Revealing the heritage and evolution of UW Yoshino Cherries through whole genome sequencing

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $16,500

Letter of Intent:

March 12, 2024

To Campus Sustainability Fund:

I am writing to express intent to apply to the Large Grants program to fund a project entitled "Revealing the heritage and evolution of UW Yoshino Cherries through whole genome sequencing", referred to as the "Yoshino Sequencing Project" below. We aim to obtain $15,496 to sequence the genomes of four cherry trees from the Quad, and to use genetic analysis to relate the iconic trees with original "Somei-Yoshino" clones from Japan.

Cherry trees have complex patterns of speciation and hybridization (Baek et al. 2018). Yoshino cherries (Prunus yedoensis) are especially complex as the "species" in fact represents a hybrid between two parents, P. speciosa and maternal P. pendula f. ascendens (Takenaka 1963). The “Somei-Yoshino” cultivar was originally planted by clonal propagation across Japan in the late 1800s and sequenced in 2019 (Shirasawa et al. 2019). The most recent genomic analyses indicate that just 4 clones have given rise to most Yoshino cherries today (Shirasawa et al. 2023).

Experts believe the UW Cherries are "Somei-Yoshino" clones originally given as a gift from Japan in the 1930s. However, records from their original 1936 planting at the Canal Reserve have been lost (Shiotani 2017). Thus, despite their fame and reputation, there is no direct evidence that the trees are the precise “Somei-Yoshino” cultivar, or regarding the clonal lineage from which the trees derive. Plant genomes now provide the opportunity to definitively identify our trees’ provenance. Two recent publications make available genome data from 140 species and hybrids of cherry trees, including 46 clones of "Somei-Yoshino" (Shirasawa et al. 2019, 2023). By sequencing the genomes of four individual trees from the Quad, and relating this data to tree genomes from Japan, we will be able to definitively state the clonal identity of our iconic trees, and potentially even determine their provenance going back to original specimens from Ueno Park in Tokyo.

The Steinbrenner lab ( in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington is well equipped to perform this work. Our lab studies the evolution of plant immunity genes. We are interested to begin studying genetic changes which accumulate over long life cycles of trees. The age and clonal descendants of the UW Cherries make them a perfect model for studying trajectories of immunity in long-lived plants. In addition, we already host undergraduate students each summer on National Science Foundation-funded research internships relating to plant genome analysis. We will request summer stipend funding to support the work of one summer undergraduate student, who will be directly responsible for genome assembly steps in our Yoshino Sequencing Project. The student would participate as a full member of the lab for a 10-week paid internship in the summer of 2024.

We will integrate findings with a broader project entitled "American Campus Tree Genomes" (, with Dr. Alex Harkess of the HudsonAlpha laboratory as the lead collaborator. HudsonAlpha will provide genome sequencing and analysis services for the project, while the CSF Yoshino Sequencing Project grant will cover reagent costs. Dr. Harkess has an established track record of involving undergraduate co-authors in published genome sequencing projects.

The Steinbrenner lab will recruit an upper-division Biology major from my genetics and genomics courses (BIOL400 / BIOL426) to participate in a formal internship to assist with the Yoshino Sequencing Project. The student will participate in a formal internship program in Plant Genetics and Genomics organized by the Steinbrenner lab, including the opportunity to participate in career development workshops organized by the UW Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation.

For outreach materials we are coordinating with Campus Arborist Sara Shores ( and Brockman Tree Tour organizer Theo Hoss ( UW Graduate students in the Biology department will also assist with the project as an outreach and educational component of their training. Student participants will develop outreach materials such as signage, webpages, and a springtime event to share our findings with UW Quad visitors, promoting the heritage of our most famous campus trees.

Please find attached a timeline, references, and budget. I look forward to hearing back from the CSF.


  • Baek, S., Choi, K., Kim, GB. et al. Draft genome sequence of wild Prunus yedoensis reveals massive inter-specific hybridization between sympatric flowering cherries. Genome Biol 19, 127 (2018).
  • Kenta Shirasawa, Tomoya Esumi, Hideki Hirakawa, Hideyuki Tanaka, Akihiro Itai, Andrea Ghelfi, Hideki Nagasaki, Sachiko Isobe, Phased genome sequence of an interspecific hybrid flowering cherry, ‘Somei-Yoshino’ (Cerasus × yedoensis), DNA Research, Volume 26, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 379–389,
  • Kenta Shirasawa, Tomoya Esumi, Akihiro Itai, Katsunori Hatakeyama, Tadashi Takashina, Takuji Yakuwa, Katsuhiko Sumitomo, Takeshi Kurokura, Eigo Fukai, Keiichi Sato, Takehiko Shimada, Katsuhiro Shiratake, Munetaka Hosokawa, Yuki Monden, Makoto Kusaba, Hidetoshi Ikegami, Sachiko Isobe. Propagation path of a flowering cherry (Cerasus × yedoensis) cultivar ‘Somei-Yoshino’ traced by somatic mutations. bioRxiv 2023.07.11.548633; doi:
  • Shiotani, Yuki . History of the Cherry Trees in the Liberal Arts Quadrangle at the University of Washington. 2018; Exchange Thesis Project.
  • Takenaka Y. The origin of the Yoshino cherry tree. J Hered. 1963;54:207–11.
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Adam Steinbrenner

UW Farm Wapato Pond

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $5,000

Letter of Intent:

Through collaboration with the UW Solar RSO (Registered Student Organization) and the wǝɫǝbʔaltxw Intellectual House, I intend to combine my experience on the UW Farm as part-time staff and within the College of Built Environments as a landscape architecture graduate student to design and build an agricultural pond on the UW Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH) Farm site. The pond will fulfill a request from Lisaaksiichaa Braine, past Director of the Wǝɫǝbʔaltxw Intellectual House, who envisioned greater access to native food for food insecure First Nations students on campus. The project will be sited on the eastern side of the farm. A greenhouse dubbed the Resiliency Tunnel, which is under development by UW Solar, will be sited directly north of the pond and capture rainwater that will be used to irrigate the pond through Seattle’s summer months. Water overflow from this pond will pass through a swale to irrigate a fruit orchard downslope, which is under development.The pond will contain a culturally relevant resource in wapato (Sagittaria latifolia), an aquatic plant with tuberous roots that were an important source of carbohydrates before the introduction of the potato to the Pacific Northwest. Wapato is already cultivated by the Wǝɫǝbʔaltxw Native Garden on the Farm, within two galvanized stock tanks. Wǝɫǝbʔaltxw uses these stock tanks as a nursery, with the intent of moving these plants to a more permanent growing space in the future. Moving the cultivation of wapato to this pond would create more public interest in the crop, increase biodiversity on the Farm, and create a more meaningful connection between the First Nations students and a deeply significant crop. I intend to construct the pond I have designed this quarter (Spring 2023). I am focusing on this project as an independent studio topic within the Department of Landscape Architecture and am in close collaboration with Perry Acworth, who is my boss at the UW Farm, and Carrie Cone, the Administrative Services Manager at UW Botanic Gardens. I have received $3,500 in funding from the Northwest Horticultural Society for this project and am in communication with UW Solar's Resiliency Tunnel team to also repurpose their remaining CSF feasibility study funding. I have a detailed budget of the project, and a $5000 mini-grant would cover89% of the expected costs that are unmet. This project will not be possible without a CSF mini-grant. Thank you for your consideration!

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kove Janeski

Designing a Bird Friendly Campus (phase 2)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $62,998

Letter of Intent:

Designing a Bird Friendly Campus


Bird-building collisions kill up to one billion birds annually in the United States (Loss et al., 2014). Collisions with reflective and transparent glass surfaces are the second leading anthropogenic threat to birds, resulting in a 30% loss of net bird populations in North America since 1970 (Rosenburg et al., 2019). With most North American bird species declining due to architectural design choices, Phase 1 of our project collected data to identify which design features have the highest loss rate (design "hot spots") and which species are most vulnerable to collisions on our campus. From this data, the project aims to prevent most collisions on campus by treating "hot spots" in Phase 2 based on the gathered data rather than treating all glass surface areas.

Twenty-two case study sites and campus buildings were chosen on the University of Washington, Seattle Campus (UW) based on their design features, proximity to habitat spaces, and previously reported collisions. For eight weeks over seven seasons (Autumn 22 - Spring 24), the buildings were monitored daily for collisions. The data collected in the study include species, age, location of the collision victims, scavenger details, weather, and behavior observations.

Phase 1 Findings

The study's findings as of March 2023 are that the UW campus kills at least 10,000 birds per year, with an estimated up to 15,000 for the years there is an influx of vulnerable species. Winter was the study's deadliest season, with the total number of collisions found to be twice that of autumn or spring. This study is the first collision study to indicate Winter as the deadliest season. The high number of winter collisions could be due to the influx of varied thrush (Ixoreus naevius) in the Winter due to their winter migration route. The species is 76% more vulnerable to collisions than other Pacific Northwest species (DeGroot et al., 2021), representing 21% of UW's total collision victims and 50% of UW's Winter 23 victims. The study found that 16 additional species hit campus buildings regularly. While all the found species are currently of low conservation concern, nine of the 18 are in decline due to anthropogenic threats such as bird building collisions. And the varied thrush and dark-eyed junco lose 0.7% of their net population yearly (The Cornell Lab, 2023; Rosenberg et al., 2019). Five species were steeply declining, and two were slightly declining (The Cornell Lab, 2023; Rosenberg et al., 2019).

The location of the finds indicates the UW campus has four primary design "hot spots," and when paired with nearby habitat space or tree canopies, the collisions increase. These hot spots are transparent glass railing (PACCAR Hall), transparent and reflective glass walkways (PACCAR Hall, Dempsey Hall, and Foege Building), reflective and transparent glass corners (Winkenwerder Forest Lab, Bloedel Hall and The Hans Rosling Center for Population Health), and glass curtain walls reflecting habitat space (Life Sciences Building and Dempsey Hall). Transparent and reflective windows across the 22 campus sites also contributed to the findings; however, these four design features have the most collision events.

Phase 2 – Designing A Bird Friendly Campus

In December 2023, the project’s data was used to draft bird friendly design standards for UW’s Green Building Standards which plans to require all new UW buildings to be bird friendly according to these guidelines. While protecting new buildings is critical to prevent future collisions, dozens of preventable collisions occur daily across campus, contributing to the 40,000 birds lost during the average undergrad’s four years on campus. Retrofitting current campus buildings to protect birds from collisions is not only our responsibility to meet campus sustainability goals, such as protecting biodiversity, but it’s also our ethical responsibility to protect local wildlife when we have straightforward solutions available. Phase 2 proposes four retrofit sites, continued monitoring to ensure the retrofits are effective, and continued app development.

Retrofitting Collision Hot Spots

Based on the data collected, treating campus hot spots can reduce building collisions by up to 90%. Treating hot spots is less expensive as it takes fewer resources (materials and time) to install. Treating hot spots, not the entire glass surface area, minimally alters the original building design and desired aesthetic. Using vinyl designs allows Phase 2 of the project to protect birds and for the designs to reflect unrepresented communities on campus while highlighting the departments that live in the buildings. All products are guaranteed for 25 years and have been tested to withstand extreme weather for 50 years.

Continued Monitoring

Considering our independent study course, Designing for Conservation – Preventing Bird Building Collisions, is popular among students, the project would continue monitoring buildings for collisions, including where the hot spots are treated, to ensure the products are as effective in reducing collisions as advertised. While these products have been tested for efficacy in controlled settings, there have been very few case studies of how effectively they reduce collisions in occupied buildings.

Using Our App, Avian Impact, as a Design Tool

The app will continue to be used to detect campus collisions. Planned screens include identifying living birds while recording metrics that inform how birds interact with campus buildings and their location. Additionally, screens will be added to provide designers with examples of available bird friendly products and patterns including filters allowing visualizations of bird friendly patterns helping campus designers and building managers to treat for collisions after the project has ended. Through our app, anyone can see where collisions are happening on campus, calculate which species are most vulnerable, and choose the most effective bird-friendly patterns in one location. (The project lead intends to maintain the app indefinitely, as students are so eager to join the app team that there is a waitlist.)


We plan to use Seattle Birds Connect’s $5000 donation to treat our first hot spot (PACCAR’s Transparent Railing) as our first example to showcase to building managers and designers. Please see the uploaded timeline and budget for our 24/25 goals.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Judy Bowes

Salvage Wood Program (phase 2)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $58,700

Letter of Intent:

The Salvage Wood Program is a collaborative partnership between University of Washington Grounds Management, Maintenance and Construction, and the College of Built Environments, and was initially sponsored by the Campus Sustainability Fund and implemented into campus procedures in 2015 (; As a gold rated university recognized by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, UW is committed to responsibly using resources, reducing waste and carbon emissions, prioritizing sustainable practices, and galvanizing community involvement. The Salvage Wood Program is a proud showcase of this commitment.

Grounds Management oversees approximately 10,000 trees on campus and ensures that all trees are planted methodically and with purposeful intention. Campus trees are a significant asset in both actual value and investment over time. Eventually, these trees will be removed because of natural decline or death, as a preventative measure to avoid potential hazards, or as part of a construction project. By keeping the tree material on campus, money is saved in disposal cost, less energy is used in waste transportation, some of the asset value of the tree is retained by being incorporated into campus projects, and the investment made into that tree over time is preserved. The program repurposes these trees to survive long past their removal and to preserve UW history and culture in timeless products. The processed wood is available for student, faculty, and administration projects; capital projects relating to Maintenance and Construction needs; and custom products such as nameplates, signs, and furniture pieces.

Before the wood can be renewed it is imperative that it goes through a series of drying stages both in open-air conditions and in a kiln, which could take up to three years total. These stages are executed and monitored by UW Carpenters. The program is facing a dilemma due to a lack of indoor drying storage space, which causes some wood to be stored outdoors without temperature or humidity regulations. Being exposed to environmental elements adversely affects the wood and after one year the wood deteriorates, can no longer be repurposed, and is discarded. These conditions also reduce the amount, type, and quality of products created, and consequently reduce the success and sustainability of the program. In addition to storage issues, the program needs a fresh revenue stream and an improvement in efficiency.

To combat these problems and through interdisciplinary collaborations between UW Carpenters, Grounds Management, and students and staff of the College of Built Environments, an idea was generated to build a new storage facility to dry the wood. This solution will protect the wood from harsh environmental conditions and preserve wood integrity for the maximum amount of time to maintain the zero-waste nature of the program. The facility will be an insulated, climate-controlled, external addition to Gould Hall. Design and construction of the infrastructure will be spearheaded by staff members of the College of Built Environments, and students will have an opportunity to participate and further develop their technical skills in architectural design, engineering, and project management. Several classes, such as the Furniture Studio course that operates every quarter, will utilize the wood for assigned projects. The goal is to have the CSF grant fund the construction of the storage facility and provide financial support as the program is reenergized. For two years after implementation, grant funds will be utilized to purchase the wood for students to use in classes. Once the program is fully operational and efficient, the College will purchase the wood for student use. With the CSF grant and then the College purchasing the wood, this supports UW's Diversity Blueprint by releasing the financial burden from students and ensuring equal opportunity for all students who want to be involved. Also, this new revenue stream from the College will be vital in recouping costs to maintain the sustainability of the program.

This storage facility will not only alleviate revenue and storage issues, but it will also improve logistics and prosperity of the program. As opposed to the current horizontal storage, which makes choosing wood difficult, the wood in the facility will be stored vertically and in turn will allow students to easily choose wood based on species, appearance, and size. The wood will also be more readily available compared to the current procedure that involves students setting a specific date and time once per quarter to visit the carpenter storage area. The facility will improve student accessibility to the wood, encourage the use of ethically sourced materials, educate the students about eco-friendly habits, and reduce costs compared to traditional lumber yards. Also noteworthy is that the facility will provide ample educational opportunities for students to learn about the extensive process of drying and managing wood, which is such an important economical practice that entire careers are dedicated to it.  

UW carpenters will employ funding to plane the wood to make it more appealing and marketable to students. Planing involves smoothing and shaping the wood into a uniform strip for the purpose of refining quality and visibility of the color and grain. This will increase the likelihood of students selecting the program's wood rather than off campus sources because they are inclined to invest in wood that is planed prior to purchase. Smaller wood pieces and chips produced while milling will be turned into compost at UW farm or utilized for cooking in the farm's wood burning stove. Funding will also support the carpenters to provide guided tours of the carpentry shop to students once per quarter to facilitate engagement with the kiln, sawmill, and wood production.

The carpenters and staff of the College of Built Environments will also claim responsibility and funding to track the wood and conduct consistent, accurate inventories. As the wood is processed and dried, each stage requires the input of information into a spreadsheet. Inventorying and identifying where the wood originated, when it was salvaged, and the age is a special and unique aspect of this program. Expertly tracking the wood ensures that the intrinsic value of the wood is maintained, and UW's legacy of sustainable initiatives is preserved in the products. Executing quarterly inventories into normal procedures will streamline efficiency of the program and will ensure accurate stock and quantities to aid in future project planning.

The Salvage Wood Program has a legacy of contributing to UW's Sustainability Action Plan, and the collaborators involved have proven their technical knowledge and project management skills to successfully support the program. The graduate appointee for Grounds Management will continue to monitor program success, track expenses, support educational and advertisement opportunities on campus, and coordinate with collaborators to meet deadlines. With additional funding to construct a storage facility and to support collaborators as they process and manage the wood, the program will continue to prioritize environmentally sound practices and to proudly exemplify UW's sustainability commitment while engaging students, staff, and facility units.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Marlee Theil

Keraton 2024

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $10,000

Letter of Intent:

To whom it may concern,

ISAUW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit cultural organization dedicated to promoting the diverse Indonesian culture to the communities of the Greater Seattle area. ISAUW's vision is to become the leading Indonesian Student Association in the United States. We aim to achieve this by building a respectful, well-rounded, multifaceted, yet patriotic young Indonesian community in the Greater Seattle Area and across the United States.

Throughout the years, ISAUW has always put a significant emphasis on creating great leaders in our community. Every year, ISAUW hosts a cultural event called Keraton to promote the unique and diverse Indonesian culture through different themes. Keraton is a massive event, hence, the amount of involvement and commitment delivered by our officers is extraordinary.

With a shared vision to celebrate Indonesia's diverse culture and making Keraton a huge success, our 40+ members are involved in Event Organizing, Design, Creativity Management, Inventory Management, Sponsorship, Treasury, Fundraising, Marketing & Communication, Documentation, as well as Web Development. Ever since officers joined the organization in Fall, they have been committing their time and creativity to lead their teams successfully to gather what is needed for the success of Keraton; such as searching for funds, performances, food vendors, and many more. Established for over ten years, ISAUW would like to improve the legacy of our previous years and hold the most successful Keraton Indonesian Festival to date.

As the largest Indonesian cultural event on the West Coast and the second largest in the United States, Keraton has grown substantially, accumulating over 16,000 attendees since Keraton in 2019. ISAUW expects 5,000 visitors and will be showcasing the diversity of Indonesian culture through traditional food, dance, music, and art. Beyond ISAUW's purpose of entertaining and educating the community about Indonesia, we also wish to create a stellar and memorable Indonesian experience. This year's theme for Keraton is Indonesian Pasar, where we would get a glimpse of the authentic experience of Indonesian traditional markets, where the diverse culture and people of Indonesia interact in harmony. It will be an introduction to the cultural heritage of Indonesia.

We are planning to have a Coffee-tasting booth and Batik Awareness and Creation booth that we have at the festival annually, and many more booths designed to enrich the visitors' knowledge about the diverse culture of Indonesia. With this, ISAUW would like to apply for CSF funding to make Keraton possible again this year.

Beyond ISAUW's purpose of entertaining and educating the community about Indonesia, ISAUW guarantees CSF that Keraton always has and will continue to foster a blossoming future of sustainability. This year, we have decided to take a greater step towards sustainability by collaborating with Solar Chapter, a 501(c), Indonesian, UW-registered student organization based in many parts of the world that aims to spread awareness on the environmental issues happening in Indonesia to educate our community on their projects of getting clean water to rural areas in Indonesia where resources are finite.

We will also continue to promote leadership, student involvement, education about Indonesian culture, reach out to the Seattle community, and encourage positive behavior change amongst our members and the campus community. Last but not least, throughout the years, Keraton has instilled important values and taught our members essential life skills such as accountability, teamwork, and respect, which we will continue to foster through this year's event.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jessica Fredlina

53rd Annual Spring Powwow

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $14,000

Letter of Intent:

  • Who FN is and why we are asking for funding
  • Sustainable Impact
  • Student Leadership
  • Education and Outreach
  • Timeline
  • Basic Budget

First Nations is a Registered Student Organization that aims to promote Indigenous culture through events such as Taking Back the Dinner and the annual UW Spring Powwow. First Nations also advocates for Native students' interests, needs, and welfare, supplements and complements the formal education of Native students at UW, expresses our collective Native student opinion and interests to the University and community at large on issues affecting Native student life and culture, and implements the American Indian Retention and Recruitment (A.I.R.R.) Program. We are requesting financial support for the 53rd Spring Powwow occurring this year.

A powwow is a gathering of Native American, Alaskan Native, and First Nations peoples. Powwow consists of cultural Native American practices such as dancing and singing. People from all tribes and nations are welcome to partake in these cultural practices, and non-natives are welcome to join and watch the performances. Powwows are considered celebrations of culture for Native people. Historically, First Nations hosts our Spring Powwow at the Hec Edmundson Pavilion. It is a tradition we value as our families and communities local to Seattle and Washington had the privilege to attend previous powwows in Hec Edmundson and we desire to celebrate our culture in the same manner. In keeping with the Native American powwow circuit, First Nations hosts our Spring Powwow during the second weekend of April. It is attended by UW students, both Native and non-Native, and Indigenous communities within and outside of Washington State, resulting in over 4,000 attendees. First Nations also invites local organizations led by and committed to Native communities, such as the Urban Indian Health Institute and Urban Native Education Alliance, to share their resources and network within our community. The Spring Powwow is fully organized and supported by UW students and volunteers. This allows our members to develop their event planning, coordination, and communication skills.

We are requesting funding to support our remaining event costs, which include but are not limited to Culinary equipment rentals to prepare cultural concessions ($1,500); transportation expenses ($200); office and communication expenses ($300); materials to prepare our traditional Elder's Dinner ($6000); and honoraria for drummers, singers, and other performers who are a major factor in the Powwow's success ($6000). Based on the the 52nd Spring Powwow's actual budget, and our revised budget to reflect First Nations' appreciation of performers who attended the 52nd Spring Powwow at rates lower than their value to help the event return successfully from pandemic hardships, we estimate our remaining costs at about $14,000. Beginning in Winter quarter, First Nations' Powwow Committee will meet weekly to execute the planning and coordination of the event. This allows us four months to prepare for the event, held during the second weekend of April. We have attached a preliminary budget of the aforementioned expenses and will have a more detailed full budget after we begin our planning meetings this quarter.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: First Nations

Feasibility study to develop a societal embedding framework for community-engaged, socially impactful engineering at the University of Washington

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $15,000

Letter of Intent:

The relationship between engineering and environmental sustainability and social justice has presented many challenges, which have been recognized almost since the inception of the engineering profession. As inventors and developers of technology, engineering professions are both criticized for exacerbating these challenges and sought after to solve them. Unfortunately, while many engineers are motivated to shape a more sustainable and just world, training in how to translate that into research, design, and development of technologies is not part of a typical engineering education.

Over time, there have been frequent and vehement calls to better educate engineers on the environmental and social implications of their work. Specific educational initiatives and frameworks developed to support these efforts include the UN-sponsored Education for Sustainable Development (Byrne et al. 2010, Desha et al. 2019), sociotechnical thinking (Johnson et al. 2022), corporate social responsibility (Smith et al. 2018), and societal embeddedness (Sprenkeling et al. 2022). Despite long recognition of the need, substantial research has shown that uptake of such initiatives has been uniformly slow and uneven (Gutierrez-Bucheli et al. 2022). The opposition to program reform is generally based on displacement of what are seen as essential technical training requirements, which are often based on industry priorities.

Based on the project team's experience, the University of Washington College of Engineering (COE) program faces similar constraints that limit students' ability to gain awareness and practical skills in the environmental and social implications of their work. To address this deficit, the proposed feasibility study will assess the current status of environmental and social impact awareness and training within the COE, and create recommendations to develop a societal embedding framework for sustainability and community oriented engineering at the University of Washington. The feasibility study will initiate with (i) an assessment of the existing education and training opportunities - both formal and informal - that are available to students. Formal opportunities include required or voluntary courses (e.g., sustainability, social impact, and ethics) offered for academic credit. Informal opportunities include extra-curricular activities that are sponsored or promoted by the University or student groups (e.g., DubHacks, Alaska Environmental Challenge). These opportunities will be researched and summarized for purpose, scope, the number of engineering students that engage, and reported learning outcomes. The feasibility study will (ii) conduct a survey to evaluate COE students' interest and current knowledge in environmental and social impact engineering, and whether there is unmet need for training. The final study component will (iii) conduct a survey of COE alumni to assess whether training at UW was and is sufficient for the environmental, sustainability, and social issues that alumni encounter in their careers after graduating.

The goal of the feasibility study is to identify specific gaps in engineering training, to support development of a societal embedding framework for sustainability and community-oriented engineering. The summary of current training opportunities can be compared against the frameworks listed above to assess the ability of students to access comprehensive training. Survey results will indicate student knowledge as well as interest in these areas, and whether these vary across engineering departments. The alumni survey will allow assessment of the sufficiency of current training opportunities. The results of the feasibility study and recommendations for program reforms will be shared with individual departments within and across the College of Engineering. They will also form the basis to develop subsequent proposals to pilot and test specific interventions for sustainability and community-oriented engineering. Such interventions could include (but are not limited to): development of a clinic or practicum program (e.g., School of Public Health, UW School of Law), development of new courses, updates or changes to curriculum requirements, development of new extra-curricular training opportunities (e.g., Hack-a-thons). The project team also intends to use the results of the feasibility study to support an application to PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation, a National Science Foundation program geared toward engineering education reform.

The project team is comprised of a faculty PI and two graduate students with substantial experience in engineering education and research development in academic, government, and private industry labs. This includes experience with implementing a community-oriented research program in government labs. Importantly, the project team perspectives' are also informed by their direct experience of engineering programs in the Netherlands, where environmental and social learning is integrated throughout undergraduate and graduate curricula and research programs.

This work meets all four of the Campus Sustainability Fund Criteria and Preferences. The Sustainable Impact criteria are met in the goal of the feasibility study, which is to produce a strategic plan to realize a program where UW engineering students can gain improved training in the environmental and social impact of their work. The Leadership and Student Involvement criteria are addressed through strong student involvement in project design and implementation. A majority of the project budget will fund project time for two graduate students in the Illimited Lab, who will integrate the results into their PhD dissertation research. Students will also be broadly invited to participate in project components (i) and (ii). The focus of the project is on Education, Behavior Change & Outreach, which will include attention and awareness resulting from conducting the feasibility study. The project meets criteria for Feasibility and Accountability in multiple ways. The project team (a faculty PI and two graduate students) have the necessary skills and research experience to conduct the feasibility study. All surveys will be submitted for review by the UW Human Subjects Division. The project team is supported by other members of the research lab group (IllimitedLab), who are committed to engineering education for sustainability and social impact.

The feasibility study phase will be led by Ed Habtour, a faculty member in the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department, who was embraced in the Netherlands Societal Embedding at UTwetne. We will utilize resources available at the Illimited Lab.  Campus sustainability funds will support graduate and undergraduate summer students ($11,719) to conduct the research, outreach, and survey, as well as the lead summer salary (40hr/$3,281). The study will take six months. It will conclude by the end of September 2024 if we start in April 2024.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ed Habtour

Investigating stormwater runoff for tire derived anti-degradants from athletic fields

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $20,000

Letter of Intent:

Each year since 1972, Lake Washington Salmon have been counted as they pass through the Ballard Locks by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribal Staff. Salmon runs through the Locks were once abundant with hundreds of thousands of salmon migrating each year. Now the salmon run population is down to tens of thousands in recent years with a small fraction traveling through Lake Washington to Cedar River each fall to spawn. There are many factors affecting local salmon populations from warming waters to increasing predator populations, but this doesn’t fully account for the severely decreasing population. One more piece of the puzzle was discovered in 2021 when researchers identified a tire-derived contaminant responsible for acute toxicity to coho salmon: N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N’-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine-quinone (6PPD-quinone). 6PPD-quinone is classified as a very highly toxic pollutant to aquatic organisms, and many salmonid species (including coho, chinook, and steelhead salmon) are susceptible to acute toxicity from concentrations found in urban runoff. Salmon are of great ecological and cultural importance to this region, and their extinction would lead to the end of a way of life.

The University of Washington (UW) campus was built on the lands of the Duwamish, Squamish, Tulalip, Muckleshoot, and Coast Salish People. Today this land holds multiple turf fields filled with rubber derived from waste tires which drain into Union Bay, a part of Lake Washington. While these facilities provide important services, these fields pose a threat to environmental health and may be furthering the rapid decline in salmon populations. Most research has focused on the impact of tire wear particles generated on roadways; therefore, the impact of turf fields on the water quality and salmon populations is unknown. 

Due to the recent discovery of 6PPD-quinone as an acute toxicant, there are significant knowledge gaps that exist, especially in regard to the impact of turf fields on water quality. Projects on this topic have yet to be externally funded, and research projects rarely consider stakeholder priorities or feedback. This project seeks to investigate the impact of turf fields on water quality and understand mitigation options (i.e. product replacement and/or treatment) that would be accepted by project stakeholders and could be implemented on campus. This knowledge will help keep the University of Washington at the forefront of sustainability and leadership. This project has focused on CSF funding for three reasons:

  1. The unique location of the turf fields near a waterway of historic salmon spawning migration.
  2. The presence of retention basins under Husky Stadium that may treat the runoff before it enters Union Bay.
  3. The opportunity to work with interested stakeholders to develop realistic solutions.

We are proposing a student-led, two-phase project to monitor the impact of UW turf fields on water quality and to begin developing potential solutions with interested stakeholders. This project will start with a feasibility study, and if the feasibility study is successful, a full-scale monitoring project and evaluation of potential alternatives or treatments will follow. 

Goals for Phase I (Feasibility Study):

  • Collect turf infill samples from all outdoor fields on UW Seattle campus.
  • Conduct bench-top maximum and environmentally relevant leaching studies on rubber turf infill to quantitatively determine potential 6PPD-quinone concentrations. 
  • Work with UW facilities to identify catch basins and outflows from turf field runoff for sampling.
  • Generate a comprehensive report on the location, composition, and drainage of all outdoor turf fields on UW Seattle campus.
  • Develop a sampling timeline and procedure for Phase II.
  • Summarize stakeholder views and propose a project direction (i.e. product replacement and/or treatment) for Phase II.
  • Raise local awareness of the ecological and societal issues derived from 6PPD-quinone.

Tentative Goals for Phase II:

  • Collect samples from previously identified catch basins during storm events throughout the rainy season (October-March).
  • Test alternative infill options with bench-top studies to generate a list of product replacement options for facilities when considering routine replacement of surfaces or new installations.
  • Evaluate potential treatment options (e.g. retention basin or sorbent media filters).
  • Submit year-round stormwater monitoring results for publication.
  • Conduct a perception study of how athletes, community groups, facilities, and staff perceive the different treatment or product replacement options.
  • Engage with students and the broader community by speaking in classes and at symposiums accessible to the public (e.g.“The Living Breath of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ: Indigenous Foods and Ecological Knowledge Symposium” at the University of Washington).

As a Doctoral student in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), I will lead this project. I will be advised by my faculty advisor Dr. Jessica Ray (UW Seattle CEE); my co-advisor Dr. Ed Kolodziej (UW Seattle CEE and UW Tacoma Sciences and Mathematics); and my thesis committee member Dr. Michael Dodd (UW Seattle CEE). Phase I of this project will include two paid UW Seattle undergraduate students to help with research and outreach. Ideally, we will partner with student-athletes who regularly participate in training on the field surfaces under investigation. 

This project plans to engage multiple stakeholders, including students throughout campus (particularly student-athletes), UW staff who manage turf facilities and purchasing, faculty with experience in environmental water chemistry research, Seattle and Pacific Northwest Communities especially indigenous communities, and researchers in Environmental Engineering. This education and outreach is important, especially for students who will go on to careers in environmental sectors and sports administration, so they can better understand the impacts of field installations and promote more sustainable and eco-friendly fields.

Phase I of this project will take place over 4 months during Spring and Summer 2024 (see timeline). For Phase I, I am requesting $20,000 to support graduate student salary/tuition and benefits, two hourly undergraduate students (6-7 hours a week for approximately two quarters), chemicals, sampling supplies, lab consumables, organic contaminant analyses, and crumb rubber procurement (see budget).

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alanna Hildebrandt

SER-UW Native Plant Nursery - Cultivating Careers with Supportive Funding

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $66,250

Letter of Intent:

Projects - Cycle 1
Contact: Lea Dyga ( or Joshua Kim (

Summary of Project Proposal:

The Society for Ecological Restoration-UW Native Plant Nursery provides high-quality, local, sustainably grown native plants to the UW community. We work with UW undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of capacities and provide a unique educational experience that goes beyond the scope of the typical UW experience. The nursery provides an invaluable addition to students' academic journey through programs such as our for-credit undergraduate internship, our partnerships with the Community Engagement & Leadership Education Center and the UW-Restoration Ecology Network (REN) Capstone program, and by hosting tours and providing resources for UW classes (such as ESRM/ENVIR 362 and ESRM 412).

The SER-UW Native Plant Nursery seeks $66,250 in supportive funding to aid in routine administrative costs and infrastructure repairs, as well as to enhance our basic infrastructure and expand our keystone programs. This funding would be administered over 3 years, ensuring the SER-UW Native Plant Nursery and its flagship programming's stability and success.

The nursery operations are overseen by a full time AmeriCorps member and a paid, undergraduate student assistant. The AmeriCorps member serves as the Nursery Manager, and is essential to all facets of its success. The undergraduate student assistant gains leadership experience along with professional development as a budding horticulturist. We are requesting $51,000 to provide partial staff funding for these positions. Securing partial support for three years will allow the team to focus their time and energy towards furthering our nursery's mission and enhancing our students' educational experiences. The remainder of the staff funding will be secured through plant sales, external grants, etc.

Each quarter, the SER-UW Native Plant Nursery hosts at least five UW undergraduate interns. These interns earn credit toward their degree and produce individual, hands-on projects that are published on the nursery website and displayed at the Miller Library Student Plant Research Exhibit. We would like to enhance the intern experience and quality of the projects by providing project/research funding. By providing a $100 project budget to each intern, the scope of each intern's individual project can be exponentially expanded and those credits will have even more meaning.

We also seek support for a short-list of priority infrastructure improvements and repairs. Our primary facility, an outdoor hoophouse, does not have access to electricity. Solar panels and associated batteries would provide a sustainable source of lighting and enable us to no longer be limited by short winter days. Further, our facilities are largely unmarked and thus underappreciated. We seek funding for navigational and educational signage to support self-guided tours of our facilities. In regards to repairs, we are due to replace our hoophouse polycover (wintertime plant protection) and shade cloth (summertime plant protection). Our facilities also need a handful of general repairs, mainly irrigation hoses and rabbit fencing, which are important to plant production.

Each of the items listed in our budget will increase our ability to meaningfully engage UW students in ecological horticulture, supporting their environmental education and building tangible horticultural career skills.

Sustainable Impact:

Projects must improve the sustainability of UW's campus and/or operations. Sustainable impact encompasses both social sustainability - cultural awareness & preservation, representation or engagement of underrepresented communities, diverse and interdisciplinary collaboration - and environmental sustainability - reducing carbon emissions, energy use, water use, waste, pollutants, and toxins, as well as improving living systems, biodiversity, environmental justice and equity. Projects focused on social sustainability should also include an environmentally sustainable component, although this part does not have to be the project's focus.

Our student assistant and AmeriCorps member are critical to the nursery's keystone role in ecological restoration on the university campus. Our nursery leads the production and procurement of native plants for contracts and orders with the SER-UW student organization and REN Capstone restoration sites, and supports UW Grounds. Nursery practices, including sexual propagation and integrated pest management, support principles of ecological horticulture, preserving biodiversity and fostering plant-wildlife interactions on campus. These practices cannot be sustained without relationships built with the broader restoration community on campus and in King County, including student organizations, student volunteers, faculty, other nurseries, and interested community members. These relationships are primarily and critically supported by, and cannot be expanded without funding longevity and staff stability through our student assistant and AmeriCorps member.

Leadership & Student Involvement:

Staff and student roles must be clearly outlined and reflected in the proposed project budget. Projects must demonstrate some substantial degree of student leadership or student involvement throughout the application and implementation process to be considered for funding. Additionally, projects initiated by students will be prioritized.

The nursery provides multiple avenues for student leadership and development. Our internship intentionally fosters leadership, with each intern undertaking a project of a topic of their own initiative, often having interns reaching out and collaborating or networking with, for example, other labs for guidance on research focused projects, or other nurseries for industry knowledge. Often, interns will stay for multiple quarters, allowing for expansion of responsibilities and peer teaching-a cornerstone to maintaining operations. Our student assistant position provides an opportunity for high-level student involvement and leadership on grant-funded research, horticultural operations, key partnerships with other organizations, and management of interns and volunteers.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

Projects must include educational and outreach components that help cultivate an aware and engaged campus community.

Our Nursery Internship offers UW undergraduates the opportunity to gain hands-on horticultural education while earning credit towards their degree. This unique experience is supported by our AmeriCorps member, who acts both as a nursery manager and an environmental educator. For several of our current/recent interns, their Nursery Internship project is their first experience with leading a research initiative. The requested funding for individual projects will also enhance the internship program by expanding the scope of the research interns may pursue.

Feasibility & Accountability:

Applicants must demonstrate that they have or can attain the technical knowledge, necessary approvals, and project management skills to complete projects successfully. The Fund encourages the use of a faculty or staff mentor, appropriate department support, and/or a line item in the budget for project management.  CSF monies must be used in a socially responsible manner--to be determined by the Committee.  Projects requiring ongoing maintenance or staffing not funded by the CSF should demonstrate a plan to meet long-term needs.

The SER-UW Native Plant Nursery's success and longevity is stewarded by SEFS professor Jon Bakker and is supported by the UW Botanic Gardens. Project management is the responsibility of the full time AmeriCorps member and is supported by the student assistant. The nursery can seek further technical knowledge and necessary approvals through existing communication channels at the Center for Urban Horticulture, including the UW Farm, or within the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Upon approval of the LOI, we intend to seek technical support for UW Solar as well. Our nursery has successfully completed three large CSF projects in the past and our key stakeholders are familiar with the process via other CSF funded projects.

Core Project Team

Key Stakeholders

  • Society for Ecological Restoration UW Student Organization
  • UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
  • UW Terrestrial Restoration Ecology Lab
  • UW Restoration Ecology Network Capstone Class
  • UW Botanic Gardens
  • UW Solar (upon successful LOI)

Itemized Budget - Initial Estimation

Item Cost per Item Quantity Total
AmeriCorps Member (Full Time, 1700 hours/year) - Staff $9,000 3 years $27,000
Student Assistant (Part Time, 3 quarters/year) - Staff $8,000 3 years $24,000
Internship Project Funding (5 interns/quarter @ $100 each) $500 10 quarters $5,000
Hoophouse Lighting (Solar Panels, Batteries, Lights) - Infrastructure Improvement     $8,500
Navigational/ Educational Signage - Infrastructure Improvement     $750
Hoophouse Polycover + Shade Cloth - Infrastructure Repair     $500
General Repair Supplies -  Infrastructure Repair     $500
TOTAL     $66,250

Timeline for Project Completion

[Spring 2024 through Spring 2027]

  • Spring 2024
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
    • Hire 2024/25 AmeriCorps Member ($9,000)
    • Hire 2024/25 Student Assistant ($8,000)
  • Summer 2024
    • Complete Hoophouse Shade Cloth Infrastructure Repair ($250)
    • Complete General Infrastructure Repair ($500)
  • Fall 2024
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
    • Research hoophouse lighting (ask UW Solar & UW Farm)
    • Begin drafting Navigational/ Educational Signage
  • Winter 2025
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
    • Finalize Educational Signage
  • Spring 2025
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
    • Finalize hoophouse lighting plan
    • Print + Instal Navigational/ Educational Signage ($750)
    • Hire 2025/26 AmeriCorps Member ($9,000)
    • Hire 2025/26 Student Assistant ($8,000)
  • Summer 2025
    • Begin installing Hoophouse Lighting Infrastructure Improvement ($8,500)
  • Fall 2025
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
    • Finalize Hoophouse Lighting Infrastructure Improvement
  • Winter 2026
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
    • Complete Hoophouse Polycover Infrastructure Repair ($250)
  • Spring 2026
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
    • Hire 2026/27 AmeriCorps Member ($9,000)
    • Hire 2026/27 Student Assistant ($8,000)
  • Summer 2026
    • --
  • Fall 2026
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
  • Winter 2027
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
  • Spring 2027
    • Fund 5 Nursery Intern projects ($500)
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lea Dyga

ADA Approved Pathways at the UW Farm: Promoting the Intersection of Environmental Justice and Sustainability

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $17,220

Letter of Intent:

Total amount requested   $17,220 for four separate Projects of ADA Pathways over two years.

Budget breakdown


  • Pathway materials (includes commercial landscape fabric & gravel) $12/linear foot by 5’ wide
  • Wapato Pond Pathway - 5’ wide by 85’,  $12.00x85=$1020.00
  • Main Farm Pathway - 5’ wide by 250’ long, $12x250=$3000.00
  • Cultural Kitchen Pathway - 5’x125’, $12x125=$1,500.00
  • Heritage Orchard Pathway - 5’x100’, $12x100=$1200.00

Labor and Rental

  • UWBG Arboretum and UW Grounds crew labor only - 5 individuals 10 days (6 hours/day)  $33/hour = $9900.00
  • Equipment rental - electric compactor $120/day x 5 days - $600.00

Total Request from CSF $17,220

Other funding sources


Labor, Management and Volunteers

  • Student Volunteers - student volunteer work parties, helping with gravel and laying out materials - 75x2 hours each x $18.69/hour = $2,803.50
  • Overall Project supervision - David Zuckerman and Perry Acworth, labor and volunteer management - 40 hours total at $28/hour = $1120
  • Student project manager, Heritage Orchard - Althea Ericksen - labor and volunteer management - 10 hours x $19/hour = $190
  • Student Project manager - Wapato Pond project - Kove Janeski - labor, volunteer management contribution - 20 hours x $19/hour = $380

Total Labor Value Donated $4493.50

Materials and Equipment - donated

  • Tools, wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, gloves = $2,500
  • UW Grounds Compact Utility Loader = $1200/week
  • UWBG Equipment loan - tractor with scraper and hand roller - $1,200/week

Total Equipment and Materials Value  $4900.00
Grand Total contributed/donated - $9393.50

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Perry Acworth, UW Farm Manager

Cross-Cultural Collaboration at the Burke Meadow: Maintenance, Management and Education for a Living Exhibit.

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $28,240

Letter of Intent:

Submitted by Ken P. Yocom, PhD – Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington on behalf of the team.

RE: Camas Meadow at the Burke Museum

I am providing this letter of intent on behalf of the team of students, staff, and faculty who are actively engaged in monitoring and managing the camas meadow at the Burke Museum. This project has been previously funded by the Campus Sustainability Fund (#16-4546). Specific activities include plant community monitoring, active maintenance, organizing public work parties, and communications).

Over the past three years, this project has worked in close collaboration with Burke Museum staff (Miguel Symonds (student) Polly Olsen, Aaron McCanna, and David Giblin), UW Grounds (Steve Kryszko) and the  Department of Landscape Architecture (Jocine Velasco, Rhys Coffee, Emily Saeger, and Isabel Lewis (students), Ken Yocom (Faculty)). Though several of the students listed have now graduated, we developed a mentorship and training program to assist in the transition across student workers. The collaborative efforts are highly intentional and managed through collective agreement with all parties involved.

Sustainable Impact: The roughly 10,000 ft2 camas meadow was designed and constructed as part of the new Burke Museum development. A relatively unique (camas are planted at wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ and UW farm) landscape type on the UW campus, meadows dominated by camas were once prevalent in the region but have been mostly lost to agriculture and development. Camas (Camassia spp.) was and continues to be a highly important source of nutrition with deep social and cultural meaning and importance to indigenous communities. In the region and across the Pacific Northwest. This designed and constructed meadow is part of the Burke’s ‘living collections and our collaboration has been an opportunity to learn from the meadow and build greater understanding how learning on our campus can extend beyond the walls of the classroom. Also, the site is located adjacent to one of the primary entrances to campus with the recent opening of the light rail station in the University District. It is estimated that 25,000 students and employees pass by the meadow daily.

As a relatively unique landscape type on campus, UW Grounds has expressed a lot of concern over its care and management as it requires a greater level of attention and distinct approaches to their typical duties for care. Our team has developed methods and a strong approach to caring for and maintaining the space, that requires active and ongoing engagement.

Leadership & Student Involvement: The staff team of (Polly Olsen, David Giblin, and Ken Yocom) coordinate oversight and team management, while current students take on most week-to-week activities from data collection and analysis, organizing work parties, and active maintenance as well as coordination with other Burke staff on communication strategies to highlight what is happening in the meadow through signage, social media posts, etc.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change: The work has been highly focused on education, not only for the students involved, but for the broader UW community as well. Students supported by the CSF grant get first-hand knowledge of project management, data collection and analysis, and volunteer coordination. On average, the team hosts volunteer work parties to help weed and maintain the meadow. This has been quite the feat as the meadow has been overrun with lupine the past several years that while beautiful during flowering, shade out the meadow grasses and other plants including the camas. To date, volunteers (public and other UW students) have spent 100s of hours working in the meadow and learning about this landscape type. The team has also made several local presentations for the Burke patrons, hosts UW classes interested in the meadow, and the project was presented at a national conference. The team has also been invited to provide an article of their work and research on the meadow to the journal Ecological Restoration. We are currently in the process of drafting the manuscript.

Lastly, another challenge with the meadow has been grazing by local rabbits. In particular, the rabbits chew the stalks of the camas and for two years have severely limited camas productivity. This weekend (March 4 and 5, 2023) the team has coordinated to invite Yakama Tribal Elder and master weaver Val Calac to join us for a workshop to ‘weave’ exclusion fences from willow and alder whips collected on campus with approval from UW grounds. These fences will surround marked plots in the meadow to study their effectiveness for keeping the rabbits from grazing on the camas. This past autumn the team, in collaboration with Oxbow
Farms, planted hundreds of bulbs in these plots.

Feasibility & Accountability: This is a highly collaborative endeavor and active community. Those involved in the work are committed with strong ties to the meadow. This is evident in the lasting engagement of all collaborators on the work. Most previous requests for funds have supported student work and learning with some funds used to purchase supplemental plants in the meadow. Both the Burke Museum and Department of Landscape Architecture have also committed funds to purchase tools, gloves, and food for volunteer events while UW Grounds provides labor and access to trucks and hauling away weeded material.
The Burke Museum is currently in the process of applying for a Mellon Foundation grant through which this work has been written in and will be supported if the grant is funded. However, until that time bridge funding is necessary to keep the students employed and active management occurring on the site.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ken Yocom

Sustainable Stormwater Feasibility: The Historic ASUW Shell House

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $31,959

Letter of Intent:

March 10, 2023

Dear Campus Sustainability Fund,

The ASUW Shell House sits on the south edge of campus along the shores of Lake Washington, just at the eastern end of the Montlake Cut. The waterfront site has always been a gathering space, and within its walls and on the waters of Lake Washington, generations of people gathered to collaborate, celebrate and connect to the water. Generations ago, the Duwamish people would come here to portage across the narrow isthmus that spanned the waters of Lake Washington. The site’s Lushootseed name, stəx̌ʷugʷił , translates to “carry a canoe,” indicating their reverence for the shores of the lake that supported their livelihood.  Today, on the site of the Historic ASUW Shell House, we continually strive to respect these indigenous traditions of stewardship for land and water, and have additive histories to add to the narrative. Following its short use as a a seaplane hangar for the U.S. Navy during WWI, the Shell House was the home for the UW rowing team for decades, including the boat building shop of George Pocock’s shop, the man sought after around the world for his exquisitely crafted rowing shells. Recently, it has garnered attention, due to the book (and soon-to-be-movie), The Boys in the Boat, that outlined the inspiring story of the UW men’s crew team who took home the gold at Hitler’s 1936 Olympic Games.

As the very first Seattle historic landmark on campus, the building and site will be redesigned and adapted into a dynamic space for the campus community, with gathering spaces for students, places for events, exhibits and a restored waterfront.  With proximity to the light rail, the stadium, and waterfront activity center, this building will become a destination for all of the campus community. As the Shell House begins to implement designs for building renovation and waterfront restoration, and in concert with the goals the UW established as a certified ‘salmon safe’ institution, this proposal seeks funding to develop a feasibility study for an onsite stormwater harvesting and treatment system at the Shell House building. Our goal is to create a system that will be educational, beautiful, and the ultimate expression of sustainability.

Sustainable Impact

The goal in sustainable water treatment in urban sites is to be like a natural ecological system, balancing intake with outflow of waters of similar or better quality – however,  that is rarely the case in urban environments.  For example, when it rains on campus, the rainwater runs into a network of storm drains that lead directly into local bodies of water. Along the way, rainwater picks up contaminants such as heavy metals, oil, toxins, pathogens, chemicals and trash, which goes untreated and flows directly into fish and wildlife habitat. This stormwater falls on various surfaces including buildings, roads, parking lots, sidewalks, loading docks, and landscaped areas. While some of the water may be absorbed by the soil, most of it ends up in the nearest storm drain, and ends up in Lake Washington. Additionally, stormwater runoff can cause erosion and sedimentation, which can negatively impact salmon habitat by filling in the spaces between rocks where salmon lay their eggs. This can prevent the eggs from hatching, and reduce the amount of available habitat for juvenile salmon. It can also increase the water temperature of streams and rivers. This can be harmful to salmon, as they require cool water temperatures to survive. Warmer water can reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, making it more difficult for salmon to breathe and survive. Untreated polluted water can also reduce the amount of available habitat for salmon, and can also make it more difficult for salmon to find food and avoid predators.

With the ultimate goal of treating all onsite water sustainability, we will study the feasibility of how the Shell House site can treat stormwater through:

  • Constructed wetlands- engineered marshlands that replicate the functions of natural wetlands by filtering pollutants and improving water quality and by the hydrology and vegetation of a natural wetland. They also provide a habitat for diverse plant and animal species while providing ecosystem services such as water purification and flood control.  
  • Bioswales - a landscape element designed to manage and treat stormwater runoff through shallow, vegetated drainage ditches engineered to slow down and filter stormwater as it flows through the landscape. Also designed to mimic the functions of a natural wetland, they are typically located in areas with high levels of stormwater runoff, such as parking lots, roadsides, and other paved areas.
  • Rainwater collection - a water cistern collection system involves the collection and storage of rainwater for later use by installing a cistern or storage tank, which captures rainwater from the roof of a building, then treated and filtered to remove any debris or contaminants before it is used for non-potable purposes such as irrigation, cleaning or toilet flushing.
  • Greywater systems: This is the use of a close-looped water system treating grey water used from sinks, dishwashers, water fountains, etc., for building uses such as toilet flushing.  By using a filtration and disinfection process to remove any contaminants and ensure that it is safe for use, reusing greywater to flush toilets can reduce water usage up to 30% in a building.

Student Leadership & Involvement

Student involvement and education is a high priority for all phases of this project. During this  feasibility phase,  we will have one graduate MLA/M.Arch student budgeted to assist in project feasibility management. This student, with knowledge in water management, will work with  along with the 12 students in Professor Merlino’s Spring undergraduate architecture design studio. The studio will be focusing on the adaptive reuse, preservation and landscape design of the Shell House. Students will be presenting their design proposals at the end of the quarter, showing projects and proposals to reviewers, stake holders, and the ASUW Shell House board as well as additional outreach presentations.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

With the upcoming renovation of the ASUW Shell House and its prominent site on campus near the light rail, stadium and shore front, this building will be a destination for both the UW community, locals and visitors for years to come. As a dynamic student and event center, it has the capacity for educating visitors on the sustainable design of water management and ecological design.  Currently, the site already gets plenty of traffic both on foot during stadium events and by boat during the spring and summer months, yet the renovation of the building will increase this tenfold. By creating a visible, sustainable onsite water treatment and educational display, we will be showing visitors how both saving an existing building and treating its onsite water in a way that respects the environment and salmon is the highest level of sustainability.

Feasibility & Accountability

The feasibility study phase will be led by Kathryn Merlino, a faculty member in Architecture and Director of the Center for Preservation and Adaptive Reuse.  We will also be using the resources of the CBE and the Green Futures Lab, as well as UW project staff on the shell house team. Grant funds for this phase. will be used for a Licensed Landscape Architect Consultant (approx. $20,000), a graduate research summer assistant (200 hours/ $8000) and studio supplement ($1000) for a total of $29,000 (est). We are excited to launch this project, and appreciate your consideration for the Campus Sustainability Fund grant.


Kathryn Rogers Merlino
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture
Scan Design Foundation Endowed Chair in Built Environments
Director, Center for Preservation and Adaptive Reuse
Department of Architecture, College of Built Environments
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kathryn Rogers Merlino

Sustainable Stormwater Feasibilty @ the ASUW Shell House

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $29,000

Letter of Intent:

March 10, 2023

Dear Campus Sustainability Fund,

The ASUW Shell House is located on the edge of campus along the shores of Lake Washington at the eastern end of the Montlake Cut. The site has always been a gathering space. Within its walls and on the waters of Lake Washington, generations of people gathered to collaborate, celebrate and connect to the water. Generations ago, the Duwamish people would come here to portage across the narrow isthmus that spanned the waters of Lake Washington. The site’s Lushootseed name, stəx̌ʷugʷił , translates o the place to “carry a canoe,” indicating their reverence for the shores of the lake that supported their livelihood.  Today, on the site of the Historic ASUW Shell House, we continue to respect these indigenous traditions of reverence for land and water, and have new histories to add to the narrative. Following its short use as a a seaplane hangar for the U.S. Navy during WWI, it housed the UW rowing team for decades, including George Pocock’s shop, the world-renowned boat builder who built rowing shells for teams across the world.  It recently has become a legend, thanks to the book (and soon-to-be-movie, “Boys in the Boat”) that chronicled UW men’s unlikely gold victory at Hitler’s 1936 Olympic Games.

As the very first Seattle historic landmark on campus, this building with its glorious location on the shores of lake Washington will soon be renovated into a dynamic space for the campus community, with gathering spaces for students, places for events, and exhibits to illustrate its characteristics of history, sustainability, beauty and community. As the UW Historic Shell House begins to implement designs for building renovation and landscape design, and in concert with the goals the UW established as a certified ‘salmon safe’ institution, this proposal seeks funding to develop a feasibility study for sustainable onsite stormwater harvesting and treatment at the Shell House site.

Sustainable Impact

The ultimate goal in sustainable water in urban sites is to be like a natural ecological system, balancing intake with outflow of waters of similar or better quality – but that is rarely the case in urban environments.  For example, when it rains on campus, the rainwater runs into a network of storm drains that lead directly into local bodies of water. Along the way, rainwater picks up contaminants such as heavy metals, oil, toxins, pathogens, chemicals and trash, which goes untreated and flows directly into fish and wildlife habitat. This stormwater falls on various surfaces including buildings, roads, parking lots, sidewalks, loading docks, and landscaped areas. While some of the water may be absorbed by the soil, most of it ends up in the nearest storm drain, and ends up in Lake Washington. Additionally, stormwater runoff can cause erosion and sedimentation, which can negatively impact salmon habitat by filling in the spaces between rocks where salmon lay their eggs. This can prevent the eggs from hatching, and reduce the amount of available habitat for juvenile salmon. It can also increase the water temperature of streams and rivers. This can be harmful to salmon, as they require cool water temperatures to survive. Warmer water can reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, making it more difficult for salmon to breathe and survive. Untreated polluted water can also reduce the amount of available habitat for salmon, and can also make it more difficult for salmon to find food and avoid predators.

With the ultimate goal of treating all onsite water sustainability, we will study the feasibility of how the Shell House site can treat stormwater through:

  • Constructed wetlands- engineered marshlands that replicate the functions of natural wetlands by filtering pollutants and improving water quality and by the hydrology and vegetation of a natural wetland. They also provide a habitat for diverse plant and animal species while providing ecosystem services such as water purification and flood control.
  • Bioswales - a landscape element designed to manage and treat stormwater runoff through shallow, vegetated drainage ditches engineered to slow down and filter stormwater as it flows through the landscape. Also designed to mimic the functions of a natural wetland, they are typically located in areas with high levels of stormwater runoff, such as parking lots, roadsides, and other paved areas.
  • Rainwater collection - a water cistern collection system involves the collection and storage of rainwater for later use by installing a cistern or storage tank, which captures rainwater from the roof of a building, then treated and filtered to remove any debris or contaminants before it is used for non-potable purposes such as irrigation, cleaning or toilet flushing. Greywater systems: This is the use of a close-looped water system treating grey water used from sinks, dishwashers, water fountains, etc., for building uses such as toilet flushing.  By using a filtration and disinfection process to remove any contaminants and ensure that it is safe for use, reusing greywater to flush toilets can reduce water usage up to 30% in a building.

Student Leadership & Involvement

Our proposal during the feasibility phase for students will include a graduate Master of Landscape hired to assist in project feasibility management, along with the 12 students in Professor Merlinos Spring undergraduate architecture design studio. The studio will be focusing on the adaptive reuse, preservation and landscape design of the Shell House. Students will be presenting at the end of the quarter their projects and proposals to reviewers, stake holders, and the ASUW Shell House board as well as additional outreach presentations.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

With the upcoming renovation of the ASUW Shell House, and its prominent site on campus near the light rail, stadium and shore front, this building will be a destination for both the UW community, locals and visitors for years to come. It will be a dynamic student center, and already gets plenty of traffic both on foot during stadium events and by boat during the spring and summer months. By creating a visible, sustainable onsite water treatment and educational display, we will be showing visitors how both saving an existing building and treating its onsite water in a way that respects the environment and salmon is the highest level of sustainability.

Feasibility & Accountability

The feasibility study phase. will be led by Faculty member in Architecture and Director of the Center for Preservation and Adaptive Reuse, collaborating with the Green Futures Lab and students of the College of Built Environment. Funds will be used for a Licensed Landscape Architect Consultant (approx. $20,000), a graduate research summer assistant (200 hours/ $8000) and studio supplement ($1000) for a total of $29,000 (est).

Thank you for your consideration,

Kathryn Rogers Merlino

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kathryn Rogers Merlino

Energy, Information, and the New Work of Building Operations in the Digital Age

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $93,288

Letter of Intent:

Project Lead: Daniel Dimitrov (PhD Student)

My name is Daniel Dimitrov and I am a second year PhD student in the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington. My research interests are in sustainable facility maintenance and innovative sustainable technologies for building operations. I am writing this letter of intent with the hopes of receiving funding for my doctoral research project titled "Energy, Information, and the New Work of Building Operations in the Digital Age".

Within the United States, buildings are some of the leading consumers of energy as they account for over 40% of the energy consumption nationwide (, impacting both humans and the environment in which we live. On a campus as large and complex as the University of Washington, buildings vary in age and technology making it difficult to manage the campus energy consumption and reach sustainability benchmarks. At the UW, new digital twin/energy modeling technologies have been integrated into many of the University buildings, however it is very difficult to achieve energy efficiency if work practices and building operators do not change the way they do "work" around these new and more complex technologies. With an excess of data that can be used to increase campus sustainability coming from such technology, it is essential that we understand how to make this data actionable by the technicians and operators who are interacting with the technology regularly. The aim of this project is to understand how organizations/operations will need to change and adapt in order to leverage modern and advanced building automation systems, such as digital twin technologies/strategies, to achieve lower energy consumption and better performing built environments. An example of such a University building technology initiative that we would like to investigate is the UW Energy Meter Monitoring Program which aims to assist in achieving long-term carbon reduction goals, making this study timely and relevant to reaching the sustainable potential of the University.

This project seeks to understand the evolution of "work" with the implementation and use of technology promoting sustainable energy operations as the main driving force. Our team would like to develop a guideline, or practice memo, which can be used by managers with specific recommendations for things like training, team formation, technological guidelines, routine formation, and collaboration in order to accelerate the sustainable transformation of this university and help ease the burden of technological adoption. The traditional methods of data management in the facility maintenance sphere will need to change as modern technology calls for new methods of data collection, governance, and analysis in order to make data actionable for sustainable operations. The outcome of this project will guide operations managers in sustainable technology adoption and therefore address the needs and goals of reducing their facilities' energy consumption and carbon footprint.

The research questions are outlined below:

  1. How will the existing work (roles, responsibilities, teams, practices) change for facility managers/operators on the UW campus when transitioning from a traditional BAS to a modern energy management system to promote energy efficiency on campus?
  2. What new work will emerge when transitioning from a building operated by a BAS to a modern energy management system such as a digital twin?

The University of Washington will serve as a perfect site for this study due to its abundance of campus buildings at different levels of technological implementation for sustainable energy management in addition to its extensive and active facility management teams. To complete this research we propose a series of case studies centered around UW facilities at different stages of technological implementation in order to compare older practices with new ones. Using a comparative case study strategy for this research will allow us to see and explore the organizational changes which will need to accompany a building that is managed using a modern energy management system and strategy. As part of this case study process we intend to use a qualitative approach including methods such as participant interviewing, participant observation, and document collection. Participant interviewing will focus on members of the facility management team including facility managers, technicians, University sustainability strategists, IT professionals, and any other facility operators. We would also like to leverage our professional network of building technology professionals from both the technology and management side of operations for interviews in order to validate our results and compliment our case studies. Participant observation will include spending time with the facility management/maintenance team and shadowing them for an extended continuum of time during their regular operations and meetings. Our team has already had the opportunity to speak to a facility manager at UW and have determined our proposed study to be very fitting to the University's current sustainable energy management position due to the general lack of organizational understanding and integration of modern energy management technologies being implemented on campus.

Our project team for this research study will be student led by me, Daniel Dimitrov, with the guidance of Prof. Carrie Dossick from the College of Built Environments. We will also be supported by the help of a UW graduate student from the Department of Construction Management. This graduate student's role will be to support in interviewing, data collection, observation, and analysis. We intend to disseminate our adoption guideline/practice memo as well as our research findings to be used by the facility maintenance teams at UW as well as in industry and academic journal articles to build awareness of the research results. For examples of similar research led by our research lab please visit, and focus on projects such as  Integrated Project Delivery: An Action Guide for Leaders. Through this project partnership with the University of Washington, we hope to be able to fully immerse ourselves into the facility management sphere of the University and pinpoint just how the campus facility management organization needs to evolve how they do "work" in order to reduce the energy consumption of our campus buildings and utilize modern technologies to their full potential.

Thank you,
Daniel Dimitrov, Ph.D. Student

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Daniel Dimitrov

52nd Spring Powwow

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $9,078

Letter of Intent:

First Nations is a Registered Student Organization who aims to promote Indigenous culture through events such as Taking Back the Dinner and the annual UW Spring Powwow. First Nations also advocates for Native students’ interests, needs, and welfare, supplements and complements the formal education of Native students at UW, expresses our collective Native student opinion and interests to the University and community at large on issues affecting Native student life and culture, and implements the American Indian Retention and Recruitment (A.I.R.R.) Program. We are requesting financial support for the 52nd Spring Powwow occurring this academic year.

A powwow is a gathering of Native American, Alaskan Native, and First Nations peoples. Powwow consists of cultural Native American practices such as dancing and singing. People from all tribes and nations are welcome to partake in these cultural practices, and non-natives are welcome to join and watch the performances. Powwows are considered celebrations of culture for Native people. Historically, First Nations hosts our Spring Powwow at the Hec Edmundson Pavilion. It is a tradition we value as our families and communities local to Seattle and Washington had the privilege to attend previous powwows in Hec Edmundson and we desire to celebrate our culture in the same manner. In keeping with the Native American powwow circuit, First Nations hosts our Spring Powwow during the second weekend of April. It is attended by UW students, both Native and non-Native, and Indigenous communities within and outside of Washington State, resulting in over 4,000 attendees. First Nations also invites local organizations led by and committed to Native communities, such as the Urban Indian Health Institute and Urban Native Education Alliance, to share their resources and network within our community. The Spring Powwow is fully organized and supported by UW students and volunteers. This gives our members the opportunity to develop their event planning, coordination, and communication skills.

We are requesting funding to support our remaining event costs, which include but are not limited to: Culinary equipment rentals to prepare cultural concessions ($1,328); transportation expenses ($200); office and communication expenses ($400); materials to prepare our traditional Elder’s Dinner ($4,000); and honoraria for drummers, singers, and other performers who are a major factor in the Powwow’s success ($3,150). Based on the 51st Spring Powwow’s actual budget, and our revised budget to reflect First Nations’ appreciation of performers who attended the 51st Spring Powwow at rates lower than their value to help the event return successfully from pandemic hardships, we estimate our remaining costs at $9,078. Beginning in Winter quarter, First Nations’ Powwow Committee will meet weekly to execute the planning and coordination of the event. This allows us four months to prepare for the event, held during the second weekend of April.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Annicette Gilliam

Dynamic Interpretive Signage at the UW Farm

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,200

Letter of Intent:

We need funding to make and install three interpretive signs at the UW Farm's Center for Urban Horticulture site: an entryway sign with a map and a history of the farm, a "Where Does UW Farm Food Go?" sign, and a sign for the new vermicomposting facility.

This project should be finished by the end of Fall Quarter 2022. The signs are already designed and sent to the UW Botanic Gardens Sign Committee for printing.

We plan on installing three signs, two of which need steel signposts ($1212 total). The UWBG Sign Committee outsources sign printing ($645 total). We will put braille on the signs ($50). We will attach interactive ceramic elements to the signs ($200).

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Oliver Norred

Menstruation Station

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington Q Center is requesting an additional $3,000 from the Campus Sustainability Fund Mini-Grant to purchase and distribute sustainable, eco-friendly menstrual products to 100 UW students in need. The products—reusable cotton panty liners, reusable cotton pads, and menstrual cups—will be purchased from GladRags as part of the Q Center’s continuing initiative called the Menstruation Station, whose launch was generously funded by CSF. The Menstruation Station program, led by Graduate Program Coordinator Joie Waxler, has been successfully advancing menstrual justice for over a year by providing wraparound services that center the experiences, needs, and desires of bodies that bleed. The Q Center’s Menstruation Station program aims to undo and mitigate the structures of oppression that impact menstruating bodies with a focus on the needs of queer and trans folks who are often left out of menstruation discourse and care. Our goal is to re-empower bleeding and alleviate the financial and emotional burdens experienced by people who menstruate. The funding we received to from CSFto launch this initiative, as well as the support we received from the UW DEI Blueprint to maintain this program as allowed us to meet this community need and fulfill many of our programmatic goals. As we have this program grow and flourish thanks to the generosity of grant programs like CSF, we have also seen a steady increase in engagement and need. We are requesting these funds in order to keep up with student need, and ensure that all bodies that bleed are able to access the care they need through sustainable methods and community care.

Menstruation is a nearly ubiquitous experience for people who have uteruses, but it is often not discussed or tended to in the ways people with uteruses may need in order to thrive alongside this bodily process. Everybody experiences the menstrual cycle differently, but menstruation and ovulation can often be painful, fatiguing, emotional, and expensive. Over the course of their life, a person who menstruates will have around 456 periods and will spend upwards of $18,000 on menstrual care. And the issue is not just financial, it is also deeply environmental. Each year, menstrual products account for 200,000 tons of plastic, and most menstruators will generate anywhere from 250-300 pounds of plastic waste over the course of their lifetimes. As we continue moving through the social and physical consequences of Covid-19, the stigmatizing ramifications of the current outbreak of Monkeypox (MPV), and the historical and present the burdens of White Supremacy, colonialism, and hetero-patriarchy, queer and trans menstruating bodies continue to be disproportionately impacted. Menstrual wellbeing remains under-funded and menstrual stigma continues to create hostile environments for bodies that bleed. Providing free and environmentally-conscientious menstrual products to menstruators is an important step towards eradicating the economic and environmental burdens of menstrual care.

The Q Center has continued fostering our partnerships with GalPalz, Hall Health, the Counseling Center, the D Center, and the UW Food Pantry. Our partnerships ensure that our menstrual health initiatives reach a diverse swath of the UW community, and that our programming compliments already existing resources, such as UW Food Pantry’s disposable menstrual product distribution services. Our partnerships have also allowed us to collaboratively build out our supportive programming; we are continuing to work with Hall Health and the D Center on our Reproductive Justice Programming, launched last year with our ‘Abortion Care for Queer and Trans Bodies’ workshop. These partnerships are vital to the wellbeing of our programming, and more importantly, to the wellbeing of our community. Our collaborations through the Menstruation Station have helped nurture a supportive network for the community we serve, and we are looking forward to advancing sustainable menstrual equity through these community oriented collaborations.

Joie Waxler has been overseeing the creation, implementation, and maintenance of the Menstruation Station program since 2021. They are a professional sexual health educator, and have been published on both national and local stages on the topic of building effective means to provide affirming and accessible health care to queer and trans individuals and communities. They successfully built the first menstrual equity and access program for the Ryan Health Network, a major Federally Qualified Health Center in New York City, as well as one of the first pregnancy and parenting programs that centers queer and trans homeless youth in NYC. Their experience building sexual health equity programs that center the experiences, identities, and voices of communities that are often overlooked in this field are continuing to flourish as a Graduate Program Coordinator at the Q Center.

The Menstruation Station initiative is in part inspired by, and deeply aligned with the Q Center’s mission to engender a brave, affirming, liberatory, and celebratory environment for UW community members of all sexual and gender orientations, identities, and expressions. We approach our work with intentional interpersonal processes that strive to create holistic, culturally embedded, and appropriate services. Menstrual health and equity is imperative to maintaining emotional and physical wellbeing, and the funds from this CFS Mini-Grant will help the Q Center continue to engender equitable, sustainable, menstrual wellbeing for all bodies that bleed. Thank you for your consideration, and for the sustainable community you are helping to build with this funding. Please reach out to Joie Waxler at or budget administrator Lindsey Mitchell at with any questions regarding this application.
Joie Waxler
Graduate Program Coordinator
Q Center, University of Washington
They, them, theirs

Budget Proposal and Timeline

  • Amount Requested: $3000
  • Q Center Contribution: $1500

Description: Our partnership with GladRags allows us to purchase reusable menstrual products at wholesale prices. We are currently providing each participant with either one menstrual cup and one reusable menstrual pad, or three reusable menstrual pads of any variety. The maximum amount per student we are currently allocating for each student is $40.00 in products, not including shipping and tax costs. The aggregate average cost per student we have provided menstrual products for thus far is $35.00 including tax and shipping. The minimum possible cost per student is $6.25. Based on the aggregate average of costs over this past year, we estimate we will be able to provide about 125 UW community members with menstrual products with the funds from this grant and the additional funds from our discretionary budget.

We are currently working from a separate grant which we anticipate will finish in December 2022. With a projected 35% increase in engagement, we anticipate these funds will allow the Menstruation Station to serve the UW community from January 2023-July 2023.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Joie Waxler

Evaluating Campus Bird Building Collisions

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $107,002

Letter of Intent:

Each year, up to one billion birds are lost to bird building collisions in the United States (Loss et al., 2014). This enormous yearly loss is one of the four top anthropogenic threats birds face leading to a 29% net loss of avian populations in North America (Rosenburg et al., 2019). Additionally, this critical conservation issue threatens biodiversity locally, regionally, and for migrating bird, throughout the Americas. Protecting biodiversity such as birds also increases overall human well-being through visual and audible connections to nature.

Birds are unable to perceive transparent glass surfaces as solid or distinguish between reflections of habitat space or flight paths in the glass. Birds collide head-on into transparent and reflective glass surfaces, killing them, in most cases, instantly. To date, the majority of bird building collision studies focus on fall and spring migration in the central and easter areas of the United States. A 2021 study by DeGroot et al. monitored collisions on the University of British Columbia Campus for five seasons (two winters, fall, spring, and summer), indicating bird building collisions are a year-round problem and collision patterns can vary regionally. College campuses are a hot spot for bird-building collisions, with the University of British Columbia estimating a loss of 10,000 yearly. However, collisions can be prevented through gathering local collision data, bird protecting designs, and education strategies.

This letter proposes the intent to conduct a two-phase, two-calendar year monitoring of a set of University of Washington Seattle campus buildings that have reported collisions. The first phase will monitor campus buildings for collisions beginning in September 2022 during the most fatal season, fall migration, followed by winter, spring, and summer for 45 days each. The collision victims will be collected by student volunteers who will enter the details of the site and species in a data collection file. The deceased birds will be donated to the Burke Museum, which has approved their addition to their collection.
The goal of the first year of monitoring is to provide a year-long set of data to determine the vulnerable species and indicate deadly designs for retrofitting. The first deliverable is a document outlining the collisions monitoring results to be submitted for publication.

With the data gathered from the first fall season, the project can begin to identify buildings to retrofit. Phase 2 of the project will monitor retrofitted buildings for effectiveness. Two issues prevent widely implementing bird protecting designs. First, when comparing current product testing methods such as flight tunnels to case studies, Judy found they overestimate the product’s effectiveness. This will be the first study monitoring bird protecting designs for their effectiveness in an ecologically salient setting. And second, though a few building guidelines advocate protecting biodiversity through preventing collisions, it’s not required, nor do any standards exist. Based on the data gathered in the second year, Phase 2, the second deliverable will provide architects and designers with a set of standards to implement effective bird protecting designs. The data will also be documented and submitted for publication. Further, in the second phase, the project will conduct a perception study of how students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors perceive the bird protecting designs by asking if their site or campus experience is impacted by the addition of these designs. This data will also be documented and submitted for publication, the first on this topic.

Throughout both phases of the project, education and outreach about the importance of preventing bird building collisions will be crucial. A third reason preventing bird building collisions is not widely implemented is the lack of awareness. By reaching students who will enter careers in many of the fields that contribute to collisions, this project will create no stewards for protecting birds and biodiversity. This can be achieved through campus events such as art installations, volunteering opportunities, and informational signs near retrofitted buildings. Local firms and campus architects will be included in the drafting of collision standards. Further, through publication, the data and standards have the potential to educate a global audience of researchers and designers. Through education and outreach, this project will engage with the four main stakeholders:  students on campus, the community on campus, in Seattle, and the Pacific Northwest, researchers in avian conservation, and designers or architects.

Conducting a large two-year project requires a project lead who has experience in project management and research. Judy Bowes is a Ph.D. student in the College of the Built Environments and has been a researcher and project coordinator for five years at Penn State University on two NSF projects. The budget reflects a full RA position for two years as the demands of the project do not allow for other RA positions. Judy’s estimated contribution is 800 hours per year ($25,652). Student volunteers are crucial to this project and will require 10-35 volunteers. The students will not only benefit from contributing to campus research but will build a foundation of knowledge of sustainability, bird biology and identification, active stewardship, and increased well-being through campus walks. To support Judy and the volunteers, the budget includes an undergraduate research assistant (160 per year/$2,720) who will assist with entering data, cleaning data sets, and filling in for volunteers as needed. The project requires a faculty member researching daylighting and views for 40 per year ($2,773), Judy’s mentor, a faculty member in architecture (30 hours per year/$2,080), a faculty member (ornithologist or wildlife sciences) to review the publications (12 hours per year/$951), and a collision research consultant (4 hours per year/$800). The material costs to collect the deceased birds are estimated at $3,000 a year. The total yearly budget for the project is $37,975, with a total budget of $75,950.

As humans build with large amounts of glass surface area to increase human well-being through views of nature and natural daylight, we are placing birds in danger threatening local and continental biodiversity. This project asks to consider its funding to further collisions to protect local biodiversity and reach a large audience of researchers and designers.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Judy Bowes

Student Athletes of UW for Sustainability (SAUWS) Union Bay Restoration Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

UW Athletics has an active sustainability program that engages with the campus and surrounding community on many levels. This includes UW student-athletes, who use their voices and outreach to promote sustainability though a variety of platforms.

The Student Athletes at UW for Sustainability (SAUWS) group was formed in 2019 with the intent to organize student-athletes to complete projects that make an impact in the athletic village, on campus or in our surrounding community. Sustainability has become a priority of UW student-athletes, and this group provides a framework to work together on projects they are passionate about.

This year, SAUWS is planning a restoration/education project along the waterfront next to the Conibear Shellhouse and Dempsey Indoor Facility. The project encompasses wetland restoration and removal of invasive species and garbage.

The project also provides an opportunity for UW’s student-athletes to create an educational program to share their knowledge and passion. We plan to partner with Pine Lake Middle School’s YESC group to take on this restoration project and create a fun, interactive education sessions for the middle school students presented by the student-athletes and supported by experts in the field. SAUWS is especially interested in connecting with youth in the community on environmental education, and this is a unique opportunity for them to share mutual interests in sports and the environment.

We also plan to create a video summarizing the event that can be shared on UW, Pac-12, and student-athletes’ media platforms. Our hope is that the video demonstrates our athletes’ commitment and passion for sustainability, and that others will be inspired to do similar work and create programs like these in their communities.

UW student-athletes are invested, and want to be leaders in sports sustainability, and foster healthy and sustainable communities where we live, learn and play. This project is hopefully the first of many collaborative community projects lead by UW student-athletes.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sara Matovina

Biomedical Engineering Society Mentorship Program

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $5,000

Letter of Intent:

Dear CSF Committee,

We are the Biomedical Engineering Society at the University of Washington, and we are writing to express our desire to obtain the support of the Campus Sustainability Fund to fund our novel mentorship program centered around educational equity. Our mentorship program aims to not only create a mentorship ecosystem centered around underserved and underrepresented communities, but also aims to increase awareness of equity issues throughout society.

Sustainable Impact

The main goal of our mentorship program is to give prospective first and second-year engineering students, especially those from underrepresented communities, equitable access to opportunities at UW by pairing them with a junior or senior in the bioengineering department. Through our recruitment process, we tabled at large-scale events such as the 1000+ person Engineering Launch and also reached out to identity groups such as the Engineering Dean’s Scholars Program. Programs like these specifically provide academic support to engineering students from low-income neighborhoods, which is the same demographic that our mentorship program aims to support.

Data from Autumn 2021 indicate that within the College of Engineering, women and underrepresented minorities only constitute 30% and 13% respectively of all BS degree recipients, and they only make up 22% and 6% of all PhD degree recipients. Oftentimes, students from these backgrounds are systematically barred from opportunities that prepare and enable them to pursue a career in engineering due to a number of factors. For example, women were traditionally discouraged from a career in STEM because of deeply-rooted gender expectations (Xu, 2017). Underrepresented populations often coincide with socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and students are subsequently raised in neighborhoods that simply lack the institutions that can provide professional development opportunities. From a pool of 50+ mentee applicants, our committee of four diverse BMES officers across all three bioengineering cohorts hand-picked over 30 mentees hailing from underserved and underrepresented communities. Through this selection process, we not only aimed to increase future representation of these communities in the Department of Bioengineering, but also throughout the College of Engineering as a whole. Through our year-long mentorship program, mentees have biweekly meetings with their paired mentors, and will gain their mentors’ perspectives into engineering major placement, bioengineering research, and extracurricular leadership. These are all areas that have traditionally favored students of higher income strata. Socioeconomically advantaged students are more likely to afford and hire private tutors or counselors that support students in their coursework as well as career planning decisions. They also enjoy the privilege of a broader selection of research opportunities to choose from, whether or not they are paid or volunteer-based, whereas their socioeconomically disadvantaged counterparts have to worry about securing an income to sustain themselves and can thus only consider paid opportunities, which are already rare and more competitive to begin with. Therefore, our goal is to provide students of lower income brackets and underserved communities with these same educational enrichment opportunities as their peers free-of-charge and to enhance their careers in bioengineering, competitiveness for research opportunities, and leadership potential in the future. Through these mentorship pairings, we also hope to spread awareness of equity issues such as environmental equity throughout the bioengineering department.

Leadership and Student Involvement:

The BMES Mentorship Program is completely driven and run by students passionate about enhancing the accessibility of selective engineering majors to underrepresented student bodies. The program is primarily led by the Mentorship Chair, President, and VP of Community Engagement of BMES at UW. The other 14 BMES officers provide assistance accordingly along with professional development, outreach, and wellness programs to our mentors and mentees. We created this program over the summer and have since been involved in driving the program and seeking partnerships with other organizations to broaden the reach and impact of our mentorship program to other departments. As of November, we currently have over 50 mentors and mentees, with over 20 more mentees on our waitlist. Mentors consist of third- and fourth-year undergraduate bioengineering students with diverse academic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds, as well as career aspirations. The mentees consist of first- and second-year undergraduate pre-engineering and pre-major students from similarly diverse backgrounds mentioned above. Our leadership team provides these students with a wide variety of enrichment opportunities by leveraging our network with other BioE-related student organizations such as BioEngage, BioE Justice Equity Diversity Inclusivity (JEDI) Committee, and Bioengineers without Borders. Our faculty advisor, Dr. Wendy Thomas, also helped us tailor our mentor/mentee selection process to specifically reach and serve underrepresented student populations. The JEDI committee that she chairs is also working closely with us to integrate our mentorship program into a larger mentorship ecosystem within the Department of Bioengineering, including monthly informal “Coffee Chats” with bioengineering faculty, industry and research-based mentorship, and graduate student mentorship within the department.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change

The mentorship program fulfills both the educational and outreach components through a cohesive combination of discussion prompts and large-scale events. Every month, the BMES and graduate JEDI committee create a monthly list of 10 discussion prompts centered around both educational and equity themes. For example, themes such as “Dead Week December” (finals) and “No-Reply November” (research/internships) these past few months have provided light-hearted guidance for mentors and mentees alike about academic-related topics that are of high priority to them. Simultaneously, themes such as “(Environmental) Justice January” (environmental justice) and “Fairness February” (equity in education) help to build up a more aware and understanding community about current issues in social and environmental sustainability. Through our emphasis on environmental justice, we hope to not only spread awareness, but also allow for mentors and mentees to take direct action for environmental justice by empowering them to make the bioengineering department and other engineering departments more sustainable for future research.

Through the discussion guide that we will be sending out at the beginning of each month, we will include prompts about the dire environmental issues that biomedical research generates; for example, the overreliance on single-use, disposable plastics (such as pipette tips) that are responsible for 5.5 million tonnes of plastic waste in 2014 (Urbina, Watts & Reardon, 2015). Besides plastic waste, laboratories also produce infectious, cytotoxic, and radioactive waste that end up in landfills and incinerators, which then contaminate water sources and release heavy metals and other toxic particles into the air (World Health Organization, 2018), which disproportionately impacts minorities and underserved communities. Mentors and mentees will be encouraged to discuss these current issues, brainstorm potential solutions, and connect with leaders on or beyond campus that tackle these issues. Some of the funds will be spent on hiring and paying students who are passionate about environmental issues to create informative and illustrative visual-audio presentations and also compile a database of contacts that students can reach out to should they want to pursue this direction even further. Through these one-on-one discussions between mentors and mentees, we hope to foster an active approach to tackling environmental justice and sustainability within bioengineering and throughout the College of Engineering.

In addition to one-on-one discussions between mentors and mentees, we also plan to use our budget to schedule program-wide guest speaker events for group networking and awareness across participants of our mentorship program. These events will host environmental justice educators and other prominent figures in higher education, and will be held in conjunction with current events such as the BMES/JEDI “Coffee Chat” series focused on informal mentorship with bioengineering faculty members. For example, Dr. Kelly Stevens hosted our November “Coffee Chat” and covered the topics of inclusivity and diversity in our communities. As such, bringing in prominent environmental justice proponents will help to not only supplement this informal networking between mentors, mentees, and experts in the field, but will also spread awareness of current environmental justice initiatives that they can apply their knowledge of bioengineering toward in the near future.

Feasibility and Accountability

As part of BMES, we have a diverse team of 17 officers that work together to support initiatives like the BMES Mentorship Program. With the support of this established leadership structure, as well as our affiliation with the national BMES program, we believe that we have the networking necessary to build a diverse and effective coalition of bioengineers for both educational and environmental justice. In addition, our close collaborators in the graduate JEDI committee and meetings with Dr. Wendy Thomas have helped to establish a broader view of our long-term impacts across the university. We meet with the JEDI committee every month, something that helps us with not only our financial outcomes and budgeting goals, but also our goals with growing our program across the College of Engineering as well. We aim to expand this mentorship program to different engineering departments and we believe that our own networks, such as the Engineering Peer Educator Program, the General Studies 199 class, and our close collaboration with the BMES Outreach Program are key cornerstones to this plan.

Similar to our expansion plan, we also believe that our experienced financial team has the capability to manage and organize a budget necessary for this plan. The current Treasurer of BMES at UW works closely with Elizabeth Mounce, the current Fiscal Specialist Supervisor of the UW Bioengineering Department, to track and manage our spending throughout the year. In addition, our current treasurer has held multiple treasurer positions in the past, managing annual budgets of over $400,000 in the past. Combined with the oversight from our faculty and graduate student collaborators, we believe that we will be able to manage funds granted to us both efficiently and responsibly.


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Joey Liang

Indonesian Student Association at the University of Washington, ISAUW's Annual Event, KERATON

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $10,000

Letter of Intent:

To whom it may concern,

ISAUW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit cultural organization dedicated to promoting the diverse Indonesian culture to the communities in the Greater Seattle area. ISAUW’s vision is to become the leading Indonesian Student Association in the United States. We aim to achieve this by building a respectful, well-rounded, diverse, yet nationalistic young Indonesian community in the Greater Seattle Area and in the United States. Established for over ten years, ISAUW would like to carry on and improve the legacy of our previous years and hold the most successful Keraton Indonesian Festival to date.

As the largest Indonesian cultural event on the West Coast and second largest in the United States, Keraton has experienced high growth, culminating in 2019’s event that attracted over 12,000 people. ISAUW expects 13,000 visitors and will be showcasing the diversity of Indonesia’s many islands through traditional food, dance, music, and art. Beyond ISAUW’s purpose of entertaining and educating the community about Indonesia, we also wish to create a memorable Indonesian experience. This year, the theme for Keraton will be Indonesian Retro Films. In addition, we are planning to have a coffee-tasting booth and batik awareness and creation booth that we have at the festival annually and many more booths designed to enrich the visitors’ knowledge about Indonesia and Indonesian retro films. With this, ISAUW would like to apply for CSF funding to make Keraton possible again this year.

ISAUW guarantees CSF that Keraton always has and will continue to deliver a sustainable impact. We will also promote leadership, student involvement, education about Indonesian culture, reach out to the Seattle community and encourage positive behavior change amongst our members and the campus community. Last but certainly not least, throughout the years, Keraton has instilled important values and taught our members essential life skills such as accountability, teamwork, and respect.

Sustainable Impact

Social Sustainability

Keraton promotes volunteerism and community engagement between ISAUW members tasked with planning Keraton and the Seattle community. In preparation for this annual event, ISAUW has created many different opportunities throughout the academic year for volunteering and engaging the Greater Seattle community to make this event possible.

Keraton aims to build awareness of Indonesian culture and showcase the diversity of the University of Washington. Through the celebration of Indonesian Culture at Keraton, ISAUW can empower and educate the Seattle community, paving the way for empowerment, equity, and inclusion which are foundational for social sustainability.  

Environmental Sustainability

ISAUW members are also highly concerned about the environment, thus making environmental sustainability a top priority for our organization and this event. Following past years, Keraton will be held in an outdoor location, Rainier Vista, to utilize less energy than an indoor space. This location would also encourage the use of public transportation such as the bus, metro, and bikes due to the location’s accessibility to the metro station, bus stations, and the availability of bike racks close by to the location. Moreover, ISAUW assures CSF that Keraton is 99% compostable. We require all of Keraton’s food vendors to use compostable and sustainable packaging supplies and limit food waste at the event. We would also reduce waste by providing recycling, composting, and landfill bins to collect waste. Therefore, in preparation for Keraton, ISAUW members will focus their efforts on reducing carbon emissions, energy use, water use, and waste in this event.

Leadership and Student Involvement

Throughout the years, ISAUW has always put a huge emphasis on creating great leaders. The enormous commitment expected of our members prepares them for real-life work experiences. Not only are they involved in initiating events to promote Indonesian culture, but members are also involved in marketing communication, information technology, creativity management, and many more. Beyond this, students in ISAUW have the opportunity to learn to communicate and partner with small and big businesses in the United States and Indonesia, allowing them to hone excellent interpersonal skills. In Keraton, ISAUW receives volunteers who are students from diverse community colleges and universities in the Greater Seattle Area, including Edmonds Community College, Shoreline Community College, Bellevue Community College, and more. Moreover, almost half of the food vendors in Keraton are contributed by other Student Organization Bodies from various Community Colleges and Universities, such as The Indonesian Student Association of Seattle University (ISASU), Bellevue Indonesian Club (BIC), Indonesian Student Association of North Seattle College (ISANS), Indonesian Student Association in the United States in Seattle (PERMIAS Seattle), and more. Hence, ISAUW members can expand their channels and meet new people from various backgrounds and create new experiences for students that would be useful for their future endeavors.   

Education, Outreach and Behavior Change

Keraton has consistently received critical acclaim from Indonesians who attend Keraton and non-Indonesians who took home knowledge about Indonesia’s diversely rich culture from Keraton. Beyond that, ISAUW members and volunteers have also been more active in the campus community as we enlist their collaboration and help while preparing for Keraton.

Feasibility and Accountability

ISAUW expects each member to fulfill their significant roles. We encourage our fellow ISAUW members to showcase their project management skills continuously. Members in different departments must work together and collaborate with other departments to achieve the vision and mission of ISAUW. They complete numerous challenging tasks, engage with real professionals, and are committed to lobbying for funds put into Keraton, allocating the fund appropriately, and using it as wisely as possible to make the execution of Keraton successful.

Estimation of Project Budget:

Category Item Cost
Accommodation Event Reservation $3,580
  Event Insurance $435
  Honey Bucket and Water $2,000
  Events Staff $2,400
  First Aid $100
  Recycling $145
  Electricity $5,000
  Fire Extinguisher $300
  Transportation (U-Haul) $250
Staging and Sound Stage, Lighting and Sound System $14,000
Food Vendors Area Equipment $1,000
  Canopies $100
  Decorations $2,500
  Assembly Permit and Propane Permit $4,500
Volunteers and Performers Guest Star Fee $7,000
  Event T-Shirt $500
  Committee, Volunteers and Performers Consumption $2,000
Marketing Newspapers $700
  Balloons $200
  Posters Printing $300
Total   $47,010

Key Stakeholders and Core project team

Key Stakeholders

  • Local Communities
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Registered Student organizations
  • University of Washington
  • Business partners, suppliers, and vendors
  • Organization members
  • Volunteers
  • International and local students in Seattle

Core Project Team

  • Operations: Event Organizer, Creativity Management, Inventory
  • Finance: Sponsorship and Treasury
  • Communication Outreach: Information Technology, Marketing Communication, Design & Documentation

Project Timeline

Autumn 2021

  • Event Organizers:
    • Start reaching out to artists to perform in Keraton (minimum 2 emails per week)
    • Planned to have a few known Artists to headline, and student performers from all over Seattle. Previous guest artists include: Andrew Garcia, Jeremy Passion, Leroy Sanchez, and more
  • Creativity Management:
    • Decided the theme for Keraton 2022: Indonesian Retro Films (1960s - 1970s)
  • Treasury and Sponsorship:
    • Start Fundraising events to raise funds for Keraton:
      • Boba Tour: City tour event, orientation for new students at UW
      • Seathrough: Social event for new and current UW students alike, primarly targeted towards Indonesians
      • Friendsgiving: Thanksgiving event, providing food, drinks, games, photobooths, and karaoke place
    • Sold ISAUW merchandise and food fundraising for Keraton:
      • Hoodie: 100% cotton hoodie designed by our design and documentation team.
      • Tote bag: Canvas tote bag designed by our design and documentation team.
      • ISAUW card: a student discount card which partners with over 25 restaurants around the Greater Seattle area.
      • Banana Pudding: Creating our signature dessert that is packaged in an environmentally friendly mason jar and sold to the student population around the Greater Seattle Area
    • Draft Keraton Sponsorship proposal
    • Draft rough budget plan to estimate the budget breakdowns for Keraton
  • Information Technology:
    • Created a website to hold information about us, our events, our merch, and promote our sponsors

Winter 2022

  • Event Organizers:
    • Continue reaching out to artists for Keraton
    • Finalize artists and performers for Keraton by the first week of February
  • Creativity Management:
    • Draft designs for Keraton
  • Treasury and Sponsorship:
    • Create a detailed budget plan of Keraton
    • Finished drafting Keraton sponsorship proposal
    • Look for sponsors from small and big businesses in Indonesia and the Greater Seattle area
  • Fundraising:
    • Banana Pudding, Authentic Indonesian savory dish, ISAUW card
  • Marketing Communication:
    • Create marketing campaigns for the event in social media and real life
  • Design and Documentation:
    • Create T-shirt designs for Keraton
    • Create Instagram posts, poster designs, and video promotions for Keraton
  • Information Technology:
    • Create a paying platform to be used in Keraton by our vendors

Spring 2022

  • Executes Keraton on May 7th, 2022
  • Event Organizers:
    • Finalize all logistics for Keraton by the end of April (equipment, set up, layout, artists, etc.)
  • Creativity Management:
    • Complete Keraton décor by the end of April
  • Treasury and Sponsorship:
    • Fundraising
    • Banana Pudding
    • Authentic Indonesian savory dish
    • Finalize list of sponsors for Keraton and communicate about their plans for Keraton
    • Create an actual budget breakdown of expenditure for Keraton
    • Handle all reimbursements in preparation for Keraton
    • Develop a payment system for Keraton
  • Inventory:
    • Take count of inventory in office and other locations, gather items needed for Keraton
  • Design and Documentation:
    • Finalize T-shirt designs for Keraton (Sponsors at the back of the shirt)
    • Create Instagram posts, TikTok videos, promotional videos and poster designs for Keraton
    • Print T-shirts for officers and volunteers
    • Print posters to be passed around campus
    • Document Keraton to be posted in all ISAUW’s social media and website
  • Marketing Communication:
    • Market Keraton actively on all social media platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok, and on ISAUW’s website
    • Collaborate with other colleges in the Greater Seattle area to promote Keraton
    • Tabling to promote the festival at community colleges in the Greater Seattle Area (one week before Keraton)
    • Tabling to promote the festival at Red Square at the University of Washington (week of Keraton)
  • Information Technology
    • Finalize the payment system and prepare a plan B

Primary Contact information

ISAUW President 2021-2022
Name: Amy Dharmawan
Contact number: +1 (206) 475-5141

Secondary Contact information

ISAUW Director of Finance 2021-2022
Name: Natasha Valerie Sumarta
Contact number: +1 (541) 286-8727

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Amy Dharmawan

Queer and Trans BIPOC Artist-Scholar Graduate Student Collective

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $29,950

Letter of Intent:

The Project's Impact on the Sustainability of the Campus:

The University of Washington defines sustainability as the “capacity to create and maintain healthy, equitable and diverse communities now and into the future.” To achieve this capacity, we need present collective understandings of how we commune with each other, other beings, and our environments to build this future. This proposal asks for funding to provide space, materials, and community for a collective of queer and trans Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) creative graduate students at UW for the sake of maintaining our own well-being and the well-being of our communities at this institution. Funding this project will allow us to demonstrate that one of the ways personal and communal sustainability in academia can be implemented is by building a community where our arts, which are tied to our self-expressions and how we move with the world and our communities, and our scholarship, which seeks to add to ongoing conversations about our knowledges, cultures, and beings, are not forced to be separated because of academic discipline standards— standard, we might add, that are rooted in hegemonic and colonial ways of producing and sharing knowledge. Furthermore, funding this project will allow us to impact this larger need to build healthier, more equitable and diverse communities in academia because we can offer support to undergraduate artist-scholar who early on in their academic career and don’t have adequate support and understanding for how to infuse their arts into their scholarship or the other way around.

The starting group for this collective are graduate students in the humanities, social sciences, and DX Arts and have already been in conversation with each other as we hold frequent meetings, shows, and viewings to witness and talk with each other about our artistic practices and how they respond to the scholarship we engage in. However, we are at a point where we realize that in order for our artistic crafts to be more intertwine with our scholarship, we need more support that we aren’t receiving from our disciplines— like the knowledge of both our crafts and scholarship, adequate materials and education to work on arts and studies, and time and space to dedicate to both. We are also at a point where we can see the power in our conversations through the works we create, and we want to expand these conversations to the wider public and community by offering showings, workshops, residencies, and supporting other artist-scholars’ projects.

Many of our disciplines are focused on teaching us to produce our research findings in academic style writings; however, this collective realizes such restrictions are detrimental to our learning processes, our creativity, and how we intend to contribute to our respective fields of study. This collective addresses a trend in academia of wanting more creative, interdisciplinary projects, and although we often have encouragement from our departments to explore more creativity and theory in our disciplinary works, we lack the education and learning communities necessary to adequately contribute to our fields of research with our creative mediums. Therefore, this collective seeks to fill this gap by offering a space for dialogue and group critique by other scholars in our fields, who also understand the artistic mediums that we work within, as well as, inviting instructors of creative medium to lead workshops to help us hone in our creative mediums as responses to academic conversations.

Another goal of this collective is to build community with other artistic Queer and trans BIPOC graduate students for us to build safer spaces for us to discuss concerns that are salient to our identities. So much of our creative work stems from our cultural backgrounds; therefore, this collective seeks to build a community where we are not holding each other’s works against a colonial background for critique. Rather we are able to see our work as valid, understandable, and valuable contributions to our fields in their own right.

This collective seeks to build a sustainable community for those who’s identities, scholarly interests, and creative mediums are not adequately supported in our disciplines, yet our creative mediums and identities are intricately tied to the contribution we intend to make in our fields; thereby, calling attention to a need to build a space for us to imagine what a new wave in academia can look like when queer and trans BIPOC peoples are able to contribute with our imaginations.

What we will do and educational elements:

  • Peer to Peer Opportunities-- As a collective of graduate students and creatives, we will be providing peer-to-peer opportunities through: Graduate to undergraduate mentorship by assisting selected undergraduate students in supporting their creative endeavors and offering guidance on proposed projects and residencies for spaces to work through proposed projects.
  • Group Critical Feedback-- collective comes together on a bi-monthly basis to offer peer feedback on in-process creative projects.
  • Community Education Opportunities-- Following the trend of various disciplines encouraging creative liberties in academic work, we will encourage community educational opportunities through inviting working artists and creatives to facilitate workshops on the praxis of fusing academic and creativity in their respective fields.
  • Funding Opportunities-- Recognizing the barrier of resource accessibility to the materialization of creative projects, we will provide funding opportunities through: Accepting applications from undergraduate students for resource support for their proposed create projects and material/supply grants; Allocating funds to support members of collective to fund their own respective projects; Offering employment and compensation to contracted creative contributors to undergraduate and cohort projects.
  • Exclusive Collective Opportunities-- Recognizing the need of physical space to collaborate and produce meaningful work, we will offer studio space where members of the collective can collaborate or individually draft or produce intended creative projects.
  • Residencies-- Recognizing a need for cultivating a safe space to work through our artistic practice, we will offer a residency during the year as 2-daylong intensives for creatives to work on collaborative projects while also receiving peer feedback and support.
  • Group Showings-- One of the results of our collaborative process will be group showcases of the work in process and fully produced. Our work will be featured collectively in spaces such as the Henry Art Gallery, Wa Na Wari cultural center, or other art institutions/ galleries.

Our roles and how it speaks towards student leadership:

It is our intention to foster and facilitate a collaborative community lead environment, which will function through a student governed committee structure. Based on the scope of our proposal, we have identified the need for the following positions to be filled by members of the collective:

  • Residency Coordinator-- Responsible for managing project requests for creative sustainability funding submitted by students via proposal for support with supplies, space, and other resources needed.
  • Internal Outreach Coordinator-- Will act as liaison for undergraduate mentorship programs, by connecting with university creative arts schools across campus. Will organize and facilitate mentorship opportunities for undergraduate candidates.
  • External Outreach Coordinator-- Will coordinate with creatives, organizations, and facilities outside of the university to facilitate regular opportunities for learning workshops, collaborative creative opportunities, and public work presentation.  
  • Administrative Coordinator-- Undergraduate artist-scholar who will support operations with administrative tasks as needed.
  • Treasurer-- Will oversee management of financial affairs.


In order to ensure that the project is organized and functions according to projections, we plan to implement the following structural elements within the program:

  • Budget Creations & Maintenance-- The development of a programmatic budget that will be regularly reviewed, and adhered to for project stability.
  • Development of Selection Criteria-- The development of a criteria for residency proposals acceptance, as well as internally and externally coordinated resources.  
  • Monthly Organizational Meeting-- All members of the committee will meet monthly to review and discuss proposals, events and workshops, budget projections and day to day operational functioning.
  • Bi-Monthly Budget Forecasting-- We will review the budget twice a month to consider any re-forecasting needs.


Spring 2022: For initial planning; outreach; placing events on calendars

  • 3 Monthly meetings to plan and discuss how we’d like to use each quarter. Plan of actions to be implemented after each meeting. Planning Spring quarter in detail while having malleable ideas for Summer, Fall, and Winter quarter.
  • Plan for collective additions: solidify who will be a part of the collective. Ideally, at least 7 dedicated members.
  • Plan for residency for the year: discuss who we’d like to lead the residency, who can host us, ideal dates, and budgets.
  • Plan for regular peer-to peer activities: brainstorm how we can facilitate group critique, collaborations, and group showings
  • Plan for workshops: compile lists of people for workshops; the types of creative and scholarly practices for the workshops, dates, and frequencies
  • Plan for undergraduate support: develop applications for funding undergraduate projects and discuss funding max
  • Studio Space: Start looking for affordable studio spaces and equipment needed for arts and space
  • Start an official, shareable calendar of events
  • Funding: brainstorm other grants and fellowships to apply for funding so that we can keep this project going

Summer 2022: The start of activities for collective

  • Studio Space: move into one and place equipment
  • Undergraduate Support: put out calls, vet applications, and send out acceptance. Start mentorship process, for every 2 members of the collective mentors, one undergraduate student to support
  • Residency: host quarterly residency
  • Workshops: host 2 summer workshops  
  • Group Feedback Critique: host 4 session of feedback group dialogue
  • Studio Visit: host a studio visit where at least 2 member of the collective show their works-in-progress to public  
  • Group Show: work on application and proposal for end-of-year group show.
  • Funding: develop applications for found grants and fellowships for funding

Fall 2022: Continue quarterly activities

  • Undergraduate Support: work with mentee to help develop project
  • Workshops: host 2 fall workshops  
  • Group Feedback Critique: host 4 sessions of feedback group dialogue
  • Studio Visit: host a studio visit where at least 2 other members of the collective show their works-in-progress to public  
  • Group Show: send out application and proposal for end-of-year group show and beginning of quarter. Do site visits at the middle-end of the quarter. Confirm gallery by end of quarter  
  • Funding: apply for second round of funding from Sustainability grant and other grants/ fellowships

Winter 2023: Finish up year of the collective

  • Undergraduate Support: work with mentee to finalize projects and put them out to the public  
  • Workshops: host 2 winter workshops  
  • Group Feedback Critique: host 4 sessions of feedback group dialogue
  • Group Show: collaboratively work on finalizing our project, plan the layout of the show, prep the gallery space, hang works, put on show  
  • Funding: secure funding for next year around and re-visit budget and activities


  • Funding Undergraduate Students’ projects: $900 ( 3 projects at $300)
  • Funding the collective projects and materials: $7,000 ($1,000 per collective member)
  • Studio Space and equipments: $16,400 ( $1,000/month and $2,000 equipment)
  • Compensation for workshop collaborators: $1,800 ($300 per workshop (6))
  • Compensation for collective members: $3,150 ($450 per collective member)
  • Residency: $700

Total: 29,950

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Brittney Frantece

Resiliency Tunnel

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $5,000

Letter of Intent:

Summary of Project Proposal:

The UW Farm’s efforts to engage the community and meet the demands of HFS, the Community Supported Agriculture Program, and the UW Food Pantry in particular are currently constrained by inadequate facilities and increasingly frequent and intense inclement weather. The Resiliency Tunnel team proposes a modified high-tunnel for the UW Farm to create conditions more stable than the natural environment as a means of providing more reliable, plentiful, and nutritious food to fill the pressing supply chain challenge. This system would include a solar installation and rainwater catchment system to limit inputs and provide cost-effective and renewable sources of energy and water. To enhance the community benefit of the system, the tunnel would be outfitted with furnishings to support UW faculty in offering opportunities to study a model agroecosystem to UW students and the general public alike. By conducting outreach within the UW community and beyond, our team is involving experts to inform our approach. We are looking for support from CSF in the form of $5,000 of funding to conduct a feasibility study as we continue to develop the project. This funding would permit our team to, if necessary, hire expertise such as a structural engineer in order to answer critical questions in the feasibility study. More thorough and informed estimates of the full cost of the project will be developed as well as a complete feasibility study to be provided at a future date.

Meeting CSF Requirements and Preferences:

Cultural Awareness & Preservation:

We consider this project a unique opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the UW Farm and local tribes by integrating feedback from meetings with Polly Olsen, the Tribal Liaison of the Burke Museum. Acknowledging that the site of our project is on unceded land of the Coast Salish and Duwamish people, our team intends to collaborate with members of indigenous communities on design and planning for produce. The UW Farm itself currently partners with many groups within the campus, such as the wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ Intellectual House as well as others from various cultures and communities to come together in a welcoming environment to share knowledge.

Engaging Underrepresented Communities:

The UW Farm struggles to meet community demand for produce, and the UW Food Pantry in particular receives exorbitant quantities of viable produce from the UW Farm during summer months when growing conditions in the natural environment are most conducive to successful and fruitful harvests, though its aim is to serve the food insecure members of the UW community primarily during the academic year. This results in a mismatch between the volume and timing of viable produce that the UW Farm produces and which the UW Food Pantry needs. Building the Resiliency Tunnel on the UW Farm would increase produce output by extending the growing season while simultaneously protecting crops from unpredictable and threatening weather.

Diverse and Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

The development of the Resiliency Tunnel brings together a wide range of disciplines. Our core team was formed by members of the RSO UW Solar, though we greatly expanded by conducting outreach through classes, professors, and LinkedIn to gather students from different areas of study, which has permitted us to engage 26 UW undergraduate and graduate students from the programs listed below:

  • Architectural Design
  • Electrical, Chemical, and Computer Engineering
  • Environmental Science, Atmospheric Science, Chemistry, and Biology
  • Construction Management
  • Finance, Information Systems, and Business Administration
  • Urban Planning
  • Evan’s School Environmental Policy

These students are divided into smaller teams focused on design, outreach, funding, and finance. The design team collaborates on architectural design, energy generation, and hydrology, assisted by students from Construction Management specializing in feasibility. The outreach team has been in contact with far-reaching members of the UW community and beyond to gather sponsors and communicate with stakeholders, as well as to gather insight during the design phase. Once in service, the tunnel will provide opportunities for the UW Farm to increase overall campus awareness of an agroecosystem, and serve as a center for innovation, research, leadership, and access to organic fresh vegetables and a healthy lifestyle.

Environmental Footprint and Justice:

In 2020, over 1,800 pounds of produce at the UW Farm - roughly 15% of annual production - were spoiled by rainstorms and unexpected frost, conditions which are becoming increasingly frequent and intense due to climate change. During heavy rain events, for example, tomatoes absorb enough water overnight to swell and split open, deeming them no longer marketable. The short term solution is to quickly harvest produce and deliver it to the pantry in single-serve plastic bags, but this results in excessive use of plastic and produce that spoils quickly. Establishing a high tunnel will protect tomatoes and other crops from weather events, and control soil and crop moisture. This structure will prevent the use of over 1,000 plastic bags that go to waste after a single use each year on the farm.
This solution revolves around the structure of a high tunnel, which are USDA-approved methods for season extension, constructed on the farm, that protect crops and extend the production season by multiple months. Diverting the UW Farm’s spoiled produce from disposal in compost highlights one of the most ecologically-sustainable features of this project. Capturing produce with higher nutritional value in greater quantities, and ensuring it reaches food-insecure populations exercises a commitment to all individuals' right to fresh, healthy, and reliable food sources.

The inclusion of a solar installation and rainwater catchment system creates a net zero or even net negative impact from the structure, going beyond the efforts of carbon mitigation into true carbon reduction. This is a cost-effective solution that allows funds previously allocated to utilities to instead be utilized for improvement of the function and services offered by the farm, further promoting community well-being. The solar installation will provide power for electrical needs, and a surplus of energy that may be sold “back to the grid” in a practice known as net metering. The rainwater catchment system will mitigate the structure’s demand on natural resources for irrigation of crops, and provide resiliency during droughts when water savings are critical. Finally, the UW Farm produces locally-sourced produce for the Greater Seattle area, thus providing food with a higher nutritional value and a cleaner environmental footprint than traditional supermarket sources. Locally-sourced food reduces much of the supply chain emissions in food production as transportation, processing, packaging, and retail sourced emissions are reduced (Ritchie, 2019).

The execution and operation of this plan will notably contribute progress primarily towards action VI of the UW Sustainability Action Plan, involving a target that 35% of food is from local sources by 2025 (UW Sustainability). It additionally assists the campus in reaching actions VIII (15% lower energy usage intensity by 2025), IX (10% less solid waste by 2025), and X (45% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030). Produce from the farm is even desirable beyond that from local industrial farming as it does not involve unsustainable monoculture, and rather is NOP certified organic and salmon safe. Beyond that, the UW Farm received CSF funding in 2016 for a project titled the “Composting Toilet at the Center for Urban Horticulture”, which involves on-site vermicomposting and would provide soil amendments for the agriculture within the Resiliency Tunnel.

Leadership & Student Involvement:

The Project Manager for the project is undergraduate Emma Maggioncalda of Environmental Science & Resource Management and Urban Design & Planning. Emma is a fourth-year who originally partnered with Perry Acworth to identify several pressing needs of the UW community and associated proposed solutions as they pertain to the UW Farm. Student involvement greatly expanded this fall quarter as described above to constitute a highly interdisciplinary team, of which members are compensated with class credit. All team members attend Monday team meetings, share ideas, information, and responsibilities with team members, and participate in team meeting reports. We engage in ongoing efforts to involve even more students from different spheres on campus, with potential for paid positions through the UW Farm.

Directing UW Solar is Professor Jan Whittington of the College of Built Environments, who provides guidance and advice essential to using best practices in our project development process, outreach communications, grant applications, and team structure. Professor Jim Fridley of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences serves as an advisor to Project Manager Emma Maggioncalda, providing key insights into helpful resources, alternative approaches, and case studies. UW Botanical Gardens Liaison Wendy Gibble serves as the point of contact between the Resiliency Tunnel team and the Botanical Gardens, and facilitated the arrangement of an introductory presentation to the committee that resulted in ear-marking the site for the development of this project in particular. The site recently became available for use by the UW Farm after another party’s lease expired.

The UW Farm currently utilizes over 400 student volunteers every year that assist in all areas of farm labor, especially field work, planting, and harvesting, nearly year-round. Given the opportunity to increase the amount of usable crop produced at the UW Farm, this project may divert more student labor to harvesting and packing produce, and mitigate volunteer efforts spent on the disposal of unusable produce. The farm has an existing system with capacity for increased production within the current capabilities of the “wash pack” and dry storage areas. The farm also has an electric bike with cargo attachments for produce delivery, as well as a farm delivery truck for transporting larger produce deliveries. At this time, the storage and delivery systems are under-utilized. The farm has a permanent full-time manager and a seasonal full-time AmeriCorps member. Our partner Perry Acworth, the current UW Farm Manager, has a positive track record for receiving grants and completing grant reports that are well-documented, with support from an accountant and financial administrators. The farm also hires seasonal student farm staff every year and supervises up to twenty interns. One of the students will be assigned the waste reduction focus and will be in charge of tracking progress.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

The UW Farm as a whole engages the UW community through its demanding and rewarding culture of community. Students, community members from the surrounding neighborhoods, and visitors from outside the area all have the opportunity to volunteer at the UW Farm and engage in learning about sustainable agriculture, food systems and their role in the community when it comes to reducing produce waste.
This project would assist in strengthening connections between our growing spaces and academics on campus by supporting the over two-dozen courses and volunteer programs that already utilize the farm as an outdoor learning space, as well as educational opportunities including supporting the Nutrition Science Program, Environmental Studies Capstone Internships, Public Health Internships, and Biology Internships. The UW Farm hosts and instructs over 300 service learners per academic year, and is connected to many UW courses linked to farm-based work.

However, there are currently no truly accessible or sheltered large meeting spaces on the UW Farm where students or other community groups can gather and learn together, which highlights the need for a project of this nature and has led us to take ADA specifications into consideration during our design process. The Resiliency Tunnel would be outfitted with furnishings to support UW faculty and students in running labs and experiments while gathering to generally study innovative sustainable agricultural practices, and these courses would be open to students and the general public alike. We are reaching out and teaching a wide group of people growing and consuming a healthy diet.

Feasibility & Accountability:

While we remain in the planning stage of the project for the time being, by having frequent and ongoing conversations with advisors and other UW Faculty, we are utilizing an informed and adaptive approach to designing, funding, and implementing the tunnel. Our team is engaging necessary stakeholders by contacting UW Facilities, the Design Review Board, and other relevant departments to investigate site conditions, tribal relations, innovative system design, and groups involved in alterations to the physical composition of campus. The UW Botanical Gardens has offered the necessary approvals for this project to move forward as planned. Our overview of the diverse and interdisciplinary collaboration involved in this project is outlined above, with references to the range of expertise we have drawn.

The proposed site was selected partly due to its close proximity to a utility pole which we would pull from and contribute energy back to, water sources which would supplement additional irrigation needs, and a paved road that ensures it is accessible year round, even when much of the farm is waterlogged in winter months. Our pre-feasibility study informed us that we would need two 500 gallon cisterns, totaling to 1000 gallons. The main energy needs of the Resiliency Tunnel are germination lighting for the crops and a basic irrigation system. To fully meet those needs, we plan on installing around 20 solar panels. These would be roof mounted and installed on the archway at the entrance of the Resiliency Tunnel. At roughly 300W each, this would provide us around 6kW of power, with excess power being fed back into the grid through the utility pole next to the site. We estimate an installation cost of around $15,000. On Helioscope we created a design for the Resiliency Tunnel to account for shading and other obstacles that could be generated on site. A power production graph was created using that information. This information is provided in an attachment over email titled “Resiliency Tunnel Pre-feasibility Study”. During the formal design and construction phases of this project we will utilize early funding to access services of a formal feasibility study, project management, and detailed design work.

Key stakeholders

UW Solar - Working with a diverse group of students from across majors and grade levels to design and organize the Tunnel Project. Students joined the Registered Student Organization for the first time to work on this project, bringing different perspectives and ideas to the planning of the project. Students are compensated with academic credit and develop strong research, communication, and collaboration skills.

UW Food Pantry - Communicating with Sean Ferris to design the Resiliency Tunnel to best serve underserved students on campus with a sustainable and reliable produce source. Will be collaborating with the Pantry to determine plant selection and transportation of produce.

UW Farm - Receiving information and guidance regarding the existing site and nearby resources. Working closely with the UW Farm Manager to learn how to design efficient agricultural systems and on recommended components to use to achieve project goals.

UW Botanical Garden (UWBG) - Ongoing communication was established early on with our project liaison Wendy Gibble. Presented to the UWBG, receiving positive feedback and gaining approval for site use. The planned site has been ear-marked for this particular development.

UW Irrigation - Communicated with James Boeckstiegel to discuss existing irrigation systems and water pipes on site. Future communication is anticipated to receive feedback on our design and information on the process for contracting out components.

UW Sustainability - Notified of project as it pertains to a physical change to UW campus and an improvement to sustainability. Will engage further in the process as needed.

Planned Outreach

Eli Wheat, UW Farm Advisory Council -  We are currently in the process of scheduling a meeting to discuss how the tunnel and the future plans for the farm can be synced to mutually benefit each other.

David Zuckerman, Manager of the Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH) - Will engage after our initial meeting with the UW Farm Advisory Council once we are more informed on necessary proceedings.

Jeremy Parks, UW Electrical Utilities & Power Systems Manager -  Plan to hold a meeting to discuss our electrical design and advice for the implementation of our project, particularly with the integration of our electrical systems with each other. This also includes receiving information on the process for contracting out components.

Steve Tatge, Executive Director in UW Facilities Project Delivery - Will contact to discuss and review our cost-estimate and financial organization of the project, as well as to connect with other individuals that will be valuable in moving forward in our project design and construction phases.

UW Design Review Board - Presenting to the Design Review Board in late winter to review and receive feedback on the interior and exterior design of our tunnel and site for final revisions to the project.

Core Project Team

This information is provided in an attachment over email titled “Resiliency Tunnel Team Contact Information”, with team leads denoted with an asterisk.

Itemized Estimate of the Project’s Budget

This project is considered large (> $1,000), and for this cycle we are requesting $5,000 for a feasibility study as we continue to develop the project. This funding would permit our team to, if necessary, hire expertise such as a structural engineer in order to answer critical questions in the feasibility study. More thorough and informed estimates of the full cost of the project, including line budget items dedicated to project management and detailed design development, will be developed in this feasibility study and provided at a future date. We have, however, attached our best estimate of projected costs for your consideration in an attachment over email titled “Resiliency Tunnel Cost Estimation”.

Timeline for Project Completion

PHASE 1: Planning and Funding / Finance

  • September - October 2021: Investigate proposed location and conduct site analysis
  • Identify:
  • Services we need aim to provide
  • Stakeholders and possible sponsors
  • Brainstorm system components to deliver services
  • Conduct pre-feasibility study
  • October - December 2021: Identify potential funding sources
  • Request funding for a feasibility study during Cycle 2 of CSF funding (by December 1st, 2021)
  • November - December 2021: Massing and defining purpose
  • Use constraints (site, funding, etc.) for massing
  • Name system components matched with purposes
  • Identify how we are doing something different to solve a particular problem
  • Consider how construction can be staged

PHASE 2: Design

  • December 2021 - January 2022: Conceptual Design and Systems Diagram
  • Use site information and general massing of structure to evaluate the variety of alternative system components in combination
  • Utilize faculty to discuss ways to deliver different services
  • Brainstorm possible arrangements of technology to satisfy purposes at appropriate scale
  • Generate 2 or 3 scenarios of how system components can fit together to develop the first design
  • Utilize faculty again to evaluate these proposed systems
  • January 2022: Feasibility Study
  • Describe a rough order of magnitude
  • Further develop cost estimate accordingly
  • Input into full proposal to CSF
  • Spring 2022: Design Review
  • Meet with the Design Review Board at UW
  • Spring - Summer 2022: Schematic and Detailed Design
  • Speak with UW Facilities and other UW administrative bodies for:
  • Comments on the application for full project cost funding
  • Investigating prospects for funding operations and maintenance
  • Making “Make or Buy” decisions (in-house or contracted services)
  • Defining UW Facilities role in contracting out
  • Creating a scoring system for evaluating proposals
  • Accepting bids and choosing award by ranking bidders
  • TBD: Apply for funding for full project costs
  • Expand and update proposal from January 2021 to submit during Cycle 3 of CSF funding

PHASE 3: Construction - GOAL: Late Summer 2022 (at the earliest)

  • Receive an assigned UW faculty Project Manager
  • In-house or contracted services serve to implement construction of system
  • UW students shadow UW faculty and contracted bodies as further learning opportunity

PHASE 4: Operations and Maintenance (TBD)

  • Utilize data collection services to evaluate functionality and impacts of system
  • Third-party hired to check functionality of deliverable


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Emma Maggioncalda

Eat Local Food Fair

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Project Summary

Established in 2016, the Supplier Diversity Program is a student-run organization that is dedicated to ensuring the equality of UW business opportunities for small, minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, LGBT-owned, and historically underutilized businesses. This includes educating the student body on the importance of Supplier Diversity and the types of businesses that are contracted by UW as suppliers of goods and services. We are planning our third Eat Local Food Fair, our largest outreach project. This will be the first Eat Local Food Fair since 2019, as 2020 and 2021 efforts had to be cancelled due to COVID (our CSF Grant for the 2020 Food Fair was approved but not paid out after we were forced to cancel the event). The Eat Local Food Fair invites local vendors from the Seattle community to campus (HUB Walkway) during May and helps them to be further exposed to UW, both students and staff. Thanks to the support of Campus Sustainability Fund, the most recent Fair saw huge success. It hosted eight catering vendors and thousands of students who visited the booths. This unique and interactive opportunity gets to the heart of what the Supplier Diversity Program works toward daily – advocacy for diverse-owned business, education of our student body, influencing sustainable decision-making by the University, and creating a more equitable community.

Sustainable Impact

Our project strives to improve both social and environmental sustainability of the UW community. From the social perspective, Supplier Diversity promotes diversity, inclusivity, and equality on campus. Small businesses present new employment opportunities and spur innovations in the community. However, these historically underutilized businesses often face various challenges including lack of access to money, markets, exposure, and opportunities. Therefore, by providing a space where these local businesses can generate revenue and be exposed to a larger consumer base, we believe it will help expand the diversity of businesses being affiliated by UW and support the local economy.

On the other hand, purchasing more local food provides positive environmental benefits as well. The production of food accounts for 68 percent of greenhouse gas emission in the world, while its transportation accounts for 5 percent. Eating locally helps prevent global warming because local restaurants often use food grown closer to home which requires less fuel to transport. In addition, local farms are more likely to adopt environmentally friendly practices including using less pesticides, preserving genetic diversity, and enriching the soil with cover crops. Furthermore, to minimize the environmental externalities of the Eat Local Food Fair, we will encourage garbage classification by having different types of garbage bins and creating signages with instructions. We will make sure that participants of the Fair are environmentally conscious and educated on how to dispose of food waste correctly.

Student Leadership & Involvement

Student Leadership and Involvement is the driving force behind the Eat Local Food Fair. The Supplier Diversity Program is a student-run organization, which means that students are the ones who propose and organize projects. Currently, the program has 10 members from 7 different majors on campus. The Executive Board of the program is comprised of 4 students, who take roles of the Director of External Relations, the Director of Internal Relations, the Director of Funding, and the Director of Recruiting. The members are divided into three different committees: Brand Awareness, Education, and Community Engagement, each with a committee lead and other members. The Eat Local Food Fair is led by the head of the Community Engagement Committee and the Executive Board, who together manage the Fair logistics, funding, and vendor recruitment. The Brand Awareness committee is in charge of creating promotional materials and social media campaigns to advertise the Fair. The Education committee will be tasked to educate Fair participants on the importance of Supplier Diversity and ask them to sign the Supplier Diversity Pledge Card. In addition, we will recruit more student volunteers to promote the event, collect feedback, and aid set-up the day of the Fair. The audience of the Fair will primarily be students as well.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The Eat Local Food Fair strives to reach out to diverse groups on campus and educate them about the importance of Supplier Diversity, with the end goal of increasing diversity of the University supply chain and influencing students to make more conscious buying decisions. We have brainstormed multiple ways to improve the Fair this year to reach a wider audience and better engage the participants:

  • Vendor Selection Process: We would like to share this wonderful opportunity with more local businesses this year. Therefore, we developed a vendor application form that is currently being distributed with small businesses in our network and the Foster School of Business. We will prioritize vendors that have high potential and interest to be a supplier of UW.
  • Student Outreach: We will advertise to students heavily on social media including our Facebook and Instagram pages. We will then reach out to student organizations through the Foster School of Business and HUB.  We will also design poster boards and flyers that will be placed and distributed around campus.
  • Staff Outreach: We are planning to invite staff from UW Procurement and other campus departments that would be interested in using catering services. We will then create a handout that lists the vendors present, their stories, and their products to share with the UW staff.
  • Feedback Cards: We plan to partner with Chef Tracey, the Campus Executive Chef to gauge interest in some of the most exciting and diverse-owned businesses in our community. Fair participants will be given rating cards to provide feedback on selected vendors. We will then analyze the results and assist Chef Tracey with her team's vendor selection process for UW Housing and Food Services. This would have a direct impact on diversifying the supply chain of the University.
  • Gallery: We believe in the power of stories. Therefore, we will design poster boards for each vendor to share their entrepreneurship path and the adversities that they overcome. In addition to trying the products, we hope UW students and staff can also be inspired by these stories and change their buying behaviors.
  • Supplier Diversity Pledge: The Supplier Diversity Pledge was created to gain feasible metrics that will allows us to measure the support for our program mission. This year, we will have printed pledge cards, QR codes for participants to sign online, and a signing board. The Pledge will include statistics showcasing the importance of Supplier Diversity and actions that participants can take to support the movement.

Feasibility & Accountability

Spring 2022 will serve as the third Eat Local Fair in which the Supplier Diversity Program aims to again showcase a diverse group of vendors to the campus community. We have built a solid planning and execution plan to sustain this event and for years to come. Historically the program has received guidance from advisors from CBDC, UW Athletics, Student Activities Office, Northwest Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council, and Microsoft. We are confident that with CSF's help, we will be able to bring another successful Eat Local Food Fair to campus and support diverse-owned businesses in the community. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Kelleher

Brockman Memorial Tree Tour Renovation

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $925

Letter of Intent:

Dear Campus Sustainability Fund Committee Members,

During the past year, the historic Brockman Memorial Tree Tour, a campus tour of significant trees meant to promote interaction with the Universities green spaces and increase appreciation of said resources, has been undergoing a redesign process. The University of Washington has over 480 different species on the grounds, a valuable and generally unknown resource for our student body. The current renovation of the tour has already increased accessibility of the tour with a new updated website, reviewed the original trees to determine whether any specimens are missing, and submitted intent to lead guided tours during this year’s Dawg Daze Event as a means of increasing awareness about the tour. All this has been done with the intent of allowing greater access and education value of the campus grounds for students, professors and faculty, and the general public.

Our purpose for applying for a CSF Mini-Grant is to obtain the funds necessary to purchase high quality Arboretum Labels for each of the 80 trees on the tour, as well as a small amount of funds to create new signage at the starting point of the tour, the Anderson Hall Bus Shelter. Previous students working on the tour have included laminated tree labels, however these are difficult to read and the vast majority break down within a few years, making them unreadable and creating a source of litter. Our intention is to utilize high quality professional aluminum labels which attach via a wire or small nails to each tree. The labels will include the name of the tree, “Brockman Memorial Tree Tour”, and a QR code linking to the new tour website (which contains in depth information about each species on the tour).

