time spent sitting and using a computer. 
• There is potential lifting, bending and transporting of equipment of up to 30 pounds, sometimes between campus buildings. 
• Regular and predictable attendance is required. This applies to time in the office, presence at university / partner events, and team meetings.  
• Work is hybrid. Expected to be in person when student staff will be in person (schedule can vary academic quarter to quarter, but will be set together as a team before the term starts). 

Open Call for CSF Zine


We are working to create our first-ever zine, "Learning from those around us", an independent publication exploring themes of community, reciprocity, and storytelling. Through this zine, we hope to celebrate a year in intersectional sustainability work, celebrate the ongoing work of CSF funded project teams, and amplify the words and work of our community members. "Learning from those around us" will be published as both a digital and printed version as we explore the ways in which creativity is embedded within sustainability work.

The stories we share with one another and the art we create are extensions of ourselves, our communities, and collective lived experiences. As our community, we invite you to share your creativity, thoughts, and stories with us.

Open to the UW community: Submit either visual or written work exploring your response to any of the following questions.

  • What does sustainability mean to you?
  • How do you define your connection to nature?
  • What does an environmentalist look like?

Written prompt: write a short letter, story, poem, or quote that explores these themes.

Visual prompt: send us artwork that speaks to a story you'd like to share with us.

Submit via this google form by August 27, 2023 at 11:59pm for your work to be considered. We will be reaching out during the week of August 28 with the next steps if your work is selected. Work that has been previously made and/or previously submitted is welcome.

Email our Outreach & Education Coordinator with any questions at uwcsf@uw.edu.

Deadline EXTENDED May 2 | Hiring: CSF Project Development Specialist


The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is now hiring for an undergraduate position, the Project Development Specialist, with work of 15-19.5 hours/week during the academic year + summer, and $23 per hour compensation. 

The CSF is a student-run and student-fee derived grant fund available to the UW Seattle community to implement intersectional sustainability projects on campus. Our work aims to increase social equity, community resilience, and climate action. Equity, diversity and inclusion are the guiding principles to the sustainability work at CSF. Read more about our mission and values here. We are looking for a student eager to commit substantial time and energy to empowering the UW community to develop and implement student projects. 

This job is well suited for individuals who are well-organized, interested in working with student-led project teams, enjoy program management + assessing project impact, and want to further intersectional sustainability at the UW. We emphasize our interest in students who are passionate about sustainability and willing to learn, so will not discount anyone for lack of prior experience (which we know is typically gained through privilege). We also strongly encourage students who may be engaging in a "non-traditional" aspect of sustainability work (e.g., building cultural resiliency, justice work, EDI, etc.) to apply.

As the Project Development Specialist, you will support student projects through the application and implementation phases. You will be the main point of contact in our grant-making process with the unique opportunity to get involved with sustainability initiatives across campus and gain in-depth experience in project management. 


Apply by May 2 at 11:59 pm. Learn more about the Project Development Specialist position below. Visit the links for the application portal via Handshake (UW NetID required for login). Enter Job #7769276. 

For questions, reach out to our current Project Development Specialist, Gulsima Young (csfproj@uw.edu) or our CSF Coordinator, Tatiana Brown (csfcoord@uw.edu). To request disability accommodation in the application process, please let us know how we may assist and/or contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or dso@uw.edu.


About the Position

The CSF is a student-led and student-funded grant organization at the UW–Seattle campus. We are looking for a student eager to commit substantial time and energy to empowering the UW community to develop and implement student projects. 

The CSF has four administrative employees: a Program Manager, Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, and Project Development Specialist. The Project Development Specialist is the designated part-time position focused primarily on supporting CSF funded projects through the project life cycle -- they are the expert and point of contact in our grantmaking process. Working as the CSF Project Development Specialist provides the unique opportunity to be simultaneously involved with many sustainability initiatives on the UW campus and gain in-depth experience in project management.

The CSF, located within the UW Sustainability office, is a student-fee derived grant fund available to the UW Seattle community to implement intersectional sustainability projects on campus. This student hourly position is up to 19.5 hours/week during the academic year and summer.

The CSF Project Development Specialist will be a team player as well as a self-starter, with excellent collaboration skills and ability to communicate effectively with students, faculty and staff. Other important characteristics for the Project Development Specialist position include strong project management skills; attention to detail; ability to prioritize; flexibility and resilience; creative problem solving skills; ability to gain consensus; ability to enact the CSF’s equity and justice goals; and proficiency and comfort presenting to both small and large groups of people.