In terms of project Criteria, we believe this project will meet the goals of CSF in the following ways:

Sustainable Impact:

The project leaders believe that this tour serves as a means of more intimately acquainting members of the University of Washington community with the natural world. Evidence suggests that opportunities to interact with and appreciate natural creations lead to a more sustainable mindset throughout life. It is our belief that these trees can provide students and others visiting the campus with meaningful outdoor experiences that will help them empathize more with efforts geared at protecting and restoring green spaces and human nature interactions. The new Brockman Tree Tour is also geared more towards cultural awareness than previous versions and includes local uses for each of the trees with a particular emphasis on indigenous usage for those trees native to the Pacific Northwest. The purchase of Arboretum tags would increase awareness of the tour, amplifying the afore mentioned effects, increasing awareness of native species and cultures, and providing greater access to more of the tour’s resources.

Leadership and Student Involvement:

The Brockman Memorial Tree Tour is overseen by the School of Environmental and Forestry Sciences SEFS. UW Grounds manages the landscape on which the tour is based. The work completed on this project has had the oversight of Dan Brown and Molly Hottle of SEFS, who have acted in an advising capacity. All of the work itself (the new design and construction of the updated tour) has been undertaken by Thuy Luu and Theodore Hoss, both students in the College of the Environment. Thuy Luu is a recent graduate but helped formulate the plan for labeling with tags while still enrolled and was instrumental in all the other completed components of the tour as well. Theodore Hoss is continuing the project on his own with the intention of concluding work by the end of December 2021.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change:

The newly revised Brockman Memorial Tour was created using input from a survey conducted prior to renovation work. This outreach provided the designers with an idea of what changes the student body would benefit most from. Additionally, the new tour was also designed with inputs from professors on how it may better serve as an educational resource for them in their classes. Thus, the new tour has added information which may allow it to be used as a physical resource for actual classes on campus. The tour website includes a survey and contact information whereby visitors to the tour may leave feedback and suggestions. As well as the outreach incorporated into this feedback survey and the original sent out prior to renovation, the tour designers’ intent to increase awareness of the tour via outreach at this year’s DAWG DAZE event with an in person guided tour event as well as through signage and possible display in the UW libraries. In addition to the education aspect achieved by designing the tour to appeal to professors as a class resource, the newly designed tour provides far more identification feature information and in-depth historical information for most of the trees on the tour. The proposed inclusion of tags on each tree would make each readily identifiable and allow a passerby to become aware of the tour when they might otherwise not notice it.

Feasibility and Accountability:

The majority of the renovation on this project has already been completed and the purchase and affixing of Arboretum tags is one of the few major tasks remaining to undertake. Contact with the most reasonably priced tag company has already been established, as has the discussion with a department budget advisor. The purchasing of tags will follow approval of this mini-grant and the tags will be affixed by Theodore Hoss with oversight by UW Grounds, as task which is estimated to take 2 to 4 hours which will be extremely feasible. Theodore Hoss will continue to work with all parties involved to ensure the work continues smoothly. The tags are designed to last long term; however, a plan is currently being compiled as part of this project to establish who within SEFS will have continued oversight on the project once Theodore Hoss is graduated. Once we hear back on whether we have been approved on this application we expect about a 3-week period after ordering the tags for them to be delivered. After this point affixing the tags can be completed in one day. The price of tags is expected to be about $845, with the required wire and nails for affixing them an additional $30. We also intend to create new signage at the tour initiation site which we expect to cost about $50.

Primary contact for this project is Theodore Hoss, who can be reached at or at (661) 494-9585. Secondary contact is Molly Hottle, who may be reached at

We hope you will consider funding this project and increasing our community’s ability to engage with the green spaces on campus, we appreciate your time on considering this proposal and look forward to your response.


Theodore Hoss
Environmental Science and Terrestrial Resource Management and Biology
University of Washington

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Theodore Hoss

Racial Justice and Equity in Environmental Science and Beyond

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:


Amid the ongoing protests that followed the death of George Floyd, the student-led Diversity and Inclusion Group (DIG) in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences organized a department-wide conversation on race. Participating graduate students, faculty, postdoctoral researchers and department staff discussed problems and solutions within small groups and a consensus emerged that, as a precursor to becoming more anti-racist, we must educate ourselves about the history and the present day manifestation of racism within our field. Following this meeting, a smaller group of department members participated in a student-led reading group about race in academia. Motivated by the fruitful discussions in this reading group and a desire to engage a larger portion of the department in this conversation, we created a special topics class for Autumn quarter For the first time in its history, our department will offer students academic credit for learning about issues of racism and equity as they relate to our field. DIG recognizes that as atmospheric scientists we can practice anti-racism in two primary ways. First, we can work to make a more inclusive environment within our own field. Second, we can take into account the systemic inequities that exist when developing our studies and when we inform policy decisions. The latter mission is consistent with goal 10 of the UN sustainable development goals, which states that, “To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.” We have identified five main topic areas for our course: 1) Indigenous rights 2) Environmental justice in cities 3) The history of scientific racism 4) Climate Justice and the global south 5) Whiteness, science, and academia Our course will focus on guest speakers and will be made broadly accessible to the entire Department of Atmospheric Sciences. We are currently recruiting at least one guest speaker to speak to each of our five focus areas. Some of these topics are best addressed by non-academic speakers, such as climate justice activists or employees at non-profit organizations. Giving an honorarium to speakers not only shows our appreciation for their work but also compensates them for their time. Moreover, it allows us to recruit more diverse speakers who may not have community outreach and service built into their salaries as many academics do. With the support of our department chair, we have leveraged virtual learning to our advantage to ensure that all interested department members will be able to participate in this course. In a typical quarter, the Atmospheric Sciences department has two seminars each week, which are consistently attended by much of the department. The chair has allowed us to use the time slot of one of these science seminars for our course. Additionally, a virtual platform allows us to recruit a more diverse set of speakers as the burden of traveling to the department to deliver a talk in person is removed.


The immediate impact of this project will be realized within the Atmospheric Sciences department. Initial evaluations of success will be based on the number of attendees and the level of engagement from department members. Another short-term goal will be to foster broader faculty and community participation in DIG. DIG is student-led and has primarily been a graduate student group, but is open to all department members. Our short-term goal is that this course increases the number of people regularly attending DIG meetings, and doubles the number of faculty and administrative staff attendees (2-3 additional attendees). A medium-term measure of impact is an increased focus on anti-racism in the Atmospheric Sciences curriculum in future quarters. This is the first time that the Atmospheric Sciences department will offer a formal course on race and equity. The materials that we develop for this course can be used again for future courses on this topic and components of the course can also be interwoven into the required science curriculum. Thus, our medium-term goal is to create an accessible archive of our materials (including slides, readings and recorded lectures) at the conclusion of the course. Our long-term goal is that this course and the discussions and actions that follow it lead to higher representation of underrepresented groups within the student body and the faculty of the Atmospheric Sciences department. However, due to small sample sizes and slow turnover, we will only be able to evaluate changes in racial diversity on the timescale of multiple years. If this project is funded, we will use departmental funds to invite a keynote speaker in addition to our other five speakers, such as Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, that will likely solicit broad interest throughout the College and university. We plan to open and advertise the keynote speaker to a broader audience so that members of our College and the university at large can participate. Additionally, this course will provide a template that other departments can follow if they wish to design a similar course in future quarters. Our best quantitative tools for measuring the impact that this course has had on the culture of the Atmospheric Sciences department, the College of the Environment, and the University of Washington, are the University Climate Survey and the College of the Environment’s Culture Survey. Finally, we have invited academics and activists from the Seattle area who have not engaged with our department before to be guest speakers for our course. We hope that our discussions with these speakers initiate more longstanding communication and collaboration between our department and other academic departments as well as activists in the Seattle area who focus on climate justice, urban environmentalism and anti-racism.


  1. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of indigenous rights
  2. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of environmental justice in cities
  3. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of the history of scientific racism
  4. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of climate justice and the global south
  5. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of whiteness, science, and academia

Matching funds

Our department chair has pledged up to $500 for speaker honoraria. If this proposal is funded, we will use the departmental funds to support additional speakers not included in the five listed above.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Rachel Atlas

BEEducated Smart Sensor + Hive

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,910

Letter of Intent:

This project is led by Adithi Raghavan and Annalisa Mueller-Eberstein, freshmen at UW who have been tackling the pollinator crisis for the past 3 years. In January 2021, they joined the incubator program Dubhacks Next, part of the UW RSO Dubhacks with this project. Together, Adithi and Annalisa are part of an organization called BEEducated ( which Adithi founded her sophomore year of high school to raise awareness about the pollinator crisis. Adithi’s journey began in 2018 when she worked with Washington Native Plant Stewards to plant a sustainable pollinator garden at Ebright Park. Inspired to teach other students about the amazing effects of bees, Adithi then created an informative mobile application in partnership with MIT App Inventor developers. From there, both Annalisa and Adithi created a launch kit with a list of steps and resources that would help other schools plant pollinator gardens at their own schools.

Now a freshman at UW, and also a Presidential Scholar who was recognized for her work with BEEducated, Adithi is looking to pursue the research route by working with a team of UW students to mitigate the effects of a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). The proposed idea is to create a low-cost BEEducated Hive Sensor for beekeepers which will increase bee health by using Computer Vision to monitor the hive condition, detect hive stressors, and alert beekeepers to intervene before colony collapse. As part of this project, they will also be developing a low-cost SMART bee hive and distributing free pollinator garden kits to underserved communities in the greater Seattle area, especially in communities prone to food deserts, to help members of these communities better engage with beekeeping and community gardening practices. By doing so, they hope to increase access to homegrown, fresh produce that the entire community can benefit from. At the core of their initiative, they hope to empower youth to work with their communities to help bees thrive once again, for every single individual on Earth is a stakeholder in the pollinator crisis. Bees are the backbone of the agricultural system. Without bees, no one would have access to a third of the food supply. Honey, apples, peppers, almonds, and so many more products would disappear.

In fact, pollinators contribute over $24 billion to the U.S. economy by pollinating 71 of the top 100 crops. However, bees have been facing declining numbers since the mid-1900s. In fact, the leading causes of death include insecticides (especially Neonicotinoids), parasites/pathogens (incl. “Varroa Mite” and “Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus”), industrial agriculture, climate change, and human mistreatment. Combined, these factors incur a phenomenon known as “Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD),” characterized by the mass departure of worker bees from a colony. At BEEducated, we’re building a hive sensor to monitor the conditions of beekeeper’s hives, analyzing photos of bee behavior to identify possible mite infestation, abnormal behavior due to insecticides, and monitor hive temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors that are possibly influencing the bees’ health (symptoms of climate change and other weather concerns). We are in the process of building a research team and engineering team while establishing partnerships with nonprofits and beekeeping organizations who will help us gather data.

Currently, we have 13 engineers, the majority of whom are UW students, working on the research and design phase of our project. Our core team includes our founder, Adithi Raghavan, Audrey Anderson (Research Lead), Tanner Poling and Andrey Risukhin (Computer Engineering Leads), Terry Jung (Electrical Engineering Lead), Mojin Yu (UX Engineering Lead), and Annalisa Mueller-Eberstein (Project Manager). With the exception of Audrey, the team leads are all based at the University of Washington.

Our timeline is the following:

  • Now - End of April (Finalize Recruitment)
  • Now - End of June (Research & Design Phase)
  • June - August (Build Phase/Secure Additional Investments as Necessary)
  • August - January (2022) (User Testing/Refining the Product)
  • January - March (2022) (Deployment)

During the Recruitment and Research and Design Phase, we will be conducting outreach efforts by presenting virtually (and eventually in-person) to students in the Seattle School District and Lake Washington School District about establishing pollinator gardens in their own backyard or community spaces. Pollinator gardens not only provide pollinators with a safe space, but also encourage pollinators to pollinate nearby flowers in gardens. In addition to these presentations, we will also coordinate efforts with these schools to distribute free pollinator garden kits to students such that they can physically engage and learn about the gardening process.

Our basic budget is below:

  1. $2000: Outreach and pollinator garden kit materials (incl. seeds, tools, growth medium)
  2. $560: Technology + Licenses (incl. Google Suite Basic Plan ($360 per month); Wix ($200 per year))
  3. $1000: Honorarium for research development for Audrey Anderson
  4. $500: User Research compensation ($25 per participant)
  5. $200: Microcontrollers for the electrical engineering team
  6. $500: Additional necessary hardware components (incl. miscellaneous items for design and build)
  7. $2500: Raspberry 3 Pi Computers in beehives which will use the Google Artificial Intelligence Yourself (AIY) kit. Each kit costs about $100, implicating 25 possible beehive usage
  8. Total: $7260
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Annalisa Mueller-Eberstein

Q Center Menstruation Station: Making menstrual wellbeing sustainable and accessible

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington Q Center is requesting $1,000 from the Campus Sustainability Fund Mini-Grant to purchase and distribute sustainable, eco-friendly menstrual products to 100 UW students in need. The products--reusable cotton panty liners, reusable cotton pads, and menstrual cups--will be purchased from GladRags as part of the Q Center's upcoming initiative called Menstruation Station. The Menstruation Station program, led by Graduate Program Coordinator Joie Waxler, will advance menstrual justice by providing wraparound services that center the experiences, needs, and desires of bodies that bleed. The Q Center's Menstruation Station program aims to undo and mitigate the structures of oppression that impact menstruating bodies with a focus on the needs of queer and trans folks who are often left out of menstruation discourse and care. Our goal is to re-empower bleeding and alleviate the financial and emotional burdens experienced by people who menstruate, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Purchasing and distributing free of cost sustainable menstrual products for UW students will meet this need and fulfill important program goals.

Menstruation is a nearly ubiquitous experience for people who have uteruses, but it is often not discussed or tended to in the ways people with uteruses may need in order to thrive alongside this bodily process. Everybody experiences the menstrual cycle differently, but menstruation and ovulation can often be painful, fatiguing, emotional, and expensive. Over the course of their life, a person who menstruates will have around 456 periods and will spend upwards of $18,000 on menstrual care. That is an enormous amount of money. And the issue is not just financial, it is also deeply environmental. Each year, menstrual products account for 200,000 tons of plastic, and most menstruators will generate anywhere from 250-300 pounds of plastic waste over the course of their lifetimes. Covid-19 has wreaked financial havoc across the globe this year, and even in non-pandemic times, the impacts of White Supremacy, colonialism, and hetero-patriarchy disproportionately impact menstruators. Menstrual wellbeing remains under-funded and menstrual stigma continues to create hostile environments for bodies that bleed. Providing free and environmentally-friendly menstrual products to menstruators is an important step towards eradicating the economic and environmental burdens of menstrual care.

The Q Center is partnering with GalPalz, Hall Health, LiveWell, the Counseling Center, and the UW Food Pantry to ensure our menstrual health initiatives reach a diverse swath of the UW community. The UW Food Pantry will be supplying disposable menstrual products to anyone whose access needs require disposable products, allowing the Q Center's Menstruation Station to focus our efforts on sustainable menstrual products and wellbeing. Additionally, these campus partners already helped facilitate outreach for an early needs survey put out by the Q Center to gauge the specific menstrual product needs for folks who menstruate, as well as the best methods of getting sustainable menstrual products to participants. Follow-up surveys and future promotion through the Q Center and our partners will expand the initiative's contact with the UW community. All promotional material will be explicit in its subversion of menstrual stigma, homophobia, and transphobia.

Joie Waxler will oversee the Menstruation Station program as well as the distribution of any products purchased with this grant. They are a professional sexual health educator, and have been published on both national and local stages speaking to building effective means of providing affirming and accessible health care to queer and trans individuals and communities. They have successfully built the first menstrual equity and access program for the Ryan Health Network, a major Federally Qualified Health Center in New York City, as well as one of the first pregnancy and parenting programs that centers queer and trans homeless youth in NYC. Their experiences building sexual health equity programs that center the experiences, identities, and voices of communities that are often overlooked in this field will be put to good use in building this new initiative for the Q Center.

The Menstruation Station initiative is in part inspired by, and deeply aligned with the Q Center's mission to engender a brave, affirming, liberatory, and celebratory environment for UW community members of all sexual and gender orientations, identities, and expressions. We approach our work with intentional interpersonal processes that strive to create holistic, culturally embedded, and appropriate services. Menstrual health and equity is imperative to maintaining emotional and physical wellbeing, and the funds from this grant will help the Q Center engender equitable, sustainable, menstrual wellbeing for all bodies that bleed. Thank you for your consideration, and for the sustainable community you are helping to build with this funding. Please reach out to Joie Waxler at or budget administrator Lindsey Mitchell at with any questions regarding this application.


Joie Waxler
Graduate Program Coordinator
Q Center, University of Washington They, them, theirs

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Joie Waxler

UW Farm Interim Development Coordinator

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $143,430

Letter of Intent:


This strategic, short-term position - the UW Farm Interim Education Coordinator - is available for a Graduate Student to learn, build capacity for, and advance the community-building, academic support, and food sustainability capacity of the UW Farm on the University of Washington campus.

The purpose of applying for CSF Funding is to expand the capacity for the UW Farm to support existing educational programs and to research potential partners to aid in the expansion of the UW Farm offerings, both academic and production. The UW Farm is creating this interim position for three years to support the continued development of UW Farm programs and reach more populations that are not included currently.

This 3-year proposal is designed to help the UW Farm develop the strategic capacity to permanently fund an Education Coordinator. This position is essential to the sustainable functioning of the UW Farm as to further support multidisciplinary academic, production, and community outreach programs which center inclusion and equity.

UW Farm Background

The UW Farm works to create and sustain farming activities on the UW-Seattle campus by prioritizing the following goals:

  • Providing students with practical urban farming experience, from planning to production to the table.
  • Creating a model of sustainable and resilient urban food production at the UW.
  • Providing reliable, predictable, certified organic, and quality food-safety certified produce for sales, including but not limited to the UW Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), and UW Housing & Food Services (HFS).
  • Providing produce free of charge for other uses such as the Humblefeast, UW Food Pantry, student gleaning teams, UW Farm events, and fundraisers.
  • Facilitating the growing of traditional foods and preserving of farming practices in cooperation with wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ, the UW Intellectual House under the Office of Minority Affairs, including the Native Garden Plot at the Center for Urban Horticulture.
  • Linking the practice of urban farming directly to interdisciplinary academic programs in the study of food, including but not limited to coursework, independent research, capstone and culminating experiences, and other experiential-learning opportunities.
  • Being a positive neighbor to the immediate community by engaging with visitors and offering volunteer programs to both UW and non-UW individuals.

Sustainable Impact

Currently the UW Farm prioritizes building an inclusive program - all students regardless of discipline are welcome at the student farm to learn and volunteer. As a consequence, students from all over campus participate in the farm! With the growth of academic programs which highlight food production, equity, sustainability, and population health across our campus, there has been a surge in student activity at the UW Farm. In addition to classes utilizing the farm directly, students are approaching the farm for independent study opportunities, and outreach activities through RSO’s like UW Farm, Dirty Dozen, ASUW Food COOP, Green Greeks, and Eco-Reps. Through these formal and nonformal pathways, the Farm provides a living laboratory for the campus community to learn, experiment with, and advance transdisciplinary sustainability.

In an average year, the farm hosts over 2000 individuals. These are students primarily, but also faculty, and even alumni and neighbors who share community pizza bakes utilizing farm fresh produce, attend workshops with no fees, and learn how to grow food sustainably through hands-on education at the farm.     

With the continued growth of UW Farm programming, members of the farm staff and the Farm Advisory Committee - composed of faculty, staff, and students - have identified the need to hire another staff member. This person will help integrate and coordinate educational activities across the farm, allowing students, staff, and faculty to get the most out of our campus farm and the learning opportunities it offers.  In this, the proposed position will support the environmental sustainability of the farm as a system. At this moment, the UW Farm and its single permanent staff member are overtaxed trying to meet production goals, partnership commitments, community outreach events, integration with existing UW course partnerships, and the steep increase in student interest and involvement. This position will allow farm staff the time they need to continue to develop and strengthen the regenerative farm practices that help make the UW Farm a shining example of sustainability on our campus.        

Funding an Interim Education Coordinator at the UW Farm would bolster social sustainability by improving environmental learning, coalition building, and communication capacity across the university. The position would focus on inviting units across the university who might not be aware of the UW Farm and for whom the farm could provide services. Units that could be engaged would be: College of Built Environments, Arts and Sciences, Office of Minority Affairs, and others.

We envision that this position will help build a strong base of support across the university for the creation of deeper educational and curricular integration at the farm. In the pursuit of this, we will use this position to engage with multiple academic units and RSO’s to create a strong, interdisciplinary collaboration with new partners. These new partners will help us build a coalition of supporters deepening both our resources and our potential to develop new partnerships.

The UW Farm was certified organic and Salmon-Safe certified in 2020 and also practices regenerative agriculture practices.  With the additional support of this graduate student position, these urban farming practices and food production methods will reach more students and engage more faculty in the possibilities of using the UW Farm as a practical demonstration of environmental sustainability. As a consequence, we envision that our work in food waste recycling, biodiversity enhancement, organic food production, environmental justice, and equity will be increased in visibility and impact.

Leadership & Student Involvement

One graduate student will be hired part-time 10-20 hours per week. This student will report to the UW Farm Manager.  This student will write the CSF quarterly reports for the UW Farm CSF grant and help mentor student interns, student staff, and RSO’s. The Education Coordinator may also lead field trips, be a guest speaker for courses and other entities, and work with faculty to coordinate labs on the farm. It is essential that the student understand the educational programming of the UW Farm. However, the primary job of the student in this role will be to help strategize and support the creation of a coalition of departments willing to help create a longer term position to integrate academics more strongly into the UW Farm program.      

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

In our vision, this position will help support educational efforts at the UW Farm with the goal of creating a deeper and more comprehensive plan for education and meaningful student involvement in this unique campus resource. As we see it, this position will allow the farm some additional spaciousness from which to approach its educational mission. The position will allow the farm to move from a reactive space - responding to need - to a proactive relationship with students, faculty and community members. In this proactive space, the farm will be well-positioned to sustainably extend learning opportunities with deeper mentoring for students and tighter long-term relationships with faculty and departments across campus.

Feasibility & Accountability

A key deliverable will be that each quarter the Interim Education Coordinator will write a written report to the Farm Advisory Committee, Deans, and Directors. This report will outline the progress made in the pursuit of a coalition to aid the addition of a permanent position at the UW Farm to support academic, community-building, and campus food sustainability programs. Additionally, the Education Coordinator will research and report on funding sources to sustain this new, permanent position at the UW Farm.

Position Details

This is a multi-year proposal:

  • Year 1: June 2021 - December 2021
  • Year 2: January 2022 - December 2022
  • Year 3: January 2023 - December 2023

Hours: 10-20 hours/week on average

Position Start Date: 6/1/2021         

Compensation: Master’s Student Research Assistant (RA) pay scale


A Master’s RA would make $2,436 per month at 50% FTE and have a benefit rate currently at 22.4%. The total cost would be $8,945 for salary and benefits for the quarter at their full 50%. The current on-campus tuition rate is $5,398/quarter.  

Total Amount:

  • Year 1: 2 quarters ($8945 + $5398) x 2 = $28,686.00
  • Year 2: 4 quarters = $57,372
  • Year 3: 4 quarters = $57,372

Total request for the three year grant: $143,430 over three years

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Madison Bristol

Solar-Powered Electric Bicycle Charging Station Network

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $6,000

Letter of Intent:

With the growing popularity and evolution of electric bicycle technology, we believe that college students will soon turn to electric bikes as an alternative mode of transportation to and from campus, due to both a cost efficiency and sustainability standpoint. Through a partnership with UW Solar and PotentiaLi, a student led company participating in the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Competition, we will build a solar powered electric bicycle (e-bike) charging station to demonstrate and spark a means for meeting this future demand for e-bikes on campus. If granted support from CSF, we will be able to develop, assemble, and test a network of charging stations on the UW campus supported by a battery and solar canopy. The stations will incorporate repurposed second-life electric vehicle (EV) batteries for storage so that the system can be independent from the electrical grid. Our project team includes UW Solar members, who are currently conducting a study of the solar power viability of existing bike canopies on campus based on how much sunlight each canopy receives. Based on initial calculations, one charging station can charge up to ten e-bikes using only one second-life EV battery, five solar panels, and a maximum power point (MPPT) charge controller.

Prior to implementing the physical system, we will conduct a feasibility study. This involves the previously mentioned solar power site capacity study as well as discussions with UW Transportation and UW Facilities to assess and gain approval for the location of the charging stations. UW Solar already has a partnership with UW Transportation through a Seattle City Light sponsored project for managed electric vehicle charging in conjunction with the ECE capstone course. We can leverage that relationship to extend to this project. Additionally, we are aware that UW Mail Services uses e-bikes (due to a CSF grant) and will reach out to them as a potential first use-case. Another consideration is that the system may require maintenance. We plan to talk to the team that initiated the bike repair stations at UW to gain insight as to how a similar system can be set up for the charging stations. After conducting a feasibility study and gaining approval for a location, we will purchase off-the-shelf components for the system. The appropriately sized components are shown in Table 1 along with an estimated cost. Therefore, to implement the first prototype of the charging station, we are requesting approximately $6000. Since this is a mid-sized project, we would like guidance from the CSF to determine whether this project should be funded in one or two stages. We are also aware that construction will require approval from and participation of UW capital projects and engineering personnel. Therefore, we anticipate working with them as well as with UW Transportation for a feasibility study, approval, design review and support, construction, and maintenance.

The solar-powered electric bicycle charging station is the ideal project to showcase UW’s commitment to sustainability and to clean technology innovations. Since the system is solar powered and off-grid, there are no emissions associated with using the system. Additionally, the use of a second-life electric vehicle battery not only eliminates grid dependency, but also provides a use for Lithium-ion batteries that would likely otherwise go to a landfill. Additionally, this project can demonstrate to UW Transportation (which currently has 39 Chevy Bolts in the fleet) an application for downcycling (reuse) of batteries. At the end of their useful life in a vehicle, EV batteries still contain about 80% charge capacity. Once repurposed, these batteries are ideal for small-scale energy storage systems. The idea of repurposing is at the forefront of technology and several pilot projects have been implemented with second-life EV batteries at universities such as UC San Diego and the University of Delaware. Finally, the system encourages the use of sustainable transportation; electric bicycles are sustainable alternatives to a conventional vehicle and thus every electric bicycle that is used can be thought to replace a conventional vehicle on the road. Each charging station will be equipped with an interface to display the state of charge for each bicycle that is plugged in. These interfaces can also be used to display solar power production. In order to provide even more publicity on campus regarding the system, we will place signage near the canopies describing the system and its environmental benefits. Finally, we plan to choose the first locations based on not only solar power feasibility, but also visibility to people walking through campus. For example, one potential site we have identified is outside of the electrical engineering building near Red Square, which is a heavily trafficked area. Long-term, we hope to create an entire network of charging stations and provide a model for such a system that can be replicated at other universities or businesses that have large campuses.

Table 1: Estimated Cost of one Solar Powered E-bike Charging Station

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kelsey Foster

Biodiversity Green Wall Restoration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $7,500

Letter of Intent:

Spearheaded and designed by the Green Futures Lab with funding from the CSF, the UW Biodiversity Green Wall was completed in the fall of 2012, transforming two blank concrete walls into lush urban habitat. Located in the southeast corner of Gould Hall on 15th Avenue and NE 40th Street, the award-winning project has been widely publicized and has the potential to provide numerous benefits such as reducing building energy needs, mitigating heat island effects, conserving potable water, reducing stormwater pollution, and increasing urban biodiversity.

Early 2019, the required irrigation system for the Biodiversity Green Wall malfunctioned and has not been able to be repaired. Consequently, there has been 100% mortality of the plantings on the wall, despite considerable effort to keep them alive over the summer by hand watering. Most recently, Covid-19 has barred progress and efforts to get the Green Wall up and running again.  

There is renewed interest in getting the irrigation system functioning again, and the Green Wall planted before Autumn term. We have requested repairs on the potable back-up system and the irrigation controller and anticipate repairs in Spring 2021. We are actively following up with PAE Consulting Engineers, UW Facilities, and UW Grounds and hope that CSF will be able to meet with us again to identify needed actions for irrigation system repair, after which we hope to be able to replant the wall. The Biodiversity Green Wall has proven to be an invaluable resource and asset to the College of Built Environments, the University of Washington, and the surrounding community but right now the Green Wall is not able to serve any of its prior sustainable and educational services. It is our sincere hope that we will be able to repair the irrigation system this spring, and with funding from the CSF, we will be able to replant the wall before students return to in-person instruction in the fall.

We are therefore requesting funding for plant purchase and labor to successfully replant the wall. With this restoration, the Biodiversity Green Wall will continue to meet the CSF’s project criteria in the following ways:

Sustainable Impact

  1. Increased building performance, long term energy and cost savings with reduction in heating/cooling energy demands.
  2. The Green Wall, populated with native vegetation, will provide native habitat for plants, insects and birds.
  3. Water harvesting for irrigation use will reduce potable water consumption and remove water from the waste stream by reusing it through irrigation. The process will also cleanse pollutants through phytoremediation by plant material, thereby addressing water quality and quantity issues.
  4. Sustainability promoting aesthetics - when people or campus departments are excited about green technologies they are more likely to adopt sustainable practices themselves.
  5. The Green Wall will also contribute to noise pollution absorption, air quality and carbon sequestration, and urban heat island reduction.  
  6. The Green Wall addresses several aspects of sustainability outlined in the UW Climate Action Plan including water recycling, sustainable land use planning, sustainable and local food production, energy and carbon footprint reduction and UW green marketing and branding efforts.
  7. The Green Wall will continue to address the criteria of the CPO SustainAbilities Scorecard.
  8. Because the Green Futures Lab overlooks the Green Wall, the project is a direct connection to this valuable campus resource.

Leadership and Student Involvement

  1. Current graduate student and GFL Student Manager Emma Petersen will be leading the effort to replant the Green Wall over Spring and Summer 2021. This offers her a chance to develop skills in project management, construction, campus coordination, maintenance, research, and leadership of their peers, UW staff and a contractor.
  2. Students will be able to take part in installing Green Wall plants this spring and summer following all UW Covid-19 protocols.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change

  1. The College of Built Environments houses over 700 students and 185 faculty/staff in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Management, and Real-estate - all disciplines that directly benefit from the educational and research components of the Green Wall. Because of its ecological and stormwater benefits, the Green Wall also has the potential to appeal to the Engineering Departments as well as the College of the Environment.
  2. With its proximity to main campus and Schmitz Hall, the Green Wall has the potential to be a stopping point along guided Campus Tours, reaching out to prospective students as well as demonstrating UW’s commitment to sustainability.
  3. Students will have the opportunity to research and monitor the Biodiversity Green Wall and present their findings in various courses as well as co-publish and present this research at conferences and in academic publications.
  4. Because of its online documentation, the Biodiversity Green Wall has the potential to be a role model for other Design Colleges and Universities across the country as a showcase of sustainability and a display of integrated inter-disciplinary student work.
  5. The Green Wall aligns with the goals of the College of Built Environment to integrate sustainability for a “tangible improvement of built and natural environments.”

Feasibility and Accountability

  1. With the support of the Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture, the GFL is again reaching out to coordinate meetings between all parties involved with the Green Wall, to ensure that the irrigation system is repaired before planting. The wall’s irrigation system has functioned adequately in the past so we are confident that it can be repaired.
  2. The student lead on the project is graduating from the Masters of Landscape Architecture program this Spring and has project management experience from other GFL projects. The GFL Director is a licensed Landscape Architect and will continue to provide leadership and advising for the student team.
  3. With anticipated return to in-person instruction in Autumn 2021, GFL staff and Director will be able to regularly monitor both on-line documentation of wall watering as well as live inspection of soil moisture and plant health.

The GFL has an extensive project portfolio with successful projects and is committed to the long-term success of the Biodiversity Green Wall.


  • Soil and Plant Replacement:  $6,000
  • GFL Design, Organization, Communication, and Oversight: $1,500

Tentative Timeline:

  • Design, Ordering - Late Spring and Early Summer 2021
  • Planting - Summer 2021
  • Monitoring - Autumn 2021
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Emma Petersen

Rhizomet (Environmental Heavy Metal Bio-Extraction Project)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $20,000

Letter of Intent:

Dear CSF Committee:

We are Washington iGEM: a team of undergraduates at the University of Washington dedicated to solving problems in medicine and the environment by using synthetic biology. We are writing to determine the Campus Sustainability Fund’s interest in supporting our synthetic biology project centered around wastewater pollution.

Environmental Impact

Our goal is to engineer E. coli to extract lead and arsenic from wastewater with target proteins, and construct a biofilm-based filter. We expect to present at the iGEM Jamboree in Fall 2021 upon its completion.

Heavy metal toxicity is responsible for many health crises. It interferes with blood, bones, and the nervous system, resulting in anemia, osteoporosis, and cognitive defects. The true extent of damage is difficult to quantify due to the many effects, but lead poisoning alone accounts for half a million deaths a year and 9.3 million disabilities (WHO).

Thus, this is a prevalent problem and affects many stakeholders. Smelters have historically been huge contributors to heavy metal pollution in the environment. However, their cleanup efforts have been extremely expensive. Our solution will be much more cost-effective and efficient in preventing heavy metals from entering the environment, benefitting both the smelters and the people affected. For example, Teck is upstream of many cities that are found along the Columbia River and has the potential to affect large populations of people in Eastern WA.

With the support from CSF, our team can design a sustainable biological solution to treat water pollutants. This may include sources of water used in UW’s daily operations, and can be further expanded into other local/state-wide bodies of water that are harmed by toxic pollution.

Student Leadership and Involvement

Our team is composed of and primarily run by UW undergraduate students who are strongly motivated to induce environmental change. There are 24 undergraduate students divided into teams: Dry-Lab, Wet-Lab, Human-Practices, Web-Development, Fundraising, and Design. The team is assisted by three advisors who are UW graduates. In addition, Dr. Frank DiMaio is a UW professor from the Biochemistry Department who provides our team with his expertise in protein modeling, while Dr. Mari Wrinkler from the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department mentors us in the kinetic modeling.

Education, Outreach, Behavior Change

In addition to requesting support from CSF, our team aims to participate in the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge, apply for the Husky Seed Fund, and the EarthLab Innovation Grant in near future. Our project is very locally focused so we hope that UW can provide necessary support for our goals. We believe that participating in competitions will give our project exposure and honest feedback which can be used to further its development.

Our team is devoted to educating the UW and local community on pollution. Spreading awareness is one of our goals and helps our team form partnerships with other organizations when our interests align. We want to partner with companies conducting similar research to host events to teach the general public about local pollution and how synthetic biology is the long-term solution.

Due to the pandemic, opportunities for UW students to gain research experience are fairly limited. We provide students who are interested in applications of synthetic biology to harness their passions for scientific research to learn and explore. Our sister group, Synbio for Everyone, focuses on spreading knowledge on synthetic biology to younger children. We made a 200-page curriculum, which has been translated into 20+ languages, and won the Best Education and Public Engagement Award in the international competition last year.

Our team is composed of members from various majors such as engineering, biochemistry, computer science, biology, and business. All of these sectors are essential in executing a successful project, allowing collaboration of students from various backgrounds. Anyone with a passion for synthetic-biology, environmental sustainability, and health is welcomed to our team because we want to create an inclusive environment for UW students who want to make a difference.

Feasibility and Accountability

The CSF has a huge interest in contributing to solutions for environmental issues. This also aligns with UW’s goal of minimizing waste and sustainability. Our project aims to satisfy both CSF’s and UW’s interests by filtering harmful heavy metals in local waters.

Our project focuses on developing a biofilm-based filter that is sustainable to treat the local bodies of water in the UW/Greater Seattle area, and expand to affected areas in Washington state and beyond. With the support from CSF, we hope to be able to conduct a feasibility study as our first course of action to determine effectiveness of the currently used filtration systems. This will provide our team with necessary information on what needs improvements and how we should design our engineered biofilm filters.

The project timeline will proceed in the following phases: conduct feasibility study, perform lab experiments, and develop a usable prototype. A majority of the funding provided from the CSF will go towards experiments and purchasing reagents and hardware for building the models. Our goal is to finish the project by Fall 2021 to participate in the iGEM Jamboree and Environmental Innovation Challenge. Depending on our research during our feasibility study, success in competitions, and feedback, it is also likely that we will continue this project and build it up into a startup.

We estimate the total cost of our project to be $25,000-$30,000. We have already raised $8,000, thus we would need CSF to provide the remaining $17,000-$22,000, which would support our team’s efforts in conducting extensive research locally and experimentally.

We hope to get the chance to provide you with our full proposal detailing our project timeline and full comprehensive budget for further review. Until then, we are happily available to answer any questions that arise in reviewing our application. Thank you for the opportunity and your time.


Washington iGEM

Arnav Jolly
Bioengineering - Data Science

Conrad Yee
Business - Finance

Christina Chen

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Conrad Yee

Racial Justice and Equity in Environmental Science and Beyond

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:


Amid the ongoing protests that followed the death of George Floyd, the student-led Diversity and Inclusion Group (DIG) in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences organized a department-wide conversation on race. Participating graduate students, faculty, postdoctoral researchers and department staff discussed problems and solutions within small groups and a consensus emerged that, as a precursor to becoming more anti-racist, we must educate ourselves about the history and the present day manifestation of racism within our field. Following this meeting, a smaller group of department members participated in a student-led reading group about race in academia. Motivated by the fruitful discussions in this reading group and a desire to engage a larger portion of the department in this conversation, we created a special topics class for Autumn quarter For the first time in its history, our department will offer students academic credit for learning about issues of racism and equity as they relate to our field. DIG recognizes that as atmospheric scientists we can practice anti-racism in two primary ways. First, we can work to make a more inclusive environment within our own field. Second, we can take into account the systemic inequities that exist when developing our studies and when we inform policy decisions. The latter mission is consistent with goal 10 of the UN sustainable development goals, which states that, “To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.” We have identified five main topic areas for our course: 1) Indigenous rights 2) Environmental justice in cities 3) The history of scientific racism 4) Climate Justice and the global south 5) Whiteness, science, and academia Our course will focus on guest speakers and will be made broadly accessible to the entire Department of Atmospheric Sciences. We are currently recruiting at least one guest speaker to speak to each of our five focus areas. Some of these topics are best addressed by non-academic speakers, such as climate justice activists or employees at non-profit organizations. Giving an honorarium to speakers not only shows our appreciation for their work but also compensates them for their time. Moreover, it allows us to recruit more diverse speakers who may not have community outreach and service built into their salaries as many academics do. With the support of our department chair, we have leveraged virtual learning to our advantage to ensure that all interested department members will be able to participate in this course. In a typical quarter, the Atmospheric Sciences department has two seminars each week, which are consistently attended by much of the department. The chair has allowed us to use the time slot of one of these science seminars for our course. Additionally, a virtual platform allows us to recruit a more diverse set of speakers as the burden of traveling to the department to deliver a talk in person is removed.


The immediate impact of this project will be realized within the Atmospheric Sciences department. Initial evaluations of success will be based on the number of attendees and the level of engagement from department members. Another short-term goal will be to foster broader faculty and community participation in DIG. DIG is student-led and has primarily been a graduate student group, but is open to all department members. Our short-term goal is that this course increases the number of people regularly attending DIG meetings, and doubles the number of faculty and administrative staff attendees (2-3 additional attendees). A medium-term measure of impact is an increased focus on anti-racism in the Atmospheric Sciences curriculum in future quarters. This is the first time that the Atmospheric Sciences department will offer a formal course on race and equity. The materials that we develop for this course can be used again for future courses on this topic and components of the course can also be interwoven into the required science curriculum. Thus, our medium-term goal is to create an accessible archive of our materials (including slides, readings and recorded lectures) at the conclusion of the course. Our long-term goal is that this course and the discussions and actions that follow it lead to higher representation of underrepresented groups within the student body and the faculty of the Atmospheric Sciences department. However, due to small sample sizes and slow turnover, we will only be able to evaluate changes in racial diversity on the timescale of multiple years. If this project is funded, we will use departmental funds to invite a keynote speaker in addition to our other five speakers, such as Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, that will likely solicit broad interest throughout the College and university. We plan to open and advertise the keynote speaker to a broader audience so that members of our College and the university at large can participate. Additionally, this course will provide a template that other departments can follow if they wish to design a similar course in future quarters. Our best quantitative tools for measuring the impact that this course has had on the culture of the Atmospheric Sciences department, the College of the Environment, and the University of Washington, are the University Climate Survey and the College of the Environment’s Culture Survey. Finally, we have invited academics and activists from the Seattle area who have not engaged with our department before to be guest speakers for our course. We hope that our discussions with these speakers initiate more longstanding communication and collaboration between our department and other academic departments as well as activists in the Seattle area who focus on climate justice, urban environmentalism and anti-racism.


  1. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of indigenous rights
  2. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of environmental justice in cities
  3. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of the history of scientific racism
  4. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of climate justice and the global south
  5. $200; Honorarium; Guest speaker on the topic of whiteness, science, and academia
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Rachel Atlas

Sustainability Action Arena: Video Games for Sustainability Targets at UW

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $30,000

Letter of Intent:

Our group EarthGames would like to build a video game Sustainability Action Arena that illustrates the targets of the UW Sustainability Action Plan. We will create ten levels of the game, one for each target of the plan. Sustainability Action Arena will be playable on web browsers and mobile devices. The game will be designed and tested by EarthGames staff, students participating in the ATM S 495: EarthGames Studio independent study course in autumn 2021, and paid undergraduate student employees.

The Games

We will design mini-games for each level that illustrate the concepts of each Sustainability Action Plan target. We hope to include actionable items that the players could participate in in the real world, as well as some quantitative information about the targets.

For instance, for Target #1, Doubling Sustainability Engagement of Students, Staff, and Faculty, we might design a level in which virtual characters are led through a maze to reach sustainability events such as Sustainability Stories, Whole U Quarterly Seminars, as well as volunteer opportunities on campus and around the community. The player would be successful if they can reroute enough virtual characters to the events to double the number of people participating in the events. In between levels, links will be provided for real-world events on campus.

Previous CSF Project

EarthGames developed a game called 60 Second Sustainability in 2018 with funding from CSF. The game had 21 different levels, which each introduced the work of a different environmental RSO in short level. Our staff member Rivkah Parent first worked with EarthGames doing art for these games, and learned programming and game design then as well. The game was successful in communicating the mission of the RSOs in a concise manner, and is still used in orientation and classes at UW to introduce environmental RSOs.

Other Prior Experience

EarthGames has experience developing high-quality, visually appealing, fun games in a short time and on a limited budget. Our team includes a programmer/artist, students from UW Seattle and UW Bothell who have taken the EarthGames Studio independent study course or volunteered, and two faculty liaison with a strong track record of supporting student outreach and engagement. EarthGames has released 13 apps to the Apple and Google Play app stores, and our page.

Creative Commons Licensing

We will make the code and art available under a creative commons license (CC-BY-NC-SA), so other higher educational sustainability initiatives can adapt the games for use on their campuses. We believe the CC licensing will also help with generating more impressions of the game and the Sustainability Action Plan. The game will be designed in the open source game engine Godot.


The core EarthGames team would work on the project during summer of 2021. EarthGames has been successful working in a virtual education setting over the last year, and are confident we can continue this work over the summer.

The ATM S 495: EarthGames Studio would be offered in autumn 2021, allowing more students to participate in the development of the project for course credit. The focus of the class would be on testing the effectiveness of the games developed over the summer, and polishing the games.

The game would be completed by December 2021.

Funding Estimates (all numbers are approximate)

We are requesting funds to support:

  • EarthGames programmer and artist Rivkah Parent: 5 months at $5000/month = $25,000
  • Undergraduate student employees: 5 students @ 50 hours each = 250 hours, at $20/hour = $5,000
  • Prof. Dargan Frierson (Atmospheric Sciences): unfunded project lead
  • Prof. Jessica Kaminsky (Civil and Environmental Engineering): unfunded collaborator

Total: $30,000

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Dargan Frierson

Global Sustainability Case Competition

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $610

Letter of Intent:

January 20, 2021

ReThink is committed to organizing professional interdisciplinary opportunities to students to demonstrate the impact and intersection of business with sustainability. Through ReThink, we have put together several successful past projects including our 2019-2020 beginner-friendly Global Sustainability Case Competition (GSCC) in collaboration with Net Impact and Global Case Competition Club. We hope that this collaboration shows students that our respective clubs can come together under the common goal of increasing sustainability education while exposing students to case competitions. Our club has hosted this event several times in the past; after a brief break, it was brought back under new leadership last year in 2020 in which we addressed the carbon impact of fashion through the case of Patagonia. We are pleased to have reached our goal of 12 qualified teams (46 students) who, over the course of 72 hours, dove into these impacts and ramifications culminating in an intense 8 hour competition day. This year, through a virtual setting, we hope to bring this same energy to the topic of sustainable meats/alternative proteins through a case study on Beyond Meat. This case is a unique opportunity to tackle food sustainability, marketing, and positioning by answering the question: How does Beyond Meat grow its market share within the protein market? Students will use the following questions to guide their responses: Define where beyond meat fits into the competitive landscape as of now, How can they tap into the animal protein market?, How does Beyond Meat position itself in the future? (Ecological vs Health vs Other?). We chose this case in effort to allow students from different backgrounds to personally immerse themselves in the field of sustainable investment and understand the issue from a financial, environmental, and consumer lens. Alternative proteins are a major point in the fight for sustainable food sources and are an easy way for new students to get involved with understanding the environmental impacts of daily choices as well as preparing them for a potential future in green careers. This case was also chosen as a jumping point for continued conversations surrounding the accessibility of sustainable food such as food deserts and corporate responsibility which we will continue addressing in ReThink.  

We expect to match the number of participants, from last year around 12 teams of 3-4 students, though we are flexible to support between 9-15 teams. Additionally, we intend on minimizing the barrier to entry as much as possible by allowing for  individuals as well as first-come-first-serve sign ups, and placing no restrictions on major/experience. We anticipate opening applications on February 1st and closing them by February 17th. During kick-off, on February 23rd, participants will hear a unique presentation given by a faculty member at the University of Washington surrounding these topics of sustainable investment and sustainable food access. Our long-term goal, as is with all of our events, is to generate membership retention in order to begin a progression of the ReThink sustainability curriculum. Through one-time involvements in events such as this, we hope to reach new audiences and engage them in our future opportunities such as our consulting engagements, tech projects, or simply our bi-weekly round table program. Our teams will be responsible for schedule coordination for the day of the event, keeping time in the rooms and ensuring professionalism is maintained.

Our current leadership team has successfully hosted a version of this case competition in the past and we are confident we will be able to replicate that success this year regardless of the unique challenges presented by the virtual adjustment. This past summer, we offered a virtual economic engagement opportunity in collaboration with Ebey’s Reserve on Whidbey Island and are currently managing the Sustainability Upheld in Business (SUB) Initiative further showing our competencies in virtual project management. Under the expertise of Professor Ruth Huwe of Foster School of Business, we will ensure transparency and accountability for all monies involved in this production including that of CSF.

We are seeking corporate sponsors in the food industry to provide their expertise and professionalism to our case competition allowing them valuable access to new industry trends. We seek to use CSF monies to purchase the cases from Harvard Business School in order to offer this event

Line by Line Budget

  1. $550; Copies of the Beyond Meat Case from Harvard Business School for Students and Judges; 55 copies at $10
  2. $60; Social media ads on Facebook and Instagram; $10 per campaign * 6 campaigns  

Requesting $610

Additional Funds Anticipated

We are seeking $400 in corporate funding to support the $100/team member prize money incentive. Should this goal not be met, we are prepared to fund it via our own budgets at present to offer $50 gift cards to specific sustainable local businesses - these businesses have not been identified at time of writing. We are also seeking funding from the Global Business Center.

Finalized Timeline

  • February 1 - Applications Open
  • February 17 - Registration Officially Closes 
  • February 23 - Kickoff Event and Case Release 
  • February 27 - Presentation Submissions
  • February 28 - March 5 - Judging Period
  • March 6 - Live Final Round on Zoom
Primary Contact First & Last Name: YuYu Madigan
Supplementary Documents:

Eraced Magazine

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

To the CSF Committee and Staff,

Eraced Magazine is a print and online media publication focused on race and intersectionality, amplifying the voices of Black, Indigenous, and people of color. It was founded by a UW journalism and environmental science student, wanting to form a newsroom that celebrates difference and promotes inclusivity. The team comprises UW students from a variety of majors and departments, with contributors from colleges and universities all across the country. 

We are a publication chronicling the ways racial trauma of the past impacts all spheres of life today. Our mission is to redefine traditional journalism by working to dismantle systemic oppression in journalism, art, and literature. We are aligned with principles of social and environmental sustainability, as we promote messages of intersectional environmentalism and racial justice, and support deeply-contextualized work that seeks to educate. 

Eraced Magazine is hoping to receive a $1000 fund to increase our readership and fund our first print magazine. We believe Eraced would be an excellent candidate for this mini-grant, as it closely exemplifies the CSF’s 4 Project Criteria. 

Sustainable Impact

At its core, principles of social and environmental sustainability inform Eraced. From a social sustainability lens, Eraced contributors all promote content of inclusion and cultural awareness, as curated pieces examine the world through the lens of race and intersectionality — contextualizing and preserving the deep origins of various communities’ values. Sources for articles are primarily BIPOC, as the magazine strives to represent these communities by directly amplifying their voices. In this way, writers are encouraged to interview and work closely with marginalized communities to tell their stories and raise awareness of issues affecting them. 

The magazine’s sections and subsections depict interdisciplinary collaboration, as writing about the environment also entails community work, scientific research, and equity-based insights. We offer multiple mediums for discussion, supporting a number of subjects, including everything from technology to politics, and many forms of communication, such as graphic arts, photography, podcasts, and the written word. 

Our magazine also promotes themes of environmental justice and sustainability. When we print our first magazine we want to focus on producing the smallest amount of product to sustain the demand. We do not want to create excess waste, but rather maintain intentionality with our production. In addition, we are looking to print and distribute our magazines without excess packaging.

Eraced also has a section focused entirely on the environment. This section offers tools for discussion, learning and unlearning, and ecology-based articles. Most of these pieces relate to the Seattle area and could educate the UW in their environmental projects. For example, a recent piece discussed green spaces in Seattle and how the city’s new draft of its Urban Forest Management Plan better engaged the community. The article discussed the co-benefits of green spaces and how urban forestry has been unequally distributed, and what the city can do to address that. Environmental articles, like this one, could have a positive impact for the UW in its collaboration with the city’s environmental policies. 

Leadership & Student Involvement

Eraced is a fully student-led magazine and one that enables mobility with leadership and involvement levels. The core executive team comprises the editor-in-chief, editorial lead, arts lead, social media managers, and media outreach lead. For writers and content creators who have improved with time and who are seeking leadership positions, we offer editorships and closer collaboration to give them the space to grow. Because we are an interdisciplinary and multimedia magazine, there are wide-spread opportunities for students of different backgrounds and interests. 

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

Eraced supports many education and outreach initiatives to improve our campus and community and boost awareness of intersectional issues that affect BIPOC. Firstly, each of our articles, photo essays, poems, podcasts, and graphic pieces are created by students amplifying the voices of marginalized communities in the hopes that their peers may learn and gain cultural awareness. In addition, we engage with our audience and readers to encourage them to submit “pitches” for specific content or lines of inquiry they want to see represented. In this way, we are actively facilitating conversations with the campus and community to bolster knowledge of intersectional topics. 

Feasibility & Accountability

Eraced will meet its goals through a $1000 mini-grant. Around $800 total will be used for the first print edition, and we predict a higher sum will be returned producing a net profit. We plan to sell magazines for around $12 to 15 dollars and the proceeds will be directly saved for future magazine print publications and advertisements. 

We estimate $200 to be used for advertisements on various social media platforms to bolster our readership and audience. This method of advertising has proven effective in the past, as a week-long advertisement campaign on Instagram found us about 50 new followers. Expanding this on a larger scale would significantly boost our following. Increasing our readership is vital as a magazine because that expands our reach in individuals reading and viewing our content, and eventually supporting our work by purchasing magazines or donating. 

Throughout this entire process the Eraced team will update our budget advisor and the CSF to depict our promise in using funds responsibly, upholding our goals and values. Eraced is truly committed to accomplishing its mission and goals.  

Following is a budget and timeline breakdown: 

  • End of January — End of February: Spend around $200 on advertisements on Instagram that showcase our content to thousands of Instagram followers. 
  • End of January: Use about $800 on a down payment for the print magazine, producing roughly 75 magazines. We will stop pre order requests after 75 magazines to ensure we do not exceed the $800 needed for print, which we have already calculated using the printer’s online calculation metric. The pieces for print have been selected and we have established the number of pages of the magazine, as well as the layout. 
  • February — March: Sell and distribute magazines. 

We thank you for your time and consideration. 

Best regards,

Eraced Team

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Suhani Dalal

Intro to Engineering Science Kits

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $977

Letter of Intent:


We are a subgroup of EWB-UWS (UW Seattle chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB)) working on the Intro to Engineering Science Kits project, wherein our goal is to create an educational activity to encourage the exploration of engineering and sustainability as a major or career. Our target audience is underrepresented socioeconomic high school students particularly in south King County. This project will also allow EWB members to apply and share their interdisciplinary engineering education, while taking initiative in increasing social equality among the community. 

Education and outreach

We partnered with Lindbergh High School, in Renton, to design a kit that would provide an engaging hands-on component to their CTE (Careers in Technical Education) curriculum. It is centered around sustainability as students will learn about the generation of renewable energy. We aim to deliver approximately 10 kits total, for teams of 3 students each. These kits will let students experience the engineering design process, from idea to prototype to finished product. While learning both technical and soft skills, the students will design and build a mini wind turbine.

The technical skills and concepts include, but are not limited to: the relationship between motors and generators, reiterative design, testing, simple circuitry, basic 3D modeling and printing, safe usage of machine shop tools, and the importance of sustainable energy sources and materials. The soft skills include teamwork, leadership, compromise, communication, and adapting to critique. 


EWB as a whole strives for sustainability in all of our projects, and we want to lead by example. We plan on incorporating compostable, reusable, and/or recyclable materials, such as testing out biodegradable filament, wood, and cardboard. Furthermore, the majority of each kit will be reusable for future classes. In terms of education related to sustainability, our kits will be teaching students about the importance of sustainable material sourcing, renewable energy, and sustainable design.

Student involvement, feasibility and accountability

Our club is a multidisciplinary group of students and faculty advisors with a variety of experience, from freshmen to graduates. Our student-led organization has personally designed and implemented many projects, such as The Sol Station, a device that charges phones with solar energy, and the Population Health Building’s Rainwater Display, a display that tracks sustainability in rainwater. 

We will actively be involved in outreach, researching materials, designing, budgeting, manufacturing, and most importantly, delivering these engineering kits. This project will give members experience in sustainable designing, but also help our members gain and polish their technical engineering skills, as well as important soft skills such leadership, communication, teamwork, time management, and problem solving. 

We have access to an interdisciplinary and skilled team, experienced engineering faculty, and Lindbergh High School’s machine shop teacher. Using a design by Popular Mechanics1 as a base model for our plans, we feel confident that designing and manufacturing the kits are both attainable goals. We will be adapting the design for indoor use, and simplifying the design to make it easier for the less-experienced high school students.

Our budget will be dedicated to purchasing materials for prototyping and all of the components of the kits so that we are able to provide this valuable hands-on experience free of charge to the students. This is important as our target audience is a lower income school, with limited resources and funding dedicated to exploring the STEM field and/or emphasizing the importance of sustainable actions.

The current timeline (based on campus reopening in spring quarter) would be to finalize the wind turbine schematics and design (including getting feedback from Lindbergh HS) by the end of winter quarter 2021, finalizing the kit design and assembling the kits by the end of spring quarter 2021, and delivering the kits by fall 2021. In winter quarter, our team will polish their CAD software skills, which will be used to create a 3D, digital representation of all the specific components of the wind turbine, and how these parts are to be put together. After designing the schematic and CAD model, we will move on to ordering the parts and physically testing our designs. If campus is still closed, one member will be in charge of recieving the physical parts and building the prototype. Otherwise, we will do the testing together as a group. In spring quarter, we will work on the design and learning experience of the kit, including teaching materials. We will order more parts and assemble all 10 kits together as a group*. We plan on completing and delivering the kits by the beginning of next school year when hopefully there will be in person classes again. 

*This timeline is dependent on the situation with COVID - if online classes are extended, assembly of the kits will be pushed back to until we are allowed back on campus.

Contact Info: 

Alex Amimoto (Project Lead)-

Naomi Chau (Project Lead)- 

Joe Wang (Local projects director)- 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alex Amimoto

Project Orca, University of Washington Human Powered Submarine

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,500

Letter of Intent:

Dear CSF Committee,

My name is Alex Bartoletti and I am an undergraduate student in mechanical engineering at the University of Washington. I am the Hull Team Lead for the UW Human Powered Submarine (UWHPS) team on campus and we are requesting funds for the manufacture of our newly designed sustainable hull for the 2021-2022 school year. As a team, we design and build a submarine every year to race at the International Submarine Races (ISR) in Maryland and European International Submarine Races (eISR). We use the same hull for two years in a row, and every other year we design and manufacture a new and improved composite hull to be used in the subsequent two years. This school year (2020-2021), we will be manufacturing a new hull.

This year our team decided that we wanted to take a new approach to manufacturing our submarine hull. In years past, we have almost always used a carbon fiber reinforced polymer layup. All the materials used in this process are very detrimental to the environment. The production of carbon fiber releases a significant amount of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere as well as being about 14 times as energy intensive as steel manufacturing. In addition, the epoxy resins normally used in the manufacturing process are plastics that create a lot of waste and tend to sit in landfills after use. With this knowledge, we decided to make it our goal to manufacture the new submarine hull in the most sustainable and environmentally conscious method.

Since setting this goal, our team has immersed ourselves in research on sustainable materials and manufacturing processes that can suit our submarine needs. Ultimately, we have decided that we want to use a natural flax fiber with an eco-friendly epoxy resin in a resin infusion layup process with a recycled foam or balsa wood core material. We chose flax fiber for ease of use and naturally sustainable properties. It also shows desirable strength and stiffness properties suitable for the durability necessary in our submarine. Another option we considered was recycled chopped carbon fiber, but this material is less sustainable and presents a more difficult manufacturing process with more variable results. In addition to a sustainable fiber, we decided that an eco-friendly epoxy resin was equally necessary. Our research pointed us to a few companies such as Entropy Resins, who develop bio-based resins.

We believe that these components can help us become more sustainable, and act as a role model for the many other engineering clubs at the UW and elsewhere who use carbon fiber reinforced polymers year after year. We want to be able to teach our fellow engineering teams how to use more sustainable material and educate them on the differences and benefits compared to traditional carbon fiber. Hopefully, we can motivate other teams to take a longer look at environmental sustainability in their projects.

Our engineering club consists of about 50 members from multiple engineering disciplines. The club and projects are student run and executed with some guidance and advice from our faculty advisor, Benjamin Maurer. The main goal on the human powered submarine team is to give students real engineering experience while working together to build a competitive submarine for competition. At the moment, our team is very young and lacks a lot of technical experience in composite design and manufacture. As the Hull Team Lead, I would be in charge of helping my own team members, as well as members from other sub-teams learn these processes both in person and remotely. In a world where focus on environmental impact has become so important, I see a great opportunity to train these members with a distinct focus on sustainability.

Last year, our team placed first in our virtual design competition and we are motivated by this win to push further and harder. We are currently ahead of schedule, and with this year’s competition already announced to be virtual, we have all the more time and excitement to dive into sustainability. In communication with our sponsors, we have begun to organize workshops and tutorials that can be held in person (if possible) or remotely to teach our members more about engineering composites. It is another goal of ours to get as much positive engineering and sustainability experience out of this project as possible. This will help put forth more experienced and environmentally responsible engineers into the workforce.

We are asking for your funding to purchase flax fiber, eco-friendly resin systems, and any other necessary environmentally sustainable materials or supplies to complete the manufacture of our submarine hull. We are already in communication with suppliers and plan to order material by the end of Autumn quarter and begin manufacturing of the hull by the end of winter quarter. We expect the flax fiber to cost about $1800, the resin to cost about $650, and core material to cost about $100. Our annual Hull Team budget is normally about $1350 but this year there may be some additional funding moved around to help us pay for the new hull. Our Hull Team budget includes the money also needed to manufacture other system components not included in this sustainability proposal. This includes manufacturing the window, control fins, and fairings and the materials necessary for these processes.

We believe that we can start a positive change towards sustainability in the engineering clubs at the University of Washington and our team is dedicated towards making this happen. Please reach out to me if you have any more questions about our project or plan. I, as well as my whole team, am very excited and passionate about what we are trying to do and I would love to speak with you more.


Alex Bartoletti

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alex Bartoletti

On the Ground

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,973

Letter of Intent:


“On The Ground” would serve as a public record or social history of the work that has been done on the ground (or ground-adjacent) at UW. People can access and learn from a directory of interviews, ranging topics from the cultural history that may have been erased over the years in bite-size form (examples can be seen in Instagram accounts like @soyouwannatalkabout, @theslacktivists, @18millionrising, @southasians4blacklives), to informative articles on current movements in and around the UW community and Greater Seattle Area. The project’s form would be a publication platform (similar to NPR, The-Talks, and other media journal companies) entirely run by students, encompassing photography, personal anecdotes, interviews, and informative articles, culminating in a potential full-fledged publication of collected interviews. We also plan to make the media platform ADA compliant so that disabled members of our community can access our stories and participate as well. In the future, we hope to be able to translate the platform’s content into multiple locally used languages. A team of interviewers will feature stories on Black, Indigenous, or minority undergraduates, graduates, and faculty on campus, who will share their experiences with the system and their frontline work in the movement for justice. We have the benefit of having a wide range of intellectual students and staff that can chronicle our political history in a current and long-term perspective, especially in different aspects of the UW community, such as the UWPD, healthcare and medicine at the UWMC, and so on. Special features of Seattle activists can expand our journal’s scope to the communities surrounding UW as well. Radical change can also be seen in the form of joy and self care; columns celebrating Black, Indigenous or artists of color in music, visual art, or other platforms as well as creating accessible segments on how Black and Indigenous individuals take care of themselves and how other people of colors and allies can as well is crucial for maintaining community morale especially when educating themselves and participating in such difficult dialogue. We hope to collaborate with RSOs on campus such as UW BLM, Black Student Union, African Student Association, First Nations at UW, and other minority organizations on campus that carry a similar vision of community upliftment and activism. GOALS: Goal 3 – “Health and Well-Being”: Our project promotes health and well-being as a platform with an opportunity for readers and activists to share their stories and struggles with the healthcare system and quality of life. This may also become a space for people to discover new ways to look after their mental health while practicing non-optical allyship, learning to support themselves in accessible ways as they support each other. Goal 5 – “Gender Equality”: The On the Ground project also supports the goal of gender equality by creating an intersectional avenue for Black, Indigenous, or womxn of color to share their stories and empower others as well through the internet. Goal 10 – “Reduced Inequalities”: This project would help in reducing inequalities by promoting the stories of underrepresented populations and the empowerment of their work and histories as cultural, racial, and ethnic minorities by providing the community an avenue to see others like them working for change.


"Allyship that only serves at the surface level to platform the ‘ally’, it makes a statement but doesn’t go beneath the surface and is not aimed at breaking away from the systems of power that oppress.” – Latham Thomas With the Black Lives Matter movement’s resurgence and the COVID-19 pandemic, the glaring infrastructural disparities in healthcare, law enforcement, and the environment are fueling a necessary conversation on righting society’s injustices. As a womxn of color myself, being an ally to Black and Indigenous people is as important now as it ever was, and practicing proper non-optical allyship is necessary to uplift and amplify the voices that deserve to be heard. Allyship is about taking action to effect real, tangible change. Scholars have articulated actions that allies can take, such as using their voices and advantaged positions to educate fellow advantaged group members who may not be aware that they are unfairly benefiting from a system steeped in inequality. Allies can also engage in actions that illuminate, challenge, and change institutional policies that perpetuate pervasive inequality. We, as students, recognize the value of activism by BIPOC and allies on our campus, especially amongst undergraduates, grad students and faculty. We hope that in creating an online anthology that details the work being done on the ground or ground-adjacent we can memorialize the work done so far, the work that continues to be done, and what we can do in the future. References: Reason, R. D., & Broido, E. M. (2005). Issues and strategies for social justice allies (and the student affairs professionals who hope to encourage them). New Directions for Student Services, 2005(110), 81–89.doi:10.1002/ss.167

Impact measured

Measurable milestones include: Increase in readership over time, increase in outreach and support to activists or current initiatives we may be highlighting on campus – all of these are operationalized in the ‘Evaluation’ portion of our proposal. We can evaluate the project goals through feedback surveys to readers to see what the community has gained and/or would like to see more in order to focus on areas of improvement. In addition, looking at exposure in a quantifiable manner (i.e: number of readers, shares, comments, etc.) is a practical way to measure how the UW community responds to the project. Being able to see the interest and response of readers can address the representation of how one feels, especially when being curated in support of the BIPOC community. In addition, increased support towards our interviewees and their initiatives (whether in the form of donations, volunteer support, increased awareness on social media) can be a way of measuring the change in involvement on the ground in the UW community.


Award amount requested: 2973

  1. $223; Web Development; cost for website url as well as maintenance cost
  2. $250; Web Design; compensation for designer and developer (CSS/HTML coding)
  3. $1000; Interview Team; compensation for journalists conducting interviews and investigative work
  4. $750; Editors; compensation for editors to refine interview, website, and article content
  5. $250; Social Media/Marketing Manager; compensation for content curator and promotional outreach management
  6. $500; Honorarium; compensation for greater Seattle activists/guests to support their initiatives and in taking the time to interview with us
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Krandhasi Kodaiarasu

Learning from the food brigade: pivoting pediatric care to meet basic food security needs during COVID

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:


The goal of this project is to better understand how food systems and traditional health care services can work together to support the needs of food-insecure (defined as uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food to meet the needs of all household members because of insufficient money or other resources for food) families, and to share these lessons learned with relevant UW, Seattle-area, and WA state stakeholders. The Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic (OBCC) is a community health clinic located in the Central District of Seattle that provides low-income and predominately BIPOC families with free or low-cost medical, dental, mental health, and nutrition services for children from prenatal care-21 years. Addressing fundamental causes of ill health is a major focus of this clinic, and as a result they often partner with non-profit and governmental organizations to address basic needs such as food security and stable housing. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when everything shut down, OBCC staff recognized that many of their already low-income families would be unable to work or lose their jobs. Many families already struggled to navigate government programs pre-pandemic, and OBCC also serves undocumented families who are further limited in their ability to access government relief programs. In order to respond to this crisis, OBCC staff stopped seeing children for standard wellness visits (besides vaccinations) and pivoted almost entirely to basic needs services, the primary of which was food security. Staff working on this, or the “Food Brigade”, did this through a variety of approaches – e.g. partnering with other food systems stakeholders to gather food for home delivery, and linking families to community-based organizations also providing food for families in need. Because of the current Black Lives Matter movement and increased awareness around systemic racism as the fundamental driver of negative health outcomes, we expect (and hope) to see more health care systems focus on addressing social needs (e.g., food security, housing) of patients as part of the basic standard of care. OBCC has been at the forefront of this movement – the clinic was founded in 1970 by Odessa Brown, a Black community organizer who saw a need for culturally-relevant and high-quality health care in her Central District community. We are requesting funding in order to conduct interviews with 1) OBCC clinic staff and 2) food-insecure families about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and meeting basic food security needs. Interviews with families will be conducted in both English and Spanish, with a particular focus on families with undocumented household members. We plan to share the successes and lessons learned with other community stakeholders (e.g. health care systems, other hunger and food systems-focused organizations, policymakers) to start a dialogue around increasing coordination to meet the needs of food-insecure families. With 20% of UW students across all three campuses reporting that they ran out of food and didn’t have the money to buy more prior to the pandemic, the results of this work will directly impact the health and well-being of UW students.


While definitions of food insecurity include the traditional concept of hunger, food insecurity also includes needing to skip or reducing the size of meals, purposely compromising nutrition by purchasing lower quality foods, and seeking food from emergency food sources. Approximately 15.8 million households in the United States experience food insecurity each year; communities of color are both at higher risk for food insecurity overall and are disproportionately affected by the negative health outcomes that result. Chronic food insecurity is associated with a number of chronic diseases in both adults and children including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and asthma. Prior to the pandemic, 36.8% percent of low-income households at or below 130% of the federal poverty line were food insecure at some point in the last year. At the start of the pandemic, in Washington state the number of individuals experiencing food insecurity nearly doubled from 85,000 to 1.6 million, one-quarter of whom were children. As the pandemic continues and we head into another economic crisis, taking the time to better understand, share, and address integrating food security initiatives in health care settings is critical to ensuring the most vulnerable families in our community are reached and served. We want to share stories of this from OBCC because they represent an excellent example how to provide culturally relevant, high quality care and develop trusting relationships with families marginalized by and excluded from traditional health care systems.

Impact measured

These interviews are the first part of a multi-step project meant to increase dialogue around food justice and integrating food systems-focused organizations with health care settings. Many of our intended impacts are long-term and would require policy changes, which we are unlikely to be able to assess during the project timeframe. However, we do have a few shorter-term measures that will indicate we are on the way to reaching those long-term goals: 1. Number of completed interviews with clinic staff (n=~9) and heads of household (n=~16). 2. All transcripts coded and analyzed using traditional qualitative methods (all interviews will be audio recorded). 3. For student mentorship, whether the student is able to and feels comfortable conducting interviews on their own by the end of the project. Additionally, if the student is interested, their ability contribute to coding and analysis of transcripts will also be an indicator success. 4. Published report and policy brief of findings vetted by OBCC staff and families disseminated to relevant stakeholders. Additional communication materials may be developed in partnership with OBCC staff and families. 5. Our ability to use these findings to hold further conversations with other stakeholders, namely other health care organizations/systems, food systems-focused organizations, and policymakers. The number of stakeholders reached and number of meetings/conversations held is how we anticipate measuring this. In particular, we are hoping to present our results to the City of Seattle sugar-sweetened beverage tax working group. 6. To the degree we are able, any actions taken or changes made as a result of these conversations. In particular, based on initial conversations with OBCC staff, we hope to see more strategic alignment and coordination between COVID food security initiatives. The result of this would be more individuals able to access food assistance resources. We plan to complete these tasks by the end of October 2020. Additionally, back in the fall, we received a small grant to work with BIPOC food-insecure families to find out what food justice would look like to them and identify priorities for policy advocacy work. The plan was to use Photovoice, which is a community based participatory qualitative approach in which participants take photographs to visually represent, communicate, and critically examine a given topic. Participants bring these photos with them to small group discussions where they lead the discussion, develop the findings together and share the photos and results with community stakeholders (typically a public community forum) to identify further action. Due to COVID, this project was put on hold. However, our secondary goal with these interviews is to identify how we can adapt this original project for an online/digital format due to COVID and the need for social distancing. Our ability to successfully adapt this Photovoice project based on families’ needs and preferences is an additional secondary goal of this project. Depending on COVID-19, we would also like to host a community forum with the families and their photos that would likely be held at Othello Commons and be promoted to the entire UW community.


  1. $1,100; Funding for graduate or undergraduate student assistant; 55 hours* $20/hour rate
  2. $1,900; Funding for postdoc (me); 70 hours*$27/hour rate

Matching funds

We have a $5,000 grant from the UW Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity for the original Photovoice project. Since the project has shifted due to COVID, we plan to use most of that funding for incentives to distribute to OBCC staff and families following the interviews and for the Photovoice sessions down the line. This funding can also be used to support a student (which we plan to tap into if the funding from this is not enough). It cannot be used to support my time.

Additional details

This project is not part of my current postdoctoral work and I do not receive any funding/salary support for this work at the moment, I volunteer my time. I did my PhD in Health Services at UW (graduated in December 2019), and have volunteered with Odessa Brown on food security projects with BIPOC families since 2016. I am working towards getting funding to support my work/time, but do not have any yet. National Institutes of Health postdoc salaries are not cost-of-living adjusted, so I have to take on side jobs support myself. Essentially getting even some funding for this project allows me to commit time outside of my postdoc appointment to this project instead of other jobs. Additionally, my career goal is to be a professor at a university, and as a multiracial POC who is part of a Black family, I am also deeply committed to mentoring BIPOC students as part of my job. Finally, I just wanted to say thank you for being open to supporting my own and a student’s time for this project! I do a lot of community-based work/research, and even though folxs’ time, including my own, is always the largest expense I have on these projects, it is also the hardest get support for.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Meagan Brown

UW GSAH Reading Group: Dismantling the Canon

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,250

Letter of Intent:


As graduate students in the Division of Art History and future educators, researchers, and museum professionals, we believe that we must be attuned to questions of diversity and its implications on our field. The art historical canon encourages prioritization and hierarchies within scholarship and museum displays. We aim to create an inclusive and actively anti-racist art history, by seeking out, researching, and teaching the work of artists and scholars that are often left on the margins. The field of art history is fruitful ground for rethinking how art is shaped by and can shape our world and how we relate to one another within it. Therefore, our proposed reading group will engage with this crucial topic and consider questions including: how do we develop an inclusive art history while also meeting curricular expectations and “standard knowledge” in the discipline? What does it mean to go beyond the canon, which primarily promotes white, male, cis, able-bodied artists from Europe and North America? What are the risks of projecting our contemporary notions of race and diversity onto societies that are many centuries removed? It is our goal to rethink our approach to research and language and to create a space for such conversations in a centuries-old discipline. We are gathering a comprehensive reading list that will engage with issues of diversity from different perspectives, including race, gender, colonization, appropriation, distribution of funds and cultural treasures, iconoclasm as an act of protest, representations of disability, and museums’ attempts at including diverse audiences. This bibliography will prepare the ground for a discussion spanning across time and regions to maintain relevance to our diverse areas of interest, ranging from the Italian Renaissance to Global Contemporary Art. Already a diverse collective that includes several international students, we intend to open our planned guest lectures to graduate students from across the UW to allow for multi and interdisciplinary dialogue. All members of the reading group will add to the collective bibliography based on their specific questions and interests. This initiative is supported by the Art History faculty within the School of Art + Art History + Design (see attached letter) and affiliated to the Graduate Students of Art History organization. We are requesting support from the Campus Sustainability Fund and UW Resilience Lab to assist with compensation for guest speakers including artists, activists, curators, and scholars who are contributing significantly to the current debate on the issues we intend to tackle. Each lecture will be recorded and uploaded onto our project website. Our project website will offer an archive of our collective discussions and activities. It will also house our art history syllabi, emphasizing readings, and resources that decolonize the field. These syllabi will be developed to accompany existing courses offered by the Division of Art History, and thus, will offer current and future TAs materials and assignments that can be incorporated into their teaching to promote values of diversity and inclusion.


We believe that educating ourselves about issues of race, identity, and power will make us better scholars and educators. Our intended website will make public a bibliography with reading concerning the decolonization of art history for the education of the current and future grad community. Along with this bibliography, we intend to make a lasting impact by creating syllabi for TAs sessions for the varied courses offered by the Division of Art History. These syllabi will suggest reading materials and pedagogical activities that graduate students could incorporate into their teaching. By introducing undergraduate students to the questions and problems we are facing as a discipline, we hope to add to their experience at UW and to their becoming active participants in the global fight against racism. We acknowledge that learning from the experience of others is crucial for creating an effect within our community. Therefore, we wish to invite activists and scholars that have made a change in academia, museums, and the broader art world. Our plan is to construct the reading group curriculum as a series of monthly sessions focused on a specific theme, concluded with a talk by a guest speaker at the end of each quarter. We believe that creating this program will contribute to our experience going forward by giving us practical knowledge to promote such initiatives in our future roles. Our tentative list of speakers includes: End of fall quarter speaker: Pamela N Corey, Department of the History of Art & Archaeology, SOAS University of London End of winter quarter speaker: Eve Straussman-Pflanzer, Curator of Italian and Spanish Paintings, National Gallery of Art Washington End of spring quarter speaker: TBD


Award amount requested: 1250

  • Honorarium for a speaker - $250
  • Honorarium for a speaker - $250
  • Honorarium for a speaker - $250
  • A project website - $500
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Or Vallah

Race and Environmental (in)Justice: Healing through Nurturing Roots

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:


This project is co-led by a group of graduate Students of Color at UW and Dr. Shanee Washington, a faculty member in the College of Education, who volunteer at various community learning spaces outside of schools. One of these spaces is Nurturing Roots, a 1/4-acre urban farm that dedicates itself to cultivating healthy food options by growing organic produce and engaging with community members through farm tours. They also invite the community to help tend the farm through community work days where they learn while they get their hands dirty: weeding, planting, harvesting and caring for the soil. Since our time volunteering at Nurturing Roots, we notice many people routinely visit, contribute to the garden and feel welcomed by staff members at the garden and other community members. These types of spaces where Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color (BIPOC) feel safe and supported exist in pockets around Seattle, but it can be difficult to find. Because of this, this project aims to better understand the ways community learning places in Seattle foster belonging and learning among BIPOC communities and what motivates them to keep coming back. By creating and implementing a survey to BIPOC at Nurturing Roots, this project will build out a community map of places that foster belonging, learning and healthy connections to share with the community, conduct in-depth interviews to better understand and highlight strengths/assets of community spaces, and conduct follow-up surveys for evaluation. Responses from the in-depth interviews will be used to compose counterstories, which is a methodology that, “serves to expose, analyze, and challenge shock stories of racial privilege and can help to strengthen traditions of social, political, and cultural survival and resistance,” (Martinez, 2020). The proposed illustrated map will bring awareness, recognition and support to various places and businesses across the community while telling their story. Using this community map, we also plan to create a community map mural and virtual community map. Because we have seen many youth attend Nurturing Roots and other justice-centered community learning spaces, the community map mural and virtual community map will be developed as a way to advocate for a credit retrieval program for youth in schools. By building relationships with local schools the students attend, we hope to build an accord that allows the students volunteering to obtain a credit to count towards school, especially during school closures in light of COVID-19 in order to promote sustainable learning over time. Being able to receive course credit would encourage BIPOC youth to continue volunteering and engaging in justice-centered learning and advocacy spaces that heighten and foster their critical consciousness. With this community building initiative and credit retrieval program approach, we are promoting a view of possible selves (Yowell, 2002) that allows for career development in the environmental field, promotes academic achievement and motivation, and allows students to work towards graduation while building a relationship with UW and the broader Seattle community.


Bell hooks (1990) suggest that African Americans have historically believed that constructing a homeplace had a radical political dimension (Davis, 2005), and this homeplace allows for Black bodies to be fulfilled and whole. homeplaces specifically are where “Black folx truly matter to each other, where souls are nurtured and healed by loving Blackness” (Love, 2019). Places of learning have the potential for elements of a homeplace, by dismantling antiblackness and oppressive norms, or working the other way and perpetuating these negative stereotypes. This provides insight into some of the sociocultural factors that may play a role in the construction of a homeplace, as well as a framing to potentially categorize the settings within learning spaces as homeplaces or spaces of healing/belonging such as Nurturing Roots Farm. For spaces of learning, belonging is key. This desire is so universal that the need to belong is found across all cultures and different types of people (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Since we know belonging promotes wellbeing (Bowles, 2007; Allen et al., 2018) we can hypothesize that belonging promotes learning and identity with the added component of an intersectional lens in a space. By supporting multiple identities at their intersections (race, gender, class, religion etc.) we can ensure the space is equitable and fosters belonging. As people experience a homeplace, they are able to foster belonging in their space of activity through learning and resisting systems of oppression.

Impact measured

Since our outcome for this project is to create a resource for the greater Seattle community, we will evaluate this project by: 1) creating and implementing a survey that will target our aims of understanding how community places foster belonging and learning; 2) completing the community map by September 15th using data collected from the surveys; 3) distributing the community map to at least 10 community spaces in Seattle, including the UW, by October 1st in order to bridge and/or strengthen relationships between organizations and the UW; 4) conducting a 3-month follow-up survey at Nurturing Roots to evaluate how people utilize the community map; 5) collaborating with local schools to create and implement a credit retrieval program which would hopefully result in an increase in local high schools allowing students to count volunteering at community places such as Nurturing Roots, towards course credits and service-learning requirements. Most importantly, because of our prior relationships with Nurturing Roots, we would be able to evaluate our project through informal conversations with community partners and members. Because this is a long lasting relationship with Nurturing Roots and other local community spaces, we value the continued feedback and work that will stem from this project. This project is just one step towards continuing to build and bridge authentic relationships between the UW and BIPOC-led community spaces and organizations.


  1. $1000.00; Materials used for maintaining and contributing to Nurturing Roots garden Gloves Compost for expanding garden to street level Shovels, materials used to deconstruct invasives Chicken feed Artist compensation for illustrated community map
  2. $1000.00; Compensation for Nurturing Roots community members and youth who participate in this project @ $50 a response
  3. $800.00; Honorarium for community partner, Nyema Clark
  4. $200.00; Materials needed for community map, mural and virtual map Paper printing and laminating from Saigon Printing (poc owned and operated) Compensation for augmented reality map creation Illustrative art supplies
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kaleb Germinaro

Understanding community perspectives of climate resilience in the Puget Sound region

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,990

Letter of Intent:


The aim of this project is to better understand how frontline communities define climate resilience and identify perceived factors that support or undermine resilience. Frontline communities are communities most affected by the impacts of climate change, and are disproportionately Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and lower-income compared to state averages. Our ultimate goal is to use this enhanced understanding of resilience to support programming and policy development related to the Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), that will transition the state to clean electricity by 2045. The linkage between the proposed effort and the CETA is through ongoing collaboration by the WA state Department of Health (DOH), climate justice coalition Front and Centered (F&C), and several UW groups, including the Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHanGE), the Climate Impacts Group (CIG), and the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS). The CETA requires a Cumulative Impacts Assessment (CIA) of the health impacts of fossil fuel pollution and future climate change on WA communities, which will guide policy decisions by state departments. This CIA will include a tool, based on work by DEOHS alumna, Esther Min, with F&C, which has mapped environmental health disparities across Washington. Resilience related to climate change is defined by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions as “the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous events, trends, or disturbances related to climate.” Better understanding community perspectives on resilience can open our understanding of potential solutions. Currently, the CIA tool does not account for resilience, though it has been identified as a priority area for inclusion in future models. Resilience is highly subjective, and to meaningfully capture it, it is imperative to center the perspectives of frontline communities. To fit the scope of this funding opportunity, this project will focus on Puget Sound, and findings will guide future engagement around Washington.


Engage diverse community leaders in identifying factors related to climate resilience for frontline communities in the Puget Sound region. Identify pathways for continued research related to climate resilience with frontline communities in Washington.


This project includes five Zoom focus groups with 5-7 community organizers and leaders from frontline communities in the Puget Sound region. Focus group participants will be recruited through F&C and compensated at a rate of $50/hour. Discussions will focus on factors that have affected community ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to environmental hazards. Information from these focus groups will be transcribed and coded into preliminary themes. Once the themes are assembled, participants will be given a chance to provide feedback through a written summary or participation in a voluntary Zoom town hall. Feedback will be incorporated into a final report and development of communications materials for CHanGE, Front and Centered, and other interested partners. Recommendations from the project will be aimed at developing elements of the CIA tool related to community-identified drivers of climate resilience.


  • August: literature review, prepare for focus groups
  • September: hold focus groups
  • October: analyze focus group data and synthesize
  • Early November: hold town hall event, incorporate feedback
  • Late November: develop final reports and materials.

“Climate change affects all, but not all people are affected equally.” - Jacqueline Patterson, NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program As the impacts of climate change are increasing in intensity and frequency, we are seeing a growing disparity in how these impacts manifest within different communities (Snover et. al, 2013). BIPOC communities, as well as low-income communities, are at greatest risk for climate impacts. Their experience heightened vulnerability due to the cumulative effects of systemic inequality, compounded by racism, income, living conditions, age, location, occupation, health, and language barriers, as well as disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards (UW Climate Impact Groups et al., 2018)(Yuen et al., 2017). These disparities are often the result of structural and institutional racism and discrimination, perpetuated both in policy outcomes as well as traditional top-down policy-making and implementation processes that often fail to include the perspectives and priorities of the communities most impacted (Yuen et al., 2017). Snover, A.K, G.S. Mauger, L.C. Whitely Binder, M. Krosby, and I. Tohver. (2013). Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Washington State: Technical Summaries for Decision Makers. State of Knowledge UW Climate Impacts Group, UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Front and Centered and Urban@UW. (2018). An Unfair Share: Exploring the disproportionate risks from climate change facing Washington state communities. Yuen, T., Yurkovich, E., Grabowski, L., & Altshuler, B. (2017). Guide to equitable, community-driven climate preparedness planning. A report prepared for the Urban Sustainability Directors Network.

This project is intended to solicit community perceptions regarding factors that affect climate resilience, and start a conversation around integrating the concept of resilience into how we quantify climate impacts in Washington state and how to promote the resilience of the most highly affected, in particular. While the first version of the CIA tool is expected to be released in December 2020, researchers are already starting to workshop ideas for future models or parallel tools, and the timing of this project aligns well with expanding our understanding of climate impacts to include the role of resilience for subsequent projects. In the short term, the project will be evaluated based on its ability to meet to following goals and objectives: 1.To engage diverse community leaders in identifying themes related to resilience to climate impacts for frontline communities in the Puget Sound region - Objective 1: At least 25 community leaders and organizers representing at least five organizations/communities will participate in a focus group between September and October 2020. - Indicators: number of focus group participants, number of organizations represented - Objective 2: At least 50% of focus group participants will give feedback on research findings - Indicators: number of town hall participants, proportion of town hall participants who had participated in a focus group, number of participants who give written feedback on research summary 2. To identify pathways for continued research and programming related to climate resilience for frontline communities in Washington state - Objective 1: In the reports to CETA/CIA and CSF, include recommendations of next steps for continued research and programming - Indicators: completed recommendations section of final report, recommended outreach plan for developing indicators of resilience and related factors, gathering additional data, potential sources of quantitative data, potential data gaps, and implications for public health practice and policy.


  • Compensation for interviewees: $1000 ($50/participant x 20 participants)
  • Researcher time: $1490 ($20/hour x 74.5 hours)
  • Second coder’s time: $500 ($20/hour x 25 hours)

Total: $2990

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Leah Wood

Growing resilience and equity: Food systems amidst the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

The proposed project utilizes the biannual UW Food Systems Seminar (NUTR 400/500) to support student learning and dialogue about food systems amidst the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism, which together amplify the need for health and food equity. This seminar will showcase researchers and organizers working at the confluence of these pandemics for positive and impactful change. Sessions will highlight challenges as well as potential for resilience and equity to root across the food system. Funding from the CSF Intersectional Sustainability Grant would support honoraria for community leaders with expertise often housed outside of academia. Such expertise is important, now more than ever, to better understand the lived experiences across communities and to amplify community-identified solutions. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities are disproportionately impacted by both COVID-19 and exploitation throughout the food system. This funding will help center voices from beyond the university and lift up solutions to food system-related environmental and societal problems. Additional funding is requested to support collaboration with the Food Systems Coalition (FSC), a graduate student RSO dedicated to food systems equity and leveraging academic privilege for community benefit. FSC is supporting seminar planning and facilitation of the culminating session; they played a similar role for the Autumn 2019 seminar on Food Justice. The Food Systems Seminar is a popular course on campus; over 200 undergraduate and graduate students from programs across the university have already registered for the Autumn 2020 offering. The seminar was initiated by the Nutritional Sciences Program (NSP) in 2014; last year we launched a UW NSP/Food Systems YouTube Channel to extend the learning beyond the classroom and extend access to the seminar. The seminar is increasingly a tool to center sustainability, equity, and community expertise. The seminar is part of the new and growing UW undergraduate major in Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health, housed within the Nutritional Sciences Program, School of Public Health. This major was launched in January 2019 and there are already approximately 200 students enrolled. The major’s core courses tend to focus on local to national food system issues; as such, there is a need to engage community leaders beyond academia to enhance the context and content for learning. This seminar complements academics with food system community leaders from organizations across the region and nation to speak to the particular and complex challenges of this time. These seminar invitations will extend or initiate relationships and contribute to the community-engaged scholarship crucial for the success of the Food Systems major. Goals: 1. Showcase food system academic and community leaders working for positive and impactful change amidst the ongoing pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism 2. Create a platform for key food systems stakeholder groups who are often omitted from food systems education 3. Foster valuable relationships with guest speakers for future collaboration and community-engaged scholarship 4. Provide a wide breadth of engaging and critical perspectives to support greater understanding of impacts and manifestations of both systemic racism and COVID-19 across the food system.

The dual pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism are illuminating health equity, food equity, and structural vulnerabilities across the food system. The Navajo Nation, Black Americans, and other Indigenous and communities of color, including Yakama Nation and Latinx communities, are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. This disparity is the result of the complex interplay between racial, health, environmental, and economic injustices. Social distancing is the most effective strategy to reduce COVID-19 transmission, and yet this is not always possible for those deemed to be essential workers – especially within the food system, which often has majority BIPOC workers. Look no further than the nation’s meat processors like Smithfield Foods and Cargill Foods, or closer to home here in Yakima, Washington, where farmworkers are experiencing massive spikes in infections. This knowledge has ignited a fire in the bellies of many in our UW community. That’s a good thing. A key requirement for change in any system is a public that is sufficiently outraged by “business as usual”. We should not want to go back to “normal” – to a food system that harms its producers, workers, consumers, and the environment; or a health care system plagued by racial and economic disparities. Therefore, as a culminating project, seminar participants will be invited to create a food system vision (Anderson, 2019). This powerful exercise is known to be a key component of food systems change that can help to inspire and empower participants to push forward not as individuals, but as a collective. Reference: Anderson M. The importance of vision in food system transformation. J Agric Food Syst Community Dev. 2019;9(Suppl. 1):55-60.

As we continually bear witness to the racial, economic, health, and environmental inequities present within our food system, which have been further exacerbated by COVID-19, it’s more critical than ever to ensure that our community relationships are strong and reciprocal. By cultivating motivation and celebrating resilience, this seminar series aims to uplift the voices of organizers in our local community and to enable those within the UW community to envision radical change. To honor each speaker’s time and energy, and to increase student engagement, students will be asked to submit follow-up reflections. This weekly assignment will provide students opportunities to summarize key concepts and discuss any perceptions that may have developed or changed as a result of the seminar. These reflections will also enable the instructor to evaluate student learning. Students will also be invited to reflect on the entire series upon its completion. The seminar series will culminate with a final vision project intended to encourage students to synthesize what they learned during the series, reflect on the issues they found most salient, and develop a vision for how to address any gaps presented by those issues. This exercise will also provide students the opportunity to identify resources available to them through the UW community, and identify how they can best use these resources to get involved with community efforts outside the classroom. Additionally, this final project will serve to evaluate what students found most impactful and inform potential themes for future series. End-of-term student evaluations will also be used to determine ways to improve the series, and there is room to create an evaluative process for guest lecturers as well. Maintaining strong community relationships continues to be critically important during this time of collective uprising against racial violence and the extractive relationships that pervade our society and food system. In the spirit of this, guest lecturers will be invited to provide brief feedback on their experience with the seminar and whether they would consider collaborating in the future. This feedback will inform subsequent seminar series. In the spirit of fostering and maintaining reciprocal relationships with guest lecturers and the communities they represent, the speakers will be invited to voice any needs that may be fulfilled by undergraduate volunteers or the Food Systems Coalition, a graduate RSO. This could offer non-monetary benefits to guest lecturers and connect students to efforts that benefit the local community, to potentially contribute to change within our food system. Furthermore, the seminars will be widely advertised, recorded, and shared broadly via our Youtube channel to amplify these important voices and break down institutional barriers to education.

$250; honorarium; compensation for guest speaker: 10/27: Elizabeth Torres, Research Coordinator, El Proyecto Bienestar - Co-developing Culturally Relevant Messages for Farmworker Safety and Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic $250; honorarium; compensation for guest speaker: 11/2: Speaker TBD - Why voting matters to food systems $500; honoraria; compensation for two guest speakers: 11/10: Ray Williams, Director, and Hannah Wilson, Program Manager; Yes Farm with the Black Farmers Collective – Growing a more sustainable, equitable future for communities of color: The Black Farmers’ Collective and Yes Farm. $500; honoraria; compensation for two guest speakers: 11/17: 2 Makah tribal members - Food security of the Makah Tribe; harvesting seafood before and during COVID-19 $500; honoraria; compensation for the graduate student RSO Food Systems Coalition’s involvement in class-planning and facilitation: 12/8: Food Systems Coalition – What Next? A student perspective on engaging the future of our food system

Dr. Sipos has applied for a UW Global Innovation Fund Teaching and Curriculum Award to develop an international component to the seminar. If successful, funding from this award will support inclusion of the Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching & Learning (IFSTAL) program through the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, UK.

Since 2018, the Food Systems Seminar (NUTR 400/500) explicitly incorporates texts and guest speakers focused on racial equity and Indigenous studies. For example, we incorporated the Health Sciences Common Book last year (Let’s Talk About Race by I. Oluo) and will do so again this year (How to be an Anti-Racist by I. Kendi). We prioritize featuring diverse guest speakers; in the past two years, some of our featured guest speakers are listed below, along with affiliations and titles of their talks. The complete speaker lists can be found Honoraria for previous speakers have come from Nutritional Sciences alumni who are eager to promote and support the successful launch of the Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health major. We have also previously partnered with CHanGE (Center for Health and the Global Environment) for supporting diverse speakers. Currently though, as budgets constrict, we are required to look for new potential sources of funding to support these important voices from beyond academia. NUTR 400/500 highlighted speakers from AUT 2018 - WIN 2020 (in order of presentation): Valerie Segrest, MA; Author, Scholar, Nutrition Educator (now, Regional Director, Native Food and Knowledge Systems, Native American Agriculture Fund), “Indigenous Food Systems as the Original Sustainable Food System” Rosalinda Guillen, Executive Director, Community to Community Development (C2C), “Farmworker Rights and Women in the Labor Movement” Hajime Sato, Owner and Chef, Mashiko Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar, “Sustainable Seafood and Beyond” Vero Vergara, Sweet Hollow Farm, ROAR Mobile Farmstands, and WA Young Farmers Coalition; Lorna Valesca, Owner of Sariwa Farm & Velasco Arts, and Incubator Farmer with Viva Farms, “Farming in the Context of Food Justice” Carlos Marentes, Co-Coordinator, El Comité, “Decolonizing the Food System: Immigration and Loss of Food Sovereignty” Chef Edouardo Jordan, Owner & Chef of Salare, JuneBaby & Lucinda Grain Bar; James Beard Award winner 2018, Best Chef NW & Best New Restaurant, “Cooking Up Food Justice & Cultural Identities in Restaurants” Veena Prasad, Previous Director, Project Feast, Ubuntu Street Café, “Culinary Apprenticeships for Immigrants & Refugees” Maria Blancas, Outreach and Education Specialist, PNASH Center and PhD Candidate, Environmental and Forest Sciences, UW, “Labor and Climate: Climate-Related Occupational Impacts on Agricultural Workers” Libby Halpin Nelson, Senior Environmental Policy Analyst, Tulalip Tribes Treaty Rights Office and Ryan Miller, Manager, Tulalip Tribes Treaty Rights Office, with Holly Zox, Botanist (Contractor, Tulalip Tribes), and Harriet Morgan, Climate Impacts Group, UW, “Sustaining Indigenous Foods on Treaty Lands: A Co-Management Approach on the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest” Finally, thank you for your consideration and for opening up this important funding opportunity!

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Dr. Yona Sipos

Cultivating Inclusive Conservation Practices seminar series

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Project Lead

Staci Amburgey


Conservation and equity are intrinsically intertwined topics that have often been treated as two separate areas of study. Science, conservation, and management not only benefit from having a diversity of stakeholder perspectives informing projects, but the effects of management and scientific policies extend more broadly than the ecosystems they impact. This seminar will highlight the importance of cross-cultural collaboration and competency in science. In this seminar series and course, we will investigate a series of research projects or conservation initiatives that have the unifying theme of 1) having a conservation-oriented objective, 2) being led by or integrally involving indigenous groups or underserved communities throughout the project, and 3) diversifying the participants in the process leading to the successful implementation of a conservation or research policy. Talks will have a scientific backbone while also highlighting the diversity of participants, the equity of these stakeholders in planning, barriers that exist to participation, and how this format of engagement led to conservation success. This seminar fits with the proposed goal of increasing communication and cultural competency among faculty, staff, and students across UW.

This class/seminar will meet once per week (10-11:20am on Fridays). The seminar will be the first 30 minutes of the time slot. A guest speaker or speakers (when collaborators are available) will present a research or conservation-driven example, followed by an open discussion regarding practices, insights, and lessons learned. Each talk will be advertised and open to the broader UW community through public announcements (see attached example advertisement), weekly reminders, and dissemination of the class website through channels such as the College of the Environment and departmental listservs. Additionally, enrolled participants will be assigned a reading selected by the guest speaker and the project lead to generate informed questions and discussions. These readings will also be sent out via the public announcement of the seminar and posted on the course website so that anyone who wishes to can view the material and read along. Each week’s talk will be hosted via Zoom where it will be recorded but also will be live-streamed via the SAFS YouTube channel. The YouTube channel will allow for closed captioning of the video in real-time and increased security (talk information can be shared widely without fear of Zoom-bombing). The speaker will answer questions solicited via email beforehand or on YouTube. The remainder of class and discussion will be limited to just enrolled participants (21 students) afterward.


By the end of the seminar, attendees will:

  1. Become more familiar with diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) practices and foundational vocabulary
  2. Increase their cultural competency, particularly with respect to local groups and topics in the Pacific Northwest
  3. Be better able to identify stakeholder perspectives when discussing conservation and management projects
  4. Be better able to discuss the complexities of conducting research in a multicultural landscape
  5. Become more familiar with conservation and management topics, particularly in the Pacific Northwest


  1. Antiracism in Conservation. David Muñoz, Penn State University - October 9th
  2. The role and dimensionality of identity in environmental behavior. Isabel Carrera Zamanillo, University of Washington - October 16th
  3. Cultural competency in fisher reintroduction in the Washington Cascade Mountains. Tara Chestnut, Mt Rainer NP, Nettsie Bullchild and Jeremy Badoldman, Tribal Historic Preservation Office - October 23rd
  4. Title TBD –Chris Schell, University of Washington Tacoma - October 30th
  5. Nature So White. Khavin Debbs, Tiny Trees Preschool - November 6th, honorarium covered by Burke Museum
  6. Revitalizing Indigenous cultural management systems for resilient salmon fisheries and coastal communities - lessons from a scientist working at the grassroots. Will Atlas, Qqs Project Society, William Housty, Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department - November 13th
  7. Cross-cultural collaboration in the Qwuloolt Estuary Restoration and Pilchuck River Dam Removal. Brett Shattuck, Tulalip Tribes - November 20th
  8. Conflict or collaboration? Colonial legacies, cultural values, and shifting axes of trust in Northern Puget Sound conservation. Sara Breslow, EarthLab, University of Washington, Maggie Allen, SMEA alumna - December 4th
  9. Conclusion discussion and overview of the quarter’s speakers. Staci Amburgey, University of Washington - December 11th

** The first and last class session of the quarter will be focused on discussion among enrolled participants to establish foundational vocab and reflecting on topics presented

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Staci Amburgey

Health Impacts of the (In)visibility of UW Custodial Workers

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to nearly 14,000 confirmed cases and over 600 deaths in King County.[1] Furthermore, people of color are dying from COVID-19 at disproportionate rates in comparison to the white population.[2] Washington State Governor Inslee issued the “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2. However, this mandate does not apply to custodians who are considered essential workers. To protect the health of the University of Washington Seattle Campus community, 259 custodial workers continue to work, cleaning and disinfecting various campus areas. The majority of custodial workers are immigrants, refugees, and people of color. Many are over 60 years of age and vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 exposure. The purposes of this project are to bring visibility to the people who take care of the UW Seattle Campus and facilitate dialogue among the UW community that focuses on the health impacts to UW custodial workers.

Through continued dialogue there is an overarching goal to advance health equity. Specifically, the project aims to:

  1. Identify custodians’ perceptions of their workplace and home or neighborhood as sources of health opportunities or barriers.
  2. Identify attainable workplace improvements that protect and support the health of custodians, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Informational flyers translated in Amharic, Tigrinya, Korean, and Tagalog will be distributed in all seven areas of UW Seattle Campus. Languages were selected based on Evalynn’s experience growing up around UW custodians, and more recently, her weekly breakfast deliveries throughout campus. 15 custodial workers will be recruited (approximately two workers per area) who identify as: immigrant, refugee, Black, Indigenous, or person of color. Each participant will be compensated with a $100 Visa gift card. Lunches will be provided during sessions.

There will be four sessions with adequate social distancing measures and health standards in place. The UW Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies has offered logistical support that include reserving meeting spaces on campus for the sessions.

Session 1: A 1-hour orientation to the project and how to take photos with smartphones or project-provided cameras.

Participants from one or two areas will form discussion groups (three to four people per group) for the project duration. The guided questions for the photographs are:

  1. What does your work look like for you? a. How does your work impact your health?
  2. What does your home or neighborhood look like for you? a. How does your home or neighborhood impact your health?
  3. How can the UW community best support your work and health? Questions will be translated to their preferred language for reference and additional clarity.

Sessions 2 and 3: 1-hour discussions where participants will provide descriptions of photographs (first in their native language and then English).

The descriptions are guided by the SHOWED process (what do you See here?, what is Happening?, how does it relate to Our lives?, Why does this situation exist?, how can we Empower/Educate to address it, and what can we Do about it?).[3] Discussions may be audiotaped if participants agree. Session 4: Evalynn with one additional UW student, staff or faculty will analyze information collected from all sessions, present findings to the participants and gather feedback, and ask for ideas on the design of the public art installation. An art installation will be located at a public space on campus. Participants are encouraged, though not required, to attend the opening. Photographs with descriptions selected by each participant will be displayed. The participant may decide to include their name or a pseudonym with their pieces. Recommendations and action steps for how the UW community can support custodians will be part of the installation. A website will also be available for wider accessibility.

A growing literature points to the importance of structural racism in an unequal labor market and in persistent racial health inequities.[4,5] Not only are lower employment positions like custodial work linked to greater stress, but work-related stress combined with other life stressors that disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous, and people of color result in poor health.[5] Furthermore, custodial workers face a wide range of health and safety issues in the workplace that include exposure to cleaning chemicals and demands of physical labor. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is a collaborative approach that focuses on inequities through active involvement of community members in all aspects of the process in order to either directly benefit participants or use the results to inform action for change. This project will follow the key principles of Israel et al.’s (1995) community-based approach in examining health and quality of life inequities.[6] Visual image is one way to enable people to think critically about their community. Photovoice is a method often used in CBPR to reach, inform, and organize community members, enabling them to prioritize their concerns and discuss problems and solutions.[7] It invites people to become advocates for their own and their community’s well being, acting as potential catalysts for change.

The evaluation questions for the project are:

  1. How many custodians completed this project?
  2. What prevalent themes did custodians identify pertaining to how their work impacts their health?
  3. What prevalent themes did custodians identify pertaining to how their home or neighborhood impacts their health?
  4. What prevalent themes did custodians identify pertaining to how the UW community can best support their work and health?
  5. What are the changes or actions from the UW community in response to this project?


  1. $1500; 15 - $100 Visa gift card incentives
  2. $100; Printing costs for recruitment/informational flyers, orientation packets
  3. $400; Translation services
  4. $300; Costs for developing photographs
  5. $700; Frames and supplies for mounting photographs

I am the daughter of UW custodians. UW Building Services leadership and many UW custodians have known me since I was a child. I have also been leading an appreciation effort for UW custodial workers since March by delivering and serving breakfast to each area of campus per week. I am well known in the UW custodial community and have built rapport with them through the many years and especially this year. References 1. King County. COVID-19 Data Dashboards. Available at: 2. King County. Race and Ethnicity Data Dashboard. Available at: 3. Wang C. Youth Participation in Photovoice as a Strategy for Community Change. Journal of Community Practice. 2006;14(1-2):147-161. 4. Gee GC, Ford CL. Structural Racism and Health Inequities. Du Bois Review. 2011;8(1):115–132. 5. McCluney CL, Schmitz LL, Hicken MT, Sonnega A. Structural Racism in the Workplace: Does Perception Matter for Health Inequalities? Soc Sci Med. 2018;199:106-114. 6. Israel BA, Schulz AJ, Parker EA, Becker AB. Review of Community-Based Research: Assessing Partnership Approaches to Improve Public Health. Annu. Rev. Public Health. 1998;19: 173-202. 7. Wang C, Burris MA. Photovoice: Concept, Methodology, and Use for Participatory Needs Assessment. Health Education & Behavior. 1997;24(3):369-387.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Evalynn Romano

Power to the Pollinator Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Over the past few decades, bees and other critical pollinator species have been experiencing a rapid decline in population. Natural ecosystems depend on these critters to pollinate roughly 85% of flowering species, which in turn provide habitat and nourishment for other wildlife. By gathering pollen and nectar from hundreds of flowers, pollinator species like bumble bees, mason bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and moths help diversify ecological communities and cultivate the lush landscapes that surround our built environments.

To protect these keystone species and encourage low-maintenance, pesticide-free landscapes on campus, I am proposing to construct a 600 square-foot pollinator garden by Odegaard Library and the Henry Art Gallery. Currently an underutilized space covered in invasive English Ivy, the existing site will blossom into one that provides pollinator species like bumble bees, mason bees, butterflies and hummingbirds with a variety of native herbaceous plants, evergreen shrubs and year-round burrowing habitat and refugia. This space will also offer students brief respite from their studies and the opportunity to study ecological systems in nontraditional ways. By establishing a site with a range of native plant species, native pollinators will have a diverse food bank extending from February to October with places to overwinter and burrow. Long-term symbiotic relationships between invertebrates, plants and other wildlife species will also develop as the plants mature.

UW currently lacks a unified, ecologically-based landscape plan, and it is my goal with this pollinator project to kickstart a dialogue on the role of diverse ecology within urban spaces. By marrying our current ecological needs with the built environment, a pollinator garden near the heart of campus will testify to the importance of design activism, educate my peers about the potential relationship between cities and native ecosystems, and spark research opportunities that blend urban spaces with environmental science, plant biology and identification, forestry, landscape architecture, art and engineering.  

To start my process, I have begun collaborating with the Society of Ecological Restoration to create a long-term maintenance plan, collect native plants from the SER nursery, and recruit volunteers for the construction and planting phase.  A team composed of UW grounds crew members, the UW Integrated Pest Management manager, and a Ph.D. student studying pollinator ecology is helping me conduct site analysis, remove invasive ivy, and plan for maturity. As an undergraduate student in the landscape architecture department, my professor and mentor Daniel Winterbottom will be helping me locate materials for this project, and, lastly, I have recruited a group of my peers from the College of Built Environments to assist with the design and construction phase.

Through September of this year, I will be removing invasive ivy and excavating several inches of existing dirt to make room for fresh soil. Through mid-September to late October, I will be narrowing down my plant palette to a condensed list of native species based on growth characteristics, bloom period, seasonal changes and aesthetics. Within this time frame, I will also be installing materials like landscaping rocks, organic soil, and stepping-stones for a low-maintenance foot trail through the western side of the site. Within mid to late October, I will install the shrubs and herbaceous species before adding a layer of mulch and salvaged coarse woody debris to retain nutrients and provide shelter for the pollinators (see page 2 in Pollinator Outline PDF for detailed timeline).

After the installation phase, I will be scheduling routine maintenance check-ups with UW grounds crew and UW SER volunteers to ensure that the plants are regularly watered, trimmed, and protected from invasive species for a 2-year period. As I extend this concept to a greater scale, my colleague and UW SER president, Nikoli Stevens, and I will be identifying additional spots throughout the UW campus that can expand this solitary garden into a connected wildlife network that relies on little to no maintenance or pesticide-use. This project will continue to be rooted in knowledge from an interdisciplinary team of ecologists, designers, and scientists who will help inspire conservation practices across several fields and provide my peers with the stepping stones to become agents of socioecological change.

As a tangible expression of my commitment to environmental stewardship, this project will allow me to cultivate a shared appreciation for native microecosystems and create spaces that invigorate, delight, and heal the UW community.  And it is my goal through this project to motivate my peers to become environmental leaders, eager to establish a more balanced relationship between the urbanizing and the natural world.

Budget Estimate:

  • Shrubs + Herbaceous Plants: $400 ( SER Nursery)
  • Organic Soil: $220 (6 cb yd, $35.5/cb yd from Cedar Grove)
  • Landscaping Rocks: $150 (from Dirt Exchange)
  • Educational Plaque: $150

*see detailed budget for breakdown of expenses

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Daniella Slowik

Electric Bicycle Mail Delivery Program 2.0

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $6,000

Letter of Intent:


There are a few medical centers affiliated with the University of Washington recently closed down their own printing services earlier this year. In other words, these medical centers especially Seattle Children’s Hospital would need UW Mailing Services’ service. With the increasing demand of mail delivery, UW Mailing Services is planning to increase the capacity of mail preparation as well as the bike delivery service in response to serving new business customers.

UW Mailing Services is looking to obtain 2 Cargo boxes.

The Rhino-Berlin cargo boxes can help the Mailing Services electric bicycles to increase the delivery capacity and enhance the performance in general to benefit all UW departments. As UW Mailing Services start having new business with multiple medical centers in Seattle Area, we are looking into obtaining more vehicles and equipment to meet the increasing demand. Mailing Services would potentially be hiring two student employees to get involved in this program.

As for now, we are hoping to get the fund to buy two new cargo boxes for the electric bikes to meet the demand of two runs a day to Seattle Children’s Hospital. Without the electric new cargo boxes, Mailing Services would have to use trucks to deliver mails multiple times a day, because the current cargo boxes are not user friendly enough for the entire Children’s Hospital and would be a pain for bikers to ride over there.

Benefits of having these two new cargo boxes:

  1. Increasing the electric bikes capacity by 50% so the bikers can carry mail 1.5 times as much as before.
  2. Decreasing the demand of using trucks to avoid 0.02 metric tons/gallon GHG emittance.
  3. Exposing Mailing Services’ dedication to sustainability and showing staff of Seattle Children’s hospital and even people in the U-district the electric bike program to promote sustainability.
  4. Having potential student riders to experience the electric bikes with trailers and promoting such great sustainability idea all over the campus.
  5. Increasing sustainability awareness of staffs at the medical centers that partner with us and helping them out if they want to implement similar program.
  6. It's easier to maintain the new sliding style cargo cap over old hydraulic style.
  7. The cargo boxes can satisfy the increasing demand of delivering packages due to the campus shut down.

Overall, having these two new cargo boxes would definitely increase the mail delivery capacity of UW mailing services and avoid using trucks to deliver mails to Seattle Children’s Hospital multiple times a day which would be really environmentally friendly. Plus, it is a great way to promote sustainability off campus and would be a great opportunity for us to mentor our partners if they want to implement a similar program.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jimmy Tan

Kincaid Ravine Restoration Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $9,500

Letter of Intent:

CSF has been funding work on the Kincaid Ravine Restoration Project since 2010. During the past five years undergraduate students enrolled in CEP 498 have been working on various elements of the project and have completed the final draft of a Master Plan for the site. The final draft of this Master Plan as been reviewed and approved by the office of the UW Campus Architect. It is expected that next steps in the implementation of the Master Plan will begin in Winter quarter 2021 dependent upon the availability of funding to support a graduate student who will be leading the work.

This current request to CSF is to fund the position of a graduate student who will lead other students' work on this project as follows:

  • Finalize the wetland portion of the project.
  • Determine classification of wetland delineations completed previously and date of delineation (Note: 5-year “lifespan”). Determine exactly what is allowed under existing code.
  • Get validation from the consultants of their prior work.
  • Identify any permitting requirements necessary.
  • Identify drainage and safety issues.
  • Refine proposed changes in vegetation and trails on site.
  • Review city codes and permitting process.
    1. Determine documentation needed to move forward.
    2. Determine need for an engineer’s report for permit allowance.
    3. Request participation and support of the King Conservation District.
  • Additional tasks to refine the draft Master Plan as needed.

This funding request will "bridge" the cost of continuing this work with expected future funding from other sources such as King Conservation District.

This request for funding meets the CSF requirements and preferences as follows:

Sustainable Impact: This project improves the sustainability of UW's campus and/or operations by improving and maintaining one of the largest remaining natural areas accessible to all who live, work and visit the campus. Specific impacts include reductions of: carbon emissions, energy use, waste, pollutants and toxins. Improvements will be made to biodiversity and provide enhanced opportunities to support environmental justice and equity. Project components are environmentally sustainable in design and implementation.

Leadership & Student Involvement: All work on this project is to be completed by UW students during the academic year 2020 to 2021. It is expected that a graduate student will lead the project work.  

Education, Outreach & Behavior Change: This project includes many elements of educational and outreach components that cultivate an awareness of the Kincaid Rainve among students, faculty and visitors to campus. 

Feasibility & Accountability: The work completed on this project to date has demonstrated that the applicant can attain the technical knowledge, necessary approvals, and project management skills in order to complete this additional work successfully. 

The proposed budget for this work during Winter and Spring quarters 2021 is as follows:

  • Graduate student: $7,500.
  • Technical consultants: $2,000.

Total budget: $9,500.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Edward D. Blum

Mental Health for Every Adolescent

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,700

Letter of Intent:


Life as a high school student is not easy. Between all assignments, extra-curriculars, maintaining a social life and other commitments, students often experience deteriorating mental health as a result of the immense amount of stress trying to juggle everything. The fact that mental health is stigmatized and considered somewhat taboo makes it very hard for those who need help to ask for it. The average American takes almost 10 years to seek treatment for mental illness. Public stigma results in discrimination, reduced autonomy and self-efficacy and segregation. The secrecy and stigma associated with mental illnesses often thrust sufferers into a feeling of isolation. If left untreated, mental health issues in children can have important ramifications, bleeding into adulthood and adversely affecting their lives. Thus, there is an urgent need to start and normalize conversations about mental health issues. Inspired to make a change, we started an initiative called Mental Health for Every Adolescent (MHEA). MHEA is a student run and student led initiative that aims to destigmatize mental health issues. We recruit high school students in India and the middle east to conduct workshops in their schools. Our team, comprising of 11 UW undergraduates here in Seattle, conducts workshops in high schools in the city’s public school system. These workshops were created by students on our team with who are also Peer Health Educators, with the help of Megan Kennedy, the Interim Director of the Resilience Lab on campus. Additionally, during the current COVID-19 pandemic, we created a guide to help high school students manage stress due to quarantine fatigue and isolation and equipped them with strategies to better manage their mental health during this time. Our guide is currently being used public school districts in Plano, TX, Belmont and Palo Alto, CA, Seattle, Bothell and Northshore, WA, Philadelphia, PA and Southborough, MA and have been received with a lot of enthusiasm and support. Proposal Over the past year, MHEA has been able to reach out to several schools in the Seattle community and has been able to host mental health workshops in these schools to a lot of positive feedback and requests for more workshops at these schools. With our success so far, we wish to expand further and deliver these workshops to even more schools in the state of Washington. Given the feedback we have gotten on our COVID-19 guide, we are inspired to take our work out of state, so we can help as many students seek help with their mental health issues as possible. A major barrier we currently face in expansion around the Seattle community is that public transport options to several schools are unfeasible for us as volunteers. The low cost public transportation at our disposal to schools past Downtown Seattle is very time consuming. Being full-time students at the university and juggling other commitments outside of classes, our team members are hard pressed for time and often cannot spend the 1-2 hours required to commute to a school in south Seattle, for example. Our classes often overlap with requested workshop times in several schools. We require a faster method of travel to reach out to more schools in the area and beyond. Therefore, we propose to use the SEED grant to help us cover travel expenses so we can reimburse our student volunteers for local travel. Additionally, this grant will facilitate travel for us to cities out of state and conduct workshops in schools that requested workshops after using our COVID-19 guide. MHEA’s mission is to empower students to seek the help they need with any mental health issues they may have. In our endeavor to fulfil our mission, we email school authorities to initiate a channel of communication through which we can talk about conducting workshops for their students. However, this is often a time-consuming process since we often have to start fresh with every school. We believe that with some help with PR, we will be better positioned to let schools know about the work we do. Additionally, this will help us reach more schools in the community. Lastly, we propose to use a part of this grant for printing materials and graphic design. A big selling point of our workshops is their interactive nature, which stimulates thought provoking discussion among our students and gets them to engage with our material. This often involves activities, materials and resource sheets we pass around the class. Given the number of students we have in all our workshops, printing costs for these materials quickly add up. We also put a lot of effort into our presentation to make our materials visually appealing to our students, since we believe a good first impression can hook the students’ attention from the get-go. To this end, we would like to work with a graphic designer and anticipate associated costs. We propose to use a part of the funds we receive to offset these expenses. Evaluation We will be evaluating our progress by keeping track of our reach to multiple schools and interest they show in having us come back. Additionally, we will be looking at the number of new volunteers that join us. We will also be assessing the quality of our workshops and their impact by sending pre- and postworkshop surveys to our audience to understand how much students are benefiting from these workshops and what else we can do to cater to their needs. For example, it was through this form of feedback that we learned that students wanted topics such as peer pressure and eating disorders added to our initial workshops. We intend to continue to keep this mode of evaluation open. We have been taking feedback in class from both counsellors and students in high schools we have previously conducted workshops in. This feedback is usually verbal right after we finish a workshop, we plan to continue this method of feedback as well. After combining feedback from counsellors and students we will be able to access the impact of our work and guide the content of our future workshops from there. Impact Through this project, we hope to increase awareness on mental health and promote conversations on the topic. Our ultimate goal is to destigmatize mental health issues and create a safe and inclusive community in schools where students can openly discuss mental health. This grant will greatly help us in expanding our initiative to the greater Seattle community and will result in us being able to build stronger connections with schools and create a stronger network of volunteers. By educating students on topics such as stress, anxiety, depression, peer pressure, eating disorders, body dysmorphia and other such topics, we are encouraging students to take better care of themselves so they can turn their attention to academics and maximize their potential in school. Our long term goal is to also partner with government bodies to implement a uniform curriculum for mental health in schools which we know is lacking, at least in the Seattle Public School district. By accomplishing our mission, we will successfully promote the United Nation’s goals to work towards sustainable health and well-being, quality education and effective partnerships with people who can implement effective change. I believe that great leaders encourage others to find the leader within themselves and I do this by providing my team the resources, means and freedom to use this platform and find their voice. Not only will this project help us further work towards our passion, but this will also be a great opportunity for each and every one of us on the team to become better leaders and advocate for ourselves and for others.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sairandri Sathyanarayanan

Sending Gratitude Across the Globe

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $600

Letter of Intent:

Our project is based on the cornucopia of research done about gratitude and how it improves mental and emotional well-being. Gratitude as an emotion can be nurtured by engaging in behaviors and actions that express gratitude and appreciation for what we have, where we are, and the present moment/experience overall. The act of writing out our gratitude and sharing it with someone also improves our mental health, decreases levels of cognitive and physical distress, and increases positive emotions. Our proposed project is regular tabling around campus throughout the year where we provide student designed postcards for students to write notes of gratitude on, and then Peer Health Educators mail them for students. This is a sustainable program because the materials involved are recyclable/compostable and requires minimal single-use resources. It gives students the opportunity to pause and reflect on someone who has impacted them positively as they write a note of gratitude on the postcard. When the PHEs mail the postcards for students, there is the second impact of when the receiver gets the postcard and how that opens up a line of connection between the writer and the receiver- an opportunity to experience more positive emotions. So many “health and wellness” programs focus on students’ receiving something (usually a physical item that ends up in a landfill soon after), but our program asks students to give something to someone else that is rooted in reflection, connection, and appreciation. Research has shown the positive impact of practicing generosity, mindfulness, and altruism- this program reflects those. Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being is at the core of this program, as we know that expressing and receiving words of gratitude and appreciation improve health, well-being, and a sense of belonging and connection. This project by utilizing the United States Postal Service supports Goal 9: Fund projects that provide basic infrastructure, as USPS is a basic infrastructure that is vital to equity and access to marginalized groups, Goal 10, Support the marginalized and disadvantaged. It connects to Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, as it is a program that uses only recycled and recyclable materials.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jen Laxague

Whipping up Resilience in the Kitchen

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,175

Letter of Intent:

Please see Full Proposal pdf file.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Anne Marie Gloster

Leadership through Sustained Dialogue

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,500

Letter of Intent:


Students and faculty in the University of Washington's Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) advance systems and technologies for people and communities to create accessible, sustainable, and prosperous futures. In Autumn 2019, HCDE directors embarked on a five-year strategic plan. One strategic goal in this plan is to advance and sustain diversity and equity within our work and across our communities. More specifically, the department seeks to implement new practices for listening to and empowering its faculty, staff, and students, and to implement new practices for improving the diversity and equity of its teaching, learning, and outreach experiences. As staff members and students of HCDE, we propose adopting the Sustained Dialogue program as a HCDE course for students, faculty, and staff. Sustained Dialogue is a method of communicating “peacefully, justly, and productively,” with a particular focus on problems of inequity and oppression within organizations. The Sustained Dialogue Institute offers workshops and training for others to employ this method, and provides many resources for organizations to evaluate the effect of sustained dialogue practices on measurable outcomes. They have implemented courses in other academic institutions such as the University of Alabama, and offer template courses on a variety of subjects related to diversity, equity, and positive communication between peers.

What is the Sustained Dialogue Institute?

Sustained Dialogue (SD) is an intentional process used by citizens around the world to transform relationships and implement sustainable change in intergroup conflicts, especially intergroup identity clashes. It is rooted in the conflict resolution methodology developed by Dr. Hal Saunders, a senior U.S. diplomat and founder of the Sustained Dialogue Institute (SDI). Through Sustained Dialogue high impact experiences, participants develop a diverse set of leadership skills, including strong personal identity awareness, knowledge of social justice, empathy, facilitation and conflict resolution skills, and more. SD organizers gather participants from diverse backgrounds into small groups that meet regularly to build relationships and develop informed strategies to improve their campus and communities, especially around a number dimensions of identities including: Albelism, Affirmative Action, Ageism, Mental Health, Socioeconomic Status, Sexual Orientation, Race & Color. Sex & Gender, Religion, Ethinicity, Immigration Status, and more. SD is a unique change process which (1) focuses on transforming relationships that cause problems, create conflict, and block change; and (2) emphasizes the importance of effective change over time. Since transforming relationships requires an ongoing effort, SD gradually develops over a five-stage process. This multistage approach serves as a guidepost for SD programs and for those in conflict to create sustainable change in their relationships and communities.


  • The “Who”: Deciding to Engage
  • The “What”: Mapping and Naming
  • The “Why”: Probing Problems and Relationships
  • The “How”: Scenario building
  • The “Now”: Individual and Collective Action

Establishing a partnership with the Sustained Dialogue Institute is the pivotal step towards bringing this impactful program to HCDE. We are seeking to obtain a stand-alone workshop provided by the SDI on Addressing Community Needs Through Sustained Dialogue. This 16 hour training for moderators will equip these individuals with the tools, knowledge, and skills to facilitate, teach, and lead these dynamic workshops throughout the academic year. The training encompasses the capacity for up to 40 individuals to be trained and obtain first hand knowledge from SDI professionals. Once all moderators have been trained, HCDE will provide multiple course sections in the form of seminars weekly each quarter to implement the sustained dialogue process. Measuring impact: We will administer pre-and-post-dialogue quarterly surveys to measure the impact of implementing SD in the department. These surveys will establish a metric of comparison between answers provided at the beginning and end of the year, and will serve to help us better identify departmental needs and critical conversations about diversity and equity in our department. The SDI will also issue a national survey to all partners as well.

A brief overview of questions we will ask in the survey will include:

  1. How did the Sustained Dialogue process help you to navigate conversations between faculty, staff, and amongst other students in the department?
  2. After engaging with the Sustained Dialogue process, what actions will you take to promote inclusivity in the department?
  3. Can you talk about one conversation you had during the Sustained Dialogue workshop? How did your understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion shift or expand as a result of these conversations?
  4. Relatedly, what was one overall takeaway that you had from the Sustained Dialogue conversations? How will you incorporate these learnings in your practices as a faculty, staff, or student?
  5. Lastly, how can the Sustained Dialogue conversations be improved in the future? How can we continue to do better?

Intended Student, Faculty, and Staff Learning Outcomes:

  • Think critically about the experiences of others and how they can be improved.
  • Feel comfortable talking about their experiences and identities in front of a group of peers.
  • Try to better understand someone else’s views by imagining how an issue looks from their perspective.
  • Examine strengths and weaknesses of their own views on a topic or issue.
  • Raise awareness about local or campus issues.
  • Resolve conflicts that involve bias, discrimination, and prejudice
  • Explain the college climate towards diversity, issues that arise between students , and why these issues persist.

Topics and goals:

The Sustained Dialogue Institute has developed a variety of structured weekly dialogues on different topics that we can incorporate into our curriculum. We will select which dialogues we would like to include based on the findings of our department’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative, which seeks to determine student, staff, and faculty’s DEI needs through activities, training, and policy and culture changes. Based on our initial understanding of the needs of the department, we expect to include dialogues on topics such as sexism, racism, transphobia, homophobia, classism, and ableism.

These topics align with four of the Sustainable Development Goals:

  1. Education (Goal 4), which includes universal access to education.
  2. Gender equality and women’s empowerment (Goal 5). This goal includes increased access to education and economic opportunities.
  3. Reducing inequalities (Goal 15). Under this goal, policies should pay “attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations”.
  4. Peace, justice, and strong institutions (Goal 16). This goal refers to promoting “just, peaceful, and inclusive societies” that use “efficient and transparent regulations”.