  • Full- or part-time student status at the UW–Seattle campus during the academic year.
  • Work experience in related positions or with related functions.
  • Prior administrative experience.
  • Interest in and knowledge of sustainability, equity, diversity, and inclusion issues both on and off campus.
  • Team player, flexible and open to new ideas and continual improvement or change.
  • Excellent written and oral communication, presentation, analysis, project management.
  • Excellent skills with Microsoft Office (Excel, Outlook PowerPoint, Word).
  • Ability to help build consensus and buy-in for projects.


  • Has a vision for expanding intersectional sustainability efforts on campus.
  • Previous project management experience.
  • Experience with information/data visualization (e.g., Tableau).
  • Data management or analysis experience.
  • Grant writing or experience with the grantmaking cycle.
  • Knowledge and experience with operational planning.
  • Experience/familiarity with basic web editing features or HTML.


Project Management

  • Serve as one of the primary points of contact for all active CSF-funded project teams.
  • Actively track CSF project progress, help teams troubleshoot challenges, and provide project management support and mentorship.
  • Create resources for teams to follow legible steps for successful project application development (after grant writing), implementation, management, and meeting of grant criteria (i.e. resource books, web pages, etc.)
  • Prioritize CSF project needs and actively communicate with & advise teams based on indicators from quarterly reports.
  • Work with the CSF Program Manager to bridge communications between campus stakeholders and student project teams.
  • Work to connect project teams with CSF support networks (including faculty, admin, external firms, etc).
  • Create, adapt, and actively update project management tools.
  • Manage the current project portfolio.


  • Collect quarterly project reports from active CSF projects.
  • Help projects obtain required approvals, connect to resources, and improve viability of successful implementation.
  • Notify projects at various points throughout the application and schedule required meetings.
  • Organize project related submissions and forms in CSF databases.
  • Forward CSF project information to the Committee by required deadlines.
  • Assist in the production of yearly reports to our funding bodies (SAF, STF).
  • Assist the CSF Program Manager with various administrative tasks, including data entry, process tracking, and Google Drive organization.
  • Collect and organize project data and record metrics to be used for external communications and reporting.
  • Respond to emails within 48 hours in a professional, thoughtful, and comprehensive manner.


  • Attend weekly CSF Committee Meetings and inform members on project updates, provide context for proposals, and help lead discussion.
  • Assist in the solicitation and vetting of project proposals from UW students, faculty and staff.
  • Monitor applicant submissions and communicate status to project leads.
  • Carry through on strategic initiatives autonomously and as assigned by the CSF Program Manager.
  • Assist the CSF Program Manager and CSF Outreach Coordinator in developing comprehensive outreach strategies that prioritizes inclusivity and help to broaden CSF’s engagement on campus.
  • Assist in developing/revising project applications and process.

Team building

  • Ability to take direction/instruction from other staff/colleagues.
  • Proactive communication.
  • Be an active, engaging, and available member of the CSF Team.
  • Flexibility and willingness to adapt/prioritize based on team needs.
  • Support and mentor members of the CSF staff and committee.
  • Participate in weekly collaborative meetings with other staff members.

Leadership Opportunities

  • Serve on a small team where there is large capacity for you to learn and grow
  • Gain public speaking and presentation skills through leading conversations on project proposals with the CSF Committee
  • Ability to engage with the Sustainability Action Plan Executive Committee, which aims to implement the SAP at the three UW campuses
  • Ability to engage with the Environmental Stewardship Committee, which provides recommendations for environmental policies at the UW
  • Ability to serve on the Student Energy Task Force, which represents student voices and priorities in the UW’s Decarbonization Plan with the Executive Director of Campus Energy, Utilities, and Operations
  • Ability to present at regional conferences
  • Ability to grow your personal network with colleagues invested in building sustainable futures
  • Propose own initiatives to support justice-centered sustainability


Seed Grant Applications Now Open



The Resilience and Compassion Seed Grants were created in partnership with the UW Resilience Lab and the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF). Seed grants provide up to $5,000 in funding to the beginning stages of projects that aim to have a positive impact on the sustainability, compassion, and resiliency of the UW and greater Seattle communities. These grants can be awarded to UW students, staff, and instructors across the three UW campuses.  

Together, the Resilience Lab and Campus Sustainability Fund aim to foster connectedness, cultivate compassion towards each other and ourselves, embrace diversity, highlight personal connections to sustainability, spark dialogue about environmental justice, and provide opportunities for applied-learning among the UW community. Projects that support these shared goals are encouraged to apply. Past projects have ranged from workshops and retreats to activities and funding for applied research. 

More information on past projects and the application can be found on the UW Resilience Lab website or at https://tinyurl.com/uwseedgrant23. The applications for the 2023-2024 seed grant cycle opened on March 27. 2023 and will close on April 30, 2023. 

Upcoming event: Student Task Force Meeting



Save the date! The CSF will be hosting a student task force watch party on Monday, November 28th from 4-5 pm. Join us in the CSF office located in Gerberding Hall room B-40 to meet fellow students interested in decarbonization efforts on campus.

The UW Energy Transformation project is the beginning of the campus-wide decarbonization plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and modernize existing infrastructure. The Student Task Force enables students to make their voices heard through learning about and actively engaging with decarbonization efforts alongside faculty and staff. This meeting will be held by UW Facilities, UW Sustainability, and the Campus Sustainability Fund. All UW students, both undergraduate and graduate, are invited to join us in person to learn more, meet one another, and open the space for discussion.


Virtual option via zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95552484548?pwd=Vnc5a0pyQnRBNWRzanFZZjkvMU5...

In-person option: Gerberding Hall room B-40 (Located on the basement level, entrances located off of Red Square and Johnson Hall) 

CSF Resource Guide Now Live


The Campus Sustainability Fund Resource Guide is now live!

Over the past few months, we have been collaborating to compile CSF staff recommendations of various books, podcasts, documentaries, UW Seattle courses, articles, and people to learn from within intersectional environmentalism. The guide outlines various frameworks, principles, movements, and sources of knowledge that continue to inform our understanding of justice-centered sustainability. Examples of topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to community resilience, cultural sustainability, elevating BIPOC voices, environmental justice, Indigenous rights, and labor rights.

The CSF Resource Guide is meant to serve as an introduction to intersectional sustainability and is a living document that will continuously be updated and added as we learn more from those around us. Our hope is for this guide to become a community-driven base of knowledge that can serve as the first step for those interested in learning beyond mainstream environmentalism and understanding sustainability from a justice-centered approach.

Click here to view the CSF Resource Guide.

Read the guide

CSF Commitee 2022-2023 Application Now Open



The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is seeking one student to serve as the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) representative for the academic year. The CSF Sustainability x Justice Committee consists of seven students from across program levels and disciplines who serve as the student oversight to our strategic visioning, grant-making, and project management. At the CSF, our work aims to increase campus-wide social equity, community resilience, and climate action. 

This position is open to all UW Seattle students (undergraduate, graduate, professional) across disciplines. It is a paid student position for the 2022-2023 academic year with the possibility of up to a 2-year term on the committee. The pay rates are as follows: 

Member: 20 hours per quarter, 3 academic quarters | $440 per quarter, $1320 per year 

Chair: 50 hours per quarter, 4 academic quarters | $1500 per quarter, $6000 per year


The application will be open until October 31, 2022, at 11:59 pm and can be found here

Spring Humble Feast, CSF Project Spotlight

A scrapbook style photo collage on a red-orange background with Spring Humble Feast speaker names including: ASUW (SFC) Student Food Co-op, UW Solar Resiliency Tunnel, and ASUW (OISA) Office of International Student Advocacy. Doodles scattered throughout highlighting the Goi Cuõn, Vietnamese spring rolls, a recipe prepared by the ASUW OISA.

The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) will begin regularly featuring project leads and current students who are working to create an environmentally and socially engaged culture at the University of Washington. Each year, the CSF funds student-initiated and student-led projects that aim to increase campus-wide social equity, community resilience, and climate action. Today's project spotlight is on the ASUW Student Food Cooperative (SFC)'s Spring Humble Feast.

This past spring quarter, the Student Food Co-op in partnership with the CSF hosted its first Humble Feast since the beginning of the pandemic. The Humble Feast is an annual event that is hosted by students for members of the UW community. The community event featured food, field games, and art projects on the HUB lawn. The recipe, Gỏi Cuốn (Vietnamese spring rolls), was taught by students from the ASUW Asian Student Commission. Volunteers from the ASUW Student Food Co-op and the ASUW Office of International Student Advocacy (OISA) participated in prior recipe testing, food preparations, and cooking on the day of the event. Humble Feast attendees had the opportunity to share a vegan meal with one another and participate in conversations surrounding decolonizing food justice and collaborative food communities on our campus.