We hope that a more inclusive environment in HCDE will lead to “transparent and effective” (Goal 16) policies that “pay attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations” (Goal 15) and a culture that attracts and decrease attrition rates from students from diverse and marginalized populations (Goals 4 & 5). Underrepresented ethnic and racial minority (URM) students (i.e., African American, Hispanic, American Indian, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) comprise only 11% of students in HCDE. While we do not have demographic information, to our knowledge, there are relatively few URM faculty and staff. It is our hope that DEI efforts, such as what we propose here with the Sustained Dialogue Institute, will lead to a more inclusive and diverse department. Thank you for your consideration.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jay Cunningham

EOP Scholars Academy Resilience Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

Low-income communities of color continue to face inequities when attempting to access high-impact educational practices. The University of Washington is no exception. It offers students a broad palette of activities from which to participate. This includes study abroad, undergraduate research, community-driven leadership projects and internships. Unfortunately, participating in these activities often requires money. The primary way students access funding outside of financial aid is by applying for competitive scholarships. However, the scholarships process to which we are accustomed is inherently inequitable. Being selected for a scholarship often hinges on gaining access to high impact educational experiences and then effectively writing about those experiences in a compelling personal statement. One of the biggest barriers keeping low-income students from maximizing these opportunities is a lack of confidence in their own ability to compete for scholarships that can facilitate gaining these experiences. However, these experiences make students more competitive for future scholarships. The consequence of this diffidence is that students either do not apply for scholarships at all or do so with the belief that their efforts will result in failure or rejection. This defeatist attitude must be repudiated. The Educational Opportunity Program, UW Study Abroad and the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards want to partner to create and co-teach a formal scholarships curriculum grounded in and driven by the discovery of and cultivation in one’s own resilience. This would supplement the existing class curriculum of the General Studies 391 course offered in spring 2021 by EOP instructor Kristi Soriano-Noceda and provide students a practical means of synthesizing the course objectives of appreciating one’s self, thriving at UW beyond the first year and increasing knowledge of UW resources. The curriculum for this course will be organized in three phases. The first phase will focus on practicing a growth mindset and fostering resilience. All 150 students in the EOP Scholars Academy will read Educated by Tara Westover as a supplement to other texts in the course. This book was selected because it engages students with the themes of growth and resilience using a storytelling rather than a self-help approach so that students can recognize their own agency within themselves and acquaint themselves more critically with the narrative writing style scholarship applications require. In addition, the book introduces students to a first-generation college narrative to which they will likely be less familiar. The second phase will introduce students to the arena of competitive scholarships, illustrate their connection to impactful experiences, and teach students proven strategies to connect their interests/goals to the goals of scholarship programs in compelling ways. The third phase of the course will be the application of content learned in which students will identify a scholarship for which they want to apply and practice learned techniques. By the end of the course, students will have a completed rough draft of a personal statement for a scholarship of their choosing. The course will culminate by hosting a fail forward event in which individuals will be chosen from throughout the UW community to share their own experiences of failure, how they persevered, and where those failures ultimately led them. EOP Scholars Resilience Project This curriculum aims to 1) eliminate feelings of diminished self worth so that a student’s quest for scholarships isn’t extinguished before it has a chance to begin; 2) provide students a solid understanding of the scholarships landscape; 3) teach students to develop and articulate goals, thus increasing their competitiveness; 4) create a pipeline of students who have the confidence to study abroad and who are better prepared to utilize the full breadth of services offered by the Office of Merit Scholarships Fellowships and Awards as well as other experiential learning opportunities. In addition to skill acquisition, this course fits within the University of Washington’s Diversity Blueprint to “attract, retain, and graduate a diverse and excellent student body” by teaching students critically needed writing skills that will be applicable to future coursework. It will also demonstrate to students through their own narratives that they are what makes the UW student body excellent. This course will contribute to producing graduates better prepared for their future next steps and who are more compassionate toward themselves. Furthermore, this curriculum is also in alignment with the SDG of reducing inequalities. Specifically, our course will contribute to reducing the economic inequality caused by academic debt by increasing the likelihood that these students will receive scholarships during their tenure at UW. We have chosen to focus on the EOP Scholars Academy because these freshmen have conditional admittance to the UW and thus are more likely to have less confidence in their own abilities and may struggle to visualize themselves participating in the activities mentioned above. In addition, EOP students tend to have significant financial need. According to the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, 61% of EOP/OMA&D students at UW Seattle were Pell-grant eligible for at least one quarter through spring 2020. This course will utilize multiple assessment strategies to measure the effectiveness of this curriculum. The assessment period will be from June 2021-to June 2022. Surveys will be used at the beginning and end of the course to measure student self esteem, confidence in their writing skills and overall knowledge about scholarships. We will also track how many of these students connect with the Office of Merit Scholarships through advising, workshop attendance, and/or submitting a scholarship application over that period. In addition, we will track how many students participate in any of the activities offered by the Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity and UW Study Abroad. We are seeking the support of the Resilience and Compassion Initiatives Seed Grant to purchase the common book for this added curriculum. Our hope is that we can use this course to pilot this curriculum, and if successful, offer this training to all EOP students as a formal stand-alone course.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kiana Parker

Empowerment Training for UW Medicine Frontline Women

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,787

Letter of Intent:


In the wake of COVID-19, The Whole U has received numerous requests for more comprehensive resources and training pertaining to resiliency for frontline healthcare providers at UW Medicine. Burnout is a long-term stress reaction marked by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a lack in sense of personal accomplishment. The healthcare environment, with packed workdays, demanding pace, time pressures, and emotional intensity, puts workers at high risk for burnout (Muacevic et al., 2018, Compson 2015). Coupled with mental and physical health impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak, burnout in healthcare workers is expected to increase to unprecedented levels as the pandemic continues.

The proposed project will provide Jane Compson's CARE program training to 200 UW Medicine frontline medical professional women working in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to mitigate negative mental health impacts and burnout, as well as further understand the impacts COVID19 is having on frontline medical women's mental health. The UN Sustainable Development Goals state that women play a disproportionate role in responding to the virus as frontline healthcare workers and at home. This project will provide an immediate intervention for our community's frontline medical women who are facing stressors in both environments.

Description and Goals:

The CARE program, acronym for Compassion, Awareness, Resilience and Empowerment, was developed by Jane Compson (Compson, 2015). It offers training in these aforementioned four areas with the specific goal of improving resilience and well-being and ameliorating and protecting against burnout.

Thus far, CARE has been offered to small groups of students and educators in 8-10 hours of in person training. In these versions, exceptional anecdotal feedback was recorded, and positive change was demonstrated in measures of self-compassion, perceived stress, and burnout. This project will adapt the CARE program into an online Canvas course reaching a large and diverse group of UW Medicine frontline medical women in collaboration with The Whole U, a comprehensive holistic wellness and engagement program for all UW employees.

Specifically, the project aims to:

  1. Enroll up to 200 UW Medicine frontline women in the 4-week training during the month of July.
  2. Provide an immediate intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic that reduces participant burnout and increases subjective well-being and self-compassion as evidenced by reduced burnout scores, improved perceived stress scores, and increased self-compassion scores post intervention.
  3. Support participants in developing patterns of incorporating self-care skills as evidenced by self-report.
  4. Foster a supportive group environment in which participants can practice their self-care skills in community.
  5. Elicit feedback and input from participants to tailor future iterations of the program.
  6. Contribute to quantitative and qualitative research on the impacts of COVID-19 on frontline healthcare providers mental health and symptoms of burnout.

Evaluation and Impact:

  1. Pre- and post-testing. Before the training, participants will be asked to take the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory to assess their level of burnout. They will also take the Perceived Stress Scale and the Self Compassion Scale. On completion of the training, participants will complete these measures again. By comparing pre- and post- test results, we will be able to understand the efficacy of the adapted CARE training in terms of reducing burnout, reducing perceived stress and increasing self-compassion.
  2. Subjective self-report/qualitative review. After the training, participants will be invited to offer anonymous written feedback on their experiences of the course, including their evaluation of its effectiveness in building resilience and helping with coping mechanisms of the demands of being a frontline healthcare worker in a global pandemic.

Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being: This project will provide health workers guidance and resources to look after their mental and physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Additionally, the project offers a response and intervention on an institutional and accessible level, providing support and acknowledgement for the sacrifice of frontline healthcare workers at UW.

Goal 5 - Gender equality and women's empowerment: Women play a disproportionate role in responding to the virus as frontline workers and beyond. This means that UW Medicine frontline women are at an even heightened risk for burnout with coupled COVID-19 stressors at work and home. This project provides an intervention specific for frontline women. With this, goal 5 contends that women are the backbone of recovery in communities. This project will empower the participating women to instill learned tenets of self-care and practices of resilience into their greater communities, including family, friends, and work units.

Goal 8 - Inclusive employment and decent work: This project is development-oriented, supporting productive activities and workplace resilience, in line with goal 8, target 3. The training invests in the UW Medicine workforce meeting mental and emotional needs to ensure a decent working environment. With this, this project works towards goal 8, tenet 8 by promoting a safe working environment for all workers, specifically women, and workers at risk in healthcare environments. The frontline healthcare profession is a precarious environment, one that demands special attention to mental health.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lauren Updyke

Growth of Transfer Students

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,218

Letter of Intent:


Transfer students, now more than ever, need our support as we prepare and look towards the start of a new academic year grappling with the impacts of COVID-19. Our project proposes to identify and support community college transfer students through their transition process to UW this fall 2020 and through the first year. CCRI’s existing research has lessons to share about what transfer capital looks like, in particular for students of color, first generation and low-income students. Transfer capital builds on notions of social and cultural capital (Bourdieu, 1986)1 in that students need the knowledge and skills to perform as well as the networks, relationships and resources to thrive. Higher education has tended to place the burden on transfer students to navigate the system. They were expected to possess sufficiently deep knowledge of higher education to transfer credits and manage day-to-day processes, often without considering their diverse backgrounds and experiences. The literature on community college and transfer shows that students transferring from community college to a four-year institution are more likely to be successful and persist into their second year if they have a high competency for resiliency, meaning their ability to develop knowledge and skills to help adapt to change and adversity. Higher education institutions can help build resilience in students by improving the transfer capital elements needed for successful transition to and completion of a four-year program. These elements include counseling, financial awareness, mentoring, study habits, coping skills, and other skills to enhance their well-being.2 To anchor these concepts in the project, a framework will be used to understand how the institution is providing resilience or transfer capital support to transfer students during this health crisis. We will use the Northeast Resiliency Consortium’s Resilience Competency Model that highlights five competencies for high resilience: critical thinking, adaptability, self-awareness, reflective learning, and collaboration.3 The COVID-19 pandemic adds, as yet, unknown layers of adversity that will test the resilience of incoming transfer students to UW. This is particularly true for students from vulnerable populations such as people of color and low-income families. Intrusive research to discover what transfer capital these groups need to successfully transfer and persist is crucial for more equitable outcomes. The overall goal of this project is to document transfer students’ resilience competencies, and ascertain how higher education programs can help raise their transfer capital with compassion for their health and well-being. Uncovering this information to better support transfer students who may be at risk of dropping out is important. Sharing this information to enable faculty and advisors to communicate with compassion while giving avenues to help them create community in this crisis is extremely important.


CCRI intends to support incoming community college transfer students as they transition to the UW community during COVID-19 for the AY 2020-2021 through qualitative research methods including focus groups and individual interviews. The qualitative data gathered will assist in identifying the students’ most pressing needs and how they can be supported in the transfer process. Examining their resilience competencies relative to their navigating the transfer process is critical in supporting transfer student success during the COVID-19 health crisis. Potential participants will be identified in collaboration with UAA transfer advisors from incoming transfer students in fall 2020 who have not declared a major. We will assemble a focus group of 10-20 students and also conduct an interview each quarter individually with six students. The ongoing 1 Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In J. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education (pp. 241– 258). New York, NY: Greenwood. 2 Moser, Kristin, "Redefining transfer student success: Transfer capital and the Laanan-transfer students' questionnaire (L-TSQ) revisited" (2012). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 12414. 3 View the Resilience Competency Model at CCRI Project Proposal: Applied Learning that Supports Growth of Transfer Students’ Resilience and Transfer Capital During COVID-19 2 individual interviews make it possible for building towards deeper conversations as the academic year progresses and allow us to learn about their resilience competencies, skills, and knowledge are being applied to support their first-year experience in a COVID-19 environment. CCRI will conduct this inquiry to disseminate what we will learn to UW and its network of community and technical colleges in the state. Doing so will assist UW and these networks in their own processes for assisting students requiring aid in the transfer process.

The following goals further clarify what this project will achieve for our students, strengthening inter-department collaboration, and the University:

  • Goal 1: To foster among the students in the focus group a sense of resilience, including belonging and connectedness to each other through the opportunity to share with one another.
  • Goal 2: To identify and describe transfer student resiliency and discover what supports may bolster their success in their first year during a pandemic.
  • Goal 3: To advance the research and grant writing skills for a graduate student who is participating in the genesis of this project by co-writing this proposal and will be an integral member of this project gathering and analyzing qualitative data.
  • Goal 4: To support UW-UAA transfer advising with what we are learning in our transfer research. We will enhance the compassionate environment for transfer students by building a reciprocal relationship between our research team and the UAA transfer advising team. We will share what we’re learning periodically throughout the project and request feedback from transfer advisors.


We will evaluate if we met the intended goals by monitoring the student outcomes. Successful outcomes will be co-creating with transfer advisors’ ideas on how to support transfer students during the pandemic, using their stories of resiliency. We will also strengthen our relationship with UAA transfer advisors and provide a venue for students to share and hear about others' journeys. Also, our graduate research assistant will utilize his new skills in future coursework. SECTION D. #3. Staying Healthy in School Builds Future Health Capacity: Building resiliency is crucial for mental health and well-being and transfer student persistence. Education and income levels are correlated with health in this country. #10. Equitably Aiding Students: Meeting students where they are to increase their transfer capital and resiliency competency helps reduce inequality. In this pandemic, minoritized student groups face increased challenges, such as equity issues that arise with remote learning, which has potential to further elevate the emotional, financial and physical stress. By intrusively researching what transfer capital students need the most, colleges create more equitable outcomes for all student populations by providing better advice on how to manage their first years in college, cope with the stressors, practice self-care, and strengthen resilience while also improving their mental and emotional health. This connects to the health, education, and inequality SDGs. #17. Building Resilience in Partnership: This applied learning project will foster CCRI’s connectedness to communities by leveraging partnerships with student success networks and community colleges to harness and disseminate student knowledge of their resiliency needs. The above describes key areas where our project connects to the SDG’s. The way we connect to the remaining goals is that by helping transfer students to strengthen and maintain their resilience to complete postsecondary degrees opportunities are created for them in the workforce to be change agents who actively participate in our communities to cultivate a more sustainable future.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Katie Kovacich

Seeds of Freedom

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

Historically, community gardens have served as a means of accessing fresh produce when prices are prohibitively high, such as during times of war, recession or, as we’re seeing, pandemic. However, in a city marked by staggering rates of displacement and homelessness, prices on natural, organic, and healthy food are consistently inhibitory regardless of the larger context. This is especially true for the over 200 University of Washington students and 1,100 young adults in Seattle struggling to obtain food daily. For this reason, we are requesting funding to support the development of, “Seeds of Freedom” (SoF), a youth-led community garden initiative aiming to reduce food insecurity through the building of an edible garden in tandem with student/community education in social justice, ecology, and holistic wellness. As a collaborative effort developed in partnership with the Doorway Project and YouthCare, our project is intentionally designed to nurture community cohesion through shared space. SoF will be located outside of the University District Youth Center (UDYC), and will serve as a site of applied learning for a blended cohort of UW students and young adults with lived experience of homelessness. SoF Learners will be compensated for their participation in the project and will work as a cohort to grow and share food while building a vibrant social and natural ecosystem that encourages every individual’s potential for growth and renewal. By locating this garden off campus, in a space that offers resources to youth experiencing homelessness, we are uniquely positioning ourselves to provide opportunity for community engagement and support experiential learning. UDYC aims to affirm and empower black and brown young adults (ages 18-24) through Healing Focused Engagement that centers on participants’ holistic selves and wellbeing. Seeds of Freedom will support this mission through programming that goes beyond physical wellbeing to build social capital for clients. This mutually beneficial collaboration between the university and the surrounding neighborhood will foster connectedness, belonging, and community that transcends campus boundaries. As society acclimates to mandates on social distancing, we have taken those guidelines into consideration. The 600 sq ft plot provides space for up to 2-3 gardeners to safely distance while completing tasks. Although the space will be open to the greater community to enjoy and socially interact all years, specific hours will be reserved for SoF Learners from January through June 2021. Outside of their time gardening, a set cohort SoF Learners will engage in six-months of co-curricular education around food sovereignty, economic justice, and community healing. This curriculum will be informed by the pedagogy of Paolo Freire, emphasizing consciousness raising, sustainability, and social justice. Depending on the state of affairs, the education component will be facilitated either at UDYC or virtually via Zoom. As a site of UW/Community interaction, student-learners will take away experiences in organic agriculture, community building, social enterprise, and a deeper understanding of how we can address homelessness. Evaluating Success Comprehensive process evaluation will be utilized to understand the benefit of the garden and associated educational programming. Specifically, we will evaluate the prevalence of community awareness and engagement, barriers to participation, food security and personal characteristics such as SoF Learner satisfaction and staff perspectives of garden location. Semistructured interviews will be conducted, after which identified gaps will be addressed through programming recommendations and changes. As video has quickly become the medium through which most people consume content, SoF will work in partnership with UDYC creative engagement programming to create a visual representation of impact. This video will be shared with the larger community including all donors, and partners. Sustainable Development Goals At its most basic level sustainability is disruptive, it is a constant work in progress. It isn’t just about using less; it is about creating more. More compassion, more connection, more opportunity to live in a world where shared spaces matter. Seeds of Freedom believes that gardens don’t simply equate to food. They equate to an improved relationship to the natural environment, ourselves, and others. They equate to a sense of power over a part of our lives that we can design for ourselves. They equate to a sense of purpose and a site of resistance to isolation and rejection. Gardens equate to freedom. The Freedom to Survive. The implementation of SoF directly contributes to the achievement of Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): “Health and Wellbeing” by strengthening local food sources and improving access to healthy foods and nutrients. In this way we are addressing hunger in vulnerable communities (SDG 2, Zero Hunger). Sustainable literacy and professional skills will be gained directly through the activities involved in designing, implementing, and maintaining the garden. Additionally, SoF Learners will be directly compensated for their work while developing transferable skills for future employment (SDG 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth). The Freedom to Thrive. Utilizing the “Plant, Cook, Organize!” curricula, developed and made available by Planting Justice in Oakland, SoF will cultivate an environment of lifelong learning opportunities for each cohort (SDG 4, Quality Education). The curricula will include information on: food systems, permaculture design, companion planting, healing justice, land and farmworker rights, integrated pest management, cover cropping, cooking, and the historical timeline of the food justice movement. The Freedom to Challenge. Eating organic, locally grown vegetables and fruit will assist youth and young adults in raising consciousness of the interrelationships between a healthy body and a healthy environment (SDG 12, Responsible Consumption and Production). It is our hope that through direct engagement around economic inequality and food access we will empower young adults to address the structural inequities that have become embedded in the industrialized food system (SDG 13, Climate Action) and to advocate for a more sustainable and equitable Seattle (SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities)

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Courtney Jackson

Bike Tube Upcycling

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $800

Letter of Intent:

Project Background:

The ASUW Bike Shop is a student run, full repair bicycle resource for UW students, staff and faculty. Through its affordable services the shop incentivizes the UW community to choose biking as a sustainable alternative to other modes of transportation. Relative to cars, trains, planes or even buses, bikes are the cleanest mode of transportation. While the Bike Shop is committed to climate resilience efforts by promoting sustainable transportation, the manufacturing of bikes, shipment of inventory, and short life span of tubes generates GHG emissions. The Bike Shop continuously seeks ways to support the campus cycling community’s commitment to climate response. 

Problem Identified/Sustainable Impact:

Every year the Bike Shop generates between 150 to 250 pounds of tube waste. This is equal to roughly 50 to 60 pounds of waste per quarter. Recycling centers in proximity accept used bike tires, not used tubes. Prior to this year the Bike Shop would throw 150 to 250 pounds of bike tubes in the landfill every year. Most bike tubes are made from butyl rubber, a synthetic rubber that is petroleum based. Bike tubes contribute to the embodied carbon of a bike which refers to the carbon dioxide emitted during the manufacturing, transportation and building process. Upcycling or recycling rubber can help save energy and is a small action to reduce the carbon footprint of bikes. Specifically, by upcycling tubes, the Bike Shop will divert waste created through its operations. 

Solution Requested:

Alchemy Goods is an apparel company that makes backpacks, messenger bags, purses, belts, wallets and travel kits from upcycled bike tubes. It sources raw materials from bike retailers across the US. All of its consumer goods are made right here in West Seattle. The mission of Alchemy Goods is to provide goods for eco-friendly people. 

This Fall Quarter (2019) the Bike Shop began dropping off used tubes at Pham Sewing, the sole sewing facility for Alchemy products. Doing so gives these bike tubes a second life. Upcycling tubes takes place once a quarter and requires a U-Car rental. U-CAR rentals charge per hour, per mile. The drop off center is 15 miles away and the process takes approximately two hours. The cost per drop off is about $20 per quarter, excluding the cost of the Bike Shop Managers time. The Bike Shop is looking to partner with the UW Electrical Bicycle Mail Delivery Service to pick up and drop off used tubes at UPS twice a quarter. A request for $800 would fund this tube upcycling project for 5-7 years depending on the amount of tube waste generated each quarter. If this project is approved, the Bike Shop is committed to the Campus Sustainability Funds project criteria which are: sustainable impact, leadership, student involvement, education, outreach, behavior change, feasibility and accountability. 

Leadership/Student Involvement/Education/Outreach:

The tube upcycling project will be directly managed by the Business Manager of the ASUW Bike Shop. The Manager will be responsible for packaging the tubes and coordinating routine pickup times with UW’s E-Bike delivery service. In addition, they will regularly promote this upcycling program through campus events put on by the Bike Shop and its partners. Throughout the year the Bike Shop supports campus events with the mobile maintenance trailer and will advertise and accept donations on site. The Business Manager will keep an inventory of how many bins of tube waste are diverted, reporting these numbers to the community. The Bike Shop is changing its behavior of throwing away tubes by taking this action. They will advertise the acceptance of tube donations via the shop’s website and social media accounts. 

Feasibility and Accountability:

This project will require coordination with successive Bike Shop Managers and UW Mailing Services. The current Managers will explain and pass down this project to the next Shop Managers in transition documents and meetings. 

Funding/Execution Timeline: 

  • April: Coordinate with E-Bike Mailing Delivery Services
  • June: Advertise Used Bike Tube Upcycling Program to the Public, advertise/accept used tubes in the Shop *if shop is open due to COVID-19
  • Summer Operations (Mid June): First pick up/drop off with E-Bike Mailing Services
  • Mid August: Second pickup/drop off with E-Bike Mailing Services *if the shop is open

Example of Pickup Schedule for FY21:

  • Summer Quarter:
    • Pick Up 1- July 22nd, last day of A-term 
    • Pick Up 2- August 21st, last day of B-term 
  • Fall Quarter:
    • Pick Up 1- November 2nd (5th week of Fall Operations) 
    • Pick Up 2- December 14th, first day of Finals Week 
  • Winter Quarter:
    • Pick Up 1- February 1st, (5th week of Winter Operations) 
    • Pick Up 2- March 15th, first day of Finals Week 
  • Spring Quarter:
    • Pick Up 1- May 3rd (5th week of Spring Operations) 
    • Pick Up 2- June 7th, first day of Finals Week 


Cost per UPS shipment (~25 pounds of bike tubes) = $18.45 Annual Shipment Cost (assuming 8 shipments/year)= $18.45*8= $147.6

Total Shipment Cost (5 year project) = $147.6 * 5 = $738 

The Bike Shop will reuse boxes from QBP packages to ship tubes in. 


1. E-Bike Partnership: 

The Program Supervisor of Mailing Services was onboard with the E-Bike partnership when it was discussed this Fall. For outgoing mail, the Bike Shop will need to fill out the required form which is provided by the Student Activities Office (SAO). The E-Bikes would pick up the tubes at the Bike Shop and deliver them to Mailing Services to be shipped by UPS. This project would require the E-Bikes to transport the tubes to Mailing Services once or twice a quarter. I was not able to find University UPS rates but was told each shipment would cost less than $20 (refer to cost estimate above). 


Link to one life cycle assessment of a bike: *Relative to the frame, the embodied carbon of bike tubes is much lower.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lisa Jensen

Living Art

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $950

Letter of Intent:

Project Overview

Janie Bube and Amanda Dinauer, both Master of Landscape Architecture students and Masters of Science in Entrepreneurship student Jaakko Kuoppamaki, are working with the Office of Student Veteran Life and veteran students to explore the therapeutic benefits of artwork being turned into living art (living walls). There are many healing and therapeutic benefits from living walls, including increased productivity and relaxation. The living art will also follow sustainability principles and the overall sustainability goals of the Campus Sustainability Fund. We have already started to work with veteran students through workshops and one-on-one interviews.


  • We hope to bring visual therapeutic benefits, beauty, and overall enjoyment to students in the HUB, particularly students in the study areas.
  • We are working to create a simple, self-sustaining, but new type of living wall that is in a pattern of a historic painting, but with plants.
  • Broadly speaking we hope to enhance the lives of students in community spaces. (These living art pieces could be applied to many spaces around campus that need a positive uplift and therapeutic enhancement.)

Leadership and Student Involvement

There are approximately 3,341 student veterans and military connected families. at the Seattle, UW campus. These students often find themselves on the 2nd floor of the HUB at the Office of Student Veteran Life, even more students (thousands) come and go, study, socialize, and relax throughout the building. This means it is a central location for student veterans, military connected family members, and non-student veterans, faculty, and staff to mingle. Not only this, but it is one of the highest frequented buildings on campus, which makes it a prime location to create something that can lower anxiety, help stress, increase concentration, relax, and purify...something like a living art. We want to create something that brings students together to enjoy while studying, socializing, or relaxing. We have the support from specific students, student veteran leadership who will be helping make this a reality. We also have the staff support from the Office of Student Veteran Life.

Sustainability and Health Impacts

Interior living walls have been known to...

  • Purify the air: the plants in an interior living wall filter particulate matter from the air and convert CO2 into oxygen. One meter squared of a living wall extracts 2.3 kg of CO2 per annum from the air and produces 1.7 kg of oxygen.
  • Reduce ambient temperature: plants absorb sunlight, 50% is absorbed and 30% reflected; so this helps to create a cooler and more pleasant climate. For the indoor climate this means that 33% less air conditioning is required, which in turn means energy savings.
  • Reduces ambient noise inside: a living wall acts as a sound barrier to the building. It absorbs 41% more sound than a traditional facade and this means that the environment is much quieter. This results in a reduction of 8 dB, which means that ambient noise is halved.
  • Healthy indoor climate: greenery promotes a healthy indoor climate. Complaints such as irritated eyes, headaches, sore throats and tiredness diminish. In offices where there is plenty of greenery, there is a noticeable decrease in absence due to illness. Imagine this in a university setting!
  • Increases productivity: a green workplace can result in a 15% increase in productivity. Plants have a positive effect on people. This is also reflected in employee satisfaction and can now be reflected in student satisfaction.
  • Offers healing environment: as research has shown time and time again, greenery encourages faster recovery for patients, resulting in a shorter hospital stay. A person's tolerance of pain is higher in a green environment. This is also known as a ‘healing environment’.
  • Increases the feeling of well-being: living and working in a green environment has a positive effect on the well-being of people. Greenery offers relaxation and reduces stress. Look at what Amazon has done with several of its buildings in South Lake Union, not to mention the Amazon Biospheres.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change

We believe that education and outreach go hand-in-hand with the actual product of the living art. In partnership with the Office of Student Veteran Life, we are planning to do monthly workshops on the benefits of plants and living walls, the importance of art therapy (ties into the framework and process in which we created the living art), and living wall creation and maintenance. We have already spoken to the Student Veteran Life about this and are working in tandem to come up with continuing education workshops.

Feasibility and Accountability

We are aware of the technical needs of a living wall, but have an engineer on our team who will be designing and building the prototype with us. In addition, two of our team members have previous experience building living walls. We are also aware of the maintenance needs of most living walls. Our living wall is designed specifically with this in mind and will require little maintenance or damage to any location because it is free-standing and does not require being situated on or near a wall; is securely weighted down, so it will not accidently be knocked over; is self-watering; and is self-lighted with special grow lights. The living wall, will need to be plugged in and the water tanks will need to be occasionally filled and supplied with liquid nutrients. We have spoken to the Office of Student Veteran Life about this and we all plan to create a realistic maintenance plan that their students or staff will be more than happy to maintain.

Impacts Measured

Weekly monitoring will occur by the project team and Veteran Student Life staff and students. This can be done in several ways and the best ways will be determined at the end of April. We will be consulting an environmental psychologist who will help guide us to the best monitoring options regarding student veteran life responses to the living wall with stress reduction, concentration increase, and overall enjoyment of working in the space. We will then broaden our monitoring to the general student body to see how the living art wall has impacted them. We are designing the living art wall to function with as little energy and water usage and yet still be enough for the plants. We will have monitoring devices on the living wall to show water usage and energy usage. This is something that hasn’t really been done for interior living walls, so we are excited to see how it can enhance the project. We are also interested in teaching veteran students and other students how to measure and monitor living projects.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Janie Bube

Sustainable Pots and Clamshells from Pulp Mold

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $130,000

Letter of Intent:

February 2020


In our initial request, we mentioned that while University of Washington agriculture groups are among the greenest operations on campus, currently all horticulture and agriculture groups are using plastic pots for their needs. With the technology, expertise, and resources available in the UW Wollenberg Paper and Bioresource Science Laboratory, there are opportunities for producing biodegradable pots on campus to replace the thousands of disposable plastic pots.

In 2017, our student team was awarded $70,000. Shortly thereafter, the manufacturer of the proposed pilot equipment confessed that they could not actually produce our design. A 4-month search commenced and a new manufacturer was found. They confirmed that the original design exceeded the capability of the raw materials with respect to the limits we placed on total fiber content. Working with the Center for Urban Horticulture, a new, slightly smaller, pot was designed, and progress began again. The new manufacturer also pointed out the original technology would not have met our criteria either. They worked with us to design a pilot machine that would deliver our desired product, but it came at a significantly higher cost - $125,000. Current tariff requirements have also raised the cost. The PI for the lab was able to secure a commitment from an organization in New York to cover the gap in funding. After a year and half and many teleconferences, it became clear that our urgency wasn’t shared.  

Additionally, our team sees an opportunity to expand our project’s impact to sustainability on campus with a second mold for a second sustainable product made from the same pilot machine. For instance, molded trays used by food services across campus produced from 100% wood fibers can be replaced by a new mold that uses some non-wood fibers. We request that you consider additional funding to match the cost gap of the pilot machine while also adding value by adding a new sustainable mold.

Environmental Impact Expansion

Currently, molded clam-shell trays used by food services on campus to serve food are produced from wood fibers. Although they are produced from recycled fiber, they are still based on wood pulp. As with the biodegradable pots, we could replace some of the wood pulp in our clamshell mold with wheat straw, enhancing the sustainable footprint.  A potential collaboration with the University of Florida may also present additional non-wood opportunities in the form of kenaf fibers.

Additionally, after meeting with The UW Society for Ecological Restoration (UW-SER), they proposed another way to make the project more sustainable. They are currently in the process of removing ivy and blackberry growth across campus, which are both invasive species. The UW-SER inquired as to whether we could use these plants as material in our molds. This is a topic of research our team is dedicated to delve further into.

Student Leadership and Involvement

This project is overseen by a core of four Bioresource Science and Engineering sophomores, juniors and seniors as well as students from UW-SER, each specializing in different areas. With support from the UW Wollenberg Paper and Bioresource Lab, each member of the team has a specialty in analytics, chemical composition of the pots, machinery, molding technologies, or black liquor fertilizer implementation, soil and plant community ecology.

As stated in our initial project, this grant covers a new molding system which can provide UW students a chance to apply classroom concepts in the lab, experiencing a production line from starting bio materials to end-product. This machinery can specifically be used for Bioresource Science and Engineering curriculum, providing students with hands-on experience with pilot-scale industry machinery to produce a sustainable finished product.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

This interdisciplinary project currently involves a close partnership across majors and campus groups. Currently, our closest partnership is with UW SER. By servicing UW SER alone, we will replace the need for approximately 500 seedling containers per year. Once this product can be produced to scale, we can provide our biodegradable pots to any interested group on campus. Expanding our capability with a second mold to initially support one of the foodservice cafeterias on campus would displace approximately 200 trays per day.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

This team of students is competent in their respective specialties, has experience in the Paper and Bioresource Labs and the Center for Urban Horticulture. This team will be overseeing the full implementation of the project throughout,  with continuity of the team ensured by bringing representatives from all classes.


After submitting this letter of intent, our team will dive further into researching the feasibility for each mold. Within the next couple weeks we will contact HFS to find out how much their current clamshells cost, and to discuss the possibility of replacing them with our molded clamshells. Additionally, we will begin researching how to implement the woody mass from ivy/blackberry bushes into the molds, so that the project can have further impact on campus sustainability. All of this research will be culminated into a presentation that will take place in April. If our proposal is accepted, we will then order the mechanical equipment from the contractor, which will have a variable arrival date. After the equipment is installed, tests will begin to verify our molds are effective. Beyond that, the project will continue by collecting  plant mass and producing/distributing the molds to the proper entities.

Budget Estimate

  • KZ-80 Pulping System Cabinet: $2,500
  • ZJW2-6650K Mould Machine: $79,000
  • Pressure Washer: $1,000
  • Forming Mold Set  1 - Square pot: $24,000
  • Forming Mold Set 2 - Food Tray: $24,000
  • High pressure water pump: $1,000
  • Vacuum Pump: $5,500
  • GZ Auto drain system: $4,500
  • Air compressor: $4,500
  • Air Tank: $500
  • KZ-80 Pulping System Cabinet: $2,500
  • KH40B Forming/vacuum system cabinet: $2,500
  • Wiring MCC: $5,000
  • Freight To Jobsite: $5,000
  • Tariff (25%): $37,875

Previous Project Funding: $70,000

Project Total: $129,375

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ryan Setera

Improving the Benefit-to-Carbon Cost Ratio for University of Washington Air Travel

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $15,375

Letter of Intent:

Air travel represents a noteworthy amount of carbon ascribed to the University of Washington. In the report titled, "2005 Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ascribable to the University of Washington," air travel accounted for 9.5% of 2005 emissions (CO2eq). This report compared 2005 to 2000 emissions, and it was estimated that air travel emissions increased over this time period while total university emissions decreased. A 2014 Keystone project update titled, "Carbon Footprint: Air Travel at the University of Washington" found that professional air travel accounted for 11% of UW carbon emissions. Given the likely continued trend in air travel across campus, it is expected that today, air travel makes up at least 11% of UW's emissions — unfortunately we were unable to find data on specific emission categories for more recent time periods.

This proposed project will work to 1) quantify the CO2eq emitted in association with different types of trips for UW faculty, staff and students, including: to conduct research, attend conferences and meetings, give and host seminars, and study abroad, 2) assess the benefit of these various trips to the individuals taking the trip and the overall mission of the university, 3) assess if and for whom these trips have unintended negative consequence; 4) envision policy changes or institutional approaches that minimize air travel with low benefit-to-carbon costs (or have large unintended negative consequences), and enable alternatives to air travel for certain types of trips. The overall goal of this effort is to raise awareness about the impact air travel has on UW carbon emissions and create a framework for reducing these emissions while maintaining the educational and research mission of the university.

Funding is sought to support an hourly student for one year that will, as part of the capstone project for Program on the Environment, collect the required data on air travel at UW (harnessing travel reimbursements, study abroad enrollments, and seminar announcements); categorize the trips; conduct a literature review and distribute questionnaires to faculty, staff and students to assess the purpose and benefit of various trips; and leverage existing approaches used by other institutions or proposed in the literature or general media, and/or envision new approaches that could be taken by UW to reduce air travel. These efforts will be written up as part of the capstone project and will be compiled into an easily digestible report that will be shared with UW Sustainability, UW Travel Office, the UW Environmental Stewardship Committee, and other relevant offices across campus. Additionally, a visually compelling poster will be made and distributed to environmental RSOs on campus and an infographic will be created expressly for distribution on various UW social media channels (e.g. RSOs, Program on the Environment). 

The student conducting these analyses will be supervised by Dr. Kristi Straus (associate director of Program on the Environment) and Dr. Rebecca Neumann (associate professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering). Dr. Straus is a leader in sustainability education and teaches a class (ENVIR 239: Personal Choices, Broad Impacts)that focuses on using personal choice and action to combat climate change. Dr. Neumann is passionate about climate change, with much of her research program focused on better understanding climate-terrestrial feedback and how climate change will impact food and water quality. She has recently undertaken a personal and professional interest in taking and motivating action to mitigate climate change.

Budget assumptions:

One student working 10 hours per week during the academic year (assume 20 weeks) and 40 hours per week during the summer (assume 12 weeks) at $16.39 per hour (UW minimum wage) with benefit load rate of 20.9%. Total: $13,475. We have also budgeted a small amount for administration support of the CSF grant, as PoE does not have a full time administrator. Four hours per month at $30 per hour and a benefit rate of 32.1% is an additional $1,900. Total: $15,375

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Becca Neumann

Camas Meadows Monitoring at Burke Museum

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $9,000

Letter of Intent:

Please accept this letter of interest as an initial proposal to the UW Campus Sustainability Fund to support a program for monitoring the establishment of the prairie plant communities recently installed as part of the landscape for the new Burke Museum. The design and planting of this native habitat type on campus offers an excellent learning opportunity to for students, faculty, and Burke visitors and employees to learn more about rare and endemic ecosystems.

In a recent survey, it was estimated that in the early stages of Euro-American settlement in the region there was more than 5,000 acres of prairie habitat of what is today King County. While not a dominant ecosystem type within the region the prairies offered critical habitat for many plant, insect and animal species, while further providing resources for nourishment of native communities and peoples. Today, very little of the historical extent of prairies in the region remains, with only a few scattered remnant patches of any significance in size and the plant communities of both have been heavily impacted by the encroachment of invasive grass species.

The landscape design for the Burke Museum included eighty thousand native plants. Most of these plants were propagated by locally collected seed. For example, much of the camas seed was collected on a small island in the San Juans and the bulbs were nurtured for up to four years in a nursery prior to planting. Our team, which includes students, a faculty member, and the landscape architect of the project propose to monitor the establishment, growth, and plant community development of the habitat over a 3-year period. The results of the monitoring research will be a findings report and recommended maintenance manual to be shared with UW Grounds and Facilities and other agencies and design teams interested in understanding how to establish and nourish this rare habitat type.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jocine Velasco

Fresh Food Recovery for the UW Food Pantry

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $30,000

Letter of Intent:

Project Overview:

The UW Food Pantry is submitting this letter of intent to the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) to seek approximately $30,000 to expand our current gleaning and food recovery efforts at the UW Food Pantry. The objective of this project is to recapture food from the University of Washington (UW) food system that would otherwise become waste and redistribute it to feed students who experience food insecurity.  We call the process of recovering food that would otherwise go to waste or compost gleaning and use the term interchangeably with food recovery in this proposal.  The term food insecurity describes the experience for individuals who have disruptions to the reliable and nutritious food needed to live an active and healthy lifestyle[1]. At the Pantry, want to keep food as food to mitigate the academic, social, and personal impacts of food insecurity for UW students. 

There is an intersection between unutilized food in the UW Food System and food insecurity that we can leverage to meet goals of sustainability and student well-being.  In 2018, UW estimated that over 1.7 million pounds of food was composted and 1.3 million pounds of food landfilled annually, while only 15,000 pounds of food was recovered and donated[2]. During this same time frame, a study conducted in 2018 by UW faculty revealed that roughly 20 percent of UW students may experience food insecurity in the 12 months preceding the study[3]. As you can see by these numbers food is going into the landfill and compost while at the same time students are experiencing disruptions to their access to nutritious food. 

Gleaning and food recovery have been underway at the UW Food Pantry as a pilot project since February, 2019 with the support of temporary funding from the UW Career & Internship Center. In the last year paid-student interns have opened five campus dining locations to glean ready-to-eat boxed and prepared items (sandwiches, salads, cut fruit and veggies); and worked closely with the UW Farm to glean and recover the fresh produce they grow that goes unutilized. Approximately 4,500 pounds of food have been recovered and made available for redistribution at the UW Food Pantry through this pilot program in the last calendar year. 


Through the first year of our gleaning program the Pantry has been able to reliably recover and distribute food to students in need.  The potential need in the community currently exceeds the capacity at which the Pantry can gather and store food for distribution.  While gleaning currently happens in five locations there are dozens more dining establishments both on and off campus which could partner with the Pantry to reduce food waste and feed students. 

Feasibility and Support:

Both Housing and Food Services (responsible for all campus dining locations) and The UW Farm are partners in support of gleaning and food recovery on campus.  The gleaning and redistribution model the Pantry has used this year has proven to be a reliable way to gather food from dining locations and meets health and safety requirements for food distribution.  The success of the gleaning program has made it a priority for the UW Food Pantry to secure funding for a second year.  As such we are seeking funding support from multiple sources and will keep CSF informed of any funding that is secured and how it might affect our request.

We recognize that another food recovery program called Meal Matchup has been supported by CSF.  We believe we are operating in spaces that don’t compete directly with this service and look forward to discussing how both programs can be implemented to help reduce food waste and food insecurity.     

Budget Priorities:

Support from the Campus Sustainability Fund would be utilized to pay one student employee and provide infrastructure improvements to increase the amount of food recovered and made available for redistribution.  The student employee would be paid above minimum wage for approximately 15 hours per week for 52 weeks of the year.  Infrastructure improvements would help to increase our capacity to transport and cold-store food.  This may include carts or hand-trucks, refrigeration or freezer units, and potentially car rental to move food.  Understanding that a priority of the CSF is for outreach and awareness, a portion of funding would be earmarked for communication efforts or engagement events to help students learn more about food recovery and its role in addressing food insecurity. 

Student Leadership and Involvement:

Students have and will continue to be the force behind our gleaning program.  Current efforts have been led by paid-student interns and supported by student volunteers.  The student leaders responsible for gleaning have worked directly with staff in HFS and UW Farm to establish gleaning operations, schedules, and processes.  Students will largely be responsible to choose the path forward with regard to expansion and what is required to meet capacity needs when it comes to infrastructure improvements.  UW Staff, currently the manager of student success in the Division of Student Life, is responsible for providing institutional support to this program. 

Thank you for your initial consideration of our request and we look forward to discussing this proposal further. 

Sean Ferris

Manager for Student Success

Division of Student Life

[1] Food Insecurity according the Feeding America and the USDA:

[2] Internal UW reports on waste, recycling, and food donation:

[3] UW Student Housing and Food Insecurity Study:

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sean Ferris

3D Printer Material Recycling Program

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $7,500

Letter of Intent:

The project proposed here is designed to create a 3D printer material recycling program that all offices, laboratories, and communal spaces at the University of Washington can benefit from.

Advancements in manufacturing technologies have allowed 3D printers to literally become household items, making them relatively inexpensive rapid prototyping devices for engineering, research, and teaching purposes. This has made them incredibly common on UW’s campus, as they can be found in many classrooms, engineering spaces, and laboratories across disciplines. This invaluable resource has come with a significant environmental drawback as a large amount of the material (known as filament) used to create 3D prints is wasted in the process of creating a final print. Three sources of waste in the 3D printing process are the high rates of print failure, extra filament left on spools, and the extraneous material needed to support prints (known as scaffolding). Although in theory all used-material can be reheated and used again, this excess or wasted material is almost always in practice thrown away as recycling is not ubiquitously available, requires high upfront costs/long wait on returns, or can not be refurbished at an appropriate quality.

Given the ubiquity of 3D printers on campus and the high amount of waste generated, this project seeks to create a small space where any office, classroom, or lab on campus can bring their excess/waste filament to be ground down, melted, and respooled into usable filament for future projects. Recycling the material on campus would reduce the amount of material that ended up in landfills and would also reduce the amount of new product that needed to be ordered. As 3D filament is not commonly found in brick-and-mortar stores, all of it is purchased online (usually from Amazon) involving the manufacturing and shipping of all materials to campus. As this project will generate usable filament, we plan on giving back a portion of recycled material to donors to incentivise participation. All of the remaining filament generated will be donated or sold at a steep discount to groups on campus or in the community that may not be able to easily afford their own material. This would allow underrepresented and underprivileged groups to have the ability to become involved in 3D printing in cases where material cost may have been prohibitive.

Students involved with this project will be tasked with any of the following duties including: designing/posting posters/flyers about services this project provides, answering emails sent to a project specific email, bringing collection materials (bags, labels etc) to requesting groups, bringing donated materials to the project office, sorting/cleaning donated materials, maintaining donation records, processing & recycling materials, and handling returns of purchased materials.

In order to give back to the community the members of this project will not only be involved in all of the aforementioned tasks but may also volunteer to speak about the project at events such as orientations or ‘trash talks’ given by Waste Management and sustainability groups on campus. Collaborating with Waste Management on UW campus will be the most important part of networking the project can do as they already have a large number of collaborations for recycling in the community and can reach an even larger audience. In order to get as much participation as possible for this project it will also be important to circulate posters and emails about our services to a broad audience on campus. Not only will we be able to educate people about the recycling opportunities associated with 3D printing, but our donations of filaments to makerspaces and libraries will improve education about 3D printing to a wider audience.

As founder of this project, Lydia Smith Ph.D. (lab manager in Amy Orsborn’s Lab), will be the project manager and in charge of purchasing materials, selling/donating recycled material, and organizing/managing students involved in this project. She has extensive experience with 3D printing as well as mentoring undergraduate students. There are also several makerspaces on campus with staff that are proficient and well versed in 3D printing who can be called upon for expertise. Initially we will include a line item  paying for at most 5 hours/week for Lydia to be the project manager, but as more students join the project, the amount of time required will lessen. Given that this project has the ability to generate a small amount of revenue, we would be able to help support student workers throughout the year.


Purchase initial equipment for recycling materials: Weeks 1-2.
Begin recycling material (we have a stockpile to start): Week 3.
Get approval for posting: Week 3.
Post outreach materials: Week 4.
Begin collecting donations: Week 5.
Distributing recycled material. Week 9.

Budget ($7500):

Initial Equipment for Recycling materials: $2000
Outreach materials: $1000
Project manager salary: ($25/hour, 5 hours/week, 10 weeks) $1300
Student help salaries: ($16/hour, 5 hours/week, 10 weeks/quarter, 4 quarters) $3200

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lydia Smith

Food System Coalition Campus-Wide Dolores Documentary Screening

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

About us:

The UW Food Systems Coalition RSO strives to 1) improve knowledge of local food systems, including topics on policy, equity, and labor, amongst UW students, and to 2) actively participate in food systems policy advocacy and local events. We envision a just and equitable food system that sustains and replenishes the vitality of our natural environment and all its inhabitants.

The Food Systems Coalition seeks to foster health, equity, and community through: 

  • Facilitation of interdisciplinary and community relationships
  • Education about food systems
  • Recognition that food workers are the foundation of our food system
  • Advocacy for a just, equitable and sustainable food systems policy change across all levels

Project Proposal:

In-line with our mission to increase UW community awareness of local and national food systems topics and issues, we are planning a documentary screening for spring quarter. We plan to host this event in the UW Ethnic Cultural Center.

The documentary will pertain to a particular food system topic. We would like to show the PBS documentary, Dolores, which is about Dolores Huerta, a civil rights activist and the co-founder, along with Cesar Chavez, of the National Farmworkers Association (now United Farm Workers). By sharing this documentary with the UW community, we hope to raise awareness of our national food system’s dependence on the labor of farm workers, and the importance of fighting for farm workers’ rights. We envision screening this documentary in spring quarter around Cesar Chavez Day in order to highlight women who have been critical in pushing the farm workers’ rights movement forward, yet who often are left out of mainstream history.

In addition to the documentary screening, we hope to host a speaker who can talk about where the farmworker movement is today, and what it looks like in Washington.

CSF Funding Criteria:

This project meets CSF funding criteria in the following ways:

  1. Sustainable Impact: This project meets the criteria of raising awareness of an equity issue, contributing to the goal of increasing social sustainability. The project also is about agricultural sustainability, as farm workers are the backbone of our nation’s food system.
  2. Leadership and Student Involvement: This project is entirely planned and executed by the students in the RSO, Food System Coalition.
  3. Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change: The purpose of the screening is to educate the greater UW community about this important topic. The event will be advertised to students campus-wide.
  4. Feasibility and Accountability: We already have the Ethnic Cultural Center theater booked for 4/3 from 3:15-8pm (includes set-up and clean-up time). We need to pay them by 2 weeks before the event (3/20). We are asking for $1000, which will cover the room rental fee, a speaker honorarium, documentary screening rights fees, and advertising. Equipment fees for screening the documentary is included in the room rental fees.


    • Ethnic Cultural Center
      • $23/hr +$25 cleaning and maintenance fee +$76 technician fee (RSO discount)
        • Total: $286.25
    • Dolores Documentary Screening Rights through PBS:
      • $275.25
    • Marketing:
      • $100
    • Speaker Honorarium:
      • $300
    • Total: $961.50 (requesting $1,000)


  • We have reserved the Ethnic Cultural Center theater already for 4/3. We will finalize the speaker and finish preparations by 3/2.
  • Pending CSF mini grant funds, we hope to advertise during weeks 9 and 10 of this quarter (3/2-3/13), as well as send email advertisements during this time and over spring break. We also will advertise the first week of spring quarter, as the event is the Friday of that week.
  • Event Date: 4/3 3:15-8pm (includes set up and clean up time)
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kelly Wolffe

Electrochromic Glazing System for UW Health Sciences Education Building

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $65,000

Letter of Intent:

Project Proposal Summary

In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and to respond to the climate change emergency, it is necessary for University of Washington to invest in new building technologies that can reduce building energy consumption while at the same time improving the student experience and supporting the institutional mission of the University. Currently, the University is in the planning and design process for a new Health Sciences Education Building (HSEB) located on NE Pacific St. on the South end of campus, which will serve students, faculty and staff for generations.

A relatively new technology, the electrochromic window (ECW) is being considered for a number of the teaching spaces. This technology aims to reduce energy consumption, increase visual and thermal comfort, and reduce maintenance over the life of the building. Like self-tinting prescription glasses, ECWs are an optical glazing (window) technology by which the visible and solar transmittance of a window can be controlled between a transparent state to a very darkened state thus providing a range of visible light transmittances (Tvis) and solar heat gain coefficients (SHGC) when modulated by a control system and sensors to adjust to climate conditions.

This proposal requests a total of $65,000 from CSF to fund three project components: (1) an initial feasibility and evaluation phase for two students to work with the UW Project Development Group and the Miller Hull Partnership (leading the design team) to assess the technology and evaluate its potential impacts ($6,000); (2) to fund a portion of the incremental cost (added cost beyond conventional windows) of installing the ECWs at the HSEB (approximately $45,000) ; and (3) student labor to provide education, outreach, and post occupancy evaluation and storytelling about the technology ($14,000). If, after the initial feasibility phase, the design team or the UW Project Development Group elects not to incorporate ECWs the balance of the funding will be returned to CSF.

Furthermore, the process of design and evaluation of ECWs and dynamic shading systems will be incorporated into a UW course (ARCH 535) offered in by a faculty member in the College of Built Environments during spring quarter during the duration of the project.

If funded, this project will contribute to UW campus sustainability by maximizing energy performance, and improving the classroom experience while showcasing new building envelope technology that sets new sustainability standards on campus.

Sustainable Impact

In order to reach carbon reduction goals and achieve net neutrality by 2050, it is necessary for the University of Washington to invest in new building technologies. Electrochromic Glazing, an electronically tinted glass system, has been shown to improve building performance by maximizing solar energy and minimizing unwanted heat and glare. By adopting this emerging technology, the University of Washington will reduce its carbon emissions and set new standards for building performance. Campus must continue to serve as a living laboratory for sustainable solutions, promoting a culture of environmental stewardship into the future.  

Goals and objectives

  1. Maximize Energy Performance
  2. Showcase An Emerging Building Technology
  3. Enhance Occupant Satisfaction

A primary goal is to improve thermal comfort and reduce glare. This is very important if facility managers are concerned about productivity costs.  It is essential that the academic sphere remain the best place to generate positive experiences for occupants.  Buildings that encourage people to connect is an objective the university recognizes as an important aspect of the UW’s character.  Studies show that a connection to the outdoors can improve cognitive function.  Natural light and outdoor views can boost worker productivity. Implementation of electrochromic windows will allow for a higher square footage of glass because of the inherent energy savings.   Not only will electrochromic glass improve the social sphere but it also brings the heat load of a building down, allowing for a smaller HVAC system.

Education & Outreach

The evaluation of and incorporation of a new technology for a future teaching facility offers a number of educational an outreach benefits. First, it will provide the opportunity to include UW students in the decision-making process inherent in evaluating a new technology for the Campus. This will provide hands-on engagement in life-cycle-cost assessment where critical issues of user experience, energy performance, and operations and maintenance are evaluated. The findings from this process will inform future projects at UW and will be incorporated in the outreach and education component. Once the project is constructed, students will have the experience of a new type of classroom experience using the dynamic glazing to improve their comfort and the classroom experience.  This project will offer an opportunity to develop messaging and storytelling via visual displays and/or interactive media that is exhibited in indoor public spaces and shares energy-savings and other aspects of the design. Specific strategies for community engagement will be established in the initial phase of the project, depending on the interactive feedback capabilities of the specific ECW system.

Concurrent with the design process students in the College of Built Environments will have the opportunity to learn more about ECWs and the project development process for the HSEB in a course, ARCH 535: Daylighting Design taught by Associate Professor Christopher Meek, with assistance from Connor Beck and Ben-Hsin Dow, the students participating in the CSF-funded project.

Methods and Strategies

The electrochromic windows will be placed in the “heart” of student communal areas, specifically multi-use spaces and classrooms. The majority of these spaces are oriented facing south so it is important to implement appropriate glazing mechanisms on the southern facades that handle large volumes of sunlight.  With user and/or automated controls that change tint, electrochromic glass eliminates the need for blinds or louvres, providing options for user and automated controls tint.  This allows the building to have a more tidy appearance with the lack of shading devices. The windows are to be placed in rooms that require varying light levels to accommodate multi-use activities.  

Plan of Evaluation

The long-term scope of the project may require a post-occupancy questionnaire and will require data collection from the system to evaluate impacts and tell the story of the system as part of the demonstration. This would be done in coordination with the UW Office of Sustainability. Additionally, post occupancy studies could measure building heat loads and light intensity.


This funding request includes two components: (1) $20,000 of student labor; (2) approximately $45,000 to cover the incremental cost of upgrading conventional code-compliant glass to ECWs in the new HSEB facility. Since the project is currently in design, it is unclear the total amount of ECWs that would provide significant benefit to the building, but at minimum 1000 ft² in a prominent, visible, and accessible location is projected. Any funding that is not used will be returned to CSF.  Furthermore, the project team will seek additional sources to defray the cost of this incremental investment including, the ECW manufacturer and local utilities.

EC glazing cost about $145 per square foot. Since the design is in process the exact amount of ECW glass area is yet to be determined, but we anticipate an approximate incremental cost of $45,000 compared to conventional glazing. A breakdown of budget items includes:

  1. Incremental capital costs of electrochromic windows:
    • $45,000 -- CSF
  2. Student Salaries for two students for one year total:
    • $6,000 – CSF at .25 FTE for 1 quarter per timeline (Feasibility/Design/Education)
    • $14,000 – CSF at .25 FTE for 1 quarter per timeline (Post-occupancy evaluation/Outreach/Education)

Timeline & Accountability

Phase I -- Initial feasibility and design, student education (1 year).

Phase II – Procurement and installation, and student education, (1-3).

Phase III – Post-occupancy evaluation, and public outreach (2022).

Accountability:  Core Project Team

Master of Architecture Students (Project co-Leads)

Connor Beck, M. Arch Candidate

Ben-Hsin Dow, M. Arch Candidate

Additional future students TBD

Will lead the CSF project and coordinate with all external and internal participants in the project. Will be responsible for reporting progress, activities, and outcomes to the CSF.


University of Washington Project Delivery Group (HSEB) UW Facilities

Point person: Julie Knorr, Architect, Project Manager

Will serve as the point-of-contact at the University of Washington Project Development Group and provide connections to UW stakeholder groups involved in the project.


The Miller Hull Partnership (A/E Lead)

Point persons: Chris Hellstern, Living Building Challenge Services Director

Elizabeth Moggio, AIA, Associate

Will serve as the primary point of contact for the architecture and engineering team.  Person will lead technical analysis incorporating student activities in the design and evaluation process of the ECWs and provide coordination with the energy engineering team at PAE Engineering (project mechanical engineer).


University of Washington Integrated Design Lab/Department of Architecture

Point person: Christopher Meek, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture

The Integrated Design Lab (IDL), will provide technical modeling support and will provide space support and computing resources for the student project leads. Prof. Meek will also incorporate ECW modeling and design developed with the CSF project student leads in the course ARCH 535: Daylighting Design offered in spring quarter in the College of Built Environments. This course is at the graduate level, but is open to undergraduates with instructor permission.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Connor Beck

Student Sustainability Forum

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $600

Letter of Intent:

Project Size: Small, <$1,000

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $600

Summary of project proposal:

As all-encompassing threats, the ongoing climate, environmental, and consequential social crises must inform decisions made in every field and profession. Although the current and impending destabilization resulting from these crises call for unified action, the global response has been disappointing at best. Even in a university famed for innovation and progress our actions have been inexcusably meager. The abundance and variety of RSOs focused on social and environmental sustainability at the UW demonstrate a significant interest within the campus community to be active and engaged in the efforts to address our climate crisis on the local, national, and even international level. Unfortunately, these efforts are fragmented across various departments and disciplines which has stunted meaningful action.

Furthermore, groups which are not dedicated specifically to these fields risk being unaware of the important work being done in sustainability on campus. An even larger concern is that these groups lack the resources & encouragement to expand the ongoing sustainability efforts to include their own work & projects. Due to these circumstances, opportunities for collaboration are hindered due to lack of communication, awareness, and empowerment. Finally, although the administration has provided support for sustainability efforts through organizations such as the Office of Sustainability or the Campus Sustainability Fund, it has not yet taken action on the scale that it needs to.

The Administration's current aim to release a draft of a comprehensive Sustainability Plan on Earth Day 2020 has provided a critical opportunity to push the University’s commitment to sustainable practices farther than ever before. However, as matters currently stand, student voices are diluted, and the committee’s outreach efforts are insufficient. In order to effectively engage with the administration at this critical time it is apparent that students must unify in order to advance our common goals.

In order to facilitate a successful and meaningful collaboration amongst all UW students we (the Sustainability Curriculum Coalition) will host a Student Sustainability Forum; an event designed to unite and empower the diverse University community by creating a space for students from across campus to partake in discussion and deliberation to create a list of demands & actions they wish to see in UW’s upcoming Sustainability Plan.

This forum will promote actions already being led by student groups on campus as well as facilitate discussion over further actions which could be pursued. The format of the discussion groups which the forum will be broken into is designed with the goal of formulating a cohesive set of demands which will be recommended for integration into the upcoming UW Sustainability Plan.  

Briefly explanation of how the project will meet the requirements and preferences of the CSF:

Environmental Impact

This event is explicitly concerned with the future of the University's sustainability and environmental policies. The topics of the forum will cover a range of actions which the university could undertake. As attendees enter the forum, they will have the opportunity to talk with groups tabling for projects which are already in progress. For example, the Sustainability Curriculum Coalition (SCC) will present on how we have been advocating for changes to the structure of the general curriculum which could provide all students with a more comprehensive understanding of topics in sustainability and how to implement these in their future careers.

After this period everyone will split into groups based on the main themes outlined in the sustainability plan and discuss which action should be the university's top priority. The intent of this structure is to both provide exposure to sustainability projects already in progress and seed discussion for new ideas to emerge at the forum. From these discussions we aim to distill a set of actions that students from a variety of backgrounds can endorse. These are not just ideas but actions which the university must undertake in order to truly embody the ideals of sustainability it extolls. By presenting these as a set of collectively backed demands we foresee that the event could affect real change onto the policies which the administration chooses to pursue in the sustainability plan to be released this Spring. The Forum will create a channel for students to advocate directly to the administration for changes which will positively impact our environment.

Student Leadership & Involvement

This is a 100% student led initiative. The entire project has been envisioned and designed by the members of the Sustainability Credit Coalition. The leads are the group’s officers, Anya Gavrylko, Emma Wilson, and Xavaar Quaranto. The team is composed of additional members of the Sustainability Curriculum Coalition along with service learners from Eco Reps and support from other groups that were in attendance at our Green Husky Coalition. 

At its heart the Sustainability RSO Forum is a project designed for and by students to amplify our voices and empower the student body to advocate for our future. Not only will this event be organized by various student stakeholders on campus, it is being put on by students, for students. It is meant to provide an opportunity for students with various talents and passions to be joined under one roof, offering different perspectives on sustainability.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

This event will be primarily educational, meant to inform everyone in attendance about the UW Sustainability Plan while also bringing new perspectives to the conversation via the various students we will have represented in the space. We are creating this platform to encourage students to support each other, so that we can work together to learn about student vision for the future of sustainability at UW. 

The RSO Forum is fundamentally an event about connecting as many groups as possible to promote collaboration and ultimately enact change on the operation of the university as a whole. While there are already groups dedicated to promoting sustainability and protecting the environment these ideals are ultimately the responsibility of all. Therefore, at the heart of this project is the belief that we must include representatives from across the campus community to ensure the actions we propose are equitable and well informed. 

Seeing as this event depends on a diverse group of students being in attendance, our outreach strategies must match this goal. We have several ideas regarding what our outreach strategy should look like. We need to meet with folks that work in the Ethnic Cultural Center to see if they will get the word out among students they serve about the forum. We need to reach out to all ASUW commissions and offices about what the event is and why they should send a representative. We need to put as many posters in as many different buildings on campus as we can afford to and come up with a strategy for equitably completing this task. We need to work with Disabilities Services Office to ensure that our event is accessible to any student who might want to come. Finally, we must constantly be open to new ideas regarding our outreach strategy and be consistently asking ourselves how we can reach more students. 

In bringing together the university community in a single space to focus on these issues the ultimate goal of this event is to enact behavior change on an institutional level. Our aim is to outline a student written agenda of actions we want the University to undertake. We foresee that individual ideas or actions proposed in our agenda will in turn have cascading effects on the University as a whole, if implemented into the UW Sustainability Plan. For example, implementing the SCC’s proposal to integrate sustainability across the curriculum could have far reaching impacts on the way graduates understand topics in sustainability and interact with them in their lives and careers. By bringing the force of the combined students body’s attention to address these pressing issues this event could be the catalyst to create an equitable path forward for the University of Washington Community to truly be able to say, “sustainability is in our nature”.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

In preparation for the RSO Forum leads Anya Gavrylko, Emma Wilson, and Xavaar Quaranto have worked together since last spring to coordinate several smaller events to develop planning and preparation skills. These include a presentation on institutional Sustainability across the Curriculum featuring a faculty member from the University of Vermont and a meeting of the Green Husky Coalition, an umbrella group where different groups interested in sustainability can meet and collaborate. Building from our experience with these events we are ready to scale up to a larger venue and a wider audience. We also hope to work with a larger group of very qualified people to make this event successful. 

We have already implemented strategies for keeping each other accountable within the Sustainability Curriculum Coalition, and we plan on maintaining these strategies throughout the planning process. We assign and complete tasks using a spreadsheet, we have weekly check-in meetings to ensure we are not taking on too much, and we set goals with each other for when tasks will be completed. We were able to successfully put on two events this quarter while maintaining tabling engagements and regularly scheduled meetings. 

By encouraging attendees to write down their ideas as they discuss and identifying their most important ideas, we will gather an informal survey of the topics which our audience feels is most critical. After the Forum concludes we will condense these into a Student Sustainability agenda which we will send back to attendees for revision and approval. Students will be able to sign this as a show of support so it can ultimately be presented to the university for inclusion into the UW Sustainability Plan.

This is the first of several follow ups to make sure the ideas we gather retain their momentum. We also want to maintain quarterly meetings open to all students who want to continue to collaborate on all things regarding UW sustainability. The SCC has plans to shift into being a group focusing most of our efforts on creating a united effort with various student groups to improve environmental and social sustainability on campus.

Estimated Project Budget

Because this event is primarily designed to generate discussion and ideas the material costs are limited to promotional material, supplies such as whiteboards to facilitate conversation, and overhead such as the building fee.

Project Timeline

Weekly: SCC Meetings to share updates and evaluate goals (once a week for one hour)

  • Early December
    • Organize groups for graphic and initial idea designs 
      • (Canva Projects (to be done over Winter Break)
    • Research Catering options for event
  • December 5
    • Funding
      • CSF/SEED
  • December 10
    • Decide/Reserve Venue 
    • Begin outreach to potential professional facilitators and those working on the Sustainability Plan
  • December 15
    • Finalize supplies needed for event 
      • Rent out projector
      • Sound equipment if needed
      • Large whiteboard
      • Native Plant Seeds
  • Mid December
    • Finalize promotional details
    • Increase access for info
      • Facebook outreach
      • Posters
      • Draft emails to guest list
      • Contact Staff/Faculty on campus
      • Photographer from the Daily
      • Contact Burke museum email list
      • Point of contact with other schools
  • Late December
    • Create RSVP
    • Publish Facebook page 
  • January 6-10 
    • Outreach to RSOs on campus and invitations 
    • Meetings with as many groups as possible
      • ECC
      • ASUW Offices
    • Begin Formal Outreach (Beginning of January)
      • Emails to guest list
      • Send out physical invitations perhaps
      • Put up posters
  • Early January
    • Finalize any additional volunteers 
  • January 27th 
    • Day of the actual event from 6-8 PM!
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Anya Gavrylko

Africa Now Conference [Virtual]

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $25,000

Letter of Intent:


The Africa Now Association exists to educate, organize, and mobilize youth to imagine and create a sustainable future for the global African community. Our association focuses on enriching global perspectives, supporting grassroots efforts across the African diaspora, and providing individuals with the network and resources to tackle problems facing the African continent and its diaspora.  

Africa Now is seeking $25,000 from the Campus Sustainability Fund to aid in funding our third annual conference, focused on inspiring young Black students and professionals to join the movement for sustainable African development.

Within our 2nd year of operating, we created the Africa Now Association - a non profit organization that hosts the Africa Now Conference and aides community projects with volunteers and funding for sustainable projects that benefit the African community. CSF has been instrumental in helping us achieve this milestone. As we aim to build our community and collaborators on the UW’s campus we’re also working hard to create local and global alliances that will help sustain Africa Now’s mission and funding. This year’s funds will not only be used to plan the conference but to also jumpstart our efforts to establish long term funding, alliances, and start community projects that align with our theme - “Progress Through Sustainability”.

From the start, our hope was to help foster relationships between attendees from diverse academic disciplines leading to new foundations, entrepreneurial ventures, group sponsored initiatives and ideas that will translate into action, not only in Seattle but across the world. Today we’ve met up with several individuals and organizations that have been inspired by the Africa Now Conference. This year we plan on hosting activities that will allow students to learn and take action with us. Along with inspiring and educating our community through our annual conference we plan to be a resource that also takes action in our community - leading by example.

Sustainable Impact 

Our primary goal for the 2020 Africa Now conference is for attendees to have a forum to explore strategies for developing sustainable solutions in their communities throughout the African Diaspora and in Africa. Africa Now defines sustainability as addressing the environmental, economic, social, and political aspects of Africa’s continued growth. This year, our theme is centered around environmental sustainability. We want to analyze and identify practical solutions for environmental sustainability through the lens of  politics, business, education, media and technology. Our holistic approach to environmental sustainability also takes into account that black and African communities bear the brunt of climate change. From the scorching temperatures along the African equator to rising sea levels throughout the carribean, the global African community needs to properly equip themselves with the knowledge and the skills to adapt to these extreme changes in the climate.   

The conference will provide attendees learning opportunities, discussion forums, tools and resources that will allow them to leave the conference with actionable solutions they can implement so as to contribute to environmental sustainability in their communities. One of our main ways of sharing this information throughout our conference will be through our breakout sessions which will provide opportunities for learning and discussion. This year, we plan on incorporating seven separate breakout sessions throughout the conference in order to allow our attendees to learn from individuals who are experts within their fields but also tap into their existing knowledge as a collaborative group. We want to provide new interactive ways for our attendees learn, network, and take action with those who are in these fields and those who are interested in the development of the African continent. 

Leadership and Student Involvement 

Following the tradition of the past two years, the Africa Now conference is organized entirely by students, most of whom are current UW students in the Seattle Area and supported by two UW alumni who are founding members. This year’s conference planning committee is comprised of students from a variety of departments and student organizations on the UW campus and they each offer unique experiences and talents that will enhance the group dedicated to organizing this conference. In addition, each member of the team brings their own set of networks that will allow us to expand out impact not only on the UW campus, but throughout the Seattle Area. Our goal is to bring together the communities each of our committee members represents and build solidarity within these communities.

Education, Outreach, Behavior Change 

Each year, the Africa Now conference continues to expand and collaborate with Black and African organizations within the Seattle community and continues to connect with organizations back on the African continent. Our goal is to expand our network of connections in order to increase the number and diversity of our attendees. On campus, we collaborate with many of the other black organizations such as Black Student Union, African Student Association and the African Studies Department for lead up events in order to stimulate interest around the campus community and encourage attendance. We also collaborate with non-UW organizations, such as Mother Africa, in order to target the young black professional community within Seattle. The purpose of targeting both groups, is to create connections and bridges within our communities that will foster continued conversations and promote tangible actions to be taken even after the conference is long over. 

Feasibility and Accountability

The feasibility of this project is best demonstrated by the past two annual Africa Now conferences, which conference attendees rated as a success. The first, which was held in May of 2018 had over 100 registered attendees. In our 2019 conference, we accommodated for over 180 attendees. This year’s planning committee will leverage and build on the experiences of these past two conferences, as well as the feedback from the surveys that our conference attendees completed. For our 2020 conference, we will spotlight the work that has been continued since our last annual conference. We want to showcase those who have taken what they have learned at our previous annual conferences and applied it to real life actions that promote sustainability here in the diaspora and back on the continent. 

These past few years we have been supported by mentors such as Professor Brukab Sisay in the American Ethnic Studies, Emile Petri of the OMAD department and king county Judge LeRoy McCallough. Along with the professional expertise of these individuals we’re also heavily supported by the two founders of Africa Now - Wole Akinlosotu and Jeanne Dore.

Preliminary Budget

Item Cost
Plates and Utensils  $150
Conference decor $650
Physical Promo $400
Digital Promo (Website) $1500
225 Reusable Water Bottles  $3000
Program Booklets  $200
Name Tags  $100
Media - 2 Photographers & 1 Videographer $2000
Speakers (7 x ~$1400) $10,000
Live Entertainment $800
Featured Artists $2200
Bus Vouchers for Students  $250 
Giveaways  $300
Venue $2000
Total  $25,000

Outside of the CSF, we will be seeking funding from the ECC Student Event Fund, as well as other community organizations and businesses (e.g. African Chamber of Commerce, Africans at Microsoft, Africans at Boeing, Africans at T-Mobile, etc).


  • 9:30 - 10:00      Registration / Gallery Walk
  • 10:00 - 10:05       Introductions
  • 10:05 - 10:45      Case Comp
  • 10:45 - 10:55       Transition
  • 10:55 - 11:55       Workshop 1
  • 11:55 - 12:05        Transition
  • 12:05 - 12:35    Case Comp
  • 12:35 - 12:45    Transition
  • 12:45 - 1:30        Lunch
  • 1:30 - 1:40       Transition
  • 1:40 - 2:50       Workshop 2
  • 2:50 - 3:00      Transition
  • 3:00 - 3:30       Case Comp
  • 3:30 - 4:00       Resource Fair
  • 4:00 - 4:30       Closing Remarks //  Raffle
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michelle Mvundura

Project IF - Phase II

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $150,000

Letter of Intent:


Project Indoor Farm (IF) consists of a team of students and community members aiming to create a more sustainable campus food system through indoor urban farming. In 2018, with a generous grant from the University of Washington Campus Sustainability Fund, we began work on Phase I, a feasibility study. Most of the grant funding went towards successfully setting up the indoor farm in Condon Hall, which included a hydroponic system with 32 vertical growing towers and LED lights, a seedling rack with germination and seedling trays, and other equipment. In addition, the feasibility study has thus far produced operation protocols, a formal website ( with social media platforms ( (, a user-instruction software called Aquarium (, and over 130 lbs. of buttercrunch lettuce. We have had the opportunity to donate a large portion of our product to the local University District Food Bank and have engaged in outreach by attending local sustainability events. In recent months, we have had the privilege of meeting with students and faculty members, and provided tours of our farm to different classes with the goal of increasing engagement and awareness of the benefits of urban farming on campus. As we are completing our Phase I feasibility study, we are preparing for the Phase II of the development of Project IF. For Phase II, our project will have two primary elements: Production and Education.

Sustainable Impact:

For Phase II, we aim to create a sizable on-campus farm to provide a supplemental amount of leafy greens and herbs to dining halls, cafes, such as the Husky Grind and Cultivate, and food banks on campus. According to the UW Housing and Food Services, the UW main campus serves about 20,000 meals a day. Sourcing food locally from Project IF would cut down food transportation costs, consumed packaging, be a secure stream of produce, improve quality and freshness, with the overall goal of reducing UW’s carbon footprint. With a larger space and more resources, we also hope to produce a wider range of leafy greens and herbs, from buttercrunch lettuce to arugula to mint. While more product would be grown, our hydroponic system offers a sustainable alternative to traditional farming methods to produce higher yields with fewer resources. Our goal with Phase II is to maximize the positive impact of indoor urban farming on the UW community.  

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change: 

Our Phase II Education component will focus on providing education and research opportunities to students who are interested in learning about indoor urban farming. Most recently, we have been collaborating with Professor Eli Wheat and Professor Sean McDonald within the Program of the Environment. We will be featured in Dr. Wheat’s ENVIR 240 Urban Farm curriculum this spring and have plans to provide students with the opportunity to conduct a small research project for honors/independent study credit. Project IF will also be listed as an available project in Dr. McDonald’s senior capstone series this upcoming spring. We will also continue giving tours of our farm to classes such as Professor Julie Johnson’s Climate Changed Urban Agriculture studio LARCH 501D, and on a more informal basis to interested students.

We see Project IF as an intersection of many disciplines. From agriculture and environmental science, to urban planning and public policy, to production planning and logistics, we welcome students from all majors. Our goal is to help students to apply their passion to our indoor farm. We are excited to see our indoor farm project incorporated into UW’s curriculum and be an opportunity for students to apply what they are learning to shape their own local food system, enrich their experience at UW, and ultimately promote sustainability.

Leadership & Student Involvement:

Our farm is well equipped with personnel to complete this project. Currently, we have 10 undergraduate students, two postdocs, and three external volunteers. Students have primarily been recruited from UW’s CoMotion’s Start-up Career Fairs in 2018 and 2019. Our group is divided into three teams: business, operations, and outreach. Kurt Kung, a Postdoc in BioEngineering, leads the business team. Zach Schneeweis, an external volunteer, heads the operations team. Katie Smith, another external volunteer, oversees the outreach team. 

The vision is to pass down the farm’s responsibilities to students and have the farm be student-led, with minimal consultation and oversight from a permanent staff. To our knowledge, this would establish the first indoor urban farm at a university that is run by students.

Feasibility & Accountability:

Currently, Project IF has received support from undergraduate/graduate students, professors and administrators within the College of Environment, College of Built Environment, College of Engineering, UW Farm, UW CSF, and UW Facilities. As aforementioned, we have plans to become a class-accredited lab for students, provide guest lectures/tours, and give our produce to local establishments. We have also created relationships with companies such as Anything Aquaponics’ ( founder Seth Connell, a large proponent of Project IF. We have also collaborated with ZipGrow, a manufacturer of hydroponic equipment and were even featured on their social media platforms( We have also worked with the Seattle Seeds Company, Upstart University, and GrowGeneration in sourcing seeds, educational materials, and growing equipment. 

We have a grand vision of developing a sizable farm and using this space to create opportunities for the UW community. Based on Phase I of Project IF, we estimate that we will require more than $300K to achieve our goals. More specifically, we request a third ($100K) of the total funding from CSF. Given that our farm is dependent on grants, we plan to apply the fund-matching strategy, and if awarded, hope to leverage this money to other parties, such as HFS and/or the USDA.

As Project IF continues to grow, we ultimately hope the UW community can enjoy fresh greens, help strengthen UW’s role as a leader of environmental sustainability, and act as a natural platform for the advocacy of food sustainability.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kurt Kung

No-Till Soil Health and Weed Management Toolkit

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $13,000

Letter of Intent:


The UW Farm began in 2006 as a student-powered project growing vegetables behind the old Botany Greenhouse. Today, thanks to the power of their vision and the support of the CSF, the UW Farm cultivates about 2.5 acres of growing space with two full-time staff and three part-time student staff. With the introduction of the Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health major and the hard work of Farm Manager Perry Acworth, the UW Farm has expanded dramatically. This past year we hosted classes from across University departments, interacted with more than 500 students, and grew more vegetables than ever before. However, with this expansion we have felt a squeeze on our tool shed. Due to the inevitabilities of working with enthusiastic beginners some of our tools have been broken, while others we simply do not have enough of, leading to bottlenecks in production.

We would use this CSF grant to restock with high-quality tools designed to last, allowing the next generation of students to experience the efficiencies that small-scale farming has to offer. In addition to having enough tools, this grant would allow us to purchase the tools necessary for a no-till system. No-till systems are part of the so-called “brown revolution” in agriculture, which combines ancient ways of growing with new understandings of soil health (Montgomery 2017). Given the proper tools, we will be able to demonstrate a highly efficient system that produces healthier plants, sequesters carbon, saves water, and preserves soil health for the long haul.


Tillage is the act of turning over or otherwise disturbing the soil, and has been practiced by farmers for thousands of years. Tillage helps introduce oxygen into the earth, stimulating the activity of soil microbes and encouraging the breakdown of organic matter into plant soluble nutrients. This is a boon for farmers, who appreciate the burst of fertility that tillage gives to their soil. Tillage can also be used to incorporate crop or weed residue into the soil, creating a clean planting surface.

However, scientists and farmers are beginning to realize that long-term tillage can destroy the productivity and health of soil. Soil is made up of rock particles held together by an incredibly diverse ecosystem of organisms. Plants interact with these systems by emitting exudates through their roots to feed beneficial microbial communities. Organisms in the soil can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, emit growth-promoting plant hormones, scavenge micronutrients from mineral deposits, and much more. While we are far from understanding the processes behind these feats, one thing is clear: tillage destroys soil life. Soil disturbance kills earthworms, shreds fungi, and pulverizes the aggregates that create soil habitat.

The effect of tillage on soil intersects with a number of crucial environmental and social problems relating to the sustainability of human agriculture. Long-term use of tillage can cause a precipitous decline in the amount of organic carbon stored in the soil, which is then released into the atmosphere. It is estimated that by the time of the Industrial Revolution, humans had already contributed one-third of our total greenhouse gas emissions simply by tilling the soil (Lal 2004). Soils with less organic matter absorb less water, contributing to poor crop performance in droughts and leading to increased erosion. Plants in unhealthy soils require more chemical fertilizer and more pesticides to resist predators. Tillage also brings new weed seeds to the surface with every pass, creating a vicious cycle of more cultivation and more work (Montgomery 2017).

While the UW Farm currently operates on a low-tillage system, having the right tools would allow us to engage students more effectively in different models of sustainable agriculture. Every item in our budget fits into our system in a specific way to promote soil health, sequester carbon, grow better crops, and make our labor more efficient. In our letter of intent, we will focus on three specific items and how they fit into our system: the broadfork, the flame weeder, and compost.

Broadforks are the most important garden bed preparation tool for any no-till grower of our scale (Fortier 2014). They allow us to aerate and loosen the soil without disturbing soil life. They also will reduce weed pressure, because they do not invert the soil and bring buried weed seeds to the surface.

In order to further reduce the amount of soil disturbance from weeding, we propose to purchase two different models of flame weeder, one for each of our sites. Flame weeding uses a gas torch to kill weeds when they are just beginning to germinate. This technique can be used to quickly create weed-free beds without cultivation of the soil, allowing us more time to focus on other farm systems while also improving soil health. While it may seem counterintuitive to burn fossil fuels to kill weeds on a sustainable farm, the flame weeders in our budget actually use very little natural gas due to their efficient design, and they are a long-term investment in reducing the weed seed bank present in our soil.

One of the largest expenditures in the budget is for sixty yards of compost. No-till systems generally apply layers of compost that are several inches thick in order to boost soil organic matter and suppress weeds. We currently have access to compost made from UW leaves and coffee grounds, but that is only available in the fall and contains plastic and other litter. A large quantity of high-quality compost from Cedar Grove would be an important investment in soil health for the UW Farm.


No-till agriculture is one of the world’s best chances to reduce carbon emissions from agriculture and improve soil health. We plan on using both qualitative crop evaluation and quantitative means, such as soil testing, to evaluate our practices. We thank you for your consideration for this grant, which would allow the UW Farm to practice and teach the future of agriculture.


  • Aisling Doyle-Wade, Lead Student Staff
  • Duke Clinch, Student Staff
  • Reily Savenetti, Student Staff
  • Adam Houston, Assistant Farm Manager
  • Perry Acworth, Farm Manager
  • Eli Wheat, Lecturer, Program on the Environment

Works Cited

Fortier, Jean-Martin, and Marie Bilodeau. The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-scale Organic Farming. New Society Publishers, 2014.

Lal, Rattan. "Soil carbon sequestration impacts on global climate change and food security." science 304.5677 (2004): 1623-1627.

Montgomery, David R. Growing a revolution: bringing our soil back to life. WW Norton & Company, 2017.

Draft Budget

No-Till Soil Health Management

Product Brand Quantity Price
People’s Broadfork Meadow Creature 6 1200
Tilther Johnny’s 1 700
Compost Cedar Grove 60 yards 2160
Paper Pot Transplanter Set Johnny’s 1 2500
Silage tarps, 50’ x 100’ Johnny’s 2 600
Soil tests Cornell University 15 900

Weed Management

Product Brand Quantity Price
Pyroweeder Farmer’s Friend 1 850
Flame Blade Farmer’s Friend 1 100
Seedbed Flame Weeder Set Johnny’s 1 800
Propane tank Seattle Propane 1 70
Gridder Johnny’s 1 400
Long-Handled Wire Weeder Johnny’s 6 300
Narrow Collinear Hoe - 3-¾" Johnny’s 6 300
Wide Collinear Hoe - 7" Johnny’s 6 300
Glaser Wheel Hoe, 12" Blade Johnny’s 2 900
Weed Guard Plus Paper Mulch, 48" x 250" Gempler’s 10 rolls 600

Grand total: 12,680


  • Winter 2020 - purchase and assemble tools
  • March 2020 - begin soil testing with UW Soil Science class
  • Spring, Summer, and Fall 2020 - use tools during growing season
  • November 2020 - autumn soil testing to evaluate progress
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Adam Houston

Heron Haven Restoration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $50,000

Letter of Intent:

Situated just north of Anderson Hall on the UW campus exists the ‘Island Grove;’ a forested plot of land with a unique potential not found elsewhere on campus. The site has been left largely unmanaged since it was clear cut circa the Alaska-Yukon Exposition of 1909, meaning that several of the larger trees are more than a century old. With its great blue heron rookery, towering tree canopy, largely undisturbed soil, and proximity to scenic Rainier Vista, the newly established Heron Haven restoration site can serve as a prime destination for biophilia and environmental stewardship on our increasingly urban campus.

In an age where carbon sequestration and biodiversity are of the utmost importance, the university has the capacity to improve in both. Though historically the campus was a climax coniferous northwest forest, the old-growth trees and thriving fauna have since disappeared, leaving many ecological niches largely unfilled. Most unmanaged spaces on campus have become dominated by a dense mat of Hedera hibernica (commonly referred to as English ivy). Invasive species like English ivy, spurge laurel, cherry laurel, Himalayan blackberry, hedge maple, English hawthorn, and Italian arum have smothered Heron Haven along with many other areas of campus. Removal of invasive species is the first step in revamping Heron Haven, with the removal process being roughly 33% complete to this date; the site will be largely clear of invasives by Spring of 2020. These species limit biodiversity, lack student engagement opportunities, and harbor health hazards such as broken glass and needles. This project aims not only to restore the native plant life to Heron Haven, but to also set a precedent for how spaces on campus should be managed and stewarded by the people who call it: its students. 

Work will be accomplished through my restoration ecology capstone course, and SER sponsored work parties. As the Volunteer Coordinator for the UW campus’ chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration, and future President for the 2020-2021 school year, I am dedicated to getting students involved throughout the project. In order to protect the investment in plantings, future SER officers will act as stewards for the space, coordinating volunteers to continue spot removal of invasive species and caging of vulnerable native plants. Several UW Grounds Crew Leads and other faculty are also committed to applying essential upkeep, further efforts to restore the site. As time passes, the maturation of the site’s forest will allow students to experience a thriving native landscape, providing them with both research opportunities and an environment that acts as a respite from school. Future management could include mini-grants for research on topics such as how the site’s ecology has shifted over time, and hopefully introductions of rare flora and fauna.  Students in SEFS, L ARCH, and ESRM require an urban forest to conduct research on campus; plant identification courses for example could finally have a place to learn native species names. Ornithology students could have a place to study birds that aren’t usually attracted to campus, and passersby can become immersed in a taste of the ecoregion that surrounds them. There are few outdoor spaces on campus that have the potential for such widespread benefit to the university’s population than can be found in Heron Haven. 

The primary feature of Heron Haven, is the great blue heron population that has nested in the bigleaf maple trees for decades. Designing a space beneath the maples where spectators can quietly observe the herons is a necessity for the rookery’s wellbeing. The bigleaf maples which the herons call home have a lifespan that will likely come to an end within the next decade. To ensure the continued presence of the great blue heron population on site, invasive species must be removed and young bigleaf maples must be planted as soon as possible. Otherwise, the environment supporting the great blue heron rookery will continue to degrade, and the rookery will be forced to find a home elsewhere. A large douglas fir on the northeast corner of the site stands as a reminder of how large even relatively young native conifers can grow, and acts as one of the cornerstones in the project. The area beneath the tree will be referred to as the forest room, and will be planted densely with native plants that thrive in our forest ecosystems. The plan is to install a round bench in the forest room as a spot of quiet reflection immersed in greenery. The bench will be built in a Built Environment furniture studio using lumber from the campus wood salvage program. Salvaged wood will also be used throughout the site for creating woody debris habitat for small birds, pollinators, and the small population of salamanders. The forest room, heron rookery, and trail network will feature the most interesting and dense plantings. The periphery areas will be planted less dense, with some already containing pockets of native species. Plants for the project will be acquired mostly through the SER nursery, with some of the rarer species coming from local nurseries and specialty growers. The majority of the funding will go toward purchasing plants at roughly $1.50 a sq ft. in the approximately 37,000 sq ft. site. Labels will tentatively be added to plantings along trails, stating their common names, scientific names, ethnobotanical uses, and names used by local indigenous peoples (if permitted by clubs associated with the Intellectual House). 

By the end of the 2021 school year, I hope to leave Heron Haven in a condition that allows it to be used by students well into the future for both recreation and educational purposes. As the university urbanizes further, restoring ecological functions of ‘urban oasis’ such as these is essential to keeping increasingly rare species like great blue herons on campus. The funding of this project will enhance the Heron Haven’s ability to benefit student research, act as a space to fulfill course objectives, allow students to immerse themselves in a native forest, provide wildlife habitat, and demonstrate sustainable landscape practices on the UW Campus.

Thank you for your consideration,

Nikoli Stevens

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Nikoli Stevens

8th Annual Legacy Soiree - Black Student Union

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Black Student Union’s 8th Annual Legacy Soiree

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: Max $1,000

Project Summary:

The primary purpose of the Legacy Soiree is to display the success of different African-American professors, students, and professionals within the Seattle community.This year will be our 8th year hosting this event. It will be held on February 1st, 2020. And for the past 8 years, through this event, we have fund raised enough money to officially start our endowment and last year we finally awarded our first $1000 scholarship for one exemplary students! We plan to continue and award our second scholarship. For this year, we have centered our objective around service and transformative justice. We will honor/recognize exemplary Undergraduate,graduate, faculty and community members who embody this theme in their work and studies. This year's soiree, held in the Intellectual House, will involve a night of live music, musical performances from a prominent Seattle artist as well as dance performances including a stroll/step show from Black Greek organizations on campus. This year we will feature two prominent community leaders to speak. The first is Edwin Lindo, a UW Law Alumni, School of Medicine faculty member and founder and curator of Estelita’s Library. The second and keynote speaker is former mayoral candidate for the Seattle People’s Party, activist and lawyer, Nikkita Oliver. BSU will also be continuing their tradition of recognizing ten exemplary high school students with our Talented Ten Awards, in the hopes of inspiring them to attend the University of Washington. We will include a catered dinner for our attendees. We hope to attract undergraduate, graduate, faculty and community members from the greater Seattle area to join us in recognizing and promoting black excellence both inside and outside of the classroom. For students who are not part of the Talented 10, we hope they learn about the work that is being done by community members and UW students, build connection with the upperclassmen, graduate and community members that will lead to lasting relationships, a sense of community with the Black folks at UW and in Seattle.

Estimated Project Budget: $13,898.00 (See next page for budget breakdown)

Environmental/Sustainable Impact:

Aligning with our theme, by tapping into the network of young, Black students and professionals in Washington, our event seeks to inspire service for a sustainable future within UW and the greater Seattle area. We hope to bring together driven individual to realize how their skills can be used to serve the sustainable growth of their communities. Afterall, the biggest impact we can make is in our own communities. We aim to do this through recognition of the achievements and contributions of underrepresented students and minority community members. This event promotes social sustainability by removing some of the financial barriers to higher education through awarding our second scholarship. As well, providing high school students with guidance, potential mentors and exposure to university. In addition, we will have our keynote speaker will speak on social sustainability in our communities through service and the work that she’s done.

This year we are making an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of our event. So we plan to cut the number of program pamphlets we print for our event in half. We will use compostable utensils and dinnerware as well as donating any leftover food from our event to reduce waste. Instead of purchasing new ones, we will recycle our table clothes from last year. We have also decided not to print paper flyers for our event and instead chosen to advertise through TV monitors, social media, newsletters, and emails, and word of mouth.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

This event is a student initiated and student led project. Our advisers, Reesha FLavors of the ECC and faculty member Brukab Sisay, provide guidance and support throughout this process. We, the executive board of the Black Student Union, consisting of ten undergraduate students, are in the process of planning and executing this event.

Our roles and duties include:

  • President/Program Coordinator - Safiya Bansfield
  • Treasurer - Tayah Greene
  • VP of Campus Affairs - Julian Cooper
  • VP of Community Affairs - Jordan Jackson
  • VP of Communications - Betellihem Ghebretinsae
  • Chair of Outreach and Recruitment - Ruth Mulugeta
  • Senator - Ebsitu Hassen
  • SAB Representative - Mahilet Mesfin
  • Webmaster/Historian - Kiana Reynolds

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

As mentioned above, a key part of our event is dedicated to recognizing the academic achievements of ten young minority high school students in the greater Seattle area in our Talented Ten ceremony. We spend months reaching out to high school counselors and principals to recommend to us their stand out students. Once we have chosen these ten students, on the day of our soiree we give students a tour the UW Seattle campus and share with them what it is like attending this university. These efforts are all in hopes of inspiring these young talented students to attend UW.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The Black Student Union has successfully hosted this event in the past. This year will be our 8th annual Legacy Soiree. Our advisers, Reesha Flavors, staff member of the ECC and Brukab Sisay, a UW faculty member, provide guidance, support, and mentorship throughout this process. Jon Solomon is our SAO adviser. We will also be consulting previous BSU executive board members. This executive board has successfully planned and hosted an Art Showcase last October and we plan to use the skills we have learned in the process to this project.

Contact information:

Event Budget Planning Worksheet  
Item Total Cost Requested Funds Source
Venue $910.00 $1,000.00 ECC SDEF Co-Sponsorship (+taxes and fees)
Kentes 350    
Frames 100    
Plaques 350    
Total $800.00 $800.00 ASUW special appr. ($750)+ GPSS Div. ($50)
Band $1,050 $1,050 BSC($300) + GPSS Special Allocation($750)
Keynote $1,750 $1,750 CSF + ASUW Special Appr.
Decorations $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo
Programs $500 $500 ECC SDEF Co-Sponsorship
Photographer $500 $500 UW Alumni Association
Performer $250.00 $250.00 GPSS Diversity
Program Total $7,560 $5,050  
Recycling Bins $130 $200 GPSS Diversity (+taxes and fees)
Dinnerware/Table Cloth      
Catering $3,564    
Dinner Total $3,694    
TOTALS $14,948.98 $7,050.00  
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Safiya Bansfield

BIOSWALE UW: San Juan Basin Regional Green Stormwater Infrastructure Facility

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $106,200

Letter of Intent:

Dear Campus Sustainability Fund,

Our interdisciplinary team of University of Washington students, faculty, Miller Hull built environment design professionals, and KPFF engineers would like to share with you this LOI regarding a proposal to create a new on-campus regional stormwater treatment facility.

This San Juan Basin Regional Water Quality Facility, which KPFF is currently working with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) and the University of Washington to design would serve a basin of ~34 acres which consists both of University-owned land and CIty right-of-way, discharging to a 42 inch UW-owned storm outfall to Portage Bay. Runoff from the existing basin is currently untreated, and future development within the basin would only exceed thresholds for onsite stormwater management (OSM) – not water quality (WQ) treatment. KPFF is in the process of quantifying pollutant removal of OSM and WQ treatment in a comparable way to illustrate that the benefits of a regional WQ facility would provide immediate, ongoing, and measurable benefits far beyond those of OSM. The proposed regional facility will be located just upstream of the existing outfall; a flow-splitter will be installed on the existing stormwater conveyance system, diverting flow to an abandoned concrete flume historically used in conjunction with the teaching lab for civil engineering classes. Bioretention soil, plants, and necessary infrastructure will be installed within that flume.

The creation of this new campus regional stormwater treatment facility in concert with the new Health Sciences Education Building offers a synergistic opportunity to grow transdisciplinary campus involvement around the interconnections of environmental and human health and well-being and deepen interdisciplinary sustainable campus research and education opportunities.. Key stakeholders in this project include the University of Washington, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Department of Landscape Architecture (L.Arch), Miller Hull, KPFF, and Seattle Public Utility (SPU).

Our core project team includes Professor Amy Kim who as a faculty adviser will be responsible for overseeing sampling, analysis, and CEE student researchers. Erin Horn, PhD student of Dr. Kim, will play a large role in sampling, analysis, and supervision of undergraduate researchers. Undergraduate researchers will present their work at the annual UW Undergraduate Research symposium. Dr. Jessica Ray, CEE, will also advise, bringing expertise on selective removal of contaminants in stormwater with low-cost composites. Dr. Brooke Sullivan, will serve as a faculty liaison in the Department of Landscape Architecture for the project and will oversee a Research Assistant for 2019-2020. The RA will also serve as a course TA and will be responsible for collating the results of the course, data and design/management solutions, into a white paper demonstrating the role the new facility played in student education in ecological design and planning. Chris Hellstern, Miller Hull, brings extensive experience in sustainable architecture including two certified Living Buildings. Puja Shaw, PE, will be the civil engineering project manager and will be responsible for coordinating with UW students and staff, permitting agencies, and the project design team while also overseeing the technical design of the facility. Kara Weaver will be the landscape architecture project manager and will work with UW students and staff, permitting agencies, and the project design team to help integrate the facility into its campus context and to develop soil strategies and planting palettes. KPFF and Miller Hull will invite students to project meetings, offer office visits, conduct building/site tours, provide internship opportunities, and speak about the project in classes.

This facility will serve as an ongoing resource for students in the Department of Landscape Architecture who will be provided with the opportunity to assess existing conditions, develop conceptual design alternatives and participate in long-term monitoring and adaptive management. Designs will be required to facilitate at least one of two potential program elements by developing conceptual plans for 1) growing edible plants, and/or 2) for growing native plants to remediate water quality issues. During Spring 2020, through LArch 463, Ecological Design and Planning (~50 students), an inaugural cohort of will be introduced to the site and the project. Students will have the opportunity to work with GGN and Kara Weaver PLA to develop design alternatives, which will further provide opportunities for students to network and expand their understanding of professional practice in ecological design and planning projects.

Regular water quality sampling at the bioswale intake and output will be performed with subsequent analysis to characterize stormwater pollutant profiles and bioswale treatment efficacy. Stormwater pollutant profiles will consist of analyses of trace organic compounds, trace metals and nutrients (e.g., ammonium and phosphate) which are commonly found at elevated concentrations in stormwater runoff in urbanized areas. Stormwater pollutants will be quantified and characterized using advanced analytical instrumentation in the CEE analytical center, the Department of Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Facility, and the Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute. If a reduction in contaminant load is necessary, the CEE graduate student will apply low-cost pyrolyzed biomass product (i.e., biochar) as a soil amendment to passively absorb trace contaminants in stormwater runoff. The biochar will be prepared using a portion of compost food wastes from UW cafes and dormitories, and characterized under the supervision of Professor Ray who has experience in the required surface chemistry and materials characterization techniques.

The project will also be shared broadly with undergraduate students in CEE through integration into existing courses such as CEE 429 (Sustainability in Building Infrastructure) taught every year by Dr. Kim.

Thank you for your consideration of this exciting project! Please find a brief overview of our prospective timeline and budget below, with additional detail available upon request.


  • Construction scheduled to start Summer 2020


  • Material (KPFF + Miller Hull) overall permanent material cost * 50% = $48,500
  • L.Arch graduate student~ $6,600
  • Water filters (capital investment) = $10,000
  • WQ testing = $1,000
  • Equipment = $1,500
  • Lab supplies = $1,000
  • CEE PhD student, 2 summers 2 credits ~ $25,000
  • Two CEE undergraduate students, 100 total hours each~ $11,600
  • Conferences- partial support for 2 years at AASHE or similar = $6,000

Preliminary Estimated Total ~ $106,200

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Erin Horn

Preserving Natya UW

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

This proposal is for Natya UW, a competitive Indian classical dance team, and is written by their treasurer Sowmya Magham. The primary goal of this team is to preserve and share traditional Indian culture with not only our university but across the nation as well. As a competitive team, we travel twice a year during February/ March to other universities across the nation, and accordingly, our expenses pile up quickly. Unfortunately, recently one of our members had to step down from our team due to the high financial burden (travelling expenses), so this funding would be extremely beneficial in allowing our current and new potential members to continue their passions without any financial stress. Losing a team member took a huge toll on this team and it would be quite devastating if we lost more members due to financial matters. As pop culture and modern styles are increasingly overpowering the classical Indina dance style, Natya aims to preserve and spread the true beauty of this traditional art form. The dancers of Natya are highly passionate about this team and each member dedicates nearly 10 hours per week towards practice which occur as early 7AM an as late as 11 PM. Due to a lack of funds we often practice in any open areas on campus rather than dedicated practice rooms, and as a student-run team, dancers have to balance logistical work as well as academic workload. Recently, the team has also gained nationwide recognition- we have placed 2nd twice and 3rd once nationally within the past two years, and these achievements marked our first national standings ever. At such a peak time for the team, this funding would be a great motivating factor and validate the team’s efforts in preserving this art. 

This funding fits the criteria in multiple ways. Starting with sustainability, this fund would immensely preserve Indian traditional culture and simultaneously help the team spread awareness by easing travel and performance expenses. It would greatly help a dying culture stay alive and thrive while also igniting passion among other fellow students. Furthermore, each year we tend to buy cheap quality costumes in hopes of reducing costs, but this funding would allow us to invest in greater quality material, thus reducing the amount of waste we generate due to our costumes. Additionally, instead of using plastic bags for our dance anklets, the team would be able to afford woolen bags, which would reduce our use of plastic while ensuring that the anklets stay in good condition.

Regarding student and leadership involvement, the team is completely student run. The various titles on the team include, President, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer and Social Chair. The rest of the team is split up among various committees regarding choreography and music compilation. The president supervises the entire team and ensures that everyone is participating. The treasurer is in charge of securing funds, managing the checking’s account, and tracking all financial transactions. The public relations officer helps promote all events/fundraisers of the team to help spread awareness, and the social chair coordinates all internal meetings/team-building events.

As for education, outreach and behavior change, Natya would use this funding to travel to more competitions and perform more on campus to spread cultural awareness. Just last year, so many more people became aware of this art form, and in order to further engage the community, Natya needs financial assistance, of any amount, to secure venues and pay for travel expenses.

This project is quite simple and feasible- with the money; Natya will be able to further the spread of the art form. We have all of the tools to do so except the financial stability to travel, which occurs in February and March. We are a dedicated team of dancers who are willing to give it their all to help Natya persevere and thrive not only on the UW campus but on campuses all across America. The amount of $1,700 would mean each girl on the team would save $170 this year- it would mean that each girl on the team could travel for $170 less. With this sum of money, Natya could go above and beyond, and reach its full potential without hesitation.

Thank you for taking your time and reading through this proposal. Natya really appreciates your efforts and interest in preserving our traditional Indian culture. Below is a timeline of how we will use our funds.

Date Description
OCT  2019 - Apply for competitions

- Use $200 towards either: 1) purchasing higher quality material by spending $20 more on costumes, or 2) purchasing new jewelry woolen bags

NOV 2019 - Hear back from competitions

- Choose two competitions 

DEC 2019 - Pruchase airline tickets using remaining funds of $1,700
FEB/MAR   2020 - Travel and compete!
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sowmya Magham

Self-compassion workshop pilot for first year students who are also parents

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,500

Letter of Intent:

Our goal is to develop online content for the UW First Year Programs website that shares information about self-compassionate parenting in the transition to college. Content will be focused on parenting skills supportive of self-compassionate responses to challenges, grounded in the three core components of self-compassion: mindfulness, connection to a common humanity, and self-kindness. Specifically, we seek to address the following two aims:

Aim 1. Material development. In partnership with University of Washington students and parents, we will develop a single session group behavioral intervention for parents of entering undergraduate students that addresses parenting behaviors supportive of student self-compassion in the transition to college.

Aim 2. Pilot evaluation. Conduct a pilot effectiveness-implementation evaluation of the materials. Mixed methods data collection will be employed, with all parents completing pre- and post-session surveys, and a subset of parents participating in qualitative interviews about their experience. Data will inform subsequent adaptations and broader dissemination and evaluation. We will use this data to determine whether adaptation to different formats (e.g., online delivery for parents unable to attend the in-person Parent Orientation) is appropriate.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: LeAnne Jones Wiles

Trauma informed mindfulness training

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,250

Letter of Intent:

The UW Center for Child and Family Well-Being (CCFW) has invited David Treleaven to facilitate a one-day workshop on trauma-informed mindfulness practices. David is a writer and educator working at the intersection of mindfulness and trauma who has worked with universities including University of California Los Angeles, Brown University, University of Massachusetts, and University of California San Diego. Through workshops, keynotes, podcasts, and online education, David focuses on offering mindfulness providers with the knowledge and tools they require to meet the needs of those struggling with trauma. His work comes from research based on making mindfulness safe and effective for people who haveexperienced trauma, as well as his own lived experience. This training is timely to the University of Washington as the university has seen an increase in student demand for mental health service provision and access to care. From Fall 2017 and Fall 2018, the Counseling Center saw a 70% increase in the number of students seeking a crisis counselor.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Megan Kennedy

eBook of the stories and experiences of students of color at UW

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,450

Letter of Intent:

Our project aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals of good health and well-being, quality education, reduced inequalities, and peace, justice, and strong institutions. Mental health is important and is challenging to prioritize when in school, as other responsibilities seem to take precedence. We want to share these stories to uplift students and let them know that they are not alone when they experience challenges or setbacks that impact their education. We want to help students spread positivity, understanding, community, and most importantly, support. In addition, all students are deserving of a quality education and a big part of learning how to cultivate quality for students is to hear from them. Stories are data, and they are key to piecing together the whole picture of how students of color navigate the University of Washington. This can in turn help the University see where and how there is room for improvement. Improvement can then lead to reduced inequalities.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Erica Mullett

Healing spaces heat map

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $750

Letter of Intent:

The proposed method to address this question is to create a heat density map highlighting where people identify as a healing space for them on campus. I want to administer a mapping survey where students, faculty and staff are able to identify places on campus where they seek refuge during the work/school day, before and after their time spent here. This type of survey data can then be aggregated to create a specific map. I will also aim to ask questions for how people are using the space itself. This will give UW facilities some indication around what's being done in a particular space, the frequency of use and why it's significant to certain people. This survey could also be administered over the course of an academic school year, or seasonal cycle, to identify where individuals seek refuge during particular seasons. If students, faculty and staff indicate being inside for a large portion of winter, we could make the move to combat seasonal depression by improving lighting, life in a space and the feeling of an indoor space to be more healing as indicated by biophilic design philosophy.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kaleb Germinaro

Diversity Includes Disability

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,390

Letter of Intent:

The project will bring people together at an event where it's safe to share opinions, generate ideas to improve the campus culture, and learn new concepts. Since the existence of disability is a normal part of the human experience, and most of us will be impacted by disability in our lifetime (in ourselves, our family, our friends and colleagues) the project seeks to embrace both the common humanity and diversity around us. The events, knowledge base article, and supported replications will further campus understanding of disability identity and that diversity includes disability.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Scott Bellman

QTPOC Healing in the Outdoors

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,000

Letter of Intent:

This project aims to provide a safe healing space as well as a space to strengthen community for Queer and Trans people of color (QTPOC) through a 2 night 3 day camping trip in the North Cascades National Park. Queer and trans people of color have been historically excluded from spaces such as the outdoors and through this project we aim to connect the QTPOC community with the outdoors. Many studies have shown the incredibly positive emotional and physical effects that being outdoors has--especially in places like the North Cascades-- on someone's health and wellbeing. Access to the outdoors is incredibly exclusive and only easily accessible by certain groups such as wealthy white families and particularly white cis men. Within the Queer community we face oppressive structures day to day and often that is physically and emotionally exhausting. The idea of chosen family with the Queer community, especially the QTPOC community is incredibly important and for many the QTPOC community is their chosen family. Being outdoors and being able to step back from our daily lives can be incredibly grounding. We will engage in community building and healing activities such as day hikes, reflective journaling, edible native plant lessons, and other naturalist activities. The aim of this project is to provide a place where members of the UW QTPOC community can come together, heal together, and build community with each other. Overall this trip is meant to be grounding and reflective and ultimately helps in connecting members of the QTPOC community to the outdoors.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Reb Zhou

Capillaries: The Journal of Narrative Medicine

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,574

Letter of Intent:

Capillaries works within the genre of narrative medicine, a movement which invites healthcare providers and patients to reflect on their experiences using writing and art and to develop appreciation for the inherent humanity in all people. We are expanding awareness of and participation in narrative medicine at UW, encouraging undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff -from all departments, not just in medicine -to share their stories with us. Since February 2018, we have worked towards reducing the stigma against discussing mental health, shame, disordered eating, suicide, sexual assault, and our most vulnerable and often silenced experiences. We have also sought to uplift the voices of populations marginalized by our fractured healthcare system by collaborating with the Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research, and Practice (CHSIE), the UW School of Medicine's Narrative Medicine Interest Group, and the Seattle-King County Clinic. Thus far, we have produced four quarterly publications, each with more pieces submitted than the last. This increase in submissions indicates the need for a permanently available space to engage with narratives of diverse healing processes. We look forward to serving as this much needed space in the 2019-2020 academic year. We will be gathering stories for Autumn 2019, Winter 2020, and Spring 2020 publications and will share these narratives with the greater community through an updated website, print copies of the journal, and at our quarterly open-mic events.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alice Ranjan

Capillaries: The Journal of Narrative Medicine

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,574

Letter of Intent:

Capillaries works within the genre of narrative medicine, a movement which invites healthcare providers and patients to reflect on their experiences using writing and art and to develop appreciation for the inherent humanity in all people. We are expanding awareness of and participation in narrative medicine at UW, encouraging undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff -from all departments, not just in medicine -to share their stories with us. Since February 2018, we have worked towards reducing the stigma against discussing mental health, shame, disordered eating, suicide, sexual assault, and our most vulnerable and often silenced experiences. We have also sought to uplift the voices of populations marginalized by our fractured healthcare system by collaborating with the Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research, and Practice (CHSIE), the UW School of Medicine's Narrative Medicine Interest Group, and the Seattle-King County Clinic. Thus far, we have produced four quarterly publications, each with more pieces submitted than the last. This increase in submissions indicates the need for a permanently available space to engage with narratives of diverse healing processes. We look forward to serving as this much needed space in the 2019-2020 academic year. We will be gathering stories for Autumn 2019, Winter 2020, and Spring 2020 publications and will share these narratives with the greater community through an updated website, print copies of the journal, and at our quarterly open-mic events.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alice Ranjan

Many Voices: A Storytelling Toolkit for Community-based Oral History Projects

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,675

Letter of Intent:

This project will utilize low-cost and open-source technologies such as the Raspberry Pi single-board computer and near-field communication to create a modular interactive exhibit for use by oral history projects. Inspired by other community-based oral history kiosks, this project will expand on their work to create a ready-to-install software package with accompanying modular kiosk designs so that any oral history or public history organization can create an interactive exhibit that features their work with very little monetary investment.

The kiosk will be designed with equity in mind, from wheelchair accessibility and transcripts, to braille and sensory considerations. Its modular design would allow for a degree of mobility to assist with outreach at libraries, schools or conferences. As part of our prioritization of accessibility, we will aim to lower the technical knowledge requirements necessary to reproduce and maintain this model, creating a software package that is not only easy to access, but easy to use. The digital package will be made freely available online, including the core Raspberry Pi operating system image, plans for a kiosk and a manual.

This will be the first phase of a larger project planned at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, exploring new ways to share narratives surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Development Site and peoples affected by plutonium processing, including radiation exposure during production, storage, and purposeful releases into the atmosphere. For decades, communities across Washington and worldwide have been affected by the radioactive materials processed at Hanford. From the downwind farmers, Indigenous tribes of Eastern Washington and Hanford Site workers, to those affected by bombs containing plutonium refined at Hanford that were dropped in the Marshall Islands and Japan, the stories of peoples affected by radiation provide valuable lessons about ethical science, environmental conservation, and public health crises. Creating new venues to amplify these voices can help promote healing and understanding, as well as the missions and educational goals of the Burke Museum and the University of Washington.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Dillon Connelly

Mapping for the Wellbeing of UW

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $750

Letter of Intent:

The project is going to be dope. Being able to better understand how folks at UW use space, and especially what elements and factors within a space draw them to use a particular space can tell us a lot about the ways in which UW can strive to be more healing. Through research we know and understand how valuable nature and place are, and we don't know what is important to the people using UW's campus quite yet.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kaleb Germinaro

Resilience and Urban Sustainability in Public Writing Partnerships

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

UW-Seattle's Expository Writing Program (EWP) helps prepare over 5000 students each year with critical literacy, research, writing, and communication capacities that are essential for successful participation across the academy and in public life. Our program seeks to help students engage in writing as a means of social action; develop ethical communication practices; and understand and be responsible for the consequences of language use for diverse communities. Building on our program's longstanding history of engaging undergraduate students in public and community-based writing courses, we will develop and pilot courses that engage the City of Seattle's Race & Social Justice and Equity & Environment Initiatives. These public writing courses will ground conversations on urban equity and environmental sustainability within collaborative writing and research projects, some of which will be co-designed with local organizations working to address various interrelated issues, such as housing affordability, environmental justice, education, food security, and transportation in Seattle. Developing the creative and critical problem-solving capacities required to respond to such public problems calls for tremendous resilience and emotional strength, as well as interdisciplinary academic knowledges and other wisdoms. Our pilot coursework will be designed to help support such capacities. Our team also plans to offer a workshop for the UW teaching community on our collaboration.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Candice Rai

Neah Bay Telling Our Stories: Imagining Our Futures

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

This collaborative project is built on a longstanding partnership between UW's Pipeline Project and Neah Bay Elementary School and has been developed to address a community-identified need. The result is an exciting project that will focuses on encouraging Neah Bay students to envision their futures. The goal will be to not only have Native students see themselves pursuing higher education, but learning, as early as fifth grade, of career paths that could ensure their being able to live and thrive in Neah Bay after graduation. The 2019-2020 UW Team is made up of predominately First Nation students who wil be leading this project.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Christine Stickler


Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

The RepairCycle is a mobile, on-the-spot garment mending service and experience that brings the UW (and Seattle) community together around the universal aspect of clothing--offering a functional service while creating connection and dialogue through a shared activity. By empowering creative and easy-to-learn mending skills, we are working to transform our local community's relationship with clothing. Ultimately, we believe that garment repair is not just a viable option, but should a delightfully designed experience.

Circular Textiles: There is no straightforward way to recycle textiles. The result is one garbage truck of textiles wasted every second, or 92 million tons of solid waste dumped into landfills every year. Disrupting this wasteful cycle and a disposable mindset means taking a long, hard look at the psychology of fashion. Simply put, we need to invest in services and skills that empower us to wear and enjoy the clothing we already own for longer. Which inevitably means, catalyzing a culture of garment repair.

Transforming Trailer: The RepairCycle bicycle trailer is the foundation for service and events. The cart's interior is a simple box with a sturdy floor that can fit a variety of configured elements. The trailer's top unfolds to provide ample, collaborative mending and learning space. The hinged cabinet on the back of the of the trailer detaches, offering room to display educational and event materials, as well as easy-to-access materials storage.

Upcoming Events: Generous support from the UW Resilience Lab Seed Fund will sponsor our 2019-2020 RepairCycle tour and brand. The team will host repair services & creative mending workshops at events across all three UW campuses, the 2019 Seattle Design Festival, and King County sustainability events.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Coreen Callister

A Retreat to Build Faculty Capacity for Mindful Leadership

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,999

Letter of Intent:

This initiative brings together a group of College of Built Environment (CBE) faculty to explore the relationships and synergies of three themes that inform our theory and practice--resilience and well-being; systems thinking; and biophilic design--as a potent means by which to enrich CBE faculty, pedagogy, and students in not only what our students need to know, but how their learning process reflects these interrelated concepts towards greater compassion. Building from insights gained through our course pilot this Spring, and as part of the Well Being for Life and Learning (WB4L&L) faculty community of practice, we look forward to engaging interested CBE faculty in collaboratively developing, applying, and reflecting on approaches.

We emailed all CBE faculty an invitation to participate and held an information meeting about the project. Interested faculty are responding to a Catalyst survey, and we hope to draw faculty from across the College's five departments. This group will co-create a three-day faculty retreat (up to 10 people) at UW's Friday Harbor Labs on San Juan Island this September to:

  1. better understand and find common ground among each other's disciplinary framing of these concepts;
  2. explore results from the UW WB4L&L Spring Course Pilots and models of well-being and resilience practices from other universities;
  3. experience and reflect on affordances of different environments for active learning and fostering well-being;
  4. create a framework of approaches to incorporate into our Autumn courses.

We will meet early, mid- and post-Autumn quarter to share findings, successes, failures, and next steps. Students enrolled in these courses will be asked to share feedback through optional Catalyst surveys. Our process and findings will be shared across the College and with the UW Resilience Lab, and we aim to explore potential for continued development within CBE.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Julie Johnson

Indigenizing Urban Seattle Podcast

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $861

Letter of Intent:

Indigenizing Urban Seattle is a podcast that contextualizes Indigenous environmental knowledge and resiliency from an urban Native lens. It serves as a platform to amplify urban Natives' voices and perspectives in the environmental discourse. We focus on urban Natives currently residing in Seattle--a hub for urban Native resiliency, environmental activism, and solidarity movements.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jessica Hernandez

Women in Applied Mathematics Mentorship Program (WAMM)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,400

Letter of Intent:

WAMM is a student-run directed reading program that pairs undergraduate women interested in a mathematics-related field with Ph.D. students from the Applied Mathematics Department at the University of Washington. The pairs meet every week over the course of a quarter to work through a project decided upon during the first meeting based on the mentee's interest. Projects typically involve a combination of reading texts or papers to learn new mathematical ideas, analytical work done by hand with pencil and paper, and numerical experimentation using a relevant programming language. In addition to their project material, participants are encouraged to discuss with their mentors other topics such as potential career paths, the graduate school application process, and what graduate school is actually like.

To promote a sense of community among the women in our program, we host and/or invite participants to a set of informal, but academically-oriented social events throughout the quarter including study halls and departmental "tea time". The program culminates with a mini-symposium wherein the undergraduates give short presentations on what they learned and accomplished during the quarter.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Micah Henson

Resilience and Compassion @ Odegaard Pop-Up Events

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $700

Letter of Intent:

The "Resilience and Compassion @ Odegaard Pop-Up Events" will engage students in forming community around compassion and resilience, diversity, equity and inclusion, and holistic student wellness. The proposed event series will have a different focus each quarter that ties directly to the theme of resilience, compassion and sustainability:

  • Fall Quarter 2019: Resilience and Compassion @ Odegaard: Student Digital Wellness
  • Winter Quarter 2020: Resilience and Compassion @ Odegaard: Student Wellness and Equity
  • Spring Quarter 2020: Resilience and Compassion @ Odegaard: Student Wellness Resources for Personal, Local & Global Sustainability, in collaboration with UW Student Life partners.

Each pop-up event will include interactive activities (making, crafting, reflection), community-building (conversation starters, encouragement cards, interactive whiteboards), food, and companion resources like book displays and referrals to campus student services. This proposed event series will be done in collaboration with students, with opportunities for student leadership built in to each event

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Emilie Vrbancic

Carbon-Labeling Initiative

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $495

Letter of Intent:

Small Project SEED Grant


The goal for this project is to begin a carbon-labeling initiative at the University of Washington which would bring awareness to the campus community about the environmental impacts associated with the food agriculture business and allow for people to make more environmentally conscious decisions with their food consumption habits. The Mini-Grant Seed Fund would provide money to make brochures and posters to handout and display throughout campus food stores and dining halls with an estimated amount of CO2 emissions and water intake it takes to produce particular food products. These brochures and posters will also be printed from a company (GrinterPrinter) that prints with 100% recycled material and works with to offset their carbon emissions from shipping. With this information available, we could allow the community to find more ways in their day-to-day life to make more environmentally sensitive decisions and learn to leverage our power as consumers to show support for sustainable, less carbon-intensive practices.

This idea of carbon-labeling was brought to public eye mostly by a law school professor at Vanderbilt named Michael Vandenbergh. His research shows that consumers greatly underestimate that amount of emissions that comes from food. For example, in one study conducted people were asked to estimate the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of different food products in comparison to a lightbulb. The study found that people consistently underestimated food impacts on emissions. Carbon-labeling could help correct these misconceptions and this is critical to creating more productive individual green action. Significantly, Californians use 1500 gallons of water per person per day and almost half is associated with their consumption of meat and dairy products. And, animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than the combined global exhaust from all transportation.  If people had more awareness of their carbon footprint with they eat meat and dairy, I believe many people would make an effort to consume less in the hope to lower their footprint. The United Nations University released a report stressing the importance of switching to a more plant based, less carbon intensive diet and quoted from the World Wildlife Foundation’s sustainable food policy officer- Bridget Alarcon- who claims, “Our LiveWell project has shown we can cut a quarter of our climate emissions from the European food supply chain by eating more pulses, fruit and vegetables and by reducing our meat consumption. National governments should improve food education to encourage healthy eating habits and environmental sustainability as a first step.” However, if we start the charge for carbon-labeling here at the University of Washington, we do not need to wait for our National Government to educate and spread this awareness for us. As a powerful research university with high driven students, I believe we can make powerful change within this community now. 

If response to the carbon labeling posters and brochures are positive, a long-term goal would be to expand our outreach by creating an RSO dedicated to promoting more official carbon-labeling initiatives within the campus and the Seattle area. To gage the feedback and responses from our posters and brochures, we will provide a scannable QR code that will reference people to a quick survey where members of the community can provide us feedback to the carbon-labeling information. 

The group working to jumpstart this project will be assisted by Professor Jessica Holmes who works within the English Department. She will be a vital tool helping us determine the rhetoric that is powerful for people to receive from our brochures and posters. In addition, she is extremely knowledgeable in the topic of Environment Humanities so she has experience and passion for sustainable education. She supports our group, Zach Murphy, Chris Olsen and Denise Devlyn to make this project possible. Zach and Chris are students within the Civil Engineering school so they have practice planning and creating projects and Denise is a student within the School of Oceanography and has knowledge of the effects of CO2 of our environment. To help create the brochure, Dustin Mara, a current graphic design student, has agreed to work with us to design brochures and posters. Our plan is to finalize our outreach materials and have them ready by the start of the 2019-2020 school year so we can start the new school year with the project set into place.


Finalize Research for Project...…..…………………………………………………...November 2019

Create Posters and Brochures………………………………………………………December 2019

Print & Administer Brochures and Posters…………………………………………January 2019


50 Posters……………………………………………………………………………………$120

500 Brochures……………………………………………………………………………….$350


……TOTAL:    $500


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Denise Devlyn

Steam Condensate Reclamation - Feasibility Study

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $400

Letter of Intent:

This mini-grant will be used to fund a portion of a larger feasibility study regarding the use of reclaimed water on campus. With support from UW-Facilities and the department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, I have spent the last eight months determining the feasibility of reclaiming steam condensate from the campus utility tunnel system. The University has 8.5 miles of subterranean tunnels that serve every building with steam, chilled water, electricity, compressed air, and IT cables. The tunnels have a drain system that collects and conveys the water that is generated as condensate from the steam pipes (formed through humidity or via leaks) as well as groundwater that infiltrates the utility tunnels. Currently, the water is collected through a pipe system and is discharged into the sewer system or the SPU storm conveyance system. Through targeted renovations, it may be possible to reclaim a portion of this water and use it for various services including irrigation, cooling tower, dust control, and, notably, as fill water for Drumheller Fountain.

The use of this water would have several sustainability benefits for the University as well as major policy implications. The University would decrease its water use, sewer loading, and waste discharge into Lake Washington – reducing carbon emissions, CSO contributions, and pollutant loading into local water bodies. To my knowledge, groundwater has not been used as a reclaimable water source. Groundwater collection is subject to water rights permitting, but managing incidental groundwater collection is the responsibility of the land owner. Therefore, the groundwater infiltrating the utility tunnels would be considered incidental; in theory, it could be reclaimed and repurposed, which would be unprecedented.

The overall feasibility study is investigating the use of this reclaimed water for Drumheller Fountain. Over the course of this study, I have evaluated the existing Fountain and tunnel infrastructure, determined the local hydrology and annual water table levels, identified city and state codes that could govern the use of this water, detailed treatment requirements, presented several construction options, detailed the financial and environmental benefits of the renovation, and drafted an education & outreach plan. In addition, I have been managing a longitudinal study on the water quality of Drumheller Fountain – measuring weakly pH, conductivity, nutrient concentration, algae content, turbidity, and presence of Daphnia (a small crustacean that is indicative of mesotrophic and eutrophic water bodies). This research has been supported in-kind by the Lakes Lab in the CEE department. With the water quality data from Drumheller, I will be estimating the possible impacts of adding the reclaimed water to the Fountain. I would be happy to share this document with the Campus Sustainability Fund once completed.

One of the last stages of this feasibility study will be to analytically determine the chemical composition of the reclaimed water. We have preliminary data on the chemical additives that the Power Plant puts into the steam system (non-toxic polymers to prevent pipe scaling and microbial growth), but we need to know the minerals present in the groundwater. I will be collecting a one-liter sample of the drain water during the week of April 22nd – 26th. We would like to analyze this sample collected from the underdrain system for the following elements: arsenic, barium, chromium, lead, copper, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and iron. We plan on running the samples on the Inductively-coupled mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) owned and operated by the CEE department. The Lakes Lab has made several in-kind financial contributions to this project (materials, equipment, technical support, etc.), but I would like to use my own funding for the use of the ICP-MS. The feasibility of using this water is dependent on the chemical composition, and the treatment system will be designed based on the relative concentrations of these heavy metals (if they are present).

There are four financial components for this research: the cost of acquiring a standard for the ICP-MS (a sample with known concentrations of elements), several centrifuge tubes, the rental time for the ICP-MS, and staff time for operating the machine. I am also requesting a small contingency (~10%) as a safety factor for additional equipment, time overruns, and other unexpected costs. All unused funds will be returned to the CSF. Through conversations with the CEE administration, the best method for using these funds would be “option 1” noted in the AARF form – charging our expenses against a CSF-assigned PCA code. Please see the AARF form for the CEE budget code. In total, I am requesting $400, which has been itemized on the attached budget sheet.

The sample analysis will commence upon approval by the CSF. I am targeting a completion of this feasibility study by the end of May (before my graduation). My feasibility study will be presented to UW Facilities, the CEE department, the UW Green Building Subcommittee, and other entities that are determined applicable.  I would gladly present this effort to CSF as well. For future student involvement, I plan on involving a junior-level CEE student to continue communication with UW Facilities. The education and outreach components of this funded project will coincide with the section included in the overall feasibility study. The portion of this project funded by CSF will not have any additional components after the one-time analysis; there will be no ongoing costs for maintenance or support.

Although research projects are usually not supported financially by the CSF, I believe this project is an exemption. If it can be shown that the groundwater and condensate mixture is reclaimable, there will be far-reaching impacts for the University and for state-wide water policy. The University could retrofit the underdrain system to collect the water rather than discharge it, using the water for irrigation, an auxiliary source for Drumheller, or a whole host of other non-potable options. Given the short timeline of this project, I have elected to apply to the Campus Sustainability Fund rather than an R&D program because I believe this project supports the requirements, preferences, and overall mission of the CSF.


Thank you for your consideration,

Alex Ratcliff

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alexander Ratcliff

Pac-12 Sustainability Conference Student Registration Funding

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $490

Letter of Intent:

See attached documents

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alexa Schreier

Khmer New Years Show 2019

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $560

Letter of Intent:

Sustainable Impact:

  1. Reduce waste and consumption (reduce carbon emissions at the point of production)
  2. Engaging the Khmer community and involving the Khmer community both on campus and off campus (incorporation and collaboration with environmental activists)
    1. Start of a ripple- to reconnect our roots with the environment that we have lost
  3. “Venerable Prenz Sa-Ngoun and I have been discussing the idea of exploring environmental issues in the Khmer communities here in the Pacific Northwest. For me, environmental issues includes topics like environmental/public health, social and emotional wellness, connecting to the land and our food, and so much more. Prenz began with teaching the grandmas at his temple about reducing plastic bag use (yay, re-useable bags) and I have been at Mt Baker Village teaching residents about how to sort out their waste properly and reduce how much we are collectively sending to a landfill. Our interests have merged into this idea - សាធុ (Sadhu) for Green - to engage young Khmer people, their families, our community in awareness and action for environmental wellness. My hope is that by approaching "environmentalism" with cultural pride and a justice-oriented lens, we will push the boundaries of the environmental field, and foster healthy homes (inside and outside) for our Khmer community.