We heard from student speakers involved with the ASUW Office of International Student Advocacy about their new dining program, Recipes From Home. This program, in collaboration with ASUW Student Food Co-op and UW Housing and Food Services (HFS) will be implemented starting in Autumn 2022. Recipes From Home aims to celebrate and engage with the diverse student body at UW by bringing a sense of comfort through the dining hall food experience. Students can submit recipes of their favorite foods from home to the community cookbook, which may be served as part of the UW dining menu throughout the year. With almost 10,000 UW students living in on-campus residence halls and apartments each year, Recipes From Home was created with the intention of building greater cultural representation and diversity on campus.

Check out what these student groups are doing on campus:

  • ASUW Student Food Co-operative: @asuwsfc
  • ASUW Office of International Student Advocacy: @asuw_oisa

Deadline EXTENDED: Join Our Team! Apply for One of Two CSF Position Openings by April 1


The Campus Sustainability Fund has two undergraduate student positions open: Outreach Coordinator and Project Development Specialist with work of 15-19.5 hours/week during the academic year + summer, and $20 per hour compensation.

Now is your chance to become closely involved with both the daily operations and overall strategy of the Campus Sustainability Fund. We are looking for students eager to commit substantial time and energy to empowering the UW community to engage with sustainability.

Applications are due April 1. Learn more about the Outreach Coordinator position here and Project Development Specialist position here. Visit respective links above for application portal. 

For questions, reach out to our Coordinator, Tatiana Brown (csfcoord@uw.edu) or our Program Manager, Kyle Mcdermott (csfprogram@uw.edu). To request disability accommodation in the application process, please let us know how we may assist and/or contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or dso@uw.edu.


About University of Washington Sustainability Office:

The CSF, located within the UW Sustainability office, is a student-fee derived grant fund available to the UW Seattle community to implement sustainability projects on campus. UW Sustainability advances the University of Washington's commitment to sustainability. Acknowledging UW’s legacy for the future, UWS leads the development and execution of innovative and inclusive solutions that are socially responsible, economically viable, and affect positive environmental impact. We work with students, faculty and staff across the UW to coordinate, resource and implement sustainability programs and efforts.

Deadline EXTENDED: Hiring Outreach Coordinator Position. Apply by April 1!



Position title: Outreach Coordinator, undergraduate position. 

This position will report to the CSF Coordinator.

Start Date: Early-mid April 

Compensation: $20 per hour

Hours/Times: 15-19.5 hours/week (dependent on student capacity) during the academic year + summer. 

The CSF accommodates flexible work schedules and advocates for students to take personal time / vacation (particularly during academic breaks). 

Priority Deadline to Apply: March 15, 2022 or until the position is filled. 

Position Duration: Academic year 2022-2023. Possible extension at discretion of Supervisor (discussed based on performance in spring quarter). 

CSF Mission and Diversity Statement

The CSF’s mission is to foster an environmentally and socially engaged university culture and create a sustainable campus by funding multidisciplinary, student initiated and led projects. Guided by student oversight through each phase of the grantmaking and project management process, our work aims to increase campus-wide social equity, community resilience, and climate action. Equity, inclusion and diversity are guiding principles to sustainability at the University. We value and honor diverse experiences and perspectives, while striving to create welcoming and respectful learning environments that promote access and opportunity for all. 

Our 4 Core Values: Sustainability & Environmental Justice, Anti-racism and intersectionality, Resilience & Wellbeing, Student Leadership & Empowerment

Position Description

Now is your chance to become closely involved with both the daily operations and overall strategy of the Campus Sustainability Fund. We are looking for a student eager to commit substantial time and energy to empowering the UW community to engage with sustainability. The CSF has five administrative employees: a Coordinator, Program Manager, student Outreach Coordinator, student Graphic Designer, and student Project Development Specialist. The Outreach Coordinator is the designated part-time position focused primarily on the CSF's external relations. Working as the CSF Outreach Coordinator provides the unique opportunity to be simultaneously involved with many sustainability initiatives on the UW campus.


  • Promote and market key CSF deadlines, events and initiatives including funding cycle deadlines, request for proposals, and opportunities for project funding.
  • Lead efforts to raise the profile of the CSF within the UW Seattle campus community.
  • Organize and carry out events geared to a diverse audience, and incentivize participation.
  • Carry out in-person presentations to RSOs, departments, and entities.
  • Attend and network at RSO, departmental, and University events.
  • Actively seek and engage in opportunities to introduce, represent, and forge collaborations across UW’s campus, and beyond traditional environmental spheres.
  • In addition to standard communication techniques, develop and implement creative methods that are inclusive, engaging, and leverage existing University initiatives.
  • Create an outreach strategy that builds on existing CSF resources and accesses various communication streams at UW.
  • Maintain a strong social media presence that showcases CSF’s diverse and inclusive presence on campus.
  • Work with Graphic Designer to develop visual communication material (posters, photos, video, logos, etc.).
  • Manage a team of student volunteer ambassadors and track the performance.
  • Conduct outreach plan meetings with CSF grant recipients, and consult on outreach processes with existing CSF project leads.
  • Track outreach metrics to evaluate inclusivity and reach across the student body and academic departments.
  • Create and update contact lists for all marketing and communications.
  • Update web content and assist with web development.


  • Strong commitment and passion for diversity, inclusivity, and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Work independently and have an entrepreneurial spirit to initiate projects.
  • Work well in a team environment.
  • Excellent communication and networking skills.
  • Comfortable speaking and presenting to large audiences.
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage competing deadlines and prioritize time accordingly.

Desired qualifications

  • Experience or expertise with many of the following programs or platforms: Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, HTML, Drupal or similar website content management systems, Facebook, Twitter.

  • An advanced understanding of the campus culture and fabric is a plus.

  • Previous experience working in an office environment or in an outreach position is a plus.

  • Photography experience is a plus.

To apply, please submit a resume, cover letter with a diversity statement, and 1-3 references (can attach at the end of resume or upload as a separate document) via Handshake (Job #6109082) by Tuesday, March 15th. Find by searching Job ID (6109082). Alternatively, you may send a cover letter, refrences and resume directly to csfcoord@uw.edu.

Apply here

About us

The CSF, located within the UW Sustainability office, is a student-fee derived grant fund available to the UW Seattle community to implement sustainability projects on campus. The Outreach Coordinator will play a lead role in strategizing to engage diverse campus communities and helping to solicit new projects, raising the profile of the CSF. This position is responsible for nearly all aspects of CSF’s outward-facing communication, including promoting key deadlines and opportunities, hosting events, networking, and updating social media platforms. This student hourly position is up to 19.5 hours / week during the academic year and summer.

UW Sustainability advances the University of Washington's commitment to sustainability. Acknowledging UW’s legacy for the future, UWS leads the development and execution of innovative and inclusive solutions that are socially responsible, economically viable, and affect positive environmental impact. We work with students, faculty and staff across the UW to coordinate, resource and implement sustainability programs and efforts.

To request disability accommodation in the application process, please let us know how we may assist and/or contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or dso@uw.edu.


Deadline EXTENDED: Hiring CSF Project Development Position. Apply by April 1!


Position title: Project Development Specialist 

Available for: Undergraduate

This position will report to the CSF Coordinator.

Start Date: Early/Mid April 

Compensation: $20 per hour

Hours/Times: 15-19.5 hours/week (dependent on student capacity) during the academic year + summer.

The CSF accommodates flexible work schedules and advocates for students to take personal time / vacation (particularly during academic breaks).

Priority Deadline to Apply: March 15th, 2022 or until filled.

Position Duration: Academic year 2021-2022. Possible extension at discretion of Supervisor (discussed based on performance in spring quarter).

CSF Mission and Diversity Statement

The CSF’s mission is to foster an environmentally and socially engaged university culture and create a sustainable campus by funding multidisciplinary, student initiated and led projects. Guided by student oversight through each phase of the grantmaking and project management process, our work aims to increase campus-wide social equity, community resilience, and climate action. Equity, inclusion and diversity are guiding principles to sustainability at the University. We value and honor diverse experiences and perspectives, while striving to create welcoming and respectful learning environments and promote access and opportunity for all.