Leadership & Student Involvement:

  1. NYS is a student run event that anticipates up to 700 guests
  2. KhSA members and officers make the body of the sustainability committee, and other leadership organizing teams for this event
  3. Student volunteers will assist in food distribution, set up, and educating people on sustainability by guiding proper waste disposal (will have volunteers stationed at trash bins, responsible for refilling water dispensers

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

  1. (see above volunteers)
  2. Raising consciousness and awareness about waste production and how to develop accountability with small steps
  3. Encouraging the use of bringing water bottles to refill at water stations (unlike previous years with water bottles and soda cans) - also healthier with juice alternative

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

  1. To start a legacy of sustainable and have that continue in future years
  2. Inspiring sustainable practices among other people
  3. Very easy to implement, just need the funds to purchase equipment

Budget and exact numbers are included in the Excel document, our budget administrator will be emailing his part as well.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Andrew Chhor
Supplementary Documents:

Taiko Kai Spring Concert

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Taiko Kai's third annual Spring Concert aims to provide a cultural and educational experience for individuals of all backgrounds through musical performance. Taiko Kai at the University of Washington is a Japanese drumming club that was founded in 2013. Led by students, the club teaches individuals how to play and perform taiko (drums) and various narimono (percussion). The club has grown into a 30-member performing ensemble and is one of the only groups on campus to perform Japanese art. Because of its ever-increasing size and musical ability, Taiko Kai saw the need to put on their first spring concert in 2017. This year, Taiko Kai is continuing the tradition with its third annual Spring Concert. The main goal of our Spring Concert is not just showcasing taiko skills that members have learned this year, but creating an opportunity for members to plan and participate in a formal performance that will share Asian cultures with UW students and the general public. With so many members, it is difficult to involve all of them without a performance of this scale, making this event a vital part of keeping members engaged with learning the art form.

Taiko Kai has decided to bring some focus to environmental sustainability with our event this year. Each year, we advertise to the student body, and this year will be no different. However, we will be using some strategies to try to lessen our environmental impact. Our biggest change will be the introduction of a digital program. We will still have some physical copies of the program at the event, but we will strongly encourage people to view the program on their phones instead of using the paper copy. We will also be giving out compostable plates and silverware as is required with any snacks that we sell. We will assign someone to ensure that the waste is disposed of in the correct bin. Finally, we will have digital promotional materials like flyers to give digital information about the event.

Taiko drumming is a really interesting and detailed art form originating sometime around 600 C.E. that continues to be an important part of Japanese culture today. Traditionally, taiko was used to accompany theater performances such as Kabuki or Noh, or to perform in ensembles such as gagaku. In 1968, Seiichi Tanaka founded the San Francisco Taiko Dojo which brought taiko to America for the first time. Since that day, Tanaka-sensei, his students, and other incredible players from Japan have cultivated taiko's presence in America. The variety of taiko that Tanaka-sensei brought to the U.S. is known as kumi-daiko ("group drumming"), which was first created in the 1950s as a modern development of taiko for performances outside of traditional settings. This arrangement of taiko is heavily influenced by modern music genres and is thus more relatable for an American audience while maintaining its history. Taiko Kai is proud to be a group in Seattle that can continue the span of this beautiful art form. We work very hard to teach our members everything we can about taiko and share this art with audiences in the UW community and general Seattle area.

Taiko Kai is a club that is completely student-run. We are composed primarily of undergraduate students and therefore must prepare experienced members for the roles that they will need to step into teaching in upcoming years. Our leadership team is re-elected every spring for the following school year, and they decide the direction for the club for upcoming years, making the club's well-being a priority. One of the biggest responsibilities of the leadership team is coordinating learning schedules for members, whether it is practice led by students or a workshop taught by a local or visiting taiko professional. Another large responsibility is coordinating with local events and groups about hosting performances by Taiko Kai. These leadership roles give the leadership team great opportunities to solve problems and work with external organizations.

Our club is committed to educating the next generation of inspired drummers, and we work on a weekly basis to fulfill that goal. However, there are only a couple of performances through the year where the players perform for an audience in a formal performance setting. Thus, the annual Spring Concert plays an important role in the timeline of our club. It allows players who are striving to improve their technique to work toward an "end goal," or a target that will motivate them. This year, more advanced members have even been able to compose and teach songs themselves to share at the concert. This performance is a culmination of the year that allows members to work through the difficulties in keeping up with a time schedule and being actively aware of their complete role in setting up and preparing as well as performing. Without this concert, there would be a lot less excitement building through the year, potentially leading to a lot less member retention.

This will be the third Spring Concert for Taiko Kai, so the club is confident in its ability to successfully execute this performance. After performing at dozens of events over the years and beginning coordination for this event even before the start of the school year, Taiko Kai is positioned very well to have an enjoyable, successful Spring Concert. The addition of the Campus Sustainability Fund would greatly help the club afford this concert and allow the club to open up its budget to pressing concerns about equipment and costumes.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Taiko Kai

A Green New Deal: Panel Discussion

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $750

Letter of Intent:

The Sustainable Impact of this project will be focused on social sustainability and engagement, as this project is a panel discussion on the potential impacts of policies from a Green New Deal (summarized in the bullet points below). The panel will discuss what types or policies may be implemented at the federal and state level and how that may affect our state funded university and campus sustainability plan. For example, during this legislative session here in Washington State there are three bills that address clean energy infrastructure and transportation, energy efficiency in the built environment and environmental justice for front line communities. Part of the discussion may include how these state policies or others like them at the federal level may impact our campus sustainability plan and communities here Washington.

The goals of the Green New Deal are:

  • to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers;
  • to create millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States;
  • to invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century;
  • to secure clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all people of the United States for generations to come; and
  • to promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, de-industrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth.

The Leadership & Student Involvement of this Project is founded on student collaboration between Green Evans - the environmental student RSO for the Evans School of Public Policy, student members of the Climate Justice Caucus of the Graduate Student Union UAW 4121 and UW students of the Seattle Chapter of the Sunrise Movement. The project is focused on providing an inclusive space for other students on campus to find out about the Sunrise Movement and how they might get involved with creating a more sustainable future for their communities. We see this event as an opportunity to engage with the Ethnic Cultural Center, students of color and student RSOs who may not see themselves as environmental justice activists, but whose communities have historically been disproportionately impacted by social, economic and environmental inequities.

This panel discussion on the Green New Deal is strongly focused on outcomes of Education Outreach and Behavior Change. It will educate students about the intersecting social, economic and environmental issues addressed by the Green New Deal and give students a sustainable framework to understand the challenges we face as a society if we want to create a more just and healthy world. It will engage students through outreach with opportunities to get involved with the Sunrise Movement and the fight for a more sustainable future. There are many levels of involvement for students interested in becoming active in this movement over the next year as Sunrise organizes events to #Change The Debate on climate change. Students will learn how behavior change in our political system can be impacted and transformed by youth activism as the Sunrise Movement and the youth movement in Europe are showing the world.

Feasibility, Accountability & Sustainability Last year, members of this group successfully organized a much larger town hall event in Kane Hall about the I-1631 carbon fee initiative and the history of carbon policies in Washington state more broadly. GreenEvans has a faculty mentor we can call-on if needed, and we have already been in touch with our RSO advisor Christina Coop. Also, we intentionally decided to have this event in a smaller space than Kane Hall (for ~100 people) to make sure we have the capacity among our group members to support this event given that it is just a few weeks away. We will track attendance at the event via sign-in with a laptop into a Google form to understand what majors and departments participated. We are also considering an online exit survey before people leave to gather basic information about the impact of the event.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Namrata Kolla

2019 Global Leadership Summit

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $840

Letter of Intent:

Summary of project proposal:

The societal problems we face transcend sectors and disciplines, and while businesses and organizations are well-positioned to solve them, they need responsible leadership. Unfortunately, the future situations students will find themselves in are ambiguous and difficult; determining what’s best for all stakeholders is challenging. The solution is not simply teaching students about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, but it also entails giving them hands-on experiences with creative problem-solving about leading responsibly.

This is why we four students, Ben Weymiller, Emily Menz, Nabilla Gunawan, and Ricky Perry with support from the Global Business Center and Foster’s Certificate of International Studies in Business program (CISB), have formed a planning committee for the Global Leadership Summit on April 24th. Its purpose is to convene a campus-wide dialogue on CSR and sustainability in different sectors, and provide practical creative problem-solving experiences for students. A campus that doesn’t speak to these issues in a sustained and comprehensive way is letting its own students down by not properly preparing them for a present and future that demands, if not depends on, greater social responsibility and sustainability in leadership.

The Summit will focus on responsible leadership in socially-responsible business, public health, cross-sector collaboration, and cultivating change in your future career, all in a global context. Through its workshop and panel format, the Summit will provide a space for UW students, the Seattle community, and other curious learners of the Pacific Northwest to engage with real-world cases and discussions on topics related to leading responsibly and sustainably in the world. The element of leadership we believe most fundamental to enacting change is the willingness to learn from everyone and everything, and help others do the same. In the end, the mission of our summit is about helping students become hands-on learners in the field of CSR and sustainability so that when they face ambiguous situations or companies with dubious corporate governance, they can act responsibly and teach others to do the same.

Briefly explanation of how the project will meet the requirements and preferences of the CSF:

Environmental Impact

This kind of public education can have huge implications for how our students come to act mindfully as future leaders, to unite a more and more ideologically polarized world. Students going into public policy, research, business, and health organizations can catalyze change in their roles that help mitigate and heal our environment. With responsible leaders in our government, corporations, and research institutes, these entities can be more easily enlisted in improving community health, green tech innovation, and ending global hunger. Moreover, students who attend the summit and get involved with environmentally-minded RSOs as a result of mingling at the reception or working together in the workshops will go on to strengthen their RSO’s projects and create a more sustainable campus. 

Student Leadership & Involvement

Any project or change that has progressed in history surely hasn’t come about through one person. Teamwork is a prerequisite for achieving lasting change and is a product of its members’ willingness to serve, learn, and lead. The Summit’s primary student leaders are Ben Weymiller from the Certificate of International Studies in Business program, Nabilla Gunawan from Net Impact UW, Emily Menz from ReThink UW, and Ricky Perry from Husky Global Affairs. Surrounding these individuals are the members of their RSOs and the programs they represent. It is our belief that the summit’s success rests on the involvement of students from all disciplines on campus. It was a student’s idea that bore the idea for this summit just last year, and it has been student energy and consultation that has evolved the idea to its present state, a tradition that will surely carry on in the years to come.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The Summit will quite possibly be students’ first step in engaging with and discussing sustainability and social responsibility in a global context. The Summit offers the very practical experiences that teach students, hands-on, how to become learners in complex and sensitive fields so that when they face ambiguous situations they can act responsibly and teach others to learn how to do the same. The strategies and experience developed through this project will thus continue to help students in serving their communities.

Several learning goals the planning committee has for the students that attend the Summit are to:

  1. Grow students’ awareness of ethical and healthy business and environmental considerations in an international context through experience and practical application
  2. Build students’ creative problem-solving ability through cases and discussions that span different cultures and national contexts
  3. Connect students from different backgrounds to different RSOs and campus organizations that strive to continue the conversation through real-world applications

Collaborating with diverse groups at UW and leveraging cultural and ideological differences is important to producing an event that serves the many sub-communities in our world. The planning committee’s members came together in part because they believe they can conduct outreach and engage with UW’s diverse sub-communities and RSOs, and in doing so, make this less of a one-off event, and more of a catalyst for change.

Changing behavior is difficult; we are, after all, creatures of habit. Notwithstanding this, the Summit seeks to take students down one step of the way in a learning process of how to effectively advocate and express their ideas for sustainability and social responsibility. Each student will bring their own background and beliefs to the event, and all we can hope is to spark a conversation with them and encourage them to continue it the next day and the day after that.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

Each planning committee member has experience with outreach, large event planning, and a familiarity with the Summit’s key concepts of social responsibility and sustainability in global leadership. Be it through planning the Global Health Business Case Competition, or curating insightful and engaging speakers for club meetings, it is our collective experience that has guided and will continue to guide our efforts and ambitions for the Summit.

While we each hold each other accountable for our commitments and action items, we still have regular check-ins with our mentors at the Global Business Center (Theresa Maloney), and Certificate of International Business program (Deanna Fryhle), with Theresa being our main contact helping with logistics and administrative support. We also look forward to working closely with CSF staff if awarded a small grant in order to ensure funds are used properly, as well as to share any ideas on how to improve the Summit or post-event efforts.

Institutionalizing the Summit and its values is the very task students who attend our discussions and Summit will be charged with when they go on to advocate for responsible leadership in their own organizations. This being the second year the Summit has been held, it was the vision of the first student planning committee to institutionalize this event for generations of students to come. After bringing this event back and creating infrastructure for it to continue, the goal of this year’s planning committee is to adapt the way the Summit is planned allowing for the content to be curated specifically around the present needs of the student body for any given year.

Estimated Project Budget

Total Planned Expenses: $2,640

Non-Food Related Expenses: $840

  • Venue Fee ($140)
  • 6 Poster boards (2 for advertising,41 for day-of-event details) ($210)
  • Catering of Food and Drink for 150 people ($1800)
  • Parking permits for speakers ($100)
  • 20 color tabloids ($150)
  • Student photographer ($90)
  • Digital advertisements (150)

Project Timeline

  • Student Planning Committee Meeting Timeline (Thursdays 10:30 -11:30)
    • Weekly from 10/24 to day of the event
  • Advisor Planning Committee Check-in Meeting Timeline (Thursdays 12:00-1:00)
    • Weekly to biweekly from 10/24 to day of the event
  • End of November - First wave of reaching out to speakers
  • End of January - Solidify Speaker list
  • Present - Finalize speaker list and event format, supplement weaker panels with UW subject matter experts
  • 3/20 -  Finalize logo and promo materials
    • Listserv blurbs, quarter sheets, full-size posters (print and digital)
  • 4/1 - Finalize Facebook event page and make public
  • 4/5 - Increase Outreach Efforts
    • Share and promote the event on Facebook
    • Deliver quarter-sheet handouts to advising offices and desks
    • Contact school listservs (GBC, JSIS, etc)
    • Connect with points of contact on other campuses
  • 4/1 - Add RSVP google form to Facebook event and promo materials
  • 4/15 - Finalize Volunteer List
    • Set-up, Room Leads, Clean-up
  • 4/24 - Global Leadership Summit (Manage Day-of Logistics)
  • 4/29 - Send out Feedback surveys to Volunteers, Participants, and Speakers
  • 5/2 - Planning Committee Meeting to assess efforts and determine a path forward for next year
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ben Weymiller

Taiko Kai Spring Concert

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Taiko Kai’s third annual Spring Concert aims to provide a cultural and educational experience for individuals of all backgrounds through musical performance. Taiko Kai at the University of Washington is a Japanese drumming club that was founded in 2013. Led by students, the club teaches individuals how to play and perform taiko (drums) and various narimono (percussion). The experienced students pass on the movement and the style that was taught to them to continue the expression of this artform in the UW area. The club has grown into a 30-member performing ensemble and is one of the only groups on campus to perform Japanese art. Because of its ever-increasing size and musical ability, Taiko Kai saw the need to put on their first spring concert in 2017. This year, Taiko Kai is continuing the tradition with the third annual Spring Concert. The main goals of our Spring Concert are not only showcasing taiko skills that members have learned this year, but also it is an opportunity for members to plan and participate in a formal performance that will share Asian cultures with UW students and the general public. With so many members, it is difficult to involve all of them without a performance of this scale, making this event a vital part of keeping members engaged with learning the artform.

The primary performers of Taiko Kai’s 2019 Spring Concert will be members of Taiko Kai. The show will feature three other Asian drumming ensembles: Dekoboko Taiko, Seattle University Hidaka Taiko, and UW’s Hanwoollim (Korean drumming). The event will be open to the UW community as well as the general public to attract a variety of audiences. The other drumming groups will not be paid, they are friends of our club and we enjoy helping and including each other in our events.

We will begin promotion at the beginning of spring quarter (4/1/19), using paperless strategies like online videos and banners as well as flyers and posters to garner attention in the UW community. We will table outside the HUB to promote our show from then until the event, selling both student and adult tickets. While we promote our show in the weeks leading up to the big day, we will be preparing goods to sell at the concert. These include Taiko Kai buttons, stickers, and t-shirts, as well as homemade treats like mochi. We will have a dress rehearsal at our venue, Kane 130, on Saturday, April 27, 2019. This will give performers a chance to be on the stage. The following day, Sunday, April 28, is our concert which will be 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

Our club will have to pay Kane Hall for the two reservations (rehearsal and performance), which will cost $2430. We are also expecting to pay ~$450 for printing costs of promotional material and audience material. The grant would be used to help us afford Kane Hall and some of the printing fees.

With your help, we would like to continue the tradition of the Taiko Kai Spring Concert in order to facilitate personal growth of members and to promote cultural diversity in the UW student body and beyond.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Hart (Taiko Kai)


Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,250

Letter of Intent:

Presence' Mission:

The mission of our RSO is community building amongst students, around the topics of wellness and balance through the exploration of mindfulness practices. Through individual and group practice of meditation, students will support each other’s practices in being actively aware and focused in the present moment.

The founding of Presence was inspired from our (Ethan and Shelby) time working together at the UW Resilience Lab. We worked with Dr. Anne Browning, Director of the Lab, to analyze incoming data regarding the mental states of incoming freshmen. We discovered that an enormous amount of students struggled with themes of belonging, social connection, and self-esteem. Through discussion, the two of us came to share that we too had personally struggled with these themes as UW students. Furthermore, we came to recognize that both of us had found support during these tough times through our own personal practices of meditation. We shared the experience of using meditation as a tool to better understanding ourselves, as well as exploring how to heal in the face of personal challenges. Presence was born upon the realization that meditation, having been so useful for the two of us, may be useful for other students as well. Having wished that meditation had been more accessible at UW in our time of need, we hope that it now can be accessible for students in their time of need.

Both from personal experience, conversation with other students, and exposure to mental health data at the UW; It has become glaringly obvious how great the need is at our school for students to be able to experience genuine connection and community. We have experienced how meditation inspires groundbreaking inner-clarity and centeredness, and are adamant about building a community that is based upon the same values of transparency and honesty, as well as true-self expression and acceptance. Presence is a place where students can learn from one another's personal experiences and journeys, and inspire personal growth via the support of a student-led, student-run community.

In order to best facilitate our practices as a community of students, the external resources we require are an (1) appropriate meeting venue and (2) access to a meditation app subscription.


Social Sustainability

Forming Relationships; Local university district business owners & UW students:

In a neighborhood that is diverse among many sociological lines, this is an excellent opportunity for community building in the University District. Students are accustomed to staying within the parameters of the UW campus, and encouraging students to venture beyond on their way to the Hatha Yoga Center on 47th will assist students in becoming more familiar with their surrounding community. The University of Washington and small business owners will gain the chance to work with and know each other better, building a more cohesive social fabric between University Street and surrounding campus. A small case-study of the kind of relationships that may assist the University District in revealing commonality and oneness amongst the diversity that has demonstrated at times to be isolating amongst individual perceptions.

Meditation as Preventative Medicine:

Silent practices of thinking deeply and contemplating, have shown to induce relaxation and a sense of inner peace. There have been many studies done regarding mindfulness meditation and mental health, suggesting that it has positive effects on anxiety and depression. For many, meditation is a tool used in coping with minimal to severe anxiety. It has been known to help individuals understand and manage intense feelings such as anger, fear, and such that may have negative effects on one's life. Student run contemplative sessions such as these will introduce self-sustaining emotional healing, and support students in juggling their diverse circumstances.

Accessible (metro buses, off campus housing, on campus housing, walkable):

Hatha Yoga Center is a 14 minute walk from Central Campus, making it an accessible commute from class or studies. For those living on campus in dorms, the commute time is a standard 13 minute walk from both eastern Haggett Hall and southern Mercer Court  (9 minute bus ride using tuition included bus lines 45,71,73, also possible for southern dorm residents). For those coming from off-campus, University Street is a hub for a wide range of bus routes making it accessible for those who commute via metro or light rail. For those who drive, there is street parking, however limited, on a first come first serve basis at an hourly fee. Ethan and I also offer to help transport students if need be.

Diversity: Mindfulness, introspection, contemplation, meditation; whatever you want to call it, can be a useful life enhancing practice in anyone's unique life. That being said, we understand that such practices can fit differently into different peoples’ lives. We recognize that every person comes from a different background, has different experiences, circumstances, demographics, identities. Such factors may play a role in affecting who feels welcome, comfortable, and safe around mindfulness practices. We want to make clear that Presence is a place for anyone and everyone, and aims to present a space that is accessible to all individuals. Furthermore, within the subject of meditation; Presence welcomes all practices, preferences, questions, and attitudes.

Co-op styled structure: We believe a community-run, democratic, honest and transparent organization is crucial maintaining an organization that fosters student empowerment, passion, and belonging. We (Ethan and Shelby) see our roles as facilitators, and aim to encourage fellow students to engage in facilitation and leadership roles as they wish. In structuring group meetings that actively engage members in providing feedback, suggestions, expressing their views, and guiding group meetings, we aim to ensure that each student understands that the organization is existant to represent their wishes as they see fit. This is invaluable in the University setting, as we make space for students to participate in a ‘ground up’ organization in contrast to much of the ‘top-down’ philosophy embodied by many of institutions and classes at the UW. Presence hopes that this model will inspire students to take ownership in their introspective journey, and spread their passion to the rest of the group and all others they may encounter. Presence also abides by the seven cooperative principles of: Voluntary and open membership, democratic management, participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and information, cooperation, and community.

Environmental Sustainability

Green space meditation (perusing in parks, around wildlife, green spaces on campus):

Connection with nature facilitates inner peace & stillness. Being in the presence of the great outdoors reminds us that we are connected with nature and the world at large, not separate from it. In engaging contemplative and still practices in the outdoors, students are provided the opportunity to get curious about nature on their own terms, and gain a recognition for its strong presence in their life. Students gain the opportunity to get more in touch with nature, and to further understand the importance of recognizing the role that nature plays in our lives and our ecosystem. Personal connection and positive experience with the outdoors is the first step in fostering a community which engages in the world both on behalf of their own needs and the intertwined needs of our earth. Additionally, engaging in physical activity also serves to connect us on a deeper level with our bodies, which are often forgotten when sitting in class most days.

Physical + Mental Minimalism:

Mindfulness as a philosophy which explores one’s inner state, students may explore the relationship of thoughts and feelings, mind and heart. They may gain insight into the differentiation as well as relationships, between emotions and thoughts, assisting students in decision backed with genuine contemplation and thought. Taking a moment to breathe, relax, and contemplate will assist students in observing their habits and actions, in so allowing students to recognize which behaviors are serving them and which are not in comparison to their values. Students can recognize internal and external values, beliefs, practices, and intentionally select from there how they would like to proceed. Outcomes of these practices, can include themes of consumerism as hugely a part of our western, American culture. Students can have a better understanding on how actions such as shopping, consuming, etc. has an impact both on themselves, their community, and world at large. Exploring topics of sustaining satisfaction versus instant gratification.

Meeting Space Requirements:

Space must provide students with a welcoming and comforting environment which is conducive for personal practices, such as silent sitting meditation. Academic spaces on-campus at the UW can be stress inducing because they are wholly competitive & busy environments.

A space off-campus is necessary for students to effectively shift away from an academic mindset in order to engage in vulnerable and therapeutic mindfulness practices. To quote a study published by the Springer Journal of Public Health, “Personal control, socially supportive relationships, and restoration from stress and fatigue are all affected by properties of the built environment” (Evans, Gary W. “The built environment and mental health”). Keeping this in mind, we fear that attempting to get students to engage in meditation practices in existing on-campus spaces (HUB, IMA, housing facilities) will be ineffective. Students will be unable to escape the mental busyness and happenings of student life (which often are culprits of stress), which will lead to a lack of club retention, community building and general sense of stillness.

The mindfulness class pass had meditation class series once (hosted in HUB), but decided to discontinue them due to a lack of retention. After speaking with the mindfulness program director, Danny Arguetty, we collectively identified the venue as a potential factor in explaining why students’ attendance rates trickled down.

Pros of off-campus space:

  •     a (physical and mental) “vacation” from academic/campus life
  •     accessible, walkable distance from on campus-housing
  •     ”homey” feel, warm carpet, lighting, quiet space, built for purpose of yoga/meditation practices (not a mixed use space, conversely an established foundation built for mindfulness practices)

(2) Meditation App Subscription: Headspace

Shelby and I have both experienced great success using Headspace, a smartphone app which provides guided meditations, anxiety relief, and student specific “packages”: studying, balancing health & work, etc. Our goal is to provide Headspace to our members to prevent a lack of financial accessibility, which in our experience, is the largest barrier to the use of meditation apps. A student subscription costs $9.99 annually, and this relatively low cost would enable us to provide 25 members with this access. The use of this app would also help build community within the club itself, as you can add meditation “buddies” (other users of the app) to see and view each others’ meditations and activity. Members will provide us with a receipt for reimbursement.


Presence Budget through Spring Quarter 2019 (1/28-3/15 and 4/1-6/7)

Item Unit Cost Units # of Weeks Total Cost
Meeting Space: Weekly Hourly Rent $35.00 1.5 hours 16 $840
Headspace- Meditation Subscription $10 25 people Subscription covers a full year $250
Total Cost       $1090

We are asking the Campus Sustainability Fund for $1000 to cover our expenses.

After evaluating several off-campus options, we settled on Hatha Yoga Center on the Ave & 47th. We have developed a great relationship with the owner, Ki, and her studio is able to provide all the necessary fixtures for a meditation practice (soft carpet, cushions, blankets, speakers).

Accountability and Feasibility

A close relationship with Danny Arguetty, the mindfulness director, will continuously provide us with guidance and support with regards to our club structure and with what’s been successful with students in the past.

We are excited to move forward and get our club rolling!

Thank you for taking the time to read this over and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Ethan & Shelby

Presence Co-Presidents

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ethan Jone

Matsuri 2019

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $999

Letter of Intent:

Matsuri, which means "festival" in Japanese, is the Japanese Student Association's annual event where we showcase the diversity of Japanese culture with Japanese food, games, and performances. We have put on this event for more than 10 years, offering a place where the greater Seattle community can connect with each other through the rich culture of Japan.  Along with the many foods that we sell, we create a lot of waste in the form of plates, utensils, napkins, and water bottles, among others. As a culture, Japanese society has increased its efforts to protect the environment through more efficient waste management and better technology to reduce resource consumption. To reflect this, the Japanese Student Association would also like to take the initiative to make our event and our attendees more aware of the environmental impact. As a student led event run primarily by the officers in the RSO and other student volunteers, we hope to begin making this push for a more sustainable event for this Matsuri and all future Matsuri's to come, and through this funding we hope to significantly reduce waste on campus at our 700 attendee event. Not only that, we really strive to educate both our staff and our attendees through volunteer orientations and allocating more volunteers to monitor waste disposal to ensure that all of our new biodegradable ware will be properly disposed.

Although it will be a challenge, we are confident that by working with the HUB and through our own careful planning and budgeting, we will be able to eliminate all plastic waste at our event. Regarding the specific uses of our funding, we plan to utilize our funding on the following based on last year’s spending. Firstly, we will primarily focus on biodegradable tableware and utensils, which we estimate will cost us $800 to purchase the necessary utensils to serve all the guests at the event. This comprises of forks, knives, spoons, flat plates and cups for cold and hot drinks. In addition, we will focus on getting water dispensers to eliminate plastic water bottle waste, which we estimate will cost us $200 to rent. With any remaining money, we will focus on creating signage for the event to help people correctly dispose of their waste during the event which can be reused for all of our future Matsuri events. We will be in touch with our Student Activities Office Advisor to start organizing our orders as soon as funding is approved and hope to confirm orders by latest mid-April.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Nana Yamagata

Habitat Snags Outreach: Increasing the Urban Forest Health on Campus

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington has been creating more and more snags out of fallen trees in the past year. Grounds Management has added ~15 snags since we hired a new arborist to handle the tree work on campus. Adding snags (standing dead trees) to the landscape adds a substantial amount of ecological benefits. Snags (dead wood) provides new life to habitat. They provide food for many wood boring insects and mammals such as ants, beetles, and woodpeckers. The cavities within this dead wood make great nesting habitat and living quarters for woodpeckers, red squirrels and many other species of birds, bats and insects. When a tree dies it has only partially fulfilled its potential ecological function.

However, snags can be unsightly to people who do not understand their benefits. We would like to continue this trend of adding snags to the landscape and to change people’s perception about them by adding signage to increase their knowledge of its benefit for society. The signage will all be made out of salvage wood from the salvage wood program and will say:

‘When a tree dies it begins its second life as a snag. Snags aka standing dead wood provide habitat for thousands of living organisms such as insects, birds, and small mammals. Snags are a natural part of a forest ecosystem that are rarely available in an urban forests. Grounds Management has implemented a new program to provide habitat snags throughout campus, *this sign was constructed using salvage wood from the salvage wood program and funded by the Campus Sustainability Fund.’

Each sign will cost $100. We will put ten signs in front of some of the most visited snags on campus.’


Thank you for your consideration!


Michael Bradshaw

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Bradshaw

Reusable Containers in Dining Halls

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $40,000

Letter of Intent:

Our project intends to bring reusable to go containers to dining halls across campus at UW Seattle. This project is being headed by students and leaders of SEED, with support from professional staff. To begin, we would like to use the grant money to start a pilot program to introduce the idea at a smaller scale in only one dining hall in autumn quarter of 2019. This provides an opportunity to see the potential benefits and problems to overcome and give us a good start for expansion into a more comprehensive system.

University of Washington prides themself on being a leader in sustainability. As SEED, we feel that one of the next steps to move forward in sustainability is introducing reusable rather than compostable containers in our dining halls. As of now, with over 45,000 students plus staff, we are creating enormous amounts of waste with to-go containers. Even though the containers are compostable, the sheer amount of compost can be hard to manage. In addition, 50% of the garbage in HFS housing is compostable material according to the 2018 Waste Characterization Study, and one can assume dining has similar levels of contamination. The large amount of contamination in garbage creates two problems. First, it increases the price HFS has to pay to remove all student waste, because compost and recycling do not have a cost attached for removal, while transport to a landfill costs the school. Second, disposable products use up energy and resources, and, if they are not disposed of properly, there is no benefit of seeing them turned into a new product after use. Instead, they only contribute to a growing landfill. The best option is to attempt to reduce this waste before it enters the waste stream, and to do so, washable, reusable containers should be offered as another alternative to go container. Other universities have successfully created a system for reusable containers in their dining halls, including Washington State University, UC Merced, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The containers we would like to use come from a company called Ozzi. The containers are already designed and the process for getting containers distributed is established, there is minimal work for the university in order to start the program on campus. The Ozzi system works in the following way: a student pays a small fee (in the range of $2 to $5) and receives a clean container. The student then uses the container to store and eat food. When the student is finished, they place the container in the Ozzi machine so the barcode can be scanned. The container is deposited into the machine and the student is given a token. This token can be used by the student to receive another to-go container. Thus, the student only has to pay one time for unlimited access to containers throughout the year. When the containers are deposited, HFS staff take them back to clean them along with the rest of the cutlery and dishes. We would purchase the following products: two (2) Ozzi machines in Center Table, 2,000 - 3,000 containers (these can be in a wide variety of formats - the pilot program would include the standard, single-entree clamshell), 2,000 tokens, 10 boxes of liner bags, 4 OZZI carts (used to transport the used containers). This will cost approximately $40,000. We hope to purchase the equipment and have staff trained so we can begin the program at the start of autumn quarter 2019.

The idea for this project was initiated by members of SEED and is being lead by Luke Schefke, Director of Communications, and supported by the rest of the executive board. They saw this as a way to reduce waste produced on campus and reduce UW’s contribution to emissions. We have already gained strong support from our partners in HFS, including Clive Pursehouse, Torin Munro, and the rest of the Sustainability Committee who are willing to assist and direct SEED in our efforts as we work towards implementing this system. SEED will also have a large influence in the education of introducing this system, with plans to create posters, have an event with tabling and demonstrations in the dining hall, and have members stationed by the machines to explain the program.

We are applying for a CSF grant because HFS, our community partner, has a mostly predetermined budget. With funding from a grant, this would allow us to see how a system such as this would function, so HFS feels secure in taking a larger financial commitment in the future. The amount that we are requesting would cover the price of the machines, containers, tokens, liner bags, and carts. It would not cover any maintenance or utilities costs, but this is not expected to be significant and can be covered through other means (SEED funds of HFS rebudgeting). By providing this grant, the Campus Sustainability Fund can support a program that improves sustainability across UW and help create a sustainable habits in students for years to come.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Luke Walter Schefke

Sensol Systems: Phase 1

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $100,000

Letter of Intent:

Imagine you are a student, it’s a dark and damp rainy Seattle night... you are tired from studying all week and are hurrying to get home. You step out into an ordinary crosswalk at the corner of a sharp bend in the road. A car swerves to avoid you, as you are nearly invisible in the darkness. This story and many like it show the importance and necessity of safer crosswalks. Our project idea stems from this need and desire to make commuting by foot, bike, bus, or car as safe as possible.


This project draws on interdisciplinary expertise and creativity in developing luminaire crosswalk pavers powered by kinetic energy to sustainably and innovatively improve safety at the University of Washington (UW) Seattle Campus. Ultimately, we want to implement the highest performing prototype to the most dangerous crosswalks on campus to keep students safe. Addressing the UW’s Campus Landscape Framework objective of creating connections across the “mosaic” of the Central Campus, this prototype will improve circulation through an iconic landscape, create a unique experience, increase safety, and create opportunities for collaboration between students and industry partners. The primary project team includes masters and doctorate students from the College of Built Environments and College of Engineering (throughout the phasing process, more team members will be added, including undergraduates).

Optimization of infrastructure is a traditionally complicated endeavor. Collection, transmission, and distribution are common obstacles to utilization of revolutionary renewable energy. By directly integrating energy collection into the object it powers, these obstacles are overcome and the system is much more efficient and accessible to consumers. Microgenerators harnessing kinetic energy are in development and could be used to power paver luminaires, improving safety and visibility without depending on the power grid. Additionally, the implementation of this project would create an opportunity to improve stormwater management at intersections throughout campus. (Future phasing of prototypes might integrate stormwater detention mechanisms that can manage runoff and improve water quality in surrounding bodies of water).



Our prototypes promote renewable and alternative energy by creating an off-the-grid kinetic energy mechanism that runs the LED pressurized systems during the low-light to dark hours of the day.


Thinking long-term, we are hoping to create a prototype that will be marketed to all of the UW campuses and the city of Seattle, particularly in marginalized communities.


A culture of road safety for all modalities should be created. Pedestrians are as entitled to safety mechanisms as drivers or bicyclists.


We are advocating for student involvement at every point and every level of the project. It is a student run team that is designing for students. We are inclusive, always willing to include other disciplines and expertise. We are proposing a phased strategy that will provide students the opportunity to engage in project development, business planning, and product fabrication.


Behavior change: Providing luminous circulation and connection throughout the UW campus, regardless of weather conditions or damage to the grid, will likely help pedestrians feel more secure and independent, while cyclists and drivers will be alerted to movement around them.

Outreach: This project will provide the student team first-hand experience in product development, fabrication, and implementation. It will support the efforts of the university to improve the campus’ experiential qualities; update, control, and maintain campus lighting; and ensuring that campus users feel safe. As these concerns are currently addressed separately by the Campus Architect, Operations, and Police Department, a consolidated and self-sustaining response would aid in honing their work.

Education: Students will be exposed to unprecedented sustainable technology applications and the learning opportunities that come with its operation. Additionally, the larger UW community will act as a testing ground for revolutionary infrastructure. The system will need to be inspected and maintained, this too will provide data collection and technology optimization opportunities. This project also builds on the Campus Illumination Roadmap previously supported by Campus Sustainability Fund, and could be included in their research.


The project team would engage with the Office of the University Architect, the Campus Engineering and Operations Office, and UW Faculty from the College of Built Environments. There is also potential for engagement with Seattle City Light.

Funding would be invested in developing prototypes of our product. The project team would fabricate as many components as possible, but may need to reach out to local manufacturers of structural glazing systems.


The implementation of this project includes building and testing multiple physical prototypes which we estimate to be $100,000. The budget components are detailed below:

  • Electrical/Computer/Controlling backbone components: $10,000
  • Mechanical/Chemical hardware infrastructure: $50,000
  • Lab/test instruments: $10,000
  • Structural glazing and frame system: $30,000


Our phase one of the project is planned to be carried out and completed in one year.
Within this year there are three phases:

  1. Technical studies: Currently underway. We will continue this phase until final project approval and if need be, into the prototyping phase to ensure the highest levels of performance in the prototyping.
  2. Prototyping/Testing/Troubleshooting: This phase is planned to be initiated upon the approval of the proposal and the fulfillment of necessary financial supply. This phase is expected to be completed within six months from the start, with all the prototypes tested and evaluated under real operation conditions, and the highest performing one selected for campus implementation
  3. Implementation: This phase will likely pursue a later funding cycle due to the complexities of construction and implementation. During this phase, we hope to work with UW Facilities and Seattle Offices.


Janie Bube (Master of Landscape Architecture)

Emilia Cabeza de Baca (Master of Architecture)

Martha Hart (Masters of Urban Planning)

Arman Rahimzamani (PhD in Electrical Engineering)

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lorenzo Guio

Ethnoforestry: Applying and integrating a new model of ecosystem sustainability on campus

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $70,000

Letter of Intent:

Summary of Project

UW’s Olympic Natural Resources Center (ONRC) has been developing and implementing a project focused on the new discipline of ethnoforestry throughout this academic year through a CSF grant. We would like to submit a letter of intent for one more year of funding to continue and expand current projects as well as develop new ones. Throughout this year, the Ethnoforestry project has gained traction and captured the attention of people across campus, creating new partnerships and pushing the boundaries of our understanding of sustainability. Ethnoforestry uses a new model that incorporates both community and environmental wellbeing together in order to achieve sustainability. Through this effort, we have reached out to the UW community and beyond to understand ways we can improve both the wellbeing of our campus and the region. With one more year of CSF Funding, we hope to capitalize on this momentum to engage even more people across campus for this interdisciplinary project.

Throughout this year we have been establishing ethnoforestry garden beds in partnership with UW Grounds and the Intellectual House. What started as a way to integrate some ethnobotanical plants into our campus green spaces has developed into a project with a much larger potential scope. The Intellectual House supports our concept of expanding to many beds across campus, each highlighting tribes from a different region across the state with direct input from tribal students. We would like to use future CSF funding to collaborate with tribal students to determine which plant species they would like to see representing their tribe, install those culturally significant plants in campus garden beds, and organize harvesting events where both tribal and non-tribal students would be able to participate in this applied ethnoforestry work. This would create more opportunities for restoration, volunteer engagement, and creating inclusive spaces where all students can learn in a hands-on and applied way.

As interest in this project continues to spread, we would like to use funding to conduct formalized interviews with UW students, both tribal and non-tribal, to understand ways students respond to and their interest in ethnoforestry. Having a better grasp on the needs of the UW community will inherently help us develop a model of sustainability that meets them. This will ensure that all voices from across campus are heard.

Finally, we would like to use funding to build upon our current work. We would like to expand the number of culturally important plant species being studied and grown at the Center for Urban Horticulture both in the greenhouse and at our raised beds where we are currently working to grow bare root style plants. Additionally, we would like to host workshops at the new ONRC plant nursery being installed in late Spring 2019. This would bring together UW students and the tribal community to learn from one another and grow cultural keystone plant species.

Sustainable Impact

This project will absolutely enhance the sustainability of campus. By expanding our ethnoforestry garden beds, we will be able to highlight culturally important plants from tribes across the region. This will provide a tangible space where all tribal students can see a piece of their home represented on campus, a space that also sits on historic tribal land. Additionally, these campus green spaces are often overrun by invasive plant species. By creating ethnoforestry garden beds, we will remove these plants and replace them with native species that can serve an important ecosystem function. Finally, by conducting student interviews, we will be able to better serve and enhance the experience of all students on campus.

Leadership & Student Involvement

This project has, and will continue to be, a totally student driven effort. If awarded, the grant will be used to fund a Research Assistant (RA) position for a graduate student in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Each quarter, the RA will take on interns who will be able to have a more in-depth and intensive involvement in the project as well as receive credit for their work. The RA will also host capstone students who are interested in answering key ethnoforestry questions. In addition, the RA will offer consistent work parties to generate opportunities for students to get involved.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

Instead of focusing on a formal and classroom based education, we will showcase how ethnoforestry can be directly applied. All students that participate will be learning from this process and can apply it to their own work. We have been growing a consistent volunteer base throughout this year and expect that it will continue if we received funding for next year. This has shown us that there is a need for this type of work on our campus. We anticipate that as students continue to learn from the project, there will be direct benefits and behavior changes.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

We have worked hard to lay the groundwork for this project throughout this year. We absolutely believe that is necessary and feasible. We have received support from UW Grounds, the Intellectual House, SEFS, and the College of the Environment’s Deans office. These groups have provided guidance and feedback, helping to keep us accountable and improve our work. We believe that with one more year of funding we will be able to expand our efforts, creating a wider reaching and more inclusive project that inherently changes the way we understand sustainability.

Project Budget

We are requesting $70,000 for this project. This amount would include funding for one Research Assistant position for the 2019-2020 academic year, supplies and signage for our ethnoforestry garden beds, plant production supplies, and transportation to and from the ONRC nursery. We expect to use funds from Fall 2019 through Summer 2020 with the completion of the project scheduled for end of Summer 2020.

Contact Information

Courtney Bobsin

Bernard Bormann

Frank Hanson

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Courtney Bobsin

Native Greenroof Sculpture

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $5,720

Letter of Intent:

Originally developed for the mercer court site, Native Green roof Sculpture has since expanded beyond its original site, with an intention to find a more site-specific location to maximize its overall effectiveness and impact. With this in mind, I am applying for a feasibility study in order develop important information on site location, and ecological /design consultation.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Luke Armitstead

Native Gardens at UW Farm

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $9,155

Letter of Intent:

Total Funds Requested from CSF: $9,155.00

Submitted by: Kamaka’ike/Natalie Bruecher, student and Perry Acworth, UW Student Farm, manager

UW Farm

The University of Washington Student Farm (UW Farm) is a student-run farm with three different growing spaces on campus. The proposed project would cultivate native gardens at a vacant growing space at the Mercer Court farm site, (plot 4.0) and renovate a permaculture planting at the Center for Urban Horticulture.

At UW Farm, our mission is to promote the study and practice of urban agriculture and sustainability. With this proposed project, we are working to incorporate food sovereignty values into our vision of sustainable agriculture. This directly addresses social and environmental aspect of sustainability.

Wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ - Intellectual House

The Intellectual House is a longhouse-style facility that serves as a multi-service learning and gathering space for American Indian and Alaska Native students, faculty and staff. The purpose of the Intellectual House is to increase Native American students’ success at UW by preparing them for leadership roles in their tribal communities and the region.

Project Description:

The proposed project will be a collaboration between the UW Farm and the Intellectual House as well as other Native American groups on campus and in the community as we work together to design and plant two gardens of indigenous plants with significance in native food traditions.

Food Sovereignty is defined as “the inherent right of a community to identify their own food system”. As one step towards food sovereignty for the UW community, we hope to help create spaces where students, staff, faculty, and community members can learn about, grow, and consume traditional foods. While the details of garden planning and future events will be driven by our campus and community partners, we envision this project will incorporate educational events, community gatherings, art and storytelling. This project will be a collaboration between UW Farm staff/interns/volunteers, Native student groups on campus, staff and faculty partners, tribal Elders and community members. Campus and community partners will determine the specific design for the native garden.

UW Farm and the Intellectual House will meet with campus partners to discuss the development of this project, and to identify students interested in taking on a leadership role related to organizing and sustaining this project. We then plan to host tribal Elders at a larger ceremony, celebrating the creation of this space. When plant species are chosen, they may be purchased from the Society for Ecological Restoration Native Plant Nursery and local nurseries and seed resources.

Requirements and Preferences:

This project will contribute to biodiversity and restoration by reintroducing native plant species to the UW campus at two of the UW Farm’s growing sites. It will specifically focus on the reintroduction of edible and medicinal plant species, addressing social and environmental sustainability and issues related to food security.

This project will focus heavily on student leadership. UW Farm employs several student workers each year. The farm will hire a Native Garden Liaison position to work directly with members of the Intellectual House. The Intellectual House is able to hire students for Native Garden work. We plan to engage with Native American student groups on campus and envision this space to truly be student-created and led.

This project will focus on engaging Native American campus and community members to share knowledge, stories, song, and tradition among generations. The Native Gardens will also be the site for larger educational events that could bring in students from all backgrounds to learn about food sovereignty, indigenous foods, food security, social sustainability and the history of the Puget Sound land and peoples.

UW Farm has met with partners at the Intellectual House to discuss the feasibility of this project. With the Intellectual House and UW Farm’s ability to devote funds to hire student leaders, we can ensure commitment and continued work on this project in the future. Cultivating gardens on UW Farm’s space also ensures continued maintenance by UW Farm staff and student volunteers.

Timeline and Budget:

  • Spring 2019: Submit LOI to CSF committee.
  • July 2019: Hold community meeting/ceremony with tribal Elders and on-campus project partners. Lunch provided, gifts provided to Elders. Estimated attendance: 15-35 people. Activities - Storytelling, Educational activities, Initial site designs for Mercer Court plot and the improvement/renovation of the permaculture site at CUH. Estimated cost: $350
  • August & September 2019: Finalize garden designs, signage, educational content for websites, plan harvest and cooking events, educational materials design, production and harvest timelines, procurement of plants, purchase of hardscaping materials. Estimated cost $2,700 signage, educational materials, website update, $975 hardscaping, $400 plants
  • October & November 2019: Students, volunteers, farm manager and Intellectual house members install native gardens and signage at Mercer Court and CUH. A kick-off event will be held during Dawg Days with storytelling at the Intellectual House and tours of Native garden sites. Estimated attendance, 35-55 people. Over the following 8 weeks, the UW Farm will host 8 work parties to complete the work. Estimated attendance: 50-75 people.Estimated cost: Planting and installation $0.00. Storytelling and harvest event at Intellectual House $550, Harvest Event at UW Farm’s, Farm to Table event, $500.   
  • Ongoing, post project completion: Continued involvement of community partners and UW Farm students/interns/volunteers to maintain the garden spaces. Ongoing community events, medicinal and crop harvests and meals, that allow students involved in farming and sustainability to connect with and learn from Native People and learn about the cultivation and significance of indigenous foods. Estimated exposure due to the website information, permanent signage, annual work parties and harvest events: 40,000+ people Estimated cost: Future garden maintenance, plantings and activities will be absorbed into regular seasonal production for the UW Farm and Intellectual House programming. $0.00

Total Funds Requested from CSF: $9,155.00

  • Native Garden Liaison: 10 hrs./week during Summer and Fall quarters (23 weeks @ $16/hr.) $3,680
  • One-time purchase of materials: $5,475



Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kamaka’ike/Natalie Bruecher, Student Lead Intellectual House

UW-APL Clean Propulsion

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $28,350

Letter of Intent:

Summary of Project Proposal

The UW Applied Physics Laboratory is asking the Campus Sustainability Fund for $28,350 to purchase an electric propulsion system from PureWaterCraft with hydraulic steering controls.  Funds from this grant will be used to bring a new technology into the UW APL which we could not do without being awarded a grant or contract specifically requiring it.  Optionally, a system supporting smaller hulls could be purchased for $19,850 if the committee prefers.

An Applied Physics Laboratory student team, working with Engineers from UW APL and PureWaterCraft, will design a mounting and control system which will allow the motor and battery pack to move easily between a multitude of hulls.  A RHIB install will be set up for transport to remote locations for rapid deployment in fragile environments.  The control systems will enable remote or autonomous control of the vessel for future research and development of autonomous systems which will be used for future student projects.

Both hulls will be clearly marked UW APL and Electric Drive Research or some other indication of alternative energy to encourage outreach.  Photos of these boats will be included in project write ups and publications which will get broad distribution.  These boats will be seen often while operating around the Seattle waterfront and Lake Washington.  

CSF funds will be used to purchase the propulsion system from PureWaterCraft.  UW APL will supply a hull for the project.  UW APL will also fund the student time for the project and individual engineers will donate the mentoring time for the installation and system test.

The UW APL is a leader in AUV development and use which requires many launch and recovery operations from small boats.  APL Field Engineers and student helpers operate vehicles that navigate underwater using acoustics that are sensitive to noise in the water.  The virtually silent propulsion system from PureWaterCraft will be ideal for tracking and recovering AUVs while the absence of exhaust makes life better for the students and Field Engineers in the boat at slow idle or station keeping waiting for a vehicle to surface.

The UW APL averages 65 Field Projects around the world every year and employs 45 students.    

Brief Explanation of how we meet Requirements & Preferences:

Sustainable Impact - Environmental Sustainability

As a leader in Arctic research UW APL operates small boats in the most fragile environments in the world, locally we have small craft operating in Lake Washington frequently and moored in the lake every day.  The gas powered motors on our boats are properly maintained, however they still emit exhaust which is run underwater before rising to the surface leaving pollutants in the water and in the air.  Sensors we design or purchase can be contaminated by oil and exhaust residue rendering them inoperable.  Long before the UW Climate Action Plan was created UW APL lived in a word of “leave no trace”.

Leadership & Student Involvement

Students will lead the design and installation with oversight and mentoring.

These boats will be used primarily by students and Field Engineers to deploy and recover AUVs and various other marine equipment or to support a larger vessel.

Education, Outreach & Behavior Change

UW APL is a unique position to be a technology evaluator and innovator in the regional commercial fishing industries as well as the international Oceanographic and Marine Science communities.  UW APL has a long history of being actively involved in community outreach, this is the 14th year that the UW APL has worked with the Pacific Science Center to put on the Polar Science Fair at the Science Center.  Through the Collaboratory, UW APL hosts Marine Technology startups which allows us to support them and at the same time share best practices which then spread through the industry.

Feasibility, Accountability & Sustainability

UW APL, and the mentors on this team, has demonstrated the ability to conceive, design and build systems deployed in the harshest marine environments.  We routinely manage large contracts to completion and have an excellent reputation with the U.S. Navy and other organizations.

Eric Boget, a U.S.C.G. licensed vessel operator and engineer, manages and maintains the UW APL vessels and docks.

Key Stakeholders

Eric Boget – As the head of UW APL Vessel Operations, Eric will be responsible for the vessels when released into the fleet.  Maintenance, operations and training will fall under his budget.  Eric has control over who can operate vessels and in what conditions.

Andrew Stewart – Associate Director of PMEC, the Pacific Marine Energy Center, Andy Stewart helps marine startups transition technology and has recently commissioned a UW APL vessel for renewable energy research.  As an experienced Marine Architect and M.E. Andy is an advocate for our technology innovations in Washington State and Washington D.C.

Craig McNeil – Craig, a UW APL Principal Oceanographer and Affiliate Professor of Oceanography, spends an inordinate amount of time getting equipment and vehicles in and out of the water.  As one of our most active users of AUVs Craig works with students and Field Engineers with a vehicle called a REMUS 100.

Core Project Team

  • Students Leads - Ian Good UW ME, Amelia Marie Barr UW ME
  • UW APL Vessel Operations - Eric Boget
  • Electronics Mentor - Steve Kahle
  • Mechanical Mentor - Dave Dyer

Itemized Budget

Item Cost
Pure Outboard Motor $6000
Pure Battery Pack $8500
Pure Charger $2000
SeaStar Pro Steering $1600
Reactor 40 Hydraulic Autopilot $1750
Total $19850
Optional 2nd Battery Pack $8500
Total $28350

Project Timeline

Task Date
Submit LOI March 1
Submit Full Proposal April 15
Receive Decision June 1
Receive Funding June 15
Prepare Hull(s) July 1
Design Battery Mounting System July 1
Design Control System July 15
Receive Motor and Battery Pack(s) September 1
Test fit mountings and controls October 15
Water Test Completed System October 30

Contact Information

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ian Good

3D Bin Displays

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,783

Letter of Intent:


Our goal is to install new 3D bins – displays with physical items instructing people how to sort their trash, recycling, and compost – in the Husky Union Building (HUB)’s food court, the Husky Den. These 3D bins should help UW divert waste from landfills, educate and engage the student body about the waste disposal process and it’s impacts, and ease the burden of maintaining the previous bin displays.

The Husky Den has ten three-bin (compost, recycling, and trash/landfill) waste disposal stations, each of which has had 3D bin displays for the past few years. The 3D displays have been far more effective than any other form of signage currently used by the UW. A recent study by students in ENVIR 250 found that UW’s 3D displays (referred to in the study as “signs with physical items”) had the highest rate of sorting accuracy of the signage studied. Waste was disposed with 81% accuracy at bins with 3D displays, compared to just 61% accuracy for posters and 68% for videos (Chiado et al.). Despite their effectiveness as educational tools, the 3D displays have been a makeshift, labor-intense operation to maintain. Created by UW staff and students on their own time by sawing plastic bins in half, hot-gluing relevant compost, recycling, and trash materials onto the half-bin, and covering the open front with sheets of polylactic acid, the bins need frequent maintenance. Thus far, the bins have had to be maintained by a single member of the UW Sustainability Office, who cleaned and repaired the bins once a month without pay. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the bins’ open-top design has led students to use the displays as basketball hoops for food items and condiment packages.

Over winter break of the 2018-2019 school year, HUB custodians took bins down for cleaning and they were thrown away by accident. Because HUB management and Housing and Food Services will not replace the bins, EcoReps would like to take this opportunity to 1) improve the displays by creating more effective and more easily maintained signage and 2) engage the broader UW community in a conversation about the waste disposal process.

Sustainable Impact:

With our project we are hoping to make a sustainable impact on the UW campus by teaching people about how to recycle and compost waste properly. This project will help our campus to be more sustainable by diverting waste, which the university produces a huge amount of, from going to landfills. Landfills tend to be located near low-income communities and communities of color. While this environmental justice issue also requires action at the state level, our project will help reduce UW’s contribution to the problem by combating our reliance on landfills. By diverting waste from landfills, we will also be reducing the chances of situations like contaminating ground water streams with landfill runoff, as well as reducing the air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions generated by landfills and transporting waste to landfills.

Leadership & Student Involvement:

This project is a student-led project through UW EcoReps. Officers from EcoReps, Julie Tolmie and Christina Cameron, have helped guide us when it comes to reaching out to other people and other organizations, such as UW Recycling and the School of Design, for assistance in our project.

Our project team includes:

  • Justin Brave
  • Marycela Guzman
  • Tanya Cortes
  • Julie Tolmie
  • Christina Cameron

Faculty/Staff Member:

  • Erica Bartlett - Project Support Supervisor, UW Recycling
  • Liz Gignilliat - Manager, UW Recycling

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

The Husky Dens’ waste disposal signage is important to replace because UW draws students, staff, and faculty from across Washington, as well as many from out of state and out of the country. Many may not be familiar with how to dispose of compost in particular. Food waste is not the only area where students, staff, and faculty may be confused. While UW dining locations switched to compostable service wear at all dining locations in 2016, campus education on these materials lags behind. Without proper sorting, the switch is not effective as it could be. While educating students, staff, and faculty about waste disposal is important, students don’t participate in workshops or listen to presentations on correct sorting, making signage at bin stations the primary form of waste education at UW. Improving bin signage is therefore the easiest way to improve waste education on campus.

Our project will serve as a way to increase awareness and engagement with students, staff, and faculty who use Husky Den on the waste disposal process. Each 3D display case will include facts about the waste cycle – including what happens to trash, recycling, and compost after it’s thrown into a bin, as well as how landfills impact communities and the environment. To extend the reach of these displays beyond the actual stations and reach out to the larger campus, we will work on posters to draw in attention to the new bin displays. The posters will tell the story of how we designed the 3D displays and educate students, staff, and faculty about how the UW’s waste is processed.

More broadly, this project will show the university’s support for a culture of environmental sustainability on campus. For many, compost, recycling, and trash stations are the most visible sign of UW’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

UW EcoReps is an RSO that has operated at the UW Seattle campus for a number of years, partnering with service learners, regular members, and the UW Sustainability Office to successfully implement environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable projects such as the quarterly Green Husky Market, a market featuring local vendors on Red Square. In addition to UW EcoReps, UW Recycling and the UW Sustainability Office have also shown support for this 3D bin display project. UW Sustainability contributed to the long-time maintenance of the existing bins and UW Recycling has assisted with the design and budget estimating process.


Chiado J., Savanh L., Shang J, and B. Stroosma. It’s all in the signs: the effect of signage detail on composting accuracy.

Itemized Budget:

Item Individual Price Number Needed Item Total Cost
Display case $101.95 ($79.95-Case $22.00-Shipping) 30 $3,058.50
Ring table holder (36 piece set) $16.97 ($12.98-Holder $3.99) 120 (4 sets) $67.88
Colored Paper Backdrop $5.99 1 bulk $5.99
3-Bin Display materials $15.00 10 $150.00
Total     $3,282.37
Additional Funding Source, contingent on CSF funding:     UW Recycling – $500.00
Asking from CSF     $2,782.37
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Julie Tolmie

Eat Local Seattle Food Fair

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,200

Letter of Intent:

Summary of project proposal:

The Supplier Diversity Program at UW is a registered student organization that promotes the use of local, minority, women, and LGBTQ owned companies around the greater seattle area. Eat Local Seattle Food Fair is just one of the many outreach projects that we are working on, in order to encourage the UW community to utilize these companies. We will be inviting vendors from across the community to come on to campus (HUB Walkway) on September 28th, in conjunction with Dawg Daze to sell their goods, and be further exposed to the UW community. Our hope is to provide a fun interactive experience for the UW community during the first week of fall quarter, but we also strive to generate exposure for the companies that will in turn help their business in the long run. Whether it be through UW departments utilizing them as suppliers in the future, or students simply visiting them during the school year. The long term impact is of utmost importance to us.

Environmental Impact

While our project does not directly reduce the University’s environmental and/or create more sustainable campus, it will instead help expand diversity, inclusivity, and equity in sustainability. Many times, theses historically underutilized business have suffered due to lack of access to money, markets, and management. We understand that as a student organization, it can be hard to provide monetary help. Therefore, by providing a space where these businesses can be exposed to a larger consumer base and generate revenue, we believe it will help expand the diversity of businesses being affiliated by the UW community.

Student Leadership & Involvement

Student Leadership and Involvement are the driving force behind the Eat Local Seattle Food Fair. UW supplier diversity is a student led organization that works with connecting students and local minority, women, and LGBTQ owned small businesses. Our Eat Local event will be powered not only by our vendors, but also by student volunteers that will be interacting and engaging with vendors and other UW students. Our student volunteers will be both educating and engaging students on the importance of diverse suppliers and asking them to sign the pledge to support theses locally small owned businesses. We also have other academics that are a part of UWSPD that will be creating posters about the history and background of each vendor and their road to become a business owner.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The Eat Local Seattle Food Fair, not only will this be an event where the UW community can purchase goods from vendors. We will also be including an educational component that will be in the form of tri-folds. There will be a tri-fold for each vendor that will include a biography and information on the business itself, in order to educate the community about their goods, background stories, and much more. Additionally, we will be including an outreach component through the form of supplier diversity pledge. The Supplier Diversity Pledge can be found on our website (, and was created by program participants with the purpose of gaining feasible metrics that will allows us to measure the support for our programs mission. We will have student volunteers staffing the event, and they will be asking the UW community to sign the pledge to show their support for the use of these historically underutilized businesses.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Aidan Jensen
Supplementary Documents:


Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

TEDxUofW is a registered student organization established to bring inspirational and informative TED style talks from speakers in the community to the University of Washington. Since 2012, our organization has sought to give amazing speakers a receptive audience to share their passion. Our organization, purely student-run, has six years in a row had a sold-out event, gathering a collection of creative thinkers, scientific minds, community leaders, environmental activists, and many more. Our TEDx conference is one of the largest events on campus and has been a great opportunity to allow students to try their hand in fields of professional interest.

In the past, our conference has hosted multiple environmentally-minded speakers and we continue to strive to create a platform for messages about environmental as well as social sustainability. Given that TEDx was founded to facilitate “ideas worth spreading” including those that promote environmentally-friendly causes, we believe that our project directly aligns with CSF’s mission of fostering an environmentally conscious culture.

Everyone on the TEDxUofW team is extremely passionate about opening up our conference to everyone and anyone, but one limitation standing is the cost of attendance. With your help and sponsorship, we can reduce our ticket prices so we can spread more ideas to students that would have otherwise not been able to attend.Your support will allow us to share our conference with more people as well as continue to spread our message for years to come.

See below for additional information including our budget and other files outlining the details of the event.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Maya Gopalan

Keraton 2019

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $5,000

Letter of Intent:

Dear CSF Committee,

On behalf of the Indonesian Student Association at the University of Washington (ISAUW),  I am submitting this letter to notify the CSF of our intent to submit a funding request for our annual campus event, Keraton, on May 4th, 2019, at Rainier Vista at the University of Washington.

Keraton is one of the largest Indonesian cultural events in the West Coast. Over the past few years, Keraton has been ISAUW’s biggest and fastest growing annual event that attracted over 8,000 people in 2017. This year, we are expecting 10,000 individuals.

Through the years, we have dedicated our resources to reduce our environmental impact. Last year, through implementing “Keraton Going Green,” we made it our mission to require all vendors to use compostable food packaging. In addition, we informed all of our visitors of the locations of recycling and compost bins within the event location. This year, aside from implementing our previous methods, we plan to promote environmental awareness through a performance during the event. Our creative management department has been working towards this and we have also sent out an application for performers who would be interested in educating guests on environmental issues. We are optimistic that these performances, guests will be better informed on the current situation of our environment while also being entertained.

With the event being fully organized and managed by students, ISAUW develops students’ leadership and organizational skills by trusting each department with tasks that are critical to the event’s success. In addition, we accept volunteers and further create opportunities for students all-over the campus. Overall, students will be able to utilize and develop their communication skills by engaging with guests, learning about Indonesian culture, environmental issues, and gain meaningful connections.

Based on the financial figures from our previous Keraton events, ISAUW estimates a budget of $35,960. The amount has been partially covered by our fundraising events throughout the year. We have also been seeking support from various companies and businesses by offering sponsorship packages, and applying for other campus funds — such as the diversity fund and ASUW.

I will be our main point of contact throughout this application process, and can be reached at:

Thank you for giving ISAUW the opportunity to participate in the campus sustainability funding. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Kevin Hamonangan


President of ISAUW


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kevin Nathanael Hamonangan
Supplementary Documents:

Creating a Sustainable Night Market

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Jan 5th, 2019

Justin Ho (

Summary of Project Proposal:

There are three things TSA would like to accomplish with the funding. First, stop selling bottled water by selling reusable stainless steel or plastic bottles while providing water refill stations. Second, work with vendors to reduce non-recyclable or non-compostable cutlery and plates. Third, educate attendees about the importance of composting through signs and word of mouth.

Sustainable Impact:

The impact the funding will have is two pronged. Night Market inherently is a cultural event and is dedicated to providing an authentic Taiwanese Night Market experience. People from all walks of life are encouraged to attend Night Market and enjoy the good food and games provided. The funding will help to provide a greener Night Market through lasting change to the structure of the event.

The impact is also environmental. Through the first two goals listed in the summary TSA is attempting to create as plastic free of a night market as possible. Reducing or eliminating plastic waste generated by vendors as well as our own bottled water sales will go a long way as the event hosts approximately 9,000 people. Bottled water is also extremely harmful containing toxins while not proving higher quality to treated tap water. Furthermore, bottled water is often unsustainably manufactured through draining of rivers and lakes. These two changes will eliminate over 95% of plastic waste generated by Night Market. The last change of creating signs to place above compost bins will educate people about the importance of composting, and the benefit of backyard composting. Our volunteers and officers will also be well educated about the topic and be able to talk to attendees about the subject.

Leadership & Student Involvement:

TSA is a registered student organization. All sustainability efforts will be led and accomplished through students and volunteers. TSA and its member students will be the backbone of the event and incorporate the outlined sustainability efforts. Students plan and lead the entirety of the event.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

TSA will have created an educational element for the attendees through signs and other forms of advertisement conveying what is and isn’t compostable. As well as explaining the advantages of re-using sustainable water bottles over purchasing bottled water. The benefits of backyard compost will be advertised as well.

There is further outreach due to the use of volunteers to supplement our officers. Those volunteers will have participated in Night Market receiving the same exposure to sustainability efforts. All in all, there will be change in the sustainability behaviors of our own officers, the volunteers, and all attendees. Through word of mouth we then hope to reach even more.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

TSA has held an annual Night Market since 2001. This will be the 18th Night Market. In the previous 17 there has been constant improvement and change applied to the Night Market. Each time the officers have been able to adapt to change and pull through. We expect this year to be no different save a few changes to sustainability efforts. TSA has the ability to create a successful event made even greener. Our RSO advisor, Christina Coop, can attest to this. Any potentially awarded money will be used responsibly will a high chance of successful implementation. The future impact will be carried through to all future Night markets and have a lasting influence.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Justin Ho

Vocal Theater Works Principal Production: Hydrogen Jukebox

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $8,000

Letter of Intent:

Within the School of Music, students of the Vocal Performance department are studying and performing Phillip Glass’ modern opera Hydrogen Jukebox in April 2019. This music theatre piece features a setting of Allen Ginsberg’s poetry, and presents issues of social and environmental justice and sustainability that America has grappled with in recent decades. Hydrogen Jukebox treats themes of environmental degradation, social injustice, and war. We in the Vocal Theatre Works program are excited to engage with and present a work that promotes social and cultural awareness through diverse and interdisciplinary collaboration.  

Like other forms of music theatre, vocal theatre is an interdisciplinary medium that draws on a variety of fields to create a cohesive piece of art. These include music, literature, dance, traditional theatre, and increasingly, science and technology. We believe that this uniquely inclusive medium is an ideal modality for students to apply their various academic and creative pursuits within the University. Our artform best uses resources when it engages a diverse segment of our academic peers at the University of Washington and the community at large.

During the 2017-2018 academic year, the vocal performance students produced Maurice Ravel’s L’enfant et les Sortilèges. In performing this work, our primary production goal was to build compassion and empathy within our community through performance. Colette’s libretto for L’enfant deals with the devastation left by the first World War and serves as a guide for the reparation of inter-community relationships shattered by carnage and hostility. Similarly, we believe we can bring greater awareness to issues of cultural and environmental sustainability by performing Glass’ Hydrogen Jukebox. Our performance of Hydrogen Jukebox, the work’s Seattle premiere, will highlight and promote discussion of the social struggles surrounding war, sexual liberation, and environmental degradation. Our performance will also enhance awareness of the works of Allen Ginsberg, an American poet who faced discrimination based on his sexual orientation. We believe that it is our responsibility to take a leadership role within the University by using the arts as a vehicle to engage our community in examining these important issues. American society has become increasingly divided over the past decades, and by highlighting messages of social responsibility and compassion, we engage our community with a model of cultural sustainability.

Visiting artist Deanne Meek and Professor Cyndia Sieden will serve as faculty mentors for this project. Our department has expressed robust support and enthusiasm for this project but is unable to allocate additional funds for this academic year. In addition to faculty support, we have procured the project management services of Jonathan Luk, who has served in roles as Director of Product and program management to assist in project management for this effort.

The students of Vocal Theatre Works request a Campus Sustainability Fund grant for our 2019 Hydrogen Jukebox production. We have already secured approximately $22,000 of our $30,000 budget and request your assistance in achieving our funding goal for this production. We will use the grant to bring respected leaders from the University and larger Seattle community to engage both the audience and students in discussion sessions. We will also invite these leaders into the Vocal Theatre Works production process to facilitate an analysis of Ginsberg’s poetry in the context of its musical setting in order to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and its performance presentation. In addition, funds would be allocated towards general production costs, such as sets, costumes and projection equipment. A tentative budget is included with this letter of intent.

Points of Contact

Trevor Ainge, student development coordinator | 206-698-4396

Deanne Meek, visiting artist


Vocal Theatre Works: Principal Production, 2019
Hydrogen Jukebox
Music by Philip Glass, Libretto by Allen Ginsberg
April 26 and 27, 2019 7:30 p.m. Meany Studio

VTW: Hydrogen Jukebox Estimated Expenses, 2019 Amount
Music Direction, Coaching and Conducting $10,000
Stage Direction, Production Coordinator, Fundraising/Development Associate $10,000
Music licensing and parts rental $1,050
Sets and Costumes $1,000
Choreography        $500
Musical scores copy fees $300
Sound equipment, microphones $1,000
Development:  Receptions, Piano tuning $400
Pre-Post Performance Talk Backs or Panel Discussions $2,000
Projector and Projection costs/Design $3,000
Miscellaneous $750
Total Estimated Expenses: $30,000

To date, approximately $22,000 has been raised to be designated for this project, with funding initiatives still in progress.

Budget created by Deanne Meek, updated November, 2018

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Trevor Ainge

Africa Now 2019 Conference

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $10,000

Letter of Intent:


In recognizing that current development projects are draining Africa of its natural resources, destroying its ecosystems, and exploiting its peoples, Africa Now is seeking $10,000 to assist in organizing our second annual conference focused on inspiring young Black students and professionals to join the movement for sustainable, afrocentric, African development. By tapping into the network of young, Black students and professionals in Washington, we will bring together an interdisciplinary group of driven individuals to assess how our skills can play a role in the sustainable growth of our common, ancestral homeland.

As this year marks the second year of this on-going conference, we will capitalize on the lessons learned from the inaugural year to make the 2019 conference a resounding success. One of our associated focuses is expanding our reach to increase the number and diversity of attendees. Towards this goal, we have enhanced our social media presence to establish continual channels of communication with our potential attendees. Additionally, we have strengthened existing and developed new relationships with local Black and African organizations (e.g. Africans at Microsoft, the Washington State Coalition of African Community Leaders, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, etc.) to grow our audience to include young African professionals in various disciplines.

Through community outreach and social media, we intend to double last years attendance rates to bring together over 200, young, Black students and professionals. Our goal, at the conference, is to provide these attendees with the insights, knowledge, and resources necessary to envision sustainable ways to improve their communities in Seattle, in Africa, and across the Diaspora. Through an all-star panel, dynamic breakout sessions, and networking, we’ll inspire and equip young Black professionals to fight for a sustainable future for Africa.

The conference will be held at the Intellectual House and Denny Hall on May 20th from 12pm - 6pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

Sustainable Impact:

Our primary goal is for attendees to explore strategies for sustainably developing their communities in Africa and throughout the African Diaspora. To Africa Now, sustainability means addressing the environmental, economic, social, and political aspects of Africa’s growth. We want our attendees to recognize that Africa is comprised of numerous, fragile ecosystems; that wealth inequality needs to be addressed urgently; that Africans throughout the Diaspora lack access to crucial health resources and are otherwise at risk; and that many African nation-states are politically unstable due to a history of colonialism and the current, neocolonial, capital-based pressures of foreign imperial powers. It is important, for the purposes of sustainability, that these realities are recognized by our attendees as we join the Fight for Africa’s Future.

Towards this, our conference will provide attendees with the knowledge, information, and resources to have a sustainable impact in their communities. One of our key ways of sharing this information will be through our breakout sessions. There will be four separate workshops taking place concurrently during our two breakout session phases. There will be one workshop dedicated to each of the different axes of sustainability: environmental, economic, social, and political. These sessions will be facilitated by groups or individuals paving a path forward in their respective area of focus. We have already heard from Front and Centered as well as the Releaf CEO, Isaiah Udutong, that they would be interested in hosting workshops for us.

Given their mission statement, “Front and Centered (formerly Communities of Color for Climate Justice) is a statewide coalition of organizations and groups rooted in communities of color and people with lower incomes,” Front and Centered will be a key resource for us when it comes to highlighting the importance of environmental sustainability and what that looks like.

Our other facilitator, Isaiah, is an MIT graduate with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After graduating, Isaiah returned home to Nigeria where he started Releaf. Releaf is a start-up focused on “employing technology to accelerate agricultural-based industrialization in Nigeria.” Isaiah will bring his experience and expertise to Africa Now by running a workshop focused on using business institutions as vehicles for sustainable, economic development.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

As with last year, the Africa Now conference is organized entirely by African students from around the Seattle Area, primarily UW and Seattle Central College. However, unlike last year, the conference is no longer being hosted by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. The organizing committee recognized that it allowed us to better achieve our goals by transferring leadership from Phi Beta Sigma to the African Youth Coalition and a handful of Black/African student organizations (Black Student Union, African Student Association, Black Student Commission, etc.). We have also brought in student leaders from non-UW campuses around the area to ensure that we have a diverse group organizing this conference.

Our executive officers represent a variety of departments and student organizations from the Seattle area. The main University of Washington collaborators are the Black Student Commission, Black Student Union, and African Student Association among other Black/African student organizations in Seattle. By working with these various organizations, we will build solidarity among young Africans and establish an interdisciplinary community dedicated to sustainable, afrocentric African development. Furthermore, by collaborating with the CSF, we will be able to ensure that our conference makes sustainability a key outcome of the conference.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

By collaborating with a wide variety of Black and African organizations in the greater Seattle area, we will expand our reach significantly to increase the number and diversity of attendees. To enhance these efforts, the organizing board established a new executive position, the Community Engagement Officer. This officer is responsible for coordinating with community organizations to ensure that they and the general public are aware of the conference. Additionally, we will host lead up events to stimulate interest in the campus community and encourage attendance so that they can experience the transformative nature of Africa NOW.

The young Black professionals that attend and actively engage with the conference will likely leave having their lives changed. After the inaugural conference, an attendee said that the Africa Now conference inspired them to not only change their major but their entire career path going forward! The hard work that the volunteers, panelists, and facilitators put into last years conference was felt by those that attended, and they left feeling energized to get more involved in their communities and fight for a just and sustainable future for Africa and the African Diaspora.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The feasibility of this project is best demonstrated by the first annual Africa Now conference, held in May 2018 with over 100 registered attendees. These attendees discussed ongoing African development with an engaging panel, participated in dynamic breakout sessions, and networked with fellow guests, community leaders, and others during our resource fair; conference guests gained knowledge, inspiration, and resources by attending Africa Now. The 2018 conference and its guests left us with plenty of lessons to learn and momentum to capitalize on to make the 2019 conference a resounding success

Based on last years feedback, we have enhanced our social media presence so that we can be held accountable to our past and present guests. By engaging with attendees, we can ensure that we provide them with the resources necessary to fight for a sustainable future for their communities in Seattle, Africa, and the African Diaspora. To aid our accountability, guests will also complete pre- and post-conference surveys so that we can gauge how successful we were at achieving ours goals.

With last years post conference surveys, we learned that - beyond increasing pre-conference engagement to increase attendance rates - we need to dedicate more energy to providing our conference guests/attendees with more resources so they can immediately get involved in the work of sustainable African development. Additionally, we need to ensure that the structure of our conference lends itself to being as engaging as possible.

Preliminary Budget:

We are requesting $10,000 from the Campus Sustainability Fund to help cover these conference costs.

Plates & Utensils $100
Tablecloths and Decorations $600
Flyers for UW & Other Campuses $400
Promo Media $400
250 Shirts $2,100
Program Booklets $250
Name Tags $100
Media - 2 photographers x 1 Videographer $800
Panelists (3 x $600 each) $1,800
Breakout Session speakers (4 x $500 each) $2,000
Live Band $400
Performance $500
Bus Vouchers for Students $250
250 Lanyards $300
Total $10,000

Outside of the CSF, we will be seeking funding from the Race and Equity Initiative, the ECC Student Event Fund, as well as community organizations (e.g. African Chamber of Commerce) and businesses.


The current conference agenda is as follows:

  • 11:00am-12:00pm      Registration
  • 12:00-12:20pm           Conference Introductions
  • 12:20 – 12:30pm        Transition
  • 12:30 – 1:10pm          Breakout session #1
  • 1:10 – 1:20pm      Transition
  • 1:20 – 2:00pm     Breakout Session #2
  • 2:00 – 3:00pm    Lunch and entertainment
  • 3:10 – 3:20pm      Transition to Panel
  • 3:20 – 4:00pm     Panel Discussion
  • 4:00 – 4:10pm            Transition
  • 4:10 – 4:40pm      Resource Fair
  • 4:40 – 5:00pm     Closing Comments
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Hawi Nemomssa

Black Student Union Legacy Soriee

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Black Student Union’s 7th Annual Legacy Soiree

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: Max $1,000

Project Summary:

The primary purpose of The Legacy Soiree is to fundraise for our endowment fund, providing scholarships for underrepresented student at UW. This year's soiree, held in the Intellectual House, will involve a night of live music, musical performances from a prominent Seattle artist as well as dance performances including a stroll/step show from Black Greek organizations on campus. We will also honor/recognize exemplary Undergraduate,graduate, faculty and community member for their activism and contributions to the black community. Our program will also feature a keynote speaker that embodies our theme of "Envisioning Black History; Black and the Future". BSU will also be continuing their tradition of recognizing ten exemplary high school students with our Talented Ten Awards, in the hopes of inspiring them to attend the University of Washington. We will include a a catered dinner for our attendees. We hope to attract undergraduate, graduate, faculty and community members from the greater Seattle area to join us in recognizing and promoting black excellence both inside and outside of the classroom.

Estimated Project Budget: $9957.54 (See next page for budget breakdown)

Environmental/Sustainable Impact:

Our event primarily seeks to improve social sustainability of the UW campus as well as the greater Seattle area. We aim to do this through recognition of the achievements and contribution of underrepresented student and minority Community members in an effort to promote activism and community engagement. To improve environmental sustainability this event support environmental education and awareness of environmental racism and justice as minority communities are disproportionately affected by pollution, toxic waste, carbon emissions and other adverse environmental conditions. By building up communities most affected this we can work to inspire young leaders and intellectuals to study and work to improving living systems in those communities.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

This event is a student initiated and student led project. Our advisers, Tiana Brawly of the ECC and Brian Tracy, provide guidance and support throughout this process. We, the executive board of the Black Student Union, consisting of ten undergraduate students, are in the process of planning and executing this event.

Our roles and duties include:

  • President/Program Coordinator - Salem Abraha
  • Treasurer/Budget Specialist/Fiscal Advisor - Safiya Bansfield
  • VP of Campus Affairs - Terrence Jones
  • VP of Community Affairs - Abigail Yemane
  • VP of Communications - Trisha Beavers
  • Secretary/Special Consultant - Sara Bekele
  • Chair of Outreach and Recruitment - Ebsitu Hassen
  • Senator - Sahra Ibrahim
  • SAB Representative - Tyler Valentine
  • Webmaster/Historian - Hassan Abdi

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

As mentioned above, a key part of our event is dedicated to recognizing the academic achievements of ten young minority high school students in the greater Seattle area in our Talented Ten ceremony. We spend months reaching out to high school to counselors and principals to recommend to us their stand out students. Once we have chosen these ten students, on the day of our soiree we give the students a tour the UW Seattle campus and share with them what it is like attending this university. These efforts are all in hopes of inspiring these young talented student to attend UW.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The Black Student Union has successfully hosted this event in the past. This year will be our 7th annual Legacy Soiree. Our advisers, Tiana Brawly, staff member of the ECC and Brian Tracy, a UW Alumni, provide guidance, support, and mentorship throughout this process. Jon Solomon is our SAO adviser. We will also be consulting previous BSU executive board members. This executive board has successfully planned and hosted an Art Showcase last October and we plan to use the skills we have learned in the process to this project.

Contact information:


Event Budget Planning Worksheet  
Item Total Cost Requested Funds Source
Venue $910.00 $910.00 ECC SDEF Co-Sponsorship
Honoraria $637.00 $637.00 Alumni Association + ASUW Special Appropriations (137)
Band $750 $750 GPSS Special Allocations
Keynote $3,000 $3,000 Wells Fargo + ASUW Special Appropriations(1000) + CSF Mini Grant
Decorations $200.00 $200.00 GPSS Diversity
Programs $200 $90 ECC SDEF Co-Sponsorship
Photographer $0    
Performer $600.00 $600.00 GPSS DIversity + BSC
Program Total $4,750 $4,640  
Dinnerware/Table Cloth $363 $363 ASUW Special Appropriations
Dessert $300    
Catering $2,998    
Food Total $3,661 $363  
TOTALS $9,957.54 $6,550.00  
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Safiya Bansfield

Gardening with Electric Bikes

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $84,888

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington contains one of the premier campuses in the country. Grounds Management at the University of Washington currently contains 19 vehicles that run on gas including various trucks and gators (small utility vehicles). These vehicles are used throughout campus on a variety of jobs aimed to improve the campus’s aesthetics. On average, the vehicles used by grounds management burn 6,000 gallons of gas a year which release 120,000 pounds of C02 into the atmosphere.

Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing our planet today. In 2016, transportation contributed up to 28.5 percent of the damage ( As one of the country’s leading institutions, it is the University of Washington’s obligation to lead the charge in the fight against climate change. Grounds maintenance is an area that burns a significant amount of fossil fuels. Finding ways to keep the productivity of grounds management high, while reducing its fossil fuel consumption is currently a high priority. Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels while keeping our productivity high will show other Universities that going green can be financially advantageous.

Our goal is to vastly decrease the carbon footprint of Grounds Management on campus by reducing our reliance on vehicles that burn fossil fuels. The majority of jobs completed by Grounds Management can be accomplished without the need of high consumption vehicles (such as the trucks and gasoline powered utility vehicles supplied to the gardeners). We would like to add electric E-Bikes to our green fleet which already includes three electric club cars. Recently, a grant was received by UW Mailing services which provided them with an E-Bicycle-Mail & Package Delivery Program. This grant has been extremely successful and it is a desire of Grounds Management to emulate its success. Although a truck will be required for the occasional job, we are proposing to reduce our reliance on them with the goal of using 2,000 less gallons of gasoline per year. The reduction of 2,000 gallons of gas per year will decrease the amount of C02 put into the atmosphere by 40,000 pounds and will save grounds management $6,000 dollars per year (at $3 per gallon of gasoline).  Over time we will review how many trucks are used per day and the amount of gas we have reduced through this program. Grounds management consists of nine crews each consisting of two vehicles. We propose to reduce the crew’s reliance on these vehicles by supplying each crew with an electric hatchback bicycle and two bicycles to be shared throughout the shop (11 total). Of these 11 vehicles, 9 will be electric with a hatchback, and two will be small fold up electric bikes (for attending meetings and other non-laborious tasks). We will also require miscellaneous accessory items such as helmets and u-locks.

This would be one of the first University Grounds Management Operations to run predominately on electric and man powered vehicles.

This project will look to involve students in all of its facets. The project is currently facilitated by a graduate student research assistant from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences with the title Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Sustainability Coordinator. The IPM and Sustainability Coordinator will attend sustainability events and will develop educational and outreach components for the program. The graduate student will be responsible for record keeping, costs and the productivity of the project.

In addition to the graduate student involvement, this project will utilize the UW Engineers without Borders program. The salvage wood project through grounds management was extremely successful in main part due to the collaboration with UW Engineers without Borders. Similar to the salvage wood project, (run by Grounds Management) the UW Engineer students will contribute to the project by building multiple required structures. For example these students will build the shed for bike storage and the trailers attached to the bikes. We will also team up with art students to paint the bike trailers with the CSF logo incorporated into the design.

The E-Bicycle Mail & Package Delivery Program established a partnership with the HUB Graphic Design Office where student employees created the designs for our education outreach material. We will look to expand this partnership to include grounds management. Overall, this project will include students from multiple facets of campus including the College of BuilT\t Environments, the School of Art, and the school of Art History and Design.

Below you will find an estimate of costs associated with this project. Including the bicycles, annual maintenance costs, and bicycle supplies, the amount requested from CSF totals to $84,888.

We have been in contact with the company Electric & Folding Bikes Northwest. We have come to the conclusion that the bikes most suited for our needs are the Specialized Como 2.0 Electric bikes and the Gocycle electric folding bike. 

We’ve included 5 years of maintenance in this proposal through an annual bike maintenance fee.  After which, the UW Grounds Shop will assume responsibility for maintenance.

Thank you for your consideration in this proposal!  


Item Cost per Item Quantity Total Cost
Initial Costs for Bikes and Trailers      
Specialized como 2.0 Electric Bikes (w/ one year of service) including tax 2,850 9 56,258
 Rear Cargo Boxes with Trailers 2,428 9 21,854
Gocycle Electric folding bicycle 3,082 2 6,164
Total     64,270
Annual Maintenance Costs including supplies 1475 5 7,375
Rain Caps 50 6 300
Water Resistant Gloves 100 6 600
Helmet 100 11 1,100
Kryptonite standard U-Lock 100 12 1,200
Storage Shed 6,000 1 6,000
Total     16,575
Project Subtotal     80,845
Contingency Fee (5%)     4,043
Project Total     84,888

ESTIMATE: Project Completion Total: 


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Bradshaw

University of Washington Precious Plastic

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:


Inspired by Dave Hakken's project, Precious Plastic, we plan to build a plastic recycling workspace on University of Washington’s campus, using the free machine blueprints and online resources from The workspace will consist of four machines which shred, melt, compress, and mold used plastic, so it can be transformed into something new. This workspace is designed to be cross-disciplinary, providing raw material to arts and science students for 3D printing, construction projects, and as a sculptural medium. Sale of recycled plastic filament and finished products can reduce costs for University departments and create a revenue stream to self-fund Precious Plastics operations. This project would generate opportunities for research on campus waste and sustainability measures, or it could be utilized as a lab space for faculty and their classes or as culminating projects for students’ theses.

Environmental Impact:

According to, nine billion tons of plastic have been made since the 1950s, and every piece of plastic ever made still exists in one form or another. Less than five percent of the world’s plastic is recycled, and over 90 percent of the garbage floating in the ocean is plastic. This plastic ends up in one of the five garbage gyres in the middle of the ocean, pollutes beaches around the world, or gets consumed by animals, which either kills them or eventually introduces these chemical toxins and bacteria into our food chain.

On January 1st of 2018, China—which, in 2016, processed 7.3 million tons of waste[1]—banned importing recyclables from outside countries. With no strong market for scrap plastics, municipalities all over the U.S., Canada, and Europe are now forced to divert these reusable materials to landfills, and governments are scrambling to find a sustainable solution as landfills become overfilled. Putting pressure on America’s recycling system, this new development creates an opportunity for organizations to create innovative solutions and build domestic markets for these materials.

With a campus of over 43,000 students (not including faculty or staff), the University of Washington creates a lot of waste—roughly 11.7 tons in 2016, of which only 63 percent was recycled or diverted from landfills[2]—and our mixed recycling often ends up being delivered to landfills, without being properly recycled. The Precious Plastics program would result in four impacts on the UW Seattle Campus:

  1. Waste Diversion: By reducing the amount of plastic that leaves the campus for an unknown fate, UW can reduce the strain on our waste streams and landfills. This project could also help UW Recycling meet its quarterly waste diversion goals. We expect this process will help UW Recycling meet its goal of 70% waste diversion by 2020.[3] While output data from other Precious Plastic projects is limited, we estimate that, when fully operational, we will process approximately 1.5 tons of plastic a year.[4]
  2. Waste Reduction: Education can lead to behavioral changes. Allowing students to take a tour of our workspace, they can learn about the recycling process and the amount of work it takes to breakdown plastics, which could encourage these students to develop more sustainable habits or to make smarter choices when purchasing goods.
  3. Conserving Resources. UW can reduce its purchasing of and dependence on virgin materials and help protect our natural resources by creating a closed-loop recycling system on plastic waste.
  4. Reducing Carbon Emissions and Pollution. Diverting waste reduces the amount of carbon emissions burned transporting this trash to recycling facilities and to landfills. It also reduces the need to refine and process raw materials, which creates substantial water and air pollution. Despite growing impact of UW Recycling programs, UW net greenhouse gas emissions show growth year over year. This project will contribute to reigning in emissions generated by the University.[5

Student Leadership/Involvement:

With student interest from a wide range of departments around campus, leadership for this project primarily stems from GreenEvans, a UW Registered Student Organization (RSO) from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. Graduate students from this program include Emily Coleman, Katy Ricchiuto, Claire Baron Katherine Walton, and Micah Stanovsky. The undergraduate members are Isabella Castro, Sierra Schonberg, Oliver Kou, Emma Turner, David Frantz, Alishia Orloff, Alexis Neumann, and Mason Clugston.

Education, Outreach & Behavior Change:

Our leadership will conduct presentations in undergraduate and graduate classes to raise awareness about the project and increase student involvement. We will also reach out to FIGs, organization, and clubs around UW’s campus—such as Comotion and the Department of Biology’s WOOF Club—which would have an interest in this project. At Earth Day 2019, we hope to demonstrate the machines’ capabilities and produce items for the event made from recycled plastic.

The UW Recycling department supports this project and will assist in the collection of plastics. Collection bins, placed around campus, will feature education materials about the project and the environmental issues with plastic. Outreach efforts will engage faculty for class labs or field trips, and students for thesis projects or other research. We will evaluate our program by tracking the project’s costs, processes, outcomes, and impacts. This data will allow UW to act as a leader within our community and to exemplify innovation by sharing knowledge with other schools and organizations hoping to develop their own small-scale recycling facilities.

Feasibility, Accountability & Accessibility:

This project will take place in several stages, each with varying degrees of complexity and feasibility.

  1. Site location: Before submitting our full proposal in the Fall 2018, we will vet and choose a location to house the machines and workspace. We will investigate four possible models for this space:
    1. Customize a shipping container workshop to locate on campus.
    2. Partner with an existing co-making or lab space on campus. This option would drive down project costs.
    3. Operate within an existing annex or similar space on campus. This option would drive down project costs.
    4. Customize a box truck as a mobile recycling workshop.
  2. Build the Machines: The free blueprints for these machines make them very cost effective and feasible to produce. Whenever possible, we will outsource labor to students to reduce expenses and source scrap materials, keeping the costs and carbon footprint of this project low.
  3. Write Safety Protocols: We will collaborate with EH&S to mitigate any safety concerns and create safety training for operators.
  4. Develop Operating and Maintenance Protocols: Before starting production, our leadership will gain use and maintenance knowledge of the machines. We will also develop sorting and washing standards for the plastics. Once we have command over the machines and process, our team will create a written manual and standardized training to educate other users.
  5. Create Product Prototypes: Our team will develop standard work for the production of 3D printer filament and a selection of compressed products.
  6. Outreach and Education: Once we accomplish the previous steps, we will open our workspace to the UW community—allowing students to use our resources for projects, offering tours for facility and their students, and encouraging other members within the broader Seattle community to learn from our project.
  7. Revenue-Generating Production: In the final stage of Precious Plastic, we envision sustaining the workspace, covering expenses through the sales of 3D printer filament at a reduced cost to other campus departments and products we create to sell to the public. We will work with clubs and organizations around campus to develop innovative ways to reuse the plastic we collect and divert from the UW’s waste stream.

Budget Estimate:

$50,000 - $75,000 for setup and a year of operation. Cost will vary depending on site location.

Leadership Team:

Blair Kaufer, UW Facilities Services,

GreenEvans (Registered Student Organization)


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Blair Kaufer

Campus Affiliation: UW Facilities Services, Payroll Coordinator

Campus Address: 3900 7th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98195

Phone: 206.221.4350



Secondary Contact First & Last Name: Emily Coleman

Campus Affiliation: Master of Public Administration Graduate Student

Address: 6367 NE Radford Ave #4022, Seattle WA 98115

Phone: 414.378.1356


[1] Freytas-tamura, Kimiko De. “Plastics Pile Up as China Refuses to Take the West's Recycling.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 11 Jan. 2018,

[2] UW Recycling Annual Report 2016. Page 4.

[3] UW Recycling Annual Report 2016. Page 2.

[4] Our conservative estimate is based off a processing rate of 2 kilograms of plastic per hour, 15 hours a week and 48 weeks a year.

[5] UW Recycling Annual Report 2016. Page 7.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Blair Kaufer

Double Dip Conference

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:


Diversity in Psychology is an RSO that was created in response to the alarming lack of diversity and representation in the field of Psychology, and specifically within the Psychology department at the University of Washington. Our founding members noticed the large emphasis of the experiences of White people as the center of many class discussions as well as in media representations of mental health and mental illness. We established this RSO in order to tackle some of these issues of representation and education, and used this momentum to shape our first meetings around topics that bridged social in/justice and Psychology. We have led many community conversations about Microaggressions, Impostor Syndrome, our own “Seattle Affective Disorder”, and a discussion about “The Mis-Education of Mental Illness”, which focused on breaking the stigma that mental health and therapy aren’t for people of color. Through our meetings, we aim to create a focused group of students of color in the field.

One aspect of our organization is connecting with members and groups in our community, and so we decided to extend our goals and ideas to high school students in the King County area who identify as people of color and who are interested in Psychology.This conference will be centered on familiarizing students with life at the University of Washington and highlighting the importance of people like them in the field. We aim to start this conversation at a young age because these students are most likely developing their identities and figuring out their part in society.

The conference will be an all-day event, beginning at 9am and commencing around 4:30 pm. The day will consist of a Keynote speaker, a series of breakout sessions & workshops, lunch, an RSO fair, and a campus tour. We hope to have students leave the conference a little less nervous about attending college and inspired and educated on the diverse field of Psychology.

Date: Saturday, November 10th 2018
Time: 9am-4:30pm
Location: Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center

Conference Timeline:

  • 9:00-9:30 - Registration + light breakfast
  • 9:30-9:40 Transition to large room
  • 9:40-9:45 Introduce DIP, Conference, Timeline and Speaker
  • 9:45-10:00 Keynote Speaker
  • 10:00-10:10 - Explain breakout sessions and transition to rooms
  • 10:15-11:15 Break out 1
  • 11:15-11:25 Transition
  • 11:30-12:30 Break Out 2
  • 12:35-1:30 Lunch, RSO tabling fair, sorority/frat showcase
  • 1:30-1:40 Transition
  • 1:45-2:45 Break out 3
  • 2:45-2:55 Transition
  • 3:00-4:00 Break Out 4
  • 4:00-4:30 Group Picture and Ending Remarks in Unity Room

Break out session Workshops (4):

  • The Importance of POC in Psychology/Psychological Research - Led by UW Psychology graduate students
  • Transitioning from High School to College - Led by UW Counseling Center
  • Admissions 101 workshop (topic is still tentative, but this is what has been currently agreed on) - Led by the Dream Project
  • Campus Tour - Led by OMAD Student Ambassadors. We also want to incorporate a diversity and sustainability centered tour of the UW Campus. We are working with CSF staff members and ECC staff members to accomplish this.

RSOs for RSO Fair

  • We want to showcase RSOs that center on diversity, as well as RSOs involved in Psychology, Mental Health, and related fields.
  • Additionally, we plan to showcase multicultural Greek Life (UW National Pan-Hellenic Council, United Greek Council) to get students excited about Greek Life that may be more relevant to their cultural backgrounds.

Keynote Speaker - A meeting with Professor Lynne Manzo is in the works. Professor Manzo is an Environmental Psychologist and we feel she can not only offer a perspective into an interesting field of Psychology, but also speak to the importance of understanding psychological impacts of environmental injustices which people of color face at alarming rates.

Lead RSO- Diversity in Psychology

Budget - $1000 requested from CSF

  • Room Fees
    • Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center - Unity Room + 4 breakout rooms; non-affiliated RSO ($377)
  • Materials/Promotional Items
    • 150 T-Shirts with Double Dip Logo ($700)
    • 110 Tote Bags with Logo ($210)
    • 150 Lanyards ($256)
    • Bus Vouchers for Students ($250)

Project Planning Timeline

September 17th-November 9th: Weekly board meetings centered on Conference planning.

  • Week of September 17th
    • Check in
    • Assign new tasks for Fall Quarter;
    • Schedule meetings with Faculty Advisor, UW Admissions, Dean Taylor & Dr. Suite, and workshop leaders
    • Compile list of RSOs for RSO Fair and sending out emails
    • Find campus tour guides
    • Create T-shirt,lanyard, and tote bag designs
    • Send invitation emails to new list of high school contacts + potential sponsors
    • Contact caterer (Subway)
    • Meet with Dream Project
  • Week of September 24th
    • Check in
    • Confirm caterer
    • Meet with Faculty Advisor; meet with UW Admissions to schedule high school visits; meet with Dean Taylor & Denzil Suite
    • Increase RSO outreach efforts
    • Increase high school student outreach efforts
  • Week of October 8th
    • Check in
    • Meet with workshop leaders to discuss workshops by this week
    • Finalize KeyNote Speaker
    • Confirm RSO list; send out informational emails to RSOs
  • Week of October 15th
    • Check in
    • Meet with Faculty Advisor
    • Confirm Workshop topics and schedule
  • Week of October 22nd
    • Check in
    • Pay ECC reservation fee
    • Last minute high school
    • Close registration (10/26) and finalize/confirm conference attendance
    • Order T-Shirts, lanyards, and tote bags
  • Week of October 29th
    • Check in
    • Meet with Faculty Advisor
    • Potentially leave registration open until 11/2
  • Week of November 5th
    • Check in
    • Finalize conference details and technicalities, set up ECC; meet with RSO fair participants, workshop leaders, volunteers
    • Send out informational emails to high school students

Environmental Impact

Most Psychological research that is studied in Colleges and Universities has been done by White people, on White people, and most likely for White people. Findings have been applied to “other” groups, like people of color, without taking into account cultural differences or other ways of living. Or, when research does mention various cultural groups, they are brought up as the antithesis or exception. Further, mental health and illness are thought to be arenas for wealthy White individuals. This is clear after a simple Google search of “therapist” or “therapy”. Attending the University of Washington and majoring in Psychology will also give off that information. PSYCH classes are typically taught by White professors and most students in class are White. Most of the psychologists and researchers that students learn about are White, and their subjects are largely White.

However, there has been research on topics such as representation. Different studies show that schools with more Black teachers or even a Black principal increase the amount of Black students in gifted programs. From the direct experience of Diversity in Psychology’s founding members, as well as from many other people of color, it becomes much easier to feel as one belongs in a group or school when there are other people that look like you. Studies show that belongingness is crucial to development, academic performance, and many other positive outcomes.

One of the immediate goals of the Double Dip Conference is to provide this representation to high school students. We feel that because the larger field of Psychology lacks much diverse representation, the study and faith in Psychology is lacking in many communities that have been historically underserved and neglected. We hope that if  students see other students, leaders, professors, alumni, and advisors that reflect themselves, they can easily imagine themselves at the University of Washington and as future Psychology professionals. Additionally, we hope to present the idea of attending a university as exciting and attainable for these students. We want to provide them with resources and a network of support for their future college endeavors. Expanding the community that Diversity in Psychology has created to high school students is also a goal of the Conference.

Further, along with the values of our RSO, our team hopes to broaden the conversation around what Psychology can mean. While the field historically lacks much racial representation, issues such as racism and discrimination are intensely intertwined in various Psychological topics and areas of study. This being said, we plan to include an environmental aspect in our conference. Given the low amounts of racial diversity at the University of Washington, Seattle, and largely the whole state of Washington, it is important to note how environmental injustices are rooted in racism and that they impact certain groups in many ways. In a virtually racially-segregated city like Seattle, that is undergoing much change, a conversation and understanding about issues such as environmental racism is crucial. Professor Lynne Manzo, an Environmental Psychologist, will be able to speak on this topic. We want students to understand that Psychology is more than being a “shrink”, “listening to people’s problems”, or “diagnosing everyone you meet”. Psychology can also mean seeing and understanding deeply rooted systems of injustice and the avenues through which they are sustained.

Our larger goals are to increase diversity in the Psychology department at UW and in the broader field. Showcasing actual diversity in Psychology at this conference, educating students on the importance of people like them in this field, and familiarizing students with resources on campus will build a strong and focused group of future applicants to the school. This conference will start a domino effect and grow bigger and better with every year.

Education & Outreach

We have been working with the Office of Multicultural Outreach and Recruitment, the Dream Project, and UW Admissions to spread the word to high schoolers. Because our target group is high school students, we have been working with these offices to share our marketing information (description of the event + event flyer + registration link) to their high school contacts. Through our various organized meetings and discussions, we have met members of the greater community that are also forwarding our conference details to various high schools and students in the area.

We plan to host this conference at the UW, in the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center. Not only is the ECC a great resource for students of color at UW, but it is a great network of people to work with for this conference. We hope to collaborate and share ideas on how to best serve our audience.

Through the various workshops and discussions, we plan to exhibit the diversity of the field of Psychology. That means highlighting the many different areas of research, job opportunities and career paths, and why it is importance for the field to consist of diverse individuals & groups. We can hopefully start a trend of positive change and start the very important conversation about Psychology in marginalized groups and communities.

Student Involvement

All of our board members will be involved in the Conference. Members are taking leadership roles with advertising, conference planning, and student outreach, and some will also take charge in creating merchandise and other materials for the event. In addition to our own team, we plan to collaborate with other student leaders involved in the Dream Project, Admissions, Psychology graduate students, and professors and faculty in the field. These individuals and groups will lead the workshops that the high school students will attend throughout the day. We also look forward to collaborating with different RSOs that center on diversity and/or Psychology to participate in an RSO fair during the event.

Accountability & Feasibility

Diversity in Psychology’s executive board has been on top of planning and communicating in regard to the Conference. Since Spring Quarter of 2018, we have had various meetings where items such as fundraising and conference planning were talked about and executed. Our previous board was very passionate about the Conference and we have solidified many aspects already. We will have merchandise donated from the UW Bookstore, snack donations from a local bakery, and have confirmed collaborations with the Dream Project, the Counseling Center, and UW Psychology graduate students to lead different sessions throughout the day. A flyer (with a conference logo) and informational letter have both been created to send out to high school counselors and students

For marketing and outreach, we have been working closely with the Multicultural Outreach and Recruitment Office (MOR) to reach out to students and high schools in the King County area. Additionally, we have reached out to personal and community contacts that have access to these populations as well in order to advertise and invite students to the conference. We have a goal of 100 students, and so far have about 50 confirmed via our registration link. Now that school is starting up again, we will expand our invitations and reach out to even more high schools. Additionally, the Dream Project will also be spreading the word to their high school connections.

Over the summer, our new executive board has met for a few in-person meetings but have been communicating virtually for the most part. The new board has become familiar with the conference and tasks have been assigned to each member, ranging from taking charge on merchandise and marketing materials to sending out email invitations. When the school year begins, we will continue to meet once to twice weekly to check in with each other and our assigned tasks. We will also continue check-ins with our faculty advisor and our other sources of assistance from UW Admissions and MOR.

We have also met with and been in constant communication with our faculty advisor in the Psychology Advising Office. She has helped us with getting financial backing from the Psychology Department and connected us with the graduate students who will be leading sessions.

The conference has the support of Dr. Denzil Suite, the VP of Student Life. He has a background in Psychology and is thrilled to see a conference like ours coming to fruition. Additionally, Ed Taylor, Dean of Undergraduate Affairs, has also agreed to support the conference financially. Similarly, he has a background in Psychology and shares Dr. Suite’s excitement and passion.

Of course, if awarded money, we are more than thrilled to work with the CSF to discussing alternative ways of reaching high school students and ways to improve any ideas regarding the conference. We would love to talk about ways to make the conference even more cost-efficient.

Our team members are confident that this conference will pave the way for more to come and widen the conversation about diversity in the field of Psychology.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ayala Feder-Haugabook

Healthy building certification for the UW Tower – education and demonstration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $999

Letter of Intent:

Summary of project proposal:

The student team would like to use the UW Tower, in particular, the newly renovated UW-IT space to demonstrate how to create a healthy workplace. Students in Professor Kim's CESI 599 course will participate in a quarter long measurement and verification of indoor air quality, light, and other comfort criteria in addition to identifying and documenting relevant strategies that promote healthy workspace. The end product is to use the narratives as support documents to certify the newly renovated UW IT space as the possible Fitwel building. Fitwel is a nationally recognized certification system (similar to U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design system). If UW Tower is granted the certification, it would be the first building on campus to be a Fitwel space.    

Environmental impact:

The proposed project is part of the series needed to pursue the first healthy building certification at UW campus. The assessment that students will conduct includes evaluating performance metrics of healthy building standards for UW-IT space at UW Tower, such as air quality, water quality, light and comfort. It is expected that the presentation of the findings will motivate pro-environmental behavior to the building occupants, students and UW campus in general. Furthermore, the project will also demonstrate the importance of the indoor environmental quality and thus promote health-conscious individual behavior based on the measurable parameters. The bigger impact of this project is expected beyond addressing sustainability when UW-IT space successfully obtains healthy building certification and become the example for other buildings across the campus

Student Leadership & Involvement:

CESI 599 requires that students are actively involved in the entire certification process. The class represents a wide diversity in terms of the students' demographics from many different countries, as well as promotes interdisciplinary collaboration where the students come from different majors and departments within UW. Student groups will be responsible for documenting the findings as well as doing a presentation in front of all the stakeholders. The funding is requested to hold a whole building occupant presentation in the UW Tower auditorium which will be a unique experience.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

Having the all occupant presentation will be a great opportunity to reach out the employees of this University. We will discuss (and have the opportunity to educate) the benefits of good air quality, lighting, and comfort in terms of occupant benefits and improved productivity. In addition, the students will obtain a hands-on experience with daysimeter to learn one of the cutting-edge tools to measure light and health of the occupant.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The requested budget does not cover all the measurement and verification needed for truly demonstrating the performance of a healthy workspace. However, Professor Kim (through her class) will be supporting relevant equipment that may be already available through her lab. She will also provide the necessary oversight. We are asking to supplement by acquiring daysimeter (to measure healthy/circadian light) to enrich the experience and make the assessment more comprehensive.

Project's budget estimate and schedule:

We are asking for $998.50 in total. $338.50 will be spent on presenting at the UW Tower auditorium ($300 for auditorium rental fee and $38.50 for audiovisual) and $660 on daysimeter. We expect to acquire daysimeter before the scheduled CESI 599 class about lighting topic on October 30th, 2018. The presentation at the UW Tower auditorium will be on December 6th, 2018.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lysandra A. Medal

Healthy building certification for the UW Tower – education and demonstration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $999

Letter of Intent:

Summary of project proposal:

The student team would like to use the UW Tower, in particular, the newly renovated UW-IT space to demonstrate how to create a healthy workplace. Students in Professor Kim’s CESI 599 course will participate in a quarter long measurement and verification of indoor air quality, light, and other comfort criteria in addition to identifying and documenting relevant strategies that promote healthy workspace. The end product is to use the narratives as support documents to certify the newly renovated UW IT space as the possible Fitwel building. Fitwel is a nationally recognized certification system (similar to U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design system). If UW Tower is granted the certification, it would be the first building on campus to be a Fitwel space.

Environmental impact:

The proposed project is part of the series needed to pursue the first healthy building certification at UW campus. The assessment that students will conduct includes evaluating performance metrics of healthy building standards for UW-IT space at UW Tower, such as air quality, water quality, light and comfort. It is expected that the presentation of the findings will motivate pro-environmental behavior to the building occupants, students and UW campus in general. Furthermore, the project will also demonstrate the importance of the indoor environmental quality and thus promote health-conscious individual behavior based on the measurable parameters. The bigger impact of this project is expected beyond addressing sustainability when the space successfully obtains healthy building certification and become the example for other buildings across the campus.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

CESI 599 requires that students are actively involved in the entire certification process. The class represents a wide diversity in terms of the students’ demographics from many different countries, as well as promotes interdisciplinary collaboration where the students come from different majors and departments within UW. Student groups will be responsible for documenting the findings as well as doing a presentation in front of all the stakeholders. The funding is requested to hold a whole building occupant presentation in the UW Tower auditorium which will be a unique experience.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

Having the all occupant presentation will be a great opportunity to reach out the employees of this University. We will discuss (and have the opportunity to educate) the benefits of good air quality, lighting, and comfort in terms of occupant benefits and improved productivity. In addition, the students will obtain a hands-on experience with daysimeter to learn one of the cutting-edge tools to measure light and health of the occupant.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The requested budget does not cover all the measurement and verification needed for truly demonstrating the performance of a healthy workspace. However, Professor Kim (through her class) will be supporting relevant equipment that may be already available through her lab. She will also provide the necessary oversight. We are asking to supplement by acquiring daysimeter (to measure healthy/circadian light) to enrich the experience and make the assessment more comprehensive.

Project’s budget estimate and schedule:

We are asking for $998.50 in total. $338.50 will be spent on presenting at the UW Tower auditorium ($300 for auditorium rental fee and $38.50 for audiovisual) and $660 on daysimeter. We expect to acquire daysimeter before the scheduled CEE 599 about lighting topic on October 30th, 2018. The presentation at the UW Tower auditorium will be on December 6th, 2018.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lysandra A. Medal

Life Sciences Building Rooftop Solar Array - Supplementary

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $50,000

Letter of Intent:

Life sciences building rooftop solar array (2)


UW-Solar is working with the University of Washington (UW) and project architects, Perkins+Will, on the construction of UW’s Life Sciences Building (LSB). UW-Solar contributed to the installation of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) panels on the façade of the building. The student group is now advocating for the installation of a 100 kW on the rooftop of the LSB upon completion of the building, scheduled for Fall 2018. We have already secured $150,000 in previous funding from the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) for the project, received a generous $100,000 donation from a charitable organization, and are requesting an additional $50,000 from CSF for the project, through the new Student Technology Fee (STF) partnership with CSF.


UW-Solar Summary

UW-Solar is an interdisciplinary team within the University of Washington’s Urban Infrastructure Laboratory that focuses on the development of solar installations with accompanying Industrial Control Systems on buildings on the UW campus. UW-Solar students range from undergraduate to the Ph.D. level within the Colleges of Engineering, Business, Built Environments, and Environmental Sciences. UW-Solar’s primary objective is to provide clean, sustainable power production to reduce the University of Washington’s reliance on external energy resources, improve power systems’ resilience to outages, and reduce the overall carbon footprint of the university. The usage of clean and renewable energy sources are a primary objective of the University of Washington’s Climate Action plan for the future sustainability of the University.

2.2 Project summary

UW is working with Perkins+Will to construct the new Life Science Building. The implementation of a roof-top PV array will enhance the energy generation of the existing design, bringing the project closer to achieving LEED-NC Platinum certification. Power generation from solar energy has been achieved with the construction of BIPV fins on the southeast façade, but the addition of standard photovoltaic (PV) panels on the roof of the building would allow for far greater harvesting of the solar resource.

In Spring 2017, CSF approved $150,000 in funding for a combined pool that was meant to cover the $600,000 in costs for both the rooftop PV system and the BIPV panels. Unfortunately, we were unable to secure the remaining $450,000 because many of our historical funding sources became unavailable within the current political climate. As such we chose to abandon pursuing funding for the BIPV fins and have focused exclusively on the the rooftop PV system.

In July 2018, we were informed by Devin Kleiner of Perkins+Will that a generous donor was willing to contribute $100,000 to the construction of the rooftop PV system. The original CSF funding combined with the matching donation brings our current budget to $250,000. We are thus requesting an additional $50,000 in order to fully build out our designed 100 kW array on the LSB.

This project has been in development since Fall of 2016. As such, we have already completed the design for the project, estimated costs and power generation, and have begun a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) to be submitted to UW Capital Projects & Development.

We are hoping this project can be supported by the new STF partnership with CSF. The development of clean energy on campus aligns itself with the goals of the STF. This rooftop PV system would provide positive environmental and financial impacts for the University, provide opportunities for students of UW-Solar to work on an engineering and construction project, and promotes sustainability initiatives on campus with a visible and highly-publicized student project.

Environmental impact

The addition of photovoltaics to the Life Sciences Building will have a positive impact on the environment through the on-site production of renewable energy, which will both reduce the carbon-footprint of the building and increase its energy self-sufficiency.

As of March 2017, the was enough rooftop space reserved for a 100 kW solar array, or approximately 335 standard panels. Using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's PVWatts calculator (, this array would generate approximately 105,000 kWh/year. According to the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies calculator, that is equivalent to upwards of 78 metric tons of CO2e. This is comparable to the carbon generated from:

  • 9,000 gallons of gasoline
  • 86,000 pounds of coal
  • 185 barrels of oil

Student leadership & involvement

The inclusion of renewable technologies on the Life Sciences Building has been spearheaded by students of UW-Solar since the Fall of 2015. The students working on this project have had opportunities to interact and work with architects from Perkins+Will, contractors from Skanska, and professionals working at the UW.

Numerous updates are necessary before our RFP can be submitted. Luckily, new and returning members of UW-Solar will be available this fall quarter to address these tasks. Students involved in this project will learn:

  • Reading and interpreting construction documents
  • Revising our original design to match the As-Built documents for the rooftop
  • Cost and energy performance estimating

Students will also get the opportunity to select a contracting firm to award the bid using an unbiased, multicriteria analysis. As one criteria, we are including a section within our RFP wherein the contracting firm must propose a “student education and inclusion” plan. This plan should give students the opportunity to tour a construction site, learn from professionals about solar installation, and participating in the commissioning process upon successful construction of the project.

Education and outreach

The rooftop array will be installed with a Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. This system would record performance data from each individual panel, which allows for design optimization and simplifies maintenance. In addition, this system stores the performance data, which can be analyzed and presented. A virtual dashboard displaying energy metrics of the LSB will be placed within the 1st floor lobby space. Our SCADA system would be incorporated into the presentation for this dashboard. Students and visitors would be able to interact with the dashboard and explore the building’s energy metrics and sustainable features, including the energy provided by the rooftop array.

The unique aspects of this project make the LSB a leading example of sustainability in higher education and demonstrates the University’s commitment to investing in alternative energy sources. The project has been highly publicized, and the addition of a large rooftop solar array would certainly garner attention from news sources and the student body. This could also serve as a flagship project to highlight the new partnership between the CSF and the STF.


UW-Solar has investigated ongoing accountability for management and maintenance of the solar installations, as well as long-term leadership considerations for the project as it relates to executive stakeholders, logistical management, and staffing and budget impacts of relevant stakeholder organizations.

Estimated budget

The following table is a cost estimate for the rooftop array. The budget is meant to be an estimate and will be revised by our contractor bids. Please see the key below for explanation.

Infrastructure Cost ($) IT Cost ($)
Panels 80,000* Inverters 50,000*
Wiring 15,000* Metering 7,000***
Racking System 10,000*** Weather Station 500***
Labor 100,000** Transformer 2,500***
Permitting 500*** IT equipment 4,000***
Commissioning 5,000* Shipping 2,500***
Operations & Maintenance 3,000***    
Subtotal 213,500 Subtotal 66,500
Contingency 20,000*** Total 300,000

*Items intended to be funded by original CSF award
**Items intended to be funded by outside donation
***Items intended to be funded by this application

If we are not awarded the additional $50,000 requested in this application, we will proceed with the $250,000 to construct a reduced array of approximately 80 kW.

Project timeline

The following is a potential project timeline:

  • CSF Full Proposal Due- TBD
  • CSF Award Notification- Late October, 2018 (TBD)
  • Request for Proposal Submitted- Early November 2018
  • Contractor Selected: Early 2019
  • Construction Begins: Late Spring 2019
  • Construction Completed: Summer 2019

Contact information

Life Sciences Building Project Managers:

Urban Infrastructure Lab Manager - Stefanie Young,

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alexander Ratcliff

Rebound: The Bounce Back Used Notebooks Deserve

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $405

Letter of Intent:

Project Proposal

Each quarter students buy brand new notebooks and throughout each lecture slowly fill the pages with diagrams and key points. However, as dead week rolls around many find they have excess blank pages leftover. A large portion of students hold on to these notebooks, never to look back at their notes, while others recycle or even put the paper into the trash. Our campus Rotaract Club is proposing an innovative alternative, to collect these notebooks at the end of each quarter to be disassembled and rebound into new notebooks. After disassembling all of notebook parts, papers of similar sizes will be grouped and then using aluminum screw posts and covers made of recycled materials, new notebooks will be formed. The recreated notebooks will be freely distributed at the start of the next quarter for their second lives in assisting student learning. To complete the “Rebound” project, our club will require upfront funding for a machining tools, customized stamps promoting sustainability, collection bins, and reusable promotion signs, along with funds to purchase pins and covers for each new notebook.


Environmental Impact

Throughout this collection and repurposing process all unusable materials will be disposed of properly. We will invite any unwanted notebooks to be put into our collection bins, in this way we are disposing of notebooks correctly, even if it does not contain immediately reusable paper. Not only does this give the unused paper the ability to be used, it also ensures that all components of notebooks, such as the metal spiral are correctly recycled. We hope to alleviate improper disposal that occurs each quarter, along with providing a second life to untouched paper. If large scale recycling is required we plan to partner with Seattle’s recycling resources, such as Seadrunar Recycling, a non-profit based in Seattle.


Student Leadership & Involvement

This process will take extensive planning within our club’s committee to ensure proper promotion and execution of notebook collection. Donation boxes are planned to be placed outside of main lecture halls, dorms, and dining halls on campus. Redistribution will be executed at the start of the quarter by tabling in Red Square. A committee will be formed within our club and will be mainly lead by select officers.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

Each notebook will be customized with a stamp or sticker explaining the history of the notebook, along with promoting the importance of recycling used materials. The notebooks will also detail proper self-disposal at the end of it’s use. Our club plans to table in Red Square at the beginning of the quarter to spread awareness of the program, while distributing the rebound notebooks.  

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

The bulk of the manual labor required for this process will be completed by the members within the Rotaract Club. Each year we maintain approximately 25 active members and meet weekly to engage in service projects and to develop professionally. As our club is accustomed to service events we are highly equipped to take on a project of this magnitude. In this past year our members were a part of organizing and executing a hygiene kit packing event where over 800 kits were assembled for sex trafficked victims in the Seattle area. To maintain a long-term commitment to this plan, emphasis will be put on plan documentation and training of underclassmen. We also plan to conduct surveys when distributing notebooks to gain insight in how to better our program. Through these methods our “Rebound” project can be formed into a sustainable component of the University of Washington Seattle campus.

Project Budget

The proposed budget supplies enough materials to create 100 notebooks. The limiting factors will be the notebook covers and aluminum pins. Each new notebook will require 2 notebook covers, with 200 proposed in the budget. Three aluminum pins will also be required per notebook, with 300 planned in the budget.

Item Category Item Item Description and Distributor Qty Unit Price Shipping Cost Total Expense
Notebook Materials Notebook Cover 8.75” x 11.25” x 0.016” rounded corner grain composition notebook covers. In blue and green and 100% recyclable. Sold by Lamination Depot 200 $0.3011 $0* $60.22
  Aluminum Pins 5/8” aluminum screw pins. Sold by Lamination Depot 300 $0.0797 $0* $23.91
  Recycling Stamps Predesigned recycle stamps. Uses water-based inks and consist of post-consumer plastic for minimal environmental impact. Sold by 4 $8.95 $4.95 $40.75
  Custom Stamps Custom stamp detailing recycling instructions for notebook. Sold by 1 $24.95 $5.90 $30.85
  Custom Sticker Custom circle sticker, 3” x 3” explaining the notebook origin. Sold by 120 $0.537 $8.99 $73.47
Notebook Binding Tools Hole Punch 40 sheet 3-hole punch, with 9/32” diameter holes. Sold by Amazon “Bostitch EZ Squeeze 40 Sheet 3-Hole Punch (HP40)” 2 $19.84 $0 $39.68
Marketing Collection Bins Cardboard bins to collect used notebooks, 16” x 16” x 31”. Sold by Amazon “Disposable Cardboard Trash and Recycling Boxes: Bin + Lid + Trash Bag- White (Qty. 10 Sets)” 10 $9.00 $0 $90.00
  Vinyl Sign 3’ x 6’ custom vinyl sign, intended for tabling events in Red Square. Sold by 1 $40.59 $0 $40.59
          Total Cost $402.51

*Shipping from Lamination Depot is free for orders over $75.00



Task Name Start Date End Date
Fall Quarter 2018 9/26/2018 12/14/2018
Form "Rebound" Committee 10/2/2018 10/9/2018
Order collection supplies 11/1/2018 11/2/2018
Order rebinding supplies 11/8/2018 11/9/2018
Organize advertising plan 11/13/2018 11/27/2018
Notebook Collection 12/3/2018 12/14/2018
Rebinding of notebooks 12/12/2018 1/6/2019
Winter Quarter 2019 1/7/2019 3/22/2019
Redistribution of notebooks 1/7/2019 1/8/2019
Notebook Collection 3/11/2019 3/22/2019
Rebinding of notebooks 3/20/2019 3/31/2019
Spring Quarter 2019 4/1/2019 6/14/2019
Redistribution of notebooks 4/1/2019 4/2/2019
Notebook Collection 6/3/2019 6/14/2019
Rebinding of notebooks 6/12/2019 6/22/2019
Redistribution of notebooks 6/24/2019 6/25/2019
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Arielle Howell

HUB Bin Expansion Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $952

Letter of Intent:

14 May 2018 



My name is Izabella Dadula and I am a graduating senior in the University of Washington Industrial Design program on the Seattle campus. I am writing to apply for a small CSF grant ($952) for a student-led project (with faculty support).


Since Summer 2017, I have been working to redesign the physical containers that are part of the Smart Bins installation at the HUB. The Smart Bins installation (designed by Karen Cheng and Kristine Matthews, faculty members at the University of Washington) consists of a set of digital screens and videos that help educate users about proper recycling and composting. When someone throws trash into the bins, it triggers a weight sensor, and the screens tell the user how their choice impacts the environment. 


Unfortunately, the current bins are small surplus items provided by UW Recycling. They have very limited capacity (about 10 gallons). In the HUB location, these bins cannot handle the amount of foot traffic and waste at the HUB. By noon, the bins are completely overflowing with trash—and that deters people from seeing and using the installation (see photo next page).


To solve this problem, my design more than doubles the bins’ capacity. Throughout this year, I have consulted with the original research group and made multiple iterations of my design so that new bins accommodate both a larger liner and a larger digital scale. Besides increasing capacity, I have made the new bins with a side-door, which will also be easier (more ergonomic) for custodians to service. The current bins are top-loading, which means that custodians have to lift the waste bags up and out of the liners. 


I have been working with the UW School of Art Woodshop and 3D lab technicians, and we have secured free leftover wood from a salvage project that I can reuse for doors. The CSF grant will enable us to pay a fabricator to bend and powder-coat steel for the rest of the casing. We have sent the design out to local metal shops for quotes, and selected the lowest price. The new bins are extremely sturdy and should last more than 50 years. 


We have some funding from the UW HUB and UW HFS for this project. The artists/faculty are also willing to contribute/match these funds. With this CSF grant, we will have full funding and will be able to bring my design to life. This is an extremely exciting and important moment for me as a senior in industrial design—to finally see the production of a design that I personally worked on.


I believe this project addresses the CSF requirements because the installation has been proven to change behavior over time. In the bin’s previous location in UW’s PACCAR hall, trash sorts from the UW Garbology Project showed that the installation increases composting and reduces contamination in recycling. The installation is used not only by students and staff, but also by prospective students and families who visit the campus. The bins are currently located in a high traffic area and are a part of spreading proper waste management awareness in at the University of Washington and beyond.


Please help me see this project to its completion. Thank you very much for your consideration. 



Izabella Dadula

UW Industrial Design Senior


14 May 2018 

Wood Door Fabrication at School of Art + Art History + Design
Salvaged Wood Material $0

Woodworking Assistance from Flyn O’Brien, UW Design Technician $330


Six Hinges from McMaster-Carr (Two per Door, $5.40 each) $32

Three Sets of Four Levellers from McMaster Carr ($7.05 per set) $28

WA State Sales Tax (10.4%) $6

Fabrication at Rainier
Metal Purchasing, Bending, Powder Coating and Assembly (Wood Door) $5,775

WA State Sales Tax (10.4%) $600

Interior Liners and Scales

Three Centurian 23 gallon bin liners ($21 each) $63

Three Adam Scales ($160 each) $480
WA State Sales Tax (10.4%) $56

Direct Printing for Bin Lids

Printing from Imagine Visual Services (includes WA State Sales Tax) $332



Budget from UW HUB $2,500

Budget from UW HFS $750

Matching Funds from UW Design Division $3,500

Requested funds from CSF Small Projects Grant $952

We can begin fabrication immediately after funds have been supplied by the CSF

Small Projects Grant. The fabrication process will occur during Summer Quarter 2018. 

The new bins can then be in place prior to the start of Fall Quarter 2018. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Izabella Dadula

Salvage Wood Project Advertising Campaign

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Dear Selection Committee,

I would like to thank you for funding all of the grounds management sustainability projects. The money you have supplied is helping the University become a more sustainable, environmentally friendly space.

One of our most successful projects, the salvage wood program, is in need of money for advertising. This project turns wood from fallen trees into usable products such as benches, tables and nametags. Keeping our trees on campus substantially reduces our carbon footprint. Grinding up and transporting these trees to cedar grove requires the use of fossil fuels and produces carbon emissions. Currently, there is more salvage wood than there is demand for its usable products. At the current rate we will not have adequate room to store all of the downed wood for future projects.

In order for this project to stay operational and efficiently use all of the wood from around campus, product orders need to be placed by the campus community. The money acquired from this grant will be used to increase our outreach by creating a workable website where campus organizations, faculty, staff and alumni can order different products created from salvaged wood. We will work with students from the marketing and business school to help us set up a website and advertising campaign throughout campus. Other forms of outreach will be established with the College of Built Environments who may have an interest in using the wood for their classes.

We will also create wooden tags and plaques using salvage wood to be placed in high visited areas throughout campus (The HUB, Suzzallo, Odeggard, Washington Commons, etc.). These tags/plaques will contain the following ‘To order salvage wood products (name tags, benches, tables etc.) please visit, This project is funded by the Campus Sustainability Fund.’  The majority of the funds will be used to pay for these tags which cost $65 each. Examples of these tags created by the salvage wood program can be seen below.

Thank you for your considerations for this grant. If awarded it will greatly help the salvage wood program.


Michael Bradshaw





Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Bradshaw

WashPIRG 100% Renewable Energy Plant Potting Event

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $210

Letter of Intent:

CSF Small Project Application

Letter of Intent


Plant Potting & Pizza Night


100% Renewable Energy Campaign

This project is meant to increase awareness of the 100% Renewable Energy Campaign through a fun event that will encourage students to engage in student activism. In this workshop, we will be providing small succulents, soil, and a pot that students can decorate. While students socialize and learn more about caring for their succulent, they will be creating something that they can share on social media or with their friends, increasing interest in renewable energy far beyond the night. The event will also include a workshop where we will talk about WashPIRG, the campaign, and the importance of renewable energy. In the workshop, leaders of the campaign will briefly talk about our goals and why renewable energy is important, and then ask prepared questions to open the topic for everyone to discuss. We may also show the “Buildings of the Future: Net Zero Energy” TEDxCSUSM video, to further educate students about why buildings with 100% renewable energy are the future.

Furthermore, studies have proven that having plants in the home can increase concentration and productivity, as well as reduce stress levels. Plants also reduce carbon dioxide and freshen up whatever space they are in. Having this event so close to finals week will be a great way to give back to the community while educating students about renewable energy, as well as providing students with a path towards making a difference and being more involved. This workshop is meant to start a dialogue about renewable energy on campus, as well as educate our peers about how we take action to create a more sustainable future.

1. Environmental Impact

The workshop will nurture a more sustainable campus by providing students with plants which help the environment and also create a path towards thinking about our impact on the planet in our daily lives. We are also being considerate to use compostable items where possible, as well as reuse any products we obtain, such as paint and soil. Educating our peers about renewable energy also begins a discussion about our own individual impact on the environment, as well as what we can do as students to urge others to make sustainable changes.

2. Student Leadership and Involvement

This project is entirely planned and executed by student volunteers, both within WashPIRG’s 100% Renewable Energy campaign as well as other students who express interest in volunteering. Participating in the project will provide students with event planning skills, as well as the skills needed to communicate environmentalism clearly, confidently, and respectfully to others.

3. Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

This project is aimed at encouraging students to become more aware of issues of sustainability and renewable energy in their daily lives. We hope that this interactive, environmentally friendly activity coupled with discussion as well as education about our cause will attract students who may not already be involved in environmental issues. After this event, we hope that these students will continue exploring sustainability through joining WashPIRG or another environmental RSO.

4. Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

All products needed have already been thoroughly researched for the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly options. Students across the campus community have expressed interest in the event and WashPIRG has the skills and resources to make it successful. While I do not think that time will be our enemy for this project, WashPIRG has put together successful events in a time crunch in the past. The Renewable Energy Rally held this year was planned in a short span and had over 60 attendees, it was also covered on two local news outlets as well as The Daily. For a full list of events organized by WashPIRG, refer here: We have a dedicated team of students working on this project and have obtained permission to pull it off. Furthermore, the campaign has received guidance by Sean Schmidt, Sustainability Specialist at UW Sustainability, as well as WashPIRG’s full-time Campus Organizer, William Lehrer, whom our organization funds to support us.


April 25

  • Second meeting with volunteers finalizing event plan and details
  • Research all supplies needed for the event
  • Begin reaching out to other students about the event

April 26

  • Reserve room in the HUB

April 27

  • Turn in CSF Application
  • Create Facebook page for event
  • Begin inviting students to event
  • Begin rough draft for conversation topics during workshop

May 1

  • Purchase supplies for event

May 2

  • Campaign Meeting
    • Sign up volunteers for event/workshop
    • Brainstorm and compile materials for workshop
    • Share facebook event
    • Sign up volunteers to make and post posters around campus

May 10

  • Campaign Meeting
    • Begin making and putting up posters around campus
    • Finalize conversation topics during workshop

May 18

  • “Plants and Pizza with WashPIRG 100% Sustainability Campaign” event in HUB 337 from 5:30-6:30 pm


  • Room booking
    • $12.50 + $22.00 for a custom set
    • $23.00 required cleaning fee for food
    • Total: $57.50
  • Materials for pots
    • Mini Terra Cotta Pots (4 dozen) - $30
    • Paint (10 pc.) - $25.00
    • Paint Palettes (2 dozen) - $10.00
    • Stickers (1 roll) - $3.00
    • Self-Adhesive Daisy Decorations (36 pieces) - $5.00
    • Total: $73.00
  • Plant Materials
    • Succulent Cuttings (40 pieces) - $60
    • Soil Mix - $10.00
    • Total: $70
  • Food (cannot be funded by CSF, funded through donations)
    • Pagliacci donation
  • GRAND TOTAL: $200.50 rounded up to $210
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Bernadette Bresee

TSA Night Market 2018

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Project Summary

The UW Night Market has been expanded from HUB Lawn to Red Square since 2001. It is one of the Taiwanese Student Association’s signature events and the largest in scale in terms of people. The event recreates traditional night markets in Taiwan and is centered around food provided by vendors. This year, we will be expanding the vendor section to 30 vendors comparing to 20 vendors last year. Every year, this event creates large amounts of waste that isn’t properly disposed of by guests; this year, we plan to create a recycling plan that alleviates this issue by setting 2-3 volunteers at each trash station to monitor trash flow.
The plan is based on ZeeWee, a Zero Waste Event. The goal is to heavily reduce waste with a three-step process. First: replace all food containers with recyclable and compostable ones. Some containers are vendor specific and will require funds to replace in house. The second step is to eliminate bottled water and replace them with water stations and recyclable cups, which will also require funds. The third step is to assign waste reduction tasks to staff and volunteers. These tasks will include monitoring garbage disposal bins to ensure proper sorting, after event cleanup, etc. Most importantly, the plan will require a radical redesign that will ensure a greener Night Market but will severely strain our already tight budget.

Environmental Impact

With around 7,000 people per year visiting the UW Night Market and 30 vendors, a large amount of waste will be generated. By working closely with vendors and supervising trash containers, waste should be reduced by at least half and recycling increased by an even larger margin. This isn’t a plan that will be implemented once, UW Night Market 2018 will set a precedent for all following events created by TSA that involves food wastes.

Student Leadership and Involvement

The UW Night Market is primarily run by the Taiwanese Student Association officers, a group of 45 dedicated students. Last year, we also had around 120 volunteers that participated at the Night Market. We are expecting around 100 volunteers this year, of about 30% of the volunteers and officers will be helping out with organizing the trash at each trash station. These volunteers come from various backgrounds; some are members of other UW RSO’s or are students at nearby high schools. Overall, student involvement is prominent. Every year TSA is excited to see so many people participating in the creation of Night Market. This year, we will also be encouraging our attendees to bring their own utensils through making short advertisement videos so that everyone can feel involved in partaking in being eco-friendly.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The hope is for event-goers and our officers to become more conscientious and aware of the consequences caused by the waste we generate. It is hoped that such a mentality will be adopted in the day-to-day lives of those involved in Night Market, and that the effects will extend beyond TSA events, but to the events of other on-campus organizations. This is why we will make short, eloquent advertising videos on encouraging people to bring their own cutleries. We hope that not only our attendees, but TSA members and students in general will be more aware of the trash generated in daily life.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

TSA is a longstanding organization (founded in 1946) that has received multiple RSO rewards. Besides its reputation, TSA is credited with holding multiple large events annually, including a singing competition, semi-formal, and the aforementioned Night Market. A zero-waste event is a challenge that we are willing to take on and have confidence in fulfilling considering our vast experience in event planning. TSA is confident in its ability to use CSF monies in a responsible manner.


Seeing as night market serves 7,000 people, a conservative estimate for reusable water stations would be $500. Food containers would cost an additional $500. TSA requests $1000 to make this a reality.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Tiffany Lin

Secondary Contact First & Last Name: Jessica Ong

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Tiffany Lin

ReThink UW's Fourth Annual Resilience Summit

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $375

Letter of Intent:

ReThink has held an annual Resilience Summit for three years, and for those times, our organization was lucky enough to work with the CSF through partnerships and grants. This year the Summit focuses on regeneration: the development of systems that are capable of being restored and renewed through the integration of natural processes, human behavior, and community action. We hope to challenge the traditional definition of “sustainability” and discuss if this concept of a prolonged state of environmental impact is beneficial in the future. This year, the event will be held in Paccar Hall 392 to encourage maximum attendance from the Foster School of Business community, as well as other groups on campus interested in sustainable development. We are teaming up with several clubs from across campus to draw an eclectic crowd of around 30-50 students. These students will spend 2 hours listening to in-depth presentations from our business professionals, engaging in question and answer sessions, and ending with individualized plans of action that may simply consist of a changed mindset or even turn into future CSF proposals. With time for networking over a dinner of sustainable and local food, we hope our audience will come away with a diverse set of perspectives and go forth driving change in business-as-usual practices. Beyond the experience members of the planning committee will gain from organizing and marketing this event, all participants of the Resilience Summit will get exposure to a diverse array of students from other disciplines, and informative and inspiring presentations and discussions from professionals in their fields of work. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to broaden their perspectives from the more narrow views represented in their respective majors.

A large part of the challenge is bringing students together to find the root cause of UW’s environmental issues in order to create a feasible solution including a plan of action. The 30-50 students attending the event are expected to be engaged and thoughtful members of the audience. Action post-event is not required but will be highly encouraged and enabled by our team. We have invited speakers from Wells Fargo, The Nature Conservancy, Sustainable Business Consulting, and 3Degrees to speak about how their experiences, company, and/or mission approaches the concept of regeneration in terms of climate action. For example: “How did you get to your current position? Did you always know you wanted to work in sustainability?”, and “What does business environmental responsibility look like to you and your organization?” We are expecting to obtain funds from the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship and Wells Fargo to help us support this event as it directly affects many students within the Foster School of Business and across the greater UW campus community.

The monetary support of the CSF grant will enable us to perform the best possible outreach for the Resilience Summit in various relevant areas on campus in order to gain excitement and attendance that outweighs last year’s event. Keeping our environment and UW’s paper reduction goals in mind, while still maximizing the potential for outreach to many attendees, we are planning to partially utilize ReThink grant money to create large poster boards and flyers that will illustrate the importance and quality of this event. ReThink has identified the most influential locations on campus that identify with the goals of this event and ReThink. These include, but are not limited to, the Foster School of Business, the Art and Design School, College of the Environment, Gould Hall, and the Paul G. Allen Center of Computer Science. The posters will be displayed in high-traffic areas, such as cafes and main entrances in order to attract the most attention. These posters complement our mainly digital marketing plan through our well known Facebook page, event page and targeted outreach of our board members and faculty contacts. Our multi-faceted marketing approach will maximize our outreach, and ensure that our environmental message will be heard loud and clear throughout campus.

The environmental problem that we hope to combat with this event is the same we’ve been working to oust for years previously: the widespread lack of education on pressing global environmental issues and sustainable development that UW students are broadly receiving. These issues apply to every student on campus in almost every academic discipline, yet not all students are required—or have room in their schedules—to take courses that touch on these issues, and independently sought information can often be misleading. Furthermore, though the University of Washington has undertaken many steps to be a sustainable campus, there is so much more that can be done, and we believe this starts with student education, involvement, and most importantly interest. The Resilience Summit thoroughly aligns with UW’s mission to sustainability. Even with such a broad term and definition, ReThink unites itself in all parts of all definitions in order to fully capture the meaning as it applies to business, industry, government, and individuals. We hope to be the catalyst to start developing a sustainable development certificate through the Foster School of Business that aligns conservation goals with quantifiable business skills. ReThink is widely known across campus for our work with the UW Sustainability Office, UW Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship, and other environmental clubs around campus. We look forward to bringing this unique event to students from diverse educational backgrounds and hope to foster a learning environment where even our guest speakers can learn from others at this event.

II. Timeline

December 15- January 7 | Planning

  • Brainstorming
    • Partnerships
    • Funding Opportunities
  • Obtaining speaker confirmations
  • Creating marketing campaign
  • Reaching out to Foster Advancement for speaker introductions and potential funding

March 10-April 2 | Implementing

  • Implementing Marketing → Outreach
    • Online first
    • Then to print and around campus
    • Start outreach to organizations, email newsletters

April 3 - April 13 | Outreach

  • Sharing the Resilience Summit at other events, including the Global Leadership Summit
  • Sharing event opportunity in classes
  • Posting marketing poster boards in the Foster School of Business

April 13 - April 19 | Final Stage

  • Final marketing push
  • Extreme outreach
  • Finalization of details with all speakers and partners

III. Budget

Homegrown Catering Budget $350 1 $350
Speaker Parking Permits $20 5 $100
Photographer $100 1 $100
Marketing Poster Boards $25 4 $100
Materials for day-of break-out sessions $25 1 $25
  = TOTAL $675
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Serena Jonel Allendorfer

Engage with Renewable Energy: Interactive Art Exhibition & Reusables Workshop

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $674

Letter of Intent:

CSF Small Project Application

Letter of Intent


Engage with Renewable Energy: Interactive Art Exhibition & Reusables Workshop


100% Renewable Energy Campaign


This project will include two components: a reusables workshop and interactive art exhibition to contribute to the Earth Day celebration on April 16-20th, 2018. The goal of both of these components is to engage UW students who may not already have a strong interest in the sustainability, climate change, or renewable energy and encourage them to incorporate these concepts into their daily lives.

The workshop will provide students with the opportunity to customize their own reusable item while talking with their peers about sustainability and renewable energy. We will provide students with blank tote bags, water bottles, thermoses, and cloth sandwich bags as well as an array of paint and stickers that they can use to create unique reusable items. We hope that these eye-catching designs will encourage their fellow students to start a dialogue about the reusable item and continue the conversation around sustainable choices. In addition, while the workshop is happening we will play a series of videos on the projector that focus on how we can engage with and incorporate sustainability and renewable energy into our worldview. One example of a video we could use is “Buildings of the Future: Net Zero Energy”, which was presented at TEDxCSUSM. Ideally, students will come away with a sparked interest in sustainability that will motivate them to take action in their own lives as well as a fun item that serves as a reminder of the event while reducing their environmental impact.

For the art exhibition, we will have a piece in a prominent position on the first floor of the Husky Union Building for the Monday to Friday of Earth week. The current concept for the piece is a giant “coloring page” that we will display in a four-foot long canvas on two large easels with an array of markers that students passing by can use to color in the piece. The piece itself will showcase a whimsical mural of interconnected vignettes depicting the often unnoticed connections between people and sustainability, such as wind turbines powering houses, urban gardens, and recycling facilities. We will work with the students creating the piece to make a design that appeals to them and tells this story of interconnectedness. One consideration we are keeping in mind is how to present a piece that will engage students and compel them to interact with it while expanding their view of sustainability and renewable energy. After we take down the piece, we are also looking into finding a space where we could permanently display it.


1. Environmental Impact

This project will nurture a more sustainable campus by providing around 100 free reusable items to students which will, over a lifetime of use, prevent many hundreds of disposable equivalents from entering landfills. We are also being considerate to use compostable items when possible and will reuse any supplies that we obtain, such as paint and markers.

2. Student Leadership & Involvement

This project will be entirely planned and executed by students, primarily being volunteers within WashPIRG’s 100% Renewable Energy campaign, as well as other students who express interest in contributing. Participating in this project will provide students with event planning skills, as well a unique opportunity to communicate scientific concepts through visual art.

3. Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The entirety of this project is aimed at encouraging students to become more aware of and engage with issues of sustainability and renewable energy in their daily lives. We hope that these two components will attract students who aren’t already involved in environmental issues and encourage them to continue exploring after Earth week is over, such as by joining WashPIRG or other environmental RSOs.

4. Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

Although this project must be put together in a short amount of time, we are confident that we have the skill and resources to make it successful. WashPIRG has a history of putting together events under a time crunch, such as the Renewable Energy Rally we held last quarter which had over 50 attendees and was covered on two local news outlets as well as The Daily. For a full list of events our campaign has organized, refer here: . We have a dedicated team of students working on this project and have already obtained all of the permissions to pull it off. Furthermore, we have received guidance from Sean Schmidt, Sustainability Specialist at UW Sustainability, and are also supported by WashPIRG’s Campus Organizer, William Lehrer, who is a full-time staff who our organization pays to support us.




April 5

  • Book room for workshop
  • Confirm art exhibition space in the HUB
  • Reach out to RSOs and students to collaborate on art exhibition (Sustainability In The Arts, Sustainability Action Network, Program on the Environment students)

April 6

  • Submit CSF application

April 9

  • Create poster promoting workshop

April 10

  • Planning meeting
    • Complete rough draft of art exhibition
  • Purchase workshop supplies (online, various websites)
  • Put up posters promoting workshop
  • Create Facebook page for workshop
  • Ask for events put up on the Sustainability Action Network’s Earth Day webpage and the UW Sustainability calendar
  • Send out email promoting the project to our coalition of RSOs
  • Send out email to our network of professors to promote the workshop

April 11

  • Campaign meeting
    • Sign up volunteers to oversee workshop
    • Recruit volunteers to help with exhibition
    • Brainstorm and compile video options
    • Share Facebook event

April 12

  • Purchase exhibition supplies (in person at Artist & Craftsman Supply)

April 13-15

  • Create art exhibition piece

April 16

  • Put up art exhibition in the HUB 1st floor street
  • Possible table promoting the workshop

April 17

  • Hold workshop, 4:30-7:30pm, in HUB 250

April 20

  • Take down art exhibition
  • If we have extra workshop supplies, give out during Earth Day table in Red Square 11:00am-5:00pm




  • Room booking
    • Custom set fee - $27
    • Room fee - $27
    • Cleaning fee - $28
  • Water bottles, thermos & canvas bags (25 of each) - $250
    • Reusable sandwich bags (27) - $115
    • Fabric paint - $20
    • Stickers - $35
  • Food - $30
    • Compostable plates & cutlery - $10


  • Canvas, 36”x48” student grade - $70
    • Acrylic paint - $40
  • Markers - $22

TOTAL: $674

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jiamei Shang

Row for Climate

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

To the CSF Committee,

What would it be like to row across an ocean? Meet Eliza Dawson, a UW undergraduate in Atmospheric Science and an avid adventurer (especially when it involves the water:)

In June 2018 she will row across the Pacific Ocean from California to Hawaii, a distance of 2,400 miles. She will row in a 24 ft long boat with 3 other crew mates from around the world, working with all their might to set a new world record for the fastest crossing, currently set at 50 days. Their boat will be completely human powered, no motor, no sail.

By doing this row, her goal is to bring attention to climate change. Earth is the only planet with a climate known to support life. Our unique planet is precious; meaning it should be of great value, not to be wasted or treated carelessly. Yet our protection is lacking. We need to do more and that is why she is crossing an ocean. She is an atmospheric science major with a focus on climate and am also an avid athlete. As a young climate scientist, she hopes to be a voice for science that makes climate change understandable and inspires societal action. Her blog has more information at

She is currently working to raise a total of $20,000. As of April 3rd, she has raised $4,465. The $1000 from CSF would help to get a boat, get necessary technology and safety equipment, take courses to prepare for the trip, and buy gear and food.


Alexander Urasaki

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alexander Urasaki

UW Anaerobic Digester: Food Waste, Renewable Energy & Public Health (Phase 2)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $35,000

Letter of Intent:


This is the Phase 2 (Full Proposal) of UW Anaerobic Digester project. The Phase 1 (Feasibility study) evaluated a) Site Location b) Gas usage c) Compost/Fertilizer usage d) Ongoing Maintenance requirements for building a 160-square foot anaerobic digester on the UW Seattle Campus. The Feasibility study is still underway, but is tentatively moving forward with the following: a) Site Location = UW Farm b) Gas usage = Power a small generator to provide electricity for appliances in the UW farm building (no electricity currently) c) Compost/Fertilizer = UW Farm/Grounds Management will share fertilizer output d) Ongoing maintenance = digester will be maintained by the UW Sustainability Coordinator (position within Grounds Management). The anaerobic digester would utilize food waste to produce renewable energy (biogas) and compost. The biogas and compost will be used for research projects by professors/students and by the UW Farm. The food waste would be provided by the UW Farm and UW Husky Union Building (HUB).

*Important change in the project proposal: We had originally planned to purchase an anaerobic digester from Impact Bioenergy (cost = ~$100,000), but we think a better alternative would be to form a lease agreement or lease-to-purchase agreement with Impact Bioenergy. Leasing is a good idea because: 1) There is no UW entity that is currently willing to “agree to take over the operational costs of this project” (CSF Project Approval Form). By leasing the digester, Impact Bioenergy will own/be liable for continued costs of the digester. 2) By leasing, we would be able to test having the digester on campus for 1-2 years, rather than permanently committing to having a digester on campus. The budget request in this proposal is to cover the leasing costs of the digester for 1-2 years. 

Environmental Impact:

An anaerobic digester would have three main environmental impacts on the UW Seattle Campus: 1) Carbon Emissions: the anaerobic diges would utilize approximately 135lbs of food waste per day, so less food waste would be hauled from the UW campus to Cedar Grove Composting Facility. Reducing the amount of food waste that is hauled to Cedar Grove would reduce carbon emissions from garbage/waste disposal trucks that drive from UW to Cedar Grove. 2) Soil Health: an anaerobic digester would produce nutrient-rich compost that could be applied to the UW farm and Center for Urban Horticulture (and other locations on campus). 3) Renewable Energy: an anaerobic digester would be a small-scale model of how to generate renewable energy from food waste. The food waste is broken down by microbes, which produce methane gas, and the methane gas can be used to power a generator for electricity.

Student Leadership/Involvement:

Student interest and leadership is primarily coming from a UW Registered Student Organization (RSO), called Global Sustainability Initiative (GSI). The undergraduate members include: Caelan Wisont, Zhaoyi Fang, Yushan Tong, and Kyler Jobe. GSI focuses on promoting sustainability on a global scale, emphasizing household-scale anaerobic digestion projects to create methane gas for stoves. There are also several UW MBA students involved in this project: John Turk (Class 2019), Robert Leutwyler (Calls 2019). These students are interested in examining the business model of the anaerobic digester, marketing of the fertilizer/compost produced, and scalability of small-scale anaerobic digester projects.

Education, Outreach & Behavior Change:

Global Sustainability Initiative (GSI): GSI will conduct outreach to UW undergraduate students to build their membership and raise awareness about the anaerobic digester project. GSI will conduct outreach using tabling events, Facebook posts, and flyers. The UW Farm will also conduct outreach to students that are involved at the farm.

Feasibility, Accountability & Accessibility:

This is the Full Proposal to move forward with building an anaerobic digester on the UW Seattle Campus. This project has a lot of support and is a collaboration between the Undergraduate/Graduate students, Professors, UW Facilities, UW Husky Union Building, UW Farm, UW Anaerobic Digester Project Leadership Team, UW Grounds Management, UW Landscape Architects/Design Review Board, and Impact Bioenergy. Impact Bioenergy ( is a business located in Seattle, WA that designs/builds anaerobic digesters to utilize food waste and produce renewable energy and compost.

Leadership Team:

Dr. Heidi Gough, PhD, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,

Dr. Sally Brown, PhD, School of Forest Resources,

Aaron Flaster, BA, Research Coordinator, Department of Psychology,

Global Sustainability Initiative (Registered Student Organization),

Budget Estimate:


Contact Information:

Aaron Flaster, B.A.

Research Coordinator, Department of Psychology, University of Washington

Work email:

Cell #: 206-616-7934

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Aaron Flaster

SER-UW Native Plant Nursery - Future Growth

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $88,000

Letter of Intent:

Summary of Project Proposal:

Over the past two years, the SER-UW Native Plant Nursery has continued to provide a sustainable and immediate source of plant material, as well as the opportunity for students to gain valuable hands-on experience in horticulture. The Nursery has strengthened lasting relationships with UW and now supplies the majority of plant material used in ESRM courses. Collectively, we supplied over two thousand native plants to these courses in 2018 alone. The Nursery continues to provide resources for graduate student projects, many opportunities for volunteers, and valuable internship opportunities for undergraduate students throughout the year. All plants grown on campus are subsequently used in campus projects, reducing reliance on outside sources and contributing to the UW Sustainability Mission.

While working with community partners and UW organizations to secure long-term support, the Nursery seeks gap funding to continue our mission of horticultural education and the production of quality plant material for student projects. We seek funding for two Research Associate (RA) positions which would contribute jointly to improving nursery production tasks, the education program, and outreach. These positions would continue to enhance our programs while facilitating the transition of the Nursery to a permanently funded entity on campus.

In order to keep up with student interest, we wish to provide more internship opportunities and projects as components of these internships. The RA positions would direct the creation of a program where native seed could be sustainably harvested from the wild and grown on-site for use in restoration projects. A seed harvesting project will provide interns with an abundance of opportunities to learn new skills, such as field techniques and navigation, data collection, plant identification, and seed harvesting. There is also the possibility to form partnerships with local organizations with similar missions and foster a greater investment in the ecological restoration community of the region.

The RA positions would also be responsible for the design and implementation of a fern propagation and rhizome bed production program to fill critical gaps in plant sourcing needed for student restoration projects in Yesler Swamp and Union Bay Natural Area, as well as across campus. This would also provide interns and volunteers opportunities to learn a variety of different production methods and greatly reduce the need for outside sourcing of plant material, increasing the long-term sustainability of the Nursery.

Student Leadership and Involvement:

The SER-UW Nursery continues to be an entirely student-run organization, providing valuable experience for graduate students in project management and leadership, as well as many opportunities for interns and other undergraduate and graduate student volunteers. We have strengthened our relationship with the Carlson Center, a leadership and community service organization on campus, with 24 service learning volunteers providing 20 hours each per quarter since 2016. We continue to host weekly volunteer work parties throughout each quarter to provide experiential learning credit for students in ESRM classes and other programs. Since 2016, the Nursery has involved roughly 885 student volunteers, culminating in over 3,000 volunteer hours contributed by students across many majors and departments. Developing programs for seed collection, fern propagation, and rhizome beds will greatly increase the number of unique opportunities available for student volunteers and interns beyond the scope of our current offerings and allow us to keep up with student interest.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change:

The SER-UW Nursery continues to involve volunteers in every aspect of our work, conducting weekly work parties open to students. The Nursery also provides an ideal outdoor laboratory for ESRM 412, a course focused on native plant production and nursery management. Having these facilities on-campus limits the need for outside materials and spaces for UW-based coursework. Since 2016 the Nursery has hosted five public plant sales to provide an opportunity for members of the greater community to purchase sustainable, student-grown plant material. Sales and attendance of these plant sales have increased since the start of the program, expanding our community involvement and connections. Funds from the plant sale are reinvested directly into the Nursery to fund seed sources, volunteer opportunities, and necessary planting materials.

For the seed collection program to maximize its potential, it will require the involvement of a network of participants beyond the Nursery. This program will help to foster relationships with other native plant nurseries and related community organizations. Construction of fern propagation and rhizome beds will also allow us to exchange knowledge and collaborate with partner organizations.

Environmental Impact:

The SER-UW Nursery has facilitated the installation of planting projects throughout campus by providing high quality, local and affordable plant materials. Growing plants in-house has reduced the carbon emissions and other costs associated with plant acquisition. During our time of growth, we have been conscious of our footprint and are committed to remaining environmentally sustainable. In Winter quarter of 2018, a Community and Environmental Planning major and nursery intern conducted an abbreviated sustainability life cycle assessment for the Nursery to evaluate its successes and areas for improvement in terms of environmental impact. Fertilizer and pesticide use, recycling, and other practices were assessed in order to set goals for continuing to lessen our environmental impact as we continue to grow.

Looking forward, the development of a monitoring and seed collection program will help to close the loop between nursery production and restoration at UW. A seed collection program will enhance the overall sustainability of nursery operations by reducing reliance on outside seed sources and provide material that is more genetically appropriate for our region. The fern propagation and rhizome beds will also drastically reduce the need for off-site sourcing of necessary species, further cutting down on carbon emissions related to travel and shipping of plant materials.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The SER-UW Nursery is dedicated to contributing the UW goals of sustainability and environmental accountability. Projects will continue to be overseen by two part-time managers and a faculty advisor. The Production Manager will secure plant contracts and will be primarily responsible for the day-to-day growing of materials, as well as initiating the installation of a fern propagation and rhizome bed systems. The Education and Outreach Manager will be primarily responsible for managing volunteers and will be the point person for interns. In addition, both managers will work together to write curriculum and protocols, as well as establish relationships to create a seed collection program.

Over the past year, the Nursery has made considerable strides in its ongoing push to become a permanent and self-sustaining entity at the University of Washington. Our partnership with the UW Botanic Gardens has opened up further opportunities for student leadership and education within the field of ecological restoration, as well as provided for the growing need for native plant materials on campus and within the Greater Seattle region. There is a strong desire within UWBG to continue to build upon this partnership by funding the Nursery in the long term. A grant award from the CSF will allow the Nursery to continue to contribute to UW’s Sustainability Mission while discussions of funding are finalized over the course of the next academic year.

Primary Contact:

Sarah Shank

Secondary Contact:

Kyra Matin

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sarah Shank

Bringing green games to the UW campus

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $16,028

Letter of Intent:

Project Summary

Over the past year, a team consisting of a researcher and multiple students within the College of the Environment conducted a feasibility study to evaluate the potential of using games to promote more sustainable actions on campus (i.e., “green games”). The feasibility study consisted of a review of existing games, holding a game jam, and a survey to assess receptiveness and preferences of the UW community around green gaming. The feasibility study resulted in many positive outcomes, including development of multiple sustainability game prototypes, creating connections in the sustainability and gaming communities (both within and outside of UW), and measuring interest and preferences related to different types of green games across the UW community.

The feasibility study identified opportunities as well as challenges related to implementing green games on campus. The opportunities include substantial interest in environmentally-themed games across diverse demographics (age, area of study, student/staff/faculty status) at UW, the potential to create games with powerful messages using moderate resources, and potential to partner with industry, non-profits, and other universities that are interested in using games to promote sustainability.

Leveraging these opportunities, however, will require overcoming several challenges also identified in the feasibility study. The first of these is healthy skepticism, particularly of digital games, which may be seen as antithetical to environmental or sustainability issues due to interfering with time in nature, being overly monetized, or even addictive. A second – and greater – challenge for implementing games to promote sustainability is competing in the “attention economy”, which includes a large marketplace of games for the purpose of making money. Environmental games geared toward raising awareness and promoting behavior changes have to compete with a well-financed industry vying for players. Finally, there are still important unknowns with respect to using games to promote sustainability, namely demonstrating links between gameplay and willingness of players to actually modify future behavior.

The feasibility study also evaluated a range of incentives that made students, staff, and faculty more likely to engage with green games; somewhat surprisingly, competition and personal rewards were ranked as only moderately important. In contrast, realizing an environmental benefit and cooperation with other people were ranked as some of the most interesting potential game features. This and other information gained from the feasibility study places us in an excellent position to develop games that are more likely to appeal to a broad cross-section of the UW community and have effectively raise awareness or create changes in behavior over time.

As a result of conducting the feasibility study, this team is ready to implement a project that 1) creates and tests games related to multiple environmental issues, 2) tracks individual feedback and responses to link gameplay with changes in awareness and behavior, and 3) shares knowledge and establishes partnerships with other universities and colleges to help develop or use green games on their campuses.

Methods and Outcomes

Engagement with the UW community will be primarily through the creation of four short, topical games that address environmental issues where students can have a positive impact through individual behavior change (e.g., water use, energy use, plastic reduction). These four games will be developed specifically for use on gaming stations that will be temporarily deployed (i.e., for 2-3 weeks at a time) in 4-6 high traffic areas on campus where the UW community can access them. Creating the kiosks as mobile stations will allow us to move them to different parts of the campus, maximizing accessibility and exposure. The UW community will be able to access the kiosks spontaneously and on their own; however, we will also conduct focused email, flyer, and social media campaigns on campus during the period that the kiosks are up with an incentive offered (e.g., having name put in a drawing for a gift card) to those who participate by playing through and giving feedback on at least one of the games.

One of the project goals is to assess the impact of different games on environmental awareness and potential to motivate behavior change over time, so the kiosk and games will be arranged to provide feedback and track responses. A player will be presented with a choice of the four games on different topics and choose one to start; this will result in information on whether certain topics are more attractive than others to players. After playing through the game, players will be asked to give some rapid feedback on how engaging the game was and how much their knowledge of the topic improved (i.e., Did awareness increase?). At this point, players will be given a short list of potential actions that they can elect to take around this issue; the choices will range from simple to more involved, such as a simple pledge to reduce consumption/use vs. opting to have additional information and actions emailed to them (i.e., Can games impact motivation and behavior?). The player can then elect to play through another short game or end the session and be entered into a drawing. Players will be required to give a UW email address for entry into the drawing, creating the potential to re-survey players at a later date.

Although we are designing this project to gain information that can guide development of future games, players will have little experience of being a “research subject”. The feedback sections will be designed to be short, engaging, and positive, and as a natural follow-on to the environmental games. One of the results of the feasibility study was that people are very interested in contributing to research via gaming approaches, so we anticipate that opportunities to give feedback will actually encourage more people to participate and play the kiosk games than otherwise.

Following the active period during which we are pushing traffic to kiosks, the gaming kiosks will be available as a temporary, interactive sustainability exhibit at locations around the UW campus (e.g., The Burke Museum) and/or during special events (e.g., UW’s Sustainability Festival). We are currently and would continue to reach out to partners on campus that could make use of this type of exhibit.

Outreach and Partnerships

Based on contacts, interest, and feedback from the game jam and gaming survey from other universities and non-profit partners, we believe that there is widespread interest in this topic, and strong potential to partner with other universities to create campus-focused games that promote and encourage sustainability. For this reason, one of our major goals for this project is to produce results, information, and products that can help guide efforts or even be directly used at other campuses. We have therefore developed a focused plan to reach out and establish these partnerships:

  1. We are currently working to publish the results of the literature/gaming review, game jam, and survey as a short peer-reviewed (target journal: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education) or popular magazine article (e.g., UW Columns). Publishing these results will be an important step in establishing credibility and communicating the potential for green games for other universities and colleges across Washington State.
  2. We will use our results to reach out to campus sustainability units and faculty at Washington State colleges and universities, and invite partnerships to work together to implement gaming projects in other locations. Some of the opportunities for partnership include conducting a game jam elsewhere, replicating the green gaming survey, and/or temporarily installing the gaming kiosks at another university campus.
  3. We are currently working with multiple research groups on campus and non-profit agencies interested in using games to promote conservation (e.g., UW’s Freshwater Initiative, Cascade Water Alliance, The Nature Conservancy). These partners are willing to consult on design and development of topical environmental games for the kiosks, with the goal of repurposing some of the games afterwards to help advance their own conservation efforts. 

The Team

The project will be led by an enthusiastic and highly capable team. Lauren Kuehne is a Research Scientist at the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, working on diverse issues of ecology, conservation, and innovative science communication. She led the recent year-long feasibility study to evaluate use of games to promote sustainability, a project that has delivered on all project outcomes while using only half of the total project budget. Cailin Winston is a sophomore at the UW that is majoring in biochemistry and currently considering a double major in computer science. She has a passion for tackling environmental issues and loves to come up with creative solutions to problems. Caleb Winston is currently a high school senior that will enter the UW in fall of 2018 with the intention of majoring in Computer Science. He has already developed and published a number of apps and games for the web, iOS, Android, and Amazon Echo/Alexa, including a recycling app (Sorted, available on multiple app stores). He has participated in multiple game jams including the world's largest, the Ludum Dare competition, where his entry was among the top 100 highest rated games internationally. Cailin and Caleb together participated as a team in the recent UW Sustainability Game Jam and created a game about electronic waste (Salvage), which won first place.

How this project meets the requirements and preferences of the Campus Sustainability Fund

Environmental Impact

Environmental impact comes down not only to the actions that individuals make in any given day or time, but their willingness and commitment to practice sustainable behaviors over time, advocate for sustainability in their community or government, or even apply their professional skills and ingenuity to sustainability problems. As such, we believe that - by allowing people to connect with environmental issues in positive, creative ways – games can help people overcome despair that stands in the way of action. This project is about testing how games can create a diverse access to more sustainable actions and behaviors by a community to ultimately reduce impact in areas such as energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and pollution.

Student Leadership & Involvement

The project is co-designed and led by two undergraduate students who have already demonstrated extensive leadership and skills in addressing environmental sustainability through the innovative use of apps and games. Although both undergraduate leads are already highly accomplished in designing games and applying research-based approaches to sustainability efforts, this project will offer added, professional opportunities to develop their management, development, and leadership skills by producing highly tangible and published outcomes (e.g., games, articles/publications). In addition, we will continue to partner with student groups on campus that can contribute to project goals and outcomes. RSOs and student groups with whom we have worked during the feasibility study include UW GameDev Club, Husky Gamer Nation, UW Earth Club, UW SEED, Green Greeks, EcoReps, UW Bothell Sustainability Club, and the Sustainability Action Network. Students in these groups have contributed by volunteering, allowing us to present at club events or classes, participating in the game jam as developers and volunteers, and helping promote events and surveys.

We will also pursue opportunities to involve students in game development (e.g., students in the Earthgames class, Game Dev Club), beta-testing (Game Dev Club, HCDE Peeps), or in the gaming-impact evaluation stage (e.g., Information School or Program of the Environment capstone programs). One student group that has already committed to this project is UW’s Freshwater Initiative, a graduate student collective that spearheads research and outreach related to freshwater conservation; Freshwater Initiative is very interested in assisting in developing and promoting a game related to water quality and conservation.

In short, as with the feasibility study, the project is designed to create meaningful opportunities for students to contribute, lead, and develop their own ideas and initiatives related to green games.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The main focus of the project is to develop games related to environmental topics where individual behavior changes can have a big impact. The games will be distributed on campus using mobile kiosks that maximize exposure; the games will not only serve to educate players but will also help us collect information about how games can link to changes in awareness, motivation, and behavior. Following the active kiosk period on campus, the kiosks and four games can be repurposed for use as temporary sustainability exhibits as well as use by non-profit partners in their conservation efforts. Results and products will be produced in ways that are readily shared with other colleges and universities for use in their campus community to promote sustainability.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

Collectively, the team has all of the skills and expertise needed to effectively implement this project. Lauren Kuehne is a Research Scientist and a highly accomplished project manager with a strong history of collaborating with diverse academic and non-profit partners. As such, Ms. Kuehne would manage project outcomes and provide logistical support (e.g., apply for in-kind donations, permits), design response-impact surveys for games, and ensure all quality and research standards (e.g., human subjects research review) are met. Ms. Kuehne would also be in charge of reaching out to other colleges and universities, reporting/publications, and working with academic and non-profit partners. Cailin Winston is a biochemistry major with strong public communication skills, as well as creative talents in game design. Cailin will assist with project management, communication, and game design. Caleb Winston is an incoming UW student (CS major) with highly advanced skills in programming apps and games for both web and mobile platforms. Caleb will lead the creative and technical process of game development.

Project Timeline:

July 2018 – July 2019


Our final requested budget will depend on some factors that can’t be confirmed yet. One of these would be a decision of the Campus Sustainability Fund to allow us to rollover approximately $2,900 remaining in our budget from the feasibility study. If CSF allows us to use these remaining funds, the total additional requested for this project would be $16,028. However, this amount includes $3,000 in computer and technology costs (large tablet computers, a game development computer, cloud storage) that may be available through alternative avenues such as the Student Technology Fund, UW IT’s Cloud Computing Research Credits, and the Student Technology Loan Program. We are working to confirm the feasibility of using these alternative resources. The requested budget range is therefore $13,028 - $18,928.

Primary Contact:

Lauren Kuehne,

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lauren Kuehne

Go Team, Go Green!

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $40,000

Letter of Intent:


The Go Team: Go Green! project uses a friendly competitive spirit and school pride as motivating factors to engage in campus sustainability. A fundamental aspect of student life at UW –as well as at universities around the country and worldwide– is intercollegiate athletics. Major UW sports events such as men's football and women's basketball are extremely popular among students on campus, and also provide an important means for alumni and other community members to stay connected and involved with the UW flagship campus in Seattle. Here we propose to use this powerful community and campus social phenomenon of intercollegiate athletics as a motivating factor for sustainability. We will work with student groups at UW to organize intercollegiate sustainability challenges to occur during the school year in the week leading up to specific intercollegiate athletics matches. For example, in the week before UW-University of Oregon football match, student groups from the Seattle and Eugene campuses will have a friendly competition for the most sustainable student group and overall campus; another such competition would occur in the week leading up to the UW-Stanford women's basketball match. Judges will be made up of student groups from participating schools not competing that week.

To support these competitions, we will:

  1. create a dedicated website on the UW server that will house
    • a modified version of the Primary Contact's student carbon footprint calculator (now at, moving to the UW sever this year);
    • a conversation forum that will act as a blog of sorts, and a means of communication for participating students and campus community members at large;
    • a "search timeline" drawn from Twitter and Instagram hashtags, e.g., #GoTeamGoGreen.
  2. II. work with UW student environmental groups and students in the Program on the Environment to identify UW student leaders willing to contact their colleagues at select universities across the country over Summer 2018.
    • The goal will be to have a handful of schools scheduled for the pilot challenges in Fall 2018 (F18) and Winter 2019 (W19).
  3. III. Support these pilot challenges in F18 and W19 via:
    • posting of a "line-up" early in the week comparing carbon footprints and other campus sustainability efforts planned and undertaken by the respective students/student groups from the two competing schools;
    • encourage use of our conversation forum to post updates in the week leading up to the sports match, in particular focused on new initiatives envisioned and undertaken by the student groups;
    • promote the challenges on our web site, on social media and thru campus and city-wide publications;
    • voting on the "winning" school by a (non UW) school involved in a different challenge week that year.

At the end of the Fall and Winter seasons, the UW students involved in the project will choose a winning (non-UW) competitor, which will receive a plaque in the mail to hang in their dormitory, club office, etc., as appropriate. To be considered for the award, 10 students from that school must submit anonymous evaluations of the project so that we can make changes that will improve the project in an attempt to ensure its long-term sustainability and portability to other schools worldwide.  All school groups that qualify for award consideration will recieve certificates of participation that they can distribute to the individual students.


Environmental Impact.

We expect the project not only to lead directly to meaningful sustainability efforts both on UW and the partner campuses, but also to inspire the broader student communities to examine their own impacts and make lifestyle changes for sustainability.

Student Leadership & Involvement.

Although we have yet to identify specific student leaders and groups for the project, this is a key and integral goal. By the time of the Full Application (should the committee invite one from us), we commit to identifying students to act as leaders, particularly those who would commit to undertaking the contacts with the partner schools during Summer 2018 to find "opposing teams." Secondary Contact Kristi Straus is already in communication with her students in the Program on the Environment to try to tap students to step forward next month and assist with the full application, and with efforts in the summer should the project be funded. Furthermore, in April, we plan to contact faculty in the Computer Science department to see if any classes from Spring '19 would like to engage in the modifications to our website and associated tools (in response to the post-project evaluations from participating students at UW and elsewhere - see above) as student-led computer programming class projects.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change.

The aforementioned plans to use social media and "piggy-back" on the popularity of the sports events is a ready-made vehicle for education and outreach. The goal is not only to use a competitive spirit to produce behavioral change, but to reach and inspire the broader campus and surrounding communities in both locations during and following each competition week.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability.

We will be able to track our progress using the proposed newly-designed and modified web based tools. The long term and more ambitious goal will be to sufficiently engage the campus communities (and specifically the athletic programs) that future support, promotion and funding for competitions will come from the athletics programs themselves in coordination with campus student groups.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jason Hodin

Ethnoforestry: Bringing a new method of sustainable forestry to campus

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $110,000

Letter of Intent:

Summary of Project

The University of Washington’s Olympic Natural Resources Center (ONRC) is pioneering the new scientific discipline of ethnoforestry that elicits traditional ecological knowledge by local people and incorporates it into the forest management process. Indigenous communities have thousands of years of knowledge on the inner workings of ecosystems and this information can be utilized to make more mindful and inclusive decisions that benefit both ecosystems and local communities. Each tribe has cultural keystone species that are of the utmost importance to their culture. Through ethnoforestry, we will learn how to grow and install these plants back onto the landscape so community members have more access to these species for food, medicine, and more. Ethnoforestry is a new and exciting approach to current land management and will be brought to main campus through this project where students will work on tangible projects that will directly impact rural Washington communities, enhancing sustainability and knowledge across campus and Washington state.

The first part of this project will take place on campus through the 2018-2019 academic year.  

During this time, grant funds will be allocated to fund a research assistant position that will spearhead ethnoforestry projects on campus. Projects will cover the following main topics: UW community engagement, plant propagation and production, and strengthening tribal relationships in partnership with the UW Native Pathways Program.

UW community engagement will include creating a new interdisciplinary class, providing internship opportunities for undergraduate students, and offering volunteer work parties for any student interested in ethnoforestry. At the University of Washington, students who are interested in horticulture, plant production, or ethnobotany on campus have very few opportunities to engage and learn about these topics. None of these options, from classes to field courses to symposiums, offer a hands-on opportunity for students to learn how traditional ecological knowledge can be used to improve applied forestry. We will develop an ethnoforestry course in partnership with the Society for Ecological Restoration-UW (SER-UW) Nursery where students can learn applied ethnoforestry in an interdisciplinary way, bringing together students from a wide range of majors and interests from the College of Built Environment to Anthropology and beyond. In addition, ONRC will host one to two ethnoforestry interns quarterly, providing a more in-depth experience for those interested in the topic. Finally, we will offer volunteer work parties in collaboration with the SER-UW Nursery. For students wanting to take this information into their future careers, this will provide opportunities for them to get hands-on experience.

The research assistant, interns, and volunteers will work on plant propagation and production projects. This will include identifying cultural keystone species important with local coastal tribes and learning best growth practices. In collaboration with the SER-UW Nursery, we will install raised beds at the Center for Urban Horticulture that will be used to grow these species in high volumes. These plants will be used for UW forestry studies as well as on-campus student restoration projects. All components of this will be designed and implemented by UW students, providing a space to learn new and sustainable plant propagation and production methods not currently being done by the SER-UW Nursery.

Finally, we will also focus on strengthening Olympic Peninsula coastal tribal relationships. ONRC has been building relationships with coastal tribes on the Olympic Peninsula for two decades. Through these relationships, it has become clear that many of theses communities are impacted by persistent poverty and a lack of opportunity to pursue higher education. Tribes have indicated that they would like to learn plant propagation techniques to teach their youth important knowledge on cultural use of plants. Once grown, these plants can be installed on reservations where tribal members can harvest and utilize these species for a myriad of uses from basket making to medicine. Part of this project will be to create a sister nursery on the Quileute Indian Reservation. UW students will be able to utilize the ethnoforestry knowledge they learned throughout the year on campus and apply it to teach tribal youth how to propagate and grow these culturally important species. A small hoop house will be constructed to house these plants. Tribal youth will be able to hear from UW students about their pathways to college and their involvement in this project. Interested tribal youth will be able to visit campus to learn how they could become future students, increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.

The second part of this project will happen over summer quarter of 2019. Three to five undergraduate interns will work on applied ethnoforestry on the Olympic Peninsula. These students will be based out of ONRC in Forks, WA. They will be able to see ethnoforestry in action on a new forestry study on the western side of the Olympic Peninsula. These UW students will work with tribal youth to set up an ethnobotanical garden with cultural keystone species at ONRC and work on constructing the new nursery on the Quileute Indian Reservation in concert with their social services Youth Opportunity Program.

Environmental Impact

This project has far reaching environmental impact across campus. First, engaging students from all majors and backgrounds through our volunteer program will help disseminate knowledge on how we can responsibly manage green spaces that incorporates important traditional ecological knowledge and wisdom to benefit both communities and ecosystems together. This new and inclusive approach will create a positive environmental impact from student restoration projects to UW grounds projects. In addition, we will be working in close partnership with the SER-UW Nursery to establish new raised beds to more effectively grow additional plants that can be used for on campus projects. These new raised beds will be designed to use less space, water, and soil, reducing the resources required and enhancing sustainability. This will follow the same philosophy as the SER-UW Nursery’s current mission where plants are grown on campus for campus projects, closing the loop and creating a more sustainable system.

Student Leadership and Involvement

All components of this project will have student leadership and involvement. The research assistant position will be filled by a UW graduate student, providing important leadership to this project. A key aim of this project is to make opportunities available for students to learn about ethnoforestry in a hands-on and tangible way on campus. Volunteer opportunities will be available for all students while quarter long internship opportunities will also be provided for those interested in a more in-depth experience.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change

There will be a strong emphasis of education, outreach, and behavior change through this project targeting coastal tribal youth through a guided pathways approach.  Creating an interdisciplinary ethnoforestry course on campus open to all students would greatly increase educational opportunities. In addition, creating consistent internships and volunteer opportunities will teach students how they can help change behavior in the long term by their hands-on connection. We will partner with SER-UW, a club that consistently engages large numbers of interested students, to provide outreach to the UW community.

Feasibility, Accountability, and Sustainability

This ethnoforestry project is very feasible. The framework and beginning stages have already begun for this project including creating partnerships with coastal tribes and with the SER-UW Nursery, generating plant propagation curriculum for a sister nursery, and determining some cultural keystone species. This grant would provide the key funding we need to continue to push this project forward. We strongly believe that providing a space where students can learn about this new discipline of ethnoforestry will create and enhance sustainability on campus, but will also have a ripple effect as students move on into their future endeavors and take this knowledge and new skill set with them.

Project Budget

We are requesting $110,00 for this project. This amount would include funding for one research assistant position for the 2018-19 academic year, supplies for plant propagation and production needs, construction of a sister nursery, transportation to and from ONRC, and lodging for the RA position and interns throughout the summer.

Contact Information

Courtney Bobsin


Bernard Bormann


Frank Hanson

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Courtney Bobsin

A Feast for the Senses: A Community Pop-Up Cafe

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

To facilitate the execution of my senior capstone project for my major Community, Environment, and Planning, I am requesting a grant of $1000 to fund my project expenses. I am creating an interactive, experiential learning style food symposium, where I will create a juxtaposed “Feast for the Senses” to educate UW students about food choices and their connections to sustainability in social and environmental spheres. This project is primarily an educational and behavioral change endeavor that seeks to address the concept of the local as global (and vice versa), empowering individuals (students) with knowledge to make informed consumer choices through experiential learning. This exhibit will juxtapose the ideas of “farm to table” versus “firm to table,” with practical applications for education of industrial and biodynamic practices and products through different tasting menus. Each menu will focus on a different sense: taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight. Here, I wish to influence perception of reality through the senses, using them as tools of self-knowledge and personal development to broaden consciousness and establish a heightened present awareness. This knowledge will enable and empower students to make choices, starting with food consumption and preparation, that honor virtuous consumption with lower resource impacts. Additionally, I hope to have active community participation and engagement through public art forums throughout the exhibit, providing a basis for co-creation and collaboration. Expenses will cover supplies for constructing the space, in dollars $: Cost of space (tables, tents, wood for archway to space): $250 Speakers: $40 Art supplies for murals: $130 Food for tasting menu: $300 Plates, utensils, etc: $50 Costs of printing materials: $100 Balloons: $30 Lights for space: $100 Total cost: $1000 Timeline: Date of event May 4th

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kathryn Kavanagh

Northwest Center for Livable Communities

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $45,000

Letter of Intent:

Gould Hall 448F
3950 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

March 9, 2018

Campus Sustainability Fund
University of Washington Seattle Campus
Seattle, WA 98195

RE: Grant Proposal.

Dear Campus Sustainability Fund:

The Northwest Center for Livable Communities is providing you with this Letter of Intent (LOI) regarding a grant proposal for funding our organization in the current academic year  2017- 2018.  We hope that this effort will be the beginning of a long and productive relationship between the Northwest Center for Livable Communities (NWCLC) and the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) here at the University of Washington.    

As we discussed in our recent meeting on February 14, 2018, we are seeking funding to expand the NWCLC’s role at the UW.  During the past  36 years the NWCLC has sought to create a viable platform to connect the UW community with current leaders in the built environment.  The proposed NWCLC speakers’ bureau will highlight local, regional, national and international best practices in sustainable design, construction materials and methods, urban mobility, land use and place making. Currently, the NWCLC is unable to underwrite the cost of a speakers’ bureau which we believe will become financially self-sustaining in the near term. We will be requesting funding from the CSF to launch this exciting new program.

In addition, with funding in hand, the NWCLC will underwrite an annual student led project to be implemented on the UW Seattle campus.  This project will be designed and built by students for students. We anticipate the first project to be designed and built on campus in Fall 2018. 

Organization NWCLC      
Funding Request #1      
Cost Item Monthly Cost One-Time Cost Total Cost
Speaking Program Startup Cost        
Space Costs                       4                       $1,500                          $4,700
Event Staff                       4                              $750                        $3,000                        $3,000
Speaker #1                            $3,000                        $3,000
Speaker  #2                            $3,000                        $3,000
Speaker  #3                            $6,000                        $6,000
Speaker #4                            $6,000                        $6,000
Travel For speakers                       4                          $1,500                        $6,000                        $6,000
Stay for Speakers                       4                              $500                        $2,000                        $2,000
Speaking Equipment Rental                       4                              $200                           $800                           $800
Food and Beverage                        4                     $500                        $2,000                        $2,000
Miscellaneous                         $1,000                        $1,000
Total  Costs                           $37,500
NWCLC & CSF Studio Study        
Studio Development                        $4,000.00
Studio Equipment                                    $500
Feasibility & Outreach                                $1,000
Printing                                $1,000
Miscellaneous                                $1,000
Total Quarterly                              $7,500
Total Costs                           $45,000

Please note that this LOI is not a complete proposal. We intend to deliver a complete proposal to your office by the required May deadline.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Best regards,

Tyler Brittain  

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Edward D. Blum


Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Dear CSF Committee,

I am submitting this letter of intent to notify the CSF of the Indonesian Student Association at the University of Washington (ISAUW)’s intent to submit a funding request for our annual campus event, Keraton, which will take place on May 5th, 2018, at the Rainier Vista- University of Washington.

Keraton is one of the largest Indonesian cultural events in the West Coast. Over the past few years, Keraton has been ISAUW’s biggest and fastest growing annual event that attracted over 9,000 people in 2017 and are currently expecting 10,000 visitors.

Last year, we managed to minimize the environmental impact of our event by implementing “Keraton going green”. This was done by requesting our vendors to use all compostable materials for food packaging and informing all of our visitors of the locations of recycling and compost bins within the event location. As for this year, aside from implementing our previous methods, we plan to also promote environmental awareness by incorporating it in a performance during Keraton. While our creative management department has also been working on this new idea, we have also put out an application for groups who would like to volunteer to perform with the focus of educating guests on environmental issues. We hope that through these performances, guests will gain more insight on the current situation of our environment while also being entertained.

With the event being fully organized and managed by students, ISAUW also helps to develop the students’ leadership and organizational skills by trusting each department with tasks to make the event successful. In addition, we also create opportunities for students all-over the campus to get involved with our event by accepting volunteers- by volunteering with ISAUW, students will be able to utilize and develop their communication skills by engaging with guests, while also learning more about Indonesian culture, environmental issues, and gaining meaningful connections.

Based on the financial figures from our previous Keraton events, ISAUW has currently set its budget at $29,000, which has been partially covered by our fundraising events throughout the year. We have also been seeking for support from various companies and businesses by offering sponsorship packages, and applying for other campus funds, such as the diversity fund, ASUW, and other related resources.

I will be our main point of contact for the purposes of the application process and can be reached at:

  • E-mail address:
  • Phone number: 206-861-5606

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the campus sustainability funding.


Janice Leevin
Finance officer at ISAUW

Primary Contact First & Last Name: janice leevin

Green Greeks Representative Program

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,900

Letter of Intent:


As an accredited course, the Green Greek Representative Practicum teaches over 150 students per year about sustainability consulting within their community and environmental leadership. It encourages participation from Greek and non-Greek students in order to engage a broad campus community. Engaging this community deepens connections between the UW Program on the Environment, the UW Sustainability Office, the UW Greek Community, and a variety of different academic programs (as the program is extremely interdisciplinary). It allows students interested in sustainability to ideate, research, and implement solutions in a real-world, hands-on way. It also creates a ripple effect, propelling sustainability solutions far beyond just environmentally-focused students and ingraining sustainable living habits within a diverse group.

The growth of our program can largely be attributed to the funding we’ve received from the UW Office of Sustainability. However, due to budget cuts, they can no longer fund us. Thus we are hoping to receive $3,900 from the Campus Sustainability Fund to be able to continue the program and keep implementing sustainability solutions while we explore long-term funding alternatives.

View our Website: or learn more about the Program by viewing the Orientation Packet.

Meeting Requirements:

Environmental Impact:

While the tangible environmental impact is seen in Chapter Houses specifically, the intangible benefits are far beyond the Chapters themselves. The Chapters represent a test-bed of sorts for students (both Greek and non-Greek) to experiment with different sustainability solutions and see how theoretically great ideas play out in reality.

We’ve helped Chapters significantly reduce waste, transitioned 14 Chapters to water-saving solutions as of Fall 2017, 5 Chapters to full-LED implementation, and helped Chapters invest in energy-efficient appliances. We’ve also increased awareness: we’ve put up posters, had cleaning and kitchen staff “interventions,” worked with House Directors to make sustainability a priority, and presented to Chapters on waste diversion and sustainability solutions (in which we get most of the members to take the UW Sustainability pledge as well).

If we get funding and are able to progress forward at the same rate, we plan to continue many of our current projects, including transitioning chapters to sustainable lighting, water, energy, and waste solutions. On top of this, we plan to continue and expand upon our current education initiatives, including a dramatic uptake in our Zero Waste Initiative for community events. We will also pilot new projects as the program grows.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

The Green Greek group, open to both Greek and non-Greek students, has helped over 200 different environmentally-curious students get started implementing sustainability solutions within their living area and community. Over the past three quarters, we’ve had over 50 students register each quarter and have continued to grow. This Fall 2017, we had over 70 students register, and more than 40 register for credit. This type of high-engagement, hands-on opportunity is an excellent way to get students integrating sustainability into their daily lives, as well as promote the Program of the Environment and other environmental opportunities to a targeted audience. Funding from the CSF will allow us to continue providing this opportunity for students of all majors to easily become involved in sustainability courses.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

Our program has 8 to 10 projects each quarter. These projects focus on implementing waste, water, and lighting solutions; solar research, education and awareness, sustainable purchasing, and event planning. Students have the opportunity to pick what they’re most interested in and gain experience in that area. On top of this hands-on work, students also learn from expert speakers, who’ve included Sustainability Consultants from Sustainable Biz Consulting, the CEO of NuePower (a solar energy company in the PNW), and Sally Hulsman, the Director of Solid Waste Compliance at Seattle Public Utilities.

We work hard to promote collaboration, as well as other environmental groups on campus. Students get the chance to participate in mini-case competitions related to solving sustainability problems. They also do a take-home sustainability survey of a specific Chapter to learn more about the status of that Chapter’s sustainability and what it truly means to be live sustainably. Then they work on specific action items gleaned from the survey. Each quarter we do a Community-Wide Clean-Up, where not only our members but other campus members team up to beautify the UW community.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The feasibility of the program is 100% with funding. I can guarantee this because we’ve been running it in a “pilot” mode for the past 2.5 years (since its creation in August 2015). We’re held accountable by Faculty Supervisors, including UW Sustainability Expert Sean Schmidt and the Director of the Program on the Environment Rick Keil. We’re also held accountable by the numerous Green Greek Leaders (currently 14, including the Executive Team and the Project Leaders). People within our program are mission-driven and committed to successfully carrying out projects as a team.

Estimate of Project Budget:

In order to continue improving upon the work we’re doing, we need funds for three main purposes:

  1. Marketing: 75 Fall Orientation packets, 60 marketing posters per quarter (1 per each chapter, as well as high-traffic on-campus areas), 1-2 large posters per year for events. This year the amount came to about $550 (all materials were purchased from Professional Copy n’ Print on the Ave or printed at the RSO Resource Center on campus).
  1. Accreditation: In order to be an accredited 1-2 course (which is an absolute game-changer in terms of engagement, participation, and follow-through), we must be able to fund an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (essentially the Director position). This position organizes everything, from course materials, to the room location, to membership and project teams, as well as communicates directly with the Advising Faculty Rick Keil. The TA is paid for 50 hours per work per quarter at the wage of $15.30 (by University policy) for a total of $765 per quarter. This person works all three academic quarters, as well as during the summer to develop the program for the upcoming year. Thus, the total for the year comes to $3,060.
  1. Motivation & Incentives: In order to create value and community, we also need money for things like a prize for our annual Greek-wide competition ($100) and a small budget for our quarterly clean-ups ($200 / yr). The total budget for this is roughly $300.

Thus, the overall budget needs are roughly $3,900 for one year. We recognize how valuable the Campus Sustainability Fund is in getting projects going and helping them keep their momentum. We also recognize that in the long-term this program needs to be self-sustaining and can’t rely on CSF grants. We are in the process of securing funding from Greek Governance organizations who see the impact of our work in the community. However, in order to secure funding via their network we must go through a lengthy proposal process. This process has already been initiated. If the proposal is successful, we will have funding likely starting in January 2019. Thus, we hope the CSF can provide assistance in the meantime and help us keep the Green Greek momentum going as we build strong environmental leaders and implement sustainability solutions within the UW Community.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sasha Gordon

Climate Panel Event

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $150

Letter of Intent:

Good afternoon,

I'm reaching out on behalf of Green Evans, the environmental policy RSO at the Evans School of Public Policy. We are hosting a panel event on February 13th, 7-8pm in Kane Hall Room 120 to spark discussion at UW and the surrounding community about the various climate policy proposals currently being considered for Washington State. We hope that attendees will walk away with a better understanding of how environmental sustainability issues are also important at the economic, social, and moral levels!

We are asking for $150 to cover travel for one of our panelists, Rosalinda Guillen. We apologize for reaching out to you so close to the event. We found out very recently that she needs travel assistance. For your information, the rest of our budget includes: 

  • $1108.12 from the Academic Student Employees Union (UAW4121), our co-sponsors for the event, who paid for the Kane Hall Reservation
  • $150 from the Union of Concerned Scientists to pay for coffee and donuts for our attendees 
  • $150 from the Science and Policy Institute to provide an honorarium to our moderator, Sarah Myhre

In regards to your criteria, our event discusses ways to reduce carbon emissions and the environmental impact of not only the University of Washington community, but also Washington State as a whole. This event is also entirely student-organized, all of us being undergraduate and graduate students in the Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography, Philosophy, Molecular Engineering, and Public Policy departments. 

Our event reservation is paid for and the panelists are secured. We are in the midst of our outreach process now, and you can see the number of interested folks on our Facebook event page. Our sponsors include the GPSS Science & Policy Committee, Program on Values and Society, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Here is the full list of panelists: 

  • Jeff Johnson, President of the Washington Chapter of AFL-CIO, the largest federation of labor unions in the United States
  • Rosalinda Guillen, Executive Director of Community to Community Development, the Pacific Northwest's leader in food justice, immigration reform and farmworker rights 
  • Daniel Malarkey, Board Member on Washington CleanTech Alliance and previous Deputy Director of Washington's Department of Commerce
  • Nives Dolsak PhD, Associate Director of the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs and member of the Puget Sound Partnership’s Science Panel
  • Heidi Roop PhD, Communications Director for the Climate Impacts Group
  • Moderated by: Dr. Sarah Myhre, UW Oceanography Researcher, Climate Justice Activist and one of the Most Influential Seattleites of 2017

Let me know if you have any questions! 


Namrata Kolla

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Namrata Kolla

UW Anaerobic Digester: Food Waste, Renewable Energy & Public Health: Feasibility

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $10,000

Letter of Intent:


This Feasibility/Pilot Study would evaluate a) Site Location b) Custom-Design Review c) Ongoing Maintenance requirements for building a 160-square foot anaerobic digester on the UW Seattle Campus. The anaerobic digester would utilize food waste to produce renewable energy (biogas) and compost. The biogas and compost could be used for research projects by professors/students, and the methane gas could be used to generate electricity or power water boilers on the UW campus. The food waste would be provided by the UW Husky Union Building (HUB).

Environmental Impact:

An anaerobic digester would have three main environmental impacts on the UW Seattle Campus:

  1. Carbon Emissions: the anaerobic digester would utilize approximately 135lbs of food waste per day, so less food waste would be hauled from the UW campus to Cedar Grove Composting Facility. Reducing the amount of food waste that is hauled to Cedar Grove would reduce carbon emissions from garbage/waste disposal trucks that drive from UW to Cedar Grove.
  2. Soil Health: an anaerobic digester would produce nutrient-rich compost that could be applied to the UW farm and Center for Urban Horticulture (and other locations on campus).
  3. Renewable Energy: an anaerobic digester would be a small-scale model of how to generate renewable energy from food waste. The food waste is broken down by microbes, which produce methane gas, and the methane gas can be used to power a motor for electricity, heat water boilers, and other uses.

Student Leadership/Involvement:

Student interest and leadership is primarily coming from a UW Registered Student Organization (RSO), called Global Sustainability Initiative (GSI). The undergraduate members include: Caelan Wisont, Zhaoyi Fang, Yushan Tong, and Kyler Jobe. GSI focuses on promoting sustainability on a global scale, emphasizing household-scale anaerobic digestion projects to create methane gas for stoves. GSI grew out of SafeFlame LLC, which was started by a UW MBA graduate (Kevin Cussen), and received a CSF grant in 2015-2016. GSI also connects interested students to anaerobic digestion projects and gets students excited about working with anaerobic digestion, renewable energy, and public health.

Education, Outreach & Behavior Change:

We will conduct education/outreach for this project by:

  1. Sustainability Studio (ENVIR 480): conduct a 15-20 minute presentation for the undergraduate students in this course at the beginning of each quarter, starting in Winter Quarter, 2018. ENVIR 480 focuses on sustainability, and a previous group of students from this course conducted a research project on anaerobic digestion. In Fall 2017, Aaron Flaster met with the instructor for ENVIR 480 and the instructor was open to having Aaron present to her students about the anaerobic digestion project.
  2. Global Sustainability Initiative (GSI): GSI will conduct outreach to UW undergraduate students to build their membership and raise awareness about the anaerobic digester project. GSI will conduct outreach using tabling events, Facebook posts, and flyers.

Feasibility, Accountability & Accessibility:

This is a Feasibility/Pilot Study proposal to determine whether it is realistic to move forward with a full project proposal in April 2018 to build an anaerobic digester on the UW Seattle Campus. This Feasibility Study will accomplish three goals:

  1. Site Location: conduct an extensive evaluation to find an appropriate site on the UW campus for the anaerobic digester. This evaluation will be a collaboration between the UW Anaerobic Digester Project Leadership Team, UW Grounds Management, UW Landscape Architects, UW Design Review Board, and Impact Bioenergy. Impact Bioenergy ( is a business located in Seattle, WA. Impact Bioenergy designs/builds anaerobic digesters to utilize food waste and produce renewable energy and compost. Impact Bioenergy currently operates 3 anaerobic digesters in the greater Seattle area (1. Fremont Brewing Company (Ballard facility) 2. Pleasant Beach Resort on Bainbridge Island 3. Laser Cutting Northwest/CleanTech Manufacturing Accelerator. Impact Bioenergy has also built 2 more anaerobic digestion systems that are owned and operated by those customers (4. Microsoft (Redmond Campus) 5. Crooked Shed Farm (Carnation, WA).
  2. Custom Design Review: if necessary, Impact Bioenergy will conduct a custom-design evaluation to tailor the anaerobic digester to the available site. If the available site does not require a custom-design anaerobic digester, then the funds in this Feasibility Study that are meant for Impact Bioenergy will be used towards the full proposal in April, 2018.
  3. Ongoing Maintenance: determine whether the Sustainability Coordinator staff position (part of Grounds Management) can be the position that maintains the anaerobic digester on an ongoing basis (i.e. bring food waste from HUB anaerobic digester and monitor anaerobic digester readings, such as pH, temperature, etc.). With the permission of Grounds Management, we will have the Sustainability Coordinator log how many hours it would take to bring ~135 lbs of food waste from the HUB to a potential site location, every day for 5 days.

Leadership Team:

Dr. Heidi Gough, PhD, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Dr. Sally Brown, PhD, School of Forest Resources, Dr. Marilyn Ostergren, PhD, UW Renewable Energy Liaison, Aaron Flaster, BA, Research Coordinator, Department of Psychology, Global Sustainability Initiative (Registered Student Organization),

Budget Estimate:

Total $10,000

  • Impact Bioenergy: $9,900 (custom-design evaluation/full project review)
  • Sustainability Coordinator: $100 (1 hr per day, 5 days, moving food waste from HUB to potential site)

Contact Information:

Aaron Flaster, B.A.
Research Coordinator, Department of Psychology, University of Washington
Work email:
Cell #: 206-616-7934

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Aaron Flaster

Population Health Facility Visible Rainwater System

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:


Our plan is to assist in the construction of the rainwater treatment system and to put it in the lobby of the new population health building. We would include some sort of animated display, possibly interactive, to really involve people and show them how the water is filtered. We talked with Justin Stenkamp of PAE engineers and he believes that a great addition would be for EWB to design and create further filtration for the system that could be used for testing and research by faculty or other engineers. This further filtration could also make it possible to allow people to directly drink the water from the system if legislation for this is passed in the future. The research would be very beneficial and add a further academic component to the building opening up opportunities for testing and advancement in rainwater treatment technology. If we could design a system like this it would be great experience for EWB as well because it relates to projects we would do in our partner communities in other countries. This project will provide a learning aspect that is a very important part of the new building. It will show people the impact they’re having with a direct engineering display.

Environmental Impact:

There will be some water savings for the whole building due to the fact that we won’t be drawing from the city, but the primary impact will be educational. The system will be used for the toilets as well as potential landscaping so there will be some water saved from that.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

Our project will have a ton of student involvement, we will be working with a portion of the EWB local projects team as well as opening it up to any students who want to be involved.

Education, Outreach, Behavior Change:

This is where our project shines, EWB students will be researching and building this system which will provide them with an excellent experience. They will be able to apply this experience both to their resumes as engineers but also to the projects we take on in other countries which often involve rainwater purification. Students would also be getting experience working with professional engineers as we would work with PAE engineers to build the system. This will be very beneficial for the students regarding professional experience as well as networking. This project will also show every person who walks through the building the power of rainwater purification presenting it in an easy to understand and appealing way. We will also include a display to show how the system works.

Feasibility, Accountability, Sustainability:

We would have the guidance of professional engineers from miller hall on the design and building of the rainwater system. We have the long standing EWB structure to guarantee completion. We don’t envision any particularly unsustainable parts or processes.


Justin’s rough estimate for the project was about $30,000 - $35,000. This is if we decide to go the route of adding extra filtration to the treatment system. Justin estimates that the extra filtration would cost a rough estimate of $25,000. The extra $5000 - $10000 would be in an animated display, potentially interactive, showing the impact and technology of the system.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Andrew Lindgren

Project IF Phase I

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $30,000

Letter of Intent:

CSF Coordinator
Campus Sustainability Fund – Phase4 project
University of Washington

Dear CSF Coordinator:

We are writing to gauge the Campus Sustainability Fund’s (CSF) interest in supporting the feasibility study of using fourth phase water on the most advanced indoor agriculture technique, aeroponics, to help to grow fresh food not only effectively and organically but also locally, here on the University of Washington campus.


Why Fourth Phase Water?

Water, the blood of plants, must not be taken for granted when attempting to solve the global food crisis. In two decades of research, Prof. Pollack has discovered a fourth phase of water, the newly identified interfacial phase of water, that commonly exists in nature, and in both animals and plants. To date, there are ample of scientific reports show that the fourth phase water is different from bulk water physically and chemically. Most importantly, there was the study[1] published early this year demonstrated that the fourth phase water can improve germination and sprouting of plants dramatically. The improvement was confirmed by an UW spun-out, 4th-Phase, Inc., that using fourth phase water, the root length can be improved by 50% on average, sample size is close to 100.

Why Aeroponics?

Aeroponics is an indoor agriculture technique that grows plants in a mist environment without soil. However, unlike hydroponics, it uses fine droplets to deliver necessary water and nutrient to the root of plants. When the droplet size is controlled within the range similar as the porous size on the root, the plant can absorb the water and nutrient more efficiently. This not only helps to further preserve water but also allow the plants to uptake the nutrient more effectively. Moreover, because the root is exposed in air with easy access to oxygen, generally, aeroponics plants thrive better than hydroponics plants.

In sum, combining the advantage of the water engineering from Pollack’s lab (Bioe, UW) and the advanced aeroponics agriculture technology, Phase4 aims to demonstrate the potential societal/environmental impact of maximizing water’s ability to fuel plants.

Environmental Impact

It is estimated that global crop production will need to double by 2050 to feed the population[2], and it is clear that we need to find a solution to feed a growing population. Indoor farming is believed to be the future of agriculture. However, even growing crops aeroponically has been proved to be able to save 95% of the water (in USA, 75% of water is used in agriculture) with higher yield than the traditional farming, but the cost is still too high. Improving indoor farming efficiency and reducing its cost is a large-scale problem that many engineers and scientists are working towards. Efforts are focused on reducing labor costs by increasing the degree of automation, reducing utility costs by using more efficient lighting, and using smart control system enabling advanced AI in agriculture to improve yields. But this doesn’t seem like enough. The rate of growth in global crop yields is not growing fast enough[3], and doubling the world’s food production will require many breakthroughs in crop science using technology that is new, groundbreaking, and has the potential to feed billions.

With the CSF support, Phase4 can help to solve the global food crisis collaboratively by conducting the feasibility study to demonstrate the potential benefit of combining fourth phase water and aeroponics technology.

Student Leadership and Involvement

Our team is well equipped to complete this project successfully. Kurt Kung, our team leader, has 8+ years of experience on the fourth phase water research and rapid prototyping development throughout his doctoral education at the UW. Our project currently has a staff mentor, Dr. Gerald Pollack, who has been an integral part of this project and will continue to support our group throughout the duration of the project timeline. Jacob Rodriguez, our team member has 3 years of R&D experience and currently enrolled in the Master program in Material Science, UW.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change

The problem Phase4 try to solve is by no means trivial. Anything that we can do to raise the public awareness on this shortcoming global food crisis and engage more students and staff on campus to be part of our project can improve the odds of success. Besides requesting support from CSF, we also plan to participate the Environmental Innovation Challenge (EIC) and the Business Plan Competition (BPC) at UW in early 2018. From experience, we know competition is one of the best way to recruit students on meaningful project and expose the project quickly and effectively in the local community medias.

In addition to being led by a group of UW students, this project will also engage the campus community by being visible in prominent campus buildings. We are currently conducting outreach to Fluke Hall to install the feasibility test aerponics system in the green house on the top floor of Fluke Hall. The residents of Fluke Hall are UW CoMotion center and Student MakerSpace, which are beneficial to the Phase4 project for the talents recruitment and the technical support to engage more resource at UW.

Feasibility, Accountability, and Sustainability

The CSF has expressed a special interest in growing food not only efficiently with the minimum footprint but also organically and locally on campus. Our aeroponic system will fulfill that goal while also engaging the campus community around this cutting-edge technology.

The goal of the Phase4 project is to develop the state of art aeroponic system using fourth phase water technology to provide enough vegetable for the cafeterias to feed students, staff and faculties on UW campus and eventually expands the technology for broader applications. With the support from CSF, we can conduct the feasibility study as the first step to achieve our goal. The success criteria in the feasibility study phase is to demonstrate the improvement on total biomass of plants by using fourth phase water, and provide the critical data to estimate the cost and square footage to feed the people on campus.

We estimate the total cost of this project to be $75,000. These funds will be used specifically for the development of the fourth phase water enabled aeroponic test system to be installed on the UW campus. We are fortunate enough that we already have a commitment from Professor Pollack to support 1/3 of the fund ($25,000) and a commitment from 4th-Phase, Inc., an UW spun-out start up, to support another 1/3 of the fund ($25,000). So we only need CSF to match the last 1/3 of the fund ($25,000) to kick off the project. We will provide a more detailed budget if we are selected to submit a full proposal.  Moreover, potentially, we will have additional funding from UW EIC and BPC to provide extra support to the Phase4 project. Our team emphasizes the importance of diversifying our funding sources, and will continue our ongoing search for funding opportunities throughout the entirety of our project timeline.

Funding provided from the CSF will go directly toward the development of our product. In the immediate term, we’ve broken our project’s timeline into two phases. The first phase includes the physical development and installation of fourth phase water enabled aeroponics system over the next six months. The second phase includes plants testing, data collection, and further improvement on the system if needed.

We hope to have the opportunity to submit a full proposal with additional information for your further review. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments in the meantime. Thank you very much for your time and consideration, we look forward to hearing from you.


Kurt Kung
Senior Research Fellow
Bioengineering, UW

Jacob Rodriguez
Master Student
Material Science, UW






[1] Abha Sharma et al., “QELBY®-Induced Enhancement of Exclusion Zone Buildup and Seed Germination,” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2017 (2017): 1–10, doi:10.1155/2017/2410794.

[2] Yield Trends Are Insufficient to Double Global Crop Production by 2050

[3] Yield Trends Are Insufficient to Double Global Crop Production by 2050

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kurt Kung

Global Leadership Forum

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $420

Letter of Intent:

Summary of project proposal:

The societal problems we face transcend sectors and disciplines, and while businesses and organizations are well-positioned to solve them, they need responsible leadership. Unfortunately, the future situations students will find themselves in are ambiguous and difficult; determining what’s best for all stakeholders is challenging. The solution is not simply teaching students about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, but also entails giving them hands-on experiences with creative problem-solving about leading responsibly from where they stand.

This is why we three students, Henry Milander, Alex Urasaki, and Nabilla Gunawan, with support from the Global Business Center and Foster’s Certificate of International Studies in Business program (CISB), have formed a planning committee to found the Global Leadership Forum this spring, April 4th. Its purpose is to convene a campus-wide dialogue on CSR and sustainability in different sectors, and provide practical creative problem-solving experiences for students. A campus that doesn’t speak to these issues in a sustained and comprehensive way is letting its own students down by not properly preparing them for a present and future that demands, if not depends on, greater social responsibility and sustainability in leadership.

The Forum will focus on responsible leadership in socially-responsible business, tech, public health, and environmental policy, all in a global context. Through its workshop format, the Forum will provide a space for UW students and the Seattle community to engage with real-world cases and discussions on topics related to leading responsibly and sustainably in world. The element of leadership we believe most fundamental is the willingness to learn from everyone and everything, and help others do the same. In the end, the format of our Forum is about helping students become hands-on learners in the field of CSR and sustainability so that when they face ambiguous situations or companies with dubious corporate governance, they can act responsibly and teach others to do the same.

Date: Wednesday, April 4th (4/4/18)

Time: 5:00-8:00


  • Anthony’s Forum in Dempsey Hall (Introductory Panel)
  • Classrooms in Paccar Hall (Breakout Sessions)
  • Deloitte Commons in Paccar Hall (Reception)

Expected Attendance: 150-200 students

Format: Introductory Panel > 2 Rounds of Workshops > Reception

5:15-5:30 – Start (Until 5:30 it’s check-in, taking seats, drinks, and mingling)

5:30-5:35 – Opening Remarks + Overarching gravitas

5:35-5:45 – Introductions by Workshop Speakers

5:45-5:50 – Transition Period/ Head to first breakout rooms

5:50-6:30 – Workshop Round 1

6:30-6:35 – Transition Period/ Head to second breakout rooms

6:35-7:15 – Workshop Round 2

7:15-8:00 – Reception

Workshop Categories

  1. Business Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
  2. Population/Global Health
  3. Sustainability and Innovation in the Tech World
  4. Environmental Public Policy and Impact Reporting

Lead RSO: Certificate of International Studies in Business (CISB)

Co-Sponsors: Global Business Center, Net Impact UW, and ReThink

Co-Conspirators (Planning Committee): Henry Milander, Alex Urasaki, Nabilla Gunawan

Brief explanation of how the project will meet the requirements and preferences of the CSF:

  1. Environmental Impact

This kind of public education can have huge implications for how our students come to act mindfully as future leaders, and think creatively about bringing their actions in harmony in our complex world of diverse stakeholders. Students going into public policy, research, business, and health organizations can lead change in their roles for policies, practices, and innovations that help mitigate and heal our environment. With responsible leaders in government, corporations, and research institutes , these entities can be more easily enlisted in improving community health, green tech innovation, and ending global hunger. Moreover, students who attend the forum and get involved with environmentally-minded RSOs as a result of mingling at the reception or working together in the workshops will go on to strengthen their RSO’s projects and create a more sustainable campus.  

  1. Student Leadership & Involvement

Any project or change that has progressed in history surely hasn’t come about through one person. Teamwork is a perquisite for achieving lasting change and is a product of its members’ willingness to serve, learn, and lead. The Forum’s primary student leaders are Henry Milander from Certificate of International Studies in Business, Alex Urasaki from ECOREPS, and Nabilla Gunawan from Net Impact UW. Surrounding these personae dramatis are the members of the RSOs and programs they represent. It is our belief that the Forum’s success rests on the involvement of students from all disciplines on campus. It was a student’s idea that bore the idea for a forum, and it has been student energy and consultation that has evolved the idea to its present state, and will continue to do so in the years to come.

  1. Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The Forum will quite possibly be students’ first step in engaging with and discussing sustainability and social responsibility in a global context. The Forum offers the very practical experiences that teach students, hands-on, how to become learners in complex and sensitive fields so that when they face ambiguous situations they can act responsibly and teach others to learn how to do the same. The strategies and experience developed through this project will thus continue to help students in serving their communities.

Several learning goals the planning committee has for the students that attend the Forum are to:

  1. Grow students’ awareness of ethical, health, business and environmental considerations in an international context through experience in practical application
  2. Build students’ creative problem-solving ability through cases and discussions that span different cultures and national contexts
  3. Connect students from different backgrounds to different RSOs and campus organizations that strive to continue the conversation through real application

Collaborating with diverse groups at the UW and leveraging cultural and ideological differences is important to producing an event that serves the many sub-communities at the UW. The planning committee’s members came together in part because they believe they can conduct outreach and engage with UW’s diverse sub-communities and RSOs, and in doing so, make this even a forum for students and RSOs.

Changing behavior is necessarily hard; we are, after all, creatures of habit. Notwithstanding this, the Forum seeks to take students down one step of the way in a learning process of how to effectively advocate and express their ideas for sustainability and social responsibility. Each student will bring their own background and beliefs with them of course, however, all we can hope to achieve is to contribute to a conversation that night, and encourage them to continue it the next day.

  1. Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

Each planning committee member has experience with outreach and large event planning, and a familiarity with the Forum’s key concepts of social responsibility and sustainability in global leadership. Be it through planning the Global Health Business Case Competition, a national conference on UN MDGs in Indonesia, or presiding over the ECOREPS program, it is our collective experience that has guided, and will continue to guide our efforts and ambitions for the Forum.

While we each hold each other accountable for our commitments and action items, we still have regular check-ins with our mentors at the Office of Sustainability (Sean Schmidt) and Global Business Center (Theresa Maloney), the latter of which helps with logistics and administrative support. We also look forward to working closely with CSF staff if awarded a small grant in order to ensure funds are used properly, as well as to share any ideas on how to improve the forum or post-event efforts.

Institutionalizing the Forum and its values is the very task students who attend our discussions and forum will be charged with when they go on to advocate for responsible leadership in their own organizations. However, we the planning committee plan to use this first year’s results in determining how best we move towards institutionalizing the project. It is planned that CISB’s leadership team for 2018-2019 will have a Responsible Global Leadership chairpersonship who will represent CISB in the annual forum and ensure intra-program events and discussions continue to address and incorporate CSR and sustainability.

We, the planning committee, also plan to develop an ECOREPS position over the spring and summer quarters to continue leading campus-wide discussions on responsible leadership. In the long-term, this project’s goal is to establish a Center for CSR, and offer a minor open to any UW student, similar to SeattleU and UW-Tacoma’s centers. This will not be an overnight process. The fact that initiatives like the Global Reporting Initiative and the Paris Climate Accord are still being improved demonstrates how positive change must be doggedly pursued. Support from this grant will help ensure this dogged pursuit continues long after the members of this Forum’s planning committee graduate.

Through community engagement, hands-on work with questions of ethics and CSR, and the chance to foster deep relationships with extraordinary people, we believe this project will stay with the UW community for years to come, and better prepare students to be responsible leaders in their careers, and operate therein successfully.

Estimated Project Budget

Total Planned Expenses: $1420

  • Venue Fee ($140)
  • 2 Poster boards (1 for advertising, 1 for day-of event details - $70)
  • Catering of Food and Drink for 150 people ($1000)
  • Parking permits for speakers ($100)
  • 20 color tabloids ($100)
  • Quarter sheets for advertising ($10)

Project Timeline

Planning Committee Meeting Timeline (Mondays 3:30-4:30pm)

1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 3/26, 4/2, 4/15

1/29 - Reach out to Speakers

2/7 -  Finalize logo and promo materials

- Listserv blurbs, quarter sheets, full size posters (print and digital)

2/8 - Finalize Facebook event page and make public

2/9 - Increase Outreach Efforts

- Share and promote event on Facebook
- Deliver quartersheet handouts to advising offices and desks
- Contact school listservs (GBC, JSIS, etc)

- Advertise event on Trumba

2/26 - Addend RSVP google form to Facebook event and promo materials

2/28 - Finalize Speaker List
3/28 - Finalize Volunteer List

 - Set-up, Room Leads, Clean-up

4/4 - Global Leadership Forum (Manage Day-of Logistics)

4/6 - Send out Feedback surveys to Volunteers, Participants, and Speakers

4/15 - Planning Committee Meeting to assess efforts and determine path forward for

next year

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Henry Milander

Matsuri 2018

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $999

Letter of Intent:

Project Proposal

UW Matsuri has been the Japanese Student Association's main annual event for over 10 years. Matsuri, meaning festival in Japanese, is an event where we display the rich culture of Japan with delicious Japanese food, festive and thematic Japanese games, and many exciting and traditional performances. Along with the many foods that we sell, we create a lot of waste in the form of plates, utensils, napkins, and water bottles, among others. As a culture, Japanese society has increased its efforts to protect the environment through more efficient waste management and better technology to reduce resource consumption, and to reflect this we in the Japanese Student Association would also like to take the initiative to make our event and our attendees more aware of the environmental impact. As a student led event run primarily by the officers in the RSO and other student volunteers, we hope to begin making this push for a more sustainable event for this Matsuri and all future Matsuri's to come, and through this funding we hope to significantly reduce waste on campus at our 600 attendee event. Not only that, we really strive to educate both our staff and our attendees through volunteer orientations and allocating more volunteers to monitor waste disposal to ensure that all of our new biodegradable ware will be properly disposed.

Although it will be a challenge, we are confident that by working with the HUB and through our own careful planning and budgeting, we will be able to eliminate all plastic waste at our event. Regarding the specific uses of our funding, we will primarily focus on biodegradable tableware and utensils, which we estimate will cost us $400 to completely replace our old plastic ware. In addition, we will focus on getting water dispensers to eliminate plastic water bottle waste, which we estimate will cost us $600 to purchase. With any remaining money, we will focus on creating signage for the event to help people correctly dispose of their waste during the event, which, along with the water dispensers, can be reused for all of our future Matsuri events.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Hom

Youth Engineering Green Solutions to Stormwater Runoff and Pollution Prevention

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:


Recent research reveals that everyday activities of individual citizens are now the leading source of toxic chemicals flowing into the Puget Sound. [1]  Of the approximately 40 thousand metric tons of oil and grease entering the Puget Sound every year about “75% of it comes from stormwater runoff that starts in our neighborhoods.”[2]  In addition to chemical pollution, stormwater runoff can cause an array of other environmental problems including flooding and erosion of our streams and rivers, siltation of salmon spawning grounds, and thermal and nutrient pollution.  These changes can make an ecosystem less hospitable to life and can negatively impact vulnerable species.  Educating about a problem is the first step in changing behavior.


The new “Youth Engineering Green Solutions to Stormwater Runoff and Pollution Prevention” field trip program is being developed through a unique collaboration between the University of Washington Botanic Garden (UWBG) and the UW College of Education (UW COE).    The proposed project would fund the pilot of an educational fieldtrip program geared towards fostering environmental stewardship and raising awareness about stormwater, its impacts on Puget Sound and potential engineering solutions.  As part of his master’s project, Brian Carpenter will help develop the curriculum and then participate in piloting the program to elementary-age students (3rd-5th grade).  Fieldtrips will be offered on the UW’s Seattle campus at the Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH), one of two sites that comprise the UW Botanic Gardens. If successful, UWBG will explore the possibility of incorporating the fieldtrip into its established elementary school fieldtrip programming.


During the proposed 120-minute fieldtrip, students will consider and discuss what they can do at their schools to address the environmental problems associated with stormwater runoff.  The pilot curriculum has a strong interdisciplinary and applied Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) focus. The pilot also intends to address teachers’ identified need for instructional assistance with the engineering and science process components of the new science standards (Next Generation Science Standards). 


As part of the field trip, students will work in small groups with a manipulable tabletop model of urban stormwater runoff.  The data collected during this initial model run will be saved for later use as a baseline comparison point to help assess the success of their engineered solutions.  Students will then explore green stormwater engineering solutions present at CUH and through hands on interactive activities. They will apply their newly acquired knowledge to re-design the initial model and engineer their own stormwater solutions.   Students will compare and contrast the data collected for the two model runs to determine the success of their engineering design solution and help identify areas for improvement.  


Over the course of the fieldtrip students will use the science and engineering process to develop problem-solving skills and brainstorm pollution prevention and stormwater runoff solutions. Through hands on learning about possible solutions, students will be empowered to care and take action now and in the future to improve Puget Sound’s water quality and protect our environment. 

Category Item Description Needed Amount Total Cost
Model Development      
  Needed supplies for 6 models includes:    
  Sponges 18 $25
  Sphagnum moss                      3 bags $20
  Plastic 5 gallon buckets 6 $12
  Large plastic tubs ~(12 in. deep X 16 in. long X 8 in. wide) 6 $170
  2" x 2" wood or 1" X 1" wood two 6-ft. long pieces $20
  Plywood 6 in. x 5 in. 6 $20
  Plastic measuring cups or graduated cylinders 24 $80
  Stop watches 6 $40
  Cheese cloth                      2 bags $13
  Misc. additional supplies   $100
                                                     Total:             $500
Hands on Learning Activities Bouncy balls/soccer balls/basket balls 3 $18
  Buckets 6 $12
  Misc. supplies   $20
                                Total:                $50
Administrative Costs Bus rental fee assistance for schools to defray transportation costs @ $150/bus 2-3 pilots $450
                                  Total:             $450
                 PROJECT TOTAL:      $1,000




[1] Salish Sea Currents, UW Puget Sound Institute,, p. 12

[2] Seattleites Construct Rain Gardens to Curb Pollution from Stormwater Runoff, PBS News Hour,, Dec 8, 2011.  


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Amy Hughes

Implementing Sustainability: Bamboo toothbrushes for UW Dentistry

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $900

Letter of Intent:

Dear CSF,

I am requesting funds to create a sustainable change for UW campus. For my senior capstone project, I am pursuing the idea to help UW Dentistry change from giving out plastic toothbrushes to it’s patients to bamboo toothbrushes. This change will save thousands of plastic toothbrushes from ending up in a landfill and in oceans a year. Plastic takes millenial to break down and is already extremely harming our wildlife and nature. Bamboo is a more sustainable option as it grows fast and biodegrades. The company “Brush with Bamboo” manufactures and sells these toothbrushes. Unfortunately, this company is not large enough to sell their toothbrushes in bulk to dentists at as a competitive price as the plastic ones. Therefore, I am requesting funds to provide the first batch of toothbrushes to UW Dentistry for “free” as a trial. I also plan to create a strategic business plan that will convince UW Dentistry to pay for the toothbrushes with their own budget once this supply runs out; therefore creating a long lasting sustainable change. I am also applying to the “Community, Environment and Planning” grant called the ‘Community Support Grant’ to hopefully match the amount of money the CSF supplies as well. Implementing this change will deeply reduce the amount of plastic that UW is responsible for, giving UW another metric to add to “UW Sustainability Metrics”.

This is my very own project, as it is for my Senior Capstone Project. This idea was born last spring semester in my group project for the class “Attaining a Sustainable Society”. I am now taking the implementation process into my own hands. This project is completely student run and organized.

First, there will be a natural form of education and awareness that patients will encounter when they receive a free bamboo toothbrush after their appointment at UW Dentistry. I will also be conducting and organizing a community beach cleanup on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2017. This event is intended to get people involved and engaged in the need for reducing their own plastic footprint. It would be ideal to hand out a free bamboo toothbrush to the participants as well!

The people holding me accountable for this project are the program managers of my major, “Community, Environment and Planning”: Kelly Hostetler, Megan Herzog and Chris Campbell. Throughout winter and spring quarter I will be enrolled in a “Senior Project” class, a requirement for my major. This class holds us accountable and provides resources for success as well. Thanks to these forms of accountability, I feel completely supported, capable and responsible to complete this project. In addition, last spring quarter I took the class MGMT 440: Business Consulting. This class provided a real life scenario with a local boxing company that needed consulting. My group and I were responsible for doing everything that a paid business consulting company would complete. This included a business plan, many meetings with the client, much research and a final presentation to the client. Engaging in this project gave me the skills that I plan on repeating for UW Dentistry.

I am requesting $900.00 from the CSF as there is a 15% discount from “Brush with Bamboo” if a customer orders 10 cases at $90.00 each. The leftover money after the discount is being budgeted for shipping costs. Below is the pricing sheet provided by “Brush with Bamboo”

This timeline shows my plan according to my Capstone Project Proposal that I have already submitted to my major.


Dec 6th, 2017 Turn in proposal
Dec 6th, 2017 Contact brush w. bamboo, obtain price sheet
Dec 15th, 2017 Contact UW Dentistry about the project idea
DEC 15th, 2017 Apply for CSG and CSF
JAN 30th, 2018 Create Business proposal for UWD
JAN 30th, 2018 Receive Funding (hopefully!)
JAN 30th, 2018 Place order for toothbrushes
Feb 15th, 2018 Receive toothbrushes
FEB 15th, 2018 Business presentation to UWD
Feb 30th, 2018 Contact whoever is in charge of UW sustainability metrics
March 1st, 2018 Contact the school paper and or a local paper (ex: the stranger) about the change on campus!
March 1st, 2018 Deliver toothbrushes!!
March 2nd, 2018 Research community beach clean ups
March 5th, 2018 Advertise beach clean up
April 22nd, 2018 (earth day!) Implement beach clean up


I am sincerely excited to implement this project. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. If you would like my full Senior Project Proposal, please don’t hesitate to ask!


Thank you,

Isabelle de Mozenette


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Isabelle de Mozenette

Africa NOW: Unlocking Potential From Within

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $8,000

Letter of Intent:


Africa is a continent with abundant resources and limitless potential that generally goes unacknowledged around the world. It’s no secret that Africa is a wealthy country that has been exploited and taken advantage of for centuries and this exploitation continues to this day. The biggest difference now is that the world is finally starting to take notice of Africa’s potential. With billions of foreign dollars flowing into developing African countries, development in these countries needs to be led by individuals that put societal and environmental sustainability at the forefront of future growth. The best way to achieve this is by listening and supporting the people within these countries to make sure these burgeoning societies are being built and shaped by shared ideals.

Project Summary:

Many young professionals in Washington have been afforded the opportunity to pursue higher education and specialize in fields that have essential roles in the sustainability and progress of their country.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated plans to host a conference designed to supplement these essential skills and inspire guests to use these skills to build a sustainable future for Africa NOW.

Through industry specific workshops, networking, action based resources, artists, and an all-star panel we’ll inspire and equip students to turn Africa's "potential" into a reality.

Event Details:

Our target audience is young professionals in the state of Washington with an age range of 18-25. We plan to have 300 people in attendance. The conference will be held at the Intellectual House and Paccar Hall on May 19th from 12pm - 7pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

Student Leadership & Partners:

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is currently working with several student organizations including, African Student Association, Black Student Union, Minority Association for Pre Health Students, the Black Student Commission, and the National Society of Black Engineers. Some of the public organizations that we are currently working with are the African Chamber of Commerce, Africa Town, and the National Association of Real Estate Brokers. At the beginning of winter quarter we’ll be hosting a regional meeting with black organizations from all three UW campuses along with black organizations from Washington State University, Seattle Pacific University, and Seattle Central. Partnering with local colleges will allow us to more easily target our audience and gain statewide visibility for our cause.

CSF is an important part of our community that is fostering students to think about sustainability as a necessary but most importantly as an attainable goal on campus and around the world. We believe that CSF's involvement in our project could be extremely beneficial to our cause because we’re promoting sustainability in an unconventional way that’s just as important as traditional approaches.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kolawole

60 Second Sustainability: A Video Game for Sustainability at UW

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $25,737

Letter of Intent:

EarthGames would like to build a video game for mobile phones and tablets that educates students about sustainability actions they can take on campus and promotes sustainability RSOs that they can participate in.

Earlier this month at the Sustainability Game Jam (sponsored by CSF), a team led by EarthGames lead designer Samuel Dassler built a game prototype called "60 Second Sustainability."  The game is made up of many "microgames," which is a style popularized in games like the WarioWare series.  A round of microgames is frantic: you play approximately 10 of these mini-games within a single minute of play time.  The frenetic nature of a microgame-based app means that it can be used to communicate a large number of sustainability concepts in a short amount of time.

The prototype currently includes actions such as putting your reusable bottle under the water tap to fill it up, raising a solar panel, bringing your own bag to the farmer's market, screwing in a more efficient light bulb, turning out the lights, and sorting waste into compost, recycling and garbage.

The game was quite popular at the showcase after the jam, and won the Audience Choice Award for best game.  We are proposing to expand the game by making the actions more specific to UW, and co-designing microgames with various sustainability organizations on campus.  For instance, to support the SEED effort to encourage students to wash clothes in cold water using fragrance free powdered detergents, we could design a microgame in which the player changes a washing machine temperature setting to cold, and selects the right detergent within 4 seconds.  To help encourage proper waste disposal, we would depict the correct placement of items that when incorrectly sorted cause the most damage at UW, such as e-waste and liquid into paper recycling bins.

Microgames often have an air of silliness to them, and it is important to us that any representation of an RSO is positive to a wide range of players.  In order to accomplish this, we would work closely with representatives from each RSO included in both preproduction and testing phases.  Initial responses from members of sustainability RSOs have been enthusiastic.

A key component of this project is using existing, student-run sustainability initiatives to inspire the microgames and build awareness of the extensive work that student groups are already doing. Social science research shows that peer modeling is one of the most effective forms of behavior change.  By showcasing the work of student groups in these games, we will be drawing on the power of peer modeling to encourage other students to think and act sustainably.

We hope that the game would be frequently utilized in tabling events by EarthGames and also participating RSOs, in addition to downloads we will receive on the iOS and Google Play app stores, where the game will be posted for free.  In order to make the game appealing in a tabling context, we recognize that the look of the game must be particularly striking.  Microgame-based apps should work well in a group setting, with fast-moving content, simple rules, and difficult gameplay inspiring "just one more try" reactions from a crowd.  We think that a sustainability video game will encourage a whole new type of student to engage with sustainability activities.

EarthGames is up to the task of developing a high-quality, visually appealing, and fun game in a short time and on a limited budget.  Our team includes undergraduate student artists and content creators, a professional game developer with significant experience working with student teams, a graduate student with extensive work in campus organizing, and a faculty liaison with a strong track record of supporting student outreach and engagement.  EarthGames has released 5 apps to the iOS and Google Play app stores, and shares game announcements and updates with a quarterly newsletter that is read by over 500 readers both on and off campus.

We would complete the first version of the game by the end of spring quarter, and finalize art during the summer.  We would organize a rollout event corresponding with Dawg Daze at the beginning of next year, to encourage new enrollment in the RSO and inform new students of sustainability actions they can take on campus.

We are requesting funds to support:
Undergraduate student artist Rivkah Parent: 200 hours @ $20/hour *1.207 (benefit rate) = $4828
EarthGames lead designer Samuel Dassler: 11 weeks @ $1000/week *1.325 (benefit rate) = $14575
Graduate student community manager Judy Twedt: 150 hours @ $25/hour*1.207 (benefit rate) = $4526

Undergraduate student programmer: 100 hours @ $15/hour = $1810

Prof. Dargan Frierson: unfunded project manager

Total: $25737

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Judy Twedt

Earth Day Festival: A Celebration of Diversity and Unity of our World

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $125,000

Letter of Intent:

Think global, act local”:

A Celebration of the Diversity and Unity of the World


With the current political climate steering us away from environmental and social justice, now is the time to take action. The UW Sustainability Action Network (SAN), in partnership with Earth Club, Arts & Entertainment (A&E), EcoReps, UW Hip Hop Student Association (HHSA), UW Sustainability and other partners, plans to bring a new level of student leadership and vision to the annual Earth Day celebration. This year’s Earth Day Festival will bring people together through performance, art, food, and activism in an immersive celebration of the unique identities and unity of the world. This festival will be a demonstration of sustainability in action both in its production and in its message. By showcasing the environmental and social initiatives on campus and demonstrating the intersectionality therein, we will provide a live example of the sustainability movement that is happening on campus.

We request $125,000 for this Festival to support national and local performers and speakers, commissioned art installations, professional staging equipment, marketing materials, locally-sourced food ingredients, and sustainable event infrastructure (to include solar power system, compostable materials, water stations, bio-toilets, and more). By combining the vision and leadership of some of UW’s most active and prominent student leaders with the resources and support of the UW, we hope to curate an unprecedented celebration of sustainability, diversity, and unity this coming Earth Day.

Environmental Impact:

This event will communicate and embody sustainable ideologies through the implementation of various media, inspirational performances, sustainable waste disposal, local food sourcing, and the use of renewable energy.

The Festival will feature food from around the world, prepared by an array cultural RSOs. Our organizing partners will provide RSOs with locally-sourced ingredients and supply compostable utensils. In addition, food waste will be diverted to local food banks or homeless shelters. These elements will be made possible through partnerships with campus organizations such as Real Food Challenge and Pairing UW Food Waste With Non-Profit Agencies in Need.

We intend to produce a 100% carbon-neutral event by using a solar-powered stage and providing CSF-funded biogas food carts to the food vendors. Compost and recycling bins will be onsite. There will be water stations and complimentary reusable water bottles to encourage reduction of disposable bottles.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

The Earth Day Festival will be 100% student-lead with the support of select faculty. The UW Sustainability Action Network will coordinate the collaborative leadership of its partners to showcase the growing sustainability movement at the University of Washington. The Festival will feature social justice in conjunction with environmental justice, unlocking vast opportunities for student groups in each area to showcase their work.

The festival’s many components (ie. Logistics, Programming, Food, Art Curation, Marketing, etc) will also provide specific opportunities for student leaders to drive these departments. The UW SAN Council is prepared and equipped to facilitate this process with the help of its key partners and faculty advisors. 

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

SAN is already developing a year-long marketing plan, drawing connections between the initiatives and events of its partners, and building toward the Earth Day celebration throughout the school year. The diverse mix of student involvement, through organizing, performing, exhibiting, or otherwise, will generate a vast draw that reaches throughout the campus.

The planning committee plans to create a compelling brand and story for the festival that wraps key environmental and social issues of today into a collective call-to-action. By creating an event that showcases student advancement of the world that we wish to create, the Earth Day Festival will appeal to audiences beyond the environmental community. To generate the scale of interest and impact that we are envisioning, we will book one nationally-known performer and one nationally-known speaker, both of whom embody the story that we wish to tell with the Earth Day Festival.

Part of the proposed budget is designated to the marketing plan, which will include physical materials such as posters and flyers, as well as social media marketing, and video and graphic content.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The planning committee currently consists of members of SAN, HHSA, EcoReps, and UWS, all of which bring extensive event-planning expertise. SAN is a coalition of campus organizations focused on environmental and social sustainability, which will serve as key collaborators that bring diverse perspectives to the event. The committee is also developing a partnership with UW Arts & Entertainment and ASUW. Throughout the planning process, the committee will develop key metrics and performance indicators to quantify the sustainability of the event.

The Earth Day Celebration is an annual event which has been primarily planned by UWS for the last several years. In addition, EcoReps has historically provided extensive support in planning this and other sustainability events on campus. The student leaders from these entities will easily secure infrastructure such as tables or tents, while providing prior knowledge as to the permits and permissions required for the event to take place. Faculty advisors in the CCCE, UWS, A&E, and ASUW will provide guidance and mentorship in navigating UW procedures.

The partnership with A&E will allow for professional stage production and programming. Their extensive experience organizing large-scale concerts on campus that feature national talent will be essential in making this year’s Earth Day celebration a historical event. The industry connections A&E holds with performers, speakers, and the channels for hiring them will also be essential in booking the necessary talent.

Contact Info:

Sky Stahl: (509) 260-1105

Alex Urasaki: (310) 567-4671

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sky Stahl

Electric Outboard Motors, Sustainability for Washington Rowing

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $18,000

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington prides itself in being a world leader in sustainability and has a mission aimed toward teaching students to be leaders in the community, state, and the nation.  At Washington Rowing we pride ourselves in the pursuit of excellence starting with our athletics and extending it to our academics and professional lives.  As one of the university's oldest sports and one of the oldest intercollegiate sports in the country, Washington rowing wants to continue the longstanding tradition of excellence by being leaders and not reactionaries in everything that we do. The next step for Washington Rowing in our pursuit of excellence is to establish rowing as a sustainable sport and to reduce the environmental impact of not only our team, but the rowing community across the country.

On an average day, Washington rowing fields between 6 and 8 wakeless launches (coach’s boats) that follow crews through practice to coach and keep rowers safe on the water. Practices stretch between 15 to 35 km depending on the day. Taking an average of 7 launches going 25 km a day and approximately 245 collegiate practices a year (Including summer rowing) this adds up to 42,875 km of transport currently run by gasoline outboard engines.  That distance burns approximately 2,145 gallons of gasoline and requires yearly maintenance and frequent oil changes, adding to the environmental impact of the gasoline outboards.

Washington Rowing pursues excellence and is a leader in the rowing community in terms of sporting and technology. To adhere to and advance our mission our goal is to be community leaders in developing environmental sustainability for the sport of rowing.  With UW CFS we can achieve that goal and educate the rowing community around the country about the benefits of electric outboards.

Environmental Summary:

Annual fuel consumption for each launch is estimated at 310 gallons a year for the fleet which is equivalent to 1,240 kWh of energy.  On average, every kWh of electricity produced in Washington produces 0.26 lbs of carbon dioxide (CO2) well below the 1.22 lb average of the United States due to investment in renewable energy.  On the contrary 23.5 lbs of CO2 are produced when burning a single gallon of gasoline. Comparing the output of Pure Watercraft electric and the current gasoline outboards, Carbon emissions would drop by 6963 lbs of CO2, from 7,285 lbs to 322 lbs for the outfitted launch. Additionally, continual oil changes and maintenance of the gasoline engines (not necessary for the electric launches) produces additional carbon waste and pollution.

Student involvement:

There are two main focuses on student involvement for the project beginning which begins with the inception and planning of the project.  From the start Washington Rowing has designed this project to be student run with minimal involvement from coaches and administrators except when absolutely necessary.  I, Weston Brown, will be heading the project with involvement from 7 other students working on the project from business, environmental, and engineering backgrounds.  Beyond the proposal writing and research that goes into the project the majority of student involvement will be in outreach and community involvement. It will be the student’s role to help spread the knowledge of electric launches to other rowing teams both locally and abroad.  


The rowing program here at the University of Washington has become a leading program within the domestic and international communities of rowing. With this standing, we have an opportunity and a responsibility to impact the community positively. Transitioning into electric motors within our own fleet of launches is only one step in creating a positive impact in the rowing community.

In addition to our own transition, we will work to educate others within the rowing community in efforts to help adapt electric launches into more clubs around the country. There are forty rowing programs within the Seattle area alone which provides us with incredible accessibility for outreach. Educating board members, athletes and coaches of local clubs about the footprint that rowing has on the environment could spark a movement towards a more sustainable rowing community here in Seattle. Eventually, we would expand our education efforts across the country and advise clubs all around the nation about Pure Watercraft Outboard and the positive impact the rowing community could have in the effort to aid our environment.

Economic feasibility:

Washington Rowing is asking for a grant from the UW Campus Sustainability Fund to cover the cost of purchasing one coach’s launch with Pure Watercraft brand electric outboards.  Pure Watercraft is a Seattle company based in South Lake Union that will be distributing their first round of electric outboards in spring 2018.  While they have not yet released exact pricing for the dual battery pack model Washington rowing is interested in, the cost will be approximately $7,000 for the electric motor (the current Honda 25 horsepower outboards cost approximately $6,000 usd with annual gas and maintenance costs of $950 usd and $445 usd respectively). An electric engine would cost $7,000 usd but will save the team $14,000 over the next 10 years in fuel and maintenance costs.The additional $11,000 requested in this application is for the boat that the electric motor will be used with.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Weston Brown

Sustainability Consulting and Environmental Leadership Opportunity (Green Greek Representative Program)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,900

Letter of Intent:


As an accredited course, the Green Greek Representative Practicum teaches over 150 students per year about sustainability consulting within their community and environmental leadership. It encourages participation from Greek and non-Greek students in order to engage a broad campus community. Engaging this community deepens connections between the UW Program on the Environment, the UW Sustainability Office, the UW Greek Community, and a variety of different academic programs (as the program is extremely interdisciplinary). It allows students interested in sustainability to ideate, research, and implement solutions in a real-world, hands-on way. It also creates a ripple effect, propelling sustainability solutions far beyond just environmentally-focused students and ingraining sustainable living habits within a diverse group.

The growth of our program can largely be attributed to the funding we’ve received from the UW Office of Sustainability. However, due to budget cuts, they can no longer fund us. Thus we are hoping to receive $3,900 from the Campus Sustainability Fund to be able to continue the program and keep implementing sustainability solutions while we explore long-term funding alternatives.

View our Website: or learn more about the Program by viewing the Orientation Packet.

Meeting Requirements:

Environmental Impact:

While the tangible environmental impact is seen in Chapter Houses specifically, the intangible benefits are far beyond the Chapters themselves. The Chapters represent a test-bed of sorts for students (both Greek and non-Greek) to experiment with different sustainability solutions and see how theoretically great ideas play out in reality.

We’ve helped Chapters significantly reduce waste, transitioned 14 Chapters to water-saving solutions as of Fall 2017, 5 Chapters to full-LED implementation, and helped Chapters invest in energy-efficient appliances. We’ve also increased awareness: we’ve put up posters, had cleaning and kitchen staff “interventions,” worked with House Directors to make sustainability a priority, and presented to Chapters on waste diversion and sustainability solutions (in which we get most of the members to take the UW Sustainability pledge as well).

If we get funding and are able to progress forward at the same rate, we plan to continue many of our current projects, including transitioning chapters to sustainable lighting, water, energy, and waste solutions. On top of this, we plan to continue and expand upon our current education initiatives, including a dramatic uptake in our Zero Waste Initiative for community events. We will also pilot new projects as the program grows.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

The Green Greek group, open to both Greek and non-Greek students, has helped over 200 different environmentally-curious students get started implementing sustainability solutions within their living area and community. Over the past three quarters, we’ve had over 50 students register each quarter and have continued to grow. This Fall 2017, we had over 70 students register, and more than 40 register for credit. This type of high-engagement, hands-on opportunity is an excellent way to get students integrating sustainability into their daily lives, as well as promote the Program of the Environment and other environmental opportunities to a targeted audience. Funding from the CSF will allow us to continue providing this opportunity for students of all majors to easily become involved in sustainability courses.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

Our program has 8 to 10 projects each quarter. These projects focus on implementing waste, water, and lighting solutions; solar research, education and awareness, sustainable purchasing, and event planning. Students have the opportunity to pick what they’re most interested in and gain experience in that area. On top of this hands-on work, students also learn from expert speakers, who’ve included Sustainability Consultants from Sustainable Biz Consulting, the CEO of NuePower (a solar energy company in the PNW), and Sally Hulsman, the Director of Solid Waste Compliance at Seattle Public Utilities.

We work hard to promote collaboration, as well as other environmental groups on campus. Students get the chance to participate in mini-case competitions related to solving sustainability problems. They also do a take-home sustainability survey of a specific Chapter to learn more about the status of that Chapter’s sustainability and what it truly means to be live sustainably. Then they work on specific action items gleaned from the survey. Each quarter we do a Community-Wide Clean-Up, where not only our members but other campus members team up to beautify the UW community.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The feasibility of the program is 100% with funding. I can guarantee this because we’ve been running it in a “pilot” mode for the past 2.5 years (since its creation in August 2015). We’re held accountable by Faculty Supervisors, including UW Sustainability Expert Sean Schmidt and the Director of the Program on the Environment Rick Keil. We’re also held accountable by the numerous Green Greek Leaders (currently 14, including the Executive Team and the Project Leaders). People within our program are mission-driven and committed to successfully carrying out projects as a team.

Estimate of Project Budget:

In order to continue improving upon the work we’re doing, we need funds for three main purposes:

  1. Marketing: 75 Fall Orientation packets, 60 marketing posters per quarter (1 per each chapter, as well as high-traffic on-campus areas), 1-2 large posters per year for events. This year the amount came to about $550 (all materials were purchased from Professional Copy n’ Print on the Ave or printed at the RSO Resource Center on campus).
  2. Accreditation: In order to be an accredited 1-2 course (which is an absolute game-changer in terms of engagement, participation, and follow-through), we must be able to fund an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (essentially the Director position). This position organizes everything, from course materials, to the room location, to membership and project teams, as well as communicates directly with the Advising Faculty Rick Keil. The TA is paid for 50 hours per work per quarter at the wage of $15.30 (by University policy) for a total of $765 per quarter. This person works all three academic quarters, as well as during the summer to develop the program for the upcoming year. Thus, the total for the year comes to $3,060.
  3. Motivation & Incentives: In order to create value and community, we also need money for things like a prize for our annual Greek-wide competition ($100) and a small budget for our quarterly clean-ups ($200 / yr). The total budget for this is roughly $300.

Thus, the overall budget needs are roughly $3,900 for one year. We recognize how valuable the Campus Sustainability Fund is in getting projects going and helping them keep their momentum. We also recognize that in the long-term this program needs to be self-sustaining and can’t rely on CSF grants. We are in the process of securing funding from Greek Governance organizations who see the impact of our work in the community. However, in order to secure funding via their network we must go through a lengthy proposal process. This process has already been initiated. If the proposal is successful, we will have funding likely starting in January 2019. Thus, we hope the CSF can provide assistance in the meantime and help us keep the Green Greek momentum going as we build strong environmental leaders and implement sustainability solutions within the UW Community.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Talia Haller, Green Greek Director

Biological Control of Insects

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Dear Selection Committee, 

The University of Washington currently doesn't have a biological control of insects program. Insecticides which can be detrimental to the environment are periodically sprayed. With these releases the amount of insecticides used will be dramatically decreased. We will release insects that will survive the winter. Because of this we will only need to release them for two years to build up their populations. With this grant we will be able to release the following insects for control of Thrips and Aphids from the company Evergreen Growers:  

Aphidius colemani and ervi: 500 for $69

Aphidoletes aphidimyza: 1,000 for $43.50 x2=$87

Green lacewings/Chrysoperla : 10,000 eggs for 28$ x 5= $140

Orius: 1,000 for $69

Stratiolalaps scimatus: 25,000 in 2 liter bottles at $23 x 3=$69.

Trichogramma minutum: 100,000 for $21

Trichogramma platneria: 100,000 for $21

Shipping: $12.50

Total=488.50 per year

This program has been extenisvely researched and is being applied by Seattle University, the Woodland Park Zoo, and Washington State University. If the grant proposal is accepted it will help grounds management at the University of Washington become a more sustainable place. Any remaining funds will be used for signage to promote this CSF granted project. 

Thank you for helping us become more sustainable! If you have any questions please don't hestitate to ask. 


Michael Bradshaw 


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Bradshaw

ReThink Resilience Summit 2017

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:



I.  Letter of Intent

ReThink has held an annual Resilience Summit for two years, and both times our organization was lucky enough to work with CSF through partnerships and grants. This year the Summit focuses on incentives that a range of organizations experience, as we all face the need for climate action and improved resilience. This event is modeled after the Resilience Challenge hosted by Sustainable Seattle in the fall of 2014 and 2015. This year it will be held in Maple Hall’s Area 01 to encourage maximum attendance. We are teaming up with several clubs from across campus to draw an eclectic crowd of around 30-50 students. These students will spend 4 hours listening to in-depth presentations from our business professionals, engaging in question and answer sessions, discussing relevant topics in breakout sessions, and ending with individualized plans of action that may simply consist of a changed mindset, or even turn into future CSF proposals. With time for networking over tables of information from on-and-off campus partners, and lunch of sustainable, local food, we hope our audience will come away with a diverse set of perspectives and go forth driving change in business-as-usual practices. Beyond the experience members of the planning committee will gain from organizing and marketing this event, all participants of the Resilience Summit will get exposure to a diverse array of students from other disciplines, and informative and inspiring presentations and discussions from professionals in their fields of work. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to broaden their perspectives from the more narrow views represented in their respective majors.

A large part of the challenge is bringing students together to find the root cause of UW’s environmental issues in order to create a feasible solution including a plan of action. The 30-50 students attending the event are expected to be engaged and thoughtful members of the audience. Action post-event is not required, but will be highly encouraged and enabled by our team. We have invited speakers from Alaska Airlines, Forterra, Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development (SEED), Threshold Investing Group, and Sustainable Business Consulting to speak about how their experiences, company, and/or mission approaches the concept of incentives in terms of climate action. For example: “Why does your organization choose to prioritize social and environmental initiatives and how are those goals achieved? How have you and your company reimagined traditional market structures to benefit the environment and what actions would you recommend others take to emulate your steps or drive their own sustainable path forward?”. We are expecting to obtain funds from the Foster Community Fund to help us support this event as it directly affects many students within the Foster School.

The monetary support of the CSF grant will enable us to perform the best possible outreach for the UW Resilience Summit in various relevant areas on campus in order to gain excitement and attendance that outweighs last year’s event.  Keeping our environment and UW’s paper reduction goals in mind, while still maximizing the potential for outreach to many attendees, we are planning to partially utilize ReThink grant money to create less than 20 eye-catching and aesthetically appealing posters that will illustrate the importance and quality of this event. ReThink has identified the most influential locations on campus that identify with the goals of this event and ReThink. These include, but are not limited to, the Foster School of Business, the Art and Design School, College of the Environment, Gould Hall, and the Paul G. Allen Center of Computer Science. The posters will be displayed in high-traffic areas, such as cafes and main entrances in order to attract the most attention. These posters complement our mainly digital marketing plan through our well known Facebook page, event page and targeted outreach of our board members and faculty contacts. Our multi-faceted marketing approach will maximize our outreach, and ensure that our environmental message will be heard loud and clear throughout campus.

The environmental problem that we hope to combat with this event is the same we’ve been working to oust for years previously: the widespread lack of education on pressing global environmental issues that UW students are broadly receiving. These issues apply to every student on campus in almost every academic discipline, yet not all students are required—or have room in their schedules—to take courses that touch on these issues, and independently sought information can often be misleading. Furthermore, though the University of Washington has undertaken many steps to be a sustainable campus, there is so much more that can be done, and we believe this starts with student education, involvement, and most importantly interest. The Resilience Summit thoroughly aligns with UW’s mission to sustainability. Even with such a broad term and definition, ReThink unites itself in all parts of all definitions in order to fully capture the meaning as it applies to business, industry, government, and individuals. ReThink is widely known across campus because of our work with the UW Sustainability Office, UW Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship, and other environmental clubs around campus. We look forward to bringing this unique event to students from diverse educational backgrounds and hope to foster a learning environment where even our guest speakers can learn from others at this event.


II. Timeline


February 1- May 1 | Planning

  • Brainstorming
    • Partnerships
    • Funding Opportunities
  • Obtaining speaker confirmations
  • Creating marketing campaign
  • Gaining funding from CSF and FCF

April 14-28 | Implementing

  • Implementing Marketing Outreach
    • Online first
    • Then to print and around campus
    • Start outreach to organizations, listservs

April 20- May 8 | Outreach

  • Earth Day Tabling
  • Sharing the Resilience Summit at other events
  • Sharing event opportunity in classes
  • Posting our small marketing posters around campus

May 8-May 19 | Final Stage

  • Final marketing push
  • Extreme outreach
  • Finalization of details with all speakers and partners


III. Budget


Speaker Fees
  • Most likely our corporate speaker/rep
$125 4 $500
Speaker Gifts $10 4 $40
Photographer $100 1 $100
Marketing Poster Board $20 1 $20
Materials for day-of break-out sessions
  • Big post it boards, post notes, markers
$10   $10
Venue Fee $330   $330
  = TOTAL $1,000


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Cassie Maylor

Earth Day Band: Improvisational Music Project (IMP)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $500

Letter of Intent:

On April 21st Earth Club, in partnership with The Office of Sustainability and Ecoreps, is hosting The Earth Day Festival on Red Square from 11-2pm. The Earth Day Planning Committee has been searching for a band to play at our event. We believe that art is essential to the activism surrounding sustainability movements and often functions as a catalyst for engagement. In our search for a band, we focused our efforts on finding local UW student ensembles. Supporting the sustainability of the arts on the UW campus was an important value that helped aided our selection. We also considered that finding the right group could could help establish a precedent for collaboration for future events like the SustainableUW Festival. From the groups we looked at, our committee has identified the UW’s Improvised Music Project as an outstanding student organization that upholds many of our values and goals.

The IMP is an RSO run by Jazz students. The group focuses on bringing together musicians seeking to both advance their artwork and education. The IMP gives students an opportunity to: collaborate with each other, perform their music at local venues, play in a variety of organized ensembles, and to learn from professionals brought in by the RSO. The group consists of general members and several officers which organize events, and student ensembles. The shows played by IMP ensembles are free events where donation are accepted. Donations collected by the IMP are put into a fund that is used to bring touring professional musicians to the UW. The musicians then perform for the IMP and answer questions about their artwork.

The Earth Day Committee has been in contact with two of the IMP officers, Brendan McGovern and Schuyler Asplin. The two officers have agreed to organize an ensemble to perform at our Earth Day festival. The ensemble will consist of 6-10 performers. In addition to Brendan and Schuyler organizing the ensemble, the ensemble will be responsible for set up (15min), the performance (30min), and break down (15 min). As fair payment for for their performance, we want to award the group $50 for every performer erring on the side of 10 performers. In total, this application is asking for a grant of $500, payable to either Brendan or Schuyler, for the organization and performance of an IMP ensemble at our Earth Day Event. Brendan/Schuyler will then donate the funds into the IMP.

Addressing the CSF goals, the performance that will be funded by this grant will:

  • Impact the environment by attracting students to the Earth Day event. Music and the arts have galvanizing effects that bring people together and function as a catalyst through which activism for social and environmental issues can be fostered.
  • Support the student leadership of the Earth Day Committee who identified the IMP as an organization that will advance our goals for the Earth Day event. Additionally this grant will do more than acquire a band for Earth Day as the payment for the performance will go towards the advancement of the arts and the education of student musicians involved in the IMP. This includes supporting the student leadership of the IMP who, outreach to venues, organize ensembles, and plan events for their members in order to bring in professional musicians.
  • Increase our ability to outreach to students in the UW community. By supplying the incentive of a musical performance at Earth Day we will be able to attract a larger audience of students and expose them to the environmental message of our event.
  • Set a precedent for collaboration between the IMP and Earth Day. This sustainable relationship between the IMP and the Earth Day Planning Committee will be mutually beneficial and allow our committee to focus our efforts on enhancing other aspects of the event next year.
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Christian Laush

Keraton Going Green

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $999

Letter of Intent:

Since 2002, Indonesian Student Association in University of Washington (ISAUW) has held an annual cultural event, Keraton, to celebrate and promote Indonesia’s diverse culture. This year Keraton will be held on April 29th at the Rainer Vista, University of Washington. Throughout the event, we will promote our culture by selling various Indonesian traditional cuisines, hosting on-stage performances and cultural games. Our hope for Keraton is that it will not only attract Indonesian people in the greater Seattle neighborhood but also the whole Washington community. Last year Keraton managed to attract 8000 people and we are aiming to get 10000 this year to widen the exposure to Indonesian culture.


Based on our previous experience in hosting this event, we understand the environmental damages that an event as big as ours can pose. Consequently, this year we planned to implement a recycling program to minimize the amount of waste we produce. We hope that the funding from CSF can help us in this ‘Keraton Going Green’ effort.


In order to achieve the ‘Keraton Going Green’ effort, we will:

a.     We’ll demand all of our third-party vendors to only use compostable materials (food containers) to minimize our environmental footprint.

b.     Ensure that our event map lay out the locations of all the recycling and compost bins.

c.     Include our recycling efforts in our event marketing.

d. Assign ISAUW officers as well as volunteers to monitor the locations of all the recycling and compost bins to ensure proper sorting. 


To help us in this sustainability effort, we’re asking for a donation of $999.00 from CSF. We plan to use the funding we’ll receive to:

a.     Fund the compostable materials for vendors. ($500)

b.     Partially fund the renting cost of LED stage lighting to minimize our event’s energy usage. ($500)


1.     Environmental Impact: Not only did Keraton attracted 8000 people last year but also had 13 vendors selling food. As a result, there is a substantial amount of waste produced. This year, Keraton is aiming to attract 10000 people. Surely, there will be more waste produced than last year. Therefore ISAUW will implement the ‘Keraton Going Green’ effort, which will ensure the reduction of waste production by vendors as well as the overseeing of waste sorting in the recycling and compost bins locations.


2.     Student Leadership & Involvement: There are 39 ISAUW officers who have contributed their time and energy in making a huge event such as Keraton. Furthermore, there will also be about 123 volunteers that will help out in the event, whom of which are Indonesian students from the University of Washington as well as community colleges around the greater Seattle area. 


3.     Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change: ISAUW believes that implementing a ’Keraton Going Green’ effort will benefit us as well as the people who will be attending our event as it will show them how a substantial amount of waste will be produced in an event as big as ours. We hope that they will have a better perspective and understanding on the importance of minimizing waste and that there will be a behavior change in their lifestyle. We will also ensure this ‘Keraton Going Green’ effort will continue to be implemented in future ISAUW events and hope that other events that will take place in the University of Washington will also follow our efforts.


4.     Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability: ISAUW was established in 2001 and has since successfully promoted the Indonesian culture and values of diversity to Indonesian youth in the Greater Seattle Area. ISAUW has held multiple major events every year including but not limited to PERMIAS National Cup, LARIMAN (Seattle’s Amazing Race) and our signature event, Keraton. We strive to minimize our waste and environmental impact by actively adopting policies to achieve that goal. For instance, ISAUW regularly conducts fundraising by selling banana pudding. To minimize environmental impact, ISAUW opted to use attractive mason jars instead of plastic jars to encourage the customer to continue using them. We are confident that we will use CSF’s donation in a responsible manner. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kevin Masman

UW Meal Matchup

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $22,234

Letter of Intent:


Our project proposes to pair-up UW food waste with local non-profit agencies in need through the design of an open source app. The app would facilitate the logistics and transportation of food waste from UW Food Services without having so many food products go to compost. This project could serve as a valuable learning opportunity for UW students, boost the sustainability rating of the UW, democratize the access to food waste for agencies who currently depend on Food Lifeline, giving the individual agencies information to act when they are in need. Furthermore, the project would create a national platform that other universities could lean on to reduce food waste around the country.

Environmental Impact

The UW prides itself on its commitment to sustainability. This project provides an opportunity for the UW to become a leader in food recovery programs in the U.S. Food waste is a major problem and contributes to overflowing landfills. The University of Washington feeds thousands of students, staff, and visitors, resulting in massive amounts of food that land in compost bins. While a few facilities on campus (e.g., the “eight,” located at McMahon, and the “District Market,”) partner with organizations like Food Lifeline to reduce their food waste, many UW facilities cannot connect with agencies in need. Food that cannot find its way to the dinner table due to a lack of organization, time, or money, is food that becomes wasted. While composting is a great alternative to the trash, it fails to feed those in need. Therefore, we propose a program that will enable all campus facilities to contribute their products to aid in the fight against food waste.

Student Leadership & Involvement

This project will be developed in a two-quarter Directed Research Group (DRG) in autumn 2017 and winter 2018 for ~ 15 students per quarter with students from two departments in the College of Engineering. The proposal team consists of student, Madison Holbrook, who is currently a Bachelor's student in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) in the College of Engineering (CoE). She has over 10 years of personal experience working with organizations, farms, and restaurants in food production and distribution. With her combined UX and personal experience, her insights will help guide the team and focus the project. The teams also consists of Irini Spyridakis, a lecturer in HCDE, who has an MS degree and over 8 years teaching and supervising students in the CoE as well as experience working in the user centered design industry.

Educational Outreach & Behavioral Change

In the first quarter of the DRG, HCDE students will conduct a feasibility study to determine the frequency and amount of UW food waste and receiving agency capacity. Students will  interview stakeholders (e.g., Hub, McMahon, By George and U District Food Bank, NW Harvest, Food Lifeline). The information collected will culminate into data driven personas and a comprehensive report. The main users for the app will be UW Food Services and non-profit agencies. Their insights into food waste/donation practices will provide a platform that will set the stage for the second quarter DRG.

Next, students will design, create, iterate, and test the app, fostering UW and non-profit buy-in. The user-research team will create prototypes that will lead to a high-fidelity interactive prototype. The prototype will be utilized for user-testing and allow for validation and changes in the user interactions of the final app.

The team will develop and test the app that provides a platform for conversation and collaboration around food utilization. The final stage will be to present the app to the stakeholders and launch it.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

We have been in contact with the following UW offices and people: the Business and Sustainability Manager for UW Dining with Housing & Food Services (Kara Carlson); the Public Health Program Manager with the office of Environment Health & Safety (Abbe Aberra); the Food Insecurity Specialist (Food pantry on campus) (Laurne Ternasaki) with the Division of Student Life; the Fleet Services Manager (George Donegan); and Transportation Services. Additionally, Madison has interviewed David Rey and Benton Litteneker, managers of the HUB and McMahon Food courts, respectively.

The app will allow the UW facilities to post what food waste is available that day for pickup with an alert system approach that will need to be user tested once we get to that stage. Non-profits such as the U-District Food Bank, Northwest Harvest, and Food Lifeline (to name a few) around the area will be notified of the available products, the quantity, and pick-up time. We will partner together using the app to coordinate, reserve, and collect food before it becomes waste.

With funding from the Campus Sustainability Fund and buy in from the UW, shelters, communities, and non-profits will be central to the success of the app. During the second quarter of the project, our user research team will connect with groups such as the following to try and find interested stakeholders with appropriate technical and people skills to keep the app in use. Possible entities include the following groups: Housing & Food Services, Division of Student Life, ASUW, UW Phi Sigma Rho Engineering Sorority, and UW Nutritional Sciences Program.

Budget Estimate

The feasibility and user research/design/development project will rely on hired student helpers at $11.50 an hour for 5 hours a week during the duration of the quarter. In addition, disposable food storage containers will be provided to UW Facilities for pick-up by Food Banks. During the coming months, we are hopeful that we can secure matching funds from external grants and in-kind support. We appreciate your consideration of this proposed budget.

Student Budgets (15 students spanning 20 weeks), $17,250.00

Validation Testing, $1,000.00

Disposable Food Containers:

Qty 100: Choice Full Size Foil Deep Steam Table Pan - 50/Case, $1,608.84

Qty 100: Choice Full Size Foil Steam Table Pan Lid - 50/Case, $2,376.00

Total, $22,234.84

Primary and Secondary Contacts

Primary Contact: Irini Spyridakis

Secondary Contact: Madison Holbrook

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Irini Spyridakis

UW-Solar Life Sciences Building Photovoltaic Implementation

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $150,000

Letter of Intent:


UW-Solar is working with the University of Washington (UW) and project architects, Perkins+Will, on the construction of UW’s Life Sciences Building. The purpose of this letter is to request $150,000 for the installation of roof-top photovoltaic (PV) panels and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) on the new Life Sciences Building.



UW-Solar is an interdisciplinary team within the University of Washington’s Urban Infrastructure Laboratory that focuses on the development of solar installations with accompanying Industrial Control Systems on buildings on the UW campus. UW-Solar students range from undergraduate to the Ph.D. level within the Colleges of Engineering, Business, Built Environments, and Environmental Sciences. UW-Solar’s primary objective is to provide clean, sustainable power production to reduce the University of Washington’s reliance on external energy resources, improve power systems’ resilience to outages, and reduce the overall carbon footprint of the university. The usage of clean and renewable energy sources are a primary objective of the University of Washington’s Climate Action plan for the future sustainability of the University.


UW is working with Perkins+Will to construct the new Life Science Building. The implementation of a roof-top PV array will enhance the energy generation of the existing design, bringing the project closer to achieving LEED-NC Platinum certification. The identified potential for solar power generation on the new construction includes standard PV panels on the roof and BIPV on glass fins located on the southeast façade.

The BIPV addition is fully designed and slated for construction; however, the roof-top PV addition would be coordinated upon completion of building (scheduled for August 2018). This funding request is for the installation of both PV and BIPV systems. The proposal to CSF will include the complete installation and budget details for both systems.


The addition of photovoltaics to the Life Sciences Building will have a positive impact on the environment through the on-site production of renewable energy, which will both reduce the carbon-footprint of the building and increase its energy self-sufficiency.

The 120 BIPV fins on the southwest facade of the building provide up to 6,000 ft2 of south-east facing surface area for energy generation. Harnessing the potential energy output of this area could provide a significant source of renewable energy.

There is approximately 18,000 ft2 of available space for a PV installment on the roof penthouse, and an additional 2,300 ft2 of space on level 05. We propose a combined 100 kW PV system be installed on these surfaces.


UW-Solar completed a feasibility study for this project and presented installation options and recommendations to Perkins+Will for implementation. This project has and will continue to allow students to work with industry experts and gain experience working on project development, design, and construction management in a professional setting.


Research on the BIPV installation will directly affect future installations of BIPV around the state, as the University would be one of the first public institutions to implement this relatively new technology. A proposed Lucid dashboard in the lobby of the Life Sciences Building will show energy generated from both the BIPV and PV systems along with the energy use of the building. Visitors will be able to interact with the display to explore the building’s energy metrics and sustainable design features. The integrated PV panels on the southwest façade will be highly visible from Pacific Avenue. The unique aspects of this project make the new Life Sciences Building a leading example of sustainability in higher education and demonstrate the University’s commitment to investing in alternative energy sources.


The feasibility study investigated ongoing accountability for management and maintenance of the solar installations, as well as long-term leadership considerations for the project as it relates to executive stakeholders, logistical management, and staffing and budget impacts of relevant stakeholder organizations.


                               BIPV Installation $300,000
 Roof-top Installation $300,000
Total $600,000

We are exploring multiple funding opportunities to secure the full $600,000 needed for both installations. We are requesting $150,000 in funding from CSF, which will be instrumental in securing the additional $450,000 from matching grant programs such as the Department of Commerce Solar Grants, which awards funding equal to the initial seed money already secured.

In the event we are unable to acquire the full $600,000, the $150,000 awarded will be returned to CSF.


Life Sciences Building Project Managers:


Project Manager - Alex Ratcliff,

Team Lead - Ian Rose,


Facility Manager - Jan Whittington,

Urban Infrastructure Lab Manager - Stefanie Young,

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Alexander Ratcliff


Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $24,000

Letter of Intent:

For my senior project in Community Environment and Planning I have been researching how to increase cycling on and to the University of Washington campus. Through my preliminary research I looked into programs and services that the University and the City of Seattle currently offer the UW student. I discovered a gap in services provided to students who would consider commuting to campus by bike but lack access to one. There are (or were) two programs that offer student who do not own a bicycle access to one; Pronto Bicycle Share, and UWIld’s equipment rental.

Uwild offers students single day and weekend rentals at extremely low cost to students. Unfortunately UWild’s rental period makes the possibility of using their bicycles for commuting purposes impossible. Pronto is(was) aimed at providing hub to hub commuting services for short periods of time. This service targets users who live in close proximity to bicycle hubs and multimodal users who typically use bike share services to compliment another transportation mode. Unfortunately, due to the size and density of Pronto’s network of bicycle hubs, a majority of UW students are unable to use their services beyond cycling on campus.

Through my research I found that a bicycle library would be an appropriate solution to both provide users a bicycle for commuting purposes and to encourage users to invest in a bicycle at the end of the rental period. A bicycle library is an inexpensive or in some cases free, long term rental program. At other Universities, like the University of California, Santa Cruz Bike Lending Library, and University of Kentucky’s Wildcat Wheels, the bicycle rental period is typically over the duration of either a quarter or a semester. The purpose of this style of program is that it gives users an experience of bicycle ownership. The benefit of this experience is that users are given an ample time to explore how a bicycle can be used on a daily basis and how the bike can fit into their everyday life.

After discovering a program that could effectively target the user group I was concerned with, and impact future cycling use both at the University and through the rest of a user’s life, I redefined my project. My Senior Project is now to research, design, and implement and plan to bring a bicycle library to the University of Washington. At this point in my project, I am near the end of my research phase, in the midst of refining program features, and I have established a partnership with UWild in order to add the Bicycle Library to their current services. The final process I need to undergo is to achieve funding for the program through a CSF grant.

My point of contact with UWIld is the assistant director of the program, Matt Jensen. Through our conversations he has offered to house a fleet of bicycles (current capacity is 20 bicycles) and provide the administrative services of; maintaining the fleet, and facilitating the rental transactions. In addition to UWIld’s commitment to the program, I’m also attempting to work with EcoReps in order to, foster a consistent student presence in the program. Through an interview with Ted Sweeney, the active transportation specialist on campus I was advised that the biggest roadblock to a successful bicycle library program is student engagement. I hope that In partnering with EcoReps I can harbor a student body committed to the promotion of this sustainable project and can work to create a greater awareness of the program on campus. The final player I hope to incorporate into the program is the Office of Sustainability. I believe the office can provide additional administrative and financial support so that Uwild can focus primarily on logistical duties.

At this point in the project I am still working towards a refined cost analysis. In addition to the bicycle I still need to decide on the benefits of including certain accessories like bike racks, fenders, and locks. This week I am meeting with Ted and Matt to make final decisions concerning which accessories to include and what bike specifications are necessary. Next I plan to outreach to local bike manufactures/stores with the bicycle specifications we decide on and then partner with the bidder that gives us the best deal for our dollar. I’ve been advised by both Matt, and Ted, that for this program we should use bicycle from a single vendor. This ensures that the fleet will be recognizable, parts will be uniform (this allows us to buy in bulk, and ensures parts will be accessible when we need them), and it establishes a relationship with a seller which in turn reduces costs in the long run. In addition to purchasing the bikes and materials, I hope to also set up a fund for Uwild to use to purchase replacement parts and accessories for regular maintenance of the fleet and in the event of stolen bicycles.

I believe this project aligns with every element of the CSF’s goals. First, the environmental impact of cycling is a large component I addressed In my research. Cycling reduces the amount of cars on the road, doesn’t require environmentally intensive infrastructure, and contributes to higher density development, all of which reduces noise, air, and water pollution. Second, this project emphasizes a desire to foster student involvement through partnership with EcoReps and potentially other student run organizations like SAGE and the UW Bike Shop. Third, ultimately behavioral change is at the center of this program and an area I focused on heavily in my research. Giving users the experience of bicycle ownership is the best route to encouraging new users to cycle. EcoReps will also play a prominent role in advertising and educating students about the new service. Finally, through my research and outreach to organizations and departments I have created a sustainable partnership with Uwild and demonstrated my ability to obtain the technical knowledge to make educated decisions concerning this program.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Cole Laush

Biodegradable Pots - Replacing agricultural and horticultural plastics on campus

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $70,000

Letter of Intent:


While University of Washington agriculture groups are among the greenest operations on campus, currently all horticulture and agriculture groups are using plastic pots for their needs. With the technology, expertise, and additional resources already available in the UW Paper and Bioresource Science Center, there is a clear opportunity for green, biodegradable pots to be produced on campus, thereby replacing all need for the purchase and disposal of thousands of plastic pots. Our ultimate goal is to provide the campus with sustainable alternatives to disposable plastics across campus groups, research facilities, and classrooms wherever possible.

Environmental Impact

Current campus use: While groups across campus are currently washing and reusing their plastics, this can be water-intensive and often includes bleaching the pots, creating hazardous run-off. The energy and petroleum intensive production of these plastic nursery pots, as well as the potential for them to end up in landfill to consider. To combat the drawbacks of using petroleum-based plastics, this project proposes the most sustainable product possible for use across campus.

Proposed solution: The biodegradable pots will be planted directly into the soil leading to zero waste products at end-use. Additionally, pulp fiber pots will be cut with up to 60% brewers’ spent grain. This remedies a growing problem of wasted spent grain that has arrived with the popularity of breweries in Washington State. One of the most unique attributes of these pots is the application of a sustainable re-use for this grain that will provide nutrients back to the soil. Furthermore, the remaining structure will be molded of barley or wheat straw as an economically feasible raw-material.

Utilizing another waste product from the Paper and Bioresource Lab, fertilizer can be implemented via spraying a ‘black liquor’ solution on the inside of the pots. Using black liquor from already-existing sulfite pulping operations can add sulfur and lower pH to amend the soils, as well as aid the structural integrity of the pots. Black liquor is made of residual sugars, lignin and dissolved solids, thus adding only organic material back to the soil. In total, carbon from these waste materials and black liquor are sequestered from the biomass into the ground, resulting in a carbon-neutral process from our estimates.

Student Leadership and Involvement

This project is overseen by a core of five Bioresource Science and Engineering juniors and seniors as well as students from the UW Society for Ecological Restoration (UW-SER), each specializing in different areas. With support from the UW Paper and Bioresource Lab, each member of the team has a specialty in analytics, chemical composition of the pots, machinery, molding technologies, or black liquor fertilizer implementation.

In addition, part of this grant covers a new molding system which can provide UW students a chance to apply classroom concepts in the lab, experiencing a production line from starting bio materials to end-product. This machinery can specifically be used for Bioresource Science and Engineering curriculum, providing students with hands-on experience with pilot-scale industry machinery.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

This interdisciplinary project currently involves a close partnership across majors and campus groups. Currently, our closest partnership is with UW’s Society for Ecological Restoration. By servicing UW SER alone, we will replace the need for approximately 500 seedling containers per year, among others. With the help of this grant we hope to replace thousands more across campus. Once this product can be produced to scale, we can provide our biodegradable pots to any group on campus who would be interested in cutting plastics use and fertilizer costs. Ultimately, our goal is to see all plastics use by agriculture and horticulture groups replaced by our products, adding another element to UW’s reputation as a green campus.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

This team of students is competent in their respective specialties, has experience in the Paper and Bioresource Labs as well as industry applicability. This team will be overseeing the full implementation of the project throughout, once these students graduate, new Bioresource Science and Engineering students will be fully equipped to continue production.

With the pilot-scale equipment, it will also be possible and necessary to create several molds and fertilizer options for various applications to eliminate all plastic pots on campus. Our proposed process for production is outlined in Figure 1 below. (missing)

Budget Estimate

While we have the technology, information, and research to begin production, the current methodology is primitive, and capital is needed to increase and streamline production to extend reach across campus. While we have extra tanks, pumps and other generics to put towards this endeavor, in total, we are requesting $90,000 to complete this project, the details of which are outlined below.


  • $60,000 automated mold equipment (online estimate), Figure 1 displays the main units considered in this cost.
  • $10,000 Infrastructure (piping, wiring)
  • $8,000-$10,000 molds for several pot sizes (designed in collaboration with UW SER)
  • $2,000 sprayer for  black liquor coating


  • $2,000 start-up costs
  • $1,000-$3,000 chemicals - release agent, black liquor, shipping
  • $1,000 raw materials, shipping
  • $2,000 equipment spares (pumps, seals, extras)
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kaitlin Tighe

UW-Solar Life Sciences Building

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $7,500

Letter of Intent:


UW-Solar would like to work with the University of Washington (UW) and project architects from Perkins+Will on the proposed construction of UW’s new Life Sciences Building. This letter is to request funding to perform a feasibility study for the implementation of roof-top photovoltaic (PV) panels, as well as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) on the new Life Sciences Building.


Within the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton’s Urban Infrastructure Laboratory, UW-Solar is an interdisciplinary team focused on the devel­op­ment of solar instal­la­tions with accom­pa­ny­ing Indus­trial Con­trol Sys­tems on build­ings at the UW cam­pus,. Ranging from the the undergraduate to the Ph.D. level, UW-Solar students come from the Colleges of Engineering, Business, Built Environments, and Environmental Sciences.  UW Solar’s primary objective is to pro­vide clean and sus­tain­able power pro­duc­tion in order to reduce reliance on out­side energy resources, improve the resilience of power sys­tems to out­ages and reduce the over­all car­bon foot­print of the uni­ver­sity. The usage of clean and renew­able energy sources are a pri­mary objec­tive, as stated in the Uni­ver­sity of Washington’s Cli­mate Action plan, for the future sus­tain­abil­ity of the University.


UW is working with architecture and design firm, Perkins+Will, to construct the new Life Science Building. The project is time sensitive as construction is scheduled to begin June 2016. The implementation of PV is supplementary to original building design and would help with LEED Certification. The identified potential for solar power generation on the new construction includes standard PV panels on the roof and BIPV on glass fins on the southeast façade. There is also potential for BIPV on ground-level railing around the greenhouse.

PV and BIPV addition to construction design must be coordinated within the next two months to align with the proposed construction schedule. An assessment of solar panel and laminate options is needed before full integration into construction design. This funding request is for the initial feasibility study, which will be presented directly by UW-Solar to Perkins+Will on December 16th. The follow-up proposal to CSF will included the full project proposal and budget for full implementation.


The addition of photovoltaics to the Life Sciences Building will have a positive impact on the environment through the on-site production of renewable energy. This reduces the carbon-footprint of the building and increases energy self-sufficiency, which reduces energy costs while improv­ing capa­bil­i­ties for com­mu­nity ser­vice and rapid recov­ery dur­ing any future crises.

The 120 glass fins on the southwest facade of the building provide up to 6,000 ft2 of south-east facing surface area for BIPV implementation, with an additional 6,000 ft2  of north-west facing surface area. Harnessing the potential energy output of this area could provide a significant source of renewable energy.  


UW-Solar has the opportunity to lead this feasibility study and present options and recommendations to Perkins+Will for full implementation. This project will allow students to work with industry experts and gain experience in a professional setting, working on project development, design, and construction management.


This project has a high potential for education and outreach regarding sustainable energy. The integrated PV panels on the 120 glass fins on the Life Science Building facade will be highly visible facing outwards onto Pacific Avenue. The integrated PV option includes the opportunity for application of technology researched and developed at UW, as well as the opportunity for research regarding the performance of the system once implemented. The unique aspects of this project have the potential to make this a leading example of sustainability in higher education and will portray the University’s commitment to investing in alternative energy sources.


The feasibility study will investigate ongoing accountability for management and maintenance of the solar installations as well as long-term leadership considerations for the project related to executive stakeholders, tactical and logistical management and integrated impacts to staff and budget of stakeholder organizations.


Facility Adviser - Jan Whittington,
Urban Infrastructure Lab Manager - Stefanie Young,
Life Sciences Building Project Managers:

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Stefanie Young

UW Floating Wetlands Project Phase I

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $11,000

Letter of Intent:


Floating Wetlands at the UW will be a two-phase project with an end goal of constructing floating wetlands within a waterbody of the University of Washington.  This Letter of Intent is requesting funding for Phase I, a Feasibility Analysis investigating location possibilities, design prototypes, construction processes, permitting requirements and anticipated maintenance needs.  Phase II funding will be requested after completion of Phase I and would consist of the development of floating wetland construction documents, completion of permitting, construction and installation of the floating wetland platforms, and minimal maintenance. This request is for Phase I only.

Brief Explanation of the Floating Wetlands Project

Floating wetlands are an emerging green technology that mimic naturally occurring wetlands by using floating frames as a base upon which to grow native wetland plants.  The use of floating wetlands creates opportunities within compromised water bodies for environmental remediation.  Research and implementation on floating wetland structures has been conducted worldwide offering a body of information to support the benefits of this technology.  Such measured environmental impacts have been: carbon sequestration; fish, bird, and other habitat renewal; reduction in phosphorous, ammonia, nitrogen, heavy metals, and other aquatic pollutants; climate adaption and water temperature mitigation; and shoreline protection and beautification.

Phase I of this project would continue work already begun by several Landscape Architecture graduate students working with the Green Futures Lab.  It would also expand outreach to students and faculty in a number of departments including: the College of Built Environments; Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences; Environmental Science and Forestry; and Engineering.  These departments would be consulted for proposed site assessment, design research, and permitting requirements.  At the recent Sustainable UW Festival, the GFL received a great amount of interest from students of different science departments looking for involvement in implementation of green technologies.  Many were interested in projects they could apply their expertise to and both Phase I and Phase II of the UW Floating Wetlands Project could provide that platform.

In Phase II, students from across the university would again be invited to participate in detailed design, construction, installation and observation.  Although education and outreach for Phase I would primarily be internal to the UW design and science community, implementation of Phase II and beyond would allow for outreach to the public and greater UW student body through signage, publicity, and continued monitoring of the built floating wetlands.  Based on the success of a previous GFL CSF project - The Biodiversity Green Wall - students, faculty, and the surrounding communities are proud to see the UW at the forefront of innovative green technologies.  Floating Wetlands at UW would push the current implementation into new territory and build upon the region’s reputation for addressing polluted waterbodies, while also considering complex urban habitat needs.

Our current preferred locations for Floating Wetlands are along the Lake Union and Portage Bay shorelines, where migrating juvenile salmon need to seek refuge from predators in shallow water. Current permit requirements for floating structures in the Lake Washington watershed system limit the amount of overwater coverage, to reduce potential “ambush” habitat of predators. To address this condition, we have been developing initial designs that would create partially submerged planted structures, to provide refuge for juvenile salmonids in the shallow column of water and the vegetation above the floating wetland islands.  Initiating permitting conversations for these structures with UW, State and Federal agencies will take time but could open the way for widespread shoreline habitat improvement -- going beyond the paradigm of “do no harm” to “provide multiple benefits.”

Since this project is building upon research already begun in the Green Futures Lab, we have access to an existing body of information regarding design and implementation of floating wetlands on which to base this requested Feasibility Phase.  Outreach to floating wetland projects within Seattle has been initiated and can serve as a valuable resource with regard to scale and monitoring possibilities.  This includes King County’s installed floating wetland within Hicklin Lake in West Seattle, and on floating wetland structures built and monitored in a constructed wetland in Redmond, Washington by a Landscape Architecture student and former employee of the Green Futures Lab (who is now interning with King County to investigate floating wetland applications for stormwater treatment.) These existing projects and research in the Seattle area offer strong precedents for the successful customization of floating wetlands technology to the UW campus and Lake Washington basin. Through well-vetted investigation of potential UW sites and interdepartmental research collaboration, floating wetland technology could provide exciting improvements to the UW landscape.

Outcomes of Phase I will be: 

  1. identification and approval for placement of the structures on the UW campus;
  2. proposed designs for the floating wetland structures; 
  3. budget estimates for the completed structures;
  4. identification and solidification of partnerships for construction, maintenance and matching funds;
  5. an outline of permitting requirements, timelines and issues and initial submission of required permits.  Our aim would be to complete Phase II construction, and to then monitor the design and habitat performance using separate funding sources.

An estimate of the project’s budget

The Phase I of this project would operate with a total cost of $11,000.  This would allow the Green Futures Lab to hire 2 students at 225 hours each for an approximate cost of $9,000 over Winter and Spring terms, building on the extensive volunteer work that has already been accomplished. Familiarity with the floating wetlands constructed at Hicklin Lake and in Redmond has indicated that a materials budget of $1,600 would be suitable to develop and construct prototypes. We anticipate potential permitting fees and costs at $400.  


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kasia Keeley

Tribal Water Security Colloquium: Rethinking Our Relationship With Water

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $960

Letter of Intent:

Dear CSF Coordinator:
We are writing to request funding support from the Campus Sustainability Fund for a half-day class colloquium titled Rethinking Our Relationship With Water.  The Colloquium is a class project that aims to create a space to learn directly from those at the forefront of climate change and environmental challenges.  Thus, we are inviting influential speakers to talk about tribal water security (TWS) at UW’s wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ. In our class, we are broadly defining water security as issues pertaining to water quality, quantity, accessibility, and culture.

The Colloquium is schedule on March 8, 2016 in wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ from 12:45-5 pm.  This event will be open to UW campus and the public.  We will also invite tribal citizens from the surrounding area.  Invited speakers will share their perspectives and experiences on topics listed in Table 1.  In addition, students will present posters on a TWS topic.  Here is a draft of our schedule:

Table 1
Time (pm) Speaker Topic
1:00-1:25 Roger Fernandez (Lower Elwha Klallam) Storytelling and Native Teachings
1:30-1:55 Tony Sanchez (Nisqually) Importance of Reclaiming Medicine Springs
2:00-2:25 Micah McCarty (Makah) Ocean Acidification
2:30-2:55 Student Poster Presentations
3:00-3:25 Ed Johnstone (Quinault) Climate Change and Melting Glaciers
3:30-3:55 Terry Williams (Tulalip) Wetlands and Fish Hatchery Protection
4:00-4:25   Break
4:30-5:00 Bonnie Duran (Opelousas/Coushatta) CBPR and Environmental Research

Student Leadership & Involvement:  Undergraduate students in this class are integral to the planning of the Colloquium.  Table 2 shows the areas where student leadership was key.  For example, students have settled on a date, time range and general format.  In addition, students have selected speakers to invite and emailed out formal invitations.  During the colloquium, students will introduce speakers and present them with a gift, as well as communicate a topic they feel is interesting and/or important to water security.  Globally and nationally, TWS issues have not received the attention that is required to ensure safe water for all tribal members in the United States.  In this class, we aim to lead conversations that bring awareness to these issues and to provide an opportunity for our audiences to hear the voices of tribal leaders. 

Here is a timeline that shows the events and tasks we are carrying out.  The asterisks indicate specific “Leadership Responsibilities and Involvement” for each event and task. The class carried out tasks as a class, individual or by the instructor.

Table 2. Timeline
Month Events and Tasks
January Pick date *
Reserve venue ***
Find sponsorship *
Determine goals/objectives ***
Pick Speakers *
February Send invitations to Speakers **
Decide on title *
Brainstorm language for letter of intent*
Check on venue reservations ***
Finalize schedule/send information about location*
Pick a topic for poster presentations **
Create/distribute flyers *
Print materials ***
Solidify sponsorship *
  • AIS Department
  • Campus Sustainability Fund
  • 8th Generation
March Create menu *
March 8th Host Colloquium *
  • Set up food
  • Students introduce speakers
  • Student poster presentations
Send thank you notes *
Leadership and Involvement
* Class decision
** Carried out by individual student
*** Carried out by Instructor

Environmental Impact: The UW is known for their environmentally friendly goals.  Our project will add another dimension to these goals by highlighting water security challenges faced by tribes in the Pacific Northwest.  Our invited speakers are not scientists or academics, but are individuals who directly see and feel the impacts of these water issues and fight to project their families and communities.  As environmental stewards, they will share a different lens on these topics.  Furthermore, native communities are at the forefront of these dramatic changes and have solutions and experiences that can be a source of inspiration to people on UW campus and in the community. 

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change: One of the goals of this event is to raise awareness among the campus community.  Through this event, we can reach a larger audience and introduce them to water issues and solutions that can help address the water insecurity challenges expressed by Native leaders.  Additionally, as a class, we are an interdisciplinary group of students who are enrolled in the sciences, humanities and social sciences, and have picked speakers who are most appealing to our majors.  Therefore, our colloquium is an interdisciplinary collaboration across campus and with the Native community.  Lastly, this exchange of knowledge will allow us to learn directly from the source instead of only from books, papers and journals. Rarely do students have the time or opportunity for this to happen, so we are excited to be part of this event.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability: Students in this class last year successfully carried out a Colloquium on Fish Consumption Standards in Washington State.  It was well attended and educational.  The schedule can be viewed here:

The funds we are requesting are for use from February – March 2016, therefore we are not including plans for subsequent years.  Our instructor has provided students with the guidance to ensure the completion, and success of this event.  In addition, we will keep track of all expenses with the help of the American Indian Studies Administrator, Marcia A Feinstein-Tobey.   

Budget request from CSF = $960.  Funds will be used to cover the following cost:

Table 3. 
Item Sponsor Cost
Food and beverages AIS $150
1 Speaker honorarium* AIS $100
5 Speaker honorarium CSF $500
6 Speaker gifts CSF $122
  8TH GEN $34
Rental space CSF $200
Promotional materials CSF $138
TOTAL   $1,244
CSF TOTAL   $960
* Each honorarium will help to cover travel expenses and compensation for our speakers

We will also request sponsorship from the American Indian Studies Department to help cover food.  In addition, we have secured sponsorship from 8th Generation, a local Native company. 
We appreciate the opportunity to submit our Letter of Intent for your review. Please feel free to contact us with questions or comments. Thank you very much for your time and consideration, we look forward to hearing from you.

Lael Agee, Darby Bowen, Andres Coca, Supreet Ghumman, Teela Sablan, Alexander Sanjeev and Clarita Lefthand-Begay

Clarita Lefthand-Begay, PHD


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Clarita Lefthand-Begay

SER-UW Native Plant Nursery Improvements

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $78,051

Letter of Intent:

Summary of project proposal:

The SER-UW Nursery has worked for the past year to expand our reach from a holding space for native species to a fully functioning native plant nursery, providing plants for student-run projects and increasing our capacity to be an educational hub for horticulture and botany on campus. We have had many successes over the last year including constructing a hoop house to expand our production capacity, hosting two public plant sales, and creating relationships and partnerships with on campus groups and classes.  Looking ahead, we are eager to perfect our system, increase our presence and partnerships on campus, and provide more native plants for student projects.

We provide plants for two classes on campus: Restoration of North American Ecosystems (ESRM 473) and Senior Restoration Capstone (ESRM 462-464). Collectively, we supply approximately one thousand native plants to these courses. Plants grown on campus by students are sold or given to student-based projects, increasing overall campus sustainability. We have developed a relationship with the UW Grounds team with the long term goal of fulfilling the majority of their native plant needs.

In order to meet our goals for next year, we see two areas for improvement that will increase the effectiveness of the Nursery: curriculum development and plant propagation expertise development. We would like to fund two Research Assistant (RA) positions which will allow us fill these gaps by providing tangible curriculum and results to be used in future years to create a more sustainable program. These two positions will create more opportunities to engage students and increase the amount of plants we provide to on-campus projects.

To better provide interactive and engaging horticulture-based education, we would like to fund a RA position to develop curriculum and activities that are tailored to this topic.  At the Nursery we host weekly work parties where students can learn how to propagate, transplant, and care for native species. By writing a formalized educational plan and curriculum, we can make these weekly opportunities more refined, structured, and effective for participating students. This position will also be responsible for facilitating work parties and engaging the UW community with this new curriculum, allowing students to increase their knowledge and skill set. Having an RA position focus on this will further the educational mission of the Nursery and help us to reach out to more students.

The second RA will be working on experimental design and implementation on plant propagation topics. Through experiments, this person will determine sustainable methods for fertilizing and irrigating the nursery plants, increasing our commitment to environmentally friendly practices. With these techniques in place, this RA will be able to successfully grow more plants to be used for student led and on-campus restoration projects, leading to a more sustainable campus and increased student involvement. Based on information gathered, this person would create a year long plant propagation and growth timeline for the Nursery with information on when and how to grow each species. The two RA positions are interconnected, with one providing curriculum and facilitation of horticulture activities for students on campus, while the second will develop methods of sustainably growing plants to be used for on-campus projects.

Environmental Impact

The SER-UW Nursery provides approximately one thousand plants to campus based projects, adding valuable biodiversity to our campus. Instead of plants being supplied by nurseries tens or hundreds of miles away, plants can be taken from the Nursery and used for campus projects, closing the loop on native plant production and installation. With the long-term goal of providing the majority of native plants on campus, we as a University could reduce our carbon footprint while increasing biodiversity and campus partnerships.

Student Leadership & Involvement

The SER-UW Nursery is an entirely student led project with 2-3 graduate students serving as Nursery Managers and two undergraduate interns per quarter. Graduate students manage and provide leadership to this nursery while interns build skills and experience in the environmental field. This core team works together to host weekly work parties that engage interested students in horticulture-based activities ranging from sowing seeds to salvaging native plants. Students of all backgrounds, majors, and interests can come experience this field.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The SER-UW Nursery strives to involve volunteers in every aspect of the work that we do.  We conduct weekly work parties where we prepare potting materials, plant native species, and salvage plants from lands designated for development.  Over the past year, we have connected with 236 volunteers, culminating in 866 volunteer hours. Our first RA position will write curriculum to provide consistent, intentional learning opportunities.  We will make the curriculum accessible to others, including UW teachers and students, other universities, and to other local environmental non-profits to further our outreach to the wider Seattle community.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

The Nursery is dedicated to helping UW with its goals of sustainability and ecological accountability. Our second RA position will focus on streamlining our fertilization and irrigation systems to become a more sustainable program. Our promise to share our knowledge and curriculum with others will hold us accountable to our peers and partners.  The nursery’s overall mission is to be a source of native plants for UW students as they work on projects for classes and for research, providing a sustainable resource for them as they improve UW’s natural areas.

Project Team

Mary-Margaret Greene

Courtney Bobsin

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Mary-Margaret Greene

Putting the Green in Greenhouse Revision

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $34,635

Letter of Intent:

Letter of Intent Project Title: Putting the Green in Greenhouse, revised March, 2016

Estimated additional amount requested from CSF: $34,635

Summary of project proposal

Original proposal summary:

The UW Botany Greenhouse was approved to construct an improvised rainwater collection system to route greenhouse roof rainwater to makeshift holding tanks under greenhouse benches. The collected water would then be utilized to water greenhouse plantings and decrease the Seattle City water needed to accomplish daily watering of plantings within the greenhouse. Shortly after funding was allocated the UW decided to move forward with construction of a new Life Sciences Building (LSB) on the site of the existing greenhouse and Plant Lab. Construction of the rainwater collection project was halted with no funds expended pending design considerations by the LSB building project.

Revised proposal incorporating rainwater collection into the design of the new LSB:

LSB design team contributed many hours of engineering and project time to careful consideration of various options for effectively including rainwater collection in LSB. Many technical difficulties were discussed and reviewed in light of previous UW experience with such systems. Most recently, a professional design was proposed that was very similar to original improvised design (figure 1, Option 2*). However, filtration difficulties and unreliable supply of rainwater during peak greenhouse watering summer months continued to give pause to decision makers. In addition, installation costs were quite high. As a result the design team was directed to look again for better options that could resolve the filtration and supply problems.

Improved design for greenhouse by redirecting RO/DI system reject water:

Capturing reject water from the LSB reverse osmosis/de-ionization system (RO/DI) would provide a year round reliable water source and solve problems of rainwater seasonal supply and roof water collection filtration. Contemporary science buildings routinely include RO/DI systems to “clean” tap water into pure water needed for today’s research. Although RO/DI systems are much more water efficient than historical water purification systems using boilers and water cooled condensers, RO/DI systems still waste 2 gallons per minute (gpm) in operation that goes directly to the sewer. The current design (figure 2) will utilize the RO/DI waste water to provide a year round, reliable and clean supply to the greenhouse fertilized water system to mitigate use of Seattle City water. In addition to reuse of waste water for irrigation, the uptake of irrigation water by the plants will decrease the water eventually going to the sewer by 50-75%. Simplification of the piping design and utilization of a smaller tank, given the reliable water supply, markedly decreased the cost of installation.

Environmental impact:

24 UW science buildings have RO/DI systems of which only one has marginal provision to redirect system waste water for other purposes in lieu of passing to sewer. LSB reuse of RO/DI will provide a new standard for current and future sciences building to design similar redirection of RO/DI waste water for conventional and more imaginative purposes, i.e., LSB will redirect to greenhouse irrigation which is a unique component of building design at UW. During operation of building RO/DI systems, 2gpm passes to the sewer system. In other words, calculated supply that would otherwise pass to the sewer is 800gpd, 24,000 gallons per month (gpm), 288,000 gallons per year (gpy). Intent of this project is to utilize the reject water for irrigation in the greenhouse. Comparison of reject and tap water samples verify the reject water is safe and acceptable for irrigation of plants.

Student Leadership and Involvement:

The Life Science Building project now includes volunteer student participation through all remaining phases of design, construction, and commissioning to full operation. Essentially, student participants will have an on campus internship with an established engineering firm on an actual major project at a major university – significant on-the-job experience for anyone interested in engineering or installation of sustainability projects. Frankly, it’s very encouraging to hear the enthusiasm of the design team architects and engineers welcoming student participation for Putting the Green in Greenhouse.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change:

Education & outreach:

See student involvement above; LSB project plans to include information on the main lobby media wall to educate visitors of sustainability measures included in the Life Sciences Building and highlight student involvement. Signage in the new greenhouse will describe the re-use of RO/DI reject water for plant care, and this sustainability effort will be highlighted in guided tours taken by thousands of people who visit the greenhouse each year. Many of the greenhouse visitors are K-12 students and their teachers as well as many undergraduates across the UW community who tour the greenhouse as part of their coursework.

Behavior change:

Use of RO/DI system reject water would be a new approach for UW building construction which would encourage similar designs in any new construction that included a RO/DI building system. 24 buildings on the Seattle campus have RO/DI systems now.

Feasibility, Accountability, and Sustainability:

Much consideration has been given to approaches to lessen the impact of greenhouse water use for irrigation. A talented design team of architects, engineers, and building construction professionals have diligently investigated the best approach to move toward better water sustainability in the Life Sciences Building while remaining within project budget constraints. The current design provides the most responsible means for sustained mitigation of greenhouse water use for irrigation.

Project budget:

  • $35,000 Mechanical materials and equipment cost
  • $28,000 Mechanical labor cost
  • $7,000 Mechanical permits, drawings, management cost
  • $4,000 Electrical materials and equipment cost
  • $2,500 electrical labor cost
  • $1000 Electrical permit, drawings, management cost
  • $8,500 Management cost

Total above =                 $86,000 Total construction cost (sum of above line items)

Plus                                 $26,000 Project cost

Total 2 lines above = $112,000 Total cost to include in LSB design for construction (sum of two items above); in service July 2018

minus                             $77,365 amount of CSF grant for original concept

                                        $34,635 requested additional funds to complete “Putting the Green in Greenhouse”

Summary of key points:

  1. Water supply revised to building RO/DI system reject water instead of roof rainwater:
    • Advantage of consistent, year round supply, especially in dry, warm weather months.
    • Advantage of clean source of water eliminating excessive filtration maintenance and ongoing costs for fliter replacements
  2. Student involvement provides excellent resume and networking opportunity.
  3. Project to be highlighted in guided tours taken by thousands of people who visit the greenhouse each year.  Many of the visitors are K-12 students and their teachers as well as many undergraduates across the UW community who tour the greenhouse for their coursework.
  4. Construction costs are remarkably similar to original concept givne more workable design and construction

*Costs shown on figure 1 are cost of construction only; compare to $86,000 for improved design using RO/DI reject water here.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Roert Goff

Planting and Installing Pollinator Habitats at the University of Washington Farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

I am writing to state my intent to apply for a Campus Sustainability Fund grant in the Autumn of 2015 for the project: Planting and Installing Pollinator Habitats at the University of Washington Farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture. This project will contain several components. First, a 100 foot wildflower buffer zone, containing a variety of annual (and some perennial) species, will be mowed/tilled & resowed each year to provide additional nectar sources and habitat for native pollinators (in future years, this will fall under responsibility of the farm manager & interns). As well, I will design and plant a pollinator habitat composed of woody perennial plant species that will provide shelter, and most importantly, overwintering habitat for insects. Finally, I will design and build a rock garden and an insectary, constructed out of assorted lumber & other materials, to provide nesting sites for particular pollinators that require bare ground & woody material.

By installing suitable habitat for local pollinating insects, this project will both enhance the biodiversity of the surrounding Union Bay Natural Area and benefit student food production at the UW Farm by potentially increasing the yield of vegetables grown and the genetic diversity (stress-tolerance) of the crops. Habitats will also provide a home for other, non-pollinating species that will benefit the farm such as parasitic wasps or flies that kill pest insects.

UW students that work and volunteer at the farm will have the opportunity to help plant the vegetation over the coming year.  They will learn how to care for the habitats into future years: replanting of annual flowering plants, trimming and maintenance of perennial shrubs, and removing weeds that grow into the area. Teens and young adults from Seattle Youth Garden Works will also be involved in the installation and future maintenance of the pollinator habitats. Any future work on the site will require minimal effort by volunteers; after the initial installation is completed the woody plants will be self-sustaining, and the wildflower buffer will only require one sowing from a pre-determined seed mix.

As a student in the Masters of Environmental Horticulture program, I will have support and guidance from professors in the program, particularly my advisor, Kern Ewing. This project is a collaboration with Sarah Geurkink, UW Farm manager, and Anthony Reyes, Seattle Youth Garden Works manager. I have knowledge of appropriate, native vegetation that will require the least amount of additional maintenance and ample resources (advisors, coursework, literature, and other local experts) to aid in implementing the project.

The estimated budget for this project is $1000. This will cover the cost of materials: woody perennial plants from the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)-UW Nursery, seeds from local suppliers, and scrap lumber and other materials to build the insectary & rock garden.

Breakdown of Budget Estimate:

$200 - Woody perennials (approx 50) at $3.50 - $4.50 per pot from SER's CUH Nursery
$200 - Lumber & rocks for bare ground nesting landscape (rocks from Marenakos' in Issaquah)
$600 - Seeds from local nurseries for 100ft x 8ft wildflower buffer just south of farm

Timeline Estimate:

Fall 2015 (late November and December) - Plant woody perennials in adjacent habitat area
Winter 2016 (January and February) - Construct rock garden & wooden bee structure
Spring 2016 (March) - Sow seeds for wildflower buffer

Thank you for your time!

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Nicolette Neumann

Next System Teach-In

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Rethinking Prosperity is an initiative of the UW Center for Communication and Civic Engagement to identify and communicate economic models that work for more people, within planetary boundaries.  It emerged from a seminar of undergraduate seniors in Communication. Rethinking Prosperity, in partnership with the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, is pleased to present the Next System Teach-in on April 25th, 2016 at Kane Hall. We are requesting $1,000 from the Campus Sustainability Fund to support this pivotal event to launch a campus conversation on how environmental goals can be achieved through an economic system with sustainability at its core.


The Teach-in is an acknowledgement that we are dependent on an unsustainable and polluting fossil fuel economy. Our governments and jobs rely on unrealistic expectations about economic growth driven by over-consumption. Most parties and politicians continue to promote failed economic models based on growth at any cost, while externalizing social and environmental burdens. Much of what passes for growth is unproductive speculation, leading to extravagant consumption by a wealthy few at the expense of a healthy environment for majorities in the global south and increasing numbers in the north. Due to the costs of this model, many societies now face the prospect of long-term natural resource deterioration. It is clear that the current system doesn’t work for the planet, nor does it support our efforts for a sustainable campus and UW community, and we need to work toward something better.


Unfortunately, sustainability is often interpreted to mean practices that are merely more environmentally sound than others, without regard to absolute ecological tipping points already underway. While vital to alleviating real, immediate issues, without changing the underlying structures and ideas driving environmental exploitation we will win some battles, yet ultimately losing the fight for a sustainable campus and a sustainable planet. In order to build a world that puts people, communities and the planet first, we need to imagine what’s possible. That’s what this teach-in is all about. We invite the Campus Sustainability Fund to help us build a learning community to create solutions and build support for an economic and political system that can restore compatibility with the environment.


The University of Washington Next System Teach-In is part of a nationwide call to action to increase collaboration among teachers, learners, and movements for systemic change.  Currently student groups and academic departments working at the level of systems change are off isolated, in silos. In hosting the Teach-In, our purpose is not just to bring students, alumni, faculty, and members of the broader community together, but also to catalyze a campus network on the themes of Rethinking Prosperity and the necessity to address the economic and political systems, which shape and constrain environmental behavior and impacts. Through this event and the connections that follow, students and student groups, faculty, and community partners working systems change for environmental outcomes will be able to more easily connect and build momentum and awareness.  Our specific goals for the teach-in are to:

  • Start a conversation about moving beyond the current political stalemate to envisioning a new future for our community and the planet.
  • Build a learning community for realigning the economy, environment, and democracy so that all three systems work better for people and the planet.
  • Dig deep and focus on generating ideas about the next system, and how to create environmental change.

Students, faculty, alumni and community partners will be represented on the panels at the Next System Teach-In, which is targeted at a campus audience. Students will lead the moderation of small group discussions that follow each panel. The discussion surrounding these critical questions will be recorded graphically during the event and shared with the campus community.  The panels and discussions will address questions that will expose students to new ideas about sustainable and environmentally conscious policy choice, such as:

  • How can the economy be equitable and environmentally sustainable?
  • What local solutions can become models in a global system?
  • What would real democracy look like?
  • Can capitalism be fixed?
  • How can we move beyond the “Economy vs. Environment” and “Democracy for the Few?”

We are partnering with a variety of departments on campus to make the event happen, including a broad range of RSOs—from the Foster School of Business’ Net Impact to the Association of Black Social Workers to the Radical Public Health organization—representing the diversity and interests of the UW student body.  We also received support from Political Science, Communication, History, Social Work, Geography, and Law, Societies & Justice.


Our hope is that the Next System Teach-in particularly the creation of the Rethinking Prosperity campus network will move the conversation about sustainability on campus, move student activism, and move the curriculum toward systemic issues of the environment, and in the end, help position students, faculty and staff to meet our sustainability goals.


The Next System Teach-in has received matching support from key departments. Support from the Campus Sustainability Fund is critical to ensuring the event has sufficient budget capacity to meet the needs of a successful event:

Expenses Amount CSF Request
Room Rental $864 $800
Food and Beverages $800  
Advertising + Materials $250  
Honorariums $250  
Graphic recording $300 $200
Total $2,450 $1,000


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Caterina Rost

Lab Glove Recycling

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,000

Letter of Intent:


UW Sustainability and UW Recycling propose a pilot program from April 2016 to June 2016 (Spring Quarter) that would recycle used, non-hazardous nitrile lab gloves that are currently being sent to the landfill. The gloves would be collected by campus labs from the Molecular Engineering and the Materials Science & Engineering departments and then shipped back to their producer, Kimberly-Clark, where they would be recycled into products like park benches and chairs.

Environmental Impact

Labs account for over 20% of all space on campus. Used nitrile lab gloves are a significant source of waste produced in University labs across all departments. Recently, a waste audit conducted from 20 DEOHS labs determined that used nitrile gloves account for 20% of the volume and 22% of the weight of waste generated from the labs. That represents the second and third largest source of lab waste, respectively. Only compostable materials (primarily paper towels) were a larger source of waste by both measures.

In response to the waste audit, UW Recycling piloted a lab-specific paper towel composting program with much success, leaving gloves as one of the largest sources of non-hazardous lab waste on campus, if not the largest.

Recently, Kimberly-Clark developed technology that breaks down nitrile gloves into pellets that can be recycled into plastic products, like waste and recycling containers, park benches, and chairs. This pilot program would have a significant environmental impact by diverting gloves from the landfill and reusing them to make new products.

Student Leadership & Involvement

UW Sustainability’s Green Labs Intern will coordinate with UW Recycling, UW Sustainability, and participating labs to develop and implement the pilot. Our recycling processing partner will be Kimberly Clark. The student will also assist in developing educational and outreach components of the program, collecting and analyzing data regarding rate of glove collection and program cost, and organizing the before and after waste audits.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

Outreach and education will target labs in the participating departments and will highlight the environmental benefits of recycling gloves. The program will educate, encourage, and promote the ease and benefits of diverting non-hazardous gloves from the landfill bin to a recycling bin. In addition, the program would educate lab users on which types of gloves are accepted for recycling (Kimberly-Clark brand only, nitrile, and non-hazardous)

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

Key internal and external stakeholders are aligned and ready to implement the lab glove recycling pilot. UW Sustainability has already reached out to labs in the Molecular Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering Departments. Lab Managers and building coordinators in both departments are excited and have agreed to participate. Kimberly-Clark’s RightCycle program has been going on for over 5 years. They have agreed to provide support in the form of best practices and are willing to connect us to other universities that have successfully implemented similar programs. In addition, UW Recycling has experience in a similar collection program for Styrofoam and has the operational expertise to ensure the program is a success.

Estimated Project Budget

We are requesting a budget of $2000, which will cover costs for shipping, signs, education, and trash sorting materials. The estimated cost to ship a pallet to Kimberly-Clark is between $400 and $600 each. We expect to ship two pallets over the course of the pilot.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Dalena Huynh

Kincaid Ravine Restoration Budget Amendment Proposal

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $35,000

Letter of Intent:

Since February of 2014 the UW Campus Sustainability Fund has substantially supported the restoration efforts in Kincaid Ravine.  The grant funding from CSF has primarily gone to pay for EarthCorps crew days (to perform restoration work), project materials and support for student project management and outreach.  Over the past year and a half Kincaid Ravine has been transformed from a neglected urban jungle of invasive species and trash to an amenity along the Burke-Gilman Trail as you enter campus.  While much has been accomplished already, longer term funding and stewardship is necessary to ensure that Kincaid Ravine continues its trajectory as a healthy urban forest full of biodiversity and opportunities for education and respite.  In order to achieve this goal, a budget amendment of $35,000 is being requested from CSF to continue funding restoration efforts through 2016.  Below are the major justifications and scope of work if awarded the amendment:

  1. North Slope Invasive Removal – The north slope of Kincaid Ravine is the steepest and most inaccessible portion of Kincaid Ravine.  It is also the largest area still remaining covered in invasive species and not yet in active restoration (see attached map).  Since getting a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on site boundaries signed by the UW last year we have discovered that the area available to restore in Kincaid Ravine is actually larger than first thought.  We have focused efforts in newly gained “territories” along the Burke-Gilman, but the north slope still needs a lot of attention and would not be successfully restored with current funding.  This amendment would fund a combination of manual, mechanical and chemical methods for invasive species removal that would minimize disturbance on steep slopes.  This would put the entire ravine into active restoration and allow for future access with trails, possibly connecting to the North Campus Halls.  Total Cost = $8,310.00
  2. Conifer Tree Planting -  We have installed over 4,000 native plants in Kincaid Ravine over the past year and a half, but a primary goal of the project is to re-establish conifer canopy cover (which is completely missing).  In order to attain this goal more quickly and with better success rates we propose planting 500 larger stock (2-5 gallon) conifers in Kincaid Ravine.  Larger trees like these will be more likely to survive with minimal maintenance and will have a couple years head start in establishment over the one gallon pots which have mostly been planted (and budgeted for) so far.  Total Cost = 9,115.00
  3. Site Maintenance – This will fund continued monitoring and invasive removal of regrowth throughout 2016.  It is hugely important to have funding for site maintenance in order to ensure the survival of plants that have been installed over the past two winters.  This will also include summer watering.  EarthCorps has already secured a grant for restoration maintenance from King Conservation District (KCD) and have already been using it for maintenance days as we navigate how to use the remaining CSF budget for EarthCorps work.  This amendment would provide necessary maintenance next year and allow EarthCorps to use the KCD maintenance funding through 2018.  Total Cost = $6,440.00
  4. Surface Water Drainage Improvements – A major problem that still needs to be addressed at Kincaid Ravine is the flooding of the Burke-Gilman Trail.  We are in the process of finishing a report with two design options that would help alleviate flooding and enhance wetland hydrology and habitat.  This part of the amendment would fund materials and crew days to permanently fix these hydrology issues.  Total Cost = $2,770.00
  5. Student Project Manager Stipends – The first two student project managers have received stipends of roughly $3,000 each for their work coordinating restoration efforts at Kincaid Ravine.  This funding has not been allocated for the current student project manager or any future project managers.  Project management includes coordination of many stakeholders with the UW, student groups, classes and non-profit project partners.  This includes hosting volunteer work parties, conducting outreach, managing budgets and planning for project sustainability in alignment with UW goals.  In order to compensate for these hours and to ensure buy-in from future project managers (which will be vital for long term project success) a stipend should be offered.  Total Cost = $5,800.00

Final Cost = $35,000


The above costs do not include sales tax which would apply to items 1-4. 

Items 1-4 will go to a contract renewal with EarthCorps ($29,200 total) while request #5 ($5,800) would go into the general budget to pay for a current and future student project manager stipend of $3,000.   

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Dan Hintz

Fossil Fuel Divestment Pacific Northwest Network Spring 2016 Convergence

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

The convergence will take place over the weekend of March 4th – 6th, 2016 at the University of Washington Seattle campus. The proposed agenda for the weekend begins at approximately 5:00 PM on Friday and ends at 3:00 PM on Sunday. The projected attendance event would be about 50 students plus 10-20 trainers and speakers. This convergence is important because it will help student leaders learn essential skills that they need to confront the climate crisis, as well as build connections within the movement, supporting their campus campaigns and even extending after graduation.

The convergence will be oriented towards establishing three main goals: (1) developing core teams of divestment leaders at every campus in the Pacific Northwest that build strong relationships with each other and other campaigns, (2) establishing a common political framework and long-term vision for the network within which these teams will work, and (3) training leaders in skills including relational organizing and an understanding of power. We aim to use the convergence as a space to build the fossil fuel divestment movement, run trainings on climate justice, structural oppression, and the just transition framework, and launch reinvestment in the Northwest.

Our total budget for this event is $9,200 to cover the costs of facility permits, audio-visual equipment rentals, parking permits, honorarium/travel for trainers, food for the weekend, cooking supplies, training supplies, and travel scholarships for campuses. Our highest priority costs requested from Divestment Student Network, DSN, are honoraria for trainers. See below budget and timeline for more details.

We expect an attendance of roughly 50 students from campuses across the Pacific Northwest, including Montana, Oregon, British Columbia, Washington and Idaho. These will be students who are already involved in active divestment campaigns and have shown a sustained interest in becoming leaders in this work.

Requirements and Preferences:

Environmental Impact: Our RSO alone has successfully lobbied for over $30 million in clean energy investments, the incorporation of environmental and social governance (ESG) factors in UW’s investment approach, the creation of an RA to research ESG issues, shareholder engagement on climate change issues, and the university’s divestment from thermal coal. This convergence will spread knowledge and skills for similar action to the rest of the region. The universities in the DSN Northwest Region could have an estimated amount of $100s of millions invested in harmful fossil fuels. While this event would contribute to further divestment of the fossil fuel industry, the impact we would have would be larger than that of just the financial impact; as we are spreading facts and perspectives that will shift moral, cultural and financial norms to ones environmentally and socially just.

Student Leadership and Involvement: This convergence will involve students at the leadership level. Students from around the region and from the University of Washington will be coming together to develop strategies and confidence to become leaders at their campus, their community, and in the climate justice movement. Through conversing with fellow student leaders, being inspired by established climate activists, learning techniques, and by hearing the success stories from students and activists alike, students gain important leadership experience and bring that experience back to their campus to empower others. One of this event’s three purposes are to train students to become powerful leaders.

Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change: In addition to spreading the word to the University of Washington through RSO teach-ins, flyers, tabling, and in-class speeches, we have reached out to 16 other colleges and to the greater DSN community. This student outreach will bring around 50 students to this event to learn and develop. Community organizations Idle No More, Rising Tide, Climate Solutions, Race and Climate Justice Initiative are all speakers and trainers that will present their stories and trainings to educate students on the history and current status of the climate justice movement. These speakers, structured networking, workshops, and informational panels will introduce the divestment theory of power and change, a strong political analysis around just transition to reinvestment, tell a story of the unique intersectional status of the Northwest, of climate policy, and of the race and climate justice, and will include conversations on structural oppression and our power. Students will leave the event will new knowledge and perspectives that will encourage them to be aware and involved in their campus and community.

Feasibility, Accountability, and Sustainability: Confronting Climate Change has been an active RSO on the UW campus for three years. We have held a strong and stable relationship with the administration, students, faculty, and with the Treasury. Through these relationships, we work hard to have the students’ concerns heard, have collected a petition against investment in fossil fuels, and encouraged the University to divest from thermal coal, which they did in Spring of 2015. Along with this accountability, we are a part of and working closely with the DSN. This network is assisting us with the organizing and fundraising aspects of the convergence. This assistance comes with some accountability of its own. We have weekly calls with organizers at DSN to give updates on progress, to be held responsible for any tasks we needed to get done, and to receive guidance on how to have a successful convergence. The DSN has also provided us with a fiscal sponsor, Alliance for Global Justice. We provide this sponsor with detailed budgets, updates, and fundraising goals. Confronting Climate Change has shown accountability and feasibility through these relationships and organizational responsibilities. 


Item Cost
Travel for trainers $2000
Honorarium fees for trainers $1000
Housing for trainers $1000
Scholarships for traveling cost/housing of attendees $1500
Food $2300
Facilities $1000
Assorted supplies  $400
  Total: $9200

Checkpoint Schedule

Our planning schedule is spread between several divisions, but this is a general outline of checkpoints in our process leading up to the convergence.


·      January 10th

o   First outreach to potential attendees

·      January 15th

o   Confirm speaker and trainer lineup

o   Begin grassroots fundraising

·      January 18th

o   Convergence weekend schedule draft

o   Weekend menu established

·      January 27th

o   Pay for plane tickets (attendee scholarships, trainers)

·      February 6th

o   Confirm housing options

o   2nd major grassroots push

·      February 10th

o   Food expenses paid

o   Registration deadline

·      February 20th

o   Final attendance confirmation

·      March 4-6

o   Convergence Weekend


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Ariana Winkler

Environmental Display for Paccar Hall

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $890

Letter of Intent:

Executive Summary


While built environments provide people and society with a lot of benefits, they also have significant influence on our environment. According to EPA, people in the United States spend more than 90% of their time in the built environments. However, many of them feel less engaged with buildings since they have limited access to the information and knowledge about the buildings such as how the air is heated within the buildings? Many studies show that this lack of engagement will influence how comfortable occupants feel and how much environmental awareness they have within buildings.

In order to increase engagement with buildings, we explored the potential of using visual arts to convey information in a creative way. During the internship last summer in UW Sustainability Office, we focused on Paccar Hall, one of the LEED certified buildings on the UW campus. The previous study has shown that students have limited information about how this green building saves resources. After reviewing diagrams and audit reports, I made infographics on Adobe Illustrators by visualizing its information in terms of water and electricity used in the building. We plan to print them out and exhibit inside the building in a creative way that allows students and faculty members to walk into the display and to learn about where the resource used in Paccar comes from and how the sustainable features contribute to its LEED certification.

Considering the size of the visual display, this project requires $700 for printing and buying freestanding boards. In the future, the boards can be reused for other displays.

            This project was complete under the help from Dr. Ostergren, my supervisor in UW Sustainability, and Brett D. Magnuson, a UW campus engineer. In January 2016, the Executive Committee of Foster School of Business approved the exhibition after I gave a presentation to them.



Funding Information


a.     Total amount requested: $890

b.     Budget breakdown:

-       Printing: $720 (six colored 2.5’x6’ panels)

-       Freestanding panels: $120 (8 large paperboards that use recycled paper)

-       Automatic people counter: $50



Environmental Impact


a.     Local context

The findings from previous online surveys show that students who have taken classes in Paccar Hall have relatively low level of knowledge about the building in terms of the built environment. Most of people do not even know that Paccar Hall is LEED Gold certified. Meanwhile, the surveys also show that the students who have more knowledge about the building tend to feel more engaged with Paccar Hall and to conserve the utilities within the building more often.


b.     How my project addresses the problem

The visual display is able to convey information in a more creative and effective way. After viewing the infographics online, 71% of the students chose a three or above indicating that they felt that they had learned. 66% chose a three or above indicating that they felt comfortable while viewing them.


c.     How the impacts will be measured

During the exhibition, the automatic people counter will record how many people enter into the exhibition. Meanwhile, I will stand next to the display in a regular basis and conduct surveys in order to see if students and faculty members feel more engaged with Paccar Hall based on their feedback.



Education and Outreach


a.     How will the UW community find out about my project?

The UW community will be able to view the visual display within Paccar Hall during the exhibition. At the same time, the display will be available online.


b.     How will the UW community become involved in and/or support my project

The UW community will be able to “interact” with the infographics as they walk into the exhibition and to provide with feedback. Based on their feedback, we will be able to create more effective environmental infographics in the future. Additionally, Foster School of Business will be able to promote their efforts in sustainability.



Student Involvement


a.     How will your project directly involve/affect UW students?

The UW students will be able to engage with the display and learn about the information about Paccar Hall. The project will potentially encourage their engagement with the building and promote sustainable awareness.



Accountability & Feasibility


a.     Timeline (dates flexible)

1.     Printing and assembling: 3/14 – 3/23

2.     Exhibition: 3/28-4/17


b.     Team

UW Sustainability Office, who provides me with guidance and support.

Foster School of Business, who approved the exhibition in Paccar Hall.


c.       Is your project “shovel-ready”?  

Yes. The infographics are completed. Foster School of Business approved the exhibition in Paccar Hall already.




a.     Partner: UW Sustainability Office (Marilyn Ostergren), UW Facilities Service

b.     Approval: Foster School of Business already approved the exhibition for three weeks inside Paccar Hall. They will be able to show students and faculty that they put a lot of efforts on the built environment.

c.     UW Students and Faculty: They will learn more about Paccar Hall in terms of its utilities and resource by entering the exhibition and feel more engaged with the building.


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Eric Liang

Urban Forest Management Plan

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $63,760

Letter of Intent:

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

There has not been a comprehensive assessment of the urban forest on the UW Seattle campus, and the Landscape Grounds Operations office does not have the resources to conduct one. Without the information that such an assessment would provide, the campus arborist and Landscape Grounds Operations team cannot effectively manage the tree collection. Problems resulting from the current lack of information include the following:

  • Loss in tree diversity
  • Inadequate protection and/or compensation for valuable trees lost to campus construction projects
  • Inability to address all hazard trees before they fail
  • Insufficient information for students who study campus trees
  • Outdated public outreach materials related to the campus landscape
  • Inefficient use of funds for piecemeal assessments that are inconsistently conducted for individual building projects

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

  1. Conduct a forest resources assessment. Hire a private contractor to assess condition (including hazard assessment), verify location, determine level of significance (according to UW rating system of extraordinary/exemplary/significant established by UW landscape architect, Kristine Kenney), and produce digital photographic records for every tree on campus. Sara Shores, campus arborist, has recently completed a tree inventory database with associated GIS mapping for all trees on campus. This inventory would be used as a guide and would considerably reduce the amount and cost of labor that would otherwise be necessary.
  2. Develop a strategic plan for management of the UW urban forest. Use information obtained through the assessment to plan for increasing overall canopy cover, promoting safety, improving air and water quality, building diversity of species, and developing greater aesthetic and educational value.
  3. Create/Update educational outreach opportunities directly related to trees on campus. Develop student capstone projects surrounding the forest resources assessment and the development of the strategic plan. Update the Brockman Tree Tour by replacing signage with improved materials that allow for modifications such as tree growth, updated cultural references, and the addition or removal of trees from the tour. Develop web resources for public outreach that would include information and mapping for native trees, memorial trees, and extraordinary/exemplary/significant trees on campus.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

Professional leadership will rest primarily with staff, who will design and manage multiple opportunities for student involvement:

  • Students can be directly involved by assisting with the forest resources assessment and the strategic plan – through capstone projects, internships for credit, or work study positions.
  • Students in the College of Forest Resources are involved regularly in the Brockman Tree Tour, both as tour guides and tour participants. Students could be involved in the updating of materials for this tour as well as the development of tour materials for the native trees, memorial trees, and extraordinary/exemplary/significant trees on campus.

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?

  • Students would have access to a data set that did not previously exist which could be used to research the contributions of the urban forest on the UW Seattle campus related to carbon sequestration, energy savings, and the mitigation of air pollution and stormwater management. The outreach resulting from such research would almost certainly involve public presentations locally and at professional conferences.
  • The improved information would be useful for courses within the College of the Environment and the College of Built Environments, some of which focus on tree identification, landscape design, and landscape plant science and sustainable management.
  • An improved website presence would provide public access to campus landscape information for students and members of the public with professional and personal interest in trees.
  • Tours and tour brochures would provide an outreach opportunity to communicate the significance of the tree collection on the UW Seattle campus and the importance of preserving and protecting that collection. Students could conduct theses tours as part of their education.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?

Hazard Tree Assessment-$20,000

Management Plan-6 month intern-$5,000

Condition/Location Rating-$20,000

Tree Designation-$1,000

Inventory Data Update-8 month intern-$12,960
Brockman Tree Tour -New signs, brochures, updated website $3,350
Fundraising Supplies -$300
Native Tree Tour Supplies and Brochures -$300
UW Tree Calendar-Photography Class? Photography and Supplies- $750
Memorial Tree Website Supplies- $100

TOTAL $ = 63,760

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kristine Kenney

EcoReps Solar Table

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $21,931

Letter of Intent:

Energy consumption is a global issue, and on an innovative college campus like the University of Washington, students need to be exposed to alternative forms of energy in order to be the most successful of tomorrow’s leaders and thinkers. Conscious students are willing to alter their behaviors to reduce their energy consumption, but for the average individual, libraries and building don’t make it easy to be mindful of energy consuming behaviors. EcoReps, our student group, is working to implement a form of sustainable energy to benefit students by providing an educational and inspirational hub, along with adding a practical and health beneficial structure to campus. Our innovative solution to the issue of energy consumption is to install a number of solar charging tables on campus. Solar charging tables allow people to be outdoors, and to see the source of the energy they are utilizing. By seeing the source of power first hand, and reading signage posted at the tables, we hope to change student’s mindsets and to increase awareness and mindfulness of energy consumption, leading to behavioral changes across campus.

In addition to the physical and technical use of the tables, the goal of this project is to expose the University to solar power. Many people have heard of solar power but most likely associate it with large panels out in fields or on the top of buildings. By giving students the opportunity to interact with solar power in a convenient and useful way, we hope to change student behaviors for the better as well as increase solar power installations across campus.

ConnecTable™ solar charging tables have the ability to charge 75-150 devices a day, and store four days’ worth of charge. They can also function in overcast weather, a common occurrence in Seattle. The tables are light enough to be moved with a forklift and do not require grounding, so their location can be changed if necessary. The locations of these tables will target areas of high traffic and visibility. We picture a lawn full of students experiencing solar power first hand. Exposure to solar energy is an important step in increasing education, awareness and acceptance. One potential location is the Husky Union Building lawn, a central location on campus, where many students will have daily access to the tables.

The EcoReps team has started to work with the grounds and management team on campus to determine where placement of these tables is feasible. Our proposal included nine locations, of which we hoped to have one or two approved. We left the meeting pleased with approval for six out of the nine locations. With support from the Sustainability office and the Architects on campus we see great potential to expand the number of locations to every corner of campus.

The basis of EcoReps, a student organization, is to elicit behavioral changes on campus by project development. The University of Washington deeply values sustainability and is mindful of the impact our campus has on the environment. With many initiatives and projects on campus, little by little, we have worked to expose students to a way of living that can reduce waste, improve energy conservation, and educate those in the surrounding community. We hope that the presence of solar tables on campus will work to expose, educate, and change behaviors.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Paul Zuchowski, HUB Director

ASUW Student Food Cooperative Bulk Buying Storefront

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,500

Letter of Intent:

The ASUW Student Food Cooperative (SFC) proposes a cooperatively run Bulk Buying Storefront, selling locally sourced, organic dried goods and cooking essentials. The Bulk Buying Storefront will be run out of the slightly refurbished HUB 131 kitchenette. We seek to promote sustainable living and eating practices here on the University of Washington campus by making bulk buying and bulk goods accessible to students, staff, and faculty. Bulk buying is a more sustainable way of eating because it requires less packaging, will be locally sourced (promoting our local economy and requiring less transportation), is organically produced, and encourages healthier eating. Buying in bulk is a much cheaper way to purchase high quality food products. Furthermore, the food co-op mission statement and core values will be fully upheld as we set about this endeavor. We will also fully uphold the mission statement and values of ASUW by actively benefiting, serving and engaging the student body. The Co-op will support the ‘storefront’ as a hub for health and food interests, both for its students and staff and the campus at large. The enterprise will provide healthy, sustainable, and affordable eating options while utilizing student participation and creating opportunities for collaboration, education, and leadership.

The ASUW SFC Bulk Buying Storefront will meet all four requirements and preferences of the CSF in the following ways. First, the SFC Storefront will reduce the University’s environmental impact. All aspects of bulk buying are more sustainable for our  planet. Bulk buying reduces waste, as purchasing food in bulk allows for fewer or even no packaging. Additionally, we intend to source our food from United Natural Foods Incorporated (UNFI) and Central Co-op, which are both local sources. Local food ensures shorter transportation trips, which reduces carbon emissions and energy use. Without a bulk-buying storefront, students are given limited options on campus. These options on campus are less sustainable as they have more packaging. If students do want to go to a bulk-buying store, they will have to go as far as PCC in Fremont (20 minute bus ride), Whole Foods in Roosevelt (15 minute bus ride), or QFC in Wallingford (20 minute bus ride). So the SFC Storefront will not just be a more convenient way to buy in bulk, but reduces the carbon footprint of the University by allowing students to purchase on campus, instead of driving or busing to a bulk goods store. Therefore bulk buying reduces waste and carbon emissions.

Second, having an SFC Storefront for bulk buying will allow for student involvement and leadership. The SFC storefront will be entirely staffed by volunteers/members of the university community and it anticipates recruiting a financial officer from the SFC or wider UW community. This will allow for student engagement opportunities.

Third, the SFC Storefront will serve as a powerful educational tool for students to learn about the power of collaboration and cooperatives, local food, sustainable practices, and responsibilities of maintaining a ‘storefront.’ Interest in food issues as it relates to urban agriculture, social and food justice, environmentalism, and alternative agrifood movements is a quickly building momentum on campus. Thus, by addressing popular food -related issues on campus, the cooperative can be a magnet for student, faculty and staff activity.

Four, the SFC Storefront project has been thoroughly researched for its feasibility, accountability, and sustainability. The SFC has already taken many necessary steps to create a cooperative storefront. These included but are not limited to: finding and securing a space, being inspected and approved by both Environmental Health and Safety and Risk Management, creating a thorough budget, surveying student opinion and feedback, and has also received support from the ASUW Board of Directors.

In conclusion, the SFC is confident that our project will meet the requirements and preferences of the CSF.

Finally, the SFC has outlined a budget for the SFC Storefront, which is outlined below.

Name Price QTY Subtotal
Dunnage Racks $35.00 3 $105.00
Sturdy, industry standard shelving      
Built Shelving $175.00 1 $175.00
Raw materials      
Dispensers $32.00 6 $192.00
1 gallon, portioned dispensers, 1/2 mounted on      
wall, 1/2 on counter      
Cambros $20.00 10 $200.00
Industry standard, sealed, food safe storage      
Scoops $10.00 10 $100.00
Plastic, industrial grade, food safe      
Non-latex gloves, scale, bags $250.00 1 $250.00
First Aid Kit $30.00 1 $30.00
Sanitation Supplies $200.00 1 $200.00
Food safe cleaner, sanitation solution, cleaner      
for storage bins, Chix brand rags (29 cents a      
piece) Spray bottles (restaurant supply store)      
2 buckets (restaurant supply store)      
Broom/dust bin $30.00 1 $30.00
HUB Signage $150.00 1 $150.00
Promotional Materials $300.00 1 $300.00

Subtotal        $1,732.00

This budget will be met within our own ASUW budget of $2500 for all non-food costs. However, we have outlined a prospective food budget, which we would need to be met by the CSF grant or other grants. Keep in mind that the items we purchase and the frequency of purchase is dependent upon student demand, and all prices estimates are subject to fluctuate.

We plan on having six dispensers and 10 cambros for additional storage. The dispensers can fit about 6-8lbs of food each, and the cambros about 20-30 lbs. So if we ordered items in bulk of 25 lb each, we could have 10 separate items at one given time. 6 items would be in the dispensers. These 6 items would also have back up storage in 6 of the cambros, and the other 4 cambros could be used for the next items we could put in the dispensers. So when estimating prices, we used prices for items in bulk of $25 lbs.

Additionally, we used the survey we sent out to gather which items are anticipated to be the most popular, and made a mock-up budget for 10 items. Estimating the frequency of purchase was also difficult, but we imagine it could be up to 2 times a quarter, if popular. See table below for food budget.

Item Price/lb Bulk amount Price Price for students (multiplied by lb amount)
Almonds $4/lb 30 lb $113 $4.6/lb=138
Pecans $9/lb 22 lb $200 $10.35/lb=227.7
 Walnuts $3.7/lb 25 lb $80 $4.3/lb=107.5
Rolled Oats $.8/lb 25 lb $20 $.92/lb=23
  Black Beans $.73/lb 25 lb $18 $.84/lb=21
 Brown rice


$.62/lb 25 lb $15 $.72/lb=18
Cannellini $.81/lb 25 lb $20 $.93/lb=23.25
Green Lentils $.78/lb 25 lb $19 $.897/lb=22.43
Chickpeas $.88/lb 25 lb $22 $1/lb=25
Cous Cous $.98/lb 22 lb $21 $1.13/lb-24.86



    Cost to us=$525  



This $525 amount is simply an estimate, and depends on what items we buy and how often. If we bought these same 10 items in this amount 4 times next year, we would be spending $2100. So if we consider the variety of goods we could be purchasing and the frequency, we believe $2500 to be a fair estimate for a new storefront. We anticipate to use the CSF grant to get us started, as we await a budget approval within the ASUW.

We also would need to consider the fact that we would be charging students for these items, perhaps up to 15% of each item. This would give us just enough money to be sustainable while still maintaining affordable options for students. We also would consider a way to repay the CSF through a loan, over the period of a couple of years. This would be provided we made enough profit to self-sustain ourselves and once we have a budget from the ASUW.

Finally, to address the possibility of partnering with the UW Farm, although we would love to have a permanent storefront serving Farm veggies, the guidelines of this project approved by EH &S requires only non-perishable dry goods.

We designate Student Activities and Associated Students of the University of Washington as our sponsoring department. 

Thank you for reading the ASUW SFC Bulk Buying Storefront Full Proposal. If you have any further questions, please refer to the following contacts.

Julia Partlow

Erica Weisman and Gunnar Colleen           

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Zoe Frumim

Electronic Waste Educational and Information System

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $6,500

Letter of Intent:

Hi, my name is William Zhou, I’m currently a junior at the University of Washington, and I’ve been working on an environmentally friendly, consumer-facing, software start up. Our start up consists of two additional students, a Math/EE major at UW and a Computer Science/Biology major at the University of Chicago.  Over the past few months we’ve developed a software called the EcoTab, an iOS software specialized for the iPad. Our product is essentially an educational tablet software designed to be mounted in front of waste containers. It tells a customer what is and isn't recyclable, compostable, or goes into the garbage based on what the venue or enterprise sells and provides. After a customer successfully navigates through the software, at the end it provides feedback on what their waste savings are based on their contribution (CO2, Energy and Space saved). We work personally with each client to index and determine where every item they provide belongs in the waste stream and weigh the items to determine what the environmental savings of properly disposing it are. 

  1. We feel that the key to success is providing educational knowledge to students and consumers on how to properly dispose of their waste. After discussing with UW Recycling and CSF memebers we feel as of currently, those needs are not being met, especially in regards to efforts of educating transplants and the educational community.
  2. This project is currently spearheaded by another student and me. We have done all the business development and created all of the software from scratch. We will continue to develop our relationship with HFS in order to bring this tool to the dorms, cafes, and restaurants on campus.
  3. Through using our software, we can empower students with the proper resources to accurately reduce our campus waste output and push towards a more sustainable waste quota.
  4. Currently working with HFS, we are approved to put our software up in several on campus facilities, including but not limited to McMahon 8, LocalPoint, Mercer Café, Start Up Hall, and the HUB. Our goal is to get out this pilot to see if students effectively engage with our waste information system.

Our cost breakdown:
6 x iPad Air 2: 6 * $550 = $3300
6 x iPad Kiosks: 6 * $330 = $1980
Estimated Installation costs: $500
Server costs and maintenance: $720

We are currently shooting for a one month pilot. If the pilot succeeds and aligns with HFS’ vision we will apply for a second round of hardware. HFS will then pick up the future server and maintenance costs. There is a lot of wiggle room and room for discussion regarding this letter of intent, so I look forward to discussing details moving forward.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: William Zhou

Earth Day 2016 Celebration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $999

Letter of Intent:

Earth Club is requesting $999 from the CSF Small Projects Fund for the Earth Day 2016 Celebration. The purpose of Earth Day Celebration is to come together and celebrate the 46th Earth Day here on the University of Washington Seattle campus. It will create an opportunity for people throughout the entire campus including undergraduate, graduate and professional environmental active UW students to meet and network with local sustainability focused businesses and vendors, present their original work and come together to connect with campus environmental and sustainability groups, therefore contributing to a more sustainable campus. On April 22nd 2016, there will be an exhibitors fair for various environmental groups, the Husky Green Awards from the College of Environment and live music from Rainy Dawg Radio- all on Red Square from 10-3. 

Brief explanation of how the project will meet the requirements and preferences of the CSF:
1. Environmental Impact

•    On Earth Day, the exhibitors fair and stage performances plan to attract more than 10,000 students and community members on campus who will find the opportunity to explore the environmental stewardship on campus and learn what they could do to contribute to reduce the school’s environmental impact. The groups tabling at our booths focus on specific environmental issues including reducing carbon emissions, effective usage of solar power, reducing pollutants and so on. Visitors will be able to help with signature gathering for certain groups as well as learn how to create a sustainable campus through small actions daily.

2. Student Leadership & Involvement

•    The Earth Day 2016 Celebration is primarily organized by student-oriented Earth Day planning committee and facilitated by UW Sustainability staff members. Coordinated by Earth Club members Lauren Rowe, James Bao, and Sierra Kross, the planning committee consists of around 8 student leaders from various environmental groups on campus, including Earth Club, SEED, and CSF. The leadership of the planning committee and generous help from UW Sustainability have played a crucial role in determining the trajectory of the Earth Day 2016 celebration.

3. Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

•    Since the celebration is projected to attract more than 10,000 visitors, the exhibitors’ fair would essentially be an environmental educational outreach for the entire campus community. Visitors will be able to connect with various campus sustainability groups and thus increasing their awareness of the environment.

4. Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

•    The UW Sustainability staff members who have experiences of Earth Day celebrations planning are facilitating the planning process. They have helped our committee connect with the College of Environment, UW Recycling, HFS and other on-campus departments, as well as with acquiring permits and general logistics. Moreover, the students in the committee have already worked various environmental groups, which makes them equipped with leadership and project management skills that can contribute to the successful completion of the celebration. We have already obtained approval for using Red Square for April 22nd, permits for outside sustainable vendors giving out food on campus and so on. Our planning team is equipped with skills that will enable us to plan the celebration successfully.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: James Bao

Campus Illumination: An Implementation Strategy for Sustainable Exterior Lighting

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $75,000

Letter of Intent:


This project proposes a multi-disciplinary effort that will provide actionable guidelines to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of campus-wide exterior lighting at the University of Washington (UW) Seattle Campus. The team will develop a palette of outdoor lighting strategies integrated with the Campus Landscape Framework “mosaic” as a roadmap for improved energy efficiency, perceived safety, wayfinding, and reduced maintenance. The primary project team includes faculty and students from the College of Built Environments, the UW Integrated Design Lab, the Office of the University Architect, and Seattle City Light’s Lighting Design Lab.

Lighting technology has rapidly evolved over the past decade, offering a wide array of new sources, controls, and design approaches. These include higher-quality LED light sources that deliver improved design flexibility with significantly lower power consumption and servicing needs. Advancements in digital controls and GIS technology offer the possibility of direct digital feedback, time of day control, and occupancy and event-driven control of luminaires that can enhance the campus experience while reducing its ecological footprint.

Using the “Campus Mosaic” as a typology, the project team will identify case study sites that represent a range of campus experiences, a mix of historic and new construction, and a diversity of landscape mosaic types. For each of these sites the project team will document current exterior lighting using four levels of analysis: (1) lighting design intent, (2) fixture and lamp typologies and GIS data verification, (3) lighting measurement at the site scale, and (4) integration with and transitions from other campus areas.

Following the documentation phase, the team will use site data to develop a comprehensive roadmap for campus exterior lighting that addresses energy performance targets, intent, illumination strategies, light sources, digital controls, and maintenance. This roadmap will contain (1) design guidelines for new projects and for the Campus Engineering Office to reference when upgrading existing fixtures, and (2) an implementation plan that prioritizes lighting projects in a phased approach for upgrade. These deliverables will be developed with input from the students and faculty at UW Center for Integrated Design, the Office of the University Architect, the Lighting Design Lab, Seattle City Light, and Campus Engineering and Operations.

Environmental Impact

This project aims to achieve, at minimum, a 40% reduction in lighting power consumption through the strategic implementation of low-energy lighting technology. Even deeper energy use reductions can be realized if these fixtures are coupled with digital sensing controls that actively respond to the presence or absence of occupants, or vary light levels in accordance with campus events. Additionally, such measures will offer added flexibility to operations staff.

This project will build off of the findings of a recent study conducted on the UW campus, which indicates that improved visibility and perception of safety can be realized at lower power densities by selecting light sources with spectral qualities that improve scotopic (night time) vision. Inneficient high-pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures currently constitute 63% of campus luminaires; replacing these fixtures with LEDs tuned to the needs of specific campus settings will result in a measurable reduction in campus energy consumption and offer much greater design flexibility.

Student Leadership & Involvement

With guidance from Seattle City Light’s Lighting Design Lab and in communication with the UW Office of the University Architect and Campus Engineering, graduate students in the Department of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and at the UW Integrated Design Lab will take leadership roles in administering the project, collecting and analyzing data, and developing and producing the project’s final deliverables.

ARCH 435: Principles and Practice of Environmental Lighting, a long-standing course open to undergraduate and graduate students, will be adapted to incorporate the project’s data collection phase and will serve as a laboratory for investigating and developing conceptual and technical approaches to campus lighting. This evening course is offered annually in autumn by faculty in the College of Built Environments who will also participate in the technical development of the project.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

This project will provide hands-on applied learning experience for students involved in all phases of the project. The UW campus will serve as a living laboratory, providing an arena for investigating environmental lighting within a specific spatial and temporal context.

In order to reach a broader audience, signage will be mounted on targeted outdoor light fixtures throughout campus. The signage will include graphics relating to outdoor lighting energy consumption, as well as the project team’s contact information. Students, staff, faculty, and visitors will be encouraged give feedback regarding their perceptions of current lighting conditions that will inform the future lighting guidelines.

Additionally, this project will serve as a catalyst for collaboration between various campus offices, moving the university toward a more integrated approach to campus sustainability. It will merge the efforts of the Office of the University Architect to improve the experiential qualities of campus, Campus Engineering and Operations’ work in updating, controlling, and maintaining campus lighting, and the UWPD’s objective of ensuring that campus users feels safe and secure. This project will develop a strategy that integrates all of these goals rather than addressing them as separate programs.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

The faculty lead for the project will be within the Integrated Design Lab, which performs research and provides technical assistance regarding high-performance built environments to project teams across the country. Additional expertise will be provided by an ongoing alliance with the Office of the University Architect, the Campus Engineering and Operations Office, Seattle City Light’s Lighting Design Lab, and UW Faculty from the College of Built Environments. Of paramount concern is that the  lighting guidelines and implementation plan align with the Campus Landscape Framework vision and are feasible and maintainable for Campus Engineering and Operations. The Lighting Design Lab will coordinate Seattle City Light utility incentive opportunities as they arise from project activities. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kelly Douglas

2nd Annual UW Resilience Summit

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,250

Letter of Intent:

*LOI has already been submitted; experiencing Technical difficulties with the sumbission.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Grace Dahl

2016 UW Night Market

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Since 2001, Taiwanese Student Association (TSA) has brought this dynamic of culture to the University of Washington campus, and it has quickly became an annual Seattle tradition. This year the 16th annual Night Market will be held on the evening of Saturday, May 14, 2016 at the University of Washington’s Red Square. Our goal is to bring people together in celebrating and appreciating Taiwanese culture. The event will include many vendors selling various Taiwanese foods, on-stage performances, as well as cultural activities. The Night Market attracts not only the UW students but the whole Washington community. Last year, over 6,500 people attended our event, and this year we hope to reach at least 7,000 people attending and to recreate the popular tourist event – Night Market.


Last year was the first year where we implemented a recycling program to help reduce waste. Beginning with pre-event planning,  day-of-event execution, to post-event evaluation, we hope the program can take our event beyond just recycling to hosting an environmentally friendly and sustainable event. With the funding we received from CSF last year, we were able to recruit more volunteers and were able to better educate our vendors and audiences. This year, we hope to further develop a well-planned recycling program to increase community awareness on maintaining a sustainable environment.  In order to successfully plan a recycling program, we not only need staffs but also financial support. The fund we request from CSF will cover the cost for ordering garbage/recycling bins, composting station, as well as any promotional/educational materials and staffs. The fund will  mainly be focusing on educating audiences of recycling and waste options during Night Market.

Here's three main approaches for education and informing:
1) Include recycle and waste categories in event brochure.
2) Label recycling and garbage receptacles with clear, large signs and instructions
3) A big map of the event lay-out that indicates location of composting station.

The second expanse will be spent on personnel:

1) Approach recycling team on campus --> provide them free food vouchers in compensate of their work and dedication. Cost of food will be covered by the fund.

2) Recruit volunteers for supervising. Volunteers will receive free Night Market T-shirts, where the fund will cover partial expanse of T-shirts.


One month prior to the event, Recycle coordinators will start recruiting volunteers. After the recruitment, we will organize information session  to inform volunteer their responsibilities on the day of event. The recycling coordinator will also work with vendors before and during the event. He/She will make initial contact with food vendors few months before the event to introduce the idea of recycling, and further ask for their cooperation on the day of event.

On the day of the event, there will be a central collection area for garbage and recycling where drop boxes or dumpsters are staged. Also, hand trucks, carts will be used to transport material from the recycling stations to the central collection area. After the event, materials will continued to be generated. Officers and volunteers will assist vendors with tearing down signs and confirming final sorting, and pick-up garbage and recycling.


Below is the budget breakdown for the program:

Recycling garbage service 292.50

Red square cleaning 415.91

Volunteer T-shirts 10*15 volenteers = 150

Vouchers for volunteers 10*15 volenteers = 150

Total Cost: 1008.41


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Emily Wan

Composting Toilet at the Center for Urban Horticulture

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $33,000

Letter of Intent:

The UW Student Farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH) would greatly benefit from the addition of a composting toilet system. The closest facilities are located in Merrill Hall, which is not convenient to access from the farm, especially on the weekends when the building is locked. The farm hosts approximately 45 service learners in the fall and spring seasons, as well as a large number of volunteers who come throughout the year. The UW Farm also has many regular events such as academic tours for classes, and social gatherings. Needless to say, the Farm site at CUH receives a high amount of foot traffic. In addition, a children’s garden is being developed on the site and field trips will be greatly hampered without facilities in close proximity to the farm. Installing a composting toilet system would be very practical to meet the UW Farm’s needs.

Toilet flushing is a water intensive practice, regardless of whether they are high efficiency models or not.  A composting system does not rely on any water inputs and instead only requires the occasional addition of a renewable resource such as sawdust to absorb moisture. Having a composting toilet is a significant step in helping the farm create a closed loop system by increasing the amount of nutrient cycling done on site. We currently work to compost all the healthy plant material grown on the farm- the next step in nutrient cycling is composting all the waste created by those who do the growing. After proper treatment, the nutrient rich, but harmless, material created can be used to fertilize trees and/or ornamental species on the property.

Installing a composting toilet lends itself to student involvement at the farm in many different avenues. First, there will be involvement with the planning and help with installation. A workshop would be an ideal way to get a lot of students involved at this stage. Secondly, more research needs to be done on the uses of human compost and the best location for the toilet at CUH.  This is a significant undertaking that will require continued student involvement after the installation to do such tasks as making sure the facility is adequately stocked, cleaned, and properly functioning. We currently have a large leadership board, which includes three compost coordinators, and we anticipate that managing care of this system will be one of their future responsibilities. In the past few years, the UW Farm has seen an increase in the number of students who choose to do research and/or undertake projects on the farm. Having a composting toilet would greatly increase the capacity for more students to get involved on the farm as it could attract students who had interests beyond sustainable food production. This will take a collaborative effort across disciplines, student organizations, and individuals with expertise.

A significant area of student engagement with this project lies in the development of experiential educational opportunities. It will create chances to learn about topics such as sustainable development and nutrient cycling.  The UW Farm is an incredible arena for exploration and learning, primarily regarding sustainable food production. The addition of a composting toilet would greatly diversify and expand the discussions that could occur on the farm. As mentioned above, many classes come to the Farm to take educational tours, having a composting toilet as part of the tour would be a great way to increase awareness about water conservation and waste. The addition of a composting toilet to the site can also serve as an educational opportunity to the broader community and further UW’s commitment to sustainability.      

The UW Arboretum is currently planning on installing a composting toilet system; they have shared the system that they are looking at installing with us and will work with us to determine how best to manage them. To support the longevity of this project, there is the farm manager and a core of three paid students interns yearly, as well as a significant group of students interested in seeing this project be carried out. After the installation of the system, upkeep is routine and does require adequate attention, but the farm is an established program with a continuous group of students and staff involved. Additionally, the Seattle Youth Garden Works who are also operational on the CUH Farm site have expressed interest in being involved with this project; as they would also be privy to use of the toilet they have expressed that they could provide support monetarily for the upkeep as well as assist with the planning, installation, and maintenance of the system.

The UW Farm is requesting approximately $33,000 for the completion of the project. The current system that we are interested in is the M54 Trailhead model from the company Clivus Multrum. This is an advanced composting toilet system, which includes a solar powered panel to power ventilation fans, keeping the facility odorless. The structure and toilet are above ground, while the collection/processing tank sits 4 feet below ground. This amount represents a quote given by the company upon phone inquiry, it includes all shipping and installation as well and a 10% “buffer”, meaning that this is the absolute upper limit of cost. The figure above represents what it would cost to buy this unit and have it shipped pre-fabricated to Seattle; however it can also be purchased as a kit and installed on site. This would be a less expensive option upfront, but would not be desirable because assemblage is very challenging and technical. Therefore, outside consultants would likely have to be hired and thus costs would be equivalent of buying it pre-fabricated, if not more. Also it would significantly delay the date when the composting toilet could be opened for use. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sarah Geurkink

University of Washington Farm Greenhouse

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $22,310

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington Farm, a registered student organization, would like to build a greenhouse at our Center for Urban Horticulture site on campus. We are partnering with the University of Washington Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter to find a greenhouse suitable for our site and set up a plan for building and installing the greenhouse. In order to build a greenhouse, we need to level the ground at the Center for Urban Horticulture site, run electricity to the greenhouse, and equip it with benches and supplies for spring and winter growing. Additionally we would like to build a low cost and energy-saving heating system that heats the plants from below by circulating hot water through the greenhouse benches. Furthermore, we need to buy seeds to plant in the greenhouse and hire an intern who will serve as a Greenhouse Manager for our first season of using the greenhouse.

We are currently renting a small space at the Center for Urban Horticulture greenhouse at a prohibitively high cost for only 2 months of the year. Building a greenhouse at the UW Farm will allow for a more flexible and productive planting plan, an extended growing season that includes winter months, and an increase in our yearly production. A large portion of crops grown at the University of Washington Farm is used by Cultivate, the District Market and various other HFS locations. Without a greenhouse, we have to almost completely shut down our growing during winter months, as harsh weather and frost make it very difficult to grow and harvest crops. Extending our growing season with a UW Farm Greenhouse will allow the Farm to provide locally and sustainably grown produce to dining halls, restaurants and grocery stores on campus for a larger majority of the school year. This quarter, 1937.58 pounds of produce from the UW Farm went to HFS and the UW medical center and 505.7 pounds of produce was donated to the University District Food Bank. These numbers will increase with a UW Farm greenhouse. The extended season of production will lessen the carbon footprint of the University of Washington community as more locally and sustainably grown produce would be available. The University of Washington currently hosts 46 students as service learners each quarter. Additionally, 12 students hold farm leadership positions and 3 students are enrolled in the farm internship class. We are confident that these numbers will increase over time. While the construction of the greenhouse will be directed by Engineering Without Borders students with their faculty mentors as advisors, a large majority of the farm leaders and some of the student volunteers will be involved regularly with building the greenhouse and developing a growing system.

The University of Washington farm is run primarily by volunteer labor; we only have one paid staff-member. Throughout fall quarter, work hours were held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1pm to 5pm, Tuesdays from 1 to 5pm and Thursdays from 9 to 11:30am, and every other Saturday from 9am to 2pm. Throughout spring quarter, a majority of these work hours will involve building and then planting and growing seedlings in the greenhouse. Volunteers and service learning students will learn hands on the benefits of a season extension and what goes into building, maintaining and working in a greenhouse. Furthermore, we plan to have a greenhouse intern for a full growing season following the completion of the greenhouse. Jennifer Reusink, a biology professor who teaches the farm internship class on campus, has agreed to oversee this intern. The intern would oversee construction, coordinate volunteering efforts, plan and implement a greenhouse planting schedule from spring through fall, maintain the greenhouse throughout the growing season and plan and implement a winter growing schedule. Students will be actively involved in most of the aspects of building and working in the greenhouse and build further connections between people, our land, and our future since food is so intimately linked in all those aspects of life.

The University of Washington Farm is extremely committed to carrying out and following through on our plans to build and maintain the greenhouse at the UW Farm. We have 7 Engineering Without Borders students committed to setting a plan for building the greenhouse and seeing it through under the advising of Peter Sturtevant, a Senior Civil Engineer with CH2M Hill, and Professor Mark Benjamin, a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. The engineering students plan to begin work in early spring and complete the greenhouse project through a series of approximately six work parties, with help from University of Washington Farm students and volunteers.

We are requesting $22,602.72 for this project. We plan to build the greenhouse from a kit and add our own end frame augmentation. We will need $4,216.94 for supplies to build the greenhouse; $3,355 for greenhouse kit and $286.58 for the baseboards for the building foundation and $300 for pipe connections and miscellaneous tools and materials. Additionally, we will need $822.67 to build benches for planting in the greenhouse; $633.60 for bench wood and $189.07 for hardware cloth. We will need $5,172.13 to build a heating system; $2,056.37 for the pump/boiler integrator, $724.47 for a boiler, and $122.59 for pipes and pipe insulation. Additionally, we will need $1,030.10 for additional materials to augment the end frame and $133.18 for additional construction materials like screws and nails. We will need $4,731.70 to buy tools to use in the greenhouse; $39.50 for seed spoons (10 x $3.95 each), $3,950 for seed tappers (10 x $395), $358 for soil block makers (2 x $179) and $384.20 for bread trays for putting the soil blocks on (20 x $19.21). We are also requesting $6,496 to fund a greenhouse intern for the winter, spring and summer quarters following the building of the greenhouse. We need $1,160 ($10/hour for 10 hours/week) for spring quarter, $4,176 ($10/hour for 30 hours/week) for summer quarter and $1,160 ($10/hour for 10 hours/week). Finally, we need $500 to buy seeds for the greenhouse.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Sarah Geurkink

Sustainable Stormwater Coordinator Phase 2

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $9,051

Letter of Intent:


The Sustainable Stormwater Coordinator (SSC) position designates a SEFS research aide appointment to spread awareness about and physically improve stormwater treatment on campus. This is accomplished by investigating the current quantity and quality of campus stormwater, analyzing a suite of suitable water management tools, and building a collaborative student-faculty-administration approach to this pressing issue. In sum, continuation of this project seeks concrete and actionable runoff strategies, informed by water quality testing of discharges from parking lots, rooftops and sports fields.

Responsibilities include:

  • Conduct outreach and education to students and faculty about stormwater issues
  • Engage and support students and departments pursuing stormwater related projects, such as rain gardens, bioswales, smart irrigation and water recycling
  • Sample stormwater on campus for oil + grease and metals in order to determine pollution hotspots
  • Support Salmon Safe recertification
  • Identify stormwater rebates or stormwater project funding possibilities

Presently, the SSC has made significant progress in advancing the responsible handling of our fresh water resource at UW as each of the supported projects/endeavors has benefited from assistance with some or all of the following roles/responsibilities: funding identification, program development, design, materials acquisition, water quality testing, documentation, facilitation of permitting, facilitation of contracted consultations, site visits, and facilitation of administrative collaboration for the following projects/endeavors:

  • Development of UW Seattle campus Stormwater Sampling Plan
  • Prairie Rain Garden
  • Kincaid Ravine Hydrology Improvements
  • Kincaid Ravine Memorandum of Agreement (stream and wetland protections)
  • Water Recycling System for Society for Ecological Restoration-UW Hoophouse
  • Development of campus-wide Curb Cut plan
  • UW-Seattle Stormwater Resource Guide
  • Identification of Surface Water Management Rebates and Stormwater Project Funding
  • Salmon Safe (SS) Recertification, SS Student Awareness Campaign and SS certification of UW Farm
  • Sustainable Stormwater resource drive and list serve news updates 

Despite this progress in establishing a baseline of momentum, the importance of continuing the SSC position is urgent. Funding from other sources has not been secured and the potential discontinuation of this position would hamper progress and threaten follow-through on many of the projects listed above. The position has increased visibility and awareness of the CSF by connecting promising student led projects to the CSF. In so doing, a strong network of projects has an aggregate effect of success. These projects are all linked and supportive of one another, leading to a tight knit web of sustainability.

The SSC position is overseen by hydrology Professor Susan Bolton and the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. It consults with campus Environmental Engineer David Ogrodnik, Engineer James Morin, Landscape Architect Kristine Kenney, Environmental and Land Use Compliance Officer Jan Arntz, and Grounds Manager Howard Nakase.


A total of 27,000 gallons of stormwater are produced as runoff from a one-acre parking lot, after one inch of rain. In UW parking lots, stormwater picks up oil, grease, metals and coolants from vehicles, and it proceeds largely untreated into Portage Bay and Lake Washington. Other impervious surfaces, like roofs, compound the quantity of overland runoff and inhibit on-site infiltration.


The SSC is envisioned as a permanent position that provides a forum for students to develop the skill set and knowledge base to pursue projects related to water use and waste, including exposure to important local organizations and partnership opportunities in the Seattle restoration community. A multi-disciplinary core group of students, which meets in various contexts throughout each academic quarter, provides support to the SSC, including communication and networking, outreach and education, and assistance in water and soil testing.

The core student group has identified ‘Continued Accountability’ as a primary objective, and envisioned the student SSC position through SEFS. Department administrator Wendy Star serves as budget administrator for the SCC project. The creation of this position has the written support of HSS, 12,000 Rain Gardens, Puget Soundkeeper, SER-UW, the Kincaid Ravine Restoration team and Salmon Safe. Letters from supporters will be included in the CSF proposal.


Outreach via social media outlets and a blog will have a key place in communicating this project to the student body. Integration into classes for University credit through SEFS and graduate projects for the Masters in Environmental Horticulture have begun but need more time to fully develop.

The ongoing SSC position helps to coordinate student stormwater efforts over the long-term, channel communication between students and admin through one informed and capable liaison, and collaborate with off-campus entities to establish UW’s leadership in the greater stormwater community.

By having this stormwater point person, combined with regular meetings, water projects around campus will begin to unite, heighten impact through symbiosis, and share information and resources.  With parking lot redesigns throughout campus, the SSC channels student voices of water related considerations to the appropriate administrators.

Educational signage has been funded for Kincaid Ravine and will describe Hydrology features, as well as recognize project partners like CSF, with a representative logo. Signage for Prairie Rain Garden and SER-UW Nursery, likewise describing hydrology features and acknowledging the CSF, are in the process of development.


Salmon Safe has endorsed the SSC to assist UW in meeting the Salmon Safe Certification standards.The SSC will work to generate an ongoing commitment of political will towards progressive stormwater policy and true environmental stewardship.

Financially, the SSC will research fee-reduction for stormwater treatments (North Seattle Community College saves $60,000+ in annual stormwater fees, the direct result of a campus-wide collaboration where students applied for tax credits through Seattle Public Utilities). Since UW spends ~$1.3 million in annual stormwater fees, economic incentive is clearly justified.

9 months of CSF funding will serve to solidify this position. SEFS will support SSC with ongoing funding options once position is established. Alternate funding has not been secured and one more academic year of CSF funding will provide ample time to identify and diversify funding sources.


16,102 Total

15,102 -Student Project Management

(figure based on $1678 Schedule A RA position x 9 months)

1000- Water sample analysis

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Matthew Schwartz

Yesler Swamp Trek Stop

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $65,000

Letter of Intent:

Our team is proposing a $65,000 construction project on the western shoreline of the Yesler Swamp lagoon to offer UW students and other visitors a unique wildlife observation platform.  The viewing platform will be called the “Yesler Swamp Trek Stop” (YSTS) and will offer a permanent birdwatching post to rest, reflect, and interact with the different species that reside in riparian ecosystems around Lake Washington.  This project fits very well into our project team’s academic goals because we are students committed to environmental sustainability and restoration.  Our team has been hosting volunteer restoration events and documenting them on this website ( since October of 2013.

The main outcomes and goals of this project are:

  • Build a bird blind structure with an extremely low environmental footprint that adheres to green building specifications.
  • Provide a unique and identifying landmark for the Yesler Swamp.
  • Provide an avenue for the public to engage with the swamp and its biodiversity through interpretive signs and educational/sustainable design elements.
  • Provide an exceptional view of the swamp lagoon, Lake Washington, and Mt. Rainier.
  • Provide an outdoor classroom for groups visiting the UW Center for Urban Horticulture.
  • Build a stronger connection between the Yesler Swamp and the well established Union Bay Natural Area (UBNA).
  • Raise awareness about the Yesler Swamp and the opportunities it presents for students and the greater Seattle community to engage with nature--not only passively, but actively.

The success of our project will be measured by:

Number of volunteers (both students and others), number of visitors to the YSTS, Sustainability Score Rating, and Green Building Specifications.

These measurements will be tracked through sign-in sheets at work events and a permanent sign-in sheet at the viewing platform for guests to write on.  The sustainability score will be assessed during the projects design/build phase and during the construction phase. 

Background Story:

The Yesler Swamp is slowly transforming from a neglected and degraded wasteland into a restored green space and prospering ecosystem in the heart of Seattle. Once home to Henry Yesler’s timber mill and later a garbage dump; the Yesler Swamp is now an environmental treasure in Seattle.  It provides a sanctuary where people can trade in the cacophony of urban life for the tittering of hundreds of birds; an urban oasis where people both young and old can be fascinated by the natural world.

The Yesler Swamp Trek Stop will border the western edge of the swamp and the eastern end of the UW Center for Urban Horticulture, south east of the botany greenhouses.  There will also be a wooden boardwalk twenty yards away, providing a permanent loop trail through the swamp.  The nonprofit organization, The Friends of Yesler Swamp, has raised enough funds to construct the first phase of the boardwalk adjacent to the proposed location for the trek stop.  Upon completion, this boardwalk will be donated to the UW.  Our team’s collaboration with the Friends of Yesler Swamp and their boardwalk endeavor will help establish the Yesler Swamp as an attractive destination for UW students and the surrounding neighborhoods.  UW students have been restoring the swamp every year since 2000, which demonstrates that the site holds a place in students’ hearts. Our project team also has strong history of educational tours and events at the Yesler Swamp that we consistently document on our website: 

Our proposed project meets the requirements and preferences of the CSF in the following ways:

Environmental Impact

Upon completion, the YSTS will mix environmental and long term sustainable design elements. In doing so, the YSTS will be easily maintained and blend in with the surrounding environment.  We plan to build the YSTS out of reclaimed materials from a local vendor to lessen the University’s environmental impact. Possible businesses include Second Use Building Materials and Salvage, and the RE Store. These establishments salvage reusable materials from buildings that are going to be demolished and offer discounts to community projects.  Beyond the physical building of the observation station, this project creates a more sustainable campus because it gives people a way to invest in and enhance their appreciation for the natural world.  We hope to expand the possibilities for students to encounter wildlife at the UW campus, while simultaneously demonstrating the importance of the Yesler Swamp and its preservation.

Student Leadership and Involvement

Our project will incorporate student leadership and involvement during the design and construction phases through collaboration with the faculty and students in the College of Built Environments. One specific class we are considering working with is a design-build class taught by Steve Badanes to mix environmental and long term sustainable design elements. Ideally, our team would like to work with architecture and/or landscape architecture students to come up with a sustainable, ecological, and innovative shoreline viewing station.  We intend to involve talented students who care about environmental stewardship and advancing campus infrastructure.  As the project progresses from the design phase and into the construction implementation phase, we will incorporate a larger array of students who have the necessary skills and expertise. This project will cultivate an aware and engaged campus community because students involved in the process will feel a sense of ownership and pride in the swamp.  In addition, it will create future opportunities for students to engage with the natural landscape surrounding the UW.  

Education, Outreach, and Behavior

Education, Outreach, and Behavior for building the YSTS is to foster an environmentally conscious culture. In the beginning, our main goal will be to enlighten the student body about the various ecosystems that inhabit the land. This will take the form of posting fliers all around Seattle and holding informational sessions about volunteer opportunities on campus, at local high schools, and community colleges.  We also want to engage our classmates by participating in UW events such as Dawg Dayz, Martin Luther King Day, and Earth Day.  

Our project team will seek input from everybody who is passionate about sustainable design and wants to be involved in the development of the YSTS.  The other component of cultivating awareness involves our local community. By canvassing local neighborhoods and publishing an article in the local paper, we want to bring awareness to the weekly work parties that the Community, Environment, and Planning Program and the Friends of Yesler Swamp are currently hosting, and encourage Seattle residents to be actively engaged in the Yesler Swamp restoration process.  This financial investment will foster environmental stewardship for future generations.

Feasibility, Accountability, and Sustainability

The YSTS will be durable by design and require minimal maintenance to ensure its long term sustainability.  Additional facilities and grounds maintenance will be conducted by the Friends of Yesler Swamp and the work crews responsible for the boardwalk trail system through a matching funds program.  Fred Hoyt of the UW Center for Urban Horticulture fully supports the YSTS and has requested that we include and update him throughout this entire grant proposal process.  Both Fred Hoyt and the Friends of Yesler Swamp will be assisting our grant writing team with technical and experiential knowledge.  We’ve listed our anticipated stakeholder groups and partners below:

Expected Project Stakeholder(s) Include:

  • Fred Hoyt: Associate Director of UW Botanic Gardens.
  • Environmental Science and Resource Management Department at UW: Professors who might be interested in using the observation station for their research and/or class visits.
  • College of Built Environments at UW: Faculty and students who are willing to help design and construct the observation station.  Our current plan is to contact Steve Badanes about facilitating a design/build workshop for the YSTS.
  • Friends of Yesler Swamp Non-profit: Team members Tyler and Carolyn have a well established relationship with this organization as active board members.  Their mentorship is crucial to us because of their professional experience and their success with the boardwalk project.
  • Anna Stock, Property Rights Manager in the UW Real Estate office: To integrate the Yesler Swamp boardwalk project and the YSTS into one cohesive real estate asset to the University.
  • Kristine Kenney, University Landscape Architect: To collaborate on how the YSTS can contribute to the landscaping goals of the University.
  • Amy Van Dyke, Director, Physical Planning & Space Management at the Bothell Campus (Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory): To discuss the similarities between the UW Bothell wetland conservatory and the Yesler Swamp. 
  • Department of Planning and Development: To approve the wetland and building permits necessary to start construction at the swamp.
  • Martha Moritz: Primary contact for the Kincaid Ravine Restoration Project, an approved CSF project that has similar goals to our proposed project.

Expected Project Budget:

Anticipated Budget: Total Cost = $65,000

  1. Materials, labor, and maintenance expenses = $50,000
    1. (Site preparation and restoration): (Erosion and sediment control): (Drainage infrastructure): (Structural foundation support): (Wood materials): (Hardware): (Long term facilities and grounds upkeep)
  2. Permit and Licensing Fees = $15,000
    1. Following the Environmentally Critical Areas Code (Seattle Dept. of Planning & Development): Defined in SMC 25.09.020: ~$7500 (*Friends of Yesler Swamp*)
    2. Shoreline survey fees: $250/hour~$4000 (*DPD website*)
      1. Water table and lake survey (*Geotechnical Report)
      2. Erosion control/soil grading plan
    3. Engineering, legal, and administration fees: ~$1000
    4. Insurance contracts: ~$1200/year?
  3. Design/Build Course Fees = 0$
    1. Studio where students design and build projects for local nonprofits. It is funded by the Department of Neighborhoods, local businesses, and the Howard S. Wright Endowment Fund.
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Tyler Licata

Replacing Chemical Fertilizers with Compost, Compost Tea, and Biosolids

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington has over 161 acres of turf grass. In 2015, 8,620 pounds of fertilizer were applied on campus. Chemical fertilizers can be detrimental to the environment and to the long term health of soils. With global warming at the forefront of scientific research, it is imperative that alternative, environmentally friendly lawn care systems are implemented. Revising the fertilizer plan for the lawns is a potentially important step for grounds management to undertake.

There are multiple options that the University could use for fertilizers. Composting is a centuries old practice that has been found to increase the health of the soil and plants. Using compost extracts, such as ‘compost teas,’ can be a financially and environmentally favorable approach to lawn care.

A water based extract of compost, compost tea, is attracting gardeners worldwide for its supposed benefits to soil fertility and for plant disease suppression. Soils can be supplemented with this microbe and nutrient rich solution. Grounds management currently brews small batches of compost tea for use on the Roses.  

Other fertilizer options are to provide the lawns with biosolids. Biosolids are human excrements that have undergone extensive filtration processes. They are sold by the county and are deemed safe for the public to use. Biosolids have shown to increase the quality and production of grasses. The University could replace environmentally detrimental fertilizers with a usable product that was being wasted.

The managers of the grounds at the university are hesitant to apply any of these techniques to the lawns until there is evidence that it is equivalent or superior to the current practices. The money from this grant would be to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the chemical fertilizers with compost tea, compost or biosolids.

Trials will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these different fertilizers. If they are successful grounds management will look into applying these fertilizers to the entire campus and end our reliance on environmentally detrimental chemicals.

The money from the grant will be used to evaluate the tea being applied to the lawns, pay for the biosolids and hire a student to help setting up and monitoring the project.


Thank you for your consideration!

Michael Bradshaw 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Bradshaw

Floating Wetlands Phase II

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $16,000

Letter of Intent:

Summary The UW Floating Wetlands Demonstration Project is designed to occur in two phases: Feasibility Analysis (I) and Implementation (II).  The Campus Sustainability Fund accepted the Green Futures Lab’s Phase I proposal, which we anticipate to be completed during Winter quarter 2016.  Project goals currently achieved by our Floating Wetland Student Team include:  

  • investigating optimal installation locations and conditions;
  • researching and classifying the habitat needs of juvenile migrating salmon;
  • identifying permitting agencies and permit requirements;
  • building relationships with agencies, stakeholders, partners, and interested parties;
  • articulating design criteria responses to particular conditions and concerns; and
  • developing preliminary conceptual designs.  

Phase II funding will enable the team to develop appropriate designs, create detailed drawings sets for required approvals and construction,  acquire  materials, obtain permits, and see the project through construction, installation, maintenance, monitoring, and evaluation. CSF assistance will also allow our Floating Wetland Student Team to co-lead a scheduled Spring 2017 seminar, bringing the detailed knowledge gained in Phase I to a larger group of interdisciplinary students who will develop possible alternative prototypes for further consideration.  We anticipate improvement of Union Bay aquatic habitat - especially for outmigrating juvenile salmonids - and moderation of pollutant loads through the deployment of these floating wetlands.  Furthermore, this project will provide a compelling educational example for our students while setting precedence for other Seattle water bodies, showcasing UW’s leadership role in green technology and public/community partnerships.  

Brief Explanation of the Phase II Floating Wetlands Project Water is an integral part of the University of Washington campus, and in our mission to be sustainable, its importance cannot be overlooked. In other parts of the world, floating wetland structures are being successfully used to reduce harmful substances in waterways such as metals, excess nutrients, and other pollutants. They sequester carbon, mitigate water temperatures, and provide habitat for aquatic biota. Here in the Pacific Northwest, floating wetlands are an emerging technology. The Floating Wetlands Demonstration aims to exemplify future aquatic sustainability in a visible and participatory manner, raising public awareness in an exciting new fashion.    

Floating wetlands are designed to increase vegetative cover and habitat for aquatic and avian species, especially where hardened shorelines limit habitat quality. They hold significant potential benefit in the greater Puget Sound region as extensive shoreline hardening has contributed to great decline of critical species and is a significant “Vital Sign” targeted by the Puget Sound Partnership.  However, as an innovative approach toward habitat creation and restoration, floating wetlands have little precedence in the Pacific Northwest.  As such, floating wetland implementation faces intense scrutiny prior to implementation.  This necessitates thorough research, forward-thinking design approaches, and clear communication.  Thus far, students working on Phase I of the Floating Wetlands Demonstration have succeeded in these categories and look forward to taking the next steps toward implementation of this valuable approach.  

Our conversations with permitting agencies and tribal representatives have drawn support and highlighted barriers toward installing innovative floating wetlands to improve shoreline habitat in the waters of the UW campus.  The Green Futures Lab hopes to apply 2017 CSF funding toward continued project development.  We will build upon current design and research as student staff members are retained to create and co-teach a Spring 2017 seminar.  Funding would allow our student Floating Wetlands Team to co-lead this course, applying their multidepartmental expertise while bringing in additional students as registered course participants. The course would also draw upon faculty and professional proficiency located at UW, City, and County, and State levels. Students in the seminar would gain knowledge and understanding of:    • occurrence, use, and diversity of floating wetlands in other parts of the world; • environmental conditions of Union Bay and Portage Bay and their relation to potential habitat and juvenile salmon migration patterns; • design criteria applied to understanding coastal zone policy and treaty rights within the Lake Washington-Lake Union fish migration corridor; • designs of floating wetlands created for other locales and their results; and • potential materials that might be used in appropriate new floating wetland designs for the UW campus.  

Application of this knowledge will result in designs for a range of floating wetlands suitable to conditions in UW campus waters. From this benchmark, the Floating Wetland Team will select a final site and design(s) for installation.  The subsequent implementation phases include:  

  • final selection of sites and floating wetland prototypes to be installed (working directly with permitting agencies);
  • submission of permit applications for the specific prototypes and sites;
  • detailed drawings and material selection for the floating wetland prototypes to be installed construction and installation of the prototypes;
  • monitoring and maintenance of the floating wetlands;
  • development of a webpage interpreting the floating wetlands and their intended function, with a QR code linked to the webpage placed onshore near the wetland;  and
  • creation of presentation(s) to be given to UW students in relevant wetland, ecology, fisheries, and ecological design courses.  

Estimated Phase II Costs We anticipate that Phase II of the project would operate through Fall term 2017 with a total cost of $16,000.  This would compensate our team of three students leading the Spring seminar, and over Summer and Fall 2017 with the team working part time to bring the demonstration project to full fruition.  We anticipate a materials and transportation (of materials) budget to be approximately $1800 of the total figure.   

The Phase I Floating Wetlands Demonstration Project funds have supported investigation, design thinking, and coalition-building to advance floating wetland installation along UW shorelines in Union Bay and Portage Bay.  Representing both the College of Built Environments and the College of the Environment, the GFL student staff of three have performed extensive research on and response to environmental conditions of UW waters; fish habitat needs and limitations; permit requirements and permitting pathways with the appropriate agencies; siting opportunities and constraints; and development of resulting design criteria for local floating wetlands, incorporating stakeholder needs and insights from the region. We have also cultivated awareness on the part of permitters of the technology, who are interested in considering our resulting design proposals. We are enthusiastic to continue the permitting, design, construction and education for these demonstration prototypes that may be scaled up to inhabit the Lake Washington-Lake Union basin to make a measurable difference in the aquatic health of our university and region. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jackson Blalock

Electric Bicycle Mail-Delivery

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $69,200

Letter of Intent:

UW Mailing Services Campus Sustainability Fund LOI
Electric Bicycle Mail Delivery Program

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

University of Washington’s Mailing Services currently delivers mail and printed material to approximately 80,000 students, faculty, and staff on and off the Seattle campus. There are 12 conventional delivery vehicles performing 20 daily delivery routes that service the entire campus. These vehicles contribute to global warming by emitting carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The vehicles burn on average, 4,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year and release 96,000 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere (24 lbs. CO2 per gallon of fuel). Our research shows that replacing a vehicle with an electric assist cargo bicycle will have an immediate impact on the energy consumption, CO2 emissions, noise pollution, and vehicle congestion on the UW campus.

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

Our goal is to make UW the first large university in the nation to address the issue of energy consumption reduction and climate change in mail services, by creating an E-Bicycle Mail & Package Delivery Program. We are proposing moving 210 daily mail stops, totaling 12 miles a day, to full bicycle delivery. This would involve the purchase of five electric assist bicycles, trailers, and all-weather bicycle shoes. After implementation of bicycle delivery on the main campus, we intend to incorporate the bicycles to expand the program to the entire campus and University District.

Vehicles currently in use are leased from UW Fleet Services at a cost of $50,000 per vehicle. As we reduce the need for diesel truck delivery, we will return the vehicles to Fleet Services. This will effectively free up extra money in the mailing services budget, and if unused, the money will be returned to the University’s central fund. UW Mailing Services has recently partnered with UW Creative Communications and UW Copy Services to provide delivery services of their printed materials as well. We would like to, whenever applicable, incorporate bicycles on these deliveries. If successful, we see eliminating one or two of the cargo vans currently in use for these routes.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

We will continue our collaboration with the students at UW Sustainability in creating an educational outreach campaign to inspire behavioral change within the UW community. This will involve the use of our metrics to create a "fun facts" media campaign to display on the sides of our new, highly visible electric cargo bicycles and trailers. These fun facts will include the current number of stops along the delivery route, the reduction in diesel fuel consumption, and the amount of CO2 saved as a result of switching to the bicycle delivery system. We hope to connect two UW students currently working for Mailing Services and Creative Communications with the ASUW Graphic Design Office. There they will receive assistance in creating eye-popping illustrations to display the project’s metrics.

Our project has an already established a partnership with the ASUW student-run Bike Shop to service and maintain the bicycles. This includes fixing spokes, rims, tires, and adjustments to the trailers holding the cargo boxes. We hope that once electric bicycles become more of the norm in the coming years, the shop will also be able to solve issues with the electric motors.

We are looking to make a connection with the Environmental Studies Department in order to include student involvement in tracking metrics for the project. Our goal is to conduct an ongoing carbon footprint analysis, detailing emission reductions from switching diesel trucks to electric bikes. This way we can keep track of the project’s success, and constantly update the metric graphics to display to the UW community.

Finally, the project has displayed student leadership with the help of a UW Senior majoring in Finance. After meeting with Douglas Stevens from Creative Communications and UW Mailing Services, he has helped to be the middleman between the time-pressed mailing services and other aspects of the project’s development. His work has involved obtaining more student engagement, working out the budget costs, and drafting up this letter of intent.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?

We have already chosen the optimal model of the E-Bicycle we wish to implement based on range-per-charge and power necessary to support delivery cargo. The E-Assist Bullitt bicycles cost $6,000 per unit. The bikes would require an additional $6,000 in order to construct two alloy cargo boxes for the front and back of each bicycle[1]. With five bicycles in the fleet, this totals to $60,000.

All weather bicycle shoes would cost $100 a pair. We have a crew of 12 riders on our team, hence we would like $1,200 to fully prepare them for the elements.

Materials required to print and install graphics on the sides of the cargo boxes would cost $100 per unit. Again, this would be the mailing services logo, as well as fun facts about environmental footprint reductions. For the whole fleet, this would total $500.

The ASUW Bike Shop does not currently have the capability to repair motors on the bikes, so we are requesting additional funding for service warranties from the E-Assist Bullitt Company. Service agreements cost $500 a year per bicycle, and we would like to purchase three year warranties for the start of this project. This comes out to $7,500 to cover the entire fleet. We anticipate that the ASUW Bike Shop will have the capability to fully repair any problems with the E-Assist Bullitt bikes beginning in year 2020.

Adding up everything in our proposed budget, we are asking for a total grant of $69,200 to fully implement the E-Bicycle Mail Delivery System. We thank you for your consideration in our endeavor.

[1] This price also includes construction and installation of trailers to hold the boxes. We are working on involving students with this construction process, but as of now have received these cargo construction quotes from a local metal-working business.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kellan J. Kinney

University of Washington Campus Sustainability Challenge: Feasibility and Design

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $7,000

Letter of Intent:

More than ever, the onus is on individuals to identify and solve the sustainability challenges we face, while solutions to environmental problems will continue to be interdisciplinary and complex. We therefore need ways to integrate technological, economic, and social expertise across all disciplines, and gather the attention and ingenuity of all people. We believe that web or app-based games have a unique and enormous potential to help address this need across diverse user groups and geographic areas. Games offer an efficient package to educate and promote long-term sustainable behaviors, and can reach broad audiences. They are also interactive and fun, offering an alternative to a “doom-and-gloom” approach that can lead to apathy for conservation and sustainability. When played by large groups, games offer a pathway for individuals to collectivize not only their actions, but also their awareness of and attention to problems; that collective focus is a powerful source of long-term solutions. This is our vision.

Most app or web-based games are developed with one goal: to get many people to buy it. Games around social change have other goals, including delivering information, connecting groups, or encouraging new behaviors. Knowledge of how to design these kinds of games is not currently well developed, and needs to draw information from the fields of psychology, game science, computing, education, and conservation. Furthermore, for games to be impactful requires not only that people play them, but also that the design is tailored with producing certain outcomes. These potential outcomes are diverse and could include educational metrics (e.g., player knowledge about climate change), conservation outcomes (e.g., reduced water use in a dorm), or long-term behavioral change (e.g., increased bussing or biking).

Our proposed project is to conduct a feasibility and design study for an app-based (or mobile-friendly website) environmental challenge game that educates incoming student cohorts about sustainable practices on and around the UW campus. The challenge game that we envision will orient new students to the sustainability resources in their new community, and create incentives and rewards (tangible and otherwise) for taking actions and adopting behaviors that conserve resources. We believe a temporary game or challenge will be most impactful, but the end goal is to influence behavior during the entire time a student is at UW.

Although we have the knowledge and technological capacity to create a game right away, gaming and computer science professionals agree that a feasibility study that includes some creation of prototypes are critical to improving player participation and outcomes. Design options for games are vast, and even slight differences may propel a game to widely-played success or relegate it to obscurity; we are also still at the frontier of understanding what motivates people to play a game with sustainability outcomes. Furthermore, a feasibility study will allow outreach and pre-collaborations with other sustainability efforts across campus (e.g., Earth Day events), programs that could contribute expertise (e.g., Human Centered Design and Engineering), and local businesses. The point of a feasibility study is to take advantage of the creative potential on campus to explore and develop options that would best engage new students; however, some of our prospective design ideas include:

  • A weeklong carbon reduction challenge between University of Washington and Washington State University (or UW Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma campuses)
  • A series of challenge-based activities that students can engage in for incentives or rewards at local and campus businesses
  • A competitive scavenger hunt during Dawg Daze that orients students to campus sustainability options and needs

The feasibility study will consist of meeting four objectives: 1) a review of existing environmental games or challenges (digital or otherwise), 2) a weekend-long Game Jam to engage students and staff across campus in creating multiple game prototypes, 3) multiple student focus groups or surveys to gain feedback on the game prototypes, and 4) creation of a formal business plan to develop and implement a final game design in a future project. The business plan will include recommendations for optimal designs based on the Game Jam and student focus groups, a timeline to implement a game within the UW academic year, projected costs, and how success of the challenge would be measured. Results of outreach with campus groups, departments, and the business community would be integrated into the business plan as well.

The feasibility study will be led by an enthusiastic and highly capable team. Lauren Kuehne is a Research Scientist at the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, who has been fascinated with the potential for gaming applications to environmental problems and has been developing this idea for many years. Rachel Lee is a graduate student at the Information School as well as a professional artist. William Chen is a graduate student in the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management Program, who is also deeply involved in innovative science communication. Rachel and William were both part of the 2015 UW team that developed a nationally recognized climate change board game, “AdaptNation”. All three project leads are part of the EarthGames ( group at UW, which supports students in developing environmentally-based games. The project leads will bring their collective expertise in communication, design, research, and project management to meet objectives and create deliverables.

We believe the University of Washington is an ideal place to develop this innovative concept. Regionally, we have access to immense expertise in computing and game design, as well as experts in relevant fields of psychology, education, and engineering. UW is also well recognized for sustainability efforts across many different programs. We believe that students, faculty, and staff would be eager to participate in designing, developing, and (ultimately) participating in an innovative sustainability challenge, which could easily serve as a model for other university campuses.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lauren Kuehne

Dual Flush Toilets at Women's Odegaard Restrooms

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $15,000

Letter of Intent:

UW is a leading university in sustainability.  While being ranked top 5 in the world, we, as a school, have taken the initiative and responsibility to lead by example.  Vincent and I (Robert) have put much thought into the impact and financial benefits a flush free urinal can have on campus.  We want to focus on implementing Water-less urinals at Odegaard Library due to its high traffic.  It has around 15-20 urinals, making this a very feasible project, and is possibly the most used when it comes to bathroom usage.  If UW takes a step in water conservation in a place as rainy as Seattle, how can others ignore the beneficial impact of flush free urinals.

Water-less urinals are a step towards lowering water consumption and carbon footprints.  Water may not be thought of as a limited resource in Washington, but the statistics show that more wildfires and lower water supplies have been evident in this state in the past years.  The whole earth shares the same water supply, and the UW should take action to lower water consumption.  A typical Water-less urinal can save approximately 40,000 gallons of water a year.  At a school like UW, with 40,000 students and a plethora of bathrooms, the amount of water that could be saved is huge.  A typical urinal uses 3 gallons of water per flush.  The flush free urinal uses 0 gallons of water from the first use to the last use.  Imagine how much water could be saved in Odegaard library alone. 

A crucial point about the Water-less urinal is that it does not force users to do anything differently besides not pressing the flushing handle, and lets be honest many often don’t flush when using a urinal.  It is a way for all urinal users to easily lower water consumption, without having to change their lifestyle.  Adding on, these urinals come with a sign/plaque that explains how they work and the saving they do.  Every time someone uses one of these urinals, they will read that 40,000+ gallons of water is being saved because of it.  This constant reminder has the potential to influence people to do more and make a push to further lower their water consumption or carbon footprint.  Adding more signs on how to save water or be more environmentally friendly could further influence users to be more sustainable. 

The Water-less urinal is a pretty simple technology that looks just like a normal urinal minus the flushing handle.  It is uses gravity to send fluids to a trap chamber with a liquid sealant.  This sends waste cleanly down the drainpipes without any smell.  The liquid sealant is usually held in a replaceable piece that uses filters the waste through oil, which is lighter than water, thus trapping waste and smell to the sewage system.  This process is already used to keep the smelly odors from sewage lines re-appearing on the surface.   As for sanitation, urine is sterile and once it passes through the filter, the urine will not be exposed to air where bacteria would normally grow.  Still, this is a bathroom and will need normal cleaning, regardless of what urinal technology.

This project is extremely feasible.  In simple terms this would be a three-step process: purchasing of the urinals and necessary parts, installation, and finally letting the campus know about them with a simple explanation of how they work.  The first step would include finding which urinal brand and number would be the best.  These urinals retail at $250-$1000 per urinal with a $50 replacement piece, which should be replaced after a predetermined amount of uses (roughly 1500 uses, depending on the model).  The second step would be hiring contractors to install the urinals.  These contractors can be found by Vincent and myself or we could use previous contracts that have already worked with the UW.  The purchasing of a Water-less urinal also often comes with an installation option at an additional cost.  As for timing, the installation phase would be relatively quick.  In a place such as Odegaard, one bathroom could be done at a time, so that there would always be at least a few places to use the bathroom when one is being worked on.  The last step is simply placing informative signs on the urinals that explain their water saving effects, and letting students know about the urinal change.  The main potential issue is that if the pipes are pressurized and not gravity based, they would have to be adjusted for the urinals to work correctly.  There is also the possibility of there being conflict with approval, as UW is a public university of the state.  However, both of these issues can be dealt with appropriately if necessary.  These urinals have had large success in California as well as gained popularity worldwide.  It is time UW takes this step as well. 

Funding of this Odegaard Water-less urinal project would be roughly $20,000 for urinals and replaceable pieces for a year with the addition of installation fees, another $10,000-$20,000 (the possibility of having to redo pipeline that satisfy flush free urinals make this cost have such a large range).  Overall costs are subject to vary depending on the model used and installation prices.  This is a large funded project, but it has more benefits than just saving water.  Each flush costs money, so over time these urinals could pay themselves off plus more, including costs for replaceable pieces. In adding to how sustainable of a school it is, UW could benefit from tax reductions and rebates for taking actions to reduce water consumption, as appropriate to city policies. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Robert Chang

Friday Harbor Labs Composting Facility: A home for our Rocket 700 composter

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $28,000

Letter of Intent:

Friday Harbor Labs Composting Facility: A home for our Rocket 700 composter

Friday Harbor Labs (FHL) has always prided itself on its sustainability and environmental stewardship, of both the many marine habitats associated with the Labs, as well as the 100s of acres of terrestrial biological preserve in the San Juan Islands administered by FHL. The natural maritime Pacific Northwest setting is a hallmark of the Labs experience for the thousands of students, researchers and other visitors that have short or long stays at FHL over a course of any year. Furthermore, the topics of many of the courses, research programs and student apprenticeships connect to ecology and environmental science, and it was therefore only fitting that FHL became part of the UW College of the Environment about 5 years ago. With the Labs as such a clear beacon of ecological connectedness and sustainability through its many programs, the lack of a fully sustainable solid waste disposal program at FHL represents a glaring disconnect, and a clear and easily addressable area for improvement.

A composting program is not only desperately needed, but would be widely used. The volume of generated food waste from the cafeteria and residential kitchens is substantial. The cafeteria serves from scores to hundreds of students for 20 meals a week, more than 45 weeks a year, and provides food for many conferences, department retreats, and events throughout the year. Furthermore, 10s to 100s of other resident scientists and students prepare their own meals in campus housing every day. While city-wide composting is available on and around the main UW campus in Seattle, there is no publicly-available composting facility on San Juan Island where FHL is located.

To address this need for composting, FHL acquired an industrial size composter that could be put to use on campus. In 2014, the Labs applied for and received Campus Sustainability Funds to purchase a state-of-the-art Rocket 700 composter (Figure 1). Unfortunately, it still has not been put into use due to inadequate facilities to house the composter and insufficient funds to build such a facility.

Figure 1. The Rocket A700 composter can process up to 700 liters of  of food waste each week, and requires electricity and a covered housing.

To address this final step required in bringing composting to Friday Harbor Labs, we propose to work with the FHL maintenance staff to design a central solid waste disposal facility at the Labs, purchase the requisite materials and build the structure, and then put it into use. Specifically we propose to do the following:

  • Recruit interested FHL graduate and undergraduate students to work with the FHL maintenance staff to design a holistic solid waste disposal facility, that would not only house the Rocket 700 and protect it from the elements, but also contain attractive and user friendly bins for recycling, spent batteries, ewaste, and landfill waste.
  • Purchase the materials needed for the new facility (estimated cost: $20,000).
  • Develop detailed signage in the facility to indicate to users what waste goes where, and to explain the functioning of the Rocket 700 (using FHL computing and printing facilities; estimated cost: $0). 
  • We will also provide information about other composting methods within the facility as a broader impacts effort, educating students, researchers and other visitors alike about the variety of possible composting methods that they can bring to their own homes and communities (as above, estimated cost: $0).
  • Provide 5 hours of student support per week during the first year of use in order to maintain the functioning of the composting facility, and identify any issues that need to be addressed for better usability (estimated cost: $8000). 
  • Give a two-minute introduction to the facility during the “all-FHL” event orientation that begins each quarter of instruction at the Labs.
  • Conclude the year with a detailed report –authored by the students who received the student support– that can function as a guide to proper use of the facility, so that it can be used effectively and efficiently in perpetuity.
  • Friday Harbor Labs would then dedicate other funds to continue the program beyond the first year, potentially redirecting funds saved from what will be substantially reduced solid waste (landfill) disposal fees and the availability year round of free compost for groundskeeping.

The benefits of such a facility will be numerous. The most obvious and immediate impact will be to lower the carbon footprint of the Labs by diverting thousands of pounds of food waste every year from the landfill, and help to ensure that ewaste stays out of landfills as well. The output of the composting facility will be usable compost that the FHL grounds crew will put into use in landscaping. Undergraduate and graduate students involvement in the design and maintenance of the facility will develop their management skills and knowledge of composting practices. The facility itself will be an educational experience for all who enter, and will inspire students, researchers and other visitors to enhance their sustainable practices in their own homes, communities and institutions. And, finally, it will bring the sustainable actions at the lab in line with the environmental stewardship that has been such an important component of the research and courses at Friday Harbor Labs for over a hundred years. The result will be a Friday Harbor Labs that is truly a paragon of sustainability in the Pacific Northwest.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Molly Roberts

Sustainable Learning Space - Fisheries Courtyard

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $75,000

Letter of Intent:

To: Campus Sustainability Fund, University of Washington

From: Julia Parrish, Rick Keil, Daniel Winterbottom, Ken Yocom, and Howard Nakase

Re: Letter of Intent – Wallace Hall, Sustainable Learning Space

In 2013, a proposal to build an outdoor classroom "sustainable learning space" for Environmental Studies (Program on the Environment) students on the north lawn of Wallace Hall (formerly Computing and Communications) was born out of the tragic loss of Tikvah Weiner, then PoE Administrator, to breast cancer.  At the end of her life, Tikvah spoke to the PoE community about her desire to see this area used for the benefit of students, as a demonstration of sustainable practices, and as a place where experiential learning would extend beyond classroom walls.

Following Tikvah's passing, a gift fund was established in her honor to help create the garden.  In 2016, students as well as faculty and staff from Landscape Architecture, Program on the Environment, UW Grounds and College of the Environment Dean's Office came together to create an exciting plan to bring Tikvah's garden to fruition.  We envision a garden that:

  • creates an outdoor classroom complete with hardscape elements allowing discussion sections of up to 20 students to use the space for learning "in the green."
  • showcases a series of sustainability features, including the use of "green" (e.g., local, recycled content, natural, sustainable) materials throughout, a rain garden that can accept roof run-off from Wallace Hall, and native and pollinator-based plantings providing habitat and ecosystem services.  Edible elements will be considered, based on input from the campus Landscape Architect and the UW Farm Manager.
  • demonstrates native, drought tolerant and low maintenance landscaping with the flexibility of a cistern-supplied irrigation system for supplemental summer watering.

Landscape Architecture students working with PoE Advisory Board member, Ken Yocom, completed early designs for Tikvah’s garden; thus there is already a basic plan from which to renew and finalize this effort.  Ken has worked with the Campus Landscape Architect, Kristine Kenney and the UW Grounds Manager Howard Nakase to ensure the design meets UW standards and guidelines.

Starting in Winter 2017, the Landscape Architecture Design-Build class taught by Daniel Winterbottom will be tackling the final design of this space.  The Program on the Environment students working under a special topics offering of Sustainability Studio will be working on the sustainable program elements of the garden, in conjunction with the Landscape Architecture students in the design-build program.  During Spring 2017, these students will actively construct the garden.  In total, we anticipate a minimum of 30 students will be directly involved in the creation of Tikvah's garden.  Once built, the garden space will be used by Program on the Environment classes meeting in Wallace Hall, experienced by hundreds of students daily as they circulate through the space during class changes, and serve as part of the "western gateway" onto the campus.

With CSF funding, this project, and these students, will have the ability to significantly add to the program as originally conceived by incorporating sustainable design elements that will feature cost effective stormwater management and water quality practices.

This is an ambitious endeavor, and with strong student leadership and mentoring from several faculty and senior staff, will be a successful and sustainable project.  To that end, the faculty and staff on this LOI have collectively pledged to:

  • directly mentor students involved in the design and creation of the garden (Winterbottom)
  • facilitate intern and sustainability capstone projects connected to the design and creation of the garden (Keil)
  • provide basic support services to the space so that students will be successful in achieving their design efforts (Nakase)
  • provide funding for a TA to assist students in the design-build process and act as a convener bringing all parties together (Parrish)

At this point, we estimate a very preliminary budget of $100K for the entire project, of which we have raised $25,000 in private funds to help cover materials, and potential funding to help cover the cost of TAs needed to help the students realize their work (CoEnv - guarantee of one TA; LA - will potentially cover a second TA).  We will be requesting the balance amount of approximately $75,000 in costs from the CSF for the materials, plants and vehicle rental needed to complete the work.

The current point of contact for the project is:

Julia K Parrish

Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, College of the Environment


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Rick Keil

Engineers Without Borders Sol Stations

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $14,340

Letter of Intent:

The Local Projects sector of the University of Washington Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) will design and implement phone and computer charging stations powered by wind and solar energy. These stations will be located throughout The University of Washington Seattle campus. The goal of this project is to provide sustainable, and convenient charging for students, and to illustrate how clean, renewable energy can power student lives. This project will begin in a research and development phase.

1. Environmental Impact

Part of the EWB mission is to create lasting, sustainable change following the ideal of “Teach someone to fish, they eat for a lifetime”, which follows the goal of sustainable building and growth. To achieve this ideal we are using renewable sources of energy: wind and solar. The UW is a part of Seattle City Light’s “Green Up Program”, which means 100% of the energy it buys is renewable energy, yet many students don’t know this. If students see a wind turbine, or a solar panel, charging their phones it changes the way they think about energy. It promotes this idea of using renewable energy to power their everyday lives. These stations will also provide technical knowledge and real world engineering skills to the members of the UW chapter of EWB, who will be designing this system. 

2. Student Leadership & Involvement

UW Chapter of Engineers Without Borders, Local Projects Sector, will lead this project. This is a student run chapter that focuses on developing and honing technical engineering expertise. The local projects team, made up of Civil, Environmental, Electrical, Mechanical, and Human Centered Design Engineers, will design a working prototype. We have professional mentors who can assist this mainly student led project.

3. Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

Busy college students on the go need to use their digital devices for work and to keep track of their lives. Having a convenient way to charge these devices is critical to student success. If students realize that this power is  renewable it will promote the idea of sustainable power. UW EWB will promote our project at fundraising events, at meetings, and on our website. This will help to spread the word beyond our campus to the surrounding Seattle community. A section of the local projects team will also work on a poster and sticker campaign. We will put these posters up around the school which will teach and illustrate the way in which we used solar and wind power to charge their devices. The stickers can be a way to promote our ideas to students, who might paste them on their water bottles and computers, promoting sustainability everywhere they go. A monthly focus on any of the three pillars of sustainability, social, economic and environmental, could be illustrated on the stations. For example we could discuss how UW has composting facilities located around campus, and how to properly use them. We will also promote our project at events like the Earth Day Festival and the Sustainability Fair for CSF in October.

4. Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

To create a sustainable product, our team must first research and develop a “prototype” which works in the most efficient manner. Each station will consist of a high capacity battery pack to hold charges. Depending on location and design choice, a wind turbine or solar panel will be mounted atop the station. This power producer will be connected to a circuit system which will convert the mechanical energy of the wind, or the photovoltaic energy of solar light, into electrical power for storage in the battery. The circuit system at the station will be inside of a locked box which will be hidden from view. It will be accessible if repairs are necessary. Outlets for charging will be located on the outside of the station for student use. We might even provide Apple and Android charging plugs. The whole station will be protected by weatherproof casing, so as to block it from rain.

Another aspect of the project’s feasibility is to discover the best locations for these chargers. We will have some near buses, outside libraries, and in places like the quad or red square, where students charge while enjoying the outdoors. The goal is to provide convenient access for students. Phase one will test the product in the school environment to establish the most efficient design, and optimize the sustainability.

Our Local Projects team is lead by Maeve Harris, who has worked on wind turbine efficiency. The head of International Projects, Bryan Bednarski, worked on a project that set up charging systems for electric cars. Sage Berglund, Head of Fundraising, worked on solar cookstoves, and solar technology. EWB has mentors who can advise on large scale, technical questions.

We need to know where on campus we will be allowed to build, and place the stations. This will require us to meet and talk with UW Facility Services. We already have a relationship with them for the on campus Solar Kiln.

Engineers Without Borders is a longstanding club at UW. International Projects last at least 5 years so EWB has a record of staying with projects until they are finished. As a chapter of EWB we will finish our project and have a written analysis of the project describing how the goals have been met. As a campus community we must keep pushing forward to create sustainable systems. As part of EWB’s mission we will not only finish this project, but also keep it running sustainably. Part of our funds will be allocated to maintenance repairs.

Solar/Wind Charging Station Budget (Per station)            
Item Cost/Unit Units Total per Item      
High Capacity Lipo Battery Pack (20000 mAh) $150 2 $300.00        
Solar Panel (100 W) $100 4 $400        
Wind Turbine (450 W) $400 1 $400        
Microcontroller / power management $80 1 $80        
Printed Circuit Board / voltage divider $50 1 $50 * Can order for same price in sets of 3-4
Wiring, cabling, charge ports, connectors $100 n/a $50 * Will only need to purchase once in bulk
Analog Circuitry $20 n/a $20        
System stand $200 1 $150        
Weatherproof casing $100 1 $100        
Panel/turbine mount
$150 1 $150        
Bolts and concrete adhesive $30 1 $30        
    Total: $1,730        

If we construct 8, which is the original plan, the total will be $13,840

$500 for any unforeseen maintenance costs.

Total Cost: $14,340

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Andreas Passas (Project Lead)

Interactive Biogas Food Cart

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:

UW Campus Sustainability Fund Letter of Intent

Project title: Biogas Cookout/ Cooking Class/ Food Cart

SafeFlame is a local startup, co-founded by Kevin Cussen - a Foster School of Business evening MBA student. SafeFlame empowers families in the developing world to have clean-burning cooking fuel by providing an affordable service that converts organic waste into fuel. SafeFlame’s digesters utilize biologic process that break-down organic waste in a closed environment. The byproduct of this digestion is methane, which can be used as a fuel source to power a cookstove. The SafeFlame team has developed three potential projects, all involving cooking with biogas.

One potential project involves constructing a cart that has a cookstove installed that runs on biogas. This stove could cook hot dogs or popcorn, which could be sold at events or at high foot traffic areas of campus. We expect the research, design, construction, and operation of this project to be less than $20,000 and to provide high visibility and “teachable moments” into alternative fuel sources such as biogas.

Another potential project is a cooking class utilizing biogas. Different cooks could come in to showcase international dishes or dishes made with local, seasonal, and sustainable ingredients. The SafeFlame team is in early discussions with the UW co-op as well as several local food co-ops and farmers on the execution of this plan. The cost for this project would likely be under $10,000.

The last potential project is a biogas barbeque or cook-off event. This would be an excellent chance to showcase the utility of biogas, while testing the efficiency in a real, event-style cooking situation. For this project, the SafeFlame team would heavily engage with different groups on campus to promote the cook-off. We would work with the CSF to scope an appropriate sized “cook-off” to achieve the goals of the CSF.

1. Environmental Impact

Burning biogas has the potential for reducing environmental impact. Human activities, especially the the developed world, cause organic waste to accumulate and rot. When this waste decomposes in anaerobic environments, such as in landfills, it produces methane and other greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that is 25 times more effective at trapping solar radiation than carbon. Furthermore, in many developing countries where wood or charcoal are primary cooking fuels, the use of these fuel sources is a primary driver of deforestation and serious health issues. If more organic waste was utilized in technologies such as biodigesters, we could reduce environmental impacts from both of these sources while also providing a valuable service. Furthermore, current cooking fuels, both in the global south and global north, can have hazardous effects on the environment. Specifically, in the United States, cooking with natural gas has dubious implications for environmental sustainability, as hydraulic fracturing is associated with numerous negative effects including methane leakage and ground water contamination. Based on the active environmental community at the UW, we believe the CSF is the perfect vehicle to raise awareness of the benefits of cooking with biogas and our goal at this point is to spread awareness and build community support. 

2. Student Leadership & Involvement
The CEO of SafeFlame is an evening MBA student at the Foster School of Business. Furthermore, a large team of interdisciplinary students ranging from engineers to geographers have committed significant efforts to the SafeFlame mission over the last 18 months. Dr. Mari Winkler from the college of civil and environmental engineering is the firm’s principal investigator and the organization has close ties to several schools and organizations at the UW.

3. Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

All of our project proposals have a heavy focus on education and outreach. Though many students at the UW may have heard of biogas, they may not know the practical uses or limitations of the technology. With our project(s) we intend introduce or inform students on additional options in the cleantech space and encourage them to lead more sustainable lives. We expect this introduction may lead to a greater interest in biogas in future years and proposals focusing on sustained use of biogas at the UW.

Furthermore, the educational component of having students working with companies in the space cannot be understated.

1.     4. Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

SafeFlame is an on-going concern concentrating on the introduction of biogas as a viable business. These activities dovetail perfectly with supporting each of the above outlined projects. Business lead Kevin Cussen has years of management experience coordinating complex projects successfully and research advisor Dr. Mari Winkler has coordinated multiple research efforts in anaerobic and aerobic digestion.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Caelan

University of Washington Sustainability Action Network (UW-SAN)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $50,000

Letter of Intent:


Last Spring the Campus Sustainability Fund contributed $1,000 to the Next Systems Teach-in, which brought together more than 350 UW students, faculty, and community members interested in a sustainable campus, region and world. Over a series of discussions lasting eight hours we identified a key issue: many sustainability projects, initiatives, and groups, on campus and off, are not connecting messages and actions across projects, and therefore are not fully realizing their desired social and environmental impact. Better networking, coordination, and publicity would make a significant difference. By weaving sustainability projects into a campus network, we can grow student organizations, make them aware of each other, facilitate events that engage more students concerned about the environment, and help drive change at UW.



To create sustainable behavior change on campus at a meaningful scale we propose to build a network and resource center. The ‘SEED Center’ will offer resources to connect and catalyze sustainability groups and student activists to create collective impact beyond the sum of individual efforts. We request $50,000 for this two year social infrastructure project to support student staff in platform development, management, and organizational events. The funds will pay for development of a campus wide networking platform. The platform will have resources and contact information that link sustainability organizations, calendars of events, featured projects, news feeds, ways for students to become involved, and bridges between campus projects and the larger community. The center will provide a space to share and spread ideas, connect groups with overlapping interests, and create a living record of sustainability activities on campus. It will also host a social network map to assist groups in targeted outreach. The funds will also support convening and connecting promising leaders with other innovators working to improve social and environmental conditions,,connecting diverse student groups and departments in order to generate and share ideas across issue sectors.



The SEED Center will boost the impact of dispersed sustainability projects on campus by growing student-student and student-faculty cooperation, provide a platform for outreach and collaboration, educating community members about the importance and urgency of addressing the underlying connections between environmental and economic justice, and helping students develop paths for transformative action.


Environmental Impact: SEED offers a platform for student-led coalitions to amplify the message and actions of sustainability projects and groups, help them to be more effective in reaching their goals, and work with other groups that have overlapping interests. By combining policy with practice, the network has the potential to catalyze existing efforts and reach deeper goals in reducing the environmental footprint of UW.


Student Leadership & Involvement: There are over 50 sustainability-focused groups at UW, and over 50 social justice focused groups at UW. By providing an open access platform to bridge the gap between siloed groups, SEED will engage thousands of people in meaningful discussions and activities at the intersection of the economy, democracy, and the environment. The development and maintenance of the platform will rely on the continued involvement and outreach to campus groups, students leaders, and faculty, and will grow as campus movements gain momentum. Because SEED will be maintained by students involved in network building, SEED can evolve as needed, and remain flexible, accountable, and useful for years to come.


Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change: Similar to the grassroots campaign which created the campus sustainability fund, this project seeks to create meaningful large scale behavior change by empowering stakeholders to recognize the importance of intersectional networking and activity coordination as strategies to advance sustainability values on campus. Convenings, such as our spring teach-in, will bring together stakeholders to engage in meaningful dialogue around the intersections between issues of democracy, the environment, and the economy, with the aim of breaking silos and building interdisciplinary coalitions. The open access SEED platform will act as a vehicle for education, outreach, and behavior change, while building a living history of campus activities and their outcomes.


Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability: Rethinking Prosperity began as an undergraduate seminar and student blog aimed at understanding how to link environment, economy, and politics to create more effective understandings about sustainability.  The project has already drawn a unique mix of undergraduate and graduates students, community leaders, and faculty. This team is well positioned to make SEED a success. The Next Systems Teach-In revealed the timeliness of these topics and the broad campus interest, as reflected in sponsorship and collaboration among many diverse student and community groups such as Radical Public Health UW, United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS), Black Social Workers, MEChA, Urban@UW, Got Green, Women of Color Speak Out!,, Community to Community Development, and academic departments such as the department of History, Geography, Communications, Political Science, and Social Work. SEED will add new student leadership as funding permits, and continue to build community ties that promote accountability, grassroot support, and participation.


The Team:

Nathaniel Matthews-Trigg is a graduate student in Public Health and has been working on the design for SEED as part of his practicum project. He is a founder of Radical Public Health, Climate Justice Forum, and South Campus Organizers groups, and has identified dozens of UW organizations that will be invited to join SEED.

Lance Bennett, director of CCCE and Rethinking Prosperity, is professor of political science and communication, and has received the James A. Clowes award for development of learning communities at UW. His ties with many campus departments will help SEED grow into a sustainable learning community.

Deric Gruen, a community leader and graduate of the UW Evans School, he is a project manager for Rethinking Prosperity, and has connections to environmental groups throughout the greater Seattle area.

Caterina Rost is a political science graduate student who is writing her dissertation on how ideas about sustainability travel in society. She will help develop the SEED platform and create a publishing format and templates for affiliated organizations to use.

Emily Tasaka is an undergraduate communication major who has begun archiving publications and related projects to create a resource base for the center.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Emily Tasaka

SER-UW Whitman Nature Walk: A Pathway Through Restoration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $14,712

Letter of Intent:


Designed by students and built by students for campus wide appreciation, the Pathways Through Restoration development plan will cultivate a community of successful leaders in environmental stewardship. The Society for Ecological Restoration UW Student Chapter (SER-UW) has been working for the past five years to locate areas of the University of Washington’s campus that have become degraded in different ways and to restore them into functioning ecosystems. As part of this, we have put a great deal of effort into restoring a north campus site near McCarty Hall to a native forest ecosystem. Our active restoration of the site is approaching an end as we near completion of invasive species removal and reestablishment of a native understory. However, it is important to remember that even as the McCarty Hall site becomes self-sustaining, the mission of restoration is ongoing. With the Pathways Through Restoration project we hope to communicate the importance of environmental restoration and consistently inspire advocates for a healthier world. As the plan develops, we will lead collaboration and open-discussion among environmentally-focused groups on campus and embolden the community towards establishing an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and culture.

The Project:

Our development plan entails completing restoration on the McCarty Hall site, an achievable goal over the next two quarters. This will involve a number of native plant salvages and student work parties to finish removing invasives and plant the salvaged native plants. As this work comes to a close, we will turn the site into a community space as a tool for environmental education, a setting for relaxation, and a place to contemplate human involvement in nature. This will be accomplished with a series of pathways, benches, interpretive signage and an art installation. To further promote SER-UW and our mission of restoration, we will also host several social and educational events over the coming year. We are planning a guest lecture from a professional with ties to restoration as well as several general meetings and discussions about restoration projects.

Environmental Impact:

Restoration of the McCarty Hall site has drastically improved the landscape and ecosystem functions of the area. Prior to our group’s work the site was overgrown with non-native and invasive plants including Himalayan Blackberry, English Ivy, and Holly Trees. By removing these invasives, we have encouraged greater biological diversity on the site. Furthermore, the native plant species that we have introduced have flourished and serve to support native wildlife. However the main goal is to go beyond turning the site into a native garden and create an interactive natural area through which we can raise awareness of the value of ecology, the effects of human impact, and restoration efficacy.

Student Leadership and Involvement:

There are few opportunities like ours that empower students to take part in molding their campus. Periodic work parties bring together more than thirty new members of the UW community each quarter. We have partnered with introductory environmental classes to offer service learning credit thus incentivizing active student participation in restoration efforts. By encouraging students to help with the restoration, we foster a sense of ownership in the project. Once a student works on the site, they’re more likely to care for the land, introduce it to other students, and recognize other human impacted ecosystems. We create a space that continually welcomes new contributors and restores a sense of community.

Education and Outreach:

The site itself has already helped to build a strong community around restoration by bringing together other environmental organizations as well as volunteers from a variety of backgrounds. With the Pathways Through Restoration development plan, we hope that it will also become a community gathering space around which environmental restoration can be discussed and witnessed firsthand. This site is not solely designed to raise awareness but also to encourage participation and inspire change. Interpretive signage will provide information on the benefits of our work and the native species that have become established on the site. Through meetings and discussions held on and off the McCarty Hall site, we will further inspire environmental consciousness.

Feasibility, Accountability and Sustainability:

SER-UW includes a diverse group of students committed to this project and its success. From undergraduates in the College of Engineering to PhD students in the School of Environmental & Forest Sciences, we all feel passionately about the continued impact of our site. We gratefully acknowledge that our success has been dependant upon a number of partnerships between other groups and organizations. With help from UW Grounds Management, UW Botanic Gardens, Union Bay Natural Area, and King County Native Plant Salvage, we have cleaned up much of the McCarty site thus far. It is well on its way to being a self-sustaining natural ecosystem. With these partnerships already in place, we will be able to finish the restoration work and move forward. Our partnership with students in the Landscape Architecture department will provide us guidance on the development of the site.

Anticipated budget:

In our preliminary budget, we estimate needing $7,000 *(Budget has been reevaluated since LOI submission) to cover the costs of our proposed expansions. We are working at a quicker pace than the group ever has in the past and our budget from SEFS no longer covers our needs. This money will help us in finishing the restoration of the McCarty Hall site, increasing the infrastructure there for community engagement (i.e. benches, signs, art installation), and hosting several social and educational events to promote environmental stewardship and collaboration.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Cameron McCallum

Educational Signage + Benches for Kincaid Ravine

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,385

Letter of Intent:

Educational signage and benches for Kincaid Ravine aims to install 2 benches handmilled from leftover timber cut down by the campus arborist, and 3 12"x12" educational signs designed by UW Museology students and produced professionally by Fossil Graphics. This educational "nook" is located on the eastern perimeter of the Kincaid Ravine restoration site, and borders the Burke Gilman Trail (BGT). 

Environmental Impact

An educational nook will directly amplify the environmental impact of the Kincaid Ravine restoration project. Passersby will be able to connect the visible vegetation changes and flower blooming in the site, with written text and images that explain the purpose of these changes. It is also a technique for drawing more volunteers into the project as a way to channel the enthusiasm of the local community. 

The specific environmental themes that the 3 signs will elaborate upon include

  1. Title Sign: Includes A) title "Welcome to the Kincaid Ravine restoration project", B) <50 words of text explaining  the concept of forest restoration, native vs. invasive vegetation, C) partner logos including the CSF, Earth Corps, King Conservation District, UW Botanical Gardens, Friends of the Burke Gilman Trail
  2. Wetland Sign: ~100 words of text explaining the importance and wildlife potential of restoring this hydrologic feature. 
  3. Pollinator Garden Sign: ~100 words of text explaining the importance of native pollinators (native bees, hummingbirds, songbirds) and describing the pollinator gardens that were installed underneath the power lines (colorful spring flower bloom will be aesthetically complementary to this sign). 

Student Leadership & Involvement

This will be an excellent opportunity for students from multiple departments to work with Facilities to successfully fund, design, produce and install signage and benches.

The lead on this project will be Andrew Jauhola, a Project on the Environment capstone student that will be interning in Kincaid Ravine this winter quarter. Other students connected with the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) will be involved in supporting this project and installing the benches and signage. Matt Schwartz, the current graduate student Project Manager at Kincaid Ravine will be supporting Andrew and SER volunteers in this effort. Mueseology students Angela Mele and Kate Nowell will be designing the signs and facilitating production. 

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

Signage at this high visibility location will be an impactful tool to A) spread awareness about forest restoration ecology B) publicly recognize the partners and funders who have made this project possible.  Elisabeth McLaughlin, Architect of the Forest Segment of the BGT reconstruction, is enthusiastic about incorporating this educational nook into design plans for the new trail to optimize the chance for pedestrians and bicyclists to take a rest off the trail and learn about the restoration project.
Many Kincaid Ravine work party volunteers are used to students, local community members  and BGT users approaching to ask more about the project, or to comment on the visible success. Signage will legitimize the restoration by deeming it official, and the benches will be a chance to invite these curious passersby to become part of this natural oasis for a few minutes. This connection to nature can be invaluable for urban dwellers.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

Precedence for bench production and installation by SER at the Whitman Walk restoration site has facilitated the process for connecting with the UW Facilities Maintenance and Construction department to implement this project.  Ed Mckinley of UW Facilities has met with Matt Schwartz and is setting aside hazard tree timber that has been cut on campus for this project. The sustainability factor of keeping dead wood on campus is marked. Rather than importing produced benches, or selling this lumber off campus, these downed trees will live out there life span on campus. We aspire to further smooth out this process in order to encourage more student projects to utilize UW timber for benches around campus.

This project was approved by Landscape Architect Kristine Kenney, with the parameters that sign size would be small, signs would remain low to the ground, and all installed items could be moved if need be.

A continuity of signage and bench design for Whitman Walk and Prairie Rain Garden will create an educational flow of environmental concepts throughout the campus. All three projects will be working with the same designers and production company to achieve this flow. In the case of future 'green tours of campus' this will create a connected culture of outreach.

The benches are fixed in the ground, each with 2 long galvanized metal stakes. The benches are extremely heavy but can be moved as necessary. A chain with I-hooks will ensure that they are not stolen. They will eventually decompose in their natural process but will maintain their function for decades.

The signage is made of phenolic resin with a 10 year graffiti proof warranty (Fossil Industries). The signs will be solidly mounted on a single post, and can be moved if needed. 

    received Email estimate  
  Production costs 238.00+ shipping +hardware 238
  Tax 9.60% 22.84
  Shipping estimate 100
  Hardware estimate 750
    choose from hardware options.   
    1/2" has threaded holes in back for "blind mounting"  
  Design labor 14 hrs @ $60 = $840 840
  Proof printing 15 15
  Total 3 Signs 12"x12" 1965.84
  Bench production + delivery x 1 708
  Total 2 benches   1416
  Sum Total    3381.84

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Andrew Jauhola

2017 TSA Night Market Recycling Program

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $999

Letter of Intent:

Project Summary

The UW Night Market has been an event held in Red Square every year since 2001. It is one of the Taiwanese Student Association’s signature events and easily the largest in scale in terms of people. The event recreates traditional night markets in Taiwan and is centered around food. Last year, we had 24 total vendors. Every year, this event creates large amounts of waste that isn’t properly disposed of by guests; this year, we plan to create a recycling plan that alleviates this issue.

The plan is based on ZeeWee, a Zero Waste Event. The goal is to heavily reduce waste with a three-step process. First: replace all food containers with recyclable ones. Some containers are vendor specific and will require funds to replace in house. The second step is to eliminate bottled water and replace them with water stations and recyclable cups, which will also require funds. The third step is to assign waste reduction tasks to staff and volunteers. These tasks will include monitoring garbage disposal bins to ensure proper sorting, after event cleanup, etc. Most importantly, the plan will require a radical redesign that will ensure a greener Night Market but will severely strain our already tight budget.

Environmental Impact

With around 6000 people per year visiting the UW Night Market and 24 vendors, there is a large amount of waste being generated. By working closely with vendors and supervising trash containers, waste should be reduced by at least half and recycling increased by an even larger margin. This isn’t a plan that will be implemented once. The 2017 Night Market will set a precedent for all following Night Markets.

Student Leadership and Involvement

The UW Night Market is primarily run by the Taiwanese Student Association officers, a group of 45 dedicated students. There is also a sizable number of volunteers that help out with the event. These volunteers come from various backgrounds; some are members of other UW RSO’s or are students at nearby high schools. Overall, student involvement is prominent. Every year TSA is excited to see so many people participating in the creation of Night Market.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The hope is for event-goers and our officers to become more conscientious and aware of the consequences caused by the waste we generate. It is hoped that such a mentality will be adopted in the day-to-day lives of those involved in Night Market, and that the effects will extend beyond TSA events, but to the events of other on-campus organizations.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

TSA is a longstanding organization (founded in 1946) that has received multiple RSO rewards. Besides its reputation, TSA is credited with holding multiple large events annually, including a singing competition, semi-formal, and the aforementioned Night Market. A zero waste event is a challenge that we are willing to take on and have confidence in fulfilling considering our vast experience in event planning. TSA is confident in its ability to use CSF monies in a responsible manner.


Seeing as night market serves 6,000 people, a conservative estimate for reusable water stations would be $500. Food containers would cost an additional $500. TSA requests $1000 to make this a reality.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Anne Wu

Apiary for the UW Farm

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $337

Letter of Intent:

Project Description:

The UW farm has built a fenced off area near the new pollinator hedge rows with the purpose of maintaining an active, educational bee hive. The enclosure is complete and all that is left is to set up an apiary for the bees to live in. We are asking for $337.70 dollars to buy a complete apiary and bee keeping kit from a local vendor in order to house our hive.

Environmental Impact:

Honey bee populations are currently in steep decline. Between 2015 and 2016 alone, 44% of beehives were struck with colony collapse. There are a number of environmental factors that contributor to colony collapse such as the use of harmful pesticides on neighboring crops. As an educational farm that serves the larger UW community and interacts with thousands of students each year, the UW farm has the ability to inform students of this affliction. Moreover the UW farm has begun to provide educational opportunities to the greater Seattle community and has the ability to inform a large group of people a out bee-safe practices and hobby beekeeping.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

The UW farm currently holds student leadership roles for each operational aspect of the farm. For instance, there is a student in charge of mushrooms on the farm, a student in charge of chicken acquisition and so on. The addition of a bee keeping program on the farm would open a new leadership role on the farm of the "bee manager." This student would be in charge of coordinating care for the bees and maintaining their population on the farm. The bee manager would also be responsible for making sure the hive was available for educational purposes such as field/class trips.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

The UW farm hosts class trips for a number of UW classes, as well as volunteer and student leadership positions. The addition of a bee hive at the farm would provide the opportunity to inform these students about one of the most serious environmental issues of our time first hand, bee population decline. Having giving students hand-on interactions with these insects helps to alleviate fears regarding bees and increase the understanding their incredible importance in the field of agriculture and beyond.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

This project is being backed by professor Evan Sugdan of the biology department. Prof. Sugdan is an entomologist who has been teaching and practicing beekeeping for many years. Prof Sugdan has offered to supply students who he has personally trained in beekeeping to teach UW farm workers how it is done. Prof Sugdan will also be utilizing the UW farm hive in his bee keeping classes, and will therefore be helping to maintain it. As mentioned before, the secured area and enclosure for the hive has already been built. If this grant money is received, there will be no follow up expenses, this is a one-time request for the funds to buy an apiary. As soon as funds are acquired, the UW farm will purchase and pick up the apiary from the Ballard bee company in Seattle, WA.


  • Basic Beginner Kit – Ballard Bee Company - $307
  • Sales Tax – Washington State – $30.7
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Emily Schwartz

Greek Community Energy Challenge

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

The purpose of the Greek Community Energy Challenge is to make the Greek community an alternate living option that is just as sustainable or more sustainable than the dorms. As a Greek community, we are striving to make UW’s community be competitive nationally in sustainability. We hope to expand the Energy Challenge and in the future start a competition between dorms, campus buildings, and the Greek community, as demonstrated by Greek communities at other schools.

The students of the Green Greek Representative Program believe in taking the first step towards creating a sustainable and renewable community for the whole Greek community to share. We are an entirely student led organization containing of representatives of the 2300+ women in sororities, and the 2100+ men in fraternities here at the University of Washington. We believe in the education of all members of the Greek community in becoming more knowledgeable about the ways in which we can preserve our society for ourselves and future generations. One idea that we are focusing on is developing and implementing an IFC mandate that all houses must have an executive sustainability chair. This would help in encouraging all houses to participate in the push to become more sustainable for years to come.

Our project could educate up to 5,000 undergrad students at the University of Washington living in the Greek community about energy saving techniques. Our Greek community has a strong and prominent presence across campus and is capable of influencing and educating other students about lessons learned from the energy challenge. Education will lead to behavior change when people understand how their action might be costing them money that they could be easily saving. We would advertise the challenge via posters and in doing so create and gain awareness of how to use energy sources sustainably. It is time for the Greek community to have a larger involvement in environmental issues and how to solve them; the Energy Challenge would be a great starting point for gaining involvement in a new and innovative way. This project directly encourages behavior change through encouragement and keeping other members in check, and makes people rethink the unsustainable way we currently use energy in our chapter houses. We would also provide resources, tips and materials on ways that chapters could reduce their energy consumption.

Sean Schmidt, the sustainability specialist, is our main advisor, and we are receiving guidance from environmental staff at UW such as Kristi Strauss and other Seattle stakeholders such as Sally Hulsman from Seattle Public Utilities and Elizabeth Szorad from Recology. For this project, we need energy bills, consisting of electricity and heat, from each participating chapter house. We already have access to some heating and energy bills from certain chapters, so we can assume that we can get bills from other chapters with ease. Members of our team have already been working to implement sustainability changes in their respective chapter houses, including switching out faucets for low-flow alternatives, installing motion detectors for lights in common rooms, and switching out fluorescent lights for LED alternatives. Ten chapters will participate, so we expect to pay $120 per chapter per year for a total of $1200 for Wegowise, the utility tracking program, and then $300 for rewards for the winner of the competition. In addition to the grant, we are requiring chapters that want to participate to pay $50, for a total of $500 dollars that will go towards paying the rest of the Wegowise fund and the reward. After we get approved for the grant, we will go around to chapters who have agreed to participate and collect their utility bills in the first week of winter quarter. The second week of winter quarter we will begin tracking the utility data and continue to monitor the data through winter quarter. The first week of spring quarter we will start the challenge by giving tips to participating chapters. We will update the chapters on how they are doing in the competition throughout the quarter, and we will wrap up the competition around the 8th week of spring quarter, by distributing prizes to the winners.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jane Green

Increasing drought tolerance of campus lawns with endophytes

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:


In the United States turf grass has an estimated surface area three times greater than any other irrigated crop (163,812 km^2). Establishment and maintenance of turf grass require high inputs, especially in regard to nitrogen and water (Milesi et al., 1995). Chemical fertilizers can be detrimental to the environment and to the long term health of soils. With global warming at the forefront of scientific research, it is imperative that alternative, environmentally friendly lawn care systems are implemented.

The University of Washington has over 161 acres of turf grass.  Grounds maintenance, at the University applies a custom, slow release nitrogen fertilizer (F-6 Wil-Grow Wil-Cote Custom-CFM 25-0-5) for all turf applications. In 2015, 8,620 pounds of fertilizer were applied on campus. We are looking into the possibility of lowering this number as well as increasing its sustainability practices. Currently, one of the main goals of ground management is to review ways that can decrease the carbon footprint of the University. Revising the fertilizer plan for the lawns is a potentially important step for grounds management to undertake.

Endophytes, micro-organisms that live within plants, have the potential to lower the need for these chemical fertilizers. Two ways that endophytes can accomplish this are by fixing nitrogen and by producing plant growth hormones. Nitrogen gas is the main constituent of the atmosphere, but it is unattainable by plants in its gas form. Endophytes are able to convert this atmospheric dinitrogen gas into ammonium, a usable plant product (Knoth, Kim, Ettl, & Doty, 2014). Endophytes can also decrease the need for chemical fertilizers by producing the plant growth hormones indole acetic acid (Beyeler, Keel, Michaux, & Haas, 1999), and cytokinin (Timmusk, Nicander, Granhall, & Tillberg, 1999).

This research attempts to quantify the effects of endophytes on turf grass in the field. Biomass, photosynthesis, weed suppression, leaf color, and drought tolerance will be measured. After the research is completed, an evaluation will be conducted to assess whether the inoculation of the campus lawns with endophytes is a viable replacement for the current chemical fertilizer plan at the University of Washington.

Literature Review:

In the greenhouse, water stressed perennial rye grasses inoculated with endophytes were taller, stayed green and lived for longer than the non-inoculated control. The inoculated plants had 60% higher root and 48% higher shoot biomass than the non-inoculated control (Khan, Guelich, Phan, Redman, & Doty, 2012). A wild poplar (Populus trichocarpa) endophytic bacterium (WPB) was found to have an enzyme, nitrogenase, that is associated with nitrogen fixation. WPB inoculated and non-inoculated Kentucky bluegrass were grown in nitrogen-free mediums. The inoculated plants had 42% more dry weight and 37% more nitrogen than the non-inoculated control (Xin, Zhang, Kang, Staley, & Doty, 2009).

Materials and Methods:

This research will focus on answering the following questions about the effects of endophytes on turf grass:  1) What would be the economic and environmental costs for the University of Washington to inoculate their turf grass with endophytes?   2) Does endophyte inoculations effect the health and growth of turf grass? 3) Does endophytes inoculations help to suppress weed growth? 4) Does endophyte inoculations increase drought tolerance?

There will be ten different treatments looking at the effects of applying endophytes on the lawns on campus. Each treatment will be completed in a 3’ by 3’ plot. Plots will be established at the Center for Urban Horticulture. If needed plots will be hand weeded and seeded in the spring of 2017.  Scotts Sun and Shade mix, the turf grass used on campus, will be utilized in this study. Endophytes will be applied using a back-pack sprayer immediately after mowing.

Budget and Timeline:

The research will begin in the spring of 2017. The majority of the 1000 dollars will be applied to hiring a student intern to establish the plots and take measurements throughout the year. Around 50 dollars will be spent on media to grow the endophytes on. The project will be undertaken for around two to three years. If the research shows promise we will apply for a new grant and grounds management will apply endophytes onto the lawns throughout the entire campus. Thousands of gallons of water and thousands of pounds of fertilizer could potentially be saved from being applied to the lawns.


  • Beyeler, M., Keel, C., Michaux, P., & Haas, D. (1999). Enhanced production of indole-3-acetic acid by a genetically modi ¢ ed strain of Pseudomonas £ uorescens CHA0 a ¡ ects root growth of cucumber , but does not improve protection of the plant against Pythium root rot. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 28, 225–233.
  • Khan, Z., Guelich, G., Phan, H., Redman, R., & Doty, S. (2012). Bacterial and Yeast Endophytes from Poplar and Willow Promote Growth in Crop Plants and Grasses. ISRN Agronomy, 2012, 1–11.
  • Knoth, J. L., Kim, S. H., Ettl, G. J., & Doty, S. L. (2014). Biological nitrogen fixation and biomass accumulation within poplar clones as a result of inoculations with diazotrophic endophyte consortia. New Phytologist, 201(2), 599–609.
  • Milesi, C., Elvidge, C. D., Dietz, J. B., Tuttle, B. T., Nemani, R. R., & Running, S. W. (1995). a Strategy for Mapping and Modeling the Ecological Effects of Us Lawns.
  • Timmusk, S., Nicander, B., Granhall, U., & Tillberg, E. (1999). Cytokinin production by Paenibacillus polymyxa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 31(13), 1847–1852.
  • Xin, G., Zhang, G., Kang, J. W., Staley, J. T., & Doty, S. L. (2009). A diazotrophic, indole-3-acetic acid-producing endophyte from wild cottonwood. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 45(6), 669–674.

Thank you for your consideration!

Michael Bradshaw
Ph.D. Student, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington
Integrated Pest Management and Sustainability Coordinator: Grounds Management

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Michael Bradshaw

Surviving Catastrophe: Public Health and Solidarity in an Era of Climate Change

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $550

Letter of Intent:

Our Registered Student Organization, Radical Public Health, is planning an event titled "Surviving Catastrophe: Public Health and Solidarity in an Era of Climate Change". We are organizing this event because we believe that, in the current political context, it is more important than ever to have honest, unapologetic discussions about the root causes and myriad dangers of climate change while we, as students, prepare to inherit this future. The event, which is free and open to the public, is scheduled for 3/1 from 5pm-7:30pm in SCC 316, and will consist of a lecture by Rob Wallace, a scholar based at the University of Minnesota, followed by a panel discussion led by four speakers from the Seattle-based activist group Women of Color Speak Out. We are requesting $550 from CSF in order to increase the diversity of views presented and backgrounds represented at our event by inviting more speakers from Women of Color Speak Out.

Rob's lecture is titled "Capitalocene Park: Lucrative Risks in Neoliberal Public Health", and will focus on threats to public health and other dangers of climate change in the context of John Bellamy Foster and Jason Moore's debate over the effects of capitalism on nature (and more specifically on influenza and other pathogens). Rob is an evolutionary biologist and public health phylogeographer who has published dozens of articles on agriculture, infections, ecological resilience, and dialectical biology. In 2013 and 2014, he gave four popular seminars at UW’s Jackson School and Simpson Center. 

The Women of Color Speak Out discussion panel will be an interactive session focused on climate change, its connection to systems of oppression, and intersectional activism. The panelists from Women of Color Speak Out are Sarra Tekola, Afrin Sopariwala, Yin Yu, and Zarna Joshi. Sarra Teokla is a scientist and activist who works on the intersecting movements of Black Lives Matter, mass incarceration, and climate justice. Afrin Sopariwala is a climate justice activist who brings spiritual activism and an intersectional framework to the mainstream climate movement. Yin Yu is a systems practitioner who creates spaces that allow for connection and exploration. In her work, she searches for patterns, paradoxes, and leverage points in complex systems. Zarna Joshi is a writer, organizer and public speaker who has published books on Hindu spirituality, self-examination, and cross-cultural understanding. She frequently appears in the media to provide perspectives on climate justice and social justice. Women of Color Speak Out have presented at a number of public and private spaces around Seattle; their public events have each been attended by around 200 people.

Our event will provide a space for radical perspectives focused on the structural causes of the climate crisis, including our economic system and neocolonialism. We believe that audience members will come away from the event with a deeper understanding of the root causes of the crisis, as well as concrete steps for participating in climate justice activism in Seattle. This consciousness-raising effort may increase the sustainability of the practices of attendees, including UW students, by encouraging them to, e.g., re-examine their consumption patterns in light of this improved understanding of the role of economic systems in changing our climate.

Our specific goals for the event are to:

  1. Contribute to the debate on the root causes of climate change by incorporating diverse and radical viewpoints in order to inform the conversations on healthy and sustainable alternatives.
  2. Expand the discussion on the social determinants of health and their relation to economy, power and the environment under 21st century globalization.
  3. Create a creative and engaging space by students and for students, in collaboration with other members from Seattle and UW’s community.

Radical Public Health will leverage its broad base to draw students, faculty, and staff to the event from a variety of departments across campus; our listserv currently contains nearly 400 hundred members from UW and the broader Seattle community. We will be printing posters as well as attempting to include our event in newsletters such as the SPH News Catcher. Moreover, our sponsors GPSS and ASUW have offered to advertise the event through their networks.

Our RSO advisor, Phil Hunt, has supervised us throughout the planning process. We have already received a majority of our required funding from GPSS, ASUW, and the Alumni Association Fund, but are requesting $550 from CSF so we can invite four panelists from Women of Color Speak Out and rent two more microphones. Our complete budget is below:

Expense Cost  Notes
Rob Wallace $1,400  $1000 Honorarium and $400 flight
4 Speakers, Women of Color Speak Out $1,000  $250 per speaker
Event Space, SOCC 316 $300  $90/hr for room

 $120 for 2 wired microphones

Print advertising $100  
         Funding currently received $2,250  From GPSS, ASUW, and UWAA
Total requested from CSF $550  

As for our timeline, we have been planning this event since the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year. It will take place on the evening of March 1st, 2017, from 5 to 7:30.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Nicholas Graff

Ballo Conservatio: Dance Conservation (Photography Piece)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $7,000

Letter of Intent:

March 28, 2016

Campus Sustainability Fund Committee:

As the world evolves humans are slowly beginning to understand the disturbing impact their carbon footprint has on the planet’s resources. How can we grow this understanding? How can we lure individuals into thinking differently about the sustenance of our home, The Earth? I believe an effective way to increase the public’s awareness of sustainability is to change its perception of a person’s relationship to the planet. Art can do that. Art can change perceptions. It can create unexpected relationships. Art can take common notions and change them into evocative images.


The University of Washington is a gorgeous campus surrounded by the beauty of a wide range of ecosystems that require the care and attention of the university’s students, faculty, staff and organizations. The grounds are well maintained and respected. The educational activities that take place on the campus are held in highest regard. But how can we bring the inner workings of every day into sharper focus? Are all Huskies thinking as responsibly and thoroughly about recycling, consumption and more environmentally sensitive alternatives in their daily living activities?


The proposed project is a series of still photographic works that will be showcased permanently across campus in a variety of venues for the UW population to view. The exhibit will be a walking series that will reach beyond one building or one gallery––rather, reaching in all directions across campus. Celebrated local photographer, Steve Korn, and choreographer and graduate student, Joseph Blake, will team up to work with UW undergraduate dance majors to create powerful visual moments of humans interacting with renewable resources––such as paper, water, recyclable dishware, etc. As is clearly evident in the accompanying images by Korn, he knows how to make inanimate objects come alive and he masterfully engages the viewer on an intimate, human level with texture, light and shadow.



Many individuals are extremely conscientious about the role they play in sustainability. Others are less engaged, or have never been galvanized to be actively involved. This project is aimed at the latter two groups of individuals–– the people who have been caught by the current arguments about the need for sustainability. This project puts a human face on the issue. It will be looking in a graphic, human language at how a person may be lured into thinking about recycling, consumption and environmentally responsible behavior.  This project literally looks at sustainability through a different lens.


During my initial three quarters as a graduate student the UW, I have been studying and pondering issues of cultural and economic inequity, dance for diverse populations and human anatomy. Both on and off campus, I have established liaisons with teachers and activists in several areas including Dance for Parkinson's disease, Yoga Behind Bars, Dance and Autism, and Dance and Disabilities. I am a humanist, and activist and an artist. I am an ardent believer in the importance of socially responsible actions and the sustenance of our environment.


The final outcome of this proposed project is an aesthetic reminder of humans’ responsibilities to the planet, the campus and the community. The series will raise issues of sustainability that encourage recycling, connect the effect of humans’ involvement to nature and cultivate awareness our planet earth as home.

The culmination of the project will be a three set series of six photos that will be displayed at the Suzzallo Library, HUB and Meany Hall Theatre Lobby. These venues have been selected for the volume of students and faculty that travel through these establishments on a daily basis. For each series there will be an observational sheet and “drop box” that will allow for gallery strollers to reflect upon their interpretation of the work provided, as well as contribute solutions for why they feel the arts and community can better affect change in hopes of success for sustainability on campus.

Prior to the reveal of the photo series there will be a reception for university and community members to attend that will provide information about campus sustainability, a meet and greet with the photographer, Steve Korn, and graduate adviser/choreographer, jo Blake, as well as a performative collaboration with the dancers from the shoot about campus sustainability. This performance reception will unite many organizations and programs directly in hopes of sparking interests between the university/community members and the arts fields.


The proposed project is absolutely possible and necessary to provide a new and unique way to collaborate the arts, community and the concept of sustainability. With the provided sponsorship from the Dance Program and faculty sponsor, Hannah Wiley, a statement of community effort comes into existence. The idea is not what will this change do for myself, but how will change effect the community and the resources that we, as products of the planet, use on a daily basis. The project will be an artistic endeavor that will span a period of a month considering the time it will take to shoot, edit and frame. The projected costs for an exhibit as such will cost approximately $7000 when taking into account photographer, dancers and the technical aspects for a photo shoot.

The project is to be finalized and ready for premiere by celebrations of Sustainability Month in October of 2016


If there are any further questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact me.

Joseph Blake (Choreographer/Dancer/Artistic Coordinator)



Steve Korn (Photographer)

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Joseph Blake

Engaging Students and Public in Marine Conservation Through Sustainable Shellfish Aquaculture

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $20,000

Letter of Intent:

The UW School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences (SAFS) is home to some of the world's leading experts in shellfish biology, genetics, and disease ecology. Faculty and students are actively engaged in applied research to inform and improve shellfish aquaculture and restoration. Shellfish aquaculture is major economic driver in Washington and the Pacific Northwest region, supporting over 3,200 jobs and contributing over $270 million per year to rural and coastal economies ( Shellfish, in turn, act as natural filters, improving water quality while creating habitat for other aquatic species. Unfortunately, despite the positive impacts of shellfish research at SAFS, there are few, if any, opportunities for students to experience shellfish farming first-hand. The goal of the proposed project is to establish a student-run shellfish farm at Big Beef Creek, a SAFS field research site on Washington’s Hood Canal. The proposed project specifically addresses all four criteria set by the Campus Sustainability Fund RFP.


The UW Shellfish Farm is modeled after the UW Campus Farm in Seattle, in which students rotate and share the responsibilities of operating a sustainable food production system under the guidance of experts. Shellfish “seed” –i.e. juvenile oysters and clams - will be acquired from partners at the Puget Sound Restoration Fund and Taylor Shellfish Inc., and deployed in the field. After approximately one year, market-size shellfish will be harvested and sold through campus eateries and a subscription service offered to the UW community. Like the UW campus, revenue generated through product sales will be directed towards maintenance, and the repayment of loans associated with start-up costs. It is our goal that the shellfish farm be self-sustaining. We propose to draw upon the cumulative expertise of SAFS faculty, industry and conservation partners to ensure the farm is properly designed, built and maintained. Support from the Campus Sustainability Fund will be directed towards the initial cost of grow-out equipment and shellfish seed, as well as the development of outreach and environmental monitoring programs.

Environmental Impact:

The Farm will be located at Big Beef Creek Field Research Station, a 400-acre site owned by the University and administered by SAFS. Big Beef is comprised of a flowing freshwater creek, salt marsh, mud flats and other prime shellfish habitat. Wild populations of Pacific oyster, geoduck clam and other shellfish currently thrive at Big Beef, attesting to the suitability of the site for our project. The aquaculture system we propose to install is low impact, and poses minimal threat existing natural resources. Rather, enhanced shellfish populations in Big Beef Creek will result in reductions in turbidity, reduced nitrogenous wastes, and improved habitat for invertebrates and juvenile fish. We propose to implement a monitoring system to quantify the ecosystem impacts of shellfish aquaculture (see “Outreach”).

Student Leadership & Involvement:

The UW Shellfish Farm was conceived by several SAFS graduate students, and will remain a student-led and -operated venture. The Farm will provide opportunities for multiple levels of student involvement, but will rely upon a sufficient base level of available labor. To minimize risk associated with under-staffing, the size of the Farm will be scaled appropriately to match the level of student participation. We are currently building our network of Faculty and Industry advisors to ensure we abide by business “best practices” in this regard.

Education, Outreach & Behavior Change:

Shellfish aquaculture is sustainable as it requires no food inputs; shellfish derive nutrients by filtering phytoplankton from the water column. As such, shellfish aquaculture is intrinsically linked to estuarine health. The proposed project will serve as a natural teaching laboratory for topics pertaining to water quality, estuarine ecology and climate change impacts. We propose to conduct outreach through several channels. First, we will develop a monitoring system for estuarine health. Specifically, we will monitor bacterial levels, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and other water quality metrics to quantify the long-term impacts of the Farm on Big Beef Creek. Data from our monitoring program will be incorporated into ongoing SAFS research and disseminated to the scientific community and general public.

Second, we propose to develop several experiential outreach programs for UW students, local K-12 schools, and the general public. Curricula will focus on estuarine biodiversity, marine pathogens, and the impacts of ocean acidification on marine invertebrates. SAFS graduate students and Faculty currently conduct research in these areas, and will lead educational outings on the farm during low tides. UW students volunteering on the farm will have a unique immersive opportunity to experience the estuarine environment.

Finally, the Farm will serve as a field site for ongoing SAFS shellfish research. Carolyn Friedman (SAFS), an advisor on the proposed project, is currently leading an investigation into the genetic basis for “resistance” to ocean acidification in the Pacific oyster.

Feasibility, Accountability and Sustainability:

Establishing and maintaining a shellfish farm is a large undertaking, but one for which the applicants are prepared. Two of the graduate students leading the proposal have experience working in oyster aquaculture. In addition, the proposed initiative benefits from the technical supervision of four SAFS core faculty, one SAFS Post-doc, and several industry experts, including the 30-year owner/operator of a successful shellfish aquaculture operation. We will continue to meet with SAFS administrators and University personnel responsible for the use of Big Beef Creek, as well as Food Service personnel involved in the distribution of seafood products. SAFS currently employs a full-time caretaker at Big Beef Creek who will monitor the project when students are not present.

We are in the process of developing formal partnerships between the UW Shellfish Farm and Washington Sea Grant (WASG), Puget Sound Restoration Fund, and Taylor Shellfish Inc. We are seeking financial and material support from all three sources that will supplement awards received from the Campus Sustainability Fund.


The UW Shellfish farm will provide a unique opportunity for students and the public to experience a globally-important means of sustainable food production, while learning about the effects of human disturbance and climate change on the marine ecosystem.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Daniel Gillon

A New Home for UW Biodiesel Cooperative: Construction of Permanent Lab Space

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $89,682

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington Biodiesel Cooperative is an undergraduate-led student organization that was established in 2010 as a way for students to become more involved in waste management and alternative energy through hands-on engineering experience. Currently, the UW Housing and Food Services sells their used cooking oil to the alternative energy company, Sequential Pacific, which transports the oil from Seattle to Portland, Oregon to be refined into biodiesel. The biodiesel is then transported to Seattle to be placed on the market.

The UW Biodiesel Cooperative offers an alternative to this production method by the establishment of a closed loop system, in which the waste that is generated from on-campus restaurants is refined on campus, and then sold back to the campus community to be reused in transportation vehicles and other engines as an alternative to petroleum based diesel fuel. With the support of the Campus Sustainability Fund, the Biodiesel Cooperative aims to build a full scale biodiesel production facility on the grounds of Campus Motor Fleet property. This new facility will be modeled out of a large shipping container, and will contain a functioning biodiesel reactor that converts the waste cooking oil generated by the campus restaurants into biodiesel.

In order to make this a reality, we will need financial support to cover the expense of building, permitting, and supplies. We will be in cooperation with Mark Miller and Ashley Kangas in the University Capitol Projects Office, and will also be collaborating with Mark Murray at the Environmental Health and Safety department to ensure that all safety codes and regulations are fulfilled.

When compiled, these costs are substantial, and so we are proposing sponsorship of $85,000 to cover our startup expenses. Approximately $40,000 of this cost will cover the shipping container design and purchase, $20,000 will cover foundation and land preparation and the remaining costs will go to permitting and salaries for architects, inspections and planning services.

Supporting the UW Biodiesel Co-Op will achieve the goals of the Campus Sustainability Fund by reducing emissions, eliminating waste, transitioning away from petroleum diesel and educating the community on alternative and green initiatives. The use of biodiesel relieves environmental impact on the University of Washington and the community as a whole by reducing carbon emissions, reducing fossil fuel use, and recycling waste oil into a useful resource.

We aspire to increase recycling on campus by reducing reliance on pollution-generating modes of transportation. Biodiesel emits 78% less greenhouse gases than diesel fuel. Combustion of biodiesel additionally provides a 56% reduction of hydrocarbon emissions and shows a significant reduction in carbon monoxide when compared with conventional diesel fuel (, bringing the University of Washington one step closer to being a carbon neutral organization.

The cooperative also provides University of Washington students with the unique opportunity to combine green energy management with engineering innovation. Built and driven entirely by undergraduates, the group promotes interest and education in the field of green energy engineering by involving students in a rich learning experience. Students proactively meet on a regular basis throughout the school year and engage in multiple activities that prepare them for future careers in the green energy field. Currently, the cooperative engages students by teaching them the basics to making and designing a functioning biodiesel reactor, and helps train them in lab safety procedures and experiment planning. In addition we have a team that works to help secure support and resources from various groups on campus and in the community.

With a functioning lab, the student experience will be even further enriched by enabling them to run diagnostic tests, design processes from the ground up, and test procedures to ensure that our product is safe and environmentally friendly. In addition, by securing permanent lab space for the organization, we can ensure that waste oil produced by the university is handled responsibly and in an environmentally conscious way.

The Biodiesel Cooperative will enrich the local community by providing education about the biodiesel industry and using waste vegetable oil as an alternative fuel source. In the past, the Cooperative has provided education to local high school science classrooms about the benefits of using biodiesel, and has reached out to local community colleges to provide a collaborative effort in alternative energy education. The Cooperative is also reaching out in an international context by connecting with a project in Jamaica that aims to produce biodiesel through the waste cooking oil generated by resort hotels.

With a functioning reactor on campus, the cooperative can enhance this involvement by hosting informational sessions at our facility. Currently, we visit schools and tell them about waste oil conversion, but with a permanent space, we will be able to invite them to visit instead and actually see biodiesel made, from collection to engine. We believe that this type of hands-on experience is essential in building the future of environmentally conscious and green-thinking engineers. With the availability of a full scale lab space, the Biodiesel Cooperative will be able to inspire and enrich the undergraduate community by providing an impactful experience which will encourage students to pursue career paths in sustainable engineering. Students who are engaged in our project gain an understanding of alternative energy production, research, and commercialization, and leave our program better prepared to make a positive difference in the future of energy and sustainability.

The UW Biodiesel Cooperative would be honored to receive the support of the Campus Sustainability Fund in their pursuit of a greener campus through the establishment of a permanent biodiesel production facility.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Group Inactive

Sustainable Stormwater Coordinator

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $15,102

Letter of Intent:


Creation of the Sustainable Stormwater Coordinator (SSC) position aims to designate a SEFS research assistant appointment to spread awareness about and physically improve stormwater treatment on campus. This will be accomplished by investigating the current quantity and quality of campus stormwater, analyzing a suite of suitable water management tools, and building a collaborative student-faculty-administration approach to this pressing issue. In sum, this project will seek concrete and actionable runoff strategies, informed by water quality testing of discharges from parking lots, rooftops and sports fields.

Presently, several campus stormwater projects have begun the conversation about responsibly handling our fresh water resource at UW.  However, the importance of unifying a campus-wide stormwater strategy is urgent, in line with the UW core value of “setting the bar well above merely complying with laws and standards”. The SSC will unite disparate stormwater efforts at UW and channel student efforts towards practical and feasible solutions. For example, the SSC will work directly with Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS) to expedite progress towards project implementation. Additionally, through the involvement of a supportive and engaged team of undergraduates, graduate students and faculty, the position will strongly emphasize educational and outreach aspects. This position has precedence for CSF funding, as set by the CPO “Sustainability Intern”, which compiled energy data to inform best practice LEED building certification for UW. The SSC position will likewise develop a baseline of information, which is critical to direct successful present and future student projects.    

A comprehensive feasibility study will analyze the most practical, effective and cost-efficient innovations that can be designed on campus to reduce stormwater quantity and improve water quality. The RA position and the study will be overseen by hydrology Professor Susan Bolton. The study will be executed in consultation with campus Engineer James Morin, Landscape Architect Kristine Kenney, and Grounds Manager Howard Nakase. Feasibility study specifically includes:

  1. Preliminary assessment of stormwater hotspots through selective water quality and soil testing for organic and inorganic pollutants, at key stormwater drainages. Tests for pH, alkalinity, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, will be prioritized.
  2. Campus wide stormwater web resource, summarizing pollution impact on Portage/Union Bays, analysis of current stormwater project strengths and pitfalls (including past/present CSF projects). Develop a GIS layer map of campus-wide pollution hotspots, impervious surfaces and potential future mitigation locations.
  3. Design of a reproducible, best practice and cost-effective bio-retention model that can be adapted in multiple spots around campus. This can serve as a guiding example for the rising number of students aspiring to develop campus stormwater projects.


A total of 27,000 gallons of stormwater are produced as runoff from a one-acre parking lot, after one inch of rain. In UW parking lots, stormwater picks up oil, grease, metals and coolants from vehicles, and it proceeds largely untreated into Portage Bay and Lake Washington. Other impervious surfaces, like roofs, compound the quantity of overland runoff and inhibit on-site infiltration.

Typical stormwater systems address water quantity and flooding concerns, but ignore water quality. This project will investigate the most pressing water pollution sources on campus and develop a reproducible model for treating polluted runoff from key parking lots and roofs.


The SSC is a permanent position that will provide a forum for students to develop the skill set and knowledge base to pursue projects related to water use and waste, including exposure to important local organizations and partnership opportunities in the Seattle restoration community. A multi-disciplinary core group of graduate students, which meets bi-weekly in Anderson 107-C, will provide support to the SSC, including communication and networking, outreach and education, and assistance in water and soil  testing.

The core student group has identified ‘Continued Accountability’ as a primary objective, and envisioned the student RA position through SEFS. Department administrator Wendy Star has agreed to serve as budget administrator for the SCC project should it be approved by CSF. The creation of this position has the written support of HSS, 12,000 Rain Gardens, Puget Soundkeeper, the Plant Microbiology Laboratory, and phytoremediation Professor Sharon Doty. Supporting letters from each will be included in the CSF proposal.


Outreach via social media outlets and a blog will have a key place in communicating this project to the student body. Integration into classes for University credit through SEFS and graduate projects for the Masters in Environmental Horticulture are both possible.

The ongoing SSC position will help to coordinate student stormwater efforts over the long-term, channel communication between students and admin through one informed and capable liason, and collaborate with off-campus entities to establish UW’s leadership in the greater stormwater community.

By having this stormwater point person, combined with regular meetings, water projects around campus will begin to unite, heighten impact through symbiosis, and share information and resources.  With parking lot redesigns throughout campus, this RA can channel student voices of water related considerations with re-development.


UW was recently certified as a ‘salmon safe’ institution as the beginning of a paradigm shift towards increasing consciousness about our water footprint and impacts on fish habitat. The certifying agency has endorsed the SSC to assist UW in meeting the Salmon Safe Certificate Condition 4: “The UW shall perform an integrated stormwater management plan for the UW campus that evaluates opportunities to provide additional quantity and quality treatment of stormwater runoff”. The SSC will work to generate an ongoing commitment of political will towards progressive stormwater policy and true environmental stewardship. 

Financially, the SSC will research fee-reduction for stormwater treatments (North Seattle Community College saves $60,000+ in annual stormwater fees, the direct result of a campus-wide collaboration where students applied for tax credits through Seattle Public Utilities). Since UW spends ~$1.3 million in annual stormwater fees, economic incentive is clearly justified.

9 months of CSF funding will serve as a kick start to inaugurate this position. SEFS will support SSC with ongoing funding options once position is established.


15,102  (figure based on $1678 Schedule A RA position x 9 months)

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Matt Schwartz

Husky Sustainable Storms: Bioswale (Phase 3)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $4,500

Letter of Intent:

Husky Sustainable Storms ( is asking for $4,500.00 for our contingency budget for the construction of a bioswale on the Seattle Campus of the University of Washington.  The CSF has already contributed $84,220 to the project that will be used for construction and material acquisitions.  Campus stakeholders requested that the  contingency budget be at least 20% of construction costs. Currently, we are approximately $3,000 short in our contingency budget.

Money not spent during construction will first be allocated to signage and education after construction is finished in the Spring. We will be coordinating with CSF on a grand opening and signage details. Any money left over will be given back to the CSF.

We are also seeking plant donations and other grants to help with the extra costs for the finalization of the project.

Project Overview

Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS), an initiative launched by students, faculty, and staff of the University of Washington to mitigate stormwater runoff on-campus by designing and building a stormwater treatment structure that mimics ecological processes and reflects environmental values. Our goals are to:

  1. Improve the quality of surface water flowing from the UW campus;
  2. Advance student engagement in stormwater design, implementation, and education;
  3. Provide a demonstration for UW engineering and transportation services in addressing stormwater issues.

The project has been launched in two phases: (1) a ‘Feasibility Study” and (2) construction of the bioswale.

HSS has successfully:

  • Conducted the Feasibility Study;
  • Procured a project site – North of the Law Building and South of the Burke Museum;
  • Hosted a seminar series about the project;
  • Developed 85% construction documentation; and,
  • Procured approval from the University of Washington for construction in April 2013.

Student Involvement

The student team has fluctuated over the past year and a half during the main design phase of the project. Two student members have graduated and the final three members are finalizing construction documents with oversight from Huitt-Zollars, an outside engineering firm.

Stefanie Young – Ph.D. Candidate in Urban Planning and Design in the College of Built Environments with more than eight years of experience in sustainable design.

Erica Bush – Masters of Landscape Architecture and Master of Urban Planning Candidate in the College of Built Environments

Sunni Wissmer – Bachelors of Arts in Community, Environment, and Planning Candidate in the College of Built Environments

Recent Graduates:

Patrick Green – Graduated with a Masters of Urban Planning and Design and Masters of Public Affairs through the College of Built Environments and the Evans School.

Matthew McNair – Graduated with a Masters of Civil Engineering through the College of Engineering.


Jan Whittington, MCRP, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, Urban Design and Planning
Associate Director, Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity.

Peter Dewey

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Stefanie Young

Pipeline Project K-12 Education for Sustainability Student Outreach Coordinators

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $4,050

Letter of Intent:

The UW Pipeline Project is requesting temporary funds to hire an undergraduate student staff member and a graduate student staff member as our K-12 Education for Sustainability Student Outreach Coordinators.

The Pipeline Project seeks funding from the Campus Sustainability Fund at this time for two primary reasons: 1) to focus efforts on connecting with and partnering with UW departments and units that explicitly and implicitly serve a diverse student body, AND 2) to shift the Environmental Alternative Spring Break (EASB) program to a self-sustaining student leadership model. Our intention is for these two student staff to work in partnership with Pipeline staff to lay the groundwork for integrating these two new foci into the Pipeline Project without external funding in the 2013/2014 academic year.

Specifically, CSF funding would support one undergraduate student to coordinate the 2013 EASB program while laying the foundation for program expansion and developing a self-sustaining student leadership program model. Funding will also support one graduate student to instruct a K-12 education for sustainability service-learning seminar during Winter 2013 and Spring 2013 and expand partnerships with K-12 classrooms and community organizations with an environmental education focus.

Through these experiences, UW students develop the skills and capacity to promote sustainability through K-12 education. A major area of focus for these student positions will be to increase the diversity of UW students who participate in these K-12 education for sustainability experiences. As a result, we hope to diversify and increase the overall number of students engaged in K-12 environmental education and ensure continued opportunities for UW students to promote sustainability through K-12 outreach and education.

Housed in the UW Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity, the Pipeline Project connects undergraduate students with academic mentoring and volunteer opportunities in K-12 schools and community organizations. One way UW students get involved is through Pipeline’s EASB program where students spend the Winter Quarter developing an experiential, inquiry-based environmental science curriculum, which they then facilitate in elementary and middle school classrooms at Brewster Elementary School in Brewster, WA and the Quileute Tribal School in La Push, WA. Currently, the program is heavily administered by Pipeline Project staff and could greatly benefit from a self-sustaining student-led model, similar to other UW sustainability efforts such as the UW Farm whose expansion and innovations were and are student-driven.

Our hope is to develop the infrastructure and establish a student-led EASB program to increase the capacity of the Pipeline Project to not only ensure the sustainability of this program for future students but also to spur innovation and expansion. An additional pathway that UW students get involved with the K-12 community is through Pipeline’s Education for Sustainability service-learning seminar. Students in this seminar explore the field of environmental and sustainability education while gaining first-hand experience by volunteering in a K-12 classroom or community organization with an environmental education focus. As interest for this seminar grows, we aim to expand our partnerships with K-12 classrooms and community organizations with an environmental education focus so that more UW students have an opportunity to develop their environmental education and outreach skills and interests.

Regarding the issue of diversity in sustainability efforts, research shows, and our observations in this work would agree, that the field of environmental and sustainability education, as well as the larger environmental movement, largely attracts white and more affluent people (Taylor, 2009; Enderle, 2007). If sustainability efforts are to be far reaching, it is critical that such efforts involve more diverse communities.

Locally, on the UW campus, we aim to focus our efforts on diversifying the student body who participates in K-12 environmental education to broaden campus involvement in sustainability efforts and to develop a new generation of diverse student leaders with an interest in environmental issues and the skills to engage in environmental education efforts. Our vision is that these student coordinators will lay the groundwork for increased environmental partnerships and pathways to diversify our student participation in these programs, which will be sustained by current Pipeline Project staff and future student leaders without additional external funding.

How Project Will Meet CSF Preferences:

Environmental impact

We believe that for sustainability efforts to have a strong environmental impact, the public’s awareness and environmental ethic need to be raised. We believe that education is a powerful mechanism to inspire one’s interest and care for the environment. Thus, by diversifying, strengthening and expanding these K-12 environmental education programs, the two student coordinators will be making a strong environmental impact by developing the environmental ethic of both a diverse population of UW students and K-12 students, who will then influence their own families and communities towards environmental sustainable behaviors. Through our conversations with numerous students and faculty, there is a growing interest amongst students in the field of environmental education, but the campus is lacking in opportunities for students to cultivate this curiosity. Thus, we hope to support, promote and diversify this burgeoning interest as a strategy to promote sustainability. We will build on our existing partnerships with the Program on the Environment (which has now recognized Pipeline’s Education for Sustainability seminar as an elective), College of the Environment, Community, Environment, and Planning, and environment focused student groups as we recruit students. These student coordinators will also enable us to broaden our outreach and increase partnerships with other UW departments including OMAD, ECC, MESA and a wide variety of registered student organizations.

Student Involvement

This project has a large emphasis on developing student leadership and involvement. First, the funds we are requesting will be used entirely on student salaries, providing two students not only with an on-campus job, but with a unique professional development opportunity. Also, one objective of these two student staff positions is to increase the number of UW student volunteers engaged in K-12 environmental and sustainability education. Through these hands-on, service-learning experiences, UW student volunteers are developing real-world, tangible skills that they can utilize in future endeavors during their time at the UW and after they graduate. This project offers substantial student leadership opportunities as the goal of the EASB student coordinator is to establish a student-led EASB program. These students will develop critical leadership skills, including project planning, partnership building, teaching, fundraising, marketing, and collaboration skills. We will build on the interest of several returning students who participated in last year’s EASB program who have expressed their interest in this student-led model development. Similarly, the students enrolled in the Education for Sustainability service-learning seminars will increase their involvement and their capacity to lead through their volunteer work in the community, which will provide them with pathways for future involvement in sustainability education efforts.

Education and Outreach

These K-12 environmental and sustainability education initiatives are inherently educational, both for the university student volunteers (and potential student employees) and for the K-12 students impacted by the programs. The primary purpose of these programs is to cultivate an aware and engaged community that is knowledgeable about environmental issues, cares deeply about the state of our ecological systems, and have the skills to impact personal and policy level changes that impact our earth. Through this service and education work, UW and K-12 students will become more aware and engaged both with the community and about the important work of environmental and sustainability education. By having a focus on trying to diversify the students involved in this work, this project will bring together students from different campus communities to work together on sustainability education efforts. Lastly, this project serves an important function of bridging gaps between the UW community and the community at large by connecting UW students with K-12 students in Seattle and across the state to cultivate an interest in and care for the environment.

Feasibility, Sustainability & Accountability

We will not need recurring funding as the goal for EASB is to establish the infrastructure for a self-sustaining student-led model this winter and spring with the support of an undergraduate student coordinator. The graduate student instructor of the Education for Sustainability seminar will develop and solidify new K-12 classroom and community organization partnerships that the Pipeline Project will continue into the future. In addition, both the graduate student and the undergraduate student will develop pathways and partnerships for recruiting and involving a more diverse student body. This intensive thinking and planning will lay a foundation upon which Pipeline can build from in future years. Estimated Budget $4,050. This budget provides funding for: 1) one hourly undergraduate student at $11 per hour for 10 hours/week during Winter 2013 (10 weeks) and 5 hours/week for Spring 2013 (10 weeks) and 2) one hourly graduate student at $15 per hour for 8 hours/week during Winter 2013 and Spring 2013 for a total of 20 weeks.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Christine Stickler

Real Food Calculator Food Procurement Assessment

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,000

Letter of Intent:

The Real Food Challenge is a grassroots national movement of students working to harness the purchasing power of their academic institutions in order to transform the national food system into an equitable and just food system for all. By shifting 20% of our country’s total annual university food budget of $5 billion to “Real Food” by the year 2020, students can influence food companies to improve their practices for the sake of the planet’s ecosystems, human health, and social justice.

Real Food Challenge (RFC) at UW is a Registered Student Organization whose mission is to take an active role in affecting this positive change. We will propose the Campus Commitment food policy to University of Washington administrators during the 2013-2014 academic year. The Campus Commitment is a university and college campus food policy created and proposed by students of the Real Food Challenge to commit academic institutions to procuring “Real Food” that meets criteria in one or more of the following genres: ecologically sound, local- and community-based, humane, and/or fair. Third party certifications ensure that these criteria are sufficiently met on the basis of individual food products, or even at times, entire companies. Sufficient research of products and food producers must be conducted in order to verify these certifications; the Real Food Calculator assessment is designed specifically to accomplish this. To substantiate a student-initiated proposal of the Campus Commitment, RFC at UW will complete its second fully-fledged food procurement assessment using the Real Food Calculator Web Application. RFC at UW completed a Real Food Calculator audit in 2011 using the pilot version of the Calculator. This was a collaborative project of students and Housing and Food Services staff, and yielded a Real Food Percentage of 24%. This percentage represents, by annual budget fraction, the amount of money spent by HFS on Real Food products. As a result of its development, the Real Food Calculator has become a more rigorous research standard in the past two years. We anticipate that we will actually see a decrease to the University of Washington Real Food Percentage. It is crucial that we test this hypothesis in order for our potential for improvement to be well-defined.

The proposed project for 2013 will be a collaboration of students and dining managers involved in sustainable food procurement and will be an essential element to advancing the goals of our campaign for a formalized food policy. Environmental Impact In regards to the environmental impact of food system reform, the Real Food Calculator audit produces an indirect and long-term effect. This effect is an annual investment of up to $8.5 million (approximate UW food budget in 2011) in a national green food system. Two of the criteria that define “Real Food” are met by foods with the USDA Organic food label, and foods that are produced within 250 miles of the retail destination. Foods that are produced according to these qualities contribute less to environmental degradation. This year, Housing and Food Services made an amazing leap forward by introducing the District Market as a retail facility proximate to the residence hall community. We hypothesize that the increase in the volume of organic and local foods purchasable with resident student dining plans has led to a measurable change in how students are using their dining plans to support sustainable food procurement. The validity of this assumption will be reflected in the results of the Calculator project.

Student Leadership and Involvement

There are many facets of running the Real Food Calculator which involve student leadership and involvement. To begin with, the audit is a student-led project. The students contact dining services when they want to conduct the audit with a request of access to vendor invoices. A dining service administrator assists the students in the audit procedure by providing inviting discussion and providing guidance. The actual process of data analysis, presentation and report preparation is completed entirely by students. The research and learning opportunity presented in this project is an enormous springboard for growth and leadership development. Students develop communication and technical skills while simultaneously characterizing the campus food system. Real Food Challenge students represent the portion of the student population who want to be involved in food procurement decision-making, and are always seeking ways in which to more meaningfully engage the student body.

Education, Outreach, and Behavioral Change

Housing and Food Services students, who are required to purchase a quarterly meal plan, have little knowledge of how foods are procured for sale in campus dining and retail facilities. We also recognize there may be a sense of powerlessness among students to influence the types of foods sourced in campus facilities. One of the principal objectives of the Calculator audit is to engage the student body in the research and analysis of the UW campus food system, providing opportunity for them to generate quantitative and useable results. Utilizing the Calculator is a fundamental step in proposing a meaningful real food campus policy because it can give students, Housing and Food Services, faculty members and administrators a sense of what goals and timeline the Campus Commitment policy will need to entail. The Campus Commitment establishes a time-sensitive sustainable food procurement goal and institutes an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental Food Systems Working Group to make it happen.

Feasibility, Accountability, and Sustainability

Several students were part of the first Calculator project, and a few have returned to be leaders in this endeavor. Experienced dining staff have been eager to contribute thus far. Judging by the experience and number of students comprising our audit committee, this project realistically fits in the context of a quarter-long project.

Estimate of Project Budget

Our organization estimates a need of $2,000. This will go towards a very small stipend for the hours contributed by students needed to complete the audit. The project will consume 2-3 hours per week for 8-10 students for the entire duration of the spring 2013 academic quarter. The remaining sponsorship would be diverted into a brand new fund for the Real Food Challenge as a student organization for the purpose of longevity as our on-campus presence and degree of influence continues to grow. The principal use of funds will be used to mobilize students, with emphasis on influencing campus administrators to sign the Campus Commitment food policy.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Dani Gilmour

Husky Sustainable Storms: Bioswale (Phase 1)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:

This LOI introduces Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS), an initiative launched by students, faculty and staff of the University of Washington to mitigate stormwater runoff on-campus by designing and building a stormwater treatment structure that mimics ecological processes and reflects environmental values. Husky Sustainable Storms hopes to achieve this goal in the 2011-2012 academic-year with the assistance of the UW Campus Sustainability Fund. The goal of this LOI is to outline its intent for funding in the winter quarter, but it hopes to apply for full funding of a project in the spring quarter.

In the winter quarter, HSS requests $10,500 to conduct a “feasibility study” of a water treatment project in a UW parking lot. The purpose of the feasibility study is to prepare the project for actual construction. Funding will cover the following three items:

  • Mentorship with a licensed engineer;
  • Stipends for HSS students;
  • Sponsorship overhead;
  • Incidental costs.

This funding would provide the resources needed to accomplish the following objectives: 1) improve environmental quality by researching and designing a stormwater treatment project; 2) solicit professional engineers needed to approve the project; 3) outline a plan for navigating bureaucracy, permitting systems, and budgeting approaches.

The timeline for feasibility funding would be winter quarter 2012, and it would facilitate implementation or finalization of a project in spring quarter 2012. Please note that the specific sponsoring agency for this project is not included in the following LOI. Several sponsoring agencies have been contacted, included the Green Futures Lab, Engineering Services, and Transportation Services. Transportation Services is the ideal sponsor, but campus staff has had little time to meet with our group. HSS has a meeting with staff from Transportation Services on November 10th, and sponsorship will be discussed then.

Not only are these critical components of implementing an infrastructure project, they are critical to advancing the values of the CSF grant. HSS has planned for significant student involvement and improving the environmental quality of University infrastructure. These objectives assist in accomplishing these goals. The specific dimensions of these objectives have been articulated below.

Objective One: Address Climate Change by Improving Surface Water Quality

All UW stormwater flows directly into Portage Bay, adversely impacting local ecology, public health, and the climate. Stormwater runoff carries harmful nutrients, pesticides, oils, and metals into our local waters. It devastates local wildlife, including migrating anadromous fish and native plant species. As the quality of local ecology diminishes, so does its ability to process chemical compounds, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Eventually, the breakdown of this capacity decreases the rate at which carbon is absorbed by aquatic plants. It even increases the methane released by harmful bacteria and algae.

Now is a critical time for UW to invest in green infrastructure methods of stormwater treatment. Specifically, NPDES permits will increase in severity and influence, further restricting the harmful pollutants that UW is allowed to convey to local waters. As a result, the University will be forced to upgrade its stormwater treatment. From interviews with UW staff, HSS has learned that parking lots are a portion of University property that harms water quality. If UW is considering water quality treatment approaches, then now is a critical time to advance green infrastructure alternatives.

Feasibility funding will allow HSS to accomplish the following goals:

  • Complete the site selection process. HSS has initiated conversations with UW staff in Engineering Services, Environmental Health and Safety, and Landscape Architecture. Many staff have suggested sites where green infrastructure could improve water treatment. However, each site places new criteria demands a new design with different impacts on water quality. HSS has designed criteria, and it needs time to examine them.
  • Feasibility funding will demonstrate to campus departments that HSS is serious and intends to aid them in their work. Without demonstrating a source of funds, campus departments cannot incorporate HSS ideas into their infrastructure plans.
  • Research appropriate stormwater designs that treat water and engage students. There are many infrastructure approaches and designs, but HSS must work within restricted resources and it must educate students. Feasibility funding will allow students to conduct the appropriate water quality tests and research that will maximize the project’s impacts environmental and educational impacts.

Objective Two: Involvement of a Professional Engineer

Any change to UW’s stormwater system will need a permit issued by the City of Seattle (COS), and any infrastructure that requires a permit will require a stamp of approval by a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.). In working with a P.E., HSS plans to accomplish the following goals:

  • Students in engineering, architecture, and landscape architecture will collaborate with a licensed engineer in identifying codes, guidelines, and permit requirements.
  • The nature of this mentorship will be of collaboration. The P.E. will assist students in identifying the correct guidelines, but applying those guidelines and rules will be in the hands of the students. This ensures that infrastructure is designed according the appropriate rules as well as involves the work of UW students.
  • The winter quarter will serve as a timeline for working with the P.E.

If this component is not funded, then HSS will have to solicit volunteer P.E.’s for assistance. This is not ideal. Time constraints prohibit HSS from conducting extensive outreach for volunteer engineers. Additionally, it will compromise the quality of the collaboration.

Objective Three: Finalize Plans Necessary for Implementation

Feasibility funding will develop concrete outputs necessary for the actual building of the project. These outputs have been listed below.

  • Develop engineering drawings;
  • Finalize authorization with Transportation Services or other department;
  • Design an outreach plan to UW students. This is a critical component of the HSS project, which it hopes to outline in its grant application;
  • Articulate a plan for compensating contractors;
  • Outline a specific budget for the project.


Husky Sustainable Storms requests $10,000 to perform the feasibility study. HSS is prepared to return unspent funds to the CSF should expected costs of the project fall. Specifically, costs could fall in locating a licensed P.E. Firms may charge different rates for overseeing the design and conducting the senior review of a stormwater project. HSS plans to conduct outreach to many firms in the Seattle area as well as appeal to the UW Engineering Services for assistance.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Patrick Green

Husky Sustainable Storms: Bioswale (Phase 2)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:

Husky Sustainable Storms (HSS) warmly thanks the CSF for its generous contribution to the stormwater treatment project. Thanks to its funding, the project is on-track to apply for Phase Two in improving water quality runoff. This project brings students and staff together towards solving stormwater issues on the University of Washington campus. We estimate that HSS will have all documents and approvals necessary for construction in April of 2012, but construction funds for this project are necessary for its implementation.


HSS requests to submit a full application to the CSF for construction funds in the second round of funding. It plans to request $60,000 to build the stormwater project. Without this sum, the design will cause limited impact to stormwater remediation.

This project is a priority for the University of Washington. Students collaborate with Kristine Kenney (Capitol Projects Office), Rebecca Barnes (Capitol Projects Office), Jim Morin (Engineering Services), Peter Dewey (Transportation Services), and Howard Nakase (Grounds Shop). These authorizers assist HSS in developing and approving design alternatives. Moreover they inform students of cost and landscape constraints. Their role and support expedites the project’s construction preparation.

The N-5 parking lot is an ideal site to remediate stormwater. It drains into the combined sewer system. A treatment facility will lower the severity of water runoff in high storm events, and lower the risk of a combined sewer overflow event. The site offers high visibility to pedestrian and car traffic. Finally, the project area features enough area to make a meaningful improvement to water quality.

In January, CSF suggested that HSS keep the cost of the project to $30,000. HSS consulted with UW staff and engineers for estimating the cost of the project. All engineers stated that $30,000 covers very limited construction costs. A greater sum will pay for construction of facilities that adequately remediate the site, the construction team, potential permits, and potential cost overruns. A greater sum is critical to moving the project from design and research (Phase One) to implementation (Phase Two).

This estimate has been advised through the following:

  • UW Staff and Mentor Advice: Jim Morin (UW stormwater engineer) Kristine Kenney (UW Capitol Projects Office) and Peter Dewey (Transportation Services Director) as well as mentoring engineers advise the cost estimate. They note that costs add up quickly, and the scale of the facility will improve cost efficiency. For example, if the project requires cutting concrete, costs will rise without commensurate increases in stormwater remediation.
  • Capitol Projects Office Advice: Mentors in the UW Capitol Projects Office suggest HSS set 10% of the cost aside to pay for the review and oversight of construction. Additionally, they state all projects must set aside 15% of construction costs for potential cost overruns. If the maximum budget were $30,000 then only $22,500 could be allotted for actual construction for remediation. Curb cuts alone can cost up to $10,000.
  • Low Impact Development Research: The impact of bioretention facilities is contingent on the size of project and the quality of materials. Therefore, meaningful impact requires a higher budget to pay for a project that is sized for optimal remediation.

CSF requested that HSS explore cost-saving options. HSS pursues these options seriously. It works towards this goal in the following ways.

  • Donations: HSS receives pro bono services and mentorship from Huitt-Zollars. This mentorship is valued at $15,000. Additionally, Huitt-Zollars will be liable for the project design at double the construction cost, with construction cost estimated at $60,000. This is a tremendous donation for the students as well as the University of Washington.
  • Cost Efficiency: The team stays cost efficient through careful budget and time planning. Close collaboration with University staff facilitates efficient use of grant funds, especially in the design review process. HSS hopes to finish Phase One under budget and rollover savings to Phase Two.
  • Matching Funds: HSS researches matching funds; however, the end of the year (September through January) provides the best opportunity for government and non-profit matching funds. Funds typically require a minimum match, and the funds must be granted to HSS before HSS can apply for the match. By these standards, HSS qualifies for matching funds at the end of 2012.
  • University Funds: Additional funds could be generated from University departments. The opportunity for these funds will depend on the final design of the project, and no commitment has been made.
  • Materials and BMPs: HSS collaborates with an experienced engineer so they can learn best practices at the least cost. As they continue the project design process, cost savings remains a theme to all design development steps.

Project Report: Brief Chronology

Through Phase One, HSS makes meaningful steps towards preparing the stormwater project for construction.

  • January: HSS meets four hours per week regarding design review, engineering support, and approval processes. Each member works independently for five additional hours per week. The team begins student outreach, increasing knowledge of water quality issues. They identify five firms willing to offer reduced cost or pro bono services. They negotiate a contract with a firm that optimizes the CSF’s investment in HSS. HSS identifies sources for potential funds.
  • February: HSS navigates approval for the project through the Capitol Projects Office. The team narrows its design alternatives. They author case studies on design alternatives. They draft landscape initial conditions. They locate acquire as-built drawings from Facilities Services records and Engineering Services. They expand community outreach to students interested in water quality improvements as well as prepare for community design critiques.
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Patrick Green

UW Campus Salvage Wood Program

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $43,603

Letter of Intent:

Brief Summary:

UW Grounds Management and UW Facilities Construction (Facility Services) seeks to create the necessary infrastructure to augment the products from trees that are removed from the campus landscape. Currently wood chips and limited lumber pieces are the only products that are produced with campus trees. This project will create the infrastructure to process trees creating lumber to be utilized across campus for a variety of users; student, staff, and faculty. Any product made from University lumber will hold more value than the product itself since it will also include the story and history of that tree. This would result in a reduction of costs associated with disposal of tree, reduction of cost associated with purchasing building material for certain projects, and an increase of waste diversion by keeping these out of the waste stream. In addition, this project seeks to protect the investments and maintain the value that the trees have, as assets of the University of Washington.

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

The University of Washington Seattle campus grounds management staff manages about 10,000 trees. At some point in time these trees will be removed as a result of natural decline or death, due to disease issues, as a preventative measure to avoid potential hazards, or as part of a construction/capital project. The problem of removing and disposal of campus trees is twofold.

Currently, trees that are removed from the campus landscape are either chipped or reduced in size, so it can be disposed of in a green waste container. Any tree material being disposed of in the green waste container represents a cost to the University without any benefit. The costs of this disposal system are both monetary and environmental: the university spends thousands of dollars annually on removal of campus tree material and purchasing lumber for projects. Transportation of these materials to and from Cedar Grove uses of fossil fuels and causes carbon emissions.

Grounds Management is charged with the task of protecting campus assets in the landscape.  Campus trees are a significant asset in both actual value and investment over time. In 2008 the total annual benefits provided by tree on campus was $736,385.00 and the total annual cost of those trees were $265,100.00. (Vale 2011) The net benefit in dollar value is then approximately half a million dollars, in which a portion is lost when a tree in cut up and removed from campus.

The current infrastructure can only process a small number of trees using the chainsaw mill to cut wood for air drying utilizing our outside facilities. However, most of the tree material that is small enough, is processed using the wood chipper for mulch that can be utilized on campus. Still, with both of these items, Grounds Management is sending 50% of the accumulated tree material off campus for disposal. In addition, to produce wood that can be used for indoor applications, the wood needs to be under a certain moisture content, which is often lower than the relative humidity. The preferred moisture content is hard to achieve when air drying the milled limber in our outside facilities, given the marine climate of this area. A drying facility, most commonly a kiln, is used to achieve the target moisture content.

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

Facilities Maintenance & Construction seeks to obtain and build infrastructure that increases the capacity for staff to process tree material in ways that protect University assets and investments related to our campus trees. This infrastructure will include a portable lumber mill and the design and construction of a solar powered kiln for drying the lumber in order to make it usable for wood working products. The processed wood material will be used for student, faculty and administration projects, with emphasis on the College of built Environments programs, requests related to Capital & Facilities Construction projects, and the potential for Annual Giving donor gifts. These requested items compliment already purchased items of a wood chipper and chainsaw mill to process tree material on campus. By keeping the tree material on campus, money is saved in disposal cost, less energy is used in waste transportation, some of the asset value of the tree is retained by being incorporated into campus projects and the investments made into that tree over time is preserved, especially if the final product becomes a permanent feature on campus.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

  • A graduate appointee (The Integrated Pest Management and Sustainability Coordinator) will coordinate with Grounds Management, Facilities Construction staff, and faculty from the College of Built Environments to develop and implement this program.
  • The student will develop the educational and outreach components of the program.
  • The student will also be responsible for records keeping, tracking costs, quantities and procedures related to this project.
  • The student will be work with multiple partners (including other students) to ensure products from campus trees that are benefiting students, staff, and faculty.

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?

  • Grounds Management will feature this Salvage Wood program on their website and at outreach events.
  • Outreach and education through partners in the College of Built Environments will involve numerous student projects over time.
  • Any products created from this project could potentially be branded with the Campus Sustainability Fund logo creating a lasting outreach impact. 
  • As trees are removed from the campus landscape and incorporated into campus-wide projects, the story of that tree (its narrative) will hopefully become part of the project narrative.
  • Through education and outreach efforts, the perception of trees on campus and urban trees in general will change to reflect the understanding that they have value beyond their time in the ground.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

  • Several demonstration products have been produced including a conference table and outdoor benches.
  • Both Grounds Management and Construction operate within the Facilities Services department of University of Washington. These entities have oversight mechanisms in place already to ensure projects are completed. The student position is supervised by the Manager of Ground Operations and will work closely with the Facilities Construction Lead carpenter to ensure project success.
  • Implementation of this project will demonstrate several sustainability practices including narrowing the waste stream by keeping more wood material on campus and creating the opportunity for locally grown wood to be utilized on campus.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF? :

Portable mill: $50,000.00

In-house design/build solar kiln: $6,000.00

Outreach and educational materials: $1,500.00

Total funding amount request:  $57,500.00


Vale, Karen. 2011. University of Washington Seattle Campus Forest Resources Analysis.  Master’s Project, University of Washington Botanic Gardens. Seattle Washington.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Daniel Sorensen

UW Water Recapture

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:

Project Summary

This project will capture wastewater generated by a reverse-osmosis (R/O) machine and use it to supply the needs of a cooling tower. All work will take place in the Mechanical Room of the Magnuson Health Science Building, BB-Wing. This project can be completed in as little as 5 weeks. We are working with Dennis Garberg to determine the exact timeline of the project.

Project Impact and Goals

Definition of Terms

  • Reject water – Wastewater generated through the reverse-osmosis water purification process. This is measured in gallons and cubic feet.
  • Make-Up – This is the term for water used in the cooling tower. Also measured in gallons and cubic feet.

Environmental Impact

Currently the R/O water purification unit located in the BB-Wing of the UW Medical building disposes all of the reject water produced through a drain to the city’s wastewater system. Over an 8-month period, in 2012, the system measured to be 81,978 gallons of wastewater generated from the R/O unit. Over a similar period in 2011 the system measured 51,545 gallons of wastewater produced by the R/O unit. Give to give this some perspective that is enough water to meet a single individuals needs for nearly two years. Using this wastewater in the cooling tower would offset the need of nearly 66,000 gallons annually. This would also save the University of Washington roughly $1,600 per year. There is also potential to replicate this project at two or three other sites across campus, should this project perform as expected.

Student Involvement

Students cannot undertake the actual modification process. However, this team developed the project and is coordinating and planning out the entire process with input from campus alterations. We have also been invited to oversee the project as it goes through construction and have been involved with the development of cut-sheets identifying the materials needed to complete the project. Furthermore, a team, led by Alex Chin, developed this project over the previous year. That team had graduated and moved on before the project was able to completed. Through collaboration the project has been reinvigorated with new leadership furthering the amount of student involvement with this project.

Education & Outreach

This is a permanent, enduring project that will have measurable impact long into the foreseeable future. While it is not as out there as say the UW Farm or Green Wall this project will generate resource savings that are easily understood and can be publicized by the University of Washington through the Earth Day or Sustainability Summit celebrations. There is an additional opportunity for long-term student involvement for future phases of this project.

Feasibility, Sustainability & Accountability

This project does not utilize any new technologies. All components are “off-the-shelf.” We have been in discussion with UW F&M project managers and they have are excited about this project. They estimate that at the very most, from obtaining financing to full completion, the project would take a maximum of 3 months. UW alterations has the technical know-how either in house or through contract to undertake all of the necessary step to complete this project. We have yet to determine a true budget and whether all or some of the work can be done in house by the UW. Due to the financial structure of the UW F&M division (which would be responsible for actual construction and realization of the monetary savings), there would be no possibility of savings being paid back directly to the CSF. However, there is a remote possibility of a grant to cover 30-50% of the project costs through Seattle Public Utilities. This option needs to be explored further but either way is a retroactive credit once the project is completed.

Budget Estimate

We estimate a budget of $10,000. This includes a buffer for cost overruns. This is an early estimate that will be explored and explained in much greater detail as we continue to work with the UW in determining the costs associated with this project.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Duncan Clauson

Project: Zimtervention

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $8,520

Letter of Intent:

Project Summary:

This project will reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable behavior change at the University of Washington through community-based social marketing (CBSM) in support of Zimride, an online ridesharing system. The project is being developed and carried out by a team of graduate students through the Program on the Environment’s Environmental Management Certificate. The outcomes of the project will provide valuable information for ongoing implementation of the rideshare program, as well as insight into applying CBSM to achieve additional forms of sustainable behavior change within the UW community.

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

In 2007, the UW became a founding signatory to the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment, pledging to work toward carbon neutrality and sustainability. This led to publishing a Climate Action Plan (CAP) in 2009, outlining the broad goals and three strategies to achieve these commitments, including adopting better technology, purchasing carbon offsets, and changing behavior. The University has already implemented a variety of CAP recommendations, but further action is needed to achieve carbon neutrality and sustainability goals.

The UW CAP identifies transportation as the area with the greatest potential for reducing carbon emissions through behavior change. In particular, commuting contributes the equivalent of over 50,000 million grams of CO2 each year. Single occupancy vehicle (SOV) commuting is responsible for a large share of commuting emissions. Among the UW-Seattle campus community alone, 21% of all community members (11,480) commute by SOV; this breaks down to 34% of staff (4,632), 47% of faculty (2,625) and 12% of students (4,223). At UW-Tacoma and UW-Bothell, the proportion of SOV commute trips is much higher, with 59% and 67% of those campus communities traveling by SOV, respectively.

For many years, the University has made progress reducing the number of SOV commute trips at all campuses, in large part by promoting the use of public transit. However, system capacity and budget realities constrain the transit system’s potential as an alternative for all SOV commute trips. In order to make further progress, additional options for commuters are vitally needed.

Describe your proposed solution to the problem:

With only 4%-12% of all UW commuters currently utilizing ridesharing, there is considerable room for the University to encourage and expand this commute alternative. This project will launch Zimride, a new ridesharing program, on behalf of the Office of Transportation Services and will use community-based social marketing (CBSM) to promote the use of Zimride to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable behavior change at the University of Washington. Zimride is a ridesharing system that helps organizations establish easy to use, private, social networks for ridesharing. It has been used by over 40 academic institutions, including a recent introduction at the UW Bothell campus. With an online platform that is integrated with social media, Zimride has the potential to greatly increase the number of students, faculty, and staff using ridesharing as a commuting option.

The goals of our project are:

  1. Use CBSM to reduce SOV trips by influencing staff, students and faculty to participate in the Zimride rideshare program, and,
  2. Provide valuable information for ongoing implementation of the rideshare program, as well as insight into applying CBSM to achieve additional forms of sustainable behavior change within the UW community.

We can achieve these goals by accomplishing the following objectives:

  • Identify barriers to and benefits of ridesharing among the target population;
  • Design and implement an innovative CBSM approach based on best practices that uses the convenience of an online interface and the normative power of social networks to foster sustainable behavior;
  • Increase Zimride participation (i.e. signing up, actively seeking/offering rides, and successfully ridesharing) among the target population;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of CBSM and compare impacts across segments of the target population.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?:

This project is being developed and carried out by a team of seven graduate students from the Evans School of Public Affairs through the Program on the Environment’s Environmental Management Certificate. The team is leading the design and implementation of all aspects of this project, from conducting focus groups with representatives of the target populations to inform social marketing campaign design, to working with Zimride to customize the user interface for the UW community.

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?:

This project uses community-based social marketing (CBSM) to promote sustainable behavior. The rationale for CBSM lies within a critical analysis of alternative strategies for influencing behavior. Existing research reveals:

  • Information, education, and awareness strategies alone are proven to be ineffective at leading to behavior change related to sustainability. Lack of information, in other words, is not the primary barrier to behavior change, and, conversely, providing more information is not the solution.
  • Economic and self-interest strategies are also not always effective in changing behavior. In other words, and as we know from economics, people don’t always behave rationally.

In contrast, CBSM has been shown to be effective at bringing about behavior change for sustainability. The common “toolbox” of CBSM includes: getting participants to commit to change their behavior; developing prompts and appealing to community norms to sustain behavior change; implementing targeted, evidence-based communication strategies; and providing carefully constructed incentives.

This project will use information gathered through focus groups and surveys to develop a CBSM strategy. We anticipate preparing multiple tools, which we will implement across different segments of the target population. Because CBSM is inherently about social connections, we believe that engaging representatives from various communities within the target population will be integral for successful CBSM implementation. We will develop this approach more fully in the coming weeks.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?:

Because we plan on developing our specific CBSM strategy in response to our findings from the focus groups, it is difficult to estimate how much our chosen CBSM approaches will cost. Given the uncertainty, however, we anticipate that project costs for any possible approaches will be less than $2,500. The bulk of this funding would go toward specific CBSM expenses, such as the use of publicity materials (posters, pins, car decals) to prompt and remind people to use Zimride, or for financial incentives and rewards. Purchasing the materials to market-test various CBSM approaches will help us identify the most effective approaches, reducing the costs of taking CBSM strategies to scale in future projects to effect lasting behavior change for sustainability at the University of Washington.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Chris Hoffer

Real Food Challenge (RFC) UW Housing and Food Services (HFS) Audit

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,000

Letter of Intent:

The UW Housing and Food Services (HFS) spends $8.5 million annually on food from 40 vendors. This is a huge fiscal sum that has a major impact on Washington State food economy, especially producer and process sectors. HFS currently lacks clear measurable definitions and standards to qualify “sustainable” and “local” food. When our RSO, Real Food Challenge (RFC), conducted a preliminary review of HFS purchases, we found ambiguity in definitions of local, when Coca Cola products were labeled locally based because processing plants are in King County. This audit will refine standards qualifying foods as local, ecologically sound, fair and humane, and will help clarify which specific food items HFS purchases really are local and sustainable. This will address another concern: lacking student awareness of the magnitude of the impact UW and HFS have on the food economy. Customers are not offered many transparent choices or sufficient information to eat locally or sustainably on campus.

The project purpose is to work with HFS long-term to improve food purchasing from sources that are locally based, ecologically sound, humane to animals, and fair to humans, in all points of the food value chain. Another objective is to increase student awareness of local sustainable food purchasing and options on campus. It is essential to include students in this process to improve student engagement with HFS staff and to help voice student opinion and strategize marketing of campus local sustainable food.

This project is the preliminary step to address these concerns. We will first conduct an audit of current HFS food purchases modeled after the Real Food Calculator, see This audit will help identify which foods currently purchased are local and sustainable, and opportunities to improve. Creating this measure and producing a statistic of percent sustainable food at UW will give HFS and RFC a number for advertising and to improve upon in the future.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Samantha E Ryder

Green Square: UW Tower Urban Garden Demonstration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $59,730

Letter of Intent:

The UW tower is the gateway to the University, it hosts the office of accounting, advancement, international exchanges, and many others.  Furthermore, the new link rail station is being build on the other side of the street, making it the first building many strangers will see when they come to the U-District.  It is important that the building reflect the sustainable mission of the University, and currently is does not. 

The University of Washington Tower plaza has a potential to become an example of the transformative power of greenery in turning a harsh urban environment into an oasis of life and beauty.  The tower plaza is surrounded by bare concrete walls, covered in brick and contains a few bulky concrete planters.  A few years ago, the green team started an urban garden project in the plaza.  It was small scale, but very successful in engaging coworkers by organizing movie events and giving out fresh produce.  We want to build on the project started by the Green Team and make it bigger and better.

We want the new edible garden to incorporate more vertical space, such as green screens.  We want it to be more educational and involve the community in creative ways.  We plan on designing a temporary urban garden that includes green screens, planters with a variety of edible and native plants, and a place for people to relax and enjoy the outdoors during their lunch break or after work.  The idea is to design something is the style of a parklet; a temporary platform that incorporates benches, planters, and green screens all in one structure.  It is somewhat of an art installation which calls for creativity and ingenuity.  The end result will be aesthetically pleasing and vibrant, a place for people to learn about growing edible plants and enjoy the outdoors.  Most importantly, it will advance to the University of Washington’s reputation in sustainability and innovation.

Explanation of how the project will meet the requirements and preferences of the CFS:

Environmental Impact

The main focus of the project is to educate people of the potential of growing food in a strictly urban environment.  It would connect people to the food system and entice them to start their own edible gardens at home.  The urban garden could potentially provide food for the UW tower and help localize the food system.  It would furthermore provide a habitat for animals and pollinators, leading to an increase in biodiversity.  The garden would also incorporate a water-capture system.

Student Leadership & Involvement

We foresee three phases of this project: design, construction, and maintenance.  Student involvement is critical for each.  We want this to be a multidisciplinary project which will involve students from many different majors.  Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science students would be involved in the design, construction would be carries out by Industrial Design and Construction Management students (with oversight of a contractor).  Students from any major can be involved in maintenance, preferentially it would be someone who is working at the UW tower.  Since there is no complicated technology involved, and the project can be constructed in a studio and then transported in part to the plaza, we believe that students can be the primary designers, constructors, and leaders in this project.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

As mentioned above, the main aim of the garden is to showcase the potential for growth in harsh urban environment.  A secondary educational aspect is that of the food system, and the importance of urban agriculture in localizing the food system and decreasing carbon footprints.  Passerby’s will be inspired and hopefully try to start their own gardens at home.  In addition, we hope that people realize the benefit of urban agriculture and support such projects in the future.  Once the garden starts growing enough produce, we plan to organize a little farmer’s market on the plaza which could also incorporate produce from the UW farm.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

The yearly budget that the green team received is not enough to design and construct a project of the scope we have in mind.  This is where we need most assistance.  It is enough to hire a student to maintain the area after it it constructed.  Furthermore, this project is part of the Carlson Center, and receives quarterly service learners (such as myself) to help in any way possible.  We can thus assure the sustainability of the project.  We have reached out to faculty around the campus, and have already received interest in the project.  We plan of having students work on the design and construction either for extra credit, as a capstone project, or as an internship.  The green team at the UW tower will play a big part in this project, they are familiar with the requirements of the UW Tower for such project, and have experience with projects in the past.

We are asking for $59,730 in total.  $5,700 will be spent on the design phase, $44,530 on construction, and $8,500 for maintenance. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Cheryl Wheeler

Conservation and Sustainability at Manastash Ridge Observatory: Planning For the Next Forty Years

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $40,000

Letter of Intent:

Forty years after its dedication, it's time to make changes at the University’s Manastash Ridge Observatory (MRO) that reflect the realities of how we use the facility, and respect our impact on natural resources, particularly our water and energy consumption.

The UW Astronomy department built MRO in 1972 at a location outside of Ellensburg, Washington, chosen for its good weather, proximity to Seattle, and because electrical and telephone utilities could be brought in. However, it was far too remote for city water service, so the architects incorporated a water storage tank, which is regularly filled by deliveries from a water pumping truck. The system has worked well, but current reality is that the water tank supply is not as sanitary as city water, and the deliveries are expensive at roughly one thousand dollars per visit. As a result, we ask each observing team to carry their own drinking and washing water up with them, but water and electricity remain MRO’s second and third largest budget items.

We seek to both conserve the resources we use and sustain the observatory for the future by reducing our reliance on outside resources. Our plan for conservation is to construct a kitchen that is not plumbed to running water, to replace the previous kitchen’s energy inefficient fridge and range as well as our original “maximum flush” toilets, and to install LED lighting for our working and living areas. In order to reduce our overall environmental impact, and to demonstrate the possibilities for sustainable construction, we also propose to construct a rainwater catchment system and solar grid-tie system with battery reserve. The latter option could potentially make us the first observatory capable of solar-powered astronomical observations.

The four components of this proposal (conserving water, conserving energy, capturing rainwater, and solar power) are relatively independent upgrades, but together they complement each other and maximize the effect each has individually. The budget for each part does not necessarily correspond to the magnitude of the improvement we expect from each aspect, and we do not expect each to pay-off financially on a short time scale. However, each component will play a unique role in making our astronomical observatory (MRO) a demonstration site and amplifying our educational goals. We submit this proposal as four parts that stand alone and can be funded independently, but submit together to increase their impact.

Campus Sustainability Fund Requirements and Preferences:

Environmental Impact

Conservation of water and energy are the primary goals of our proposal. In particular, we estimate that the installation of low-flow toilets will cut the number of water deliveries in half. Fewer water deliveries mean fewer diesel emissions from the water truck we hire to bring river water up to our remote observatory. The use of LED bulbs, which are much more efficient than our current incandescent lighting, will also reduce heat in the living spaces of the observatory during the Central Washington summer when the observatory is open. We predict that the rainwater catchment system, for a modest cost, will further eliminate another thousand dollar water delivery each year, and the solar system we are designing should be sufficient to effectively take the observatory off the grid during our summer observing season.

Student Leadership & Involvement

The UW’s astronomy club, the League of Astronomers, has contributed their expertise to this proposal as representatives of the people who spend their nights working there each summer. These students, many of whom spend over a week’s worth of time at MRO each summer, know the needs and patterns of observing at MRO better than anyone else.

In addition many projects at MRO are already carried out by volunteer work parties drawn from our awesome undergraduate users. The observatory would not be the vibrant and special place it is today without the energy and ideas of the undergraduates who stay there each summer. We’re lucky that MRO has been adopted as a special place for the undergraduate astronomers, and we know we couldn’t propose and implement this work without their support.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

Observing at MRO has always meant taking care of the facility and its land. We will build upon the expectation of care for the observatory, and make daily measurements a part of our procedures. It seems that awareness of consumption is often used to promote conservation (like cars that display their instantaneous mpg, or buildings that display their energy use). MRO users will be expected to post daily reports noting, among many other telescope or facility issues, the level of the water tank and the status of the solar array’s battery bank. We anticipate that bringing light to each group’s water and power consumption will lead to some good-natured competition to conserve.

Additionally, these systems will make MRO a leading demonstration site in sustainable practices. While some systems in this proposal are highly visible (solar arrays), others will be unfamiliar (the foot pump kitchen sink, which comes from marine systems), but each will create a facility that incorporates our commitment to conservation and sustainability.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

Facility work such as this is well within the expertise of our network of volunteers, some of whom are facilities maintenance professionals, or represent tasks that can be contracted out to professional tradespeople. The equipment we propose to use is readily available for our purposes. They are well tested and long lasting, combined in a way to achieve our goals.

Budget Estimates

Water and Energy Conserving Kitchen, parts and labor: $3,000
White and red LED lighting Systems, parts: $1,000
Rainwater Catchment, parts: $ 1,000
Solar Powered Telescope Operations, parts and labor: $30,000
Project Management: $5,000

Total: $40,000 parts & labor


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Oliver Fraser

Mobile Maintenance Trailer for the ASUW Bike Shop

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $981

Letter of Intent:

June 6, 2016

Sustainable mobility practices have a large positive impact both on the community and the environment, and cycling is the poster child for sustainable mobility. Not only is biking much cheaper than driving, making it ideal for college students on a budget, but it has a net zero carbon footprint, making it ideal for the environmental well-being of our community. It also gives cyclists a better understanding of, and connection to, the environment they inhabit. The easier it is for people to ride their bikes on and to campus, the fewer cars there will be, and everyone’s experience will be improved. With our mobile maintenance trailer we will be able to strengthen UW’s bike infrastructure by offering on demand bike maintenance wherever it is needed, and wherever our student mechanics directing the program determine it will be most beneficial.

In 5-10 minutes, with the proposed mobile toolkit, we could perform the following safety checks and services to most bicycles:

  • Adjust brakes & shifting
  • Clean and oil the chain
  • Evaluate wear on brake pads, tires, chains
  • Check tire pressure, wheel alignment, derailleur alignment
  • Advise whether any further maintenance is needed, or just what to watch out for
  • Supply pamphlets about rider safety, bike registration stickers, and  information about programs by transportation services, such as commute planning consultation or the bike buddy program, and the IMA’s UWild bike rental

A mobile bicycle repair program will directly support our on-campus cycling community, be entirely managed and run by student mechanics at the ASUW Bike Shop, and result in direct engagement between the ASUW Bike Shop and UW bicycle commuters. It will be an opportunity to increase the presence of the ASUW Bike Shop on campus, while providing a direct and tangible benefit to those riders who our programs are here to serve.

The performance difference between a bicycle that has not been maintained and a freshly serviced bicycle is noticeable. Yet, the cost and hassle of having to come to the bike shop to get that service is enough to prevent many bikes from receiving the regular maintenance they need to operate most efficiently. People riding up to a mobile bicycle safety check station, then riding away a few minutes later with a bicycle that stops easier, shifts better, or doesn’t make that annoying noise anymore will be more likely to enjoy their ride, increasing the likelihood they will opt to ride their bike in the future and seek repair services when needed.

Environmental Impact, Education and Outreach

Passenger car trips account for 45% of carbon emissions in the Seattle area, according to the 2012 Seattle Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. Many of those car trips might be replaced by bike trips if the incentives to ride a bike are high and the barriers are low. The incentives for cycling are already high – it is a healthy, affordable, effective, reliable, and fun way to get around. The barriers for regularly riding a bike for most people are, unfortunately, even higher. Two barriers to cycling people might face include: (1) mechanical issues with their bikes, and (2) insufficient knowledge of how to safely operate and maintain a bike. Our mechanics are not only capable of quickly fixing or diagnosing mechanical issues, but are also experienced cyclists who are knowledgeable enough to answer most questions beginning cyclists have about their ride. While we work every day within the walls of the Bike Shop to make cycling more accessible and safe for the UW community, we can more effectively address both of these barriers by refusing to limit ourselves by the physical walls of our shop. We can expand our impact by having regular mobile maintenance events around campus.

Student Leadership and Involvement

All of the mechanics at the ASUW Bike Shop are current students at UW, and one of them would be put in charge of the mobile maintenance program. This position would require additional organization, discretion, and leadership than what is required of a mechanic position alone, and would be a good stepping-stone for students interested in becoming manager of the bike shop. The director of the mobile maintenance program will be given the responsibility of determining the most effective schedule, location, and ways to publicize the free service. They will coordinate with other mechanics so that at least two mechanics will be out whenever we are offering mobile maintenance.

Feasibility, Accountability, Sustainability

The program was test-run last summer and autumn to determine what to expect from offering free safety checks and tune-ups. It was determined that several factors will be critical to the success of this program: set-up and take-down efficiency, safety check/tune-up efficacy, and station visibility. Having the proper equipment, so the mechanic will only have to hitch up the trailer in the morning to be ready to go, will greatly improve the efficiency of the set-up and take-down process. Proper tools and training will ensure our mechanics operate at peak efficacy. A professional looking set-up, including a sign that communicates that the service is “FREE,” as well as the alluring possibility of free trinkets, will maximize our visibility and encourage people to stop.

By placing responsibility on the student mechanics involved in the program to determine how to best allocate their time and the Bike Shop’s resources to achieve their goal, we will ensure that the program is implemented by students who are excited, empowered, and actively invested in making it as successful as possible.

If we are properly prepared, and prudent about what we are and aren’t able to fix while mobile, this will be a very fun and effective way to engage the cycling community, do more good work for their bicycles, and support our partners on campus who provide services and resources for UW cyclists.


Very respectfully,

Kris Skotheim
Current Manager, ASUW Bike Shop

Chet Merklin
Incoming Manager, ASUW Bike Shop

Adam Witzel
Mechanic, ASUW Bike Shop


In 4 weeks or less from the allocation of funds, we will be able to order, assemble, and prepare the mobile maintenance program. If we are able to purchase the equipment by July 1st, we will be able to run at least one or two mobile maintenance events this summer in preparation for the rush of students and cyclists returning to campus in the fall.

Tool Qty Indiv Cost Qty Cost    
Park screwdriver set 1 $9.40 $9.40    
Park hex wrench set 2 $12.50 $25.00    
Park wrench set 1 $41.95 $41.95    
Park adjustable wrench 1 $19.50 $19.50    
Park needle nose pliers 1 $13.50 $13.50    
Park magnetic parts bowl 1 $3.95 $3.95    
Park derailleur alignment tool 1 $37.95 $37.95    
Park cone wrenches, 13 - 17 mm 5 $4.50 $22.50    
Dualco grease gun 1 $10.95 $10.95    
Park spoke wrenches (3.2, 3.3, 3.45, 3.96) 4 $3.85 $15.40    
Park chain tool 1 $18.75 $18.75    
Park chain wear indicator 1 $15.45 $15.45    
Park chain link pliers 1 $8.30 $8.30    
Park small pedal wrench 1 $6.25 $6.25    
Park Pin Spanners 2 $4.75 $9.50    
Pedro's cable cutter 1 $17.50 $17.50    
Pedro's cable puller fourth hand 1 $15.00 $15.00    
Hozan Lock Ring Wrench 1 $16.50 $16.50    
Finish Line Chain Cleaner 1 $13.50 $13.50    
        Tools Sub-Total: $320.85
Surly Ted long-bed bike trailer   $475.00      
Surly trailer hitch   $185.00   Trailer Sub-Total: $660.00
        Tools & Trailer: $980.85
Approximate Labor Cost

(to be covered by ASUW Bike Shop):

hrs mechanics wage sessions/month total/month
Low estimate: 3:30 - 6:30 (on the trail from 4 pm - 6 pm) 3 2 $14.00 1 $84.00
High estimate: 3:00 - 7:00 (on the trail from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm) 4 2 $14.00 2 $224.00


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kris Skotheim

Commuter Profile

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $30,000

Letter of Intent:

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

The primary campus environmental problem this project addresses is carbon emissions. It also addresses problems of resource consumption and pollution produced by the operation of vehicles and creation and maintenance of roads and parking lots.

According to the UW Climate Action Plan, 24.4% of our campus carbon emissions are attributed to commuting. UW Transportation has done an impressive job, particularly with the U-Pass program, and our current mode-split is commendable by US standards. But there is plenty of room for improvement. For example, about 1/3 of UW commuters currently walk or bicycle for their commute but twice that many (about 60%) of the campus population lives within 5 miles of campus which puts them within comfortable bicycling/walking distance (bicycling is generally the most cost and time-efficient form of transportation for distances between 2 and 5 miles according to the Cascade Bicycle Club, and walking is very viable at shorter distances).

Not only will a switch to lower-impact forms of transportation reduce our environmental impact, but they will reduce traffic congestion, improve health and create a more humane campus environment (some interesting research shows positive effects of reduced vehicle traffic on quality of life:

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

The proposed solution is a web-based tool which allows people to indicate the start and endpoints of their commute and be provided with a “Commuter Profile” which gives them information about their commuting options including suggested routes (provided by Google Maps), estimated costs and benefits (money spent, calories burned, carbon emissions produced), resources available to UW commuters (e.g. UPass, bike facilities, ride-sharing resources, telecommuting policies, etc) and other motivational/inspirational information about the benefits of more environmentally friendly commuting options (e.g. profiles of commuters and expert advice offered by UW researchers and professionals).

Changing commuting behavior is not easy. People have logistical, health, and practical reasons for choosing their commute option. There are real hurdles to switching. Enabling a switch requires the alignment of many factors in an individual’s life. This proposed project doesn’t address all of those factors, but it does address the information/education.

To see an early design mock-up, go to

My vision is that a link to this tool would be provided to all students/faculty/staff to accompany the information that is sent out each quarter with the UPass (this is something that Transportation Services would help determine). It could also be available from MyUW.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

This project will be overseen, managed and carried out by students who will coordinate their efforts with UW staff (Transportation Services). Students will not only do the design and technical work, but also interact with staff and faculty to gather feedback and support, conduct usability testing, and identify the substantial resources the UW community can provide (e.g.expertise on relevant topics ranging from the health impacts of different commuting modes to urban planning and policy-setting to support commuters).

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?

The finished project will provide education/awareness about the environmental impacts and personal/social impacts of various commuting options to everyone who uses it (potentially the entire UW community).
The process of creating the project will involve outreach to UW staff and faculty to garner their support and, in the process, create mutual awareness of the resources the UW has to address and minimize its own environmental impacts.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?

The funds required for this project include money to pay students for their work and money to reimburse participants in focus groups and usability testing. The funds will support the UW ( helping to fund UW students, by using UW catering and by reimbursing via the Husky card to encourage on-campus purchasing).

What you see below is a very rough estimate of the magnitude of funds needed to make this project successful:

Approximately $30,000

2 quarters, Half-time Graduate or undergraduate student:
Coordinator: An individual who will oversee the work of the developers, conduct the focus groups, and gather information about UW research and professional expertise.

2 quarters, $1,600-8,000
10-20hr/week graduate or undergraduate student for 2 quarters
Communication designer: Craft and frame the messages to be compelling and relevant.

2 quarters, $1,600-8,000
10-20hr/week graduate or undergraduate student for 2 quarters
Visual designer: Design a visually appealing and effective site.

2 quarters, $1,600-8,000
10-20hr/week graduate or undergraduate student for 2 quarters
Web designer: Design and implement an effective interactive interface.

2 quarters, $1,600-8,000
10-20hr/week graduate or undergraduate student for 2 quarters
Coder: Address the technical challenges of working with Google Maps and other online
resources to produce the recommended routes.

$300 focus groups (4, 5 people each) – buy lunch from Bay Laurel Catering
($15 each)
$300 usability testing – 4 rounds, 5 people each time, give $15 to Husky card

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Marilyn Ostergren

Biodiversity Green Wall, Edible Green Screen + Water Harvesting Demonstration Project Phase I‐ Feasibility and Design

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $10,185

Letter of Intent:

The Biodiversity Green Wall, Edible Green Screen and Water Harvesting Demonstration Project is a two-Phase project to be constructed at Gould Hall. Phase I is a Feasibility and Design Study and Phase II is Construction and Documentation. This proposal is to fund Phase I with work to be completed by the end of August, 2011. A student Design Team will lead the project from initial building assessment through construction and monitoring stages. As a Demonstration Project, students will transform a blank concrete wall into a showcase of improved habitat that fosters diverse native species, a rainwater harvest method, local food production, and systems that reduce building heating and cooling energy demand that can help the campus reduce its carbon footprint and achieve its sustainability goals. A student-led design and construction effort, the Demonstration Project will provide numerous campus benefits as well as enhanced hands-on education opportunities.

The Biodiversity Green Wall, Edible Green Screen and Water Harvesting Demonstration Project will address several aspects of sustainability outlined in the UW Climate Action Plan including water recycling, sustainable land use planning, sustainable and local food production, energy and carbon footprint reduction and UW green marketing and branding efforts.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Leslie Batten

Sustainability Service-Learning Liaison

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,588

Letter of Intent:

The Carlson Leadership & Public Service Center is actively working to develop service-learning opportunities related to sustainability and environmental stewardship on and off campus, particularly for students in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. The Center is applying for $3588 to fund a graduate or advanced undergraduate student to work as the sustainability service-learning liaison during Summer 2011. Please note, our letter of intent indicated a request for $3100.00. The slight increase is due to the increased number of weeks of funding needed to fund a student throughout the summer.

The current student service-learning liaison has seen success in the past two quarters, developing seven new partnerships with sustainability focused organizations, as well as starting a collaborative relationships with the Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Office and the UW Farm. Funding from the CSF would enable the Carlson Center to keep the current momentum that has developed this academic year towards sustainability focused service-learning opportunities. The student will take a leadership role in implementing three concurrent goals that will build the Carlson Center’s capacity to offer service-learning opportunities to students in the STEM disciplines:

Goal 1. Develop and expand partnerships with local non-profit organizations that address sustainability issues. The Carlson Center already has long-standing relationships with numerous environmentally focused organizations. In order to support an increased number of students involved in service-learning, it is important to develop opportunties at local organizations that will offer students diverse opportunities to volunteer in the community. It is our hope that students in the STEM disciplines will be able to bring different skill sets to the organizations than traditional service-learners have previously. The student will serve as a way for local environmentally focused organizations to connect with the University and for them to be aware of the sustainability efforts happening at UW currently.

Goal 2. Identify outreach and community engagement activities already occuring on campus, particularly in the STEM fields. Many programs on campus offer outreach to K-12 students in the form of assemblies, field trips, or more extensive summer programs. In order to better understand what types of programs are being offered to the community by UW, we plan to reach out to faculty members running these programs. We also plan to discuss the possibility of incorporating service-learning into the programs or related courses taught by the faculty members.

Goal 3. Build relationships with on campus entities that are dedicated to improving environmental awareness and sustainable practices at UW. Among the many groups working to improve campus sustainability, we have identified the Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Office and the Campus Sustainability Fund campus groups that are crafting a campus culture that is environmentally conscious. We hope to partner with these and other student groups across campus to provide students participating in service-learning opportunities to make a positive impact on campus sustainability.

Goal 4. Improve outreach efforts to sustainability focused Registered Student Organizations (RSO’s). Student groups across campus are demonstrating dedication to diverse issues in sustainability. We already have partnerships with various student groups, such as WashPIRG and the UW Farm. By connecting with more student groups, we hope to develop additional on-campus service-learning and volunteer opportunities and also link these groups with the environmental organizations in the broader Seattle community.

The new student liaison will address the goals listed above using the following strategies during Summer 2011:

Strategy 1: Develop Partnerships. The new student liaison will reach out to the organizations listed by the current liaison as organizations that would be suitable for service-learning partnerships, as well as research other potential organizations. This will involve site visits to organizations across Seattle to discuss the goals of the organizations and ways that students could provide support through service- learning. Specific organizations to reach out to include Sustainable Seattle, Sustainable Northeast Seattle, and Environment Washington.

Strategy 2: Identify Campus Activities. The current liaison has developed a list of summer outreach programs conducted by faculty in the STEM disciplines. Over the summer, the new student liaison will contact the leaders in these programs to learn more about what they offer to students in Seattle and also determine if service-learners could participate in the program during the academic year.

Strategy 3: Build Relationships with Campus Offices. The Carlson Center hopes to host a service-learning round table event during the Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Office’s “Sustainability Summit” held in the fall. At this event we plan to bring together faculty, some who have participated in service-learning and some who are interested in service- learning but have not used it in the classroom, and representatives from community environmental organizations who are familiar with service-learning to facilitate discussions about service-learning opportunities. The student liaison would take part in much of the planning of the event during the summer in order for it to occur in October.

Strategy 4: Build Relationships with Student Groups. The Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Office has already identified a list of Environmental RSO’s at UW. We plan to contact these groups during the early summer and late summer in order to talk about ways to provide support to them, as well as collaborate with them in the fall and throughout the year. We would also like to invite representatives of these groups to the round table event in the fall to discuss ways to incorporate on-campus service-learning and volunteer positions into the organizations.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Rachel Vaughn

Biodiversity Greenwall, Edible Green Screen, and Water Harvesting Demonstration Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:

Project Summary:

The Biodiversity Green Wall, Edible Green Screen and Water Harvesting Demonstration Project is a two-Phase project to be constructed at Gould Hall.  Phase I is a Feasibility and Design Study and Phase II is Construction and Documentation.  Phase I was awarded funding by the Campus Sustainability Fund in the summer of 2011 and will be completed by the end of the year.  This proposal is to fund Phase II, with work to be completed by August 2012. 

A student Design + Construction Team will lead the project from the design stage through construction, documentation and education and outreach.  As an integrated Demonstration Project, students will transform a blank concrete wall into a showcase of improved habitat that fosters diverse native species, innovate rainwater harvesting methods, utilize solar power for lighting and irrigation pumping, try new methods of local food production, and test green systems that will potentially reduce building heating and cooling energy demand to help the campus reduce its carbon footprint and achieve its sustainability goals.  A student-led design and construction effort, the Demonstration Project will yield numerous campus benefits as well as provide diverse  hands-on education opportunities. Successful implementation of the Demonstration Project may lay the groundwork for the construction of other green walls on campus, helping the campus achieve its multiple sustainability goals.

CSF Requirements + Preferences:

Environmental Impact

This integrated demonstration project will have positive environmental impact in numerous ways, showcasing the additive benefits of taking an integrated green infrastructure approach:

  • It is expected that the Green Wall and Green Screen will increase building performance, with the potential for long term energy and cost savings with reduction in heating/cooling energy demands
  • The Biodiversity Green Wall, populated with native vegetation, will provide native habitat for plants, insects and birds.
  • The Edible Green Screen will investigate the potential for using vertical surfaces to produce local food.
  • Water harvesting for irrigation use will reduce potable water consumption and remove water from the waste stream by reusing it through irrigation.  The process will also cleanse pollutants through phytoremediation by plant material, thereby addressing water quality and quantity issues.
  • The Demonstration Project will examine the role of aesthetics in promoting sustainability.  When people are excited about green technologies they are more likely to adopt sustainable practices themselves.  When campus departments become interested in green technologies, they are more likely to implement them in other places around campus.
  • The Demonstration Project will also contribute to noise pollution absorption, air quality and carbon sequestration, and urban heat island reduction.
  • The use of low energy LED lighting will demonstrate the viability of new photovoltaic solutions in reducing energy use, while also improving safety within the Varey Garden and at the adjacent bus stop at night.
  • The Demonstration Project will address several aspects of sustainability outlined in the UW Climate Action Plan including water recycling, sustainable land use planning, sustainable and local food production, energy and carbon footprint reduction and UW green marketing and branding efforts.
  • The Demonstration Project will address the criteria of the CPO SustainAbilities Scorecard.
  • Because the Green Futures Lab overlooks the Demonstration Project, the project will be a direct connection to this valuable campus resource.  Additionally, the project will highlight the expertise of multiple campus departments and offices, cross pollinating environmental design knowledge on campus.

Student Involvement

  • Phase I of the Demonstration Project was entirely student-led.  Students have already logged over 650 hours of design and coordination efforts.
  • Phase II will potentially provide 3-5 paid student jobs and 10-15 student volunteer jobs, providing an estimated 600 hours of student work.
  • Because of liability reasons, students will work directly with a contractor and Capital Projects-appointed PM for Green Wall installation, however students will have the opportunity to fabricate and construct the Green Screen as well as install Green Wall plants.
  • The Student Design Team will document construction (potentially in a time-laps video/photos), design, construct and install educational signage, lead student workshops, present in applicable classes, and monitor and disseminate project results.
  • Students will develop skills in project management, construction, campus coordination, maintenance, research, and leadership of their peers, UW staff and a contractor.
  • Students will build their personal portfolios and increase their post-college job marketability by having been involved in a sizeable installation- from project inception and grant writing to construction and monitoring.

Education + Outreach

  • The project is housed at Gould Hall in the Varey Garden and will be visible from 15th as well as the bus stop in front of Gould Hall.  The Varey Garden is an already beloved public garden and the Demonstration Project will help to further activate the space.
  • The College of Built Environments houses over 700 students and 185 faculty/staff in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Management- all disciplines that would directly benefit from the educational and research components of the Demonstration Project. Because of its ecological and stormwater benefits, the Demonstration Project also has the potential to appeal to the Engineering Departments as well as the College of the Environment.
  • With its close proximity to main campus and Schmitz Hall, the Demonstration Project has the potential to be a stopping point along guided Campus Tours, reaching out to prospective students as well as demonstrating UW’s commitment to sustainability.
  • Students will have the opportunity to research and monitor the Demonstration Project.  Temperature sensors will be installed on both sides of the green wall to test building performance and water gauges will be built into the irrigation system to measure water use.  Students will perform species counts (plants, animals and insects) and plant growth will be documented + monitored.  Because the Demonstration Project is within view of the Green Futures Lab, students will also have the opportunity to measure human use.
  • The Phase I Feasibility and Design document as well as the construction documents will be published online and available in the Green Futures Lab.  Documentation of construction (potentially in a time-laps video/photos) as well as future?? monitoring outcomes [as part of Phase II] will also be published online through the Green Futures Lab.
  • Students will also have the option to present their findings and designs in various university courses such as LARCH 498: Soils and Hydrology, ARCH 532: Sustainable Construction Materials, CM 313: Construction Methods and Materials, and other applicable engineering, horticulture or ESRM courses.  The Demonstration Project also has the potential to be a living lab for design studios, inspiring further design ideas.
  • Post construction, students will be invited to conduct research on the walls and water harvesting systems and to co-publish and present this research in courses, conferences, and academic publications. Potential opportunities for publicizing in local print include the UW Daily, UW Today e-newsletter, and the UW Botanic Gardens e-newsletter.
  • Because the Demonstration Project is a highly public "green" structure, it could appeal to professional publications or blog entries for the Cascadia Green Building Council, American Society of Landscape Architecture, American Institute of Architects, and Green Roofs for Healthy Cities.
  • Students will present the project at a Green Infrastructure Partnership monthly meeting as well as the Washington ASLA Committee on the Environment monthly meeting.
  • Students will present the project at next year’s Sustainability Fair + Summit  and posters will be available for display within the CSF office.
  • Because of its online documentation, the Demonstration Project has the potential to be a role model for other Design Colleges and Universities across the country as a showcase of sustainability and a display of integrated inter-disciplinary student work.
  • Additionally, interpretive signage will provide passive educational opportunities for visitors to the walls in the Gould Hall Varey Garden.
  • The Demonstration Project aligns with the goals of the College of Built Environment to integrate sustainability for a “tangible improvement of built and natural environments.”  Because both its design process and physical product breaks disciplinary boundaries, the Demonstration Project displays the “strong interest in interdisciplinary exchange” within the College.

Feasibility, Sustainability + Accountability

  • In Phase I, students coordinated with over 19 faculty and staff on campus to determine project feasibility and develop partnerships for long term maintenance and sustainability.
  • Students presented the Demonstration Project to the Campus Design Review Board in September 2011 and will potentially present the project again for feedback at the University Landscape Advisory Committee or Design Review Board meetings in December.
  • Since the project is housed at the College of Built Environments, students coordinated a design session with the CBE Dean, CBE Department Chairs, and Varey Garden designer to get design and technical feedback, gain project momentum, and align the design with the goals of the College.
  • UW Farm and UW Grounds and Maintenance expressed their excitement about the project and verbally agreed to be a part of long term maintenance.  More defined commitments will be coordinated at the end of Phase I.
  • The student lead on the project is a licensed Landscape Architect and has several years experience of overseeing landscape construction projects.  She will work directly with the CPO-appointed Project Manager to assure the schedule and timeline of construction is reasonable and accurate.  The GFL Director is also a licensed Landscape Architect and will continue to provide leadership and advising for the student team.
  • The Green Futures Lab  (GFL) has an impressive project portfolio, attesting to the capability of the unit.  The GFL is well respected in the design field and has a strong relationship to design professionals and academics. Following construction, the GFL will ensure the Demonstration Project has the faculty guidance and student stewardship needed to sustain the full life of the living structures.

Estimate of Project Budget:

We are requesting $80,000 from CSF to complete Phase II of the Biodiversity Green Wall, Edible Green Screen and Water Harvesting Demonstration Project.  We estimate the total project cost to be about $115,000 and anticipate receiving 30% in match funds.

The Green Futures Lab has committed to contributing $2,000 towards the project and students are currently in dialogue with the College of Built Environments, Capital Projects, Services and Activities Fee and UW Grounds and Maintenance for potential further teaming.

This cost includes construction + maintenance materials and installation as well as student management, installation, documentation and monitoring hours.  See the ‘student involvement’ section for more details about student roles in the project.  A detailed cost estimate will be provided for the full proposal.

Current Design:

Please see the following pages for renderings of the current design.  

Daytime rendering of Green Wall + Green Screen Demonstration Project

Nighttime rendering of Green Wall + Green Screen Demonstration Project

The Demonstration Project will incorporate Water Harvesting as well as Solar Panels to power irrigation pumps and lighting elements. Location options are below.

Preliminary Construction Drawings of the Demonstration project:

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Leann Andrews

Biodiesel Cooperative Vapor Characterization

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,620

Letter of Intent:

The Biodiesel Cooperative is seeking funds to perform a vapor characterization analysis to determine the quantity of methanol vapor released from the Biodiesel Cooperative’s production process. Characterizing the vapors released from the reactor is important, because the biodiesel conversion involves methanol. Methanol can cause health effects when inhaled. The OSHA permissible exposure limit for methanol vapor exposure is a time-weighted average of 200ppm over an 8-hour period. The Cooperative uses liquid methanol, but since the reactor is heated during the conversion some of the methanol may vaporize during reaction. It is important to know if any of this vaporized methanols is released, because it could have health effects. The Cooperative will also be determining the flammability risk with the vapor. This research has impacts that are potentially broader than just the Cooperative. The vapors released from small-scale biodiesel reactors have not been well characterized. The vapor characterization will help to keep small-scale biodiesel producers like the Cooperative safe. The characterization will be performed in a temporary lab space allocated to the Cooperative by Engineering Facilities Services for the purpose of the vapor characterization. This project will be done in cooperation with Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S). The ultimate goal of the project is to determine the Cooperative’s lab requirements. Once EH&S agrees to the lab requirements, the Cooperative will be able to find a lab space that meets the Cooperative’s long term needs and insures its viability. The Cooperative will be in a much stronger position to fulfill its main goals after this characterization is complete. It will be able to begin to educate individuals in a small-scale alternative energy production, while also increase sustainability on campus by repurposing a waste stream into fuel for on-campus vehicles.

The Cooperative helps students gain both engineering and business experience through operating a small-scale biodiesel plant. On the business side this experience stems from satisfying stakeholders, performing outreach, and managing the Cooperative’s financials. On the engineering side this experience involves process improvements, plant operation and research. The cooperative also provides mentorship opportunities for students in the form of more experienced students and industry professionals. The Cooperative works with its mentors and stakeholders to educate the community about alternative energy. Since its founding last December the Cooperative has participated in several on campus outreach events. These included Engineering Discovery Days in Spring 2011, the ENGAGE event the day before the SEBA sponsored Autumn Science and Engineering Career Fair and the Sustainability Summit this October.

Student volunteer opportunities of this project can be divided into two categories: logistics and engineering. Each of these leaders is currently involved in the vapor characterization project. There will be further opportunities for student involvement for more junior members. These junior members will help to implement the project and work directly under one of the project leaders on specific tasks, such as running the reactor or helping to write grants for the project.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kathryn Cogert

Kincaid Ravine Restoration Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:


We seek to restore Kincaid Ravine, transforming this forgotten space from a declining and unsafe area to an ecologically healthy campus forest. This work will increase native species biodiversity, and enhance the ravine’s ability to perform important ecosystem services. Additionally, it will create an outdoor laboratory for academic exploration on campus, and a space for students to engage with the natural world just steps from their residence halls. This project is being developed through a partnership with Professor Gordon Bradley, UW Grounds, and EarthCorps.


Kincaid Ravine, a plot of land in the northeast corner of the UW campus, is one of the last pieces of forested open space on campus. Preserved from development at the urging of the first student environmental activists in the early 1970s, the ravine is a living testament to the power and prescience of students. Unfortunately, a variety of human impacts (historic logging, nearby development, and the introduction of invasive species) have altered the ravine’s ecological character, leaving us today with a landscape in decline. The existing trees are coming to the end of their natural lifespan, and the dominance of invasive species on the forest floor has choked out new trees and prevented the regeneration of the canopy. The space is also frequently the site of homeless encampments, and is not perceived to be accessible or safe for students. Without restoration, we will watch the forest die over the next generation, and lose the opportunity to reclaim the space from negative uses. We seek to perform major ecological restoration in the ravine to enhance the ecosystem services it provides, increase native species biodiversity, and provide a safe space for students to learn and explore. We envision one year of intensive work to reset the ecological trajectory, coupled with three years of declining maintenance.

This project will take place over two phases:

Phase I involves major removal of invasive species, installing more than 1,100 native plants, and other restoration work. To maximize student involvement, this will occur over the academic year of 2013-2014.

Phase II involves three years of maintenance, including monitoring, removing invasive species regrowth, and care for native species. This phase will be performed in partnership with UW Grounds, academic units, and other RSOs. After Phase II, we expect the project will be established enough that it can be maintained by UW Grounds at little additional expense.


The project provides for a variety of environmental benefits. Restoration will sustain and enhance the ecosystem services provided by the ravine, including stormwater retention, air filtration, and carbon sequestration. By increasing native species biodiversity, the project will provide habitat for appropriate native wildlife, and by substantially increasing the number of evergreen trees, the project will be contributing to UW’s and the City of Seattle’s efforts to increase the urban tree canopy.


We anticipate that a student, in collaboration with project partners, will serve as the project manager. Ongoing stewardship will be conducted through unique partnerships with academic units and RSOs. For example, UW fraternity Phi Kappa Theta will reorient their philanthropy work to provide stewardship through quarterly work parties. We anticipate that by the time we present you with a full proposal, we will have identified additional partnerships for long-term student involvement in the project.


The project will be highly visible – it takes place on the Burke Gilman Trail, the highest-use pedestrian facility in the city, as well as immediately adjacent to the north campus residence halls. During the implementation of the project, we will engage appropriate academic classes to do formal environmental education, as well as utilize volunteer events to engage hundreds of students in informal education. Finally, once the project is completed, the ravine can serve as an outdoor laboratory for classes focused on restoration, forestry, botany, and more.


Restoration requires thoughtful planning, technical skill, and a long-term commitment. We believe our project is set up for success both in the near- and long-term. The project partners have a demonstrated history of successful restoration projects throughout the Puget Sound over two decades. We will bring this skill to our work in Kincaid Ravine.


  • Gordon Bradley, from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, has extensive experience in natural resource management. He sees the potential to create an outdoor laboratory on campus for restoration.
  • UW Grounds is the official manager of the ravine and supports its restoration. Over the long term, restoration will decrease maintenance costs and increase the safety and aesthetics of the land; however, at this time UW Grounds is unable to invest the substantial upfront costs associated with restoration. Hillary Burgess, the IPM and Sustainability Coordinator, will serve as the liaison between UW Grounds and the project.
  • The project is being undertaken in partnership with EarthCorps, a local non-profit organization dedicated to community-based ecological restoration. Each year, hundreds of UW students perform service-learning hours with EarthCorps at parks across Seattle – and this project provides the opportunity to engage those students in stewardship of their own campus. Justin Hellier, a UW alumnus and former CSF Committee member will serve as the liaison between EarthCorps and the project.


We anticipate requesting a budget of approximately $62,000, which includes the following line items: Outreach Materials for Student Involvement $2,000 Salary for Student Project Manager $10,000 • Part-time position for three quarters Phase I Restoration Expenses $35,000 • Invasive removal • Planting • Materials Phase II Maintenance Fund $15,000 • Set-aside for three year maintenance costs • Includes replacement plants, monitoring, and other unanticipated expenses.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Matt Schwartz

Campus Green Labs: Sustainable Oceanography Lab Pilot Project

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,247

Letter of Intent:


To investigate the viability of implementing sink aerators and LED or compact fluorescent lights in growth chambers in UW labs. Our first goal is to implement a case study examining the efficacy of replacing current growth chamber lighting systems with energy efficient LED growth lights. Although LED lighting may be a simple way to reduce energy usage in labs, there is limited research available on the reliability of such growth lights in a lab setting. This often leads to apprehension from researchers due to concern for the quality of their results when using this technology. Additionally, some researchers may not even know this technology is available. Our case study will provide information that can be used by campus organizations (e.g. Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office, individual labs, etc.) to evaluate the viability of introducing LED growth lights to their own facilities. The second goal of this project is to install as many faucet aerators in the University of Washington’s Oceanography building and monitor the reduction of water usage in the facility. If results demonstrate a reduction in water usage, we aim to present this study to the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office, who could then use this study to encourage other departments to install faucet aerators as well. This information could also be used to update building codes for all buildings on campus.

Research Questions:

How do faucet aerators affect water usage in the Oceanography building? Are LED growth lights a viable alternative to current lighting systems in growth chambers within the Oceanography building?  


Kate and I, as students in Sustainability Studio, hope to implement this project as soon as possible. In order to accomplish our project for this course, we would prefer to receive funding as soon as possible. We are also pursing funding from Seattle City Light, and have contacted their rebate program facilitators to see if our project can qualify for rebates from them.  


LED Growth Lights Replacement Project One LED grow light, produced by the manufacturer AgroMax, costs $7.95 before shipping. Kate and I hope to implement this project in at least one growth chamber, which has 16 bulbs. The cost for replacing the lights in the one growth chamber would amount to $127.02. We have the opportunity to replace current fluorescent growth lights in four growth chambers, however. To fund this endeavor, there are 39 lights and the cost (before shipping) to replace them with LED growth lights would amount to approximately $310.05. The ordering page for growth lights can be found at   Faucet Aerator Replacement Project Faucet aerators range in price, depending on the need of a male or female component. After touring the Oceanography department’s laboratories, we found that the faucets were not standardized in size or composition. Most faucets were outfitted with plastic tubing attached by clamps to reduce splashing. In order to complete this project, we will need to purchase faucet aerators, plastic tubing, and materials to clamp the tubing over the faucet. Aerators range in price, generally between $2.50-$8.00 each before shipping. See or for examples. We hope to outfit as many faucets as possible with aerators in the Oceanography building. Receiving between $50-$100 would allow us to update a significant number of faucets with these energy saving devices.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kate Stevenson

After Hours @ The Burke

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $2,335

Letter of Intent:

The student advisory board of the Burke Museum will collaborate with SEED's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle committee to present an "After Hours @ The Burke" event for UW students in conjunction with the Burke's upcoming exhibit, "Plastics Unwrapped."


"Plastics Unwrapped" will be on view at the Burke Museum from December 20, 2012, through May 27, 2013, and then travel to other museums around the country. It introduces visitors to the history, science, and engineering of plastics; impacts on human health, wildlife, and environments worldwide; and what we can do to make a difference as responsible consumers and recyclers.

The displays include:

  • Wall-size installations of plastic waste, such as: the number of plastic water bottles used every second in the US, the pounds of e-waste discarded in a similar time, the amount of plastic collected on a Washington beach in a single afternoon, plastic bags consumed in a quarter-second—and more!
  • Information on how plastics are made from fossil fuels.
  • Large-format video of plastic waste in world environments
  • Objects from the Burke collections, from pre-plastic raingear to wildlife killed by plastic pollution
  • “Cracking the Code,” display on the meaning of recycling-code numbers on plastic containers
  • A wall of “Better Choices,” including reusable bags and water bottles, biodegradable plastics, products made from recycled plastic, those with no plastic packaging, etc.
  • A Learn-More Lounge, with information to explore on composting, recycling, and other steps that visitors can take to reduce their plastic footprint
  • A Studio Lab space for hands-on activities, including trash-sorting challenges presented by SEED and the UW Garbology Project


“After Hours @ The Burke” is a quarterly evening event for UW students and their friends, hosted by the Burke Museum’s student advisory board. Each event includes a variety of creative, educational, and social activities organized around a central theme.

This proposed event will be held in Spring quarter, 2013, and focus on plastics and recycling. Activities will be presented by students involved with the Burke, SEED, and other campus partners, such as:

  • Trash/recycle/compost sorting game, presented by SEED
  • Making art from plastic trash, presented by SEED and students enrolled in Burke 101 (earning UW credit for leading visitor activities in the museum)
  • Information on other campus resources related to plastics and recycling
  • Refreshments
  • Other activities, TBD by student advisory board (The final program will be developed over the coming months.)


This event, and the associated Plastics exhibit, will be widely publicized across the campus through posters, e-lists, UW media, departmental mailings, and networking with campus groups. By attending the event, students will gain an increased awareness of the environmental issues surrounding plastics and recycling and leave with increased knowledge about how to make changes in their own lives and on campus, promoting a more sustainable community. It will also increase visibility and awareness of sustainability activities on campus among student audiences, boost student attendance for the Burke's educational exhibit, and build mutually beneficial partnerships between the Burke and student organizations that share the museum's sustainability goals.

In the past, "After Hours @ the Burke" Events have been funded by UW Undergraduate Affairs and an IMLS grant, both of which are no longer available. The Burke can cover some costs of these events but routinely seeks outside contributions for programming and publicity. Since this subject matter seeks to increase student engagement with sustainability efforts within the campus community, applying to CSF seemed like a logical funding option.


Danielle Acheampong, primary contact, is a member of the Burke Museum Student Advisory Board and is focusing on the Plastics exhibit for her thesis in Museology. Cassandra Sandkam is a program manager in the Burke Education office; her duties include coordinating the student advisory board and their events. Primary contact at SEED is Rachel DeCordoba, the Reduce Reuse Recycle committee chair.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Danielle Acheampong

Green Wall Interactive Educational Elements and Habitat Structures

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $5,500

Letter of Intent:

This proposal will build upon the previously funded CSF project—the Biodiversity Green Wall, Edible Green Screen, and Water Harvesting Demonstration Project—to include enhanced habitat and interactive educational elements that will reveal the functions and benefits of the project to the public. This proposal is for the design and installation of the following:

  1. Interactive educational elements to reveal the hidden water harvesting components and explain the benefits of vegetated walls. Such elements could include a display that tracks current water levels in the cisterns and signage that uses QR (Quick Response) codes to allow visitors to look up monitoring data on the Green Future Lab’s website. In addition, a plaque that announces the project and lists project partners, including CSF, could help to inspire future campus sustainability projects by raising awareness about the funding opportunities provided through CSF.
  2. Bird perches and nesting pockets to provide resting places for animals and to reveal the biodiversity benefits of the wall to the public. Our preliminary research revealed many hummingbirds, songbirds and insects that frequent the wall, however their foraging time is limited due to the lack of resting places. Bird perches would enhance both the biodiversity of the wall and the human viewing and educational experience.

Visual examples of these ideas can be found here:


The interactive educational elements will be designed to engage the public with the green wall, while educating them about the multiple benefits of vegetated walls and water harvesting systems (i.e. water quality, water recycling, air purification, noise attenuation, biodiversity, urban heat island reduction, enhanced building performance). These benefits will be monitored and posted regularly to our website and be accessible to visitors through the use of a QR code.

A more informed public is more likely to modify their behavior in their daily lives and professional paths to support sustainability. Because the Green Wall is on Gould Hall which houses architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, real estate and construction management, the Green Wall has the potential to impact future building of sustainable systems in budding built environment professionals. Bird perches and nesting pockets integrated into the Green Wall will attract attention to the wall through bird songs and activity, encourage public awareness of the importance of biodiversity, and enhance the needed habitat benefits of the wall.


The design, fabrication and installation of these components would be done primarily by students, with faculty and staff oversight. A team of students (2-3) would be hired through the Green Futures Lab, directed by Professor Nancy Rottle. Many students have already approached the lab to express interest in working on the project. The team would get approval for the designs by UW Grounds, UW Facilities, CSF, the College of Built Environments, and any other required departments. Elements would be purchased using local materials, and fabricated using the shop at the College of Built Environments. The Green Futures Lab and its students have proven their ability to manage a complex design and construction project through the implementation of the Green Wall project, which navigated through over 50 faculty and staff and obtained all the necessarily approvals needed to move through each stage of the project. Additionally, the Green Wall has been advertised through numerous UW, local, regional, and national media outlets, displaying the capacity for this project to educate and bring awareness to student led sustainability.


CSF Funded:

Equipment + Construction:

  • Installation of Water Level Measuring Pole ~$1,000
  • Interpretive Sign Printing/ Fabrication (2) ~$500
  • Materials (Steel, piping, float, etc) ~$500

Personnel and Wages:

  • Design, Fabrication and Installation by students ~$2,350 (136 hours x $17.3)*
  • Project management by student ~$280 (16 hours x $17.3)
  • Website design and maintenance by student ~$870 (50 hours x $17.3)

Total Budget: $5,500

*Department standard hourly graduate student rate of $15 plus required benefits of 15.3%

Non-CSF Sources:

  • Student volunteer hours ~ $1,700 (100 hours)
  • Faculty oversight volunteer hours ~ $2,400 (40 hours)

Total estimated volunteer value: $4,100

Project Completion Total: $9,600

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Cayce James

UW Night Market

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $400

Letter of Intent:

Dear University of Washington,

We are the Taiwanese Student Association (TSA). TSA contains 40 active officers, and each year we host the annual UW Night Market on Red Square, where we invite over 15 vendors and attracts more than 6,000 attendees. This year we will be hosting the Night Market on May 9th, 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM. Every year TSA always encounter recycling and waste issue, where our attendees are not aware of the trashcan they are throwing, as well as how to sort their trash.

This year, TSA is aiming at providing 1 - 2 workers at each garbage station to ensure participants are sorting their garbages correctly. We will also include a slide of garbage waste and recycling information. In addition, we will film a short video educating the public of recyle waste and share it on our website as well as providing it at our will call booth station.

Each year TSA had spend $200 out of $15,300 facility budget on recycling and waste (garbage stations), and last year we were fined $180 because of poor waste control.

This year's budget breakdown for recycling and waste is as follows:

  • Recycling and waste (garbage stations): $200
  • Director/Filming: $100
  • Recruiting garbage station workers: $50
  • Craft/printing/miscellaneous: $50

$200 + $100 + $50 + $50 = $400

This year's program rundown is as follows:

  • 7 AM - 5 PM: Set-Up
  • 5 PM: All Tents/Vendors set. All garbage stations set. Workers set.
  • 5:30 PM: Event starts
  • 6:10 PM: Guest Speaker
  • 6:30 PM: Performances  
  • 7:30 PM: 2nd Shift Volunteers/Workers.
  • 10:15 PM: Vendors check out.
  • 10:30 PM: Event ends.
  • 10:30 - 12:00 AM: Clean-Up.

Any level of support will greatly help reduce the financial burden on us as a student organization, especially that this year's school funding had been reduced dramatically. 

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Helen Yang

Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $700

Letter of Intent:

Environmental Impact: 

According to the US Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2015, it is estimated that the delivered energy intensity for residential and commercial sectors will see the greatest increase in the end uses that individual behavior has a direct influence over.  By 2040, miscellaneous electric loads (plug loads) will increase nationally by 5% in residential use and 10% in commercial use.  Fully one quarter of the energy use intensity of educational facilities is ascribed to user behavior.  Increasingly, behavioral and lifestyle choices that an individual person engages in are seen as behaviors that support or hinder sustainable energy use patterns.  Lifestyles (in the home, neighborhood, community, and beyond) have become central to the design and functionality of sustainable performance levels of buildings and communities (e.g. energy targets and transportation use) and taken together, in the aggregate, user behaviors have a significant impact on U.S. and global carbon emissions. As an architect and PhD student, my interest is to investigate the integration of a theoretical framework based in environmental psychology and the design of buildings and neighborhoods that promote well-being (people and planet) and abundance (resources and technologies) in the environment. In other words, by linking high performance energy efficient technologies in the built environment with a deep understanding of pro-environmental human behavior, architects and planners can design in a way that affirms and reinforces pro-environmental behaviors in the context of the built environment. This research seeks to understand the relationship between values, goals, situational factors and the influence of place attachment in the context of an integrated framework for the design and planning of high performance buildings and neighborhoods. This work is particularly salient in meeting the UW Climate Action plans goals to reduce carbon emissions and engage students, staff and faculty in the endeavor through behavioral choices.

Student Leadership & Involvement: 

As an architect and PhD student, my interest is to investigate the integration of a theoretical framework based in environmental psychology and the design of buildings and communities that promote well-being (people and planet) and abundance (resources and technologies) in the environment. In other words, by linking high performance energy efficient technologies in the built environment with a deep understanding of pro-environmental human behavior, I believe that architects and planners can design in a way that affirms and reinforces pro-environmental behaviors in the context of the built environment. My research seeks to understand the relationship between climate change and actual energy use, values, goals, situational factors and the influence of place attachment in the context of an integrated framework for the design and planning of high performance buildings and communities. To accomplish this research, I am bringing together and ollaborating with an interdisciplinary and international team of researchers.  Dr. Manzo, Dr. Steg and Professor Loveland all serve on my PhD committee.

Dr. Lynne C. Manzo,  is an environmental psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington, Seattle. Dr. Manzo’s work focuses on place attachment, place meaning, identity and social justice as applied to affordable housing, cultural landscapes and community participation.  We are investigating the relationship between place attachment and place identity on fostering pro-environmental behavior to reduce energy use and carbon emissions.

Dr. Linda Steg is a professor in environmental psychology at the University of Groningen. Her research focuses on factors influencing pro-environmental behavior, in particular household energy use. She studies the effectiveness and acceptability of environmental and energy policies, and how environmental conditions and policies affect individual quality of life.   We are investigating the empirical evidence for pro-environmental behavior including the sequence beginning with biosphere values, environmental self-identity and promoting environmental preferences, intensions and behaviors.

Joel Loveland is the Mithun/Russell Professor of Sustainability in Architecture and the Director of the Center for Integrated Design in the School of Architecture, College of Built Environments, and University of Washington.  Professor Loveland is grounding the theoretical work in the realities of National, regional and local energy use databases, and studies on energy systems.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change: 

As a part of our research work and as an actionable part of the work, my committee and I are engaging in several outreach and educational events to foster behavior change.  Beginning on May 26th, we will share information on pro-environmental behavior with students, faculty, and professionals both on and off the campus.  The first event is a free public lecture on the UW campus in Alder Auditorium on May 26th from 6:00 to 8:00 where Dr. Steg will speak on “How to inspire pro-environmental actions.” The second event is a small group discussion with faculty and students from the College of the Built Environments and the College of the Environments in the afternoon of May 26th. The third event is a panel discussion to take place at the national EDRA (Environmental Design and Research Association) conference in LA.  This panel will consist of the entire interdisciplinary team.

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

We estimate that the costs involved in assembling the panel in Seattle to conduct outreach and education at the University of Washington will be approximately $4000. We have already raised $3,300 of these funds through the College of the Built Environment, the College of the Environment, Seattle based professional practice architectural and construction firms, and King County Green Tools.  We are asking the CSF to support $700 to be put toward expenses for Dr. Steg who is traveling from the Netherlands.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Julie Kriegh

Tap That

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $12,175

Letter of Intent:

Project Tap That's goal is to educate UW students about the harmful effects of single-use plastic water bottles on the environment and promote the use of reusable water bottles and fountains. Many students do not equate their food and consumption choices with real world problems because the effects are not immediately (or ever) felt or seen by the consumer. Project Tap That aims to bridge the educational gap between student consumption and environmental impacts by starting a conversation on campus about plastic bottles and the importance of reusable bottles. The project will achieve this by producing and distributing educational materials, such as posters, signs, and stickers, raising awareness of the campaign by distributing water bottles, hosting documentary screenings, and working with the UW School of Art to create a striking art piece made entirely out of recycled plastic bottles. These events will stimulate student thought about the impacts of their choices.

Single-use plastic water bottles are extremely harmful to the environment in every stage of the product's life cycle. It takes approximately 17 to 20 million barrels of oil just to manufacture the plastic bottles each year. A more comprehensible figure is that it takes roughly 1/4 bottle of oil to produce just one plastic bottle. When the oil used to transport water bottles is added to the manufacturing estimate, the figure jumps to over 50 million barrels of oil each year. When plastic bottles are transported, carbon emissions are pumped into the air, which exacerbates the effects of climate change. In addition to oil, it takes three liters of water in order to produce just one liter of bottled water. After bottled water is purchased and consumed, the bottle becomes yet another challenge. Two million tons of plastic water bottles end up in landfills, where they never truly degrade. Plastic bottles that are incinerated produce toxic fumes, and bottles that end up in the ocean break into tiny pieces that are ingested by marine wildlife. Plastic water bottles contribute to climate change, overconsumption of natural resources, and the deaths of thousands of marine wildlife. Reducing and eventually eliminating plastic water bottles from UW’s campus will reduce the university’s indirect consumption of oil, energy, and water. It will also lead to important social change that is necessary for more sustainable consumption choices.

Studies have shown that tap water is the same as, or higher quality, than bottled water. In fact, more than 25 percent of bottled water is just tap water in a bottle. Tap water is highly regulated, whereas bottled water regulations can be more lax. The University of Washington can make real strides towards sustainability by strongly discouraging the purchase of bottled water on campus.

This project was inspired by the ban of plastic water bottles on several prominent Washington university campuses, namely Seattle University and Western Washington University. While currently it would be very difficult to initiate a ban on selling plastic water bottles on UW’s campus due to the contract that is in place with the Coca-Cola company, the formerly mentioned universities were able to overcome this same issue by creating an educational campaign centered around the importance of reusable water bottles. These campaigns eventually lead to widespread student support followed by faculty support of the initiative. After the student’s and faculty were all in agreement, the campuses were able to start the conversation with Coca-Cola and renegotiate their contract to exclude single-use plastic water bottles. These campuses have provided the framework for us to start a similar campaign as well as the precedence for our long-term goal of banning the plastic water bottle to succeed. Both of the campaigns launched by these schools started with just a few students looking to make a difference and they slowly evolved into great projects that led to important social change.

The first leg of Project Tap that will focus on spreading educational materials about the social, environmental, and economic impacts of single-use plastic water bottles, the importance of reusable water bottles, as well as information about how to properly dispose of plastic materials. Educational materials will consist of posters and signage that will be placed in high volume buildings on campus, as well as pamphlets and signage for a campaign table. We are working with graphic design students to design visual media, but our rough estimate for educational materials at this point is $500. We would also like to purchase 1,000 wholesale stainless steel water bottles with customized “Project Tap That UW” logos as a promotional give-away to students who attend documentary screenings. This will stimulate the use of reusable bottles on campus. The bottles will also potentially be used as free prizes for participating in campaign booth events. Wholesale bottle prices are widely variable but we have chosen a BPA-free aluminum bottle that is manufactured in Washington in order to support sustainable, local investment. The bottles are estimated at $11.50 each, so 1,000 would come out to $11,500. We are in the process of obtaining more specific information about tax, shipping & handling, and other potential charges. Our current vision for the art project is a large 3D art piece made from plastic water bottles, which would be temporarily displayed in the HUB with permission from Lincoln Johnson, director of the HUB. This visual statement would be created in collaboration with students from the UW School of Art and would feature an educational component by showing and informing students about the large amount of plastic bottles that are consumed. Project Tap That has been granted permission by UW Recycling to collect plastic bottles for the art piece in designated bins during spring quarter, which will be placed in cafes and other locations on campus. Our current estimate for art supplies to create this piece is $174.09, but will likely change depending on the artist’s vision after we recruit students willing to work on the project. Our total cost estimate at this stage in our project for education materials, art supplies, and reusable water bottles is $12,174.09.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lauren Rowe

Sustainable Lighting for UW Farm, Phase 1

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $10,000

Letter of Intent:

The Campus Sustainability Fund should consider the high energy consumption from horticulture lights used in future and current UW greenhouses. While speaking with UW farm manager, Sarah Geurkink, it was made apparent that the addition of an indoor lighting system would provide a significant benefit to plants grown in the University of Washington’s new greenhouse. The Campus Sustainability Fund has already funded the new greenhouse, which will soon be under construction. Traditionally, the UW uses high-pressure sodium (HPS) lighting systems for new plant starts, and mature plants in the large UW Botany Greenhouse, because in the Pacific Northwest, supplementary lighting is necessary to grow plants during the winter months. A rough count shows the use of over 100 of these highly consumptive HPS fixtures in the UW Botany greenhouse. These HPS lights waste energy by producing excessive amounts of heat and light that is outside of the photosynthetically active radiation spectrum (the part of the light spectrum that grows plants).

Over the summer, I learned about and worked with a company called IUNU, a Seattle-based company largely composed of UW graduates. IUNU designs and sells energy efficient plasma lighting and control systems for horticulture applications. Compared to a 1000 watt HPS lighting fixture, IUNU’s plasma lights consume 50% less electricity and produce 70% less heat, all while producing a lighting spectrum that is better for plants and more similar to the sun. IUNU’s lights have received a lot of attention, installing fixtures in companies such as Microsoft, which are saving money by growing produce in-house for their employees. The addition of IUNU’s energy efficient plasma lights would not only result in a significant reduction in energy consumption, but it would also provide higher quality produce at a lower cost.

My proposal can be summarized in two phases.

In phase one, I will conduct a ten to twelve week feasibility study comparing the two lighting systems (HPS and plasma). A side-by-side comparison will compile data on energy usage and plant output. This feasibility study provides the due diligence necessary to demonstrate the efficacy of plasma lighting fixtures, both in terms of energy efficiency and crop yield. This information will be invaluable for the UW Farm’s outreach efforts. Devising an energy efficient alternative to traditional lighting technology is critical to advancing the benefits associated with indoor horticulture including, decreased water consumption, protection against diseases, and avoidance of high transportation costs. Additionally, plasma lighting technology is a new technology in a rapidly growing industry. An exercise experimenting with this technology may provide more research and revenue opportunities for the UW.

The second phase of this project would implement the lighting systems, installing them into the newly constructed UW Farm greenhouse. This would entail UW Farm and myself working in collaboration to install the lighting systems and ensuring their proper operation. Fortunately, these plasma fixtures are very simple to use and require less maintenance than the HPS lights being used currently.

Throughout the project, I intend to work closely with both Sarah Geurkink and her staff who are all leaders in UW sustainability. The feasibility study does have some start up costs. Approximately $300 will pay for isolation tents, which remove variables in plant growth, and $2,000 will cover the cost of a IUNU Dual Plasma lighting system. After hearing about my proposal, IUNU provided a 20% research discount, taking the normal cost of the system from $2,500 down to $2,000, to incentivize its use in educational institutions.

Additionally, this project would require time intensive monitoring in order to gather data and maintain the plants in the feasibility study. The feasibility study requires an average weekly pay of $14 per hour for 10 hours a week to complete the research. This equates to a maximum of $1,700 in labor costs. There would be an additional cost of $6,000 for an additional three IUNU Dual Plasma systems, which would be installed into the new UW Farm greenhouse once it has been finished and the feasibility study to gather information to give to the UW Farm has been compiled.

I believe that this project advances the objectives of the University, as our University is a leader in the energy efficient campus sustainability movement. Also, I think it is important to support IUNU, because our university ought to lend support to the entrepreneurs that UW has created. Additionally, this project is the first step to retrofitting the UW Botany greenhouse, which has a significant contribution to the 35% of UW’s energy consumption attributable to lighting. This opportunity provides a clear pathway to address one of the UW’s major energy consumers. We have been sacrificing higher upfront costs for the benefits of future savings in numerous UW sustainability projects. I hope horticulture is no exception.

Thank you for your consideration.  

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Shane McLaughlin

SER-UW Nursery Expansion

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $40,114

Letter of Intent:

Since its establishment in 2013, the Society for Restoration Ecology (SER) native plant nursery has housed over 1500 native plants, 500 of which have been installed in Whitman Walk and Kincaid Ravine, both CSF funded restoration projects. The nursery involves over 50 students each quarter in work parties that educate participants about horticultural practices and the value of native plants in our urban and wild landscapes. This March, the nursery successfully held its first plant sale, which demonstrated both a demand for native plants in the UW community, and our ability to reach out to that community.

Currently, the SER nursery has one table within a shared hoop house and most of the plants are kept outside. This is not an ideal situation for many of our salvaged plants, which need low light conditions. In order to scale up and provide better care for our plants we need a larger growing space and more shaded space. We would like to expand the nursery by building a new hoop house and creating more programing opportunities that would directly benefit MEH and ESRM students, and the greater UW community.

Our specific goals for the expansion of the nursery program in the 2015-2016 academic year are as follows:

  1. Grow plants for a selection of targeted projects, including one MEH student project, one campus capital development project, and a general suite of natives for the UW-REN Restoration Capstone course, the North American restoration course, Yessler Swamp, Kincaid Ravine, and Whitman Walk.
  2. Manage quarterly interns as they assist us with marketing and outreach, collating propagation protocols, and general nursery upkeep.
  3. Develop a long term plan to support the nursery and associated positions by identifying additional sources of funding.

In order to accomplish these goals, the SER nursery would like support from the Campus Sustainability Fund to:

  1. Build a hoop house for our native plant stock.  The design will incorporate a rainwater collection system to supplement water needed for irrigation, and will also double as a shade house during the summer months.
  2. Provide a 9-month stipend for two part-time nursery managers.
  3. Acquire additional plant production materials to supplement the resources already available at the Center for Urban Horticulture.

Environmental Impact

The SER nursery will facilitate the installation of planting projects throughout campus by providing high quality, easily accessible, and affordable plant materials.  These projects provide valuable ecosystem functions to our urban landscape; the CUH rain garden, for example, will improve stormwater filtration and groundwater recharge. Growing plants in house for this and similar projects closes an important loop in both plant material acquisition and CSF funding, allowing these projects to become mutually supportive.  Locally grown plants also reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and other costs associated with plant acquisition.

The SER nursery will also work carefully to limit the amount of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorous applied to plants, which could have a negative impact on surrounding aquatic ecosystems through nutrient runoff. When available, alternative methods will be used to ensure that plants nutrient levels are sufficient. 

Student Leadership & Involvement

SER-UW is a completely student run organization with a mixture of undergrads and graduate students as officers and members. At the plant nursery, students participate by potting plants, organizing our stock, watering, and starting seeds. A CSF grant would allow us to increase the frequency and variety of work parties.

Each quarter the nursery managers will coordinate an internship for one undergraduate student looking to get more involved in nursery management and plant production.  Each internship will have a different focus: marketing in the fall, creating a protocol manual in the winter, and plant production in the spring.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

The nursery managers will directly benefit from the ability to experiment with different plant production protocols and fulfilling contracts. A valuable mentor-mentee relationship will also be fostered between the quarterly interns and the nursery managers.

Weekly drop-in work days will increase our visibility on campus, teach volunteers about the benefits of native plants in both urban and wild landscapes, and challenge participants to learn new horticultural skills. Volunteers will learn that native plants require less water and fertilizer than many ornamental plants, and might consider using them in their own backyards. Yessler Swamp, UBNA, a rain garden, and the UW Farm pollinator project are all within short walking distance of the SER nursery, and will be used to demonstrate the potential applications of native plants. 

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability

The project will be managed by two part-time nursery managers. The Education and Outreach Coordinator will maintain our social media presence and organize volunteer events. The Nursery Coordinator will secure plant contracts and develop our planting plan.  Both will collaborate on weekly work parties, managing interns, and maintaining our plant stock.  

Kelly Broadlick and Anna Carragee will fill these two positions. Each has previous professional experience working in native plant nurseries, with specific experience in plant propagation, seed collection, and nursery maintenance. Currently, Anna is the SER native plant salvage coordinator and Kelly is the production assistant at Oxbow Nursery, and one of the co-managers of the SER nursery. Both Anna and Kelly are enrolled in the spring ESRM courses Native Plant Production and Plant Propagation.

Approval from CUH faculty and UWBG staff will be submitted at the time of the full proposal. Potential project partners are Dr. Kern Ewing, Dr. Sarah Reichard (Director of UWBG), Dr. Jon Bakker (SER advisor), David Zuckerman (Manager of Horticulture at UWBG), Fred Hoyt (Associate Director of UWBG), Matt Schwartz (Sustainable Stormwater Coordinator and Kincaid Ravine Project Manager), Yessler Swamp, UW Grounds, ESRM 100 students, and SER members.  A Memorandum of Understanding will be drafted between the SER nursery and UWBG, outlining responsibilities and liabilities between the two parties.

Budget Estimate

In total we request $40,114. This will allow $16,614 for manager stipends (based off Schedule 1 RA position for 9 months, split equally between the two managers), $3,000 for plant production materials and $20,500 for hoop house installation.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kelly Broadlick

ReThink- Student Resilience Challenge

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,726

Letter of Intent:

Our project is an event modeled after the recent PNW Resilience Challenge, hosted at UW on October 2nd. A link to that website can be found at: The PNW Resilience Challenge defines resilience as "…the ability not only to bounce back, but also to ‘bounce forward’ – to recover and at the same time to enhance the capacities of the community or organization to better withstand future stresses." ReThink was the featured, and only, RSO at the event. One of the co-founders, Kelci Zile, also acted as a co-coordinator of this event, which is part of a series of Resilience Challenges that take place across the United States. At each challenge, one of the goals is to have an attendance that represents all sectors of the of the world economy. Some examples include NASA engineers, water safety scientists, professors, financial advisors, business consultants, climate change action committees, political figures, food experts, and more. This allows many voices and opinions to be represented at the events.

A Resilience Challenge has four parts. First, the introduction includes breaking news, inspirational topics, and innovation in sustainability. Second, a panel of experts in specific fields of sustainability gives a presentation and holds a question and answer session. The third stage is called a planning session. This gives time for all in attendance to discuss major environmental issues, where and why they originate, and all possible solutions. Afterwards, teams select the best solution and create steps for implementation. Finally, the last stage involves the creation of a plan of action, including one, three, five, and ten-year goals, with action items and an execution plan. Ultimately, the Resilience Challenge aims to create a daylong event in which nothing is discussed but sustainability. The challenge provides inspiration, collaboration, and innovation through an incredible learning experience, and turns today’s issues into problems that require and possess solutions. It creates a place wherein alliances can be made, plans of action can be formed, and the most effective solutions can be born.

ReThink would like to host a version of this event for University of Washington Students that focuses on Seattle and UW-specific sustainability issues and solutions, while also educating the audience on national and global issues. Our goal is to transform students from bystanders into doers. It will empower our student population, enabling them to make changes, set trends, and help improve the world. Moreover, the event will provide UW students with a networking opportunity, as they will be working closely with each other and industry professionals that make up speaking panels and directors.

The execution of the University of Washington Resilience Challenge will be accountable as well as professional. Ms. Zile has established a close connection with Terri Butler, who works for Sustainable Seattle and acted as a lead planner for the PNW Challenge. Ms. Butler will be able to work out event logistics and detains before making any expenditures or signing contracts. We intend to use the HUB for the event, and aim to include as many environmentally focused RSO’s as possible. The ReThink team has had experience planning a multitude of events, and will be invigorated, not fazed, by one of this magnitude. We at ReThink are very thankful for your consideration, as well as the opportunity, and we deeply appreciate the objectives and values upheld of the CSF.

Our approximate cost breakdown is as follows:

  • Hub- Free
  • Speaker compensation- $500
  • Food- $1000
  • Beverages- $300
  • Advertising Material- $500
  • Takeaway material -$300
  • Shirts- $300
  • Reusable water bottles- $500
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Will Fantle

Prairie Rain Garden

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $398

Letter of Intent:


The Prairie Rain Garden is a student installation project currently under construction at the University of Washington Botanic Gardens along Wahkiakum Lane. The currently unfunded, low-resource student project aims to make the UW Campus more sustainable by turning an underutilized and problematic site into a functional native plant garden. Previously, the site was covered with non-native weeds and excess stormwater runoff from an adjacent parking area frequently ponded on the gravel trail. After heavy rainfall, a portion of the trail would often need to be re-routed due to muddy and unsafe conditions. The unmanaged runoff created a trail hazard during winter months when puddles on the trail freeze and turn to ice. Goals of the installation include mitigating urban flooding, improving runoff water quality and demonstrating sustainable stormwater management.

Funding for the garden from CSF will allow the project to meet its goals by providing materials to increase functionality. Funds will also reduce maintenance needs, increasing the resiliency of the installation by creating a larger denser native planting, increasing infiltration and reducing erosion, which will create a better end product.

Environmental Impact

The Prairie Rain Garden offers measurable impacts on biodiversity and water quality. The garden aims to reduce negative impacts of stormwater by conveying and infiltrating the runoff through a series of planted depressions. Previously, the site had little topographical diversity and was covered with non-native grasses and weeds. The project will convert the site into a structurally and biologically diverse wet prairie habitat. Mounds and depressions mimic the varied topography of western Washington prairies while infiltrating and conveying runoff. Establishing this “microtopography” also increases soil moisture gradients, supporting a diverse plant palette.  

The garden is currently planted with six plant species including native perennial grasses and forbs. Malcolm Howard, project leader, has seeds from an additional eighteen native species that will be added to the site in Spring 2015. The native vegetation utilized in the project provide numerous benefits over the non-native vegetation previously established on the site. Native grasses have deep roots that are able to uptake large amounts of water and stabilize the soil. Bunch grasses filter out sediments while maintaining growing space for native forbs. Further, these species create habitat for wildlife including native pollinators, aquatic insects and amphibians.

The garden has multiple positive impacts on water resources. It reduces stormwater quantity via soil infiltration and evapotranspiration. Additionally, the garden can improve water quality via sediment capture, pollution degradation and nutrient uptake. Pollutant reduction will be achieved through the use of plants and soil microbial communities, which can degrade pollutants (e.g. motor oil) contained in runoff. Plants used in the installation can also uptake excess nutrients contained in runoff from fertilizers used in adjacent ornamental gardens.

Student Leadership & Involvement

The Prairie Rain Garden was planned and designed by graduate student Malcolm Howard as part of the Master of Environmental Horticulture program. Malcolm had two student volunteers help him install the project over the summer of 2014 and has received other student support for the project in the form of donated plant materials. Malcolm is working with Sustainable Stormwater Coordinator Matthew Schwartz, who has provided consultation support for the project and is currently discussing a potential collaboration with the Society for Ecological Restoration UW Chapter for long term maintenance of the site. Once the installation is completed, a written report will be created. The written report will include an as-built report and stewardship plan. The project will be presented to students and faculty in Spring of 2015.

Education Outreach and Behavior Change

The Prairie Rain Garden aims to be a publicly visible and accessible example of a low-resource green infrastructure project. Located at the entrance to the Union Bay Natural Area, the project offers many opportunities to influence and inform both students and the public. The project is in a high pedestrian traffic area, which provides multiple outreach and education opportunities. While working on the site, Malcolm has had dozens of informal conversations about the purpose and progress of the rain garden with students, staff, faculty and UBNA users. These informal interactions have allowed for numerous opportunities to engage the public on topics related to native plants, stormwater management and ecological restoration. Malcolm presented the rain garden to an Intro to Restoration Ecology class in October 2014, in which he explained the problem being solved, goals and scope of the project. Additionally, he is in contact with an undergraduate student who is interested in assisting with planting the rain garden in spring of 2015.  

Feasibility, Accountability & Sustainability

Malcolm formally proposed and presented the project to UWBG Director Sarah Reichard,  Assistant Director Fred Hoyt and Manager of Horticulture David Zuckerman, and the project was approved in June 2014. Malcolm has been receiving guidance from  David Zuckerman, along with faculty advisors Professor Kern Ewing and Jim Fridley. Up until this point, Malcolm has installed the project using volunteers, salvaged plants and personal funds.

Resources requested using funds from the CSF small project grant include drain rock and plants. The drain rock will reduce erosion and sedimentation of the garden and overflow trench, while improving drainage. Adding established plants will allow the rain garden to uptake more water, reduce sedimentation, create more biodiversity and will enable the site to better outcompete weeds. These resources will create a more sustainable and permanent installation that requires less maintenance and will increase likelihood of project success, maximizing overall project sustainability.


Item                                Source                          Cost/Item       Quantity           Delivery     Tax (10% Default)   Total Cost

plants: plugs                Sound Native Plants    $1.50                72                                              $10.80           $118.80

plants: 4" pots              Sound Native Plants    $2.65                10                                              $2.65             $29.15

plants: 1 gallon pots   Sound Native Plants    $6.00                10                                               $6.00             $66.00

drain rock                      Pacific Top Soils           $40.85              2 (yards)        $85.00              $16.67         $183.37



  • Install plants: January - March 2015
  • Spread drain rock: March 2015
  • Write report: March - May 2015
  • Present project: May 2015


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Malcolm Howard

Kincaid Ravine Bioswale Hydrological Assessment

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $4,925

Letter of Intent:


Funding for the assessment of hydrologic modifications and potential designs for a bioswale in Kincaid Ravine will not only help address the issue of flooding on the Burke-Gilman Trail at the edge of Kincaid Ravine, but will also add to the ongoing efforts to restore the habitat and ecological functions of a previously underutilized open space on campus.  The initial assessment will focus on characterizing the quality and quantity of the water moving through Kincaid Ravine.  This will require lab testing for soil and water quality and some hydrologic monitoring and modeling to determine the amount of water moving through the ravine during the wet months.  Once this assessment is complete, the goal is to develop a design for a bioswale in the lower reaches of the ravine that will capture water and filter out sediments and pollutants from flowing into Lake Washington.          

Bioswales are landscape features designed to slow down the flow of surface and storm water runoff.  This process, along with the help of wetland vegetation, allows for the removal of sediment and contaminants.   Currently, Kincaid Ravine has an incised channel that collects surface and storm water and flows quickly toward the edge of the ravine and frequently ends up covering the Burke-Gilman Trail.  A small depressional bioswale could help slow the flow down and remove sediment and pollutants from the water with the help of a diverse planting of native sedges, rushes, grasses and shrubs in and on the edges of the bioswale.  A thorough site assessment and a strong bioswale design are crucial first steps in achieving the goals of restoring and enhancing wetland ecological functions, limiting flooding and providing an opportunity for education due to the Kincaid Ravine’s high visibility near the entrance of campus. 

Environmental Impact

Wetlands are considered the “kidneys” of the landscape due to their excellent ability to store and treat water from contaminated sources.  However, a key component that allows for this ecological function to be beneficial is the amount of time it takes the water to pass through the wetland system, which is called the hydroperiod.  At Kincaid Ravine, storm water flows have created an incised channel that quickly funnels water down from the ravine where it spills out along the the Burke-Gilman Trail.  Slowing down this hydroperiod would allow for more groundwater recharge, sediment deposition, phytoremediation and more diverse wetland habitat for a variety of plant and wildlife species.

Student Leadership

The restoration work at Kincaid Ravine already involves multiple graduate students from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, undergraduate classes in the School of Environmental Science and Resource Management and the University of Washington chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration.  There are regular volunteer work parties held in the ravine and the site will continue to serve as a laboratory for graduate and undergraduate students to work with and study hydrology, soils, habitat restoration and wildlife.  Students in SEFS will continue to lead these opportunities and work to further develop relationships with project partners on campus, such as the UW Transportation Services, UW’s landscape architect and grounds crew and off campus groups such as EarthCorps who have been helping in the restoration efforts in Kincaid Ravine.  A creation of a bioswale will only diversify the opportunities for people and groups to get involved.

Education and Outreach

Restoring the habitat and ecological functions in Kincaid Ravine is a major priority, but one that must go hand in hand with the need to educate people about the importance of these ecological restoration efforts and also let them know how they can get involved or use similar practices to solve environmental problems throughout the region.  The design and creation of a bioswale will only give further opportunity to use Kincaid Ravine as a laboratory and possibly serve as a model of how to create bioswales in urban forests.  The bioswale will give opportunities to study wetland hydrology, soils and the effect plants have on removing pollutants from water and soils.  Kincaid Ravine will also be used to host interpretive signage about the restoration achievements and goals.  The site already has the advantage of high visibility next to the Burke-Gilman Trail and this visibility will be used to make sure that Kincaid Ravine is an example of how to re-establish healthy forest ecosystems.

Feasibility and Sustainability

The need for the site assessment and the development of a bioswale design for Kincaid Ravine is necessary in determining a plan for a project that will fit within the landscape and be sustainable with limited maintenance over a long period of time.  It is important to spend this effort on the assessment and design phase to ensure the bioswale functions properly, limits flooding, is suitable for the average amount of water on site, and matches the goals and objectives from other University of Washington interests.  We have met with and have support from the UW Transportation Services as they continue to work towards an expansion of the Burke-Gilman Trail along Kincaid Ravine and the west side of campus.  Burke-Gilman Trail expansion architect Elisabeth McLaughlin has also expressed interest in incorporating the bioswale into an educational nook along the trail.  The development of a bioswale assessment study also has support from UW Landscape Architect Kristine Kenney, and Grounds Manager Howard Nakase.  We will continue to meet with these groups and other interested parties to achieve consensus on any potential bioswale designs.    


Water quality testing:  All costs are for samples to be analyzed at the SEFS Research and Analytical Lab at Bloedel Hall.

  • Metals - $12.50 per sample X 10 samples = $125
  • Carbon - $23.50 per sample X 10 samples = $235
  • Soils - $17 per sample X 20 samples = $340
  • Sample Prep - $45 per hour X 5 hours = $225

Total Cost: $925

Bioswale Assessment and Design:

  • $4,000 for outside consulting on hydrological assessment and bioswale design options. 

Estimated Total Budget: $4,925

*This project is sponsored by Dr. Susan Bolton of the School of Environment and Forest Sciences.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Daniel Hintz


Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $12,000

Letter of Intent:

2 March 2015
CSF Coordinator
Campus Sustainability Fund
University of Washington

Dear CSF Coordinator:

We are writing to gauge the Campus Sustainability Fund’s (CSF) interest in supporting the development and implementation of a new, unique renewable energy device in buildings on the UW campus. Our device, HydraPower, generates clean, renewable energy to power basic building appliances, such as wireless sensors and motion detectors on hand dryers.

HydraPower began in 2010 as a research project developed by Kurt Kung, a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering. The initial idea for this technology stemmed from basic water research in Dr. Gerald Pollack’s laboratory. Upon realizing the technology’s potential, Kurt began to develop an initial prototype which generated one nano-watt of energy. Currently, the technology can produce up to one milli-watt of energy output.

Despite the relatively low power output, we’re extremely optimistic about this technology’s potential. The output has increased to create 1,000,000 times the energy since its first iteration, and our current research suggests that similar increases in energy output are feasible. With support from the CSF, we aim to complete three fully functional prototypes by September and install them in UW campus buildings during the 2015-16 academic year. We will begin by using these devices to help power wireless sensors in several campus buildings. Specifically, our device will be placed alongside current remote sensors in these buildings, where they will initially help generate power needed without being the sole power source. As our prototypes prove their consistency, they will then become the main power source for these sensors.

HydraPower functions by capturing and generating energy from light, specifically infrared (IR) light. Because the device collects energy from ambient IR light, it provides stable power at all times of day without needing additional power supplied by rechargeable batteries. This is a stark improvement from current alternative energy sources, which are limited by sunlight, such as solar photovoltaic technologies. The CSF has expressed a special interest in the installation of energy efficiency retrofits on existing campus buildings. Our device will fulfill that goal while also engaging the campus community around this cutting-edge technology.

HydraPower will meet the requirements and preferences of the CSF in several additional ways. First of all, our device is specifically designed to reduce the University’s environmental impact while simultaneously making campus more sustainable. We will measure the performance of this prototype in several ways upon its implementation in UW buildings. For example, our remote sensor will keep a running tally of the amount of energy generated, allowing us to measure the amount of energy saved by utilizing the device. This also serves as an educational tool for the student body, which will be able to see unique developments in alternative technology firsthand.

In addition to being designed by a group of UW students, this project will also engage the campus community by being visible in prominent campus buildings. We are currently conducting outreach to over a dozen UW building managers to form partnerships to utilize the device in their buildings. Buildings we’re targeting include the Alaska Airlines Arena, Suzzallo Library, among others. There will be small informational cards near each remote sensor for students to read, allowing them to learn more about this unique, homegrown technology and how they can get involved in our project.

Our team is well equipped to complete this project successfully. Kurt, our team leader, has worked on developing this technology throughout his doctoral education at the UW. Our project currently has a staff mentor, Dr. Gerald Pollack, who has been an integral part of this project and will continue to support our team throughout the duration of the project timeline. Jason Huang, an undergraduate civil engineering student, also works closely on the technical aspects of the device. Lucas DuSablon, Forrest Howk and Xinying Zeng also bring extensive project management skills to our team. Our budget includes a line item for project management to ensure that it receives necessary attention and financial support.

We estimate the cost of this project to be $10,000. These funds will be used specifically for the development of three prototypes to be installed on the UW campus. We will provide a more detailed budget if we are selected to submit a full proposal.  In addition to funding from the CSF, we are also currently in the process of applying for additional funds for this project. We currently have a pending application for the UW Environmental Innovation Challenge (EIC), and we are working on an application for continued research funding from the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. Our team emphasizes the importance of diversifying our funding sources, and will continue our ongoing search for funding opportunities throughout the entirety of our project timeline.

Funding provided from the CSF will go directly toward the development of our product. In the immediate term, we’ve broken our project’s timeline into two phases. The first phase includes the physical development of three prototypes over the next six months. The second phase includes the physical installation of these devices on the UW campus, as well as continued development of prototypes that provide increased energy outputs. Funding from the CSF is intended for phase one, which allows us to create the technology to utilize in UW buildings to begin phase two. Although there is still additional research to be completed, we have done our due diligence and are seeking funding from the sources listed above explicitly for such research funding.

We hope to have the opportunity to submit a full proposal with additional information for your further review. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments in the meantime. Thank you very much for your time and consideration, we look forward to hearing from you.


Kurt Kung
Ph.D. Candidate
Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering

Lucas DuSablon
M.P.A. Candidate
Evans School of Public Affairs

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kurt Kung

Expanding Education and Outreach at the UW Farm

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $9,500

Letter of Intent:

Statement of Need: 

The mission of the UW Farm is to “be the campus center for the practice and study of urban agriculture and sustainability, and an educational, community-oriented resource for people who want to learn about building productive and sustainable urban landscapes.”  As the UW Farm and its reputation has grown in recent years, the number of requests for educational tours and field trips from local schools has increased.

Currently school field trips are carried out in the garden beds that are devoted to food production. While the interactive component of field trips is vital to student engagement and essential for assimilation of new skills and knowledge, it is not sustainable to have large numbers of children sowing and harvesting in the Farm’s production beds without adversely impacting the Farm’s production.  Increased demand for field trips coupled with the desire to offer rigorous, curriculum-driven field trips with engaging and interactive educational activities creates the need for a formal education and outreach program at the Farm.

Proposed Solution: 

To meet the need for educational programming, without negatively impacting current production rates, we propose to expand the UW Farm by creating a new series of garden beds that are set aside for the purpose of education.  This “Children’s Garden” will be separate from but near the existing production beds, providing a place where children and other visitors can implement what they observe on their tour of the production beds at the UW Farm. The Children’s Garden will consist of four 4’ x 10’ x 2 1/2” wheel chair accessible raised cedar beds.  The periphery of the Garden will be planted with fruit trees and berry bushes. Once the raised beds are built, they will be filled with soil and irrigated to survive the dry summer months when schools are not in session.  At the same time, a formal education and outreach program will be developed which will include creating logistical and administrative systems for organizing field trips, purchasing necessary supplies for educational activities, and developing curriculum. 

Partners and Student Involvement: 

The UW Farm education and outreach program is a close collaboration with UW Farm manager Sarah Geurkink, the student volunteers of the UW Farm, and the UW Botanic Garden (UWBG) education department. Construction of the Children’s Garden will also involve the King County Master Gardeners, who will provide a weekend workshop to UW student volunteers on the design and construction of raised garden beds. Participants of Seattle Youth Garden Works, an urban agriculture program providing job and life skills to homeless and underserved youth, will be invited to attend the workshops and help construct the Children’s Garden.  UW student volunteers working alongside UWBG educational staff will develop curriculum that is adaptable for different age ranges and different seasons. UW student volunteers will also take primary responsibility for leading school field trips, however, in order to ensure continuity and reliability, UWBG education staff will be available to provide back up support and lead field trips when needed.

Feasibility, Accountability & Sustainability:

The UW Farm and the UWBG have approved the proposed education program, delineated a site for the Children’s Garden, and committed education staff to help develop the Farm education program.   Currently there is more demand for school field trips than the Farm can sustain.  This demand has precipitated the need to create a Children’s Garden and to develop a formal educational and outreach program.

To ensure that the program is meeting school curriculum needs and offering a high quality program, the UWBG education staff is developing surveys to hand out to teachers after field trips to solicit feedback on their experience at the Farm.  The UWBG’s online field trip registration site, to which the UW Farm field trips will be added, tracks the number of field trips per year, the number of students per field trip, and volunteer hours.  In the short term, UWBG has committed the partial support of one of its education staff to help launch the education program. However, the objective is for it to be self-sustaining by 2017 when the support of the UWBG education staff position ends.  For this reason, a student intern is built into the budget to ease the transition to self-sufficiency. The student intern will work one quarter with UWBG staff to develop a self-sustaining system.  The following quarter the intern will work independently to implement the plan. Once the program is operating smoothly, the Farm education program will charge $7/student for field trips, which will cover the operating costs of the Farm’s education program. Between now and April, UWBG staff will pursue other sources of funding for the program (including the Sustainable Paths, University Sunrise Rotary Club and the PCC Community Grant).

Budget Estimate:

The total estimated budget for this project is $9,500.  Building the 4-raised beds is projected to cost $4000, which includes materials for the beds, soil, irrigation supplies and construction tools.  Seeds and plants including fruit trees, berry bushes, and herbs for the new beds and the perimeter of the Children’s Garden are projected to cost $520.   The basic supplies needed to establish the education program are projected to be $2,050, which includes tables and chairs, art supplies, children’s gardening tools and criminal background checks for volunteers who will be working with student groups.  Lastly, this budget includes two quarters of funding for a student intern in 2016/2017 (which will cost roughly $2,900). 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Amy Hughes

Sustainable Shellfish Aquaculture (Phase 2): Engaging Students and Public in Marine Conservation

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $25,000

Letter of Intent:

The UW School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences (SAFS) is home to some of the world's leading experts in shellfish biology, genetics, and disease ecology. Faculty and students are actively engaged in applied research to inform and improve shellfish aquaculture and restoration. Shellfish aquaculture is major economic driver in Washington and the Pacific Northwest region, supporting over 3,200 jobs and contributing over $270 million per year to rural and coastal economies ( Shellfish aquaculture, in turn, has been shown to improve local water quality via the filter-feeding of cultured organisms, while simultaneously creating habitat for other aquatic species.

The UW Shellfish Farm represents a unique and exciting opportunity for students to experience shellfish farming first-hand. Consequently, the proposal has been enthusiastically endorsed by the College of the Environment, and has brought in advisory expertise from SAFS, the School of Marine & Environmental Affairs (SMEA), Department of Biology, and notably the shellfish industry. In 2014, with a generous grant from the UW Campus Sustainability Fund, we began work on Phase I, a feasibility study for the Farm. A majority of grant monies supported a graduate Research Assistant from the UW SMEA, who has incorporated this work into a Masters thesis. The feasibility study has thus far produced the following: 1) A guideline to the regulatory and permitting requirements for shellfish aquaculture in WA; 2) Thorough cost-benefit analysis of multiple options for structuring an aquaculture enterprise, including formal partnership(s) with a non-university industry stakeholder; 3) A live blog ( highlighting our progress and challenges as we navigate the planning process. We are on track to complete Phase I by the end of Spring quarter and to deliver a final report with recommendations for implementation.

As we prepare for Phase II - Implementation, a next step will be to get shellfish deployed at Big Beef Creek (BBC) to optimize conditions for successful production. Local variation in environmental conditions like dissolved oxygen, salinity/freshwater input, and algal growth, may significantly impact aquaculture yield and product quality. These conditions are known to vary latitudinally in Hood Canal, but more importantly may vary even within the 9.7 acre tideland parcel at BBC.

We propose to growout three shellfish species: 1) Pacific Geoduck (Panopea generosa); 2) Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas); and 3) Manila clam (Tapes phillipinarum), at multiple sites across the BBC tideland parcel. These three species are viable options for commercial-scale aquaculture once the Farm is permitted. This pilot grow-out will provide essential information for potential partnerships. Funds will be used to purchase culture supplies (re-usable cages), seed and support a graduate student to grow-out shellfish at BBC. In addition, a graduate student would continue to enable the establishment of a sustainable farm by continuing with the permitting processes and developing educational outreach material.  

Methods: In addition to finalizing the final logistical aspects of establishing a shellfish farm, shellfish seed will be planted at multiple sites across the BBC tideland using methods appropriate to each species. Planting will be done in replicate arrays within each site. Monitoring and sampling will be conducted at regular intervals, recording ambient environmental conditions as well as shellfish growth and survival. This activity will be critical in meeting our educational goals. 

Environmental Impact: Shellfish aquaculture is sustainable as it requires no food inputs; shellfish derive nutrients by filtering phytoplankton from the water column. As such, shellfish aquaculture is intrinsically linked to estuarine health. Regular sampling of environmental conditions at BBC over the course of this project will inform the development of an environmental monitoring system for estuarine health, as detailed in our initial CSF proposal (as part of Phase II). Data from our monitoring program will be used for education and will be incorporated into developing appropriate partnerships to make the shellfish farm a success.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Steven Roberts

Earth Day 2015 Celebration

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

·       Project title: Earth Day 2015 Celebration

·       Summary of his/her project proposal

·       Earth Club is requesting $1000 from the CSF Small Projects Fund for the Earth Day 2015 Celebration. The purpose of Earth Day Celebration is to come together and celebrate 45th Earth Day here on the University of Washington Seattle campus. It will create opportunity for interdisciplinary attendance including undergraduate, graduate and professional environmental active UW students to meet and network with local sustainability focused businesses and vendors, present their original work and come together to connect with campus environmental and sustainability groups, therefore contributing to a more sustainable campus. On April 22nd 2015, on Red Square there will be exhibitors fair for various environmental groups, as well as environmental keynote speeches from Dean of College of Environment and music performances. Another notable feature of the celebration is that all the stage performances will be solar-powered, thus reinforcing the sustainable idea of the celebration.

·       Brief explanation of how the project will meet the requirements and preferences of the CSF:
1. Environmental Impact

  • On the Earth Day, the exhibitors fair and stage performances plan to attract more than 10,000 students and community members on campus who will find the opportunity to explore the environmental stewardship on campus and learn what they could do to contribute to reduce the school’s environmental impact. Among the groups who will come to present their ideas, there are various focuses of them including reducing carbon emissions, effective usage of solar power, reducing pollutants and so on. Visitors will be able to help with signature gathering for certain groups as well as participating in creating a sustainable campus on a daily life basis.

·       2. Student Leadership & Involvement

  • Earth Day 2015 Celebration is primarily organized by student-oriented Earth Day planning committee and facilitated by UW Sustainability staffs. Coordinated by Lysia Li, an Earth Club officer, the planning committee consists of around 8 student leaders from various environmental groups on campus, including Earth Club, SEED, CSF and EcoReps. The leadership of the planning committee and generous help from UW Sustainability contribute and determine the occurrence of Earth Day 2015 celebration, which also addresses the leadership preference of CSF.

·       3. Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change

  • Since the celebration plans to attract more than 10,000 visitors, the exhibitors’ fair allows itself to be an environmental educational outreach for the campus community. Visitors that are mainly composed of students will be able to connect with various campus sustainability groups and thus increasing their awareness of the environment.

·       4. Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

  • The UW Sustainability staff members who have experiences of Earth Day celebrations planning facilitate the planning process. They helped the committee to connect with College of Environment, UW Recycling, HFS and other departments in school. They also offer help with acquiring permits and logistics process. At the same time, since the committee is consisted of student leaders from various environmental groups, they are already equipped with outstanding leadership and project management skills that can contribute to the successful completion of the celebration. We have already obtained approval for using Red Square for April 22nd, permit for outside sustainable vendors giving out food on campus and so on. Our committee along with UW Sustainability is equipped with skills that enable us to plan the celebration successfully.

·       An estimate of the project’s budget

  • Our total Earth Day budget is $4504 and the $1000 from CSF will go towards the rental charge of tents, tables and stages as showed below.
2015 Overall Expenses  
Event Costs Amount
Sustain Cups $767
Solar Rover $191.93
PA System  
Tents & Tables Rental from AA Party Rental Co. (where CSF money would go into) $3,265.29
Marketing/printing $250
Decorations $30
Total $4,504
Sponsors Amount
ASUW Special Appropriations $1000
College of Environment $1000
Campus Sustainability Fund (Unconfirmed) $1000


·      Timeline

  • Exhibitors Fair: 10 am-3 pm
  • Stage performance

§  11:30 AM: Music

§  12:00 PM: Earth Day Celebration Welcome

Opening Remarks 5-10 mins, Lisa from College of   Environment                               

                                          Keynote Speakers’ Speech

§  12:30 PM: Music Performance

                                          Environmental verses,

§  1:00 PM: (saved for Husky Green Awards, could alter)

§  1:15 PM:  More Music

·       Primary and secondary contact information

  • Lysia Li, UW Earth Club, Earth Day Coordinator: (323) 916-3046,
  • Aubrey Batchelor, UW Sustainability: (206) 370-1463 cell, (206) 616-9471 office,



Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lysia Li

A rainwater system for the Construction Materials Laboratory in More Hall

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $16,000

Letter of Intent:

The Construction Materials Laboratory (CML) at More Hall functions primarily as an instruction lab for the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and the College of Built Environments (CBE) students. In this laboratory, all undergraduate students of these two departments learn about materials such as steel, aluminum, wood, aggregates, Portland cement concrete and hot mix asphalt. The CML is a great example of the CEE teaching philosophy that focuses on providing students “hands on” learning environments and putting their theoretical skills into practice. In addition to this experience-based  learning experiences, we propose installing the CML with a rainwater-fed handwashing station that would be used, operated and maintained by the students of CEE and CBE departments. The students could also put their engineering skills to practical use by taking part in the design process of the rainwater harvesting system. This system would serve as a campus wide educational tool and give UW students, faculty and staff a possibility to learn more about sustainable water management practices. Moreover, by supplementing part of the CML’s clean water demand by rainwater, the overall tap water consumption of the More Hall could be reduced. Given the monthly rainfall in Seattle and the More Hall roof area during the academic year (September –June), the rainwater system could provide the laboratory up to 20,000 gallons of water per month, which is equivalent to over 40,000 monthly handwashes.

The primary contact has already designed a similar small-scale rainwater harvesting project in the Perkins elementary school's science building in Seattle, Washington as a voluntary project. The Perkins school science building is the first school facility in Washington to be certified as "Living building".  Their rainwater harvesting system is not only to reuse water and save resources but also to concretize the concept of sustainability to the young students. We believe that the concepts and technical solutions used in the Perkins rainwater harvesting system could be modified and tailored in our proposed More Hall project. Professor Amy Kim would supervise the project that would be mainly managed by CEE and CM graduate students. Undergraduate and graduate student volunteers would conduct the design, operation and maintenance work.

The estimated project budget is presented below.

Rainwater cistern                                  $12,000

Pipes, gutters, equipment                    $ 3,000

Handwashing station (sink, faucet)    $ 1,000

Treatment system                                   $ 1,000

Total                                                          $16,000


Primary Contact Information:
Heta Kosonen
Graduate Student
Civil and environmental engineering

Secondary Contact Information:
Amy Kim
Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Heta Kosonen

Rainwater Catchment: Educational System on the UW Farm

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $465

Letter of Intent:

We are looking to implement a rainwater harvesting system on the UW Farm for farm use and campus wide education. This system would be located beside the Burke-Gilman on the UW Farm and will be installed on a renovated sign roof. We estimate this project to cost $465.00, and is estimated to save approximately 250 gallons of water per year. This project is designed to educate people on rainwater harvesting as well as inspire them to imagine future capabilities.Our small system has the ability to save around 250 gallons of water per year. This information is based off of a 15sq. ft. roof and 36 inches of annual rainfall; our formula accounted for the fact that only approximately 70% of the water would be harvested.


Primary Contact First & Last Name: Erica Isomura

Yard Waste Composting Program for UW

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $78,637

Letter of Intent:

Grounds Management of the UW Seattle Campus seeks to implement a green waste composting program; waste that currently goes to Cedar Grove will be composted and used on-site to maintain the soil health of the UW landscape. Benefits of this program will include long term cost savings, greenhouse gas emissions avoided, student opportunities for engagement and leadership and composted material will be available to campus organizations, such as the UW Farm, SEED and UW Botanic Gardens. Estimated total cost is $153,637.00 and the compost committee is requesting $78,637 from the Campus Sustainability Fund, with the rest of the costs being matched by Grounds Management.

Maintenance of campus grounds results in the accumulation of large volumes of organic waste, with the greatest amount during autumn leaf drop. The current system for handling these materials is to transport them to Cedar Grove where they are composted; to maintain planting beds and lawns Grounds Management applies compost, which is ironically purchased back from Cedar Grove. Transportation of these materials results in unnecessary carbon emissions, use of fossil fuels, and additional costs.An in-house composting program would address these issues, but the site best suited to accommodate this operation requires modification in order to meet both operational and regulatory needs. This site would also serve as a staging area for recycled timber and wood chip mulch from campus tree pruning. The current site where green waste is accumulated and disposed of could be modified to accommodate a permit exempt composting site. This would involve grading and paving the site to properly address moisture and runoff concerns, constructing bins to house the composting operation, and installing a fence around the site to maintain a secure and uncontaminated environment.

Information about sustainable practices will be incorporated into the Grounds Management website presence, which will include details about our composting program, advice on composting practices, as well as links to composting resources.

Grounds managment will work with organizations such as SEED, a UW Landscape and Architecture graduate student, the UW Grounds IMP & Sustainability coordinator, and a UW Design student.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Hillary Burgess

Bicycle Repair Stations (Phase 2)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $3,085

Letter of Intent:

This project will build on the success of an earlier CSF project that installed five bicycle repair stations on campus by installing two additional Dero Fixits at strategic locations on campus. The new repair stations will allow students, employees, and visitors to fill their tires and perform basic repairs quickly, effectively removing maintenance and uncertainty as barriers to bicycling. Repair stations will be installed in the Marine Studies/John Wallace Hall building cluster and at residence halls along Whitman Court. These areas were not served in the first round of installations but have since requested repair stations.

Phase 1 of this project initially proposed ten repair stations but was scaled back to five at the recommendation of the CSF selection committee. This was so we could gain experience with the repair stations on campus and see how they would be received by students and employees. Because they have been so well-received and heavily utilized, expanding to the remaining areas of campus is prudent. To measure this project’s success, a student intern will conduct user counts and a satisfaction intercept survey at each of the new and existing locations once the new equipment has been installed. We will also monitor visits to the Repair Station website and track emails and press related to the repair stations.The project will be coordinated with UW Housing & Food Services (for installations at residence halls), the University Landscape Architect, Maintenance & Alterations, and Commuter Services.

This project contributes to UW Commuter Services’ goal of achieving a 20% bicycle mode share by the year 2020. Currently, 8% of students, staff, and faculty bike to campus, compared with 19% who drive alone. These drive alone trips contribute to our campus-related greenhouse gas emissions, lead to potential conflicts with pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers, and detract from the overall livability of the UW campus and the greater University District.
Providing bicycle repair stations is one way that the University can encourage the UW community to bike to and around campus rather than driving.

This project creates one 60-hour student job. The student will be responsible for planning and siting the repair stations using a set of criteria developed by the previous student intern during the project’s first phase. She or he will work closely with Commuter Services and Housing and Food Services staff, as well as the University Landscape Architect, the Grounds Manager, and building coordinators to identify optimal locations for each station. After reaching consensus on installation sites, the intern will then coordinate with Facilities Services and oversee the installation of each unit.

The outreach and education goals for this project:

  1. To expose all students and employees to basic bicycle maintenance. At a minimum this means knowing how to pump up a low tire.
  2. To ensure that all students and employees have access to the necessary tools for performing simple maintenance and repairs, and that they are aware that they have access to those tools.

To publicize the bicycle repair stations to the campus community:

  1. The repair stations are highly visible, and the 2012 design includes bicycle “branding” on the station itself. Because of this, they market themselves nicely. The 2012 stations also include a QR reader that links to a series of “How To” videos for a variety of basic repairs (
  2. As with the first phase of the project, we will market the repair stations on the Commuter Services Bike Repair website and other online locations (the existing repair stations were featured on the CSF website, The Daily, the Cascade Bicycle Club Blog, and
  3. We will work with the Building Coordinators where repair stations are installed to distribute information to building residents and tenants.
  4. We will publicize the repair stations during our popular Bike to Campus Month and Ride in the Rain events, through Commuter Services’ Bicycle Interest list serve, and as part of our comprehensive bicycle branding program (slated for rollout in summer 2012).
Primary Contact First & Last Name: David Amiton

Expansion of The UW Farm

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $80,000

Letter of Intent:

The UW Farm is applying for $80,000 to support its expansion on ground near the Center for Urban Horticulture. This expansion will allow us to meet our goals of developing community (in UW and beyond), building connections (between people, land, and our future) and achieving a more sustainable food system. In its expansion, the farm will provide the campus with sustainably grown produce through programs such as a student-run cooperative kitchen, dining facilities run by Housing and Food Services (HFS), and donations to local food banks.

The expanded farm will serve as a tool in academic curricula spanning numerous disciplines from anthropology to biology to urban planning. And most importantly, the new farm will make a permanent, positive contribution to the University of Washington and to the city of Seattle.

With support from the CSF, we will expand our practice to an additional full acre of land on campus, adjacent to the Center for Urban Horticulture. Expanding the production capacity of the UW Farm will allow us to amplify our contribution to the UW‟s sustainability mission in several ways. First, it will enable us to solidify a relationship with Housing and Food Services (HFS). HFS is interested in purchasing farm produce to use in campus dining halls and small cafeterias. Second, the UW Student Food Cooperative will be operating in full capacity next year, running a cafe space in the South Campus Center and a food cart for Red Square. They plan to source a substantial amount of their produce from the UW Farm. A strong relationship with the Student Food Cooperative will help generate awareness on campus about the social, economic, and political issues surrounding food, from farm-to-table. Third, we will create a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, which will teach farmers tangible and realistic business skills associated with the production of food.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Nina Arlein

Engaging Students in Discussion and Action around the Food, Land Use, and the Farm Bill

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $500

Letter of Intent:

We will host nationally renowned author and farmer Dan Imhoff speak about the 2012 Farm Bill.

The environmental problem we want to solve is lack of student awareness and involvement in the Farm Bill and in overall issues of land use and food. By engaging students in action around the Farm Bill, they will also be more knowledgeable and capable of action about food on the UW campus.

ABOUT THE FARM BILL: The Farm Bill is perhaps the single most significant land use legislation enacted in the United States, yet many citizens remain unaware of its power and scope. With subsidies ballooning toward $25 billion dollars per year, the Farm Bill largely dictates who grows what crops, on what acreage, and under what conditions--all with major impacts on the country's rural economies, health and nutrition, national security, and biodiversity. As debate and wrangling over the 2012 Farm Bill intensifies, Dan Imhoff will offer a highly informative and engaging overview of the legislation that literally shapes our food system, our bodies, and our future.

We will host speaker Dan Imhoff on March 1st for a campus-wide speaking event. In addition to the main event, there will be opportunities for students (those coordinating the event and also those active in food issues on campus) to have more intimate conversations with him at a dinner party. Professors may also be able to host him in class. Dan will be linking Farm Bill discussion to talk about how students can engage on their campus in food issues.

Here is how the NW Farm Action Bill describes the event:
The Northwest Farm Bill Action Group invites you to come to learn about local efforts to organize for a more just Food Bill! The NW Farm Bill Action Group is undertaking innovative research and outreach efforts to help those wanting to shape the next Food and Farm Bill.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Travis English

Trashing our Food: The Costs of Food Waste in America and What We Can Do About It

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $250

Letter of Intent:

The U.S. produces almost 600 billion pounds of food each year and a 25-50% of it is wasted — left in fields, thrown out at the grocery store, left in the fridge until it spoils, or scraped into the garbage at the end of a meal.

Wasted food costs farmers, consumers and businesses hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and the environmental costs are just as steep. It is estimated that 2% of all U.S. energy consumption goes into producing food that is ultimately thrown out. Because America’s energy economy remains highly dependent on fossil fuels, this translates into significant unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, food that is discarded in landfills creates methane emissions, itself a potent greenhouse gas.

As an institutional provider of dining and food services, food waste is an issue for the University of Washington. And all members of the UW community are affected by the environmental, social and economic consequences of food waste.

The panelists at this event will discuss the problems associated with food waste, as well as the solutions. The approaches to be discussed follow the same “Reduce/Reuse/Recycle” paradigm as other waste prevention strategies. Food waste can first be reduced through programs that help food producers and food retailers better understand and efficiently meet demand without excess. When there is excess food, it can be reused or reallocated through food rescue programs and other services that match food surpluses with those in need. Finally, food waste that cannot be avoided, such as inedible components or post-consumer food scraps, can be recycled into a useful soil amendment through composting, or turned into electricity or biogas through anaerobic digestion.

Panelists will discuss how these solutions are being employed here in Seattle, including on the University of Washington campus, and throughout the U.S.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: McKenna Morrigan

Tapped for Earth Day

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $295

Letter of Intent:

We will be playing the movie "TAPPED" in the residence hall to inform people about drinking water & the nature.

By playing the movie TAPPED, we hope to address the issue of bottle of water and its impact on the environment. It would be an interesting experience for many people since it is a topic that does not get discuss in depth in people’s lives. It provides intriguing information about bottle of water and could raise people’s awareness about the issue. By watching this movie, people have a chance to evaluate their usage of bottle of water if any and potentially make a change and take some actions in their lives regarding to the issue. Their change in behavior will make our environment a better place. 

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Martin Su

Husky Neighborhood Tree Planting

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,477

Letter of Intent:

This project is being run by the Husky Neighborhood Assistants, an organization run out of the University of Washington’s Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards that works with students to work on issues in the greater University District Community. The tree project is meant to beautify the neighborhood, improve the canopy habitat, improve water drainage in the planter strips, and to provide students both as residents at planting sites and as volunteers at the planting event an opportunity to connect with nature in the urban environment.

Trees are going to be purchased from NurseryTrees in Monroe, which is generously offering us discounts and free delivery. The trees will be bagged in burlap bags, and the Snowbells will be roughly 5 feet tall upon planting and the Jacquemontii Birch will be roughly 7 feet tall. The planting is set to take place on April 23rd bringing together residents and student volunteers to plant and stake the trees. Husky neighborhood assistants will also be providing tree gator bags and instructing residents on watering the trees with the bags.

The trees will be purchased from NurseryTrees, a family tree farm in Monroe Washington. The hammers, shovels, stakes, chainlock, and nails will all be purchased from the Home Depot, and the Gator Bags will be ordered from, a garden supplier recommended to me by the city of Seattle.

The shovels and any other leftover materials will be donated to the UW farm, which should be timely if they are planning an expansion. Also, 2 extra gator bags will be retained in case bags are damaged or removed in their first year considering that the trees are being planted in a very public space that has a history with tree damage.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Kyle Murphy

LEED Performance Analysis Intern

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $14,080

Letter of Intent:

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

The U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED rating and certification program for buildings emphasizes energy efficiency through conservation and innovative technologies. Points toward certification are earned on the basis of designed building performance compared to a baseline model. While there are performance models for all LEED buildings, there is currently no comparison of predicted results with actual performance for the LEED projects. In order to have an effective adaptive management approach to capital projects at the University, this comparison must be made. In addition to energy, there are opportunities to work on other comparisons and challenges related to the certification of LEED projects.

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

Interns will be hired to perform the energy use analyses of University LEED projects. The project will entail the collection of actual energy performance data for the University’s completed LEED projects, and the predicted performance data for planned projects. Other comparisons of design baselines to actual performance will be included in this position (i.e., water, product performance comparison, etc.). Creation and maintenance of a database from this information will serve as the basis for evaluation of the effectiveness of LEED building standards on campus. The interns will work in the Capital Projects Office, and fall under the guidance of the Sustainability Manager, Clara Simon. The internship will be open to any student with a suitable educational background and personal interest, and will be available for four quarters, preferably filled by a new student each quarter.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

The position, if used to provide opportunities for Capstone Experiences or similar student projects, will provide 4 students with intimate working knowledge of the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED rating and building certification system as it is practiced and implemented on current University projects. The compilation of data will be an ongoing project, but each student will be responsible for maintaining the database and making necessary analyses. When their quarter is completed, the students will have resume-building experience in energy efficiency analysis in an office that is unique in its involvement with so many large LEED projects in the design, construction, and operational phases. Students will also become intimately knowledgeable as to the LEED process during building design, construction and into building operations. Students will be encouraged to study for and obtain LEED Green Associates or LEED Accredited Professional’s exam, as applicable, while working in the Capital Projects Office. Interns will have the opportunity to gain USGBC-required experience necessary to achieve accreditation that is usually only available to working professionals in the architectural, engineering, and consulting fields.

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?

The Sustainability Internship will be an opportunity for students to create projects that share the experience and the work of the University administration with the student body as well as create a conduit for sharing classroom experience with the staff that is responsible for sustainability at the institutional level. There is a separation between administrative operations and educational programs that hides the very good work being done on both sides to build a more sustainable campus. This internship will make more porous the perceived barrier between students and staff. Ideas about sustainability that are fostered and encouraged in the classroom are also present in the discussions that take place in the Capital Projects Office, but the intellectual resources are not shared as freely as they could be.This internship will provide a very direct interface between students and staff that will foster the interactions that make innovation possible.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?

A student intern is allowed to work 19.5 hours per week, and a suitably experienced candidate will be paid $16 per hour. There will be an intern working for 10 weeks per quarter, including an intern working for 10 weeks during the summer, for one year. The total required funding will be $12,480 for compensation, plus $1,600 for LEED Green Associate and/or LEED Accredited Professional application and exam fees, totaling $14,080.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Clara Simon

Do It Yourself Bicycle Repair Stations

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $13,242

Letter of Intent:

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

Commuter Services actively promotes non-automobile trips to campus in efforts to:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuels-based transportation;
  • Minimize the negative impacts of congestion in and around the University District; and,
  • Create safe and convenient transportation options for all members of the UW community.

As a result, just 21% percent of all commute trips to the UW Seattle campus are drive-alone. These trips, however, account for a significant share of the University’s commute-related and total greenhouse gas emissions. In order to meet the Climate Action Plan’s aggressive goal of an additional 30% reduction in commute-related greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, further reductions in drive-alone trips will be necessary.

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

A major component of Commuter Services’ strategy to reduce drive-alone commute trips is encouraging trips by bicycle. In addition to providing incentives and end-of-trip facilities like bike racks, lockers, and showers, Commuter Services seeks to encourage bicycling by reducing uncertainty – what happens if I get a flat? Where do I go if something comes loose? – associated with riding to and around campus. Commuter Services intends to accomplish this by providing DIY bicycle maintenance and repair stands at convenient and strategic locations throughout campus, such as at dorms, high bicycle traffic locations, and heavily-utilized bicycle parking areas.

In addition to meeting the needs of the UW bicycle community, Commuter Services also intends for these repair stations – which will be UW “bike program” branded – to be visible indicators of the University’s commitment to encouraging bicycling and environmentally-friendly transportation.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

Commuter Services plans to use CSF funding to hire a student intern to assist in all phases of the project’s implementation. This would include working to identify potential installation locations for the Fix-It stands, collaborating with University building coordinators, and preparing materials for review committees prior to installation. The student would also be responsible for creating an online Bike Repair Stand Google Map consistent with other Commuter Services online maps. The student intern would gain firsthand experience working on a small-scale infrastructure project start-to-finish, and would be playing a significant role in making the UW more bicycle-friendly.

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?

This project contains several outreach and education components. The student intern would be responsible for creating an online Bike Repair Stand Google Map to serve as a point of reference for the UW community. Commuter Services could also use one of the Fix-It stands, modified to make it portable, during events and at quarterly bike maintenance classes. Finally, Commuter Services is open to the possibility of partnering with the ASUW Bike Shop on maintenance education programs that utilize the Fix-It stands.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?

The funding for this project will be directed at two different areas: hiring and maintaining a student intern, and purchasing up to ten Fix-It stands.

These program costs are roughly estimated to breakdown as follows:

  • Student Intern (at $10/hr wages - adjusted to $11.39 for cost to Commuter Services):
  • 80 hrs * $11.39 = $911.20
  • Fix-It Stations: 10 units * $900 = $9,000
  • Shipping: $500
  • Installation: $2,000

TOTAL: $12,411.20

Primary Contact First & Last Name: David Amiton

Owl Boxes

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $1,000

Letter of Intent:

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

We are attempting to expand diversity on campus through the implementation of barn owl boxes around campus. Many urban sites have lost species such as barn owls due to loss of habitat and construction. Today we see a strong push for habitat to be brought back to these urban areas. At the University of Washington we have many acceptable areas for barn owls to nest and forage. This project was developed in Justin Hellier's class and would be a fantastic example of sustainability projects extending past the classroom and into action.

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

We propose the incorporation of several owl nesting boxes on conifer trees located near Denny Field, William H. Gates Law Library, and the Union Bay Natural Area. Through a physical survey of campus, we found specific trees in these areas that meet the necessary criteria for barn owl habitat. The boxes will be anchored to the trees using rings that will wrap around the circumference of the trunk, and can be loosened periodically to accommodate the growth of the tree. It is our hope that within two years, one or more barn owls will encounter these boxes and take up residence on campus. We chose barn owls because they are commonly found in the Pacific Northwest, provide natural pest control, can easily live in human-modified environments, and they are a dynamic “charismatic mega-fauna” that will add complexity to biodiversity at UW.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

Because the owl boxes require maintenance, the majority of student leadership will come from the students involved in executing the project. We will require knowledgeable student volunteers to aid in the construction and placement of the boxes. We will also be coordinating with the Burke Natural History Museum student committee to arrange for the required annual cleaning of each box.

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?

We believe this project has the potential to provide numerous educational opportunities to the UW community. With involvement through the Burke Museum Student Committee, and outreach to multiple classes we would like to think that UW students will become involved. Making the boxes known will include an article in the UW Daily, and by contacting environmental RSOs on campus to tell their members about the project. This project was also conceived in Sustainability Studio, an upper level environmental class that focuses on making our campus more sustainable. It would be a fantastic opportunity for the class to have a real life project come out of it.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?

We anticipate that this project will be fairly inexpensive relative to the benefits it will provide to the University of Washington. We are asking for an initial grant of $2,000 for the construction and placement of three-four boxes, including the first two years of upkeep and cleaning. We plan on keeping track of the boxes throughout the rest of our time at college, and will work hard to pass the project on before we go.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jessica Kang

Identifying Effective Communication to Promote Composting

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $11,558

Letter of Intent:

Define the campus environmental problem that you are attempting to solve:

The University’s Climate Action Plan identifies the importance of waste reduction in order to reduce green house gases. One area of interest is promoting food composting. In recent years, the availability of composting bins has increased on campus; yet, it you look inside a bin it is obvious that there is confusion about composting. Many items that are not compostable end up in the compost bin and many items that are compostable end up in the garbage. The main problem is that people are not using compost bins appropriately.

Describe your proposed solution to this problem:

We are interested in using signs as a communication method to promote the appropriate use of compost bins – this requires changing an individual’s behavior. Changing an individual’s behavior is essential to achieving a sustainable future. UW’s Climate Action Plan reflects the importance of behavior change, stating that about 20% of the necessary green house gas reductions are planned to be achieved through behavior change. Changing an individual’s behavior can influence the desired goal of increasing the appropriate use of compost bins and reducing waste.

We propose to work on engaging students, faculty, and staff to foster composting by using community-based social marketing. Community-based social marketing has been shown to be effective at bringing about behavior change. This approach involves: identifying barriers to a sustainable behavior, designing a strategy that utilizes behavior change tools, piloting the strategy with a small segment of a community, and finally, evaluating the impact of the program once it has been implemented across a community. We are interested specifically in testing the effectiveness of various sign messages at influencing composting behavior. After identifying the audience’s motivations and barriers to composting, we will design three communication messages on signs using three different approaches. These signs will then be placed in areas with compost bins. By monitoring the levels of composting before and after the signs are installed, we can begin to identify which message is fostering composting behavior. Furthermore, after a period we will remove the signs and continue monitoring. This will provide information on which of the messages promoted long-term composting behavior that lasts even without the signs presence. At the end of this approach, we will be able to provide the University with an effective communication approach for fostering appropriate composting campus wide.

What form and amount of student leadership will your project involve?

This project will be led by three students: two graduate students and one undergraduate. Professor Stanley Asah, from the School of Forest Resources, will act as an advisor and provide support about the methodology behind fostering behavior change. We also plan on working closely with other stakeholders in increasing the appropriate use of composting such as ESS, Facilities, HSF, and SEED.

What type and amount of outreach and education will your project involve?

This project will look to gain input from campus organizations that are currently interested in promoting the use of composting. These organizations include: ESS, Facilities, and SEED. The greatest strength of using a community-based social marketing approach with behavior change is the emphasis on understanding the target audience of the resulting communication method. We will gain understanding of the University’s community attitudes and reasons for composting and use these to inform the communication methods we devise. This will engage a wide variety of people on campus and will ensure that communications are designed based on their perceptions of composting. This will ultimately ensure a more effective communication strategy.

What amount of funds do you anticipate your project will require from the CSF?

We anticipate our project will require about $5,000 dollars from CSF. This funding will go towards a small stipend for the three students implementing the project (about $4,500 or $1,500 per student over two quarters), and the cost of producing a survey and developing the signs (about $500).

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Daniel Brody

UW-Solar (Phase 2)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:

UW-Solar is an interdisciplinary student-led project. Our fifteen students, representing all substantive disciplines required to carry out the project, hail from five colleges, range from the undergraduate to doctoral level. We are asking for $85,000 to procure and install a pilot solar project on a Housing and Food Services building on West Campus. This supplements our initial request of $4,500 for our feasibility study, which explores solar feasibility throughout UW Campus sectioned into:

  • Siting and Infrastructure
  • Institutional Frameworks
  • Financing and Policy
  • Electrical Engineering
  • SCADA Systems
  • Education and Outreach

UW-Solar has two key objectives: (1) Conducting a feasibility study looking at the placement of solar panels on UW buildings and (2) Installing a solar panel array on a Housing and Food Service building. We plan to move forward in three phases: (1) Design and Implementation, (2) Financing; and, (3) Control and Monitoring. Our Education and Outreach plan runs through all three phases and contributes and facilitates learning for those inside and outside the group.  Each sub-section, listed earlier, leads in one or more phases of the project. Design and Implementation is led by Siting and Infrastructure, Institutional Frameworks, and Electrical Engineering; Financing by Institutional Frameworks and Financing and Policy; Control and Monitoring by Electrical Engineering and SCADA Systems.


We will be completing the Feasibility Study in the next month and will begin working towards procurement, with installation planned for the Summer of 2013.

Feasibility Study

The feasibility study is well underway. Each section hits the interests of the Campus Sustainability Fund: Environmental Impact; Student Leadership and Involvement; Education, Outreach, and Behavior Change; and, Feasibility, Accountability, and Sustainability. We describe the parameters of each section below.

Siting and Infrastructure

The outcomes for Siting and Infrastructure are to develop a location decision tree to use as an aid in siting solar arrays on campus in this and future projects; articulate a preferred option for a west campus HFS building (one of Elm, Alder, Poplar, Mercer, Lander) for the pilot project; and, develop a list of preferred equipment and vendors.

Institutional Frameworks

Regulatory Frameworks, as it pertains to design, construction, maintenance, will be managed alongside with Siting and Infrastructure. We have formed an Advisory Group of key stakeholders to identify regulations, approvals, and schedules, associated with implementing the project. Operations and maintenance responsibilities will be determined among with Housing and Food Services and Facilities, looking at identifying appropriate contact design and plan structure for the project’s long term operations and maintenance. The Advisory Group will meet monthly to review and approve the study, plans, and implementation. Furthermore, we are assessing the UW Power usage framework along with the Financing and Policy group.

Financing and Policy

Financing and Policy explores contract mechanisms and carbon equivalent comparisons looking at how the UW will be able to fund solar throughout the campus. A benefit cost analysis and budget will explore each business model developed through these contract mechanisms. The purpose of the benefit cost analysis is to examine potential contract cost savings; assess average timeline for return on investment; evaluate full cycle costs; and, explore potential for return of capital to CSF and HFS for additional installations. These questions will be answered through our research and meetings with HFS. We also meet with other professionals that help inform the options that we will present in our final recommendations.

Electrical Engineering

We are creating a reference to compare available solar panels by power output and price, and determine the necessary components to go along with the panels. These components will include inverters, transformers, fuse boxes, wiring, and any other equipment necessary to incorporate the panels into a building’s electrical system. We will produce a list of possible configurations of equipment to serve functions defined in our feasibility study. To accomplish this, we  are researching the electrical infrastructure of campus buildings and become more familiar with the connection between the building and the electrical grid, and the feasibility and price of installing backup power capabilities and making the system uninterruptible. This information will be organized so that it may be reused for outfitting other projects, though we will coordinate with our Advisory Group to select the preferred arrangement for the pilot project.

SCADA Systems

The UW-Solar Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) lab will perform two distinct functions. Firstly, the computerized system will allow remote physical control of the solar panel array. This will offer students and participants a chance to explore the factors that optimize solar systems for sustainability and power generation. Secondly, the system will collect data in real-time from sensors mounted on the solar array. This data can then be analyzed and used in research projects within a wide variety of disciplines. Additionally, the lab where SCADA will sit will function as a site for training future students and professionals in cyber-security, and particularly the security of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) – a crucial factor in securing critical infrastructure against digital threats.

Education and Outreach

Our objectives are to develop educational objectives for an on-campus, for-credit seminar class; assess potential for online webinars and social media for off-campus and general public use; evaluate potential for continuing education programs/partnerships with professional organizations (American Institute of Architects, US Green Building Council, American Planning Association); develop parameters for use of SCADA lab by UW community; and, articulate a framework for continuing to build awareness of project within university and professional communities and the general public.

Thank you for the opportunity for UW-Solar to submit the LOI and make a substantial impact on the University of Washington’s Campus. We hope that through the feasibility study and the pilot solar panel project, the University of Washington will find opportunities in providing clean and renewable energy to the campus as a whole.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Stefanie Young

The lights are on, but nobody’s home: installing motion activated lights for UW communal areas

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:

Many of us will have noticed that the lights in communal areas of UW buildings often get left on even after the last person in the area has left. This wastage is likely to occur overnight, at weekends and over holidays. Even if they know where the switch is, people are unsure whether to turn off communal lights since they do not know if they are the last person remaining. Based upon the type and number of light fittings in my corridor, I estimate that ~13,000 kWh of electricity per year are wasted in ATG/Johnson Hall alone. This costs ~$5,500 per year and is enough electricity to power a student’s residence hall room (at 3 kWh per day) for almost 83 years! Scaled to the whole campus the wastage is very large indeed.

The reduction of energy usage dovetails into UW’s sustainability-on-campus drive. Reduction of electricity usage at the point of use is recognized as one of the most effective ways of scaling back energy generation requirements at the power plant level due to the large loss of energy in transmission. With a growing population Seattle needs to increase efficiency in order to meet future needs using renewables.

We propose to install motion activated light switches with light level sensors, which will switch off automatically after a specified amount of time if no motion is detected. If someone walks into the area then the lights will switch back on in that area. The lights will also switch off when there is enough sunlight available. Such switches are readily available at reasonable cost and these systems have been implemented in many other buildings. One example is at Manchester University in the UK. The technology is well-proven and installation is relatively easy. Compatibility with light fittings should not be an issue since the devices operate at the switch level and are stated to be compatible with several types of light.

We propose a pilot scheme with installation on 3 floors of a building. We would also install metering devices on the chosen floors to monitor the electricity use. For the first 2 months of the project we will run with the new switches active for one week and then not active for the next week, and so on. This will allow a comparison between the weeks that do and do not have the new switches working and thus enable us to quantify the effects of the scheme.

We realize that this project has several practical considerations. It will require qualified technicians to perform the installation to UW’s standards. We will work with Facilities Services and the Building Coordinators to determine whether the project would be allowed and whether we would have to hire outside contractors, or could use UW installers.

We propose that many of the planning, auditing and outreach aspects of the project will be handled by 3 students (most likely from the Electrical Engineering department), working on a volunteer basis, or as part of their academic course. Students would be tasked with deciding what particular system would give the optimal balance between compatibility with the existing systems, practicality, effectiveness, cost and environmental impacts. They will also have to make choices about how to obtain the desired data and how to separate the impacts of the light-level and motion switches. They will also be involved in the writing of the proposal and in the outreach projects (described shortly). It is also hoped that the final results can be documented in a paper in a journal, or in a news article. Thus, they will gain invaluable experience in several areas.

The student supervision will be done by Dr. Daniel Grosvenor (UW research staff) and Prof. Robert Wood (faculty) and we will also act as mentors for the project management. We also hope to work with a faculty member from Electrical Engineering to potentially provide links to current academic programs and to provide technical knowledge.

We have several ambitions regarding education and outreach. The project will be readily apparent to the occupants of the chosen building especially if the motion or light sensors are triggered to switch the lights on or off. We will inform local users about the project through meetings and by producing small posters placed next to the light switches to explain their action, with larger posters on noticeboards in the affected corridors. To improve visibility outside of the pilot building we will write articles for the UW sustainability website, the UW news email, other sustainability initiative websites, student newsletters and potentially local press. With the latter in mind we will coordinate with the press office to write a press release. We will also give a few seminars on the project to explain the idea and the results of the measurements made with the aim of convincing UW to roll out the scheme to all UW buildings.

The estimated budget is:

Parts and installation

  • Based upon online prices: $75 for necessary parts for one switch system (one each of: light sensitive switches, motion switches and electricity meters)
  • 5 such switch systems per floor over 3 floors: $1125.
  • We estimate installation to require 16 hours per floor. Assuming labor costs of $60/hr gives $2880.


  • Posters: $100
  • Seminars: $150

15% contingency: $638.25
TOTAL budget: $4893.25

Deadlines and required action (2012-2013):

  • December 1st: Sourcing of 3 students and faculty member with expertise in the area.
  • December 31st: Preliminary research into the technical aspects performed and draft proposal written.
  • January 7th : Proposal submitted.
  • March 1st : Final technical details specified. Posters put up and seminars given to explain the system.
  • March 25th (spring break): Installation and testing begins.
  • April 1st (start spring quarter): System online and data gathering begins.
  • June 7th (end spring quarter): Data gathering ends. System is permanently switched on, if successful.
  • September 25th: Data analysis finished. Seminars, news articles, blogs and a scientific paper describe the project results.
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Dr. Daniel Grosvenor

The Denny Project: The Future of UW Waste

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF:

Letter of Intent:


The UW Garbology Project, a student organization collaborating with the UW Department of Anthropology and UW Recycling, is working to address waste issues on campus by using the scientific study of UW waste as a basis for local advocacy and outreach.  Earlier work by our project has shown that the majority (60%) of what UW sends to the landfill is compostable.  As such, the largest single improvement we can make to UW’s waste system is to find ways to compost more efficiently.  If this is done, the UW will save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually while taking a major step towards creating a more sustainable campus.

In recognition of this fact, UW Recycling is pursuing initiatives to increase composting on campus, including the MiniMax system, which helps facilitate additional composting and recycling in campus buildings.  About 29% of campus currently participates in this system, which encourages composting in two primary ways.  First, it provides indoor compost bins throughout participating buildings.  This might sound trivial, but our research shows that compost bins are absent from most campus buildings, making composting extremely difficult for most campus users.  Second, by requiring faculty and staff to empty their own waste bins, this system enhances users’ awareness of their waste.

As a complement to this system, UW Recycling is also preparing to promote systematic composting of restroom paper towels, although this program has yet to be implemented.  Since the UW currently throws away 87 tons of compostable restroom paper towels annually, UW Recycling sees huge potential in this program’s implementation, especially in conjunction with the MiniMax system itself.  In fact, UW Recycling sees these twin initiatives as an ideal model for the future of waste at UW.

Progressing towards comprehensive participation in these programs is therefore a priority for UW Recycling.  Because these programs are voluntary, this progress will hinge on our ability to convince building administrators to adopt them.  This progress will also hinge on our ability to convince students, faculty, and staff to actively participate in these programs by composting more.  To help convince these groups, we must procure concrete evidence of the compelling benefits of participation, and we must publicize this evidence to the wider UW community.

Project Goals

Our project will meet these needs through direct investigation, advocacy, and education.  Our investigation will directly measure the benefits of implementing these systems through a detailed case study.  The study will be a “before and after” examination of the trash from Denny Hall, which currently holds no compost bins despite housing multiple academic departments, food preparation areas, restrooms, and classrooms.  This study will first sample Denny Hall’s baseline trash for several weeks to document how much of this trash is potentially compostable.  Next, we will implement the MiniMax system and restroom paper towel composting throughout the building.  This will be followed by a period of trash re-sampling to document any changes in composting efficiency resulting from the implementation of these two programs.  From this data we will estimate the annual savings in both landfill waste and monetary cost due to implementing the MiniMax system and restroom paper towel composting in Denny Hall, allowing the benefits of these programs to be expressed to building administrators in terms of concrete and practical incentives.

Our advocacy efforts will be aimed at using these practical insights to argue for substantive change in UW systems of waste.  We will undertake this advocacy at the administrative level by submitting a report detailing our findings to Emily Newcomer, Manager of UW Recycling, who will then use our findings to inform her policies.  If our findings show that these systems are effective, Ms. Newcomer will also use our results as evidence to help convince administrators of the benefits of participation in these programs.  We will also undertake advocacy at the level of the UW student body in two ways.  First, we will push for discussion of our results as part of UW first-year orientations, and we’ll produce a short video for this purpose.  Second, we will give an extensive series of 5-minute presentations to large UW lecture classes so that the actual costs and benefits of landfilling and composting are made plain to large numbers of current UW students.  In this way, we hope to use our findings to help move towards a system in which our campus-wide policies encourage comprehensive composting and our campus community is universally aware of the incentives of participation.

Our educational efforts will be aimed at fostering the direct engagement of the UW community with our investigation and advocacy efforts.  We will achieve this in several ways.  First, we will continue to involve student volunteers in all phases of the project.  Second, we will recruit additional students through collaborative partnerships with UW instructors, including courses offered through both the Program on the Environment and the Department of Anthropology.  Third, we will hold more public “trash-ins” on campus to help raise awareness of our work and of campus trash issues in general.  Lastly, we will continue to work with the Burke Museum, the local news media, and our project website to disseminate our initiatives, results, and findings to the wider public.

Project Needs

We already possess the facilities, expertise, core personnel, and institutional connections to successfully undertake this project.  Still needed, however, is approximately $9000 to pay for materials, supplies, and wages, since the scale of the intended project’s investigation, education, and advocacy efforts will require an investment of money and managerial effort well beyond those currently available to the UW Garbology Project.  We therefore ask the Campus Sustainability Fund to support these essential dimensions of our project, as we believe our project aims and scope to be fully congruent with those of the CSF.

We hope the CSF will find us worthy of such support, and we look forward to working with the CSF on this project.  In addition, we are happy to provide any further information which might aid the CSF committee in evaluating our project and in considering our request.

Primary Contact First & Last Name: Jack Johnson

Sustainability 2.0: Applying new media ideas to

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $5,000

Letter of Intent:

The University of Washington has shown up on many "greenest campus" lists, and, as shown by the very creation of the CSF, is hungry for more. However, when you search "University of Washington” + “green” or "sustainable" or "environment", we see links to specific programs on our campus, the strides that facilities services are making in sustainability, and a splattering of administrative sites that simply make Google's crawler happiest. There is nothing about the most important part of our campus sustainability: the students, and the projects they and the faculty are doing that really push the UW to the top of those green campus lists.

We need a landing place for environmental sustainability on our campus. Using my story telling, management and multimedia skills, I propose creating a robust, yet simple website featuring professional quality photos, videos, and written pieces showcasing our students’, faculty’s and staff's ongoing efforts to create a culture of sustainability, eco-awareness, and environmental progress on our campus. The site would not only act as a resource for people outside of the university to learn about our campus' endless efforts on this front, but also serve as a living, evolving space for students and faculty to update their own projects, and engage with others on campus working in similar fields.

While is a great database for overall news and information related to the campus, and a launch point for other environmental resources and entities, without being active in the student community and a content generator, it will never gain traction on Google, or for the masses interested in UW’s sustainability.

Environmental Impact:

While this is more of a "meta" project in its scope and environmental impact, I think the value of this project lies in cultivating a community of sustainability on campus that would support the current environmental movement and encourage more projects from students and others who might not know about all that is happening on the campus. No, this project would not have a measurable impact on the categories listed, but its educational impact could be seen through the networks it creates and the number of people who interact with it.

Student Leadership & Involvement:

This would be an entirely student lead, student created and student maintained project. For its planning and creation, it will demand knowledge of our campus sustainability efforts only students highly engaged in the community could provide, and skills that any number of students on campus have. The videos, photos, and written pieces will focus on student led efforts and student created projects, with faculty and UW administrative efforts comprising of less than half of the projects showcased on the site.

I also believe there would be great value in collaborating with the Sustainable UW team, and the communications director in that department. Having a website hosted by the UW has its ups and downs, but ultimately, I think a partnership using an independent site would be most beneficial for the students involved, the timeliness of the project’s completion, and ultimately, the progress of sustainability on campus.

However, if the fund believes an offshoot/improvement of the current website is more aligned with the goals of CSF, the budget and aim of the project could be altered or consolidated to focus more on content creation and community engagement without the funds/time to create a new website.

Education, Outreach, & Behavior Change:

As I have explained in the previous sections, this project widely demonstrates this aspect of CSF projects. However, the mere existence of this website is not enough to foster the type of community and make the impact necessary to demonstrate its real value. Using social media outlets (Twitter, Facebook, tumblr, etc.) the website would go beyond being a resource for knowledge, and work to create conversation about the projects, themes, and ideas that student's create. 

Feasibility, Accountability, & Sustainability:

As a multimedia and entrepreneurial journalist, I have extensive story telling experience using both written and visual mediums, a network of contacts and colleagues will the skills needed to create the content as well as the foundation of the website, and a deadline-oriented work ethic that keeps me on time and on topic for the projects I work for. As the photo editor for The Daily for the last three quarters, I have lead a team of eight photographers to provide daily visual content for the paper and simultaneously trained half of a dozen new photographers, all while balancing classes and separate employments. I have the support of faculty in the communication department with experience in promotional content creation in the non-profit activism sector that could aid me in tactics, management, and direction for the project as it progresses.

While the project requires start-up funding to create, once a foundation is built for the project, it would require only a part-time student from the community interested in social media/out reach to maintain the site's conversational portion, as the site would be set up to allow individuals working on projects to create, edit, and add to their content on their own. Starting from the point of funding, the goal would be to create the site, and the majority of the content based on a six-month calendar.

As new projects arise, more in-depth content (videos, photos, etc.) could be provided by the communication department with the incentive of portfolio building, class project material, etc.

Budget Estimates

$5,000 - 6+ month projection, 2 Month preparation/building, 4+ month operation, continual updating period.

  • $1,000 - Website creation stipend for student/alumnus
    Includes domain registration, hosting costs, etc.
  • $800 - Social Media Manager stipend for UW student(s)
    Includes small budget for 'launch party' outreach event, and other marketing ideas.
  • $1,500 - Video producer/editor/publisher & photographer stipend for UW student(s)
    Includes small budget for additional equipment/assistance to heighten quality, marketability, etc.
    Includes budget for multiple students (often required for video production)
  • $1,200 - Writer/blogger/editor stipend for UW student (s)
    Includes budget for multiple authors.
  • $500 - Administrative costs, "bank" for future managers of the site.
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Lucas Anderson

UW-Solar (Phase 1)

Estimated Amount to be requested from the CSF: $4,500

Letter of Intent:

UW-Solar requests, in the first phase of this project, $4,500.00 to complete a feasibility study for the placement of smart solar panels on University of Washington buildings. If approved, we anticipate requesting CSF funding of approximately $90,000 for design and construction of the solar panel arrays. UW-Solar will leverage this funding for more, through the UW Student Technology Fee Committee, and other public grants.

UW-Solar: Two Objectives

  1. To provide clean and sustainable power production in order to reduce reliance on outside energy resources, improve the resilience of power systems to outages and reduce the overall carbon footprint of the university. Allowing the university to become more self-sufficient in its energy production will reduce direct costs and environmental impact while improving capabilities for community service and rapid recovery during any future crises. The use of clean and renewable energy sources are a primary objective, as stated in the University of Washington’s Climate Action plan, for the future sustainability of the University.
  2. Smart infrastructure systems rely upon computerized systems (SCADA) for monitoring and remote control. SCADA systems control water and sewer infrastructure, electrical grids, oil refineries, transportation systems, manufacturing systems, nuclear energy and hazardous chemical production. Historically, such systems were developed in isolation from each other, and were not designed for security and resilience to cyber-attack. The security of these systems on campus is important to UW, and as a model for other campuses, but also cities and regions. This project creates an opportunity for students to lead a project that develops and studies a smart solar energy Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System.

The long-term UW-Solar vision is for the installation of solar panels across campus. The main benefits to continued installation are reduced outside energy resource consumption, reduced energy costs, energy resilience, environmental educational opportunities, and decreased environmental impacts.

Our interdisciplinary team, consisting of students in four UW Colleges, and in PhD, Masters, and Undergraduate programs, will develop a feasibility study, including maps of possible locations for solar panel installation on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus and a priority listing of projects, pursuant to the preferences of UW Administrators. We have engaged the enthusiastic participation of Housing and Food Services for this purpose. In 90 days, we will establish approval for the project, along with:

  • Policy related issues for the university;
  • University payments process for power usage;
  • Facilities issues including building and structural considerations;
  • Space usage concerns;
  • Location decision criteria and accessibility issues;
  • Approximate power generation;
  • Carbon equivalent measures comparing our output to other energy sources;
  • Cost savings for installation;
  • Average period for return on investment;
  • Potential for return of capital funding to the CSF for use on future projects;
  • Plans and commitments for management and maintenance of the installations;
  • Consensus for the project from stakeholders across the UW.

This feasibility study will develop a partnership with the College of Built Environments and University Housing and Food Services as pilots for construction and implementation of the solar arrays. This proposal is for the first phase of work. The second phase begins in early March of 2013 with major implementation from June to September of 2013.

After installation, UW-Solar will position monitors and publish on the web current real-time and historical energy production and savings from the solar panels. These monitors will educate the university community on the importance of environmental sustainability, the use of renewable resources, advantages of energy conservation, and overall savings in energy cost as an advantage of solar power. The panels will be connected to emergency energy supplies, to advocate and educate on resilience. Additionally, the team will develop a curriculum for use in a seminar on the process of siting solar panels, and offer this curriculum in a graduate student-led course for credit on campus.


  • DC Grant – Masters of Infrastructure, Planning, and Management Candidate in the Department of Urban Design and Planning, College of Built Environments, National Science Foundation Cyber Corps Scholarship for Service Recipient, and Researcher in the Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity. DC has a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Systems from the University of Washington and has over twenty years of technology experience in IT Operations, Project Management and Information Assurance.
  • Stefanie Young – Ph.D. Candidate in Urban Planning and Design in the College of Built Environments. She earned a Bachelor’s of Architecture from the University of Oregon and Masters of Urban Design and Planning from the University of Washington. Stephanie has more than eight years of experience in sustainable design and six years of direct solar implementation experience.
  • Jonathan Olds – Masters of Public Administration Candidate in the Evans School of Public Affairs and Masters of Urban Planning and Design Candidate in the College of Built Environments. He has a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts, with emphasis in environmental science and environmental management. Jonathan is an experienced environmental manager with over ten years of work in sustainability and environmental conservation practices.
  • Otis Alexander – Bachelors of Computer Science and Systems Candidate in the Institute of Technology. Applied Distributed Computing Lab: Smart and Secure Computing Research Group.
  • Kyle Nicholas – Masters of Infrastructure, Planning and Management Student in the Department of Urban Design and Planning, College of Built Environments.
  • Justin Brecese – Master of Science in Information Management Candidate, National Science Foundation Cyber Corps Scholarship for Service Recipient.
  • Casey Rodgers – Master of Science in Information Management Candidate, National Science Foundation Cyber Corps Scholarship for Service Recipient.
  • Kristen Gelino – Master of Urban Planning Candidate, received a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science and Political Science from the University of Michigan.


  • Jan Whittington, MCRP, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, Urban Design and Planning; Associate Director, Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity.


  • J.R. Fulton, - Architect, Capital Planning and Sustainability Manager for Housing and Food Services expressed a strong interest in the success of this project.
Primary Contact First & Last Name: Stefanie Young