Our 4 Core Values: Sustainability & Environmental Justice, Anti-racism and intersectionality, Resilience & Wellbeing, Student Leadership & Empowerment

About the Position

Now is your chance to become closely involved with both the daily operations and overall strategy of the Campus Sustainability Fund. We are looking for a student eager to commit substantial time and energy to empowering the UW community to develop and implement projects here at UW. The CSF has four administrative employees: a Program & Finance Coordinator / Manager, student Outreach Coordinator, student Graphic Designer, and student Project Development Specialist. The Project Development Specialist is the designated part-time position focused primarily on supporting CSF funded projects & administrative tasks. Working as the CSF Project Development Specialist provides the unique opportunity to be simultaneously involved with many sustainability initiatives on the UW campus.

The CSF, located within the UW Sustainability office, is a student-fee derived grant fund available to the UW Seattle community to implement sustainability projects on campus. This student hourly position is up to 19.5 hours / week during the academic year and summer.

The CSF Project Development Specialist will be a team player as well as a self-starter, with excellent collaboration skills and ability to communicate effectively with students, faculty and staff. Other important characteristics for the Project Development Specialist position include strong project management skills; attention to detail; ability to prioritize; flexibility and resilience; creative problem solving skills; ability to gain consensus; ability to enact the CSF’s diversity and inclusion goals; and proficiency and comfort presenting to both small and large groups of people.



  • Full- or part-time student status at the UW Seattle campus during the academic year.
  • Work experience in related positions or with related functions.
  • Prior administrative experience.
  • Interest in and knowledge of sustainability/Equity Diversity and Inclusion issues both on and off campus.
  • Team player, flexible and open to new ideas and continual improvement or change.
  • Excellent written and oral communication, presentation, analysis, project management.
  • Excellent skills with Microsoft Office (Excel, Outlook PowerPoint, Word).
  • Ability to help build consensus and buy-in for projects.


  • Experience with Tableau and / or information visualization.
  • Data management / UX experience.
  • Grant writing and external grant funding experience.
  • Knowledge and experience with operational planning.
  • Previous project management experience.
  • Experience with basic web editing features and HTML.


Project Management

  • Serve as one of the primary points of contact for all project teams’ or the CSF.
  • Actively track CSF project progress, help teams troubleshoot challenges, and provide project management support and mentorship.
  • Create resources for teams to follow legible steps for successful project application development (after grant writing), implementation, management, and meeting of grant criteria (i.e. resource books, web pages, etc.)
  • Prioritize CSF project needs and actively communicate with & advise teams based on indicators from quarterly reports.
  • Work with the CSF Program Manager to bridge communications between campus stakeholders and student project teams.
  • Work to connect project teams with CSF support network (including Faculty, Admin, External Firms, etc).
  • Create, adapt, and actively update project management tools.


  • Collect quarterly project reports from active CSF projects.
  • Help projects obtain required approvals, connect to resources, and improve viability of successful implementation.
  • Notify projects at various points throughout application & schedule required meetings.
  • Organize project related submissions and forms in CSF databases.
  • Forward CSF project information to the Committee by required deadlines.
  • Assist in the production of yearly reports to funding bodies (SAF, STF).
  • Assist the CSF Program Manager with various administrative tasks, including data entry, process tracking, and Google Drive organization.
  • Collect and organize project data and record metrics to be used for external communications and reporting.
  • Respond to emails within 24 hours in a professional, thoughtful, and comprehensive manner.


  • Attend weekly Committee Meetings and inform members on project updates, provide context for proposals, and help lead discussion.
  • Assist in the solicitation and vetting of project proposals from UW students, faculty and staff.
  • Monitor applicant submissions and communicate status to project leads.
  • Carry through on strategic initiatives autonomously and as assigned by the CSF Program Manager.
  • Assist the CSF Program Manager / CSF Outreach Coordinator in developing comprehensive outreach strategies that prioritizes inclusivity and help to broaden CSF’s engagement on campus.
  • Assist in developing/revising application and process.

Team building

  • Ability to take direction / instruction from senior staff.
  • Proactive communication.
  • Be an active, engaging, and available member of the CSF Team.
  • Flexibility and willingness to adapt / prioritize based on team needs.
  • Support and mentor members of the CSF staff and committee.
  • Participate in weekly collaborative meetings with other staff members.

To apply, please submit a resume, cover letter with a diversity statement, and 1-3 references (can attach at the end of resume or upload as a separate document) on Handshake (Job #6109166) by Tuesday, March 15th, 2022. Alternatively, you may send a cover letter references, and resume directly to csfcoord@uw.edu.

Apply now

To request disability accommodation in the application process, please let us know how we may assist and/or contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or dso@uw.edu